Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label R. Carlson. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label R. Carlson. Alle posts tonen

zaterdag 15 mei 2021

Pesticiden vernietigen wereldwijd de bodem, zodat het telen van groente steeds meer een hachelijke zaak wordt

Robert Hunziker heeft op CounterPunch een artikel geschreven over wat hij de Bugpocalypse noemt, deze Bugpocalypse voltrekt zich niet direct onder onze ogen, daar deze ondergronds plaatsvindt (we weten dat de insectenpopulatie bovengronds met meer dan 70% is afgenomen......) Je behoeft niet de hersencapaciteit van Einstein te bezitten om te begrijpen dat met het kankerverwekkende glyfosaat oranje gespoten grond, ook ondergronds haar vernietigende werk verricht.......

De gezondheid van de ondergrond is belangrijk voor 95% van het voedsel dat we tot ons nemen. Een nieuwe studie heeft aangetoond pesticiden tevens bodemvernietigers zijn.... Studie na studie toont aan dat het ongecontroleerde gebruik van pesticiden over honderden miljoenen hectares de organismen doden die belangrijk zijn om de bodem gezond te houden.....

Nathan Donley, een wetenschapper  die meewerkte aan de studie stelt dat de monoculturele gewassen als mais en sojabonen, verantwoordelijk zijn voor het doden van wat hij het levensweb noemt (bepaalde schimmels, die goed zijn voor gewassen, bloemen en bomen vormen ondergronds enorme ecosystemen, echter deze systemen worden vernietigd met pesticiden. Een handvol grond bevat 10 tot 100 miljoen organismen en die zijn weer te onderscheiden in wat ik voor 't gemak (maar bepaald niet dekkend) 5.000 onderscheidende soorten noem (taxa)....... (heb je een betere uiteenzetting, geef die dan ajb onder dit bericht)

Deze organismen voeren veel belangrijke taken uit voor de bodem, zoals de 'voedselkringloop', het onderhouden van de bodemstructuur, het verwerken van koolstof en het reguleren van plagen en ziekten....... 

De studie moet gezien worden als het grootste en meest uitgebreide onderzoek ooit uitgevoerd naar de gevolgen die pesticiden hebben op bodemorganismen......

Andere vergelijkbare onderzoeken naar giftige stoffen, zoals het bloot hebben gestaan aan nucleaire straling, geven aan dat de gevolgen van e.e.a. nog decennia op zich kunnen laten wachten. Het Oekraïense ministerie van gezondheid stelt dat 30 jaar na de kernramp er 2.347.863 aan Tsjernobyl gerelateerde zieken zijn, inclusief 453.391 zieke dan wel overleden kinderen, kinderen die ten tijde van deze ramp in 1986 nog niet waren geboren >> hun ouders waren nog kinderen ten tijde van die ramp......

Hunziker hoopt dat deze studie nog op tijd is om de wereld het bewijs te laten zien dat het vergiftigen van het web van het leven uitermate gevaarlijk is en dat de studie zo serieus wordt genomen dat men werkelijk onmiddellijk tot actie zal overgaan om deze dreigende crisis het hoofd te bieden. Deze crisis is als geen andere crisis die de mens heeft meegemaakt tijdens het totaal van het (moderne) menselijk bestaan >> een universele vergiftiging...... Hunziker vindt het een schande dat er zo weinig aandacht is voor de vruchtbaarheid van de bodem, zeker daar de eerste grote onderzoeken zo verontrustend zijn en hij de aarde als een grote chemische onderneming ziet, waar t.b.v. productie van groenten, bescherming ('tegen' insecten) en de verpakking daarvan 6.500 verschillende gifsoorten worden gebruikt...... 

Vergeet daarbij niet dat we ook bovengronds op andere manier worden vergiftigd: door de vervuiling in de buitenlucht, door fijnstof en het kankerverwekkende ultrafijnstof en uiteraard door het al angehaalde eten van met gif bespoten groente en fruit....... (het schijnt zelfs zo te zijn dat iedere aardbewoners microplastics in het lichaam heeft, die zelfs in de longen worden teruggevonden......) Overheden als de onze, en die van de EU 'stellen grenzen aan wat je nog wel binnen zou mogen krijgen aan gif' (en die grenzen worden regelmatig opgerekt onder druk van de machtige gifmengers lobby), echter daarbij houdt men telkens rekening met 1 'soort' gif, terwijl veel slecht afbrekende gifstoffen zich in je lichaam stapelen, om vrij te komen als je conditie verslechtert......


Poisoning the Planet’s Web of Life

The Web of Life is under attack but almost nobody is aware because it’s happening mostly below surface. Scientists have identified a rampant worldwide Bugpocalypse that’s methodically killing the planet’s most significant and most crucial life support system, and it’s intentional!

The victim is soil, which is the life source for 95% of the foods we cram down our throats three times per day, 365 days per year.

A new landmark study has identified the killer of nature’s greatest achievement of all time, soil. Based upon this major new research only recently released, the culprit or soil killer is agricultural pesticides, as follows: “Study after study indicates the unchecked use of pesticides across hundreds of millions of acres each year is poisoning the organisms critical to maintaining healthy soils,” Donley added. “Yet our regulators have been ignoring the harm to these important ecosystems for decades.” (Source: Tari Gunstone, et al, “Pesticides and Soil Invertebrates: A Hazard Assessment,” Frontiers in Environmental Science, May 4, 2021)

“Below the surface of fields covered with monoculture crops of corn and soybeans, pesticides are destroying the very foundations of the web of life,’ said study co-author Nathan Donley, a scientist at the Center for Biological Diversity… A handful of soil contains an estimated 10 –100 million organisms belonging to over 5,000 taxa… Soils contain an abundance of biologically diverse organisms that perform many important functions such as nutrient cycling, soil structure maintenance, carbon transformation, and the regulation of pests and diseases,” Ibid.

All of which prompts a troubling thought: What impact does pesticide have, not only on the organisms within the soil, but on the entire network from industrial farming to food processors to supermarkets with packaged goods that people buy to satisfy hunger and/or just plain ole gluttony, binging, gorging, or on occasion pigging out? Answer: It’s not a pretty picture.

It should be noted that the study is classified as “the largest, most comprehensive review of the impacts of agricultural pesticides on soil organisms ever conducted.” (Source: Pesticides Threaten the ‘Foundations of the Web of Life,’ New Soil Study Warns, EcoWatch, May 4, 2021)

By all appearances, this is a monstrous scandal that’s hidden from sight within the world’s soil as well as hidden behind lackadaisical, slipshod regulations. Worse yet, after years of unbridled poisoning, nobody seems to care enough to do anything about it because it’s not on the “Save the Planet” top ten list.

Moreover, similar to other toxins spread throughout the world, like nuclear radiation exposure, it takes many years for the harmful impact to be fully recognized, e.g., according to the Ukraine Health Ministry, three decades after the fact, there are 2,347,863 Chernobyl-related cases, including 453,391 malformed and/or diseased children, not yet born in 1986. Their parents were children when Chernobyl’s nuclear core melted down. (Sources: BBC special report: The True Toll of the Chernobyl Disaster d/d July 26, 2019 and USA Today, Chernobyl’s Legacy: Kids With Bodies Ravaged by Disaster, April 17, 2016)

Hopefully, this landmark study, which clearly proves massive poisoning of the web of life, arrives in the public’s hands early enough, and is taken seriously enough, to do something about an impending crisis like no other crisis throughout all of human history, i.e., universal toxicosis.

The study concludes that sweeping changes are needed to protect the web of life: “It’s not just one or two pesticides that are causing harm, the results are really very consistent across the whole class of chemical poisons… Co-author Tara Cornelisse, an entomologist at the Center for Biological Diversity, concurred that ‘it’s extremely concerning that over 70% of cases show that pesticides significantly harm soil invertebrates,” Ibid.

According to statements by the researchers: “The paper constitutes a comprehensive review of the impacts of agricultural pesticides on soil invertebrates. We found that pesticide exposure negatively impacted soil invertebrates in 70.5% of 2,842 tested parameters from 394 reviewed studies.”

Those percentage results for invertebrate loss interestingly jive with a recent report of vertebrate loss issued September 10th 2020 by the World Wildlife Foundation, in collaboration with the Zoological Society of London entitled: “The Living Planet Report 2020,” which shows a loss of 68% of vertebrate life in less than 50 years. Figures like that are within earshot of extinction-type numbers from millions of years ago.

These extraordinarily high percentage losses of life make it nearly impossible to grasp the true gravity of the situation. These are ‘off the charts’ numbers of destruction of the most basic forms of life, gone forever. How long can this persist?

The Gunstone study “Pesticides and Soil Invertebrates: A Hazard Assessment,” which is the subject of this article, conducted 51 studies within Europe, 30 in the United States, eight in Australia, seven in Canada, and five or less in Argentina, Brazil, Cameroon, Columbia, Egypt, India, Japan, Madagascar, Mexico, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, South Africa, and Yemen confirming the conclusion that “from these data it is apparent that, as a set of chemical poisons, pesticides pose a clear hazard to soil invertebrates,” Ibid.

“The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) does not have sufficient testing requirements or tools in place to quantify risk to soil dwelling organisms. The European honeybee is the only terrestrial invertebrate included in mandatory ecotoxicological testing of pesticides. The practice of using the honey bee as a surrogate underestimates harm to many taxa and often results in narrow efforts to mitigate pesticide impacts solely to honey bees and other pollinators, not soil organisms,” Ibid.

The entire planet has become a chemical enterprise. Sixty-five hundred (6,500) different man-made chemicals are used in the production, formulation, preservation, and packaging of our modern food supply. (Source: Julian Cribb, Food or War, Cambridge University Press, 2019)

“Rachel Carson blew the whistle on global poisoning in her 1962 book Silent Spring, which focused on one particular chemical, DDT, leading to a worldwide ban in 1972. (Ed. If it had not been banned, today only airplanes would be flying in the sky, maybe) Since she wrote her book, worldwide production and use of pesticides in agriculture has more than quadrupled, exceeding 5 million tonnes in 2017.” (Cribb)

“In recent years, a growing flood of scientific papers has reported more and graver health impacts as a result of the chemicalisation of our food supply, for example, in 2018 Irva Herzz-Picciotto and colleagues reported brain damage to unborn children and adult deaths resulting from exposure to organo-phosphate pesticides, which are widely used in agriculture all over the world… what consumers often fail to understand is that many of these toxic chemicals used in food production do not just vanish after they have been used and continue to cycle through the natural world, lingering in the soil and concentrating up the food chain to result in doses often times many times stronger by the time they reach humans.” (Cribb)

The Gunstone paper is a landmark study that exposes a frightening side to the world that has been hidden from public view for decades. But, what can be done? Are there “save the soil” advocacy groups?

Soil is alive, a complete self-sustaining ecosystem with 10-to-100, 000,000 organisms per handful! Whereas, dirt does not support life, with few, if any, minerals, no nutrients, or living organisms, no worms, no fungi, and lacking texture and structure. Poisoning the planet’s soil, or its web of life, turns it into dirt.

Who would’ve ever guessed that agricultural practices would turn soil into dirt? The paradox is beyond breathtaking, but it does fill some open slots within ”The World is Insanely Stupid” jigsaw puzzle.

“Someday we shall look back on this dark era of agriculture and shake our heads. How could we have ever believed that it was a good idea to grow our food with poisons?” (Jane Goodall, Harvest of Hope, 2005)

Robert Hunziker lives in Los Angeles and can be reached at


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'Pandemieën zijn het resultaat van natuurvernietiging, een waarschuwing van de VN, de WHO en het WWF

'Eugenetica en genetische manipulatie gaan hand in hand......

'Schouten (ChristenUnie minister) weigert te voldoen aan advies van de Gezondheidsraad zo min mogelijk landbouwgif te spuiten ter bescherming van omwonenden'

'Carola Schouten (minister 'Christen'Unie) wil uiterst giftige bestrijdingsmiddelen nog langer toestaan'

'Ook zonder TTIP zwaar gif op je bord!! Ploumen (PvdA) heeft keihard gelogen over TTIP!! (en dat meer dan eens!)'

vrijdag 2 april 2021

Landbouwgif als glyfosaat en atrazine zorgen voor alarmerende teruggang in vruchtbaarheid van de mens, dit nog naast de kankerverwekkende eigenschappen

In een kort maar krachtig artikel stelt F. William Engdahl dat het grootschalig gebruik van Monsanto's glyfosaat en Syngenta's atrazine niet alleen de oorzaak zijn van kanker en andere ernstige aandoeningen, maar schaden ook nog eens de menselijke voortplanting op een alarmerende manier......

In 1962 schreef zeebioloog Rachel Carlson een boek waarin ze gedetailleerd inging op het gebruik destijds van het uiterst giftige DDT en het effect van dit gif op levende wezens. Sindsdien hebben de grote gifmengers hun les geleerd en weten hoe ze efficiënt de gevaren van het gif dat ze produceren kunnen verdoezelen, o.a. middels een machtige lobby bij een groot aantal regeringen zoals die van de EU en haar lidstaten......

Pogingen om glyfosaat te verbieden in de EU zijn al een paar keer gestrand door de machtige lobby van de grote gifmengers, zelfs GroenLinks EU grofgraaier Bas Eickhout stemde voor het langer toestaan van dit kankerverwekkende en vruchtbaarheidsschadende gif..... 

Volgens Engdahl heeft dit alles te maken met eugenetica, al zo aangehangen door nazi-Duitsland en volgens hem is het zelfs opzet om mensen minder vruchtbaar te maken als wapen tegen de overbevolking, waarbij hij bekende personen, als prins Philip (Groot-Brittannië) aanhaalt, die daar uitlatingen over hebben gedaan. Zo zei deze prins (ha! ha! ha!) ooit dat de menselijke kudde moet worden uitgedund en in een voorwoord van het boek met de titel: 'If I were an Animal' (1986) zei deze flapdrol dat hij het verleidelijk vond om in reïncarnatie te geloven en dat hij dan hoopt terug te komen als een dodelijk virus..........

Henry Kissinger, de vreselijke oorlogsmisdadiger die als Obama volkomen onterecht de Nobelprijs voor de Vrede kreeg heeft tijdens de Nixon en Ford administraties in de VS geopperd dat het verminderen van de wereldbevolking een absolute prioriteit moet zijn daar de groeiende VS bevolking anders met grote tekorten aan grondstoffen e.d. zou komen te zitten.......

Nog zo één: opperploert Bill Gates die opmerkte dat de wereldbevolking (op dat moment 6,8 miljard mensen groot, dit aantal was in april 2019 al gegroeid tot 7,7 miljard mensen) snel zou groeien naar 9 miljard, volgens hem kunnen 'we' als 'we' goed ons best doen met vaccins, volksgezondheid en reproductieve gezondheidszorg dat aantal verminderen met 10 tot 15%........ 

Lees het schrijven van Engdahl en trek je eigen conclusie, zelf vind ik het ver gezocht dat men doelbewust uit is op actief de wereldbevolking te verminderen middels gif, immers daardoor zou ook de elite getroffen kunnen worden, daar gif tegenwoordig overal om ons heen is en zou zelfs op veel plekken in drinkwater zijn te vinden, zoals hij zelf ook schrijft, maar toch je weet maar nooit, de machtigen van de wereld zijn tot alles instaat.......... (neem als voorbeeld nogmaals de uitlatingen van prince Philip, Bill Gates en Henry Kissinger, echter je kan ook bedrijven als Unilever nemen, met een enorme 'duurzaamheidscampagne' verbergt dit bedrijf haar verantwoordelijkheid voor het volpompen van mensen met het uiterst slechte palmolie, dat niet alleen niet duurzaam is, maar ook nog eens schadelijk is voor de gezondheid en zelfs winkelketen Ekoplaza doet hier aan mee, daar veel van haar producten palmolie bevatten...... (er is maar één duurzame vorm van palmolie >> die niet geoogst wordt!!) 

An Alarming Link Between Pesticides and Eugenics

F. William Engdahl via 


Hello Dear Readers,

I want to share with you something I wrote regarding an alarming research and new book documenting how common agriculture pesticide chemicals, such as the most widely used Roundup with glyphosate and Syngenta’s Atrazine, are having a devastating impact on human fertility. Since the 1962 publication of the book Silent Spring by the courageous American marine biologist, Rachel Carson, detailing the toxic impact of the then-most widely used pesticide, DDT on living creatures, the agrichemical industry has become far more efficient at hiding the dangers in their toxins. Widespread efforts to ban Roundup and glyphosate in the EU were sabotaged by a massive campaign from the pesticide industry led by Monsanto-Bayer. It is easy to think of eugenics, the race purity practiced by the Third Reich as something in the past. Hardly. The same Bill Gates who is pushing radical gene-edited vaccines for covid19 has backed eugenics initiatives including vaccines to reduce population. The most shocking about the piece contained here is that so little notice is taken in mainstream media of the charges.

If you have not yet please consider a donation of support for my voice. The relentless censorship of the Internet and social media by the private corporate companies since the 2020 Coronavirus is alarming and can only be compared with book burnings in the 1930s.

I thank you for your interest and support,

William Engdahl

Will Mankind Be Extinct In a Few Years?

By F. William Engdahl   

10 march 2021       

Will Mankind Be Extinct In a Few Years?  


It’s no secret that Bill Gates and the advocates of the UN Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 are also devout promoters of human eugenics, the “thinning of the Human Herd” as Britain’s misanthropic Prince Philip once put it. Some such as Joachim Schnellnhuber, climate adviser to the Pope, openly welcome a human population to below one billion as “sustainable.” Now serious research is emerging that one of the most effective reducers of the human population is being spread by so-called “modern scientific agriculture” through the select use of toxic agrochemicals, pesticides deemed safe which are anything but safe.

According to a new book by Dr Shanna Shaw, Count Down, the male sperm count in Western industrial countries, including the EU and USA, is falling at a dramatic rate. Shaw estimates that over the past four decades the average sperm count has dropped by 50% or more. In other words a young male today seeking to have a family has only half the sperm count his grandfather did. Shaw estimates that unless toxic chemical exposures in agriculture and the environment are dramatically altered, we may not have the ability to reproduce naturally much longer and by 2050 most human beings in the industrial countries, including China, will need technological assistance to procreate. [i]

Shaw’s book is a further elaboration of a 2017 peer-reviewed scientific paper which Shaw and colleagues published. In the paper, Shaw carefully analyzed a total of 244 estimates of Sperm Concentration and Total Sperm Count (TSC) from 185 studies of 42 935 men who provided semen samples in 1973–2011. What they found was alarming to the extreme, but beyond a few media headlines, no changes of consequence resulted as the powerful agrochemical corporations such as Bayer-Monsanto, Syngenta, DowDuPont (now Corteva) lobbied regulators to ignore the findings.

Shaw found that “Among Unselected Western studies, the mean Sperm Concentration declined, on average, 1.4% per year with an overall decline of 52.4% between 1973 and 2011.” The same group of males, had “an average decline in mean TSC of 1.6% per year and overall decline of 59.3%.” That is a sperm count decline as of a decade ago of more than 59% in men, unselected by fertility, from North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. And it continues to decline year by year. [ii]

Because of lack of serious support for new studies, updated data is limited. Fifteen years ago, over half of potential sperm donors in Hunan Province, China, met quality standards. Now, only 18% do, a decline blamed on endocrine disrupting chemicals according to one study. A similar fall in sperm count was registered by researchers in Taiwan, as well as a similar result for Israel. Shaw concludes, “male reproductive health, not just semen quality by the way, is in trouble, and this has consequences, not just for the ability to have a child, but it also impacts the health of the man.” She cites as examples, “low sperm count, infertility, testicular cancer, and various general defects. One of them is undescended testicles, another one is a condition where the opening of the urethra is not where it should be…” [iii]

Endocrine Disruptors

Swan, today with the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York, believes the cause is to be found in the huge rise in toxic chemical exposures in recent decades, especially of chemicals known as “endocrine disruptors” or hormone disruptors.  She points to “chemicals that make plastics soft, which are phthalates, or chemicals that make plastics hard like Bisphenol A, or chemicals that are flame retardants, chemicals that are in Teflon, and so on, pesticides...” [iv]

The last, pesticides, is the group that should send loud alarm bells ringing because it is proven to get into groundwater and the human food chain. Today the two most widely used pesticides in the world are Bayer-Monsanto’s Roundup containing the probable carcinogen, glyphosate, and Azatrine made by Syngenta, which today is owned by ChemChina.

In 2010 a renowned University of California, Berkeley scientist, Tyrone B. Hayes, professor of integrative biology, led a major study of the effect of Atrazine exposure for frogs. He found that the pesticide, widely used on US corn crops and sugarcane, wreaks havoc with the sex lives of adult male frogs, emasculating three-quarters of them and turning one in 10 into females. He found ,“These male frogs are missing testosterone and all the things that testosterone controls, including sperm.” Moreover Hayes noted that the 10% of frogs exposed to Atrazine that “turn from males into females – something not known to occur under natural conditions in amphibians – can successfully mate with male frogs but, because these females are genetically male, all their offspring are male.” [v] Hayes declared, “I believe that the preponderance of the evidence shows atrazine to be a risk to wildlife and humans.”

Atrazine is a potent endocrine disruptor. Atrazine is also the second-most widely used herbicide in the US behind Monsanto’s glyphosate product, Roundup. Despite the evidence, in a controversial ruling the US Environmental Protection Agency, in 2007 ruled that “Atrazine does not adversely affect amphibian sexual development and that no additional testing was warranted.” End of story? Hardly. But in 2004 the EU banned Atrazine saying Syngenta failed to prove its safety in drinking water.

Another agrochemical that has been determined to be an endocrine disruptor is Monsanto’s Roundup with glyphosate. Roundup is the world’s most widely used pesticide, in over 140 countries including Russia and China. Its use on US GMO crops has exploded in recent years as almost 90% of US corn is GMO, and a similar percent of its soybeans. Between 1996 when GMO Monsanto corn and soybeans were authorized in the USA, and 2017, Americans’ exposure to the chemical grew 500 percent. It has been tested in drinking water, cereals in stores and in urine of pregnant women. [vi] Almost all meat and poultry is saturated with glyphosate from animal feed.

A recent study carried out in Australia by researchers at Flinders University found that Roundup killed the cells that produce progesterone in women, causing their levels to drop. Glyphosate and Roundup have been “linked to birth defects, reproductive problems and liver disease, and it has been shown to have the potential to harm the DNA of human umbilical cord, placental and embryonic cells.” [vii]

In 2015 scientists in Nigeria examined the effects of combined exposure to both glyphosate and Atrazine on rats. They found the combination was even worse with effects on sperm, testosterone synthesis and male reproductive organs.

In 2016 China’s state-owned chemicals giant, ChemChina, bought Syngenta for a colossal $43 billion. At the time ChemChina had distribution rights in China and other Asian countries for Monsanto Roundup as well. On the ChemChina website it lists Atrazine among the herbicides it sells, calling it a “safe and efficient herbicide for corn fields…” ChemChina is also the leading producer of glyphosate for the Chinese agriculture market. [viii]

Today China is facing, by its own admission, a major agriculture crisis and is also struggling with ways to insure food security. Reports are that an increased role for GMO crops with Chinese patents will be a central part of a new five year plan which would undoubtedly mean using glyphosate and Atrazine. At the same time the state is increasingly alarmed by the falling birth rate which has not improved despite relaxations on the One Child policy. With Chinese farmers using significant amounts of pesticide chemicals including glyphosate and Atrazine to improve yields,  they are pursuing a disastrous combination that will not only not solve the growing food crisis, but also may destroy the reproductive potential of a major portion of its 890 million  rural population, as well as countless millions of urban citizens. 

Are these dangerous endocrine disrupting agrochemicals allowed worldwide  because of bureaucratic ignorance of the damage caused by glyphosates, Atrazine and other endocrine disrupters on the human reproduction? Is it only because of corporate greed for hyper profits that they exist? A 1975 quote from Henry Kissinger, author of the eugenics document NSSM-200 during the Nixon-Ford era is instructive:  “Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries.” And from Bill Gates: “The world today has 6.8 billion people…that’s headed up to about 9 billion. If we do a really great job on vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 to 15 percent.” Or the grand old dog of eugenics, Prince Philip: “I must confess that I am tempted to ask for reincarnation as a particularly deadly virus.” ~ Prince Philip, in his Foreword to “If I Were an Animal” – United Kingdom, Robin Clark Ltd., 1986.

We are rapidly making the human species extinct as we continue to ignore dangers of these toxins to human and other life forms.


[i] Sustainable Pulse, How Our Modern World Is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male and Female Reproductive Development, and Imperiling the Future of the Human Race, February 26, 2021,

[ii] Shanna H. Swan et al,  Temporal trends in sperm count: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis,

25 July 2017,  Human Reproduction Update, Volume 23, Issue 6, November-December 2017, Pages 646–659,

[iv] Ibid.

[v] Robert Sanders, Pesticide atrazine can turn male frogs into females, March 1, 2010,

[vi] Isabelle Z., The dangers of glyphosate  the endocrine disrupting synthetic herbicide, 14 April, 2019,

[vii] Ibid.

[viii] ChemChina website,

Image: Unk Author: Unk License: CC0 public domain license Source:


Zie ook: 'Eugenetica en genetische manipulatie gaan hand in hand......

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'Schouten (ChristenUnie minister) weigert te voldoen aan advies van de Gezondheidsraad zo min mogelijk landbouwgif te spuiten ter bescherming van omwonenden'

'Carola Schouten (minister 'Christen'Unie) wil uiterst giftige bestrijdingsmiddelen nog langer toestaan'

'Ook zonder TTIP zwaar gif op je bord!! Ploumen (PvdA) heeft keihard gelogen over TTIP!! (en dat meer dan eens!)'

Mijn excuus voor de vormgeving, krijg het niet op orde.