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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
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Posts tonen met het label Cook. Alle posts tonen

donderdag 18 februari 2021

Politici en artsen negeren medisch onderzoek naar de zeer gunstige effecten van vitamine D op COVID-19

Jonathan Cook heeft op Information Clearing House een uitvoerig artikel geschreven waarin hij antwoord geeft op de vraag waarom politici en artsen medisch onderzoek negeren naar de gunstige effecten van vitamine D op COVID-19.

Cook stelt dat het misschien niet zo verstandig is om een artikel te schrijven als je flink pissig bent, maar stelt dat het moeilijk is om z'n emoties te onderdrukken over een verspild jaar, waarin politici en heel veel artsen het steeds groeiende bewijs negeren dat grote doses vitamine D een belangrijke rol spelen tot preventie en behandeling van het Coronavirus......

Men stelt simpelweg dat er te weinig bewijs is voor de gunstige effecten van grote doses vitamine D op het voorkomen dan wel behandelen van het Coronavirus, maar doet vervolgens niets om hier een eind aan te maken.... Terwijl er enorme kapitalen zijn gespendeerd aan de ontwikkeling van vaccins weigeren regeringen een groot onderzoek naar de gunstige effecten van vitamine D te steunen, zodat men middels een groot onderzoek deze effecten kan bewijzen, dan wel naar de prullenbak verwijzen..... Daar is volgens Cook totaal geen reden toe, daar er intussen zoveel kleinere onderzoeken zijn gedaan die deze gunstige effecten wel aantonen, zoveel dat iedere zinnige regering en medische stand op zou moeten kijken van de resultaten en onderzoek juist wel zou moeten steunen....... Al een jaar lang wordt er op gewezen dat grote doses vitamine D een gunstig effect hebben, zonder dat dit de 'proefpersonen' heeft geschaad, vandaar ook de woede van Cook.

Met lockdowns zorg je er juist voor dat grote groepen mensen een tekort aan vitamine D ontwikkelen en daarmee meer vatbaar zijn voor het virus....... 

Foto van Guardian

Al jaren is bekend dat vitamine D gunstige effecten heeft op luchtweg- en longklachten, diabetes en MS (muliple sclerose) en dat een tekort een negatief effect heeft op de immuniteit..... Echter voor een zo goedkoop middel hebben farmaceuten geen belangstelling, daar het verdienmodel totaal waardeloos is, bovendien hebben farmaceuten (mijns inziens) geen belang bij het genezen van patiënten maar bij een zo groot mogelijk gebruik van medicatie die de negatieve effecten van een bepaalde ziekte onderdrukken, anders gezegd: de farmaceuten willen zoveel mogelijk verdienen aan elke patiënt zonder deze werkelijk te genezen......

De farmaceutische industrie is een uiterst winstgevende, zo waren de verdiensten in 2013 maar liefst 1 biljoen dollar....... Het zal je niet verbazen dat de farmaceutische industrie een uiterst machtige lobby heeft die zeker de westerse regeringen voor een groot deel in de zak heeft......

Lees het artikel van Cook, vorm je eigen mening en geeft het door!!!

Why politicians and doctors keep ignoring the medical research on Vitamin D and Covid

By Jonathan Cook

February 18, 2021 "Information Clearing House" -  It is probably not a good idea to write while in the grip of anger. But I am struggling to suppress my emotions about a wasted year, during which politicians and many doctors have ignored a growing body of evidence suggesting that Vitamin D can play a critically important role in the prevention and treatment of Covid-19.

It is time to speak out forcefully now that a new, large-scale Spanish study demonstrates not a just a correlation but a causal relationship between high-dose Vitamin D treatment of hospitalised Covid patients and significantly improved outcomes for their health.

The pre-print paper in the Lancet shows there was an 80 per cent reduction in admission to intensive care units among hospitalised patients who were treated with large doses of Vitamin D, and a 64 per cent reduction in death. The possibility of these being chance findings are infinitesimally small, note the researchers. And to boot, the study found no side-effects even when these mega-doses were given short term to the hospitalised patients.

Those are astounding figures that deserve to be on front pages, especially at a time when politicians and doctors are uncertain whether they can ever find a single magic-bullet vaccine against Covid as new variants pop up like spring daffodils.

If Vitamin D can approximate a cure for many of those hospitalised with Covid, one can infer that it should prove even more effective when used as a prophylactic. Most people in northern latitudes ought to be taking Vitamin D through much of the year in significant doses – well above the current, outdated 400IU recommended by governments like the UK’s.

This is a very important study on vitamin D and Covid-19. Its findings are incredibly clear. An 80% reduction in need for ICU and a 60% reduction in deaths, simply by giving a very cheap and very safe therapy - calcifediol, or activated vitamin D.

Knee-jerk dismissals

This new study ought to finally silence the naysayers, though doubtless it won’t. So far it has attracted little media attention. What has been most troubling over the past year is that every time I and others have gently drawn attention to each new study that demonstrated the dramatic benefits of Vitamin D, we were greeted with knee-jerk dismissals that the studies showed only a correlation, not a causal link.

That was a deeply irresponsible response, especially in the midst of a global pandemic for which effective treatments are urgently needed. The never-satisfied have engaged in the worst kind of blame-shifting, implicitly maligning medical researchers for the fact that they could only organise small-scale, improvised studies because governments were not supporting and funding the larger-scale research needed to prove conclusively whether Vitamin D was effective.

Further, the naysayers wilfully ignored the fact that all the separate studies showed very similar correlations, as well as the fact that hospitalised patients were invariably deficient, or very deficient, in Vitamin D. The cumulative effect of those studies should have been persuasive in themselves. And more to the point, they should have led to a concerted campaign pressuring governments to fund the necessary research. Instead much of the medical community has wasted valuable time either ignoring the research or nitpicking it into oblivion.

The evidence grows ever more overwhelming that good Vit D levels offer significant protection against Covid with little risk of adverse effects, experts tell Haaretz, Israel's version of the NYT


There should have come a point – especially when a treatment like Vitamin D is very cheap and almost entirely safe – at which the precautionary principle kicked in. It was not only foolhardy but criminally negligent to be demanding 100 per cent proof before approving the use of Vitamin D on seriously ill patients. There was no risk in treating them with Vitamin D, unlike most other proposed drugs, and potentially much to gain.

Stuck in old paradigm

Already the usual voices have dismissed the new Barcelona study, saying it has yet to be peer-reviewed. That ignores the fact that it is an expansion on, and confirmation of, an earlier, much smaller study in Cordoba that has been peer-reviewed and that similarly showed dramatic, beneficial outcomes for patients.

In addition to the earlier studies and the new one showing a causal link, there is plenty of circumstantial evidence to bolster the case for using Vitamin D against Covid.

For many years, limited studies – ones that Big Pharma showed no interest in expanding – had indicated that Vitamin D was useful both in warding off respiratory infections and in treating a wide variety of chronic auto-immune diseases such as diabetes and multiple sclerosis by damping down inflammatory responses of the kind that often overwhelm hospitalised Covid patients.

But many doctors and politicians were stuck in an old paradigm – one rooted in the 1950s that viewed Vitamin D exclusively in terms of bone health.

The role of Vitamin D – produced in the skin by sunlight – should have been at the forefront of medical research for Covid anyway, given that the prevalence of the disease, as with other respiratory infections, appears to slump through the sunny, summer months, and spikes in the winter.

And while the media preferred to focus exclusively on poverty and racism as “correlative” explanations for the disproportionate number of deaths among BAME doctors* and members of the public, Vitamin D seemed an equally, if not more plausible, candidate. Dark skins in cloud-covered northern latitudes make production of Vitamin D harder and deficiency more likely.

Magic bullet preferred

We should not be surprised that Big Pharma had no interest in promoting a vitamin freely available through much of the year and one they cannot license. They would, of course, rather patent an expensive magic bullet that offers the hope of enriching company directors and shareholders.

'There are no clinical trials of Vit D to prevent Covid ongoing anywhere in the world.' Yet many doctors endorsed it at the pandemic's start and the Lancet backed its use a month ago. Yet more evidence of Big Pharma's malign hold on our health services


But that is why we have governments, isn’t it? They could have stepped in to pick up the bill for the research after profit-motivated firms had refused to do so – if not to safeguard the health of their populations, at least to keep their health budgets under control. Most developed countries, even those with lots of sunshine, have large sections of their population that are Vitamin D deficient, especially among the elderly and housebound, the very groups most affected by Covid.

But governments shirked their responsibility too. Most have not offered supplements beyond measly and largely useless 400IU tablets to the elderly, and they have failed to fortify foods. Those taking small doses are unlikely to significantly and quickly address any deficiency they have or maximise their resistance to Covid.

To give a sense of what was potentially at stake, consider the findings of one of last year’s correlative studies, done by a team in Heidelberg. Their work implied that, had the UK ensured its population was not widely Vitamin D deficient, many tens of thousands of lives might have been saved.

Headline: Heidelberg study suggests there might have been 93,000 fewer deaths in UK from Covid had Vit D deficiency been corrected in the population. Subhead: Nothing likely to change till governments fund an interventional study to confirm findings

Science not ‘followed’

There are lessons – ones we seem very reluctant to learn – from the catastrophic failures of the past year. And they aren’t just lessons for the politicians.

If doctors and medical organisations had really been “following the science”, they would have led the clamour both for properly funded Vitamin D research and for its early use, if only on the precautionary principle. The reality is that very few did. In the UK it was left to MP David Davis, who trained as a molecular scientist, to take up the cause of Vitamin D and badger a government that has shown no inclination to listen.

I've been beating the drum on this since early summer. Time to listen. The case for Vitamin D offering significant protection against Covid, and having wider health benefits, is growing overwhelming. So overwhelming even corporate media is taking note

Does vitamin D combat Covid?
It’s cheap, widely available and might help us fend off the virus. So should we all be dosing up on the sunshine nutrient?


Instead, “follow the science” became a simple-minded mantra that allowed scientists to ignore the medical science when it did not lead them in the direction they had been trained to expect. “The science” told us to stay indoors, to minimise our contact with daylight, to limit our exposure to fresh air and exercise. We were required to abandon all traditional wisdom about our health.

If one wants to understand at least some of the resistance to lockdowns, it might be worth examining that instinct and how deeply – and rightly – ingrained it is in us.

Scientific arrogance

If we learn anything from the past year it should be that the current, dominant, mechanistic view of medical science – one that too often disregards the natural world or even holds it in contempt – is deeply corrupting and dangerous.

This is not intended as a rant against science. After all, the mass production of Vitamin D – in the absence of useful sunshine in northern latitudes for much of the year – depends on scientific procedures.

Rather it is a rant against a blinkered science that has come to dominate western societies. Put simply, most experts – scientists and doctors – have not taken Vitamin D seriously, despite the growing evidence, because it is made in the mystical touch of sun on skin rather than by white-coated technicians in a laboratory.

Just as most army generals are invested in war more than in peace because they would be out of job if we all chose to love one another, most scientists have been successfully trained to see the natural world as something to be interfered with, to be tamed, to be dissected, to be reassembled, to be improved. Like the rest of us, they have a need – a very unscientific one – to feel special, to believe that they are indispensable. But that arrogance comes at a cost.

Unhealthy lifestyles

The default assumption of many medical scientists was that any claim for Vitamin D – sunlight – having curative or protective properties against Covid-19 needed not urgent, further investigation but dismissal as quackery, as snake oil. How could nature possibly offer a Covid solution that scientists could not improve on?

Unpopular as it may be to say it, that arrogance continues with the exclusive focus on vaccines. They will prove part of the way we emerge from the Covid winter. But we will be foolish indeed if we rely on them alone. We need to think about the way our societies are structured and the resulting unhealthy habits cultivated in us: the sedentary lifestyles many of us lead, the lack of exposure to nature and to sunshine, the gratuitous consumption on which our economies depend, and the advertiser-driven urge for instant gratification that has led to a plague of obesity.

There is no vaccine for any of that yet.

Already we are being forced into what are deeply troubling political debates – not scientific ones – around vaccines. Should vaccinations be made compulsory, or the vaccination-hesitant shamed into compliance? Should those who have received the vaccine be given special privileges through an immunity passport?

The reality is that whenever we try to “defeat” nature, as if our scientists were military generals waging war on the natural world, we are forced on to new and difficult ethical terrain. As we seek to “improve on” the natural world, we must also remake our social worlds in ways that invariably move us further from lifestyles that we have evolved to need, both physically and emotionally.

Magic of the stars

This is not a call to ignore science or reject Covid emergency measures. But it is a call to show a lot more humility and caution as we ponder our place in the natural world – as well as our constant urge to “fix” what the rest of the planet does not regard as broken. A year of Covid has shown how disruptive our meddling can be and how fragile the systems of progress we think we have permanently created really are.

My latest: The response of leaders like Donald Trump and Boris Johnson to the coronavirus crisis has shed a troubling light on the twisted priorities long cultivated in our societies


When our politicians and regulators agitate for tough new restrictions on the public’s right to free speech, claiming fake news and misinformation about Covid, maybe they should remember that trust has to be earnt, not mandated through laws. A world in which profit and power rule is also one in which the likely response from those who are ruled is doubt, scepticism or cynicism.

Maybe I should not have written this while I was so angry. Or maybe others ought to be angry too – angry about the fact that many, many lives were almost certainly lost unnecessarily, and may continue to be lost, because those who profit from disease have no incentive to protect health.

We ought to be angry too about how in a better-ordered, more caring society, we might have found ways to avoid the worst excesses of lockdowns that have deprived our children of an education, of friendships, of play, of life in all its variety and excitement, and of sunshine. They lost all that while our politicians and their scientist enablers poured huge sums into labs, into test-tubes and into man-made magic bullets while contemptuously ignoring sunlight because it is free and everywhere and because it is a different kind of magic – the magic of the stars.


There has been the expected social media backlash from some quarters against this post. I even appear to have angered the odd white-coated lab technician! Some doubtless did not actually read beyond the soundbite I offered on social media. But sadly, others seem to be highly invested in deflecting from the central argument I am making. So here it is in a nutshell:

The only sane response to the Vitamin D medical studies showing dramatic benefits for those hospitalised with Covid is to demand urgent government funding of further research to test those findings and to use Vitamin D in hospitals in the meantime on the precautionary principle, given that it is very cheap and has proven to be completely safe.

If you are trying to obscure that point, you should do so only if you are absolutely certain that these medical studies are wrong. Otherwise your behaviour is, on the best interpretation, shamefully irresponsible.

Jonathan Cook won the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism. His books include “Israel and the Clash of Civilisations: Iraq, Iran and the Plan to Remake the Middle East” (Pluto Press) and “Disappearing Palestine: Israel’s Experiments in Human Despair” (Zed Books). His website is If you appreciate his articles, please consider making a donation


* BAME doctors:  Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic doctors

Zie ook: 'Coronavaccin AstraZeneca samengesteld met gebruikmaking van o.a. genetische gemanipuleerde menselijke foetus niercellen' (en zie de links in dat bericht)

'UK keeping research on link between vitamin D and Covid under review'

'Achterstand in Onderwijs door Coronacrisis niet meer in te lopen aldus CU minister Slob

'Feit of fictie: de grote Corona reset samenzweringstheorie'

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'Rutte (demissionair VVD premier) vraagt OMT om advies over avondklok, een advies dat hij al minstens 2 keer eerder ongevraagd kreeg en (nog) meer Coronablunders

'Grote farmaceuten hebben geen belang bij genezing van patiënten en het goedkoop ter beschikking stellen van medicijnen aan arme landen'  

'AstraZeneca en de late uitlevering van vaccins plus de vroege aankoop door Trump van 1 miljard dollar aan AZ vaccins'

Voor meer berichten over het Coronavirus, vaccins, volksgezondheid en economie (-versus) en/of farmaceuten, klik op het betreffende label, direct onder dit bericht.

donderdag 7 januari 2021

Assange (nog) niet uitgeleverd aan de VS tegen een hoge prijs: het verpletteren van de persvrijheid

Iedereen die zich het lot van Assange en de slachtoffering van onderzoeksjournalistiek aantrok was blij met de uitspraak van rechter Vanessa Baraitser dat Assange niet mocht worden uitgeleverd. Echter wat de meesten, inclusief jouw Azijnpisser, niet wisten is dat Baraitser de gronden waarop de VS uitlevering vroeg als legitiem beoordeelde....... Het verbod Assange uit te leveren werd dan ook genomen op het feit dat Assange autist is en de kans groot was dat hij zich het leven zou benemen als de beslissing werd genomen hem uit te leveren aan de VS......

Kortom de rechter had lak aan het feit dat Assange niets fout had gedaan, sterker nog dat hij als elke echte journalist zijn werk uitstekend had gedaan en dat er over oorlogsmisdaden ten allen tijde moet worden bericht uit naam van de mensenrechten, het recht op vrije nieuwsgaring en het publiek in te lichten over deze vreselijke misdaden tegen de menselijkheid...... De rechter ging zelfs mee in de aanklacht van de VS dat Assange zich schuldig zou hebben gemaakt aan spionage!! Spionage voor wie dan, voor het grote publiek? Alsof dat publiek een organisatie is....... Het is dan ook schunnig dat de reguliere media Assange als een baksteen hebben laten vallen, terwijl hij ook nog eens berichtte over een oorlogsmisdaad in Irak uitgevoerd op 12 juli 2007 waarbij NB ook 2 journalisten van Reuters werden vermoord, één van het enorme aantal voorbeelden van ongekende VS terreur, die je kan vinden op WikiLeaks..... (de video van dit gebeuren is opgenomen in het CounterPunch artikel dat onder mijn schrijven is opgenomen, dit onder de titel 'Collateral Murder', afgeleid van 'collateral damage' wat bijkomende schade betekent, bijvoorbeeld door oorlogsvoering, waarmee dan de omgekomen onschuldige slachtoffers worden bedoeld)

Jonathan Cook schreef een artikel over deze zaak op CounterPunch, waarin hij vooral aandacht heeft voor deze uitspraak van Baraister en wat dit betekent voor Assange en de ware journalistiek. Volkomen terecht merkt Cook op dat het maar de vraag is of Assange ooit weer zal kunnen functioneren zoals voor deze meer dan belachelijke en schunnige rechtsgang. De kans dat hij zwaar getraumatiseerd is is levensgroot, vergeet niet dat hij in isolatie gevangen werd en wordt gehouden, wat volgens deskundigen een heel smerige vorm van marteling is..... Assange zal waarschijnlijk nog veel langer in isolatiefolter worden gehouden, daar de VS beroep heeft aangetekend tegen de uitspraak van Baraitser...... Gistermorgen werd bekend gemaakt dat dezelfde Baraitser een vrijlating op borgtocht heeft afgewezen, terwijl ze weet hoe zwaar Assange heeft geleden en lijdt door de isolatiefolter waaraan hij is onderworpen in de Belmarsh gevangenis (Londen)....... 

Wat een kwaadaardige feeks die Baraister!!!* In feite kon ze niet anders dan de uitlevering van Assange aan de VS verbieden, daar het Britse recht daarna te boek zou staan als geleid door de CIA, de NSA en Het Witte Huis!! Echter met haar uitspraak waarin ze de eis van de VS legitiem noemde, heeft ze de persvrijheid te grabbel gegooid........

January 4, 2021

Assange Wins. The Cost: The Crushing of Press Freedom

Still from “Risk.”

The unexpected decision by Judge Vanessa Baraitser to deny a US demand to extradite Julian Assange, foiling efforts to send him to a US super-max jail for the rest of his life, is a welcome legal victory, but one swamped by larger lessons that should disturb us deeply.

Those who campaigned so vigorously to keep Assange’s case in the spotlight, even as the US and UK corporate media worked so strenuously to keep it in darkness, are the heroes of the day. They made the price too steep for Baraitser or the British establishment to agree to lock Assange away indefinitely in the US for exposing its war crimes and its crimes against humanity in Iraq and Afghanistan.

But we must not downplay the price being demanded of us for this victory.

Judge's denial of extradition of Julian Assange is a very welcome moment. Sadly, his reprieve comes not because of the many, many principled arguments against the US extradition case – all of which were rejected by the judge – but because Assange is considered a suicide risk
1K   467 people are Tweeting about this

A moment of celebration

We have contributed collectively in our various small ways to win back for Assange some degree of freedom, and hopefully a reprieve from what could be a death sentence as his health continues to deteriorate in an overcrowded Belmarsh high-security prison in London that has become a breeding ground for Covid-19.

For this we should allow ourselves a moment of celebration. But Assange is not out of the woods yet. The US has said it will appeal the decision. And it is not yet clear whether Assange will remain jailed in the UK – possibly in Belmarsh – while many months of further legal argument about his future take place.

The US and British establishments do not care where Assange is imprisoned – be it Sweden, the UK or the US. What has been most important to them is that he continues to be locked out of sight in a cell somewhere, where his physical and mental fortitude can be destroyed and where he is effectively silenced, encouraging others to draw the lesson that there is too high a price to pay for dissent.

The personal battle for Assange won’t be over till he is properly free. And even then he will be lucky if the last decade of various forms of incarceration and torture he has been subjected to do not leave him permanently traumatised, emotionally and mentally damaged, a pale shadow of the unapologetic, vigorous transparency champion he was before his ordeal began.

That alone will be a victory for the British and US establishments who were so embarrassed by, and fearful of, Wikileaks’ revelations of their crimes.

Rejected on a technicality

But aside from what is a potential personal victory for Assange, assuming he doesn’t lose on appeal, we should be deeply worried by the legal arguments Baraitser advanced in denying extradition.

The US demand for extradition was rejected on what was effectively a technicality. The US mass incarceration system is so obviously barbaric and depraved that, it was shown conclusively by experts at the hearings back in September, Assange would be at grave risk of committing suicide should he become another victim of its super-max jails.

One should not also discard another of the British establishment’s likely considerations: that in a few days Donald Trump will be gone from the White House and a new US administration will take his place.

There is no reason to be sentimental about president-elect Joe Biden. He is a big fan of mass incarceration too, and he will be no more of a friend to dissident media, whistleblowers and journalism that challenges the national security state than was his Democratic predecessor, Barack Obama. Which is no friend at all.

But Biden probably doesn’t need the Assange case hanging over his head, becoming a rallying cry against him, an uncomfortable residue of the Trump administration’s authoritarian instincts that his own officials would be forced to defend.

It would be nice to imagine that the British legal, judicial and political establishments grew a backbone in ruling against extradition. The far more likely truth is that they sounded out the incoming Biden team and received permission to forgo an immediate ruling in favour of extradition – on a technicality.

Keep an eye on whether the new Biden administration decides to drop the appeal case. More likely his officials will let it rumble on, largely below the media’s radar, for many months more.

Journalism as espionage

Significantly, Judge Baraitser backed all the Trump administration’s main legal arguments for extradition, even though they were comprehensively demolished by Assange’s lawyers.

Baraitser accepted the US government’s dangerous new definition of investigative journalism as “espionage”, and implied that Assange had also broken Britain’s draconian Official Secrets Act in exposing government war crimes.

She agreed that the 2007 Extradition Treaty applies in Assange’s case, ignoring the treaty’s actual words that exempt political cases like his. She thereby opened the door for other journalists to be seized in their home countries and renditioned to the US.

Baraitser accepted that protecting sources in the digital age – as Assange did for whistleblower Chelsea Manning, an essential obligation on journalists in a free society – now amounts to criminal “hacking”. She trashed free speech and press freedom rights, saying they did not provide “unfettered discretion by Mr Assange to decide what he’s going to publish”.

She appeared to approve of the ample evidence showing that the US spied on Assange inside the Ecuadorian embassy, both in violation of international law and his client-lawyer privilege – a breach of his most fundamental legal rights that alone should have halted proceedings.

Replying to @kgosztola
Baraitser dismisses the allegations against UC Global related to spying on Assange in the Ecuador embassy. She says it is inappropriate for court to make findings of fact on evidence still being investigated in Spain.
Baraitser cites a CNN article as evidence or justification for US government to engage in spying operation against Assange and the Ecuador embassy 
Here is that article from 2019:

Exclusive: Security reports reveal how Assange turned an embassy into a command post for election...
New documents obtained exclusively by CNN reveal that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange received in-person deliveries, potentially of hacked materials related to the 2016 US election, during a series...
305 people are Tweeting about this

Baraitser argued that Assange would receive a fair trial in the US, even though it was almost certain to take place in the eastern district of Virginia, where the major US security and intelligence services are headquartered. Any jury there would be dominated by US security personnel and their families, who would have no sympathy for Assange.

So as we celebrate this ruling for Assange, we must also loudly denounce it as an attack on press freedom, as an attack on our hard-won collective freedoms, and as an attack on our efforts to hold the US and UK establishments accountable for riding roughshod over the values, principles and laws they themselves profess to uphold.

Even as we are offered with one hand a small prize in Assange’s current legal victory, the establishment’s other hand seizes much more from us.

Vilification continues

There is a final lesson from the Assange ruling. The last decade has been about discrediting, disgracing and demonising Assange. This ruling should very much be seen as a continuation of that process.

Baraitser has denied extradition only on the grounds of Assange’s mental health and his autism, and the fact that he is a suicide risk. In other words, the principled arguments for freeing Assange have been decisively rejected.

If he regains his freedom, it will be solely because he has been characterised as mentally unsound. That will be used to discredit not just Assange, but the cause for which he fought, the Wikileaks organisation he helped to found, and all wider dissidence from establishment narratives. This idea will settle into popular public discourse unless we challenge such a presentation at every turn.

(Klik in het volgend beeld op: 'Bekijken op YouTube', waarna je nog één keer moet klikken om de video te kunnen zien:) 

Assange’s battle to defend our freedoms, to defend those in far-off lands whom we bomb at will in the promotion of the selfish interests of a western elite, was not autistic or evidence of mental illness. His struggle to make our societies fairer, to hold the powerful to account for their actions, was not evidence of dysfunction. It is a duty we all share to make our politics less corrupt, our legal systems more transparent, our media less dishonest.

Unless far more of us fight for these values – for real sanity, not the perverse, unsustainable, suicidal interests of our leaders – we are doomed. Assange showed us how we can free ourselves and our societies. It is incumbent on the rest of us to continue his fight.

Jonathan Cook won the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism. His latest books are “Israel and the Clash of Civilisations: Iraq, Iran and the Plan to Remake the Middle East” (Pluto Press) and “Disappearing Palestine: Israel’s Experiments in Human Despair” (Zed Books). His website is


* Zie: 'Julian Assange (brekend nieuws) moet vast blijven zitten in isolatiefolter

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'Julian Assange moet onmiddellijk vrijgelaten worden!

'Assange in de gevangenis: Zweden laat voor de derde keer de aanklacht wegens verkrachting vallen'

'Julian Assange blijft in de gevangenis na uitzitten straf en dat voor het doen van zijn werk'

'Julian Assange: Speciaal VN rapporteur martelen heeft grote twijfels bij onafhankelijkheid rechter'

'VN rapport: Assange is gedemoniseerd en psychisch gemarteld'

'1984 het boek van George Orwell: niet langer fictie.......'

'Het westen vervolgt journalist Assange, Rusland laat journalist vrij na onrust over diens gevangenschap(en nog hadden de reguliere media een grote bek over Rusland, media die niet anders hebben gedaan dan collega Assange besmeuren.....)

'CNN met nog smeriger lastercampagne tegen Julian Assange'

'Belangrijk account voor de verdediging Julian Assange geblokkeerd door Twitter'

'Julian Assange: Speciaal VN rapporteur martelen heeft grote twijfels bij onafhankelijkheid rechter'
'VN rapport: Assange is gedemoniseerd en psychisch gemarteld'

'Media wakker geschrokken en ontwaken in Assange nachtmerrie'

'Julian Assange weer vervolgd wegens 'verkrachting', waarvoor het Zweedse OM eerder geen bewijs kon vinden......'

'Dag van Persvrijheid: Assange wordt zoveel mogelijk uitermate hypocriet gemeden door de pers'

'Julian Assange (brekend nieuws) veroordeeld tot 50 weken gevangenisstraf......'

'Chelsea Manning blijft voor onbepaalde tijd in de gevangenis'

'Julian Assanges vervolging is de genadeklap voor klokkenluiders en (echte) journalisten' (zie ook de iets oudere links in dat bericht)

'Julian Assange gedemoniseerd door media die hem zouden moeten steunen, waren ze bevolkt geweest door echte journalisten........'

'WhiteHouse: US, Ecuador Coordinating About Future Of Assange Asylum'

'De prijs op het hoofd van Julian Assange: 1 miljard dollar.....'

'Assange kan niet voor spionage worden vervolgd, immers hij is journalist >> aldus Daniel Ellsberg (Pentagon Papers) in een video'

'Assange is journalist en zou alleen daarom al niet mogen worden vervolgd, een artikel o.a. voor de huidige 'journalisten' van de reguliere media en de gebruikers van die media'