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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label Ocasio-Cortez. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Ocasio-Cortez. Alle posts tonen

vrijdag 15 februari 2019

Venezuela >> de media willen het socialisme definitief de nek omdraaien

Socialisme begint de laatste jaren wat hipper te worden, als ik het hieronder opgenomen artikel van Alan MacLeod op Fair moet geloven en weet je wat: het zou best kunnen kloppen, vandaar misschien de belangstelling voor de jessias van 'GroenLinks' Klaver...... Jammer dat die jonge mensen dan niet zien dat ze een reuzen oor aangenaaid krijgen door deze valse 'linkse' profeet, een 'profeet' van een partij die allesbehalve links is en zich net zo hard laat meeslepen door de de leugens van de CIA en de reguliere massamedia..... 

'GroenLinks' een partij die maar al te vaak instemt met maatregelen die een linkse en groene partij tegen de borst zouden moeten stuiten, zo staat deze partij achter het schunnige 'sociale' leenstelsel t.b.v. studenten...... Sterker nog: op provinciaal en lokaal gebied draait GL gewoon mee als onderdeel van het Nederlandse compromis baggerbestuur.....

Eén ding is zeker: de reguliere westerse massamedia moeten niets van links hebben, simpelweg daar hun bazen niets op hebben met links en de bestaande neoliberale status quo gehandhaafd willen zien, waar ze zelfs de illegale oorlogen van de VS gesteund willen zien, niet in de laatste plaats daar men aandelen heeft in de wapenindustrie..... Wat mooier als je tegen links bestuur bent dan als massamedia een cadeau als Venezuela door de VS in de schoot geworpen te krijgen, Venezuela het door een economische oorlog van de VS aan de grond geraakte land.... 

Met superlatieven spreekt men in die media over de desastreuze economische politiek van het Maduro bewind, alsof er nooit een economische oorlog heeft plaatsgevonden tegen Venezuela, wat zeg ik, een oorlog die nog steeds plaatsvindt (nu met sancties die zelfs door de EU zijn opgelegd...), terwijl zich een door de VS opgezette opstand en staatsgreep voltrekt in dat land......

De BBC liet zelfs een correspondent verklaren wat er op de straten in Venezuela gebeurde, terwijl deze knurft in Miami zat....* (je gelooft je oren niet....)

In het hieronder opgenomen artikel van Alan MacLeod, gepubliceerd op Fair, een fiks aantal voorbeelden van de bevooroordeelde en fake news (nepnieuws) verspreidende reguliere massamedia in de VS (leugens en andere desinformatie die overigens in de hele westerse massamedia terug zijn te vinden):

FEBRUARY 8, 2019

Venezuela’: Media’s One-Word Rebuttal to the Threat of Socialism


Collage of Venezuela and Socialism Headlines

Socialism—whatever that means—is in vogue right now. A recent Gallup poll (8/13/18) found that a majority of millennials view socialism favorably, preferring it to capitalism. Democratic socialist Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in the United States, while new leftist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (AOC) policies of higher taxes on the wealthy, free healthcare and public college tuition are highly popular—even among Republican voters (, 1/23/19).
Alarmed by the growing threat of progressive policies at home, the establishment has found a one-word weapon to deploy against the rising tide: Venezuela. The trick is to attack any political figure or movement even remotely on the left by claiming they wish to turn the country into a “socialist wasteland” (Fox News, 2/2/19) run by a corrupt dictatorship, leaving its people hungry and devastated.
Leading the charge have been Fox News and other conservative outlets. One Fox opinion piece (1/25/19) claimed that Americans should be “absolutely disgusted” by the “fraud” of Bernie Sanders and Democrats like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker, as they “continue to promote a system that is causing mass starvation and the collapse of a country,” warning that is exactly what their failed socialist policies would bring to the US. (Back in the real world, while Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez identify as socialists, Warren is a self-described capitalist, and Booker is noted for his ties to Wall Street, whose support for his presidential bid he has reportedly been soliciting.) A second Fox Newsarticle (1/27/19) continues in the same vein, warning that, “At the heart of Venezuela’s collapse is a laundry list of socialist policies that have decimated its economy.”
In an article entitled “Bernie Sanders, Jeremy Corbyn and the Starving Children of Venezuela,” the Washington Examiner (6/15/17) warned its readers to “beware the socialist utopia,” describing it as a dystopia where children go hungry thanks to socialism. The Wall Street Journal (1/28/19) recently condemned Sanders for his support of a “dictator,” despite the fact Bernie has strongly criticized Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, and dismissed Maduro’s predecessor, Hugo Chavez, as a “dead Communist dictator” (Reuters, 6/1/16).
More supposedly centrist publications have continued this line of attack. The New York Times’ Bret Stephens (1/25/19) argued: “Venezuela is a socialist catastrophe. In the age of AOC, the lesson must be learned again”—namely, that “socialism never works,” as “20 years of socialism” has led to “the ruin of a nation.” The Miami Herald (2/1/19) cast shame on Sanders and AOC for arguing for socialism in the face of such overwhelming evidence against it, describing the left’s refusal to back self-appointed president Juan Guaidó, someone whom less than 20 percent of Venezuelans had even heard of, let alone voted for, as “morally repugnant.”
This useful weapon to be used against the left can only be sustained by withholding a great number of key facts—chief among them, the US role in Venezuela’s devastation. US sanctions, according to the Venezuelan opposition’s economics czar, are responsible for a halving of the country’s oil output (,12/17/18). The UN Human Rights Council has formally condemned the US and discussed reparations to be paid, with one UN special rapporteur describing Trump’s sanctions as a possible “crime against humanity” (London Independent1/26/19). This has not been reported by any the New York TimesWashington PostCNN or any other national US “resistance” news outlet, which have been only too quick to support Trump’s regime change plans (FAIR.org1/25/19).
Likewise, the local US-backed opposition’s role in the economic crisis is barely mentioned. The opposition, which controls much of the country’s food supply, has officially accepted responsibility for conducting an “economic war” by withholding food and other key goods.
For example, the monolithic Empresas Polar controls the majority of the flour production and distribution crucial for making arepa cornbread, Venezuela’s staple food. Polar’s chair is Leopoldo Lopez, national coordinator of Juan Guaidó’s Popular Will party, while its president is Lorenzo Mendoza, who considered running for president against Maduro in the 2018 elections that caused pandemonium in the media (FAIR.org5/23/18).
Conspicuously, it’s the products that Polar has a near-monopoly in that are often in shortest supply. This is hardly a secret, but never mentioned in the copious stories (CNN5/14/14Bloomberg3/16/17Washington Post5/22/17NPR4/7/17) focusing on bread lines in the country.
Also rarely commented on was the fact that multiple international election observer missions declared the 2018 elections free and fair, and that Venezuelan government spending as a proportion of GDP (often considered a barometer of socialism) is actually lower than the US’s, and far lower than most of Europe’s,according to the conservative Heritage Foundation.
Regardless of these bothersome facts, the media has continued to present Venezuela’s supposedly socialist dictatorship as solely responsible for its crisis as a warning to any progressives who get the wrong idea. So useful is this tool that it is being used to attack progressive movements around the world. The Daily Express (2/3/19) and Daily Mail (2/3/19) condemned UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn for his “defense” of a “dictator,” while the Daily Telegraph (2/3/19) warned that the catastrophe of Venezuela is Labour’s blueprint for Britain. Meanwhile, the Greek leftist party Syriza’s support for Maduro (the official position of three-quarters of UN member states) was condemned as “shameful” (London Independent1/29/19).
Venezuela” is also used as a one-word response to shut down debate and counter any progressive idea or thought. While the panel on ABC’s The View (7/23/18) discussed progressive legislation like Medicare for All and immigration reform, conservative regular Meghan McCain responding by invoking Venezuela: “They’re starving to death” she explained, leaving the other panelists bemused.
President Trump has also used it. In response to criticism from Senator Elizabeth Warren over his “Pocahontas” jibe, he replied that she would “make our country into Venezuela” (Reuters, 10/15/18).
The weapon’s effectiveness can only be sustained through a media in lockstep with the government’s regime-change goals. That the media is fixated on the travails of a relatively small and unimportant country in America’s “backyard,” and that the picture of Venezuela is so shallow, is not a mistake. Rather, the simplistic narrative of a socialist dictatorship starving its own people provides great utility as a weapon for the establishment to beat back the domestic “threat” of socialism, by associating movements and figures such as Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jeremy Corbyn with an evil caricature they have carefully crafted.

Zie ook:
'Jill Stein (US Green Party): de VS maakt zich druk over armoede in Venezuela terwijl de armen thuis kunnen doodvallen....'

'Venezuela: humanitaire hulp stunt van de VS ingegeven om de kruistocht tegen Maduro een versnelling te geven'

'Venezuela: Abrams vindt een meerderheid in de VN Veiligheidsraad genoeg voor een gedwongen regeringswisseling

'Venezuela: 4 belangrijke zaken aangaande humanitaire hulp waarover de reguliere media niet berichten'

'Trump en Bolton bedreigen openlijk de familie van Venezolaanse militairen'

'Venezuela: VS bedrijf dat wapens smokkelde is gelinkt aan CIA 'Black Site' centra'

'Congreslid Ilhan Omar fileert het monster Elliot Abrams, de speciale gezant van de VS voor Venezuela'

'Joel Voordewind (CU 2de Kamer) bakt de 'Venezolaanse vluchtelingencrisis' op Curaçao wel erg bruin en van Ojik (GL 2de Kamer) schiet een Venezolaanse bok'

'Venezolaanse verandering van regime bekokstoofd door VS en massamedia'

'Venezuela zou humanitaire hulp weigeren, het echte verhaal ziet er 'iets anders' uit'

'Guaidó is een ordinaire couppleger van de VS, e.e.a. gaat volledig in tegen de Venezolaanse constitutie'

'Venezuela >> regime change: 'de 12 stappen methode' die de VS gebruikt'

'Venezuela >> VS economische oorlogsvoering met gebruikmaking van o.a. IMF en Wereldbank'

'VS couppleger in Venezuela belooft VS Venezolaanse olie als hij de macht heeft overgenomen'
Pompeo: US Military Obligated to “Take Down” the Iranians in Venezuela
(de opgeblazen oorlogshitser en oorlogsmisdadiger Pompeo beweert dat Hezbollah werkzaam is in Venezuela en daar een leger heeft dat gezien zijn woorden amper onder doet voor de gezamenlijke NAVO troepen... ha! ha! ha! Ook hier is totaal geen bewijs voor deze belachelijke beschuldiging...)

'Halliburton en Chevron hebben groot belang bij 'regime change' in Venezuela'

'Mike Pence (vicepresident VS) gaf Guaidó, de door de VS gewenste leider, groen licht voor de coup in Venezuela'

'VS coup tegen Maduro in volle gang........'

'Antiwar Hero Medea Benjamin Disrupts Pompeo Speech on Venezuela'

'Venezuela’s Military Chief, Foreign Allies Back Maduro'

'Als de VS stopt met spelen van 'politieagent' en het vernielen van de wereld, zullen de slechte krachten winnen......'

'Venezuela: VS verandering van regime mislukt >> de Venezolanen wacht een VS invasie'

Vast Majority of Democrats Remain Silent or Support Coup in Venezuela

'Trump wilde naast de economische oorlogsvoering tegen Venezuela dat land daadwerkelijk militair aanvallen......'

'Venezolaanse regionale verkiezingen gehekeld door westen, terwijl internationale waarnemers deze als eerlijk beoordeelden..........'

'Venezuela: Target of Economic Warfare'

'Venezuela: de anti-propaganda van John Oliver (en het grootste deel westerse massamedia) feilloos doorgeprikt'

'Venezuela: 'studentenprotest' wordt uitgevoerd door ingehuurde troepen.........'

'Abby Martin Busts Open Myths on Venezuela's Food Crisis: 'Shelves Fully Stocked'' (zie ook de video in dat artikel!)

'Rex Tillerson waarschuwt Venezuela voor een coup en beschuldigt China van imperialisme........ ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

'Edwin Koopman (VPRO Bureau Buitenland) over Venezolaanse verkiezingen met anti-Maduro propaganda bij de 'onafhankelijke NOS.....'

'EU neemt uiterst hypocriet sancties tegen de Venezolaanse regering Maduro.........'

'Venezuela ontwricht, wat de reguliere media u niet vertellen........'

'VS steunt rechtse coalitie (MUD) in Venezuela.........'

'The Left and Venezuela' (met mogelijkheid tot directe vertaling)

'Venezolaanse regering treedt terecht op tegen de uiterst gewelddadige oppositie!!'

woensdag 16 januari 2019

Basisinkomen en geluk: een doel voor de hele mensheid

Black Agenda Report bracht vorige week woensdag een artikel, eerder gepubliceerd op Truthdig en geschreven door Ellen Brown, waarin zij betoogt dat een universeel basisinkomen (UBI) geen probleem is en niet ten koste zal gaan van belastingverhogingen voor de hogere of de middeninkomens. 

Het betreft hier een uiterst intelligent schrijven van Brown, een artikel dat van groot belang kan zijn voor iedereen op onze kleine aarde: het uitroeien van armoede en een oplossing voor de tijd dat machines en computers het overgrote deel van de arbeid die de mens verricht zullen overnemen. 

Praatjes dat de automatisering alleen maar meer banen zullen opleveren, zijn volkomen naast de waarheid...... Neem de betaalautomaten: deze automaten hebben duizenden bankmedewerkers de baan als loketmedewerker gekost..... Of wat dacht je van de automatisering in de landbouw, werk dat vroeger door tienduizenden arbeiders werd gedaan, kan nu in veel gevallen zelfs met 2 machines worden verricht, het in de grond stoppen van zaden en de oogst...... 

Met een basisinkomen kunnen we eindelijk aan het geluk van de mens werken, wel zal men daarvoor in het onderwijs ruimte vrij moeten maken voor lessen hoe om te gaan met vrije tijd, iets waar mensen niet goed in zijn en waar de meesten van ons pas achter komen bij werkloosheid en na pensionering..... (en dat is toch uitermate triest...)

Lees het volgende artikel en geeft het door:

Universal Basic Income Is Easier Than It Looks

Universal Basic Income Is Easier Than It Looks
Ellen Brown 09 Jan 2019
A universal income program can help correct the debt bubble problem without fear of “overheating” the economy.

It could actually be funded year after year without driving up taxes or prices.”

Calls for a Universal Basic Income (UBI) have been increasing, most recently as part of the “Green New Deal” (GND) introduced by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and supported in the last month by at least 40 members of Congress. A UBI is a monthly payment to all adults with no strings attached, similar to Social Security. Critics say the Green New Deal asks too much of the rich and upper-middle-class taxpayers who will have to pay for it, but taxing the rich is not what the resolution proposes . It says funding would primarily come from the federal government, “using a combination of the Federal Reserve, a new public bank or system of regional and specialized public banks,” among other vehicles.
The Federal Reserve alone could do the job. It could buy “Green” federal bonds with money created on its balance sheet, just as the Fed funded the purchase of $3.7 trillion in bonds in its “quantitative easing” program to save the banks. The Treasury could also do it. The Treasury has the constitutional power to issue coins in any denomination, even trillion dollar coins . What prevents legislators from pursuing those options is the fear of hyperinflation from excess “demand” (spendable income) driving prices up. But in fact the consumer economy is chronically short of spendable income, due to the way money enters the consumer economy. We actually needregular injections of money to avoid a “balance sheet recession” and allow for growth, and a UBI is one way to do it.
Funding would primarily come from the federal government, “using a combination of the Federal Reserve, a new public bank or system of regional and specialized public banks,”
The pros and cons of a UBI are hotly debated and have been discussed elsewhere . The point here is to show that it could actually be funded year after year without driving up taxes or prices.New money is continually being added to the money supply, but it is added as debt created privately by banks. (How banks, rather than the government, create most of the money supply today is explained on the Bank of England website here .) A UBI would replace money-created-as-debt with debt-free money—a “debt jubilee” for consumers—while leaving the money supply for the most part unchanged; and to the extent that new money was added, it could help create the demand needed to fill the gap between actual and potential productivity.
The Debt Overhang Crippling Economies
The “bank money” composing most of the money in circulation is created only when someone borrows, and today businesses and consumers are burdened with debts that are higher than ever before. In 2018, credit card debt alone exceeded $1 trillion, student debt exceeded $1.5 trillion, auto loan debt exceeded $1.1 trillion, and non-financial corporate debt hit $5.7 trillion. When businesses and individuals pay down old loans rather than taking out new loans, the money supply shrinks, causing a “balance sheet recession.” In that situation, the central bank, rather than removing money from the economy (as the Fed is doing now), needs to add money to fill the gap between debt and the spendable income available to repay it.
Debt always grows faster than the money available to repay it. One problem is the interest , which is not created along with the principal, so more money is always owed back than was created in the original loan. Beyond that, some of the money created as debt is held off the consumer market by “savers” and investors who place it elsewhere, making it unavailable to companies selling their wares and the wage-earners they employ. The result is a debt bubble that continues to grow until it is not sustainable and the system collapses, in the familiar death spiral euphemistically called the “business cycle.” As economist Michael Hudson shows in his 2018 book, “… and Forgive Them Their Debts ,” this inevitable debt overhang was corrected historically with periodic “debt jubilees”—debt forgiveness—something he argues we need to do again today.
For governments, a debt jubilee could be effected by allowing the central bank to buy government securities and hold them on its books. For individuals, one way to do it fairly across the board would be with a UBI.
Why a UBI Need Not Be Inflationary
In a 2018 book called “The Road to Debt Bondage: How Banks Create Unpayable Debt ,” political economist Derryl Hermanutz proposes a central-bank-issued UBI of $1,000 per month, credited directly to people’s bank accounts. Assuming this payment went to all U.S. residents over 18, or about 250 million people, the outlay would be about $2.5 trillion annually. For people with overdue debt, Hermanutz proposes that it automatically go to pay down those debts. Since money is created as loans and extinguished when they are repaid, that portion of a UBI disbursement would be extinguished along with the debt.
People who were current on their debts could choose whether or not to pay them down, but many would also no doubt go for that option. Hermanutz estimates that roughly half of a UBI payout could be extinguished in this way through mandatory and voluntary loan repayments. That money would not increase the money supply or demand. It would just allow debtors to spend on necessities with debt-free money rather than hocking their futures with unrepayable debt.
He estimates that another third of a UBI disbursement would go to “savers” who did not need the money for expenditures. This money, too, would not be likely to drive up consumer prices, since it would go into investment and savings vehicles rather than circulating in the consumer economy. That leaves only about one-sixth of payouts, or $400 billion, that would actually be competing for goods and services; and that sum could easily be absorbed by the “output gap” between actual and forecasted productivity.
$2 trillion could be injected into the economy every year without creating price inflation.”
According to a July 2017 paper from the Roosevelt Institute called “What Recovery? The Case for Continued Expansionary Policy at the Fed ”: “GDP remains well below both the long-run trend and the level predicted by forecasters a decade ago. In 2016, real per capita GDP was 10% below the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) 2006 forecast, and shows no signs of returning to the predicted level.”
The report showed that the most likely explanation for this lackluster growth was inadequate demand. Wages have remained stagnant; and before producers will produce, they need customers knocking on their doors.
In 2017, the U.S. Gross Domestic Product was $19.4 trillion. If the economy is running at 10 percent below full capacity, $2 trillion could be injected into the economy every year without creating price inflation. It would just generate the demand needed to stimulate an additional $2 trillion in GDP. In fact a UBI might pay for itself, just as the G.I. Bill produced a sevenfold return from increased productivity after World War II.
The Evidence of China
That new money can be injected year after year without triggering price inflation is evident from a look at China. In the last 20 years, its M2 money supply has grown from just over 10 trillion yuan to 80 trillion yuan ($11.6T), a nearly 800 percent increase. Yet the inflation rate of its Consumer Price Index (CPI) remains a modest 2.2 percent.
Why has all that excess money not driven prices up? The answer is that China’s Gross Domestic Product has grown at the same fast clip as its money supply. When supply (GDP) and demand (money) increase together, prices remain stable.
Whether or not the Chinese government would approve of a UBI, it does recognize that to stimulate productivity, the money must get out there first; and since the government owns 80 percent of China’s banks, it is in a position to borrow money into existence as needed. For “self-funding” loans—those that generate income (fees for rail travel and electricity, rents for real estate)—repayment extinguishes the debt along with the money it created, leaving the net money supply unchanged. When loans are not repaid, the money they created is not extinguished; but if it goes to consumers and businesses that then buy goods and services with it, demand will still stimulate the production of supply, so that supply and demand rise together and prices remain stable.
Without demand, producers will not produce and workers will not get hired, leaving them without the funds to generate supply, in a vicious cycle that leads to recession and depression. And that cycle is what our own central bank is triggering now.
The Fed Tightens the Screws
Rather than stimulating the economy with new demand, the Fed has been engaging in “quantitative tightening.” On Dec. 19, 2018, it raised the Fed funds rate for the ninth time in three years, despite a “brutal” stock market in which the Dow Jones Industrial Average had already lost 3,000 points in 2 ½ months. The Fed is still struggling to reach even its modest 2 percent inflation target, and GDP growth is trending down, with estimates at only 2-2.7 percent for 2019. So why did it again raise rates, over the protests of commentators, including the president himself?
For its barometer, the Fed looks at whether the economy has hit “full employment,” which it considers to be 4.7 percent unemployment, taking into account the “natural rate of unemployment” of people between jobs or voluntarily out of work. At full employment, workers are expected to demand more wages, causing prices to rise. But unemployment is now officially at 3.7 percent—beyond technical full employment—and neither wages nor consumer prices have shot up. There is obviously something wrong with the theory, as is evident from a look at Japan , where prices have long refused to rise despite a serious lack of workers.
The official unemployment figures are actually misleading. Including short-term discouraged workers, the rate of U.S. unemployed or underemployed workers as of May 2018 was 7.6 percent, double the widely reported rate . When long-term discouraged workers are included, the real unemployment figure was 21.5 percent . Beyond that large untapped pool of workers, there is the seemingly endless supply of cheap labor from abroad and the expanding labor potential of robots, computers and machines. In fact, the economy’s ability to generate supply in response to demand is far from reaching full capacity today.
When long-term discouraged workers are included, the real unemployment figure was 21.5 percent.”
Our central bank is driving us into another recession based on bad economic theory. Adding money to the economy for productive, non-speculative purposes will not drive up prices so long as materials and workers (human or mechanical) are available to create the supply necessary to meet demand; and they are available now. There will always be price increases in particular markets when there are shortages, bottlenecks, monopolies or patents limiting competition, but these increases are not due to an economy awash with money. Housing, health care, education and gas have all gone up, but it is not because people have too much money to spend. In fact it is those necessary expenses that are driving people into unrepayable debt, and it is this massive debt overhang that is preventing economic growth.
Without some form of debt jubilee, the debt bubble will continue to grow until it can again no longer be sustained. A UBI can help correct that problem without fear of “overheating” the economy, so long as the new money is limited to filling the gap between real and potential productivity and goes into generating jobs, building infrastructure and providing for the needs of the people, rather than being diverted into the speculative, parasitic economy that feeds off them.
Ellen Brown is an attorney, chairman of the Public Banking Institute, and author of twelve books including "Web of Debt" and "The Public Bank Solution."
This article previously appeared in Truthdig .
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woensdag 28 november 2018

VS gebruikt chemische wapens tegen ongewapende vluchtelingen waaronder kinderen

Werkelijk te zot en schunnig voor woorden: maar de VS troepen langs de grens met Mexico hebben het chemisch wapen traangas ingezet tegen de ongewapende vluchtelingen uit hoofdzakelijk Honduras.... Onder die vluchtelingen bevinden zich ook kinderen, blijkbaar interesseert dat de autoriteiten in de VS niet, waarschijnlijk zien ze kinderen zelfs als potentiële misdadigers....... Terwijl de VS volgens de eigen wetten en internationale wetgeving (VN Vluchtelingenverdrag) asiel zou moeten verlenen aan mensen die vervolgd worden........

Het kan altijd nog gekker als het over de VS gaat: de vluchtelingen uit Honduras, die meer dan 90% van de vluchtelingenkaravaan uitmaken, zijn in feite op de vlucht voor de fascistische regering in Honduras, die de VS (onder verantwoording van Hillary Clinton) na een staatsgreep in 2009 tegen de democratisch gekozen president van dat land heeft geïnstalleerd......... Deze figuur heeft de economie volledig naar de kloten geholpen en laat drugsbendes hun gang gaan met het geweld dat ze tegen de bevolking gebruiken, daarnaast heeft Honduras doodseskaders die politieke en milieuactivisten en/of hun aanhangers vermoorden..........

Nogmaals: de VS is verplicht deze vluchtelingen op te nemen, helaas zal dit waarschijnlijk niet gebeuren...... Je vraagt je werkelijk af waarom andere westerse landen de VS nog serieus nemen en zich zelfs laten gebruiken als moordenaars in de illegale oorlogen die dit land begint waar het maar uitkomt..... Afgelopen nacht hoorde ik op BBC World Service radio dat de VS sancties treft tegen de Nicaraguaanse minister van financiën, o.a. vanwege mensenrechtenschendingen....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! 

De VS doet zelf niet anders dan mensenrechten schenden, niet alleen vanwege de totaal illegale gijzeling (dubbelop, ik weet 't) van verdachten (ofwel mensen die niet zijn veroordeeld!) op Guantanamo Bay, of in de illegale oorlogen die deze terreurentiteit voert, maar ook vanwege de omgang met vluchtelingen, waarbij de VS zelfs kinderrechten keer op keer schendt..... Voorts onderhoud de VS uitermate goede banden met de grote mensenrechtenschenders Israël, Saoedi-Arabië (door VS gesteund bij de Genocide die deze terreurstaat aanricht in Jemen...), de Golfstaten, Egypte, de Filipijnen en ga nog maar even door, zonder ook maar één keer te malen over mensenrechtenschendingen......  

Over illegale oorlogen gesproken: wanneer gaat de wereld eindelijk inzien dat de VS als de donder terug moet in haar hok en daar de komende 200 jaar moet blijven, de grootschalige terreur van deze vereniging van schoftenstaten is niet met 10.000 pennen te beschrijven, zo maakte deze terreurentiteit sinds het einde van WOII tot nu toe al een 'kleine' 22,5 miljoen slachtoffers....*  Genoeg is genoeg, yankee go home!!! (and stay there!)

Tear Gassing Children Is Outrageous”: US Condemned for Violence Against Asylum Seekers
November 26, 2018 at 11:56 pm
Written by Jon Queally

(CD— As legal experts and human rights advocates overnight and Monday morning continued to denounce the tear gassing of children and other asylum seekers by U.S. forces at the Mexico border on Sunday, Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was among Democratic lawmakers who slammed the Trump administration for its treatment of refugees as she issued a reminder that vulnerable people fleeing violence and persecution have the right, codified by domestic and international law, to apply for asylum protection.

Asking to be considered a refugee & applying for status isn’t a crime.

It wasn’t for Jewish families fleeing Germany.
It wasn’t for targeted families fleeing Rwanda.
It wasn’t for communities fleeing war-torn Syria.
And it isn’t for those fleeing violence in Central America.
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The migrants at our southern border include mothers and small children exercising their legal, human right to seek asylum,” declared the ACLU in a tweet on Monday morning, and told the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency, “Tear gassing children is outrageous and inhumane.”
As the Guardian reports, this is what it looked like:

The National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (NNIRR) said that with asylum seekers, including children, being choked by tear gas along the U.S. border with Mexico, “a humanitarian crisis becoming even more inhumane.” Echoing Ocasio-Cortez and other rights groups, NNIRR emphasized that both “U.S. and international laws say these migrants have the right to apply for asylum.”

Adding this perspective, Karen Attiah, global opinions editor for the Washington Post, tweeted:

This is how American media would describe this if this happened in a non western country:

“American security forces under the Trump regime used *chemical weapons* in a cross border operation against unarmed asylum seekers, including children. “

My God.

Meanwhile, as Trump continued to demonize the migrants and refugees in Mexico—”many of whom are stone cold criminals,” he claimed without evidence Monday morning—Guardian journalist Bryan Mealer and photographer Hans-Maximo Musielik, who have travelled extensively with refugees that left Honduras months ago, published an up-close-and-personal account showing how “the most vulnerable among them,” risked their lives—braving terrifying and dangerous conditions—to reach safety.

Let op: deze plek is in het origineel ingeruimd voor een video die ik niet kan overnemen, zie daarom het origineel.

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'VS buitenlandbeleid sinds WOII: een lange lijst van staatsgrepen en oorlogen..........'

'List of wars involving the United States'

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'CIA en 70 jaar desinformatie in Europese opiniebladen............'
Berichten over de vluchtelingenkaravaan in Midden-Amerika en de situatie in Honduras >> zie:
'BBC volkomen krom over de vluchtelingen uit Honduras die wel degelijk door Trump met geweld worden bedreigd'

'Trump letterlijk: "Barbwire used in the right way can be a beautiful sight" Trump op een verkiezingsbijeenkomst over het 'probleem van de vluchtelingenkaravaan' uit de door de VS gecreëerde ellende in Honduras'

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'Trump stuurt 800 militairen naar de Mexicaanse grens met de VS om arme vluchtende drommels tegen te houden......'

Hier nog wat berichten over VS agressie in Latijns-Amerika:
'Putin misbruikt vluchtelingen om een hele grote witte voet bij Trump te halen'

'ICE runt concentratiekampen in de VS voor vluchtelingen en kinderen'



'Thousands of Immigrants Suffer in Solitary Confinement in ICE Detention'

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