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Albert Einstein:

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Posts tonen met het label Ron Paul. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Ron Paul. Alle posts tonen

donderdag 18 januari 2018

CIA en 70 jaar desinformatie in Europese opiniebladen............

Het Ron Paul Institute (for Peace and Prosperity) publiceerde afgelopen dinsdag een artikel van Philip Giraldi, waarin deze uitlegt hoe de CIA al 70 jaar lang de vinger in de internationale 'opinepap' houdt......

Als een geheime dienst 'fake news' verspreidt, noemt men dit 'desinformatie', wat in het geval van landen buiten de VS onder geheime acties valt. Geheime acties om de publieke opinie te beïnvloeden, of 'vijandige' regeringen te destabiliseren en uiteindelijk ten val te brengen (neem Venezuela, Honduras, Libie, Syrië en Oekraïne)

Lees dit uitgebreide artikel over de smerige acties die de VS en dan m.n. haar geheime diensten speelden en spelen in onze wereld....... Russiagate is gebleken een FBI/Clinton leugen te zijn geweest, terwijl de CIA, FBI en Clinton aangaven dat Rusland de boel had gemanipuleerd en gehackt, precies zoals de CIA dat al 70 jaar lang doet*, samen met economische oorlogsvoering, beproefde VS methoden om haar macht te vestigen of te verstevigen.......

Als je de ongebreidelde agressie van de VS ziet de laatste 70 jaar, waarbij 'maar liefst' meer dan 22 miljoen mensen werden vermoord**, snap je werkelijk niet waarom men in het westen en dan m.n politici, de reguliere media en de financiële maffia, nog steeds achter deze grootste terreurentiteit op aarde aanlopen........

Lees het zoveelste ontluisterden artikel (met een aantal nieuwe feiten) over terreurorganisatie CIA:

70 Years of Disinformation: How the CIA Funded Opinion Magazines in Europe


written by philip giraldi tuesday january 16, 2018

When an intelligence agency arranges to disseminated fake news it is called “disinformation” and it is a subset of what is referred to as covert action, basically secret operations run in a foreign country to influence opinion or to disrupt the functioning of a government or group that is considered to be hostile.

During the Cold War, disinformation operations were run by many of the leading players in both the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and in the opposition Warsaw Pact. Sometimes the activity and the sponsorship were clearly visible, as when Radio Free Europe and Radio Moscow would exchange barbs about just how bad daily life was in the opposition alliance. Sometimes, however, it took the form of clandestinely placing stories in the media that were clearly untrue but designed to shift public perceptions of what was taking place in the world. The Vietnam War provided a perfect proxy playing field, with stories emanating from the US government and its supporters presenting a narrative of a fight for democracy against totalitarianism while the Communist bloc promoted a contrary tale of colonial and capitalist oppression of a people striving to be free.

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) inherited the mantle of covert action operations as a legacy from its OSS predecessor, which had had considerable success in conducting disinformation operations during World War 2. But there was from the start considerable opposition to continuing such programs as they were both expensive and subject to devastating blowback when they were identified and exposed. In Western Europe, powerful domestic communist parties were quick to publicize US intelligence missteps, but nevertheless the ability to manipulate the news and information media to place stories critical of the Soviets and their allies led to major programs that funded magazines and books while also seeking to acquire a cadre of journalists that would produce pieces on demand proved too tempting to ignore.

There has been considerable ex post facto examination of the CIA’s use of covert funding mechanisms including the Congress of Cultural Freedom to fund writers and magazines in Europe, the best known of which were The Paris Review and Encounter out of London. As there was a low intensity war going on against communism, a conflict which many patriotic writers supported, funding magazines and finding contributors to write appropriate material was relatively easy and hardly challenged. Some senior editors knew or strongly suspected where their funding was coming from while some did not, but most didn’t ask any questions because then as now patrons of literary magazines were in short supply. Many of the writers were in the dark about the funding, but wrote what they did because of their own personal political convictions. The CIA, seeking value for money, would urge certain editorial lines but was not always very aggressive in doing so as it sought to allow the process to play out without too much interference.

Opinion magazines were one thing, but penetrating the newspaper world was quite a different story. It was easy to find a low or mid-level journalist and pay him to write certain pieces, but the pathway to actual publication was and is more complicated than that, going as it does through several editorial levels before appearing in print. A recent book cites the belief that CIA had “an agent at a newspaper in every world capital at least since 1977” who could be directed to post or kill stories. While it is true that US Embassies and intelligence services had considerable ability to place stories in capitals in Latin America and parts of Asia, the record in Europe, where I worked, was somewhat mixed. I knew of only one senior editor of a major European newspaper who was considered to be an Agency resource, and even he could not place fake news as he was answerable both to his editorial board and the conglomerate that owned the paper. He also refused to take a salary from CIA, which meant that his cooperation was voluntary and he could not be directed.

CIA did indeed have a considerable number of journalist “assets” in Europe but they were generally stringers or mid-level and had only limited capability to actually shape the news. They frequently wrote for publications that had little or no impact. Indeed, one might reasonably ask whether the support of literary magazines in the fifties and sixties which morphed into more direct operations seeking journalist agents had any significant impact at all in geopolitical terms or on the Cold War itself.

More insidious was so-called Operation Mockingbird, which began in the early 1950s and which more-or-less openly obtained the cooperation of major American publications and news outlets to help fight communist “subversion.” The activity was exposed by Seymour Hersh in 1975 and was further described by the Church Commission in 1976, after which point CIA operations to influence opinion in the United States became illegal and the use of American journalists as agents was also generally prohibited. It was also learned that the Agency had been working outside its founding charter to infiltrate student groups and antiwar organizations under Operation Chaos, run by the CIA’s controversial if not completely crazy counterintelligence 
Czar James Jesus Angleton.

As the wheel of government frequently ends up turning full circle, we appear to be back in the age of disinformation, where the national security agencies of the US government, including CIA, are now suspected of peddling stories that are intended to influence opinion in the United States and produce a political response. 
The Steele Dossier on Donald Trump is a perfect example, a report that surfaced through a deliberate series of actions by then CIA Director John Brennan, and which was filled with unverifiable innuendo intended to destroy the president-elect’s reputation before he took office. It is undeniably a positive development for all Americans who care about good governance that Congress is now intending to investigate the dossier to determine who ordered it, paid for it, and what it was intended to achieve.

Reprinted with permission from the American Herald Tribune.


*  Uiteraard voor het digitale tijdperk niet middels hacken, zoals je begrijpt, maar o.a. met 'false flag' operaties, of zoals in het besproken artikel middels het beïnvloeden van de media, om zo onrust en en uiteindelijk opstanden te creëren, die moeten leiden tot een staatsgreep, waar de VS wat betreft de opstanden en staatsgrepen, niet schroomt om de regie op zich te nemen (CIA).......

** Zie: 'VS buitenlandbeleid sinds WOII: een lange lijst van staatsgrepen en oorlogen..........'

Zie ook: ''VS 'ministerie van propaganda' had supervisie over meer dan 800 films en minstens duizend tv series........'

'Iran: moderne oorlogspropaganda ingezet door VS tegen 'ongehoorzaam land...'

'VS en GB brengen propaganda die moet verdoezelen wat er echt gebeurt in Syrië........ Door VS gebombardeerde 'gifgasfabriek' niet bestaand....'

'CIA 70 jaar: 70 jaar moorden, martelen, coups plegen, nazi's beschermen, media manipulatie enz. enz.........'

'Russiagate, of: hoe de media u belazeren met verhalen over Russische bemoeienis met de VS presidentsverkiezingen........

'Publicly Available Evidence Doesn’t Support Russian Gov Hacking of 2016 Election'

'CIA chef Pompeo waarschuwt voor complot van WikiLeaks om de VS op alle mogelijke manieren neer te halen....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

''Russiagate' een verhaal van a t/m z westers 'fake news.....''

'FBI, de spin in het Russiagate web........'

'CIA deed zich voor als het Russische Kaspersky Lab, aldus Wikileaks Vault 8.....' (zie ook de andere links onder dat bericht)

'RT America één van de eerste slachtoffers in een heksenjacht op westerse alternatieve media en nadenkend links......'

'Rusland heeft niets van doen met manipulaties van de VS presidentsverkiezingen via Facebook, wel maakt Facebook meer kapot dan je lief is.......'

'De Russiagate samenzweringstheorie dient de machthebbers.........'

'False flag terror' bestaat wel degelijk: bekentenissen en feiten over heel smerige zaken..........

'Massamedia VS vergeven van CIA 'veteranen', alsof die media nog niet genoeg 'fake news' ofwel leugens brengen........'

'Bang voor Amerika'

vrijdag 14 juli 2017

Janet Yellen voorspelt crisis door tegenovergestelde te beweren!!! Een truc die al eerder misliep!

Alweer een verrassend artikel van Republikein Ron Paul. Dit keer neemt hij Janet Yellen de maat.

Yellen kondigde een paar dagen geleden aan dat de VS (en daarmee de rest van het westen) een lange tijd van voorspoed tegemoet kan zien en dat een crisis zoals die in 2008 zich niet meer kan herhalen........ ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Dit terwijl de VS in feite al lang failliet had moeten gaan, de geldpersen maken overuren en de staatsschuld is al bijna niet meer in cijfers uit te drukken.........

Paul stelt dan ook dat de geruststellende woorden van Yellen in feite een waarschuwing voor een komenden (enorme) crisis zijn........

Ook de banken hebben niets geleerd van de crisis, al moet ik zeggen, dat ze dit ook niet wilden. Obama heeft praktisch niets ondernomen om een crisis als in 2008 in de toekomst te voorkomen, precies als de voorganger van Yellen, grootoplichter Greenspan daar niets tegen heeft ondernomen........Ja men voerde wat schoonheidsregels door, die het volk in comateuze slaap moesten brengen (en dat is aardig gelukt!)...........

Ach, lees liever het volgende artikel van Paul, o.a. gepubliceerd op Anti-Media, een gedegen analyse van de stand van financiële VS zaken:

Ron Paul: Janet Yellen is a False Prophet of Prosperity

July 13, 2017 at 9:29 am
Written by Ron Paul
(RPIFederal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen recently predicted that, thanks to the regulations implemented after the 2008 market meltdown, America would not experience another economic crisis “in our lifetimes.” Yellen’s statement should send shivers down our spines, as there are few more reliable signals of an impending recession, or worse, than when so-called “experts” proclaim that we are in an era of unending prosperity.

For instance, in the years leading up to the 2008 market meltdown, then-Fed Chair Ben Bernanke repeatedly denied the existence of a housing bubble. In February 2007, Bernanke not only denied that “sluggishness” in the housing market would affect the general economy, but predicted that the economy would expand in 2007 and 2008. Of course, instead of years of economic growth, 2007 and 2008 were marked by a market meltdown whose effects are still being felt.

Yellen’s happy talk ignores a number of signs that the economy is on the verge of another crisis. In recent months, the US has experienced a decline in economic growth and the value of the dollar. The only economic statistic showing a positive trend is the unemployment rate — and that is only because the official unemployment rate does not count those who have given up looking for work. The real unemployment rate is at least 50 percent higher than the manipulated “official” rate.

A recent Treasury Department report’s called for rolling back of bank regulations could further
destabilize the economy. This seems counterintuitive, as rolling back regulations usually contributes to economic growth. However, rolling back bank regulations without ending subsidies like deposit insurance that create a moral hazard that incentivizes banks to engage in risky business practices could cause banks to resume the unsound lending practices that were a major contributor to the growth, and collapse, of the housing bubble.

The US economy is already faced with several bubbles that could implode at any time. These include bubbles in student loans and automobiles sales, and even another housing bubble. The most dangerous of these bubbles is the government bubble caused by excessive spending. According to a 2016 study by the Mercatus Center, at least four states could soon join Puerto Rico and Illinois in facing bankruptcy.

Of course, the mother of all government bubbles is the federal spending bubble. Despite claims of both defenders and critics of the president’s budget, neither President Trump nor the Republican Congress have any plans for, or interest in, reducing spending in any area. Even the so-called cuts in Medicare and other entitlement programs that have generated such hysterics are not real cuts, but “reductions in the rate of growth.”

Some fiscal conservatives are praising the administration’s proposal to finance transportation spending via government bonds. However, the people will eventually have to pay for these bonds either directly through income taxes or indirectly through the inflation tax. Government-issued bonds harm the economy by diverting investment capital away from the private sector to the “mixed economy” controlled by politicians, bureaucrats, and crony capitalists.

If Congress continues to increase spending and the Federal Reserve continues to facilitate that spending by monetizing the debt, Americans will face an economic crisis more severe than the Great Depression. The crisis will likely result from a rejection of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Those of us who know the truth must redouble our efforts to ensure a peaceful transition away from the Keynesian system of welfare, warfare, and fiat currency to a society of peace, prosperity, and liberty.

dinsdag 13 juni 2017

Ron Paul (republikein, Tea Party) pissig over VS aanvallen op reguliere Syrische leger dat IS bestrijdt.......

Ron Paul is een rechtse hufter van formaat, maar zo nu en dan kan deze zakkenwasser met uiterst steekhoudende argumenten, smerige zaken aan de kaak stellen, zaken die op z'n zachtst gezegd niet veel steun van zijn Republikeinse partij krijgen.

Lees wat Paul schrijft over de oorlog in Syrië. Oké, e.e.a. was al bekend, echter het is meegenomen, als zelfs een rechtse houwdegen, als Paul, die NB aan de wieg van de Tea Party stond, zaken bevestigt. Al moet gezegd worden dat hij een verkeerde kijk heeft op een aantal zaken, zoals de reden waarom de VS illegaal in Syrië aanwezig is: het afzetten van Assad en zijn regering...........

Verder maakt Paul geen woorden vuil aan hoe en wie 'de opstand' in Syrië heeft gecreëerd (met hulp van vooral veel buitenlandse agitators, zoals die uit Saoedi--Arabië en door de VS aangevoerde terroristen uit o.a. Libië) in Syrië heeft gecreëerd. De VS is daarvoor aan te merken als hoofdverantwoordelijke, al in 2006 was deze terreurentiteit bezig met voorbereidingen van een opstand, die moest uitmonden in een staatsgreep tegen Assad...... Assad weigerde pijpleidingen voor gas en olie over zijn grondgebied richting Europa toe te staan, tja dan ga je op heel veel tenen staan....

Bovendien was en is Syrië al decennialang een bondgenoot van de Russen en de Iraniërs, daarmee haal je je de woede van de VS op de hals, de VS dat denkt de wereld te regeren ......

Hier een pleidooi van Paul tegen VS bemoeienis in Syrië, gisteren o.a. gepubliceerd op Anti-Media:

Why Are We Attacking the Syrians Who Are Fighting ISIS?

June 12, 2017 at 6:55 am
Written by Ron Paul
The Ron Paul Institute

(RPIJust when you thought our Syria policy could not get any worse, last week it did. The US military twice attacked Syrian government forces from a military base it illegally occupies inside Syria. According to the Pentagon, the attacks on Syrian government-backed forces were “defensive” because the Syrian fighters were approaching a US self-declared “de-confliction” zone inside Syria. The Syrian forces were pursuing ISIS in the area, but the US attacked anyway.

The US is training yet another rebel group fighting from that base, located near the border of Iraq at al-Tanf, and it claims that Syrian government forces pose a threat to the US military presence there. But the Pentagon has forgotten one thing: it has no authority to be in Syria in the first place! Neither the US Congress nor the UN Security Council has authorized a US military presence inside Syria.

So what gives the Trump Administration the right to set up military bases on foreign soil without the permission of that government? Why are we violating the sovereignty of Syria and attacking its military as they are fighting ISIS? Why does Washington claim that its primary mission in Syria is to defeat ISIS while taking military actions that benefit ISIS?

The Pentagon issued a statement saying its presence in Syria is necessary because the Syrian government is not strong enough to defeat ISIS on its own. But the “de-escalation zones” agreed upon by the Syrians, Russians, Iranians, and Turks have led to a reduction in fighting and a possible end to the six-year war. Even if true that the Syrian military is weakened, its weakness is due to six years of US-sponsored rebels fighting to overthrow it!

What is this really all about? Why does the US military occupy this base inside Syria? It’s partly about preventing the Syrians and Iraqis from working together to fight ISIS, but I think it’s mostly about Iran. If the Syrians and Iraqis join up to fight ISIS with the help of Iranian-allied Shia militia, the US believes it will strengthen Iran’s hand in the region. President Trump has recently returned from a trip to Saudi Arabia where he swore he would not allow that to happen.

But is this policy really in our interest, or are we just doing the bidding of our Middle East “allies,” who seem desperate for war with Iran? Saudi Arabia exports its radical form of Islam worldwide, including recently into moderate Asian Muslim countries like Indonesia. Iran does not. That is not to say that Iran is perfect, but does it make any sense to jump into the Sunni/Shia conflict on either side? The Syrians, along with their Russian and Iranian allies, are defeating ISIS and al-Qaeda. As candidate Trump said, what’s so bad about that?

We were told that if the Syrian government was allowed to liberate Aleppo from al-Qaeda, Assad would kill thousands who were trapped there. But the opposite has happened: life is returning to normal in Aleppo. The Christian minority there celebrated Easter for the first time in several years. They are rebuilding. Can’t we finally just leave the Syrians alone?

When you get to the point where your actions are actually helping ISIS, whether intended or not, perhaps it’s time to stop. It’s past time for the US to abandon its dangerous and counterproductive Syria policy and just bring the troops home.

By Ron Paul / Republished with permission / RPI / Report a typo

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