Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label Noord Korea. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Noord Korea. Alle posts tonen

woensdag 14 november 2018

Haags Centrum voor Strategische Studies (HCSS): stelt dat Noord-Korea nog steeds raketten bouwt

Het Haags Centrum voor Strategische Studies (HCSS) kwam gisteren met een bericht dat de NRC al op 31 juli van dit jaar publiceerde: het bewind in Pyongyang zou ondanks de afspraken over denuclearisatie nog steeds raketten bouwen......

Tja het 'The Hague Center for Strategic Studies', zoals men dit flutinstituut hééél interessant noemt*, moet natuurlijk af en toe het nieuws halen, dat lukt niet in het ongelofelijk suffe BNR programma met HCSS oprichter en fantast de Wijk, samen met de door het ijs gezakte 'buitenland deskundige' (ha! ha! ha!) van de VVD, Boekestijn, waar beiden hun best doen om zoveel mogelijk dom gelach te laten horen....

In plaats van 'in te zoomen' op de bemoedigende besprekingen tussen Noord- en Zuid-Korea, wil men Noord-Korea liever demoniseren, het ging immers 'net zo lekker' met het demoniseren, angstzaaien tegen en bedreigen van dit land na het aantreden van Trump als VS president.......

De meest lullige buitenlanddeskundige die Nederland rijk is (na Boekestijn, maar die heeft dan ook helemaal niets met deskundigheid te maken), BNR's Hammelburg, sprak over deze zaak of alles een feit is en hij zelf satellietbeelden had gezien waarop aantoonbaar raketten in elkaar werden gesleuteld, alsof hij zelf had gesproken met de VS inlichtingendiensten, die deze leugens 'lanceren......'

Terwijl ook de NRC in haar artikel moest stellen dat men e.e.a. had vernomen van 'Amerikaanse inlichtingen organisaties', die ook de satellietbeelden hadden gezien van raketfabrieken (beelden die verder niemand te zien krijgt, of men toont foto's waarop alleen gebouwen te zien zijn en/of foto's die al jaren oud zijn), hier dat deel van de NRC tekst:

'Ondanks toezeggingen over “denuclearisatie” gaat Noord-Korea volgens Amerikaanse inlichtingendiensten door met het bouwen van intercontinentale ballistische raketten (ICBM’s). Dat zou blijken uit satellietfoto’s van een raketfabriek in het stalinistische land, zeggen inlichtingenbronnen dinsdag tegen The Washington Post'.

Alsof die 'Amerikaanse inlichtingendiensten altijd de waarheid vertellen, terwijl ze aantoonbaar vaker liegen dan de waarheid spreken, dat geldt trouwens in wat mindere mate ook voor de Washington Post (WaPo) en de NRC, mediaorganen die de vuilbek vol hebben met aanvallen op 'fake news' (nepnieuws), terwijl ze zelfs 'fake news' brengen, waarmee men bijvoorbeeld het volk achter de illegale oorlogen van de VS weet te krijgen...... (over gevaarlijk 'fake news' gesproken.......)

* HCSS >> grootlobbyist van VS en NAVO terreur en natuurlijk voor het militair-industrieel complex.

PS: vergeten bij publicatie: men spreekt over denuclearisatie, terwijl het woord kernraket niet één keer valt...... Ofwel: men vindt dat Noord-Korea zelfs geen raketten mag maken om satellieten in de ruimte te brengen.

Zie ook: 'Noord-Koreaans 'bedrog met nucleaire deal' is fake news o.a. gebracht door de New York Times'

zaterdag 10 november 2018

Luchtmacht VS bezig met voorbereiding van oorlog tegen Rusland en China

De luchtmacht van de VS ondergaat momenteel de grootste uitbreiding sinds het eind van de Koude Oorlog. Jakob Reimann, de schrijver van het hieronder opgenomen artikel, zegt dat het niet duidelijk is waarom de VS dit nu doet........ ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Gezien de agressie van de VS tegen China en Rusland, lijkt het me wel meer dan duidelijk: de VS wil oorlogvoeren met zowel Rusland als China!!

Eerder gaf een VS generaal al aan dat de VS doende is zich voor te bereiden op een meerfrontenoorlog, waar Rusland en China zeker twee van de doelwitten zijn...... Men gelooft in de VS stellig dat een kernoorlog is te overleven, bovendien zo zal men denken zullen er vooral veel arme VS burgers omkomen, is meteen het werklozen probleem en de diepe armoede* opgelost, twee vliegen in 1 klap, hoewel dat zijn er met Rusland en China al 4 en hoogstwaarschijnlijk zullen ook Iran en Noord-Korea worden aangevallen, kijk 'dat tikt aan......'

Bovendien is een oorlog goed voor de industrie in de VS, althans dat denkt men dom genoeg, immers een kernoorlog kent alleen verliezers, waar de grote onderlaag letterlijk de hardste klappen zal krijgen, zoals gezegd ook in de VS, als men daar wordt aangevallen met kernwapens......

Lees het verontrustende artikel van Reimann, eerder gepubliceerd op Foreign Policy in Focus en zie ook het artikel dat ik eergisteren publiceerde over de VS agressie en haar wil een meerfrontenoorlog te beginnen**:

US Air Force Preparing for War Against Russia and China

November 8, 2018 at 9:46 am

The Air Force is undergoing its biggest expansion since the end of the Cold War, and the reasons are clear.

(FPIF Op-ed) — In September, at the Air Force Association’s annual Space & Cyber ​​Conference, Heather Wilson — Donald Trump’s Secretary of the U.S. Air Force — presented the Trump administration’s new roadmap for the U.S. Air Force: the historic expansion of the already, by far, largest air force in the world.


Wilson identified the perceived context of the new expansionist developments right at the start of her 30-minute speech — Russia conducted its largest military exercise on “Russian soil in four decades,” she said, and China sent its first operational aircraft carrier into the Pacific and has “militarized” the South China Sea — and thus exposed at the same time the old dilemma of global security policy: The one’s defense looks quite like offense to the other, and vice versa.
The Largest Expansion Since the End of the Cold War

Secretary Wilson explained that the U.S. Air Force will expand its current operational squadrons — which she martially called “the clenched fist of American resolve” — from 312 to 386 between 2025 and 2030. That’s an increase of 25 percent — the largest expansion ever since the end of the Cold War.

A squadron consists of 12 to 24 aircraft. Wilson’s expansion thus corresponds to well over 1,000 new bombers, fighter jets, and drones, as well as reconnaissance and refueling aircraft. Approximately $25 billion will be added to the annual Air Force budget, and no less than 40,000 additional staff will be needed. That amounts to the Trump administration reversing recent trends, as the Air Force has “drastically downsized in past years,” reports.

Foreign Policy received exclusive insight into the composition of these 74 new squadrons. The largest percentage increase among the various squadrons is attributed to the bomber squadrons: aircraft that can be equipped with nuclear weapons and, above all, aim at the destruction of stationary targets such as buildings or other massive infrastructure — but not mobile combat units — which is largely interpreted as a shift in strategic focus towards wars against nations, not terrorist groups.

There is also a massive increase in the number of refueling aircraft, which are currently deployed in support of the Saudi-Emirati war against the civilian population of Yemen — an air war, waged across the endless deserts of the Arabian Peninsula, that would be virtually impossible without U.S. air-refueling.

Another central theme in Wilson‘s speech was the creation of a Space Force as the sixth branch of the military. Donald Trump initially understood that project as a joke, but then quickly recognized it as a catchy slogan that was well received by his base. In March, he finally included the Space Force (USSF)into the national security strategy.

Space is a war-fighting domain, just like the land, air, and sea”, Trump stated, although his White House, the U.S. Air Force, and Secretary of Defense James Mattis have vehemently opposed this move in the past. “We can no longer view space as a function, it is a war-fighting mission,” Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson told a crowd of applauding military staff in her speech in National Harbor, Maryland. The military, Wilson promised, is working to “put a war fighter’s focus on space operation.”
New Fighter Jets at Russia’s Borders

In recent years, NATO has carried out its largest troop deployment on its eastern flank — right at the Russian border — since the fading of the Cold War in the 1980s. At the insistence of German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen, a new NATO headquarters is being set up in Germany for the purpose of coordinating the movement of these troops. And with the establishment of the “Military Schengen” area, the rapid and unbureaucratic deployment of troops across Europe’s borders should be guaranteed.

In the wake of this escalating militarization of the European continent, the U.S. Air Force massively increased its presence at Russia’s doorstep too.

In all NATO countries in Eastern Europe, the U.S. Air Force is investing multimillion-dollar sums in the expansion of its air bases: with more than $50 million pouring into a base in Hungary, more than $60 million allocated to the modernization of two air force bases in Romania, and two bases in Slovakia that will be upgraded with more than $ 100 million, besides various base upgrades in other countries in the region.

The majority of these funds are dedicated to explicitly war-related investments such as new hangars for fighter jets or facilities to store weapons and fuel. In addition to hundreds of soldiers, the U.S. Air Force also recently sent several dozens of new fighter jets to Romania alone, including twelve A-10 Thunderbolts, better known as “Warthogs,” that are armed with radioactive uranium munitions. Reaper combat drones have been stationed in Poland for months, and soon they will likely launch from Romania too.

Both the excessive deployment of air forces in Eastern Europe and the establishment of Trump’s Space Force — as well as the historic, long-term upgrade of the U.S. Air Force as a whole — reflect a tendency to slowly abandon the infamous “War on Terror” doctrine of the past 17 years.

The relevance of the countless petty wars against al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and ISIS & Co. is slowly dwindling. Neither is North Korea, Iran, or Syria the prime target of this strategic realignment.

The historic upgrade of the U.S. Air Force, military experts agree, reflects a shift in focus in the military doctrine of the U.S. empire towards great power wars in the 21st century: wars against Russia or China.
No Hegemon Besides Me

It is one of the fundamental motives of strategic geopolitics that the present empire, in order to maintain its global power, must prevent the rise of other regional hegemons at any cost — especially in the three geostrategic core regions of East Asia, the Persian Gulf, and Europe.

This is the primary reason why the U.S. went to war against Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan — and transformed the latter into a military colony that still exists today and whose own army is still under Washington’s command. It’s why NATO functions as a U.S. tool for military control of Europe’s armies and the alliance ceaselessly moves eastward to Russia’s borders, why Saddam was overthrown and Iraq obliterated, why Saudi Arabia’s military was brought into vital dependency on the U.S., why the war against Iran is currently being prepared, and why the U.S. empire has deployed 240,000 troops in 172 countries around the world.

A rising China, as an empire in its infancy, however, is of a completely different caliber than the other wannabe-hegemons. Washington’s policy of containment may have a certain time-delaying effect, but ultimately it is irrelevant: China will become the regional hegemon in East Asia in the not-too-distant future, and eventually overtake the U.S. as the world’s primary superpower on the planet in the decades to come.

The 21st century is the Chinese one.

This transition can either go ahead peacefully — or with a big bang, potentially in the form of World War III. Secretary of the U.S. Air Force Heather Wilson once again made it clear in her recent keynote speech which scenario Washington is working towards.

In de VS zijn 60 miljoen mensen afhankelijk van voedselbonnen, waar velen van hen zelfs geen huis hebben, terwijl hun vader/moederland met honderden miljarden per jaar oorlog voert op plekken waar het niets te zoeken heeft.......

** Zie: 'VS en Japan stoken samen de 'oorlogsboel' op over de Oost-Chinese Zee'

Zie ook:
'CDA wil Nederlands 'space force' in de ruimte....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

'Russische diplomaat Belousov bevestigt: Rusland bereidt zich voor op WOIII'

'Pentagon Report Points To US Preparations For Total War'

'Pentagon rapport geeft aan dat VS zich voorbereidt op totale oorlog'

'Russische volk wordt geadviseerd zich voor te bereiden op een nucleaire oorlog.......'

'VS heeft drone aanval van terreurgroep Jabhat Fateh al-Sham op Russische doel in Syrië gecoördineerd.......'

'VS dreigt INF verdrag op de zeggen >> Trump verwijt de Russische ketel dat die nucleair zwart ziet'

'VS heeft Rusland al 3 keer met oorlog gedreigd, de laatste 2 keer in de afgelopen 1,5 week......'

'VS zendt tegen wil van de bevolking in 1.500 militairen naar Duitsland, opbouw voor WOIII?'

'Groot-Brittannië bezig met volk voor te bereiden op oorlog tegen Rusland'

'VS vergroot doelbewust de spanningen met Rusland: een enorme VS troepenopbouw langs de Russische grens..........'

'NAVO oefent op een nucleaire aanval tegen 'een denkbeeldige vijand', ofwel Rusland..........'

'Rechtse denktank waarschuwt voor een groot risico op een kernoorlog met Rusland.....'

'Estland stopt militaire oefening na een 'vergissing' >> de lancering van een raket in het grensgebied met Rusland......'

'VS op weg naar daadwerkelijk gebruik van het kernwapen..............'

'VN chef Guterres geeft alarmcode rood af voor de wereld in 2018 en niet alleen vanwege het milieu of klimaat......'

'Top VS generaal stelt dat er een grote oorlog met Rusland op komst is, ofwel: WOIII......'

'Trumps atoomknop is groter dan die van Kim Yung-un, bovendien werkt de VS knop wel....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

'Trumps uitlating over de atoomknop en de onverschilligheid bij zijn achterban, een dictatuur waardig.........'

'Trumps beleid t.a.v. kernwapens brengt de VS staatsveiligheid in gevaar (en die van de rest van de wereld)'

Vervolgens berichten over de grote NAVO oefeningen in Noorwegen en Oekraïne, een verlengde van de militaire oefening van de VS en Japan, een meer dan duidelijke voorbereiding op oorlog tegen Rusland en China, te beginnen door de VS en haar oorlogshond en terreurorganisatie de NAVO:
'VS en Japan stoken samen de 'oorlogsboel' op over de Oost-Chinese Zee' (ook hierboven weergegeven bij noot: **

'Oekraïne het toneel van grootschalige luchtmachtoefeningen met VS en NAVO, naast een enorme militaire VS/NAVO oefening in Noorwegen'

'Okkupert een Noorse serie die de angst voor de Russen moet aanwakkeren en de grootste anti-Russische NAVO oefening in decennia.........'

'Duitsland doet mee in het koor van de wolven: Russische cyberterreur!'

Hier nog wat berichten over grootschalige VS terreur, dezelfde VS waar men de Houthi's op de terreurlijst wil zetten....:
'VS vermoordde meer dan 20 miljoen mensen sinds het einde van WOII........' (tot het jaar 2000, intussen moeten daar meer dan 2 miljoen moorden bij opgeteld worden....)

'VS buitenlandbeleid sinds WOII: een lange lijst van staatsgrepen en oorlogen..........'

'VS vermoordt Iraniërs met sancties, EU doodstil.......'

'List of wars involving the United States'

'VS: openlijke militaire oefening met terreurgroep in Syrië......'

'Bang voor Amerika'

'NAVO gaat VS helpen in Zuid-Amerika terreur uit te oefenen: Colombia lid van de NAVO.........'

'VS commando's vechten o.a. in Midden- en Zuid-Amerika, aldus het VS ministerie van oorlog.........'

'De VS, een duivels imperium, dat achter haar psychopathisch moordende troepen staat??'

woensdag 10 oktober 2018

Nikki Haley treedt terug als VS ambassadeur bij de VN

Mooi nieuws gisteren, toen bekend werd gemaakt dat hare kwaadaardigheid Nikki Haley terugtreedt als ambassadeur bij de VN. Deze duivel draait werkelijk alles om als het over de feiten gaat die de ongebreidelde terreur van de VS, Israël en Saoedi-Arabië in de dagelijkse praktijk laat zien (overigens ook wat betreft andere zaken, maar de genoemde drie zijn wel het belangrijkst).

Nu maar afwachten welke ploert het beest Trump nu weer zal aanstellen als vervanger, die per 1 januari 2019 'in functie' zal treden....... Slechter dan Haley is vrijwel onmogelijk. (althans dat hoop ik toch...)

Daarover gesproken: Trump stelde dat Haley het voor elkaar kreeg dat de VS weer wordt gerespecteerd...... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Met 'gerespecteerd' bedoelt het beest bang zijn voor de VS en daar hebben de landen waar de VS de pik op heeft, alle redenen toe, echter dat is bepaald niet alleen de 'verdienste van Haley of Trump. 

Met leugens en/of false flag operaties heeft de VS al sinds WOII (en zelfs nog ver daarvoor, maar laat ik me beperken tot het einde van WOII) illegale oorlogen gevoerd tegen landen die in de verste verte geen partij zijn voor de VS, dit nog naast de geheime militaire operaties die de VS (volkomen illegaal) uitvoert waar het maar uitkomt...... Verder is daar nog het organiseren van opstanden en coups in diverse buitenlanden van de VS..... Dan het feit dat de VS met drone-terreur al duizenden mensen heeft vermoord, voor meer dan 90% overigens niet eens verdachte personen, dus veelal vrouwen en kinderen...... Om nog maar te zwijgen over het ontvoeren, martelen en gijzelen van verdachten door de VS (CIA).......

Sinds WOII heeft de VS intussen al meer dan 22 miljoen mensen vermoord.......

Respect? Volkomen terechte angst!!
Hier een artikel van Tyler Durden over het aftreden van Haley, met veel feiten over haar smerige optredens in de VN, eerder gepubliceerd op Zero Hedge:

Nikki Haley Resigns as UN Ambassador

October 9, 2018 at 7:59 am
Written by Tyler Durden
(ZHE— Update (11:00 am ET): During their joint press conference, Trump offered effusive praise of Haley, saying she earned the respect of foreign diplomats during her time as UN ambassador. He added that “maybe” she will be coming back at some point, and that she could have “her pick” of jobs in the administration.

When her turn came, Haley praised the administration’s “follow-through” on its foreign policy aims and her success in cutting $1.3 billion from the UN budget.
countries may not like what we do but they respect what we do. They know that if we say we’re going to do something we follow it through.”

In a recap of her stint as UN ambassador, Haley praised Trump’s decision to move the US embassy in Israelfrom Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, saying we will put our embassy where we want to put our embassy.”

She also offered praise for other senior administration figures, including Jared and Ivanka, claiming that Jared was a “hidden genius” for his work on the revamped Nafta deal (now officially known as USMCA).

Before leaving her position at the end of the year, Haley said she hopes to make sure “everything is in the right place” for when the next ambassador arrives. And while she “doesn’t have anything set” on what she’s doing next, she did confirm that “no I will not be running in 2020” adding that she’s a “believer in term limits” and wants to give “someone else a shot.”

When reporters pressed her about her reasons for leaving, Haley denied that she was leaving for “personal reasons” and reiterated her claim that she felt it was time to “step aside” and that the truth is I want to make sure this administration has the strongest person to fight.”

When reporters reverted to questioning Trump, the president said his administration had avoided serious foreign policy pitfalls – like the outbreak of a hot war with North Korea – that many of Trump’s critics had warned would be all but inevitable should he set foot in the Oval Office.
Look at North Korea, it was a potentially devastating problem and now it’s looking very good.”

Haley, Trump said, played an important role in reestablishing international respect for the US.
We are respected again – that I can tell you. Very much respected again. Even if you look at the votes in the United Nations – where we would normally get no votes we are getting very strong votes now.”

He added that the way in which Haley is leaving her position is “the right way to do it.”
It’s a great position – I think she’s helped make it a much better position. I think it’s become a more glamorous position than it was a few years ago. She’s made it a more important position. So I can say we have very many people who want to do it and they are very good people.”

Trump also revealed that ‘we’re talking about three or four different locations’ for the upcoming summit with North Korea, adding that he’d love to remove sanctions but that “we have to get something.” “Eventually we’ll have meetings on US soil and on their soil also.
I think North Korea is going to be a very economically successful country. Banks are calling they’re wanting to go there…and that’s one of the reasons we’re having very successful conversations.”

Asked about the timeline for naming a successor to Haley, Trump said he expects to appoint someone within the next “two or three weeks.” Asked about the missing Saudi journalist, Trump said he knows “nothing” about the situation but that he would be asking the Saudis for more information.

Unable to restrain himself from taking a shot at his former rival Hillary Clinton, Trump answered a question about Hillary Clinton’s warnings on how to handle Saudi Arabia with “I guess that’s why she lost.” Meanwhile, Trump said Pompeo’s latest meeting with China (a meeting that ended in a dramatic public confrontation) went “very well.”

Turning to the often uncomfortable subject of the timing of a US-China trade deal, Trump insisted that “China wants to make a deal, but they’re not ready yet. That’s why I’ve canceled a couple of meetings.”

After a few more kind words for Haley, the president wrapped up the press conference.
While Trump says he’s sad to see Haley go, at least one person is excited by the news.

* * *
Update (10:40 am ET): Trump has confirmed to a reporter that Haley will be leaving her post at the end of the year, saying only that she wants to “take a break” and that “we hate to lose her”. The president reportedly said he will pick Haley’s replacement in “two-three weeks” or “sooner.”
The president added that Haley told him ‘six months ago’ that she would be leaving at the two-year mark.

Trump says Haley will leave the UN and administration at the end of the year but would be happy to have her back in any capacity, per @justinsink in the Oval. Trump says she told him 6 months ago that she wanted to leave at the 2-year mark.

Haley confirms that she will depart on good terms and that she will campaign for Trump in 2020.

TRUMP says Haley “has been very special to me” and “is a fantastic person.”

Hate to lose her, he says.

She can come back in any capacity, he says.
HALEY: “No, I’m not running in 2020.”

She says she will campaign for TRUMP in 2020.

”It has been the honor of a lifetime” to be UN ambassador, she says.
Unsurprisingly, rumors are circulating in the White House press corp that the timing of Haley’s resignation is “suspicious” and may have something to do with the Brett Kavanaugh controversy.

I have no indication Nikki Haley resigned because of discontent over Kavanaugh’s confirmation, but the timing hints that — and White House aides are aware of that.

Others are speculating that South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham could soon take a job in the Trump cabinet (possibly attorney general?) after the midterms, allowing Haley to fill his old senate seat.

In a statement to reporters, Haley said her experience as UN ambassador has been “the honor of a lifetime” and that the US would put its embassy where it wants and that “there are a number of people who would like to do this…it is a much more glamorous position than it was a few years ago.”
* * *
Two weeks after President Trump issued another fiery rebuke of globalism, the United Nations and its attendant institutions during his second speech before the UN General Assembly, Axios is reporting that the president has accepted the resignation of UN Ambassador Nikki Haley.
Haley, the former governor of South Carolina who has been with the administration since the beginning, reportedly discussed her resignation with Trump during a visit to the White House last week. Her desire to leave her post apparently shocked several senior administration officials. Haley was an early and frequent critic of then-candidate Trump before she conceded and joined his administration.

Haley refused to comment on reports of her resignation after walking by a group of reporters in the West Wing.

Haley just walked by a group of reporters in the West Wing, I asked her if the report is true and she did not answer. She walked through a door leading towards the West Wing.

But in what appeared to be a confirmation of the report, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced that Haley would make an appearance with Trump in the Oval Office at 10:30 am ET. The event will be open to the press pool.

President Trump and Ambassador Nikki Haley will meet in the Oval Office at 10:30am this morning. This event will be open to the pool.
Trump also teased the 10:30 meeting with a tweet.
Big announcement with my friend Ambassador Nikki Haley in the Oval Office at 10:30am.

Readers can watch the press conference on the live feed below:

Most recently, Haley oversaw the US’s withdrawal from a UN human rights council over its “chronic bias against Israel.”

I want to make it crystal clear that this step is not a retreat from human rights commitments,” Haley said at the time. “On the contrary, we take this step because our commitment does not allow us to remain a part of a hypocritical and self-serving organization that makes a mockery of human rights.”

At one point, Haley was rumored to be a top pick to replace Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State – a job that ultimately went to Secretary Mike Pompeo. Media reports detailed a fraught relationship between Haley and Tillerson as they jockeyed to be the face of the administration’s foreign policy. Tillerson’s aides reportedly asked her to pre-clear any public remarks with Washington.

While she has mostly avoided conflict with Trump since joining the administration, Trump did accuse her of getting “ahead of the curve” after she said earlier this year that the administration would impose sanctions on Russian companies found to be aiding the Syrian government’s chemical weapons program after a deadly chemical attack in April, as the New York Timesreminds us.
On April 15, Ms. Haley announced that the administration would place sanctions on Russian companies found to be assisting Syria’s chemical weapons program — part of a menu of options to retaliate against a suspected gas attack that killed dozens on April 7. But the next day, the White House announced that Mr. Trump had decided not to go forward with the sanctions, contradicting what Ms. Haley had said. The White House said she had gotten “ahead of the curve.”

She also broke with the administration line when she said last December that women accusing Trump of sexual improprieties deserved “to be heard” and that “they should be dealt with.”
And in December 2017, Ms. Haley said that women who had accused Mr. Trump of sexual misconduct “should be heard,” a surprising break from the administration’s longstanding assertion that the accusations were false and that voters rightly dismissed them when they elected Mr. Trump. They should be heard, and they should be dealt with,” Ms. Haley told CBS. “And I think we heard from them prior to the election. And I think any woman who has felt violated or felt mistreated in any way, they have every right to speak up.”

As Axios pointed out, Haley wrote an op-ed last month challenging allegations in the infamous anonymous NYT op-ed alleging that a group of senior administration officials had formed an internal “resistance” movement against Trump to protect the nation from his most dangerous impulses.

By Tyler Durden / Republished with permission / Zero Hedge / Report a typo
Ook aangaande Iran heeft Haley zich beschuldigd aan oorlogshitserij, lees het volgende artikel dat ik eerder vandaag publiceerde en klik op de de links onder dat bericht: 'Trump volgt het scenario van deep state: oorlog met Iran 'is onvermijdelijk....''

'Iraanse protesten allesbehalve compleet spontaan (zoals VS ambassadeur bij de VN Haley durfde te stellen...)....'

Lees wat betreft de ongebreidelde VS terreur:

Voor meer berichten met Haley, klik op het label met haar naam, direct onder dit bericht.