Na WOII heeft men de term 'eugenetica' ingeruild voor 'genetica', daar de nazi's zoals bekend dik bezig waren met eugenitica en tja daar wilde men na WOII niet meer mee geconfronteerd worden....... Hoewel men de Duitse wetenschappers die zich met deze Frankenstein wetenschap bezig hielden na WOII naar de VS haalde..... (waar ze elke straf ontliepen voor hun gruwelijke werk, waar ze o.a. concentratiekampgevangenen voor gebruikten....)
William Engdahl, die een boek schreef over de materie, is dat de
oorsprong van het manipuleren van genetische eigenschappen van planten. De Rockefeller
Foundation was de eerste die dit financierde en propageerde. Engdahl stelt dat we er geen weet van hebben dat dergelijke
liefdadigheidsinstellingen, nu inclusief de 'Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation', plus de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO) en meerdere landen, met deze genetische manipulatie bezig zijn dan wel e.e.a. financieren.....
Engdahl bestaat er een plan om via voedsel de wereldbevolking te
reduceren. Lijkt me 'wat ver gezocht', echter als je ziet waar
bijvoorbeeld een land als de VS mee bezig is, zou het me niet
verbazen, de wellust van de werkelijke machthebbers kent totaal geen
grenzen meer......
het schrijven van Engdahl en oordeel zelf. Het gaat hier wel om het
promoten van een boek dat Engdahl schreef ' Seeds
of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation', onder het
schrijven van Engdahl vindt je een link naar een aantal pagina's uit
dat boek. Nogmaals, lees het schrijven van Engdahl en oordeel zelf:
Creation of an Arctic Doomsday Seed Vault - Bill Gates, Rockefeller
and the GMO giants know something we don’t
again dear reader,
this edition of my complimentary newsletter I want to share with you
something I actually wrote back in 2007 almost a decade ago. Before I
do so, I want to say a few words about how I came to the theme of
Genetic Manipulation of Organisms (GMO), a subject which has
commanded a significant part of my research now for more than a
2005 I was asked by the person who did the Croatian language
translation of my best-known work, A
Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics,
if I would be willing to research a new book on the dangers of GMO.
Croatia, the devastating decade of war over, was in the process of
membership into the European Union and many there rightly feared that
EU trade rules would open the natural food production of Croatia to
industrially-produced non-nutritious food and to GMO crops. There was
a big debate in Croatia at the time over the health and safety of GMO
translator, Nedjeljka Batinović, had founded a new, independent
publishing house with her partner, and convinced me to undertake the
project. The world premiere of my best-selling book, Seeds
of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation,
as a result, was in Zagreb in 2005, under the title, SJEME UNIŠTENJA.
What drove the book and my passion to uncover one of the most
incredible manipulations of the human food chain as well as the human
species, was my discovery that the origins of the entire manipulation
of traits of crop genes to alter their expression came from the
Rockefeller Foundation.

with only that one investigative lead, I embarked on one of the more
remarkable research efforts of my career. A hunch led me to look for
links between the Rockefeller family, their "philanthropic"
foundations, and eugenics, the fake 19th century religion of a master
race that argued humans should be bred like horses for desired traits
and undesired be killed off. To many my thesis seemed mad. Who after
all in their right mind would try to kill off normal people with
food? The book documented the shocking century-long obsession of the
family Rockefeller and other wealthy families with eugenics, renamed
by them as "genetics." The book that resulted, which has
since been published in 15 foreign languages, to date to my
knowledge, is the only book that documents the firm link between GMO
and eugenics. The following piece documents another face of that
eugenics agenda, namely the attempt by the Rockefellers, Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the World Health
Organization and various governments to impose drastic world
population reduction in the name of the "Good."
the safety and security of food for you and your family is important,
I urge you to buy my book, Seeds of Destruction and form your own
judgment about the risks of GMO.
a better reading experience I converted the text to a pfd-file which
You can find in the attachment of this mail. It's 16 pages in A4
you again for your interest,
William Engdahl
Important Book of this New Century" --
David Chu
ready to have your eyes opened, big-time." --
not put it down till I read it through." --
Blue Rabbit
you Mr. Engdahl for this well written book!" --
Lori "The Rogue Reader Mom"
Should Read This Book" --
is an absolute must read..." --
Eternal Howl
Stars" --
must read for anyone new to the GMO controversy" --
Rebecca Alden
informative, factual wild ride accounting that reads like a good spy
novel" --
highly recommend that everyone...give this book a read." --
Anne Mendenhall
If you are timid and faint of heart, do not read "SEEDS of
DESTRUCTION" by F. William Engdahl. Instead, go back to sleep,
and take comfort in being lied to by American corporations and U.S.
governmental agencies. After all, ignorance is bliss. Otherwise,
Justin Time
Hier de link naar pagina's van Engdahls
boek, waarin hij o.a. spreekt over de genetisch gemanipuleerde zaden van Monsanto en andere grote bedrijven, die maar één doel voor ogen hebben: de wereldvoedselproductie controleren en bedienen, niet alleen middels het genetisch manipuleren van planten, maar ook via het genetisch manipuleren van dieren......
Zie ook: 'Corruptie: Europese Commissie maakt gemene zaak met Monsanto over toestaan glyfosaat!' In dit bericht een aantal links over glyfosaat, Monsanto, enz.
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