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Posts tonen met het label Tony Blair. Alle posts tonen

dinsdag 4 augustus 2020

Labourpolitici in oorlog met elkaar: de antisemitisme leugen tegen Jeremy Corbyn die hem de verkiezingen kostte

Nog steeds ongelofelijk dat de Labour top liever de verkiezingen in Groot-Brittannië verloor dan Corbyn deze te laten winnen. De smeercampagne van een aantal Labourleden tegen Corbyn en zijn zogenaamde antisemitisme, kostte hem vorig jaar de Britse verkiezingen, een campagne gesteund door het Britse leger, de pro-Israëlische lobby en de reguliere (massa-) media, inclusief de zogenaamde onafhankelijke BBC......

De nieuwe voorzitter van Labour, Keir Starmer, heeft van meet af aan alle pogingen om Corbyn alsnog te rehabiliteren gesaboteerd en heeft rapporten laten verdwijnen die e.e.a. aantoonden....... De zogenaamde klokkenluiders, prominente Labour politici die de partij zouden hebben verlaten vanwege het antisemitische gehalte, wordt nog steeds de hand boven het hoofd gehouden, ook al konden zij totaal geen bewijs geven voor Corbyns antisemitisme, anders dan kritiek van Corbyn op de bloedige terreur van Israël tegen de Palestijnen als antisemitisch af te doen........ 

Alsof het antisemitisch is als je een land aanklaagt voor het vervolgen van een minderheid, zoals de Joden werden vervolgd door nazi-Duitsland..... Corbyn was juist een anti-fascist en heeft meermaals de holocaust als een beestachtige massamoord neergezet......(hij was zelfs bevriend met Hajo Meijer, een Joodse concentratiekamp overlevende, die jarenlang bestuurslid was van Een Ander Joods Geluid......)

Keir Starmer - Wikipedia 
De psychopathische neoliberale opperschoft Keir Starmer

De holocaust is geen excuus voor de slachtoffers om andere volkeren te vervolgen, hen hun land af te nemen en middels bruut geweld en massamoord te verjagen, gevolgd door het afknijpen van het Palestijnse volk door Israël met: -moord op vooral ongewapende Palestijnse burgers en hun kinderen, -het onleefbaar maken van hun overgebleven woongebieden door het creëren van een groot watertekort en een zelfde tekort aan elektriciteit, -deze gebieden onbereikbaar maken voor boeren en -de continue vernedering van deze mensen bij de Israëlische blokkades op de West Bank...... Om over de vreselijke situatie in de openluchtgevangenis Gazastrook nog maar te zwijgen..... Oh en dan vergeet ik nog het vernietigen van ontwikkelingsprojecten voor de Palestijnen door Israël, projecten bekostigd door de EU en haar lidstaten (zoals Nederland..).....

Lees het volgende artikel dat ik overnam van Information Clearing House, waarin uitgebreid wordt aangetoond dat Corbyn en leden van zijn team op een schunnige manier zijn gedemoniseerd, zonder enige bewijsvoering.... Het ging veel te goed met Corbyn en men wilde koste wat kost voorkomen dat Labour een meer sociaal karakter zou krijgen..... Het is nu zelfs zover dat Starmer, de opvolger van Corbyn, echte antisemieten in zijn team heeft aangesteld...... Fascisten als Rachel Reeves die Nancy Astor prees in een Twitterbericht, Astor was een bewonderaar van Hitler en daarmee een bekende antisemitische fascist, Reeves weigerde botweg de 'tweet' te verwijderen...... Ongelofelijk dat de reguliere westerse media (ook in Nederland) die zo op de antisemitische trom roffelden als het over Corbyn ging, er in dit overduidelijke geval van antisemitisme totaal het zwijgen toe doen......

UK Labour party teeters on brink of civil war over antisemitism

New leader Keir Starmer spurns two chances to clear Jeremy Corbyn’s name, preferring instead to pay damages to former staff
By Jonathan Cook
July 31, 2020 "Information Clearing House" - Jeremy Corbyn, the former left-wing leader of Britain’s Labour party, is once again making headlines over an “antisemitism problem” he supposedly oversaw during his five years at the head of the party.

This time, however, the assault on his reputation is being led not by the usual suspects – pro-Israel lobbyists and a billionaire-owned media – but by Keir Starmer, the man who succeeded him. 

Since becoming Labour leader in April, Starmer has helped to bolster the evidence-free narrative of a party plagued by antisemitism under Corbyn. That has included Starmer’s refusal to exploit two major opportunities to challenge that narrative. 

Had those chances been grasped, Labour might have been able to demonstrate that Corbyn was the victim of an underhand campaign to prevent him from reaching power. 

Starmer, had he chosen to, could have shown that Corbyn’s long history as an anti-racism campaigner was twisted to discredit him. His decades of vocal support for Palestinian rights were publicly recast as a supposed irrational hatred of Israel based on an antipathy to Jews.

But instead Starmer chose to sacrifice his predecessor rather than risk being tarred with the same brush. 

As a result, Labour now appears to be on the brink of open war. Competing rumors suggest Corbyn may be preparing to battle former staff through the courts, while Starmer may exile his predecessor from the party.

Rocketing membership

Corbyn’s troubles were inevitable the moment the mass membership elected him Labour leader in 2015 in defiance of the party bureaucracy and most Labour MPs. Corbyn was determined to revive the party as a vehicle for democratic socialism and end Britain’s role meddling overseas as a junior partner to the global hegemon of the United States. 

That required breaking with Labour’s capture decades earlier, under Tony Blair, as a party of neoliberal orthodoxy at home and neoconservative orthodoxy abroad. 

Until Corbyn arrived on the scene, Labour had become effectively a second party of capital alongside Britain’s ruling Conservative party, replicating the situation in the US with the Democratic and Republican parties.

His attempts to push the party back towards democratic socialism attracted hundreds of thousands of new members, quickly making Labour the largest party in Europe. But it also ensured a wide-ranging alliance of establishment interests was arrayed against him, including the British military, the corporate media, and the pro-Israel lobby.

Politicized investigation

Unlike Corbyn, Starmer has not previously shown any inclination to take on the might of the establishment. In fact, he had previously proven himself its willing servant. 

As head of Britain’s prosecution service in 2013, for example, his department issued thinly veiled threats to Sweden to continue its legal pursuit of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, who had sought political asylum in London’s Ecuadorean embassy, even as Swedish interest in the case waned.

With his background in realpolitik, Starmer appears to have grasped quickly the danger of being seen to share any common ground with Corbyn – not only should he pursue significant elements of his predecessor’s program, but by challenging the carefully crafted establishment narrative around Corbyn. 

For this reason, he has refused to seize either of the two chances presented to him to demonstrate that Labour had no more of an antisemitism problem than the relatively marginal one that exists more generally in British society.

That failure is likely to prove all the more significant given that in a matter of weeks Labour is expected to face the findings of an investigation by the UK’s Equality and Human Rights Commission.

The highly politicized watchdog body, which took on the probe into Labour while refusing to investigate plentiful evidence of an Islamophobia problem in the Conservative party, is expected to shore up the Corbyn-antisemitism narrative.

Labour has said it will readily accept the Commission’s findings, whatever they are. The watchdog body is likely to echo the prevailing narrative that Corbyn attracted left-wingers to the party who were ideologically tainted with antisemitism masquerading as anti-Zionism. As a result, or so the argument goes, Jew hatred flourished on his watch. 

Starmer has already declared “zero tolerance” of antisemitism, but he has appeared willing – in line with pro-Israel lobbyists in his party – to conflate Jew hatred with trenchant criticism of Israel.

The barely veiled intention is to drive Corbynite members out of Labour – either actively through suspensions or passively as their growing disillusionment leads to a mass exodus.

By distancing himself from his predecessor, Starmer knows no dirt will stick to him even as the Equality Commission drags Corbyn’s name through the mud.

Sabotaged from within

Starmer rejected the first chance to salvage the reputations of Corbyn and the wider Labour membership days after he became leader.

In mid-April, an 850-page internal party report was leaked, stuffed with the text of lengthy email exchanges and WhatsApp chats by senior party staff. They showed that, as had long been suspected, Corbyn’s own officials worked hard to sabotage his leadership from within.

Staff at headquarters still loyal to the Blair vision of the party even went so far as to actively throw the 2017 general election, when Labour was a hair’s-breadth away from ousting the Conservatives from government. These officials hoped a crushing defeat would lead to Corbyn’s removal from office. 

The report described a “hyper-factional atmosphere”, with officials, including then-deputy leader Tom Watson, regularly referring to Corbyn and his supporters as “Trots” – a reference to Leon Trotsky, one of the leaders of a violent Communist revolution in Russia more than a century ago.

Corbynites were thrown out of the party on the flimsiest pretexts, such as describing those like Blair who led the 2003 attack on Iraq as “warmongers”.

But one early, favored tactic by staff in the disciplinary unit was to publicize antisemitism cases and then drag out their resolution to create the impression that the party under Corbyn was not taking the issue seriously. 

These officials also loosened the definition of antisemitism to pursue cases against Corbyn’s supporters who, like him, were vocal in defending Palestinian rights or critical of Israeli policies. 

This led to the preposterous situation where Labour was suspending and expelling anti-Zionist Jews who supported Corbyn on the grounds that they were supposedly antisemites, while action was delayed on dealing with a Holocaust denier.

The narrative against Corbyn being crafted by his own officials was eagerly picked up and amplified by the strong contingent of Blairites among Labour legislators in the parliament, as well as by the corporate media and by Israel lobbyists both inside and outside Labour.

Effort to bury report

The parties responsible for leaking the report in April did so because Labour, now led by Starmer, had no intention of publicizing it. 

In fact, the report had been originally compiled as part of Labour’s submission to the Equality and Human Rights Commission, effectively giving Corbyn’s side of the story against his opponents. 

But once Corbyn stepped down, the party bureaucracy under Starmer preferred to shelve it. That decision meant there would be no case for the defense, and Corbyn’s opponents’ claims would go unchallenged.

Once leaked, Starmer stuck to his position. Rather than use the report as an opportunity to expose the ugly campaign against Corbyn and thereby question the antisemitism narrative, Starmer did his level best to bury it from sight. 

He vowed to investigate “the circumstances in which the report was put into the public domain”. That sounded ominously like a threat to hound those who had tried to bring to light the party’s betrayal of its previous leader.

Rather than accept the evidence presented in the leaked report of internal corruption and the misuse of party funds, Starmer set up an inquiry under QC Martin Forde to investigate the earlier investigation.

The Forde inquiry looked like Starmer’s effort to kick the damaging revelations into the long grass. 

The British media gave the leaked report – despite its earth-shattering revelations of Labour officials sabotaging an election campaign – little more than perfunctory coverage.

Labour ‘whistleblowers’

A second, related chance to challenge the Corbyn-antisemitism narrative reached its conclusion last week. And again, Starmer threw in Labour’s hand. 

In July last year – long before the report had been leaked – the BBC’s prestige news investigation show Panorama set out to answer a question it posed in the episode’s title: “Is Labour Antisemitic?

John Ware, a reporter openly hostile to Corbyn and well-known for supporting Israel and his antipathy towards Muslims, was chosen to front the investigation.

The program presented eight former staff as “whistleblowers”, their testimonies supposedly exposing Corbyn’s indulgence of antisemitism. They included those who would soon be revealed in the leaked report as intractable ideological enemies of the Corbyn project and others who oversaw the dysfunctional complaints process that dragged its heels on resolving antisemitism cases.

The Panorama program was dismal even by the low standards of political reporting set by the BBC in the Corbyn era.

The show made much of the testimony of pro-Israel lobbyists inside the Labour party belonging to a group called the Jewish Labour Movement (JLM). They were not identified – either by name or by affiliation – despite being given the freedom to make anecdotal and unspecified claims of antisemitism against Corbyn and his supporters.

The BBC’s decision not to name these participants had nothing to do with protecting their identities, even though that was doubtless the impression conveyed to the audience. 

Most were already known as Israel partisans because they had been exposed in a 2017 four-part al-Jazeera undercover documentary called The Lobby. They were filmed colluding with an Israeli embassy official, Shai Masot, to bring down Corbyn. The BBC did not identify these pro-Israel activists presumably because they had zero credibility as witnesses.

One-sided coverage

Nonetheless, a seemingly stronger case – at least, at the time – was made by the eight former Labour staff. Their testimonies to the BBC suggested they had been hampered and bullied by Corbyn’s team as they tried to stamp out antisemitism.

Panorama allowed these claims to go unchallenged, even though with a little digging it could have tapped sources inside Labour who were already compiling what would become the leaked report, presenting a very different view of these self-styled “whistleblowers”.

The BBC also failed to talk to Jewish Voice for Labour (JVL), a group of Labour party members supportive of Corbyn who challenged the way the Jewish Labour Movement had manipulated the definition of antisemitism in the party to harm Palestinian solidarity activists.

And the BBC did not call as counter-witnesses any of the anti-Zionist Jews who were among the earliest victims of the purge of supposed antisemites by Labour’s apparent “whistleblowers”.

Instead, it selectively quoted from an email by Seumas Milne, Corbyn’s chief adviser, to suggest that he had interfered in the disciplinary process to help antisemites avoid suspension. 

Proper context from the BBC would have revealed that Milne had simply expressed concern at how the rule book was being interpreted when several Jews had been suspended for antisemitism – and that he had proffered his view only because a staff member now claiming to be a whistleblower had asked for it.

This section of the Panorama show looked suspiciously like entrapment of Milne by Labour staff, followed by collusion from the BBC in promoting their false narrative.

Flawed reporting

Despite these and many other serious flaws in the Panorama episode, it set the tone for subsequent discussion of the “antisemitism problem” in Labour.

The program aired a few months before a general election, last December, that Corbyn lost to Boris Johnson and the ruling Conservative party. 

One of the key damaging, “gotcha” moments of the campaign was an interview with the veteran BBC interviewer Andrew Neil in which he repeatedly asked Corbyn to apologize for antisemitism in the party, as had been supposedly exposed by Panorama. Corbyn’s refusal to respond directly to the question left him looking evasive and guilty.

With the rest of the media amplifying the Panorama claims rather than testing them, it has become the accepted benchmark for judging the Corbyn era. The show has even been nominated for a Bafta award, the British equivalent to an Oscar.

Shortly after the program aired, Corbyn’s team disputed the Panorama narrative, saying it had contained “deliberate and malicious misrepresentations designed to mislead the public”. They also described the “whistleblowers” as disaffected former staff with “political axes to grind”.

Ware and seven of the former staff members who appeared in the program launched a defamation action against the Labour party.

After the internal report was leaked in April, the legal scales tipped decisively in Labour’s favor. Starmer was reportedly advised by lawyers that the party would be well-positioned to defeat the legal action and clear Corbyn and the party’s name.

But again Starmer preferred to fold. Before the case could be tested in court, Starmer issued an apology last week to the ex-staff members and Ware, and paid them a six-figure sum in damages.

Admitting that “antisemitism has been a stain on the Labour Party in recent years”, the statement accepted the claims of the ex-staff to be “whistleblowers”, even capitalizing the word to aggrandize their status.

It said: “We acknowledge the many years of dedicated and committed service that the Whistleblowers have given to the Labour Party … We unreservedly withdraw all allegations of bad faith, malice and lying.”

Threat of bankruptcy

With typical understatement, Corbyn said he was “disappointed” at the settlement, calling it a “political decision, not a legal one”. He added that it “risks giving credibility to misleading and inaccurate allegations about action taken to tackle antisemitism in the Labour party in recent years.”

Starmer’s decision also preempted – and effectively nullified – the Forde inquiry, which was due to submit its own findings on antisemitism in Labour later in the year.

Many in the party were infuriated that their membership dues had been used to pay off a group of ex-staff who, according to the leaked report, had undermined the party’s elected leader and helped to throw a general election. 

But in what looked disturbingly like a move to silence Corbyn, Ware said he was consulting lawyers once again about launching a legal battle, personally against the former Labour leader, over his criticism of the settlement.

Mark Lewis, the solicitor acting for Ware and the whistleblowers, has said he is also preparing an action for damages against Labour on behalf of 32 individuals named in the leaked report. Among them is Lord Iain McNichol, who served as the party’s general secretary at the time.

Lewis reportedly intends to focus on staff privacy breaches under the Data Protection Act, disclosure of private information and alleged violations of employment law.
Conversely, Mark Howell, a Labour party member, has initiated an action against Labour and McNichol seeking damages for “breach of contract”. He demands that those named in the leaked report be expelled from the party.

He is also reported to be considering referring named staff members to the Crown Prosecution Service under the 2006 Fraud Act for their failure to uphold the interests of party members who paid staff salaries.

This spate of cases threatens to hemorrhage money from the party. There have been warnings that financial settlements, as well as members deserting the party in droves, could ultimately bankrupt Labour.

Corbyn to be expelled?

Within days of the apology, a crowdfunding campaign raised more than £280,000 for Corbyn to clear his name in any future legal actions.

Given his own self-serving strategy, Starmer would doubtless be embarrassed by such a move. There are already rumors that he is considering withdrawing the party whip from Corbyn – a form of exile from the party.

Pressure on him to do so is mounting. At the weekend it was reported that ex-staff might drop the threatened case over the embarrassing revelations contained in the leaked report should Starmer expel Corbyn.

Quoting someone it described as a “well-placed source”, the Mail on Sunday newspaper set out the new stakes. “Labour says they have zero tolerance to anti-Semitism. Zero tolerance means no Corbyn and no Corbynistas,” the source said.

There are already reports of what amounts to a purge of left-wing members from Labour.
Starmer has committed to upholding “10 Pledges” produced by the Board of Deputies – a conservative Jewish leadership organization hostile to Corbyn and the left – that places it and the pro-Israel lobbyists of the Jewish Labour Movement in charge of deciding what constitutes antisemitism in the party.

Selective concern

Starmer’s decision about who can serve in his shadow cabinet is a reminder that the storm over Corbyn was never about real antisemitism – the kind that targets Jews for being Jews. 
It was a pretext to be rid of the Corbyn project and democratic socialism. 

Starmer quickly pushed out the last two prominent Corbynites in his shadow cabinet – both on matters related to criticism of Israel.

By contrast, he has happily indulged the kind of antisemitism that harms Jews as long as it comes from members of his shadow cabinet who are not associated with Corbyn.

Starmer picked Rachel Reeves for his team, even though earlier this year she tweeted a tribute to Nancy Astor, a supporter of Hitler and notorious antisemite. Reeves has refused to delete the tweet.

And Steve Reed is still the shadow communities secretary, even though this month he referred to a Jewish newspaper tycoon, Richard Desmond, as a “puppet master” – the very definition of an antisemitic trope.

Starmer’s “zero tolerance” appears to be highly selective – more concerned about harsh criticism of a state, Israel, than the othering of Jews. Tellingly, Starmer has been under no serious pressure from the Jewish Labour Movement, or from the media or from Jewish leadership organizations such as the Board of Deputies to take any action against either Reeves or Reed. 

He has moved swiftly against leftists in his party who criticize Israel but has shrugged his shoulders at supposed “moderates” who, it could be argued, have encouraged or glorified hatred and suspicion of Jews.

But then the antisemitism furor was never about safeguarding Jews. It was about creating a cover story as the establishment protected itself from democratic socialism.

Jonathan Cook won the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism. His books include “Israel and the Clash of Civilisations: Iraq, Iran and the Plan to Remake the Middle East” (Pluto Press) and “Disappearing Palestine: Israel’s Experiments in Human Despair” (Zed Books). His website is (vreemd genoeg kom je door klikken uit op de site van Middle East Online >> MEO, door daar eerst op de 'knop' home te klikken en daarna op de volgende pagina zijn naam op het zoekvlak in te voeren, krijg je artikeln van Cook te zien, echter niet het bovenstaande artikel, hier de directe link naar de site van Jonathan Cook, waar je dit artikel wel kan vinden)

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maandag 13 juli 2020

Prins Andrews nicht zegt dat Ghislaine Maxwell (rechterhand van kindermisbruiker Epstein) videobeelden van de prins heeft

De rechterhand van Jeffrey Epstein, die zich zogenaamd het leven benam, is onlangs opgepakt nadat ze lang uit handen van justitie wist te blijven, wellicht met hulp van boven, immers ze moet veel kennis hebben van machtige figuren die gebruik maakten van Epsteins pedofeesten.....

Over die kennis gesproken: een nicht van prins Andrew (Groot-Brittannië) beweert dat Ghislaine Maxwell een (compromitterende) video heeft van de prins..... Maxwell maakte er een gewoonte van om de pedo's te filmen tijdens het misbruik van kinderen, ofwel zij moet nog veel meer van deze tapes hebben met machtige mannen die zich vergrijpen aan kinderen.....

Zo zie je maar weer: de hele smerige soap rond Jeffrey Epstein is nog lang niet ten einde ook al heeft men hem de mond gesnoerd door hem te vermoorden; blijft de vraag of Maxwell haar gevangenschap zal overleven, immers ook zij heeft wetenschap en zoals je kan lezen video's over alle hoogwaardigheidsbekleders die zich hebben vergrepen aan kinderen op de 'seksfeestjes' van Epstein........ (naast prins Andrew o.a. Tony Blair, Bill Clinton en Donald Trump......) Maxwell zou in de gevangenis waar ze wordt vastgehouden papieren kleding dragen dit vanwege 'suïcide gevaar....'

Hier een artikel van Steve Watson over deze zaak, eerder gepubliceerd op Summit News, ik nam het over van Zero Hedge:

Prince Andrew’s Cousin Says Ghislaine Maxwell Has ‘Secret Video’ Of Him

He is not a victim here, but Ghislaine was never his friend, she was taping him.”

Published 17 hours ago on 8 July, 2020
Steve Watson

                                         LINDSEY PARNABY/AFP via Getty Images

An acquaintance of Ghislaine Maxwell has told reporters that the socialite has secret video footage of Prince Andrew that was filmed during her time as Jeffrey Epstein’s so called ‘madam’.

Christina Oxenberg told The Sun that Andrew, the British Queen’s son, “is one of many johns, all of whom were videotaped by Ghislaine.”

He is not a victim here, but Ghislaine was never his friend, she was taping him,” Oxenberg added, noting that “Friends don’t tape friends.”

Oxenberg is the daughter of Princess Elizabeth of Yugoslavia, making her Prince Andrew’s cousin.

She told reporters that she believes Maxwell is seeking to trade information with the FBI, and possibly the videos to save herself.

I think she thinks she can get out, obviously she’s planning on trading [information],” Oxenberg said.

Oxenberg says she was interviewed by the FBI last year in regards to the case, and that she is willing to testify against Maxwell.

The report claims that the royal said Maxwell previously bragged to her about obtaining underage girls under Epstein’s influence.

I will definitely be there to remind her that in ’97, she told me copious amounts,” Oxenberg said.

Ghislaine Maxwell Has Secret Sex Tapes In Her Possession (voor deze video, zie het origineel)

Hier een andere video over deze zaak:

It is not clear if Oxenberg is the same person who was cited anonymously in another report this week claiming that Maxwell has secret sex tapes that “could implicate some twisted movers and shakers.”

If Ghislaine goes down, she’s going to take the whole damn lot of them with her,” the source told the Daily Mail.

As we highlighted last week, a lawyer for one of Epstein’s accusers thinks that Ghislaine Maxwell could reveal a “bigger name” involved in Epstein’s pedophile network in order to secure a plea deal following her arrest.

I’m sure that Ghislaine’s attorneys will try to make a deal where she speaks out about a bigger name to get reduced charges for herself,” said Lisa Bloom.

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maandag 9 december 2019

Epstein was een agent van de Mossad en werd gebruikt om politici te chanteren

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Tot de politici en beroemdheden behoren figuren als Bill Clinton [ex-] president van de VS en 'beroemdheid' prins Andrew van het Britse koningshuis, voorts worden o.a. de namen genoemd van Donald Trump en Tony Blair...... De laatste is een tot het katholicisme bekeerde schoft en oorlogsmisdadiger, die als Labour leider en premier van GB, de Labour Partij hervormde tot een pooier van het neoliberalisme.......

Epstein werd na introductie door Robert Maxwell als agent van de Mossad aangesteld, overigens een weinig succesvolle, vandaar dat men besloot met de hulp van Epstein politici en ander bekende figuren te chanteren met foto's en video's, gemaakt tijdens seksfeesten waar zoals gezegd de 'vip's' seks hadden met minderjarigen.......

De schrijver van het onderstaande artikel Paul Joseph Watson noemt het niet, maar het kan bijna niet anders dan de CIA en wellicht nog een andere geheime dienst van de meer dan 25 geheime diensten die de VS 'rijk' is, moet medeplichtig zijn aan deze zaak...... De Israëlische ex-spion die alles in de openbaarheid gooide is Ari Ben-Menashe.

Niet vreemd dus dat Epstein is vermoord en ook dat kan wel eens zijn gedaan middels een samenwerkingsverband van geheime diensten, inclusief de Mossad...... Voorts moet niet vergeten worden dat een aantal van de genoemde figuren nog steeds een zekere macht hebben en geld voldoende hebben om iemand te laten vermoorden in de gevangenis...... Neem Donald Trump, als zou uitkomen dat hij zonder enige twijfel een minderjarige heeft verkracht, kon het wel eens over en uit zijn voor hem....... Trouwens de Britse pedo-prins Andrew die zichzelf helemaal in de nesten heeft gewerkt met zijn zogenaamde verdediging, kon ook wel eens zijn geholpen door MI6....

Wellicht denk je dat het allemaal onzin is, echter vergeleken met waartoe geheime diensten als de Mossad en de CIA in staat zijn, zijn voornoemde zaken het best te vergelijken met een theekransje....... Zo is het wel zeker dat de Mossad de dienst is die achter de beschuldiging zit dat Jeremy Corbyn antisemiet is, alleen daar deze een paar jaar geleden aankondigde een heel andere koers te gaan varen als het om de (fascistische apartheidsstaat, Ap) Israël gaat, ook zou Corbyn als premier het verdrukte Palestijnse volk steunen, zo beloofde hij.... Alsof opkomen tegen de verdrukking van een volk antisemitisch is... Gezien wat nazi-Duitsland o.a. tegen de Joden flikte tijdens WOII, is dit te zot voor woorden!!

Het volgende artikel werd eerder gepubliceerd op Summit News en werd door mij overgenomen van Zero Hedge:

Epstein Was A Mossad Agent Used To Blackmail American Politicians, Former Israeli Spy Claims

Jeffrey Epstein was a Mossad asset who was used by Israeli intelligence to blackmail American politicians, according to a former Israeli spy.

Ari Ben-Menashe, a former Israeli spy and alleged “handler” of Robert Maxwell, told the authors of a new book, Epstein: Dead Men Tell No Tales, that Epstein ran a “complex intelligence operation” at the behest of Mossad.

Believing that Epstein planned to marry his daughter, Maxwell introduced him and Ghislaine Maxwell to Ben-Menashe’s Mossad circle.
Maxwell sort of started liking him, and my theory is that Maxwell felt that this guy is going for his daughter,” Ben-Menashe said.
He felt that he could bless him with some work and help him out in like a paternal [way].”

Israeli intelligence bosses gave the green light and Epstein then became a Mossad asset.
They were agents of the Israeli Intelligence Services,” said Ben-Menashe.

When it became clear that Epstein wasn’t very competent at doing much else, his primary role became “blackmailing American and other political figures.”
Mr. Epstein was the simple idiot who was going around providing girls to all kinds of politicians in the United States,” said Ben-Menashe.
See, fucking around is not a crime. It could be embarrassing, but it’s not a crime. But fucking a fourteen-year-old girl is a crime. And he was taking photos of politicians fucking fourteen-year-old girls — if you want to get it straight. They would just blackmail people, they would just blackmail people like that.”

There’s also a Mossad connection to a different kind of sex offender; Harvey Weinstein.

Weinstein reportedly hired ex-Mossad agents to suppress allegations against him. Working for an Israeli firm called Black Cube, these agents pressured witnesses and tried to intimidate journalist Ronan Farrow in order to “bury the truth” about Weinstein’s activity.
* Zo vraag ik me nog steeds af of 'Lady Di' (Diana) niet in een georchestreerd ongeluk is omgekomen........

Zie ook:
'Epsteins pedoseksuele netwerk was al lang bekend, onder andere ABC hield de berichtgeving tegen'

'Jeffrey Epstein: bewakers die fraudeerden weigerden een 'plea deal''

'Prince Andrew: het voorbeeld dat koningshuizen eindelijk moeten worden opgedoekt'

'Epstein vermoord volgens patholoog-anatoom'

'Jeffrey Epstein en Ghislaine Maxwell werkten mede voor de militaire geheime dienst van Israël'

'Kindermisbruikers beschermd door overheden' (met links naar een groot aantal video's)

'Donald Trump - Jeffey Epstein: you've got to grab them by the pussy'


´Russiagate, 'couppoging tegen Trump' en kindermisbruik netwerk Epstein zijn gekoppeld´

'Prince Andrew ontkent kennis kindermisbruiknetwerk Epstein, maar........'

'Jeffrey Epstein waarschijnlijk op 'loonlijst' Mossad, de Israëlische geheime dienst'

'Jeffrey Epstein (exploitant kindermisbruik netwerk) 'overleden aan suïcide''

'Jeffrey Epstein, beheerder van een kindermisbruiknetwerk 'is gesuïcideerd' ofwel vermoord'

'Jeffrey Epstein: seksueel wangedrag van welgestelden veelal onder de pet gehouden'

'Jeffrey Epsteins kleine zwarte pedo-boek met namen als Bill Clinton, David Koch, Courtney Love, prins Andrew en Tony Blair'

dinsdag 19 november 2019

Jeffrey Epstein: bewakers die fraudeerden weigerden een 'plea deal'

Als je in de VS een strafrechtproces te wachten staat kan je een 'plea bargain' worden aangeboden, als je dat accepteert valt je straf veel lager uit, dan wanneer je blijft ontkennen en dat geldt lullig genoeg ook als je onschuldig bent (en toch wordt veroordeeld).... Vandaar ook dat het mij een raadsel is dat Nederland nog steeds mensen (zelfs eigen onderdanen) uitlevert aan politie- en terreurstaat VS...... Alleen de barbaarse doodstraf die nog steeds wordt uitgesproken en uitgevoerd in de VS (zelfs weer met het ultieme martelwerktuig: de elektrische stoel) zou voldoende moeten zijn voor een minister, met ook maar enig ethisch besef, om elk verzoek tot uitlevering aan de VS af te wijzen..... Zo niet in Nederland en ik dacht dat dit ook geldt voor alle andere westerse landen......

De bewakers die Epstein in de gaten hadden moeten houden, waar nu overigens van gezegd wordt dat ze maar om de 30 minuten hoefden te kijken, hebben een plea deal afgewezen, ten eerste geeft dat aan dat men deze bewakers wil vervolgen en ten tweede dat men eigenlijk uitgaat van een schuldig..... Vreemd dat men Epstein van de suïcide controle heeft gehaald waar men deze instelde nadat hij zich eerder zogenaamd verwondingen had toegebracht in zijn cel, verwondingen die hij zichzelf onmogelijk had kunnen toebrengen, aldus specialisten......

De camera's die op de celdeur van Epstein gericht hadden moeten staan, stonden dat niet ten tijde dat Epstein 'werd gesuïcideerd......' (je moet wel heel naïef zijn om nog te geloven in de zelfdoding van Epstein, die met zijn getuigenis een groot aantal bekende figuren, veelal politici, naast Blair, Clinton en Trump ook prins Andrew [GB], had kunnen meenemen naar de gevangenis.....*) Het is dan ook duidelijk dat Epstein werd vermoord in zijn cel, echter die mogelijkheid wordt niet eens onderzocht, althans dat wordt door velen als feit aangenomen......

De bekende politici en vips die gebruik maakten van Epsteins seksnetwerk zijn overigens 'nog niet van de justitiële haak, daar de vrouw van Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell ook berecht zal worden als handlanger van Epsteins pedo seksnetwerk. In de aanklacht zouden honderden namen staan van onder meer politici...... (ik zal het bericht daarover opnemen onder het hieronder opgenomen artikel van Money and Markets na het eerste artikel naar beneden 'scrollen' dan zie je het tweede artikel van Money and Markets, zoals je dat ook in dit bericht kan lezen)

Zoals gezegd: het is duidelijk dat Epstein is vermoord, echter of we dat ooit uit de mond van een rechter zullen horen is maar zeer de vraag, de rechtspraak in de VS is door en door verrot (zoals je zo even al hebt kunnen lezen >> -plea Bargain, doodstraf, -de ongelijke bestraffing van witte en gekleurde mensen, -bescherming van welgestelden en politici, ofwel klassenjustitie, enz. enz.)

Guards Watching Epstein During Mysterious Suicide Reject Plea Deal

‘Hundreds’ Could Be Implicated In Bombshell Jeffrey Epstein Court Documents

Posted by News Team | Nov 18, 2019 News

Federal prosecutors offered a plea deal to two correctional officers responsible for guarding disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein on the night of his death, but the officers have declined the offer, people familiar with the matter told The Associated Press.

The existence of the plea offer signals the Justice Department is considering criminal charges in connection with the wealthy financier’s death at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York in August. The city’s medical examiner ruled Epstein’s death a suicide.

The guards on Epstein’s unit are suspected of failing to check on him every half hour, as required, and of fabricating log entries to show they had. As part of the proposed plea deal, prosecutors wanted the guards to admit they falsified the prison records, according to the people familiar with the matter. They spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not permitted to publicly discuss the investigation.

The U.S. attorney’s office in Manhattan had no comment on the plea offer.

Both guards were working overtime because of staffing shortages. They have been placed on administrative leave while the FBI and the Justice Department’s inspector general investigate the circumstances surrounding Epstein’s death. The 66-year-old had been awaiting trial on charges of sexually abusing teenage girls.

Epstein was placed on suicide watch after he was found on his cell floor July 23 with bruises on his neck. Multiple people familiar with operations at the jail have said Epstein was then taken off suicide watch about a week before his death, meaning he was less closely monitored but still supposed to be checked on every 30 minutes.

Epstein’s death exposed mounting evidence that the chronically understaffed Metropolitan Correctional Center may have bungled its responsibility to keep him alive. Guards often work overtime day after day, and other employees are pressed into service as correctional officers.

Falsification of records has been a problem throughout the federal prison system. Kathleen Hawk Sawyer, who was named director of the Bureau of Prisons after Epstein’s death, disclosed in a Nov. 4 internal memo that a review of operations across the agency found some staff members failed to perform required rounds and inmate counts but logged that they had done so anyway.

Falsification of information in government systems and documents is also a violation of policy, and may be subject to criminal prosecution as well,” Hawk Sawyer wrote in the memo to top prison officials, a copy of which was obtained by the AP.

The memo also noted that staff members who are indicted by a grand jury will be placed on an indefinite, unpaid suspension until the resolution of the criminal case.

Epstein’s ability to take his own life while incarcerated at one of the most secure jails in America ended the possibility of a trial that would have involved prominent figures. And it sparked widespread anger that he wouldn’t have to answer for the allegations. He had pleaded not guilty and was preparing to argue that he could not be charged because of a 2008 deal he made to avoid federal prosecution on similar allegations.

The Justice Department has vowed to aggressively investigate and bring charges against anyone who may have helped Epstein. Federal prosecutors investigating the financier’s death subpoenaed up to 20 staff members at the jail in August.

Attorney General William Barr — who has said investigators found “serious irregularities” at the jail — said the FBI’s investigation had been slowed because some witnesses had been uncooperative.

In addition to the shakeup at the top of the Bureau of Prisons, the warden at the Metropolitan Correctional Center had also been reassigned to a desk post at a regional office.

© The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

Hundreds’ Could Be Implicated In Bombshell Jeffrey Epstein Court Documents

Posted by JT Crowe | Sep 5, 2019 News

Secret court filings related to disgraced financier and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his alleged madame Ghislaine Maxwell could implicate “hundreds of other people,” her lawyer told the court at a hearing Wednesday.

Finding out who the people are will take time as Maxwell’s lawyer, an attorney representing some women Epstein allegedly abused and a U.S. District Court judge have not yet agreed on how the documents should be unsealed.

The judge, Loretta Preska, was reportedly irritated that the sides haven’t come to an agreement yet. The documents are part of a defamation lawsuit one of Epstein’s accusers, Virginia Giuffre, filed several years ago against Maxwell, a British socialite who allegedly procured young girls for Epstein.

The list of “hundreds of other people” that could be implicated include “numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well-known Prime Minister and other world leaders.”

Did you people not talk about this?” Preska barked at the lawyers in a
Manhattan federal court. A plan was then put in place to figure out a process to categorize the thousands of pages of sealed documents over the next two weeks.

The lawyers would then have another week to figure out which group of documents should be unsealed first, followed by a week-to-week process thereafter to evaluate which documents should or should not be released to the public, according to CNBC.

There are hundreds of other people who could be implicated” in the documents, Maxwell lawyer Jeffrey Pagliuca said. Pagliuca wanted at least a month to decide which documents go into which of 10 categories, but the judge shot that down.

You know we got to get this done,” Preska said.

The hearing was nearly a month after Epstein allegedly killed himself in jail while awaiting trial on child sex trafficking charges. Epstein of course was once friends with both President Donald Trump and former President Bill Clinton, as well as Britain’s Prince Andrew.

Prosecutors continue to investigate the Epstein case and it’s possible that others could be charged.

Giuffre alleges she was sexually abused by Epstein’s circle of high-profile politicians and business executives, as well as Harvard Law professor and staunch Trump defender Alan Dershowitz, who denies the claims.

About 2,000 pages of documents have already been released, including allegations against former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson and former Democratic Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell, who both denied the allegations. The documents also showed Trump flew on Epstein’s private plane in 1997, and that Clinton flew on it many times.
* Lekker naïef van jouw Azijnpisser, natuurlijk zullen deze figuren niet achter de tralies verdwijnen.......

Zie ook:
'Epsteins pedoseksuele netwerk was al lang bekend, onder andere ABC hield de berichtgeving tegen'

'Epstein was een agent van de Mossad en werd gebruikt om politici te chanteren'

'Prince Andrew: het voorbeeld dat koningshuizen eindelijk moeten worden opgedoekt'

'Epstein vermoord volgens patholoog-anatoom'

'Jeffrey Epstein en Ghislaine Maxwell werkten mede voor de militaire geheime dienst van Israël'

'Kindermisbruikers beschermd door overheden' (met links naar een groot aantal video's)

'Donald Trump - Jeffey Epstein: you've got to grab them by the pussy'


´Russiagate, 'couppoging tegen Trump' en kindermisbruik netwerk Epstein zijn gekoppeld´

'Prince Andrew ontkent kennis kindermisbruiknetwerk Epstein, maar........'

'Jeffrey Epstein waarschijnlijk op 'loonlijst' Mossad, de Israëlische geheime dienst'

'Jeffrey Epstein (exploitant kindermisbruik netwerk) 'overleden aan suïcide''

'Jeffrey Epstein, beheerder van een kindermisbruiknetwerk 'is gesuïcideerd' ofwel vermoord'

'Jeffrey Epstein: seksueel wangedrag van welgestelden veelal onder de pet gehouden'

'Jeffrey Epsteins kleine zwarte pedo-boek met namen als Bill Clinton, David Koch, Courtney Love, prins Andrew en Tony Blair