Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label Ford. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Ford. Alle posts tonen

donderdag 24 juni 2021

Hypocriete demonisering van Ilhan Omar, lid VS Huis van Afgevaardigden: ze zou de VS hebben vergeleken met Hamas

CounterPunch kwam gisteren met een artikel over de demonisering van Ilhan Omar, lid van het VS Huis van Afgevaardigden. Ilhan Omar stelde dat alle misdaden tegen de menselijkheid gelijk moeten worden behandeld wat betreft verantwoordelijkheid en gerechtigheid. (het is daarvoor inderdaad de hoogste tijd, wat zeg ik: we zijn wat dat betreft al zwaar overtijd....*) Daarbij stelde ze dat we ondenkbare wreedheden hebben gezien die zijn gepleegd door de VS, Hamas, Israël, Afghanistan en de Taliban......

Dit schoot zowel een groot deel van de Democraten (de partij van Omar) als de Republikeinen in het verkeerde keelgat en er barstte een storm van verontwaardiging los over haar woorden. Heel smerig stelde men dat Omar de VS vergelijkt met Hamas..... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Hamas mocht willen dat het zoveel terreur kon uitoefenen als de VS, dan was het snel afgelopen met de staat Israël!! Ofwel de verontwaardiging is niet alleen hypocriet, maar ook ongelofelijk dom, immers vanaf het moment dat de VS de atoombom onnodig losliet op respectievelijk Hiroshima en Nagasaki heeft deze terreurstaat meer dan 25 miljoen mensen vermoord: -in illegale oorlogen, -door het organiseren van opstanden in derde landen, -door het organiseren van staatsgrepen in landen die niet gehoorzaam aan de hand van de VS liepen, zoals Guatemala, Indonesië, Chili, Honduras, Oekraïne en ga nog maar even door, -het vermoorden van verdachten middels drones, waarbij meer dan 90% van de slachtoffers niet eens werd verdacht en -het opleggen van illegale sancties (illegaal: niet gesteund door de VN) aan ongehoorzame landen, die bijvoorbeeld in Venezuela aan 50.000 mensen het leven heeft gekost..... Vergeleken met het voorgaande is Hamas een padvindersclub......

'Maar goed', in de VS tilt men zwaar aan de uitlatingen van Omar, echter op volkomen valse gronden, immers Omar vergeleek met haar uitspraak de VS niet met Hamas, maar noemde landen en organisaties die zich schuldig maken aan misdaden tegen de menselijkheid (jammer trouwens dat Omar Saoedi-Arabië niet noemde, het land dat NB met hulp van de VS een genocide uitvoert op de sjiieten in Jemen....) Voorts moet je dan ook nog kijken naar waarom organisaties als de Taliban en Hamas geweld uitoefenen >> het is immers de taak van elke soevereine natie om zich te verzetten tegen bezetting van haar land tegen buitenlandse indringers en daar is wat betreft Afghanistan en Palestina wel degelijk sprake van..... Anders gezegd of beter gevraagd: was het verzet in Nederland tegen de nazi-Duitse bezetter tijdens WOII terreur of gelegitimeerd verzet?? Dit voorbeeld is des te belangrijker als het gaat om de zogenaamde Politionele Acties van Nederland in Indonesië (een ordinaire koloniale oorlog), uiteraard was Nederland voor de gewone Indonesiërs een bezetter en dan durft men nog steeds te spreken over door Indonesiërs gepleegde oorlogsmisdaden tegen Nederlandse militairen en burgers, terwijl deze mensen als Nederlanders tijdens WOII de bezetter hebben aangevallen........

Hypocrisie? Zo oud als de mensheid, al maken de 'moderne machthebbers' er veel meer werk van!!

Het volgende artikel werd geschreven door Paul Street, hij gaat dieper in op de smerige hypocritische storm die Ilhan Omar over zich heen heeft gekregen:

No Comparison: Thoughtcrime Reflections on the Latest Imperial Smackdown of the Nation’s Best Congressperson

Photograph Source: Fibonacci Blue – CC BY 2.0

United States political culture is an Orwellian nightmare. Two plus two equals five in the propaganda spectacle that passes for “democratic” news and debate here.

Take the latest bipartisan establishment disciplining of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), the U.S. House’s most courageous and eloquent member, for saying this: “We must have the same level of accountability and justice for all victims of crimes against humanity. We have seen unthinkable atrocities committed by the U.S., Hamas, Israel, Afghanistan, and the Taliban.”

Omar dared, in the words of The New York Times, “to compare Israel and the United States to Hamas and the Taliban.”

But did she? Look at these two sentences: “There’s nothing quite as exciting for baseball fans as a no-hitter. We have this season seen no-hitters thrown by pitchers with the Chicago White Sox, the San Diego Padres, the Detroit Tigers, the New York Yankees, the Baltimore Orioles, and the Cincinnati Reds.”

Does this statement compare the White Sox with the Red Sox, the Padres, the Tigers, the Yankees, the Orioles, and the Reds? No, it makes an assertion about baseball no-hitters and then includes six teams in a list of Major League Baseball franchises with a pitcher who threw a no-hitter this year. For all anyone knows from these 41 words, each one of these teams is wildly different from the others.

Thoughtcrime 1: Serious Comparison

But, okay, let’s compare. Since Omar’s critics charge comparison, let’s take comparison seriously. One reason not to make “false equivalencies” between the Taliban (or Hamas) and the United States is that the former has never been remotely in the latter’s ballpark when it comes to committing crimes against humanity. Between direct U.S. slaughter and the U.S. sponsorship, funding, and equipping of mass slaughter by its client regimes, prominently including the racist apartheid state of Israel (recipient of $146 billion in U.S. military and economic funding in FY 2020, helping make Israel what the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace calls “the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. assistance since World War II”), Washington has murdered tens of millions of world citizens since August of 1945, when it criminally and unnecessarily atom-bombed two major Japanese cities. For an introduction to this criminal record, which is hiding in plain sight for those willing to look, Google up the following: “No Gun Ri,” “My Lai,” “many My Lais,” “Operation Tiger Force,” “Abu Ghraib,” “Nissour Square,” “Fallujah,” “Guantanamo,” “extraordinary rendition,” the “Highway of Death,” and “Bola Boluk.” Better yet, read my February 2018 Truthdig essay “The World Will Not Mourn the Decline of U.S. Hegemony” for a soul-numbing account of this unmatched record of mass-murderous terror inflicted both directly (as in Korea during the early 1950s, in Southeast Asia between 1962 and 1975, in Iraq in 1991 and 2003-2011/2017) and indirectly (as in Indonesia, Latin America, Palestine, Yemen and in countless nations and regions around the world).

Here are some selections from that essay…

It is difficult, sometimes, to wrap one’s mind around the extent of the savagery Uncle Sam has unleashed on the world during the last and the present century. In the early 1950s, for example, the Harry Truman administration responded to an early challenge to U.S. power in Northern Korea with a practically genocidal three-year bombing campaign that was described in soul-numbing terms by the Washington Post years ago:

“The bombing was long, leisurely and merciless, even by the assessment of America’s own leaders. ‘Over a period of three years or so, we killed off—what—20 percent of the population,’ Air Force Gen. Curtis LeMay, head of the Strategic Air Command during the Korean War, told the Office of Air Force History in 1984. Dean Rusk, a supporter of the war and later Secretary of State, said the United States bombed ‘everything that moved in North Korea, every brick standing on top of another.’ After running low on urban targets, U.S. bombers destroyed hydroelectric and irrigation dams in the later stages of the war, flooding farmland and destroying crops … The U.S. dropped 635,000 tons of explosives on North Korea, including 32,557 tons of napalm, an incendiary liquid that can clear forested areas and cause devastating burns to human skin.”

This ferocious bombardment, which killed 2 million or more civilians, began five years after Truman arch-criminally and unnecessarily ordered the atom-bombing of hundreds of thousands of civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki to warn the Soviet Union to stay out of Japan and Western Europe.

The savagery of U.S. foreign policy in the post-WWII era did not always require direct U.S. military intervention. Take Indonesia and Chile, for two examples from the “Golden Age” height of the “American Century.” In Indonesia, the U.S.-backed dictator Suharto killed millions of his subjects, targeting communist sympathizers, ethnic Chinese, and alleged leftists. A senior CIA operations officer in the 1960s later described Suharto’s 1965-66 U.S.-assisted coup as “the model operation” for the U.S.-backed coup that eliminated the democratically elected president of Chile, Salvador Allende, seven years later. “The CIA forged a document purporting to reveal a leftist plot to murder Chilean military leaders,” the officer wrote, “[just like] what happened in Indonesia in 1965.” As John Pilger noted 13 years ago, “the U.S. embassy in Jakarta supplied Suharto with a ‘zap list’ of Indonesian Communist party members and crossed off the names when they were killed or captured. … The deal was that Indonesia under Suharto would offer up what Richard Nixon had called ‘the richest hoard of natural resources, the greatest prize in south-east Asia.’” According to the prolific and brilliant New Left historian Gabriel Kolko, “No single American action in the period after 1945,” wrote the historian Gabriel Kolko, “was as bloodthirsty as its role in Indonesia.”

Two years and three months after the U.S-sponsored 1973 Chilean coup, Suharto received a green light from the Henry Kissinger and Gerald Ford White House to invade the small island nation of East Timor. With Washington’s approval and backing, Indonesia carried out genocidal massacres and mass rapes and killed at least 100,000 of the island’s residents.

“To Henry Kissinger,” the human rights attorney Stanley L. Cohen noted five years ago, “the world, particularly Indochina, was very much a small chess game. Civilians were mere pawns ripe for sacrifice through hi-tech weaponry, including biological and chemical warfare, to enforce his worldview at any cost. Millions lost their lives to his cerebral game board” (emphasis added).

Among the countless episodes of mass-murderous U.S. savagery in the oil-rich Middle East over the last generation, few can match the barbarous and sadistic cruelty of the “Highway of Death,” where the “global policeman’s” forces massacred tens of thousands of surrendered Iraqi troops retreating from Kuwait on Feb. 26 and 27, 1991. Journalist Joyce Chediac testified that:

“U.S. planes trapped the long convoys by disabling vehicles in the front, and at the rear, and then pounded the resulting traffic jams for hours. ‘It was like shooting fish in a barrel,’ said one U.S. pilot. On the sixty miles of coastal highway, Iraqi military units sit in gruesome repose, scorched skeletons of vehicles and men alike, black and awful under the sun … for 60 miles every vehicle was strafed or bombed, every windshield is shattered, every tank is burned, every truck is riddled with shell fragments. No survivors are known or likely. … ‘Even in Vietnam I didn’t see anything like this. It’s pathetic,’ said Major Bob Nugent, an Army intelligence officer. … U.S. pilots took whatever bombs happened to be close to the flight deck, from cluster bombs to 500-pound bombs. … U.S. forces continued to drop bombs on the convoys until all humans were killed. So many jets swarmed over the inland road that it created an aerial traffic jam, and combat air controllers feared midair collisions. … The victims were not offering resistance. … [I]t was simply a one-sided massacre of tens of thousands of people who had no ability to fight back or defend.”

The victims’ crime was having been conscripted into an army controlled by a formerly U.S.-backed dictator perceived as a threat to U.S. control of Middle Eastern oil. President George H.W. Bush welcomed the so-called Persian Gulf War as an opportunity to demonstrate America’s unrivaled power and new freedom of action in the post-Cold War world, where the Soviet Union could no longer deter Washington. Bush heralded the “war” (really a one-sided imperial assault) as marking the end of the “Vietnam Syndrome,” the reigning political culture’s curious term for U.S. citizens’ reluctance to commit U.S. troops to murderous imperial mayhem. As Noam Chomsky observed in 1992, reflecting on U.S. efforts to maximize suffering in Vietnam by blocking economic and humanitarian assistance to the nation it had devastated: “No degree of cruelty is too great for Washington sadists.”

I could go on and on and on some more with terrible tales of unimaginable horror and mass death inflicted abroad by the U.S.-American war machine during my lifetime in Southeast Asia (the U.S. killed 3 to 5 million in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos between 1962 and 1975), Iraq (the “world’s leading democracy” killed at least 1 million Iraqis in the last eight years of this century’s opening decade) and elsewhere.

Since Afghanistan’s Taliban is part of the Omar drama, it seems germane to mention a forgotten 2009 crime against Afghan humanity that then U.S. president Barack Obama tried to blame on the Taliban.

Within less than half a year of his inauguration, Obama’s depressingly long list of atrocities in the Muslim world would include the bombing of the Afghan village of Bola Boluk. Ninety-three of the dead villagers torn apart by U.S. explosives in Bola Boluk were children. “In a phone call played on a loudspeaker on Wednesday to outraged members of the Afghan Parliament,” the New York Times reported, “the governor of Farah Province … said that as many as 130 civilians had been killed.” According to one Afghan legislator and eyewitness, “the villagers bought two tractor-trailers full of pieces of human bodies to his office to prove the casualties that had occurred. Everyone at the governor’s cried, watching that shocking scene.”

The Obama administration refused to issue an apology or to acknowledge the “global policeman’s” responsibility. It initially blamed the carnage on – get this – “Taliban grenades.” (See Carlotta Gall and Taimoor Shah, “Civilian Deaths Imperil Support for Afghan War,” New York Times, May 6, 2009.)

(By telling and sickening contrast, Obama had just offered a full apology and fired a White House official because that official had scared New Yorkers with an ill-advised Air Force One photo-shoot flyover of Manhattan that reminded people of 9/11. The disparity was extraordinary: Frightening New Yorkers led to a full presidential apology and the discharge of a White House staffer. Killing more than 100 Afghan civilians did not require any apology but was falsely blamed on the Taliban.)

Reflecting on such atrocities the following December, an Afghan villager was moved to comment as follows: “Peace prize? He’s a killer. … Obama has only brought war to our country.” The man spoke from the village of Armal, where a crowd of 100 gathered around the bodies of 12 people, one family from a single home. The 12 were killed, witnesses reported, by U.S. Special Forces during a late-night raid.

(Obama was only warming up his “killer” powers. He would join with France and other NATO powers in the imperial decimation of Libya, helping kill more than 25,000 civilians and unleashing mass carnage in North Africa. The U.S.-led assault on Libya was a disaster for black Africans and sparked the biggest refugee crisis since World War II.)

The Taliban, which owes much of its origin to U.S. Cold War sponsorship of Islamo-terrorist forces on the former Soviet Union’s southern border, is a despicable terrorist outfit, God knows. There have long been fully credible reports of its vicious atrocities, including mass murder, torture, rape, and assassination. Still, it can’t hold a candle to Superpower (or even to Uncle Sam’s leading client state Israel[1]) when it comes to crippling and killing human beings.

Seat of world history’s most extensive empire, the U.S. has at least 800 military bases spread across more than 80 foreign countries and “troops or other military personnel in about 160 foreign countries and territories.” The U.S. accounts for more than 40 percent of the planet’s military spending and has more than 5,500 strategic nuclear weapons, enough to blow the world up 5 to 50 times over. Last year it increased its “defense” (military empire) spending, which was already three times higher than China’s, and nine times higher than Russia’s.

Comparing the Taliban and Hamas to such a massive military Empire is indeed truly absurd. Their crimes pale before those of world history’s most lethal Superpower. There’s no comparison.

Thoughtcrime 2: The U.S. is Not a Democracy

Now for a second U.S.-American thoughtcrime. As I suspect Rep. Omar knows very well (her political survival requires pretending not to), the United States is not a “democratic country.” It’s a capitalist plutocracy, a de facto bourgeois class dictatorship wherein majority progressive public policy opinion is close to irrelevant in comparison (there’s that word again) to the vastly superior power of concentrated wealth. If you are interested in how and why this is so, order and read my 2014 book They Rule: The 1% v. Democracy – a detailed analysis of how the U.S. ruling class rules (I argue that the commonly cited problem of plutocratic campaign finance is just one tip of a giant, democracy-freezing capitalist-imperialist iceberg) and why it matters. In the meantime, stop and think about all the programs and measures most U.S.-Americans support – Single Payer national health coverage as a human right, serious voter rights protections, serious progressive taxation, the restoration of union organizing rights, real gun control, a serious response to the climate catastrophe (which is merely the biggest issue of our or any time), and more (the list goes on) – that have zero chance of being implemented because of the corporate, financial, and imperial/military-industrial kill switch that is firmly attached to the U.S. system of supposedly democratic governance and mass consent-manufacture. U.S.-Americans don’t even directly elect the nation’s powerful chief executive (try explaining the preposterous undemocratic Electoral College system to someone from another country). The extremely powerful upper chamber of the U.S. Congress (the Senate) so vastly and absurdly overrepresents the nation’s most rural, white, and reactionary regions that it is now mathematically possible to put together a Trump-Republifascist Senate majority on the basis of states representing 17.6% of the nation’s population. (If liberal and diverse California had the same population-to-U.S. Senator ratio as super-white and right-wing Wyoming, it would have 136 U.S. Senators.) The Senate joins with the indirectly elected president to appoint absurdly powerful Supreme Court justices for life and now regularly cancels popular bills that manage to get past the badly gerrymandered lower chamber.

With all due respect, it is transparently false and even absurd to call the U.S. a “democratic country.” It would take an actual American revolution for it to become any such thing.


1. “Beginning with its mass expulsion, rape and murder [of Arabs] at the onset of the [1948] Nakba (the Catastrophe),” Stanley L. Cohen wrote five years ago, “Israel has devoted itself to 68 [now 73] years of non-stop genocide coming up for air only periodically to retool or to change the nature of its weaponry of choice. What started out with the expulsion, at gunpoint, of more than 700,000 Palestinians from their ancestral homeland set in motion a refugee stampede that has grown to more than seven million displaced and stateless people, providing the world more than a disturbing glimpse of what was to come decades later in Syria.” The weapons are largely provided and paid for by the United States. The is the nuclear-armed judeo-fascist settler and apartheid state opposed by Hamas, whose crimes pale before those of its enemy and that enemy’s sponsor, the United States.


* Neem ook het Internationaal Strafhof, belachelijk te zien dat daar vooral mensen worden bericht die niet lekker liggen in de politiek van de VS en andere westerse landen, terwijl de vreselijke oorlogsmisdaden van de VS en haar NAVO-lidstaten onbestraft blijven, ze worden zelfs amper onderzocht........ We mogen al blij zijn dat dit hof een aantal van de vreselijke misdaden van Israël tegen het verdrukte Palestijnse volk onderzoekt, al vraag ik me af of dit ooit tot een zaak zal leiden........

Zie ook: 'Chris Cuomo (CNN presentator) en Andrew Cuomo (gouverneur) maken zich schuldig aan corruptie en machtsmisbruik'

'Fox News veroordeelt eigen presentator voor belachelijke uitlatingen aangaande Ilhan Omar

'Coronavirus: miljardairs in de VS zagen sinds half maart hun gezamenlijk inkomen met 30% stijgen'

'Huis van Afgevaardigden VS stemt massaal voor beperking vrijheid van meningsuiting: BDS in de ban en vrijbaan voor Israëls gewelddadig beleid tegen Palestijnen'

'Ilhan Omar: Obama zette kinderen in een kooi en kwam weg met moord'

'Madeline Albright 'gegrild' over illegale interventies en sancties van de VS'

'Congreslid Ilhan Omar fileert het monster Elliot Abrams, de speciale gezant van de VS voor Venezuela'

'AIPAC, een pro-Israël lobbygroep, koopt leden van het VS congres om met 4 miljoen dollar per jaar'

Voor meer berichten over Ilhan Omar, Indonesië, Afghanistan, de Taliban, Israël, Hamas, Irak, Libië, Chili, Hiroshima en/of Jemen, klik op het betreffende label direct onder dit bericht.

vrijdag 4 december 2020

'Great re-sets', ofwel zaken die tot een onlogische gevolg hebben geleid: neem de hennepauto

Brasscheck TV kwam afgelopen week met een nieuwsbrief waarin een aantal zaken worden genoemd die tot een onlogische verandering van o.a. overheidsbeleid hebben gezorgd.

Bijvoorbeeld hennep: hennep wordt al minstens 4.000 jaar gebruikt om een aantal producten van te maken en daarmee wordt niet alleen touw, kleding en papier bedoeld, echter twee van deze toepassingen, papier en kleding liepen in de weg van de grote katoenboeren in het zuiden van de VS en van de fabriekseigenaren die van hout papier maakten, daarom werd met hulp van gezondheidsambtenaren van de overheid (zo corrupt als de pest) hennep tot een gevaar voor de jeugd gemaakt.......Vergeten bij plaatsing: uiteraard waren en zijn de harddrugsboeren die alcohol maakten en maken tegen het vrijgeven van cannabisgebruik als genotsmiddel, zoals ook de grote farmaceuten daar tegen waren....

Terwijl men daar zoveel andere toepassingen voor had. Let wel het gaat hier niet om de cannabis die wordt gerookt, met hennep bedoelt men wel de familie van deze planten, maar de soort die wordt gebruikt voor industriële toepassingen (zoals de genoemde zaken). Om aan te geven waarvoor je deze industriële cannabis zoal kan gebruiken: Ford heeft ooit een auto van hennep gemaakt, veel lichter dan tijdgenoten en verrassend genoeg 10 keer zo sterk als staal...... Uiteraard was dit tegen het belang van de grote staalfabrikanten en verdween het plan om auto's van hennep te maken......* (waarbij de oliemaatschappijen uiteraard een verlies aan inkomsten zagen, immers een lichte auto gebruikt veel minder brandstof, dan een vergelijkbare van staal)

Over auto's gesproken, die reden aanvankelijk zowel op benzine als op alcohol, belangrijk voor een zo groot land als de VS, daar er in de beginjaren van de auto maar weinig benzine stations waren en het fabriceren van benzine als het vervoer daarvan bijzonder gevaarlijk was..... Er waren zelfs auto's die als de veel latere LPG auto's een knop hadden waarmee je van brandstof kon wisselen als je twee verschillende tanks had (al reden de eerste auto's zoals gezegd op beiden, dus zowel op alcohol als benzine).

Het uitrollen van een netwerk van benzinestations vergt veel tijd en kapitaal, vandaar dat Rockefeller een voorstander werd van de 'Prohibition' (Drooglegging) en deze daadwerkelijk werd ingevoerd, dit alcoholverbod duurde van 1920 tot 5 december 1933, op die laatste datum bestond er inderdaad een groot netwerk aan benzinestations en was drooglegging niet langer noodzakelijk...... Uiteraard was tegen die tijd benzine goedkoper dan alcohol en was men alleen om financiële redenen al genoodzaakt om benzine te tanken...... (overigens is Brasscheck nog vergeten de elektrische auto te noemen, in de 19de eeuw waren er meerdere fabrikanten die elektrische auto's ontwikkelden, toen men alcohol en benzine ging gebruiken als brandstof was het vaarwel elektrisch aangedreven auto's, die vreemd genoeg duurder waren dan de met plofmotor aangedreven exemplaren.....)

Ook de Eerste Wereldoorlog wordt genoemd in de audio die Brasscheck meestuurde, een oorlog die tot veel zaken leidde, zoals de oprichting van een geheime dienst, in 1942 omgevormd tot de OSS, de voorloper van de CIA die in 1947 werd opgericht, vreemd genoeg speelde Rockefeller ook hier weer een rol. In de top van de OSS zaten stromannen van Rockefeller en de dienst was zelfs in de wolkenkrabber van Rockefeller gehuisvest........ Uiteraard ging het grootste deel van dat personeel mee toen de CIA in 1947 werd opgericht....

Ik weet 't, de audioprojecten van Brasscheck zijn niet echt een succes, de man die dit doet heeft een ietwat vervelende stem en spreekt nu niet direct op een manier die je aandacht vasthoudt, echter zoals vaker met deze audiobestanden is het ook nu weer meer dan de moeite waard om te luisteren!!

Onder het geheel nog een filmpje van Ford en een medewerker, waar de laatste met een grote hamer op de hennepauto inslaat, maar zelfs geen kras weet te maken op de carrosserie!!

Great re-sets of the pasten men

The untold history

It’s the buzzword of the day: “Re-Set”

It’s time to take a look at the history of re-sets.

There have been a lot of major ones in the last 100 years.

I count at least half a dozen.

A Great Re-Set: Declaring Hemp a “danger to America’s Youth”


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* In 1978 kwam de eerste lachfilm uit van Cheech & Chong, die wiet smokkelden uit Mexico door de grens over te gaan met  een auto waarvan de carrosserie deels van wiet was gemaakt. De politie en douane konden natuurlijk niets vinden en achtervolgende politie werd stoned daar de carrosserie langzaam in rook opging, de film had dan ook de titel 'Up in Smoke'. (de regisseur was Lou Adler)

Tot slot nog dit: een groot nadeel van de huidige elektrische auto's is het feit dat wanneer ze in brand vliegen, de brandweer ze in een grote bak met water moet onderdompelen en dat is een uiterst gevaarlijke klus zoals je begrijpt, één van de grote nadelen van elektrisch rijden, waar bovendien een enorm aantal laadpalen voor nodig zijn..... Over milieuvervuiling gesproken en dan moet je daar ook nog de winning van grondstoffen toe rekenen, ook dat is allesbehalve duurzaam.... (bovendien zijn elektrische auto's veel zwaarder dan bijvoorbeeld auto's die op waterstof rijden, dit vanwege de benodigde grote accu's......)

woensdag 20 februari 2019

De mislukte fascistische coup in de VS, een onbekend verhaal, 'zelfs' in geschiedenisboeken voor onderwijs

Smedley Butler was een vaak en hoog onderscheiden officier van het VS leger. Deze Smedley werd in 1933 gevraagd met een leger van 500.000 soldaten uit WOI een mars te maken op Washington DC en zo à la Bolsjewistische revolutie de rest van het land mee te krijgen in het omverwerpen van de regering Roosevelt.....

Deelnemende bedrijven aan het complot waren o.a Du Pont, J.P Morgan cartels en kregen veel steun van: Andrew Mellon Associates, Pew (Sun Oil), Rockefeller Associates, E.F. Hutton Associates, U.S. Steel, General Motors, Chase, Standard Oil en Goodyear Tires. Het complot wordt overigens aangeduid als de 'Business Plot'.

De eigenaren van grote bedrijven, zoals overgrootvader Bush (wiens banken van de Union Banking Corporation het financiële beheer van giften deels voor hun rekening namen) hadden veel sympathie voor Hitler en bewierookten hem, de toenmalige directeur van Chevrolet, Knudsen noemde Hitler zelfs een wonder.....

De betrekkingen waren zo goed dat GM al een begin maakte met de bouw van tanks voor het Duitse leger, ook motoren voor bommenwerpers en vrachtwagens voor het nazi-leger stonden op de rol......

Niet voor niets ook dat de topmannen Mooney (GM), Ford (van de autofabriek) en Tom Watson (IBM) een hoge nazi-onderscheiding kregen van Hitler........

Deze coup was gedoemd te mislukken en op het moment dat Smedley alle namen kende van de betrokken figuren, maakte hij e.e.a. openbaar (inclusief deze namen) en vreemd genoeg werd niemand van de samenzweerders veroordeeld..... Terwijl men na WOII mensen letterlijk en figuurlijk het leven onmogelijk maakte, zelfs als ze maar werden verdacht van linkse sympathie........... Niet moeilijk te raden wat hen was overkomen als zij hetzelfde hadden gedaan als de extreem rechtse, of beter gezegd: nazi-samenzweerders eerder poogden, het uitvoeren van een staatsgreep.........

Smedley werd voor zijn openbaarmaking geridiculiseerd en zwart gemaakt door de reguliere media ....... (tja er is wat betreft de reguliere massamedia niet veel veranderd sinds die tijd.....)

Het volgende artikel, inclusief video werd door Brasscheck TV gepubliceerd;

The most important video in modern US history




This could be the most important video is modern American history and I can safely bet you’ve never seen it.

But when it was first screened millions of Americans did…and then they made the story disappear.

This is not make-believe.

Who was Smedley Butler?

By the end of his career, Butler had received 16 medals, five for heroism. He is one of 19 men to receive the Medal of Honor twice, one of three to be awarded both the Marine Corps Brevet Medal (along with Wendell Neville and David Porter) and the Medal of Honor, and the only Marine to be awarded the Brevet Medal and two Medals of Honor, all for separate actions.”

Here’s the story, they will NEVER teach in history class because it tells too much about how the country really works:

Butler had been approached by Gerald P. MacGuire of Wall Street’s Grayson M-P Murphy & Co. MacGuire claimed they would assemble an army of 500,000 mostly unemployed WWI veterans and march on DC. The plutocrats wanted Butler to lead the coup, thinking that, like the Bolsheviks, taking one major city (DC as Petrograd) would lead to the fall of the government. They promised to put up $3 million as starters and dangled a future $300 million as bait. Butler went along with the plot until he could learn the identities of all the schemers. Not a one of them was ever called to testify or was charged with Treason. Virtually all of them were founding members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

The League was headed by the DuPont and J.P Morgan cartels and had major support from Andrew Mellon Associates, Pew (Sun Oil), Rockefeller Associates, E.F. Hutton Associates, U.S. Steel, General Motors, Chase, Standard Oil and Goodyear Tires.

Money was funneled thru the Sen. Prescott Bush-led Union Banking Corporation (yes, those Bushes) and the Prescott Bush-led Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH, yes, that Harriman) to the League (and to Hitler, but that’s another story). The plotters bragged about Bush’s Hitler connections and even claimed that Germany had promised Bush that it would provide materiel for the coup. This claim was entirely believable: a year earlier, Chevrolet president William S. Knudsen (who himself had donated $10,000 to the League) went to Germany and met with Nazi leaders and declared upon his return that Hitler’s Germany was “the miracle of the twentieth century.” At the time, GM’s wholly-owned Adam-Opal Co. had already begun producing the Nazi’s tanks, trucks and bomber engines. James D. Mooney, GM’s vice-president for foreign operations was joined by Henry Ford and IBM chief Tom Watson in receiving the Grand Cross of the German Eagle from Hitler for their considerable efforts on behalf of the Third Reich.

The Whitewash

While the Committee found that Gen. Butler was telling the truth, discrediting such a stalwart was problematic for the plotters. Quickly, the corporate press weighed in and sought to raise doubts about the war hero, settling on branding him naive. The discredit Knudsen meme was: “it was all idle cocktail party chatter.” This red herring was trumpeted under the Associated Press headline “The Cocktail Putsch.” New York Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia dismissed the plot as “someone at the party had suggested the idea to the ex-Marine as a joke.”

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woensdag 19 december 2018

CEO General Motors ontvangt 22 miljoen dollar voor het ontslaan van duizenden arbeiders en het sluiten van 5 fabrieken....

Je ziet pas goed waar aandeelhouders voor staan als het gaat om het ontslaan van arbeiders, de aandelenkoers van een bepaald bedrijf waar men flink snijdt in het aantal banen, gaan als een speer de lucht in.......

De CEO van General Motors (GM), Mary Barra, heeft 15.000 banen geschrapt, waarbij uiteraard een groot aantal arbeiders op straat komt te staan en er 5 fabrieken in Noord-Amerika worden gesloten, terwijl de fabrieken in Mexico en China ongemoeid blijven.....

Alsof Barra prestaties van niveau heeft neergezet, werd ze in 2017 beloond met het meer dan achterlijk hoge inkomen van 22 miljoen dollar...... Reken maar gerust dat Barra, ondanks haar belachelijk hoge salaris, zal worden beloond voor het schrappen van banen en fabrieken....

Dat de koers van GM na dit nieuws niet fiks de hoogte inging, heeft van alles te maken met de 'niet zo florissante positie' van GM.

Lees het volgende artikel van J.T. Crowe waarin veel kritiek is te lezen op GM, dat eerder met staatssteun op de been moest worden gehouden (tja, soms heeft Trump gelijk)

Appalling: General Motors CEO Collects $22 Million Salary While Cutting 15,000 Jobs

Posted by JT Crowe | Dec 7, 2018 News

General Motors CEO Mary Barra might be the most unpopular CEO in the United States right now after GM announced it is slashing up to 15,000 jobs and closing up to five plants in North America.

Barra has been shredded from all sides for the decision, including from President Donald Trump.

Appalling: General Motors CEO Collects $22 Million Salary While Cutting 15,000 Jobs
(hare kwaadaardigheid Mary Barra)

Very disappointed with General Motors and their CEO, Mary Barra, for closing plants in Ohio, Michigan and Maryland. Nothing being closed in Mexico & China. The U.S. saved General Motors, and this is the THANKS we get! We are now looking at cutting all @GMsubsidies, including… for electric cars. General Motors made a big China bet years ago when they built plants there (and in Mexico) – don’t think that bet is going to pay off. I am here to protect America’s Workers!”

On Tuesday, West Virginia Democrat Richard Ojeda, who is considering a presidential run in 2020, blasted Barra on Twitter for her $22 million salary, a number that was confirmed by Politifact. Barra’s salary is in fact 295 times higher than the average GM salaried worker’s $74,000.

At General Motors, CEO Mary Barra ‘took home almost 22 MILLION DOLLARS last year alone (295x your company’s average employee).” he tweeted.

He then slammed Barra and GM in another tweet, lambasting the company and its CEO for their corporate greed for cutting jobs and closing plants after receiving a bailout and tax breaks that kept the company afloat during the Great Recession.

(Let op: bij het volgende Twitterbericht hoort een video van bijna 2 minuten, die ik helaas niet kan overnemen, hier de link naar het origineel op Money & Markets)

I'm in Detroit at General Motors HQ.

We bailed you out.
We gave you tax breaks.

Your workers are the reason your CEO took home almost 22 MILLION DOLLARS last year alone (295x your company's average employee).

And this is how you repay them?

While mourners gathered at the Washington National Cathedral to pay their respects to President George H.W. Bush on Wednesday, Barra met with members of Congress whose constituencies will be most impacted by the layoffs and plant closings.

GM surpassed Ford in 1927 to become the world’s largest automaker and the company soared for decades. Things began to slow in the 1980s and 1990s before falling apart during the great recession that began in 2008.

GM abandoned four of its North American brands in exchange for a federal bailout, and in that bailout is where much of the bad blood toward Barra and GM now resides.
Per Ozy:
Now, after a resurgent decade, GM again finds itself in a precarious position, and so does Barra. GM “has to be the most thoroughly disliked company in Washington right now,” Rep. Debbie Dingell, a Michigan Democrat, told CNN. In the past week, Barra has been publicly scolded by President Donald Trump and now privately confronted by congressional delegations from each of the three states where the plants targeted for closure are located — Michigan, Ohio and Maryland. GM’s shake-up is the result of a variety of factors, including the massive market shift from sedans to sport utility vehicles, not to mention the tariffs on imported steel imposed by the Trump administration earlier this year, which GM claims have cost it around $1 billion.
The 56-year-old Barra, who Forbes recently ranked as the fifth most powerful woman in the world, has faced such fire before. Just days into her new job as GM’s CEO in January 2014, a crisis involving an ignition switch malfunction in older vehicles resulting in 124 deaths threatened to upend the company’s post-bailout success, and Barra was called to publicly testify before Congress on the matter. But the stark remarks that Barra, a GM lifer who earned a Stanford MBA on a GM fellowship and spent 33 years with the company before becoming its CEO, made at an internal town hall meeting at the time were perhaps more significant. “I never want to put this behind us,” she told her company. “I want to put this painful experience permanently in our collective memories.”
The Michigan native’s subsequent bold actions matched her words as she used the crisis as an opportunity to fire underperforming executives, redirect the company’s culture and streamline a bloated organization the way she had once reduced a 10-page dress code policy as the company’s head of HR to two words: “Dress appropriately.”
Mary is as strong as they come,” the legendary investor Warren Buffett once observed of Barra. “She is as good as I’ve seen.”
Barra, the first female CEO at a major automaker, has continued to act decisively to run a smaller, more profitable company, even when that has meant closing GM’s struggling European operation, abandoning markets in places like South Africa and Russia, and selling its Germany subsidiary Opel-Vauxhall. She has also steered the company in some risky but promising directions, from the $1 billion purchase of Cruise Automation in 2016 to help the company cement its position in the autonomous driving market to the recent narrowing of its manufacturing to SUVs and trucks. “The reality is that in the sedan market, the Camrys and the Accords and the Civics of the world have dominated that space forever,” says Kelley Blue Book executive analyst Akshay Anand. “And that was not something that was going to change overnight.”
Such moves, however, can require some ruthlessness. The recent layoffs blindsided many workers — right before the Thanksgiving holiday. “These were very difficult decisions,” Barra said in a statement released Wednesday after meeting with members of Congress, where she claimed that many hourly employees at the impacted U.S. plants would have the chance to work at other GM plants. Still, as GM employees brace for the future after the company endures yet another cataclysmic event, this particular “painful experience” may be one that Barra and remaining GM employees want to put behind them and not commit to their “collective memories.”
Zie ook: 'GM CEO verdient 22 miljoen dollar voor het sluiten van fabrieken en het ontslaan van arbeiders'

woensdag 17 oktober 2018

Tien bedrijven die Israël helpen bij de massamoord op de Palestijnen

Joe Catron publiceerde het hieronder opgenomen artikel op MintPress News, ik nam het over van Anti-Media. In zijn artikel schrijft Catron over de bedrijven die Israël helpen bij haar fascistische apartheidsbeleid en dan met name bij het geweld de grootschalige terreur tegen de Palestijnse bevolking in de Gazastrook en op de West Bank, waar Israël vooral in de Gazastrook de ene massamoord na de andere begaat........

Mij viel vooral Monsanto* op, dat Israël het kankerverwekkende glyfosaat levert waarmee de fascistisch Israëlische apartheidsstaat de Palestijnse akkers van de Gazastrook besproeit in de buurt van de grens met Israël, ook al niets meer of minder dan smerige terreur....... Anders gezegd: Israël besproeit de akkers in feite met een chemisch wapen en dat op het grondgebied van de Palestijnen, zodat de voedselvoorziening van de Palestijnen in hun openluchtgevangenis Gazastrook afhankelijk blijft van o.a. Israëlische import...... Dezelfde akkers worden bij tijd en wijle door Israël gebulldozerd met machines van Caterpillar.......

Uiteraard worden deze bedrijven ook gefinancierd door banken, jammer dat Catron daarvan niet de namen heeft genoemd. Wel noemt hij de HSBC bank die grote wapenfabrieken financiert, waaronder die in Israël........ Deze wapenfabrieken in Israël proberen hun nieuwste wapens in de praktijk uit op Palestijnen......... 

Ook jammer dat Catron Facebook niet noemde, deze organisatie weert Palestijnen al heel lang van haar platform, waar zionisten hun smerige gal wel mogen spuien.....

Meet Ten Corporate Giants Helping Israel Massacre Gaza Protesters

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor Meet Ten Corporate Giants Helping Israel Massacre Gaza Protesters
Zie wat de Israëlische 'helden' links aanrichten onder ongewapende demonstranten rechts op deze dubbelfoto.......

October 15, 2018 at 9:52 am
Written by Joe Catron

(MPN) — As Israeli soldiers gun down unarmed Palestinian demonstrators in the Great March of Return, their lethal operations depend on an array of contractors and suppliers, many of them companies based outside Israel.

The Israeli military relies on a network of international companies, supplying everything from sniper rifles to tear gas, to carry out its massacres of protesters in Gaza,” Tom Anderson, a researcher for Corporate Occupation, told MintPress News. “These companies are knowingly supporting war crimes, and are complicit in state-orchestrated murder.”

Since the mobilization began on March 30, Israeli forces have killed 205 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, the United Nations’ Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the Occupied Palestinian Territory reported on October 4.

There have been 21,288 injured, including 5,345 from live ammunition, resulting in 11,180 hospitalizations. Thirty-eight of the dead and 4,250 of the wounded were children.

A press release accompanying a September 25 report by the World Bank warned, “The economy in Gaza is collapsing,” adding that “the decade-long blockade is the core issue.”
Corporate Occupation and the American Friends Service Committee, the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement, and Who Profits maintain comprehensive lists of corporations enabling Israel’s crimes against Palestinians.

Here are a few of them:

Caterpillar, Inc.

Caterpillar is known internationally for Israel’s use of its bulldozers to demolish Palestinian homes in the occupied West Bank and inside Israel itself, as well as for its role in the killing of Rachel Corrie, an International Solidarity Movement activist from the United States, who was crushed to death by one of the company’s Israel-operated machines in the southern Gaza Strip on March 16, 2003. In Gaza, Caterpillar is notorious for Israel’s deployment of its equipment to reinforce a military barrier around the Strip, as well as to level Palestinian farmland inside it. These leveling operations both destroy Palestinian agriculture, keeping Gaza a captive market for Israeli producers, and maintain a clear line of fire for Israeli soldiers to shoot Palestinians.

Combined Systems, Inc.

Combined Systems — a Jamestown, Pennsylvania-based manufacturer owned by Point Lookout Capital and the Carlyle Group — supplies light weaponry and security equipment, such as tear gas and flash grenades, to repressive governments worldwide. In May, Corporate Occupation researchers spotted an Israeli vehicle, with police markings but obviously intended for military use, equipped with the company’s ‘Venom’ tear gas launcher next to the Gaza barrier.

Ford Motor Company

While other manufacturers, like General Motors, also provide vehicles used by the Israeli army to deploy its soldiers along the Gaza barrier, Ford’s are distinctive for their creative use. In 2003, Israeli vehicle manufacturer Hatehof began retrofitting Ford F550 trucks as armored personnel carriers. By 2016, Israel had moved on to F350s, modified by Israeli military electronics company Elbit Systems as autonomous unmanned vehicles capable of remotely controlled fire.


Along with herbicides from the Dow Chemical Company and ADAMA Agricultural Solutions, an Israeli unit of China’s state-owned National Chemical Corporation (ChemChina), Israel sprays Bayer subsidiary Monsanto’s notorious Glyphosate (marketed as Roundup), a known human carcinogen, on Palestinian fields across its military barrier with Gaza several times annually. As does its deployment of Caterpillar bulldozers to level the same fields, the aerial application, conducted by two civilian Israeli companies under contract to the army, serves both Israeli economic and military interests — preventing Palestinian self-sufficiency in agriculture, while allowing its forces to easily detect and fire upon Palestinian farmers and other civilians using their own land.

G4S plc

Formerly one of Israel’s biggest occupation contractors, G4S sold its major Israeli subsidiary, G4S Israel, in 2016, but kept a stake in the construction and operation of Policity, Israel’s privatized national police academy. Israel claims that its police enjoy civilian status, but routinely deploys them in military operations against Palestinians in both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, including their use of both Combined System’s ‘Venon’ tear-gas launcher and weaponized drones to repress the Great March of Return.

Hewlett Packard

Now three companies with interlocking operations — HP Inc., Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), and DXC Technology — HP equips the Israeli military with computers and has undertaken contracts to “virtualize” IDF operations, starting in 2007 with a pilot program for the Israeli navy, which enforces the blockade of Gaza.

HSBC Bank plc

HSBC provides extensive financing to some of the most notorious military manufacturers in the world, several of them Israeli.

HSBC holds over £800m worth of shares in, and is involved in syndicated loans worth over £19b to, companies that sell weapons and military equipment to the Israeli government,” Huda Ammori, campaigns officer for the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, told MintPress. “These investments include Elbit Systems, Israel’s largest private security firm, which markets its weapons as ‘field-tested,’ due to them being tested on Palestinian civilians in Gaza.”

A leading drone manufacturer, Elbit has played a key role in aerial attacks on the Great March of Return.

Motorola Solutions Inc.

Motorola provides the encrypted smartphones the Israeli military uses to deploy soldiers, as well as radio and communications services for the Israeli police.


Among casualties of the Great March of Return, Amnesty International reports, some “wounds bear the hallmarks of U.S.-manufactured M24 Remington sniper rifles shooting 7.62mm hunting ammunition, which expand and mushroom inside the body,” along with others indicative of Israel Weapon Industries’ Tavor rifles. “In the United States this is sold as a hunting rifle to kill deer,” Brian Castner, a weapons specialist for the human-rights organization, said in April.

Dipping Company, LLC

The White Plains, New York-based food manufacturer, co-owned by PepsiCo and Israeli foodmaker Strauss, has donated food packages to the Israeli Army’s Golani Brigade, notorious for its human-rights abuses in both Gaza and the West Bank.

We Must Channel Our Rage”

As the Great March of Return, now in its 29th week, continues, participants and supporters say targeting firms complicit in its repression is one of the most effective means of solidarity.

We must channel our rage at Israel’s atrocities into effective actions to hold Israel accountable,” the BDS National Committee said in a statement on April 12. “Together, we can escalate Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaigns.”

Israel is meeting the Palestinian protesters with live fire, massacring over 190 Palestinians to date,” Ammori told MintPress. “Israel’s racist discrimination and brutal violence is evident, and the campaign to end complicity is vital.”

* Monsanto, tegenwoordig van Bayer, het bedrijf dat tijdens WOII in nazi-Duitsland verantwoordelijk was voor medische proeven op concentratiekampgevangenen en daarmee heeft meegewerkt aan de massamoord op o.a. Joden.......... 'Echt een topbedrijf', dat mede hoofdverantwoordelijk is voor de enorme insectensterfte die in de laatste decennia plaatsvond (twee derde van de insecten is uitgestorven door gebruik van insecticiden en ander landbouwgif) In het bijzonder zijn de bestuivers als bijen en hommels getroffen, zonder wie de mensheid een enorme massasterfte staat te wachten....... 'Alweer een prestatie van formaat....'

Boycotten die bedrijven!!