Als je
in de VS een strafrechtproces te wachten staat kan je een 'plea
bargain' worden aangeboden, als je dat accepteert valt je straf veel
lager uit, dan wanneer je blijft ontkennen en dat geldt lullig
genoeg ook als je onschuldig bent (en toch wordt veroordeeld).... Vandaar ook dat het mij een
raadsel is dat Nederland nog steeds mensen (zelfs eigen onderdanen)
uitlevert aan politie- en terreurstaat VS...... Alleen de barbaarse
doodstraf die nog steeds wordt uitgesproken en uitgevoerd in de VS
(zelfs weer met het ultieme martelwerktuig: de elektrische stoel) zou
voldoende moeten zijn voor een minister, met ook maar enig ethisch
besef, om elk verzoek tot uitlevering aan de VS af te wijzen..... Zo
niet in Nederland en ik dacht dat dit ook geldt voor alle andere westerse landen......
bewakers die Epstein in de gaten hadden moeten houden, waar nu
overigens van gezegd wordt dat ze maar om de 30 minuten hoefden te
kijken, hebben een plea deal afgewezen, ten eerste geeft
dat aan dat men deze bewakers wil vervolgen en ten tweede dat men
eigenlijk uitgaat van een schuldig..... Vreemd dat men Epstein van de
suïcide controle heeft gehaald waar men deze instelde nadat hij zich
eerder zogenaamd verwondingen had toegebracht in zijn cel,
verwondingen die hij zichzelf onmogelijk had kunnen toebrengen, aldus
camera's die op de celdeur van Epstein gericht hadden moeten staan,
stonden dat niet ten tijde dat Epstein 'werd gesuïcideerd......' (je
moet wel heel naïef zijn om nog te geloven in de zelfdoding van
Epstein, die met zijn getuigenis een groot aantal bekende figuren,
veelal politici, naast Blair, Clinton en Trump ook prins Andrew [GB],
had kunnen meenemen naar de gevangenis.....*) Het is
dan ook duidelijk dat Epstein werd vermoord in zijn cel, echter die
mogelijkheid wordt niet eens onderzocht, althans dat wordt door velen
als feit aangenomen......
bekende politici en vips die gebruik maakten van Epsteins seksnetwerk zijn
overigens 'nog niet van de justitiële haak, daar de vrouw van
Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell ook berecht zal worden als handlanger van
Epsteins pedo seksnetwerk. In de aanklacht zouden honderden namen
staan van onder meer politici...... (ik zal het bericht daarover
opnemen onder het hieronder opgenomen artikel van Money and Markets na het eerste artikel naar beneden 'scrollen' dan zie je het tweede artikel van Money and Markets, zoals je dat ook in dit bericht kan lezen)
gezegd: het is duidelijk dat Epstein is vermoord, echter of we dat
ooit uit de mond van een rechter zullen horen is maar zeer de vraag,
de rechtspraak in de VS is door en door verrot (zoals je zo even al
hebt kunnen lezen >> -plea Bargain, doodstraf, -de ongelijke
bestraffing van witte en gekleurde mensen, -bescherming van welgestelden en politici, ofwel klassenjustitie, enz. enz.)
Guards Watching Epstein During Mysterious Suicide Reject Plea Deal

prosecutors offered a plea deal to two correctional officers
responsible for guarding disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein on the
night of his death, but the officers have declined the offer, people
familiar with the matter told The Associated Press.
existence of the plea offer signals the Justice Department is
considering criminal charges in connection with the
wealthy financier’s death at
the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York in August. The
city’s medical examiner ruled Epstein’s death a suicide.
guards on Epstein’s unit are suspected of failing to check on him
every half hour, as required, and of fabricating log entries to show
they had. As part of the proposed plea deal, prosecutors wanted the
guards to admit they falsified the prison records, according to the
people familiar with the matter. They spoke on the condition of
anonymity because they were not permitted to publicly discuss the
U.S. attorney’s office in Manhattan had no comment on the plea
guards were working overtime because of staffing shortages. They have
been placed on administrative leave while the FBI and
the Justice Department’s inspector general investigate the
circumstances surrounding Epstein’s death. The 66-year-old had been
awaiting trial on charges of sexually abusing teenage girls.
was placed on suicide watch after he was found on his cell floor July
23 with bruises on his neck. Multiple people familiar with operations
at the jail have said Epstein was then taken off suicide watch about
a week before his death, meaning he was less closely monitored but
still supposed to be checked on every 30 minutes.
death exposed mounting evidence that the chronically understaffed
Metropolitan Correctional Center may have bungled its responsibility
to keep him alive. Guards often work overtime day after day, and
other employees are pressed into service as correctional officers.
of records has been a problem throughout the federal prison system.
Kathleen Hawk Sawyer, who was named director of the Bureau of Prisons
after Epstein’s death, disclosed in a Nov. 4 internal memo that a
review of operations across the agency found some staff members
failed to perform required rounds and inmate counts but logged that
they had done so anyway.
of information in government systems and documents is also a
violation of policy, and may be subject to criminal prosecution as
well,” Hawk Sawyer wrote in the memo to top prison officials, a
copy of which was obtained by the AP.
memo also noted that staff members who are indicted by a grand jury
will be placed on an indefinite, unpaid suspension until the
resolution of the criminal case.
ability to take his own life while incarcerated at one of the most
secure jails in America ended the possibility
of a trial that
would have involved prominent figures. And it sparked widespread
anger that he wouldn’t have to answer for the allegations. He had
pleaded not guilty and was preparing to argue that he could not be
charged because of a 2008 deal he made to avoid federal prosecution
on similar allegations.
Justice Department has vowed to aggressively investigate and bring
charges against anyone who may have helped Epstein. Federal
prosecutors investigating the financier’s death subpoenaed up to 20
staff members at the jail in August.
General William Barr — who has said investigators found “serious
irregularities” at the jail — said the FBI’s investigation had
been slowed because some witnesses had been uncooperative.
addition to the shakeup at the top of the Bureau of Prisons, the
warden at the Metropolitan Correctional Center had also been
reassigned to a desk post at a regional office.
The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
‘Hundreds’ Could Be Implicated In Bombshell Jeffrey Epstein Court Documents
court filings related to disgraced financier and convicted pedophile
Jeffrey Epstein and his alleged madame Ghislaine Maxwell could
implicate “hundreds of other people,” her lawyer told the court
at a hearing Wednesday.
out who the people are will take time as Maxwell’s lawyer, an
attorney representing some women Epstein allegedly abused and a U.S.
District Court judge have not yet agreed on how the documents should
be unsealed.
judge, Loretta Preska, was reportedly irritated that the sides
haven’t come to an agreement yet. The documents are part of a
defamation lawsuit one of Epstein’s accusers, Virginia Giuffre,
filed several years ago against Maxwell, a British socialite who
allegedly procured young girls for Epstein.
list of “hundreds of other people” that could be implicated
include “numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business
executives, foreign presidents, a well-known Prime Minister and other
world leaders.”
you people not talk about this?” Preska barked at the lawyers in a
federal court. A plan was then put in place to figure out a process
to categorize the thousands of pages of sealed documents over the
next two weeks.
lawyers would then have another week to figure out which group of
documents should be unsealed first, followed by a week-to-week
process thereafter to evaluate which documents should or should not
be released to the public, according to CNBC.
are hundreds of other people who could be implicated” in the
documents, Maxwell lawyer Jeffrey Pagliuca said. Pagliuca wanted at
least a month to decide which documents go into which of 10
categories, but the judge shot that down.
“You know we got to get this done,” Preska said.
hearing was nearly a month after Epstein
allegedly killed himself in jail while
awaiting trial on child sex trafficking charges. Epstein of course
was once friends with both President Donald Trump and former
President Bill Clinton, as well as Britain’s Prince Andrew.
continue to investigate the Epstein case and it’s possible that
others could be charged.
alleges she was sexually abused by Epstein’s circle of high-profile
politicians and business executives, as well as Harvard Law professor
and staunch Trump defender Alan Dershowitz, who denies the claims.
2,000 pages of documents have already been released, including
allegations against former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson and former
Democratic Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell, who both denied
the allegations. The documents also showed Trump flew
on Epstein’s private plane in 1997, and that Clinton flew on it
many times.
Lekker naïef van jouw Azijnpisser, natuurlijk zullen deze figuren
niet achter de tralies verdwijnen.......
Zie ook:
'Epsteins pedoseksuele netwerk was al lang bekend, onder andere ABC hield de berichtgeving tegen'
'Epstein was een agent van de Mossad en werd gebruikt om politici te chanteren'
'Prince Andrew: het voorbeeld dat koningshuizen eindelijk moeten worden opgedoekt'
'Epstein vermoord volgens patholoog-anatoom'
'Jeffrey Epstein en Ghislaine Maxwell werkten mede voor de militaire geheime dienst van Israël'
'Kindermisbruikers beschermd door overheden' (met links naar een groot aantal video's)
'Donald Trump - Jeffey Epstein: you've got to grab them by the pussy'
´Russiagate, 'couppoging tegen Trump' en kindermisbruik netwerk Epstein zijn gekoppeld´
'Prince Andrew ontkent kennis kindermisbruiknetwerk Epstein, maar........'
'Jeffrey Epstein waarschijnlijk op 'loonlijst' Mossad, de Israëlische geheime dienst'
'Jeffrey Epstein (exploitant kindermisbruik netwerk) 'overleden aan suïcide''
'Jeffrey Epstein, beheerder van een kindermisbruiknetwerk 'is gesuïcideerd' ofwel vermoord'
'Jeffrey Epstein: seksueel wangedrag van welgestelden veelal onder de pet gehouden'
'Jeffrey Epsteins kleine zwarte pedo-boek met namen als Bill Clinton, David Koch, Courtney Love, prins Andrew en Tony Blair'