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Albert Einstein:

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Posts tonen met het label motorclubs. Alle posts tonen

woensdag 12 mei 2021

Proud Boys Canada 'officieel ontbonden'

De Proud Boys hebben flinke bekendheid gekregen met hun verzet tegen de Black Lives Matter protesten en de meest in het oog springende actie waar deze fascisten aan meewerkten was de bestorming van het Capitol op 6 januari jl. De Proud Boys tak in Canada heeft de organisatie ontbonden, daar de Canadese overheid de organisatie aanwijst als een terreurorganisatie. De reden tot ontbinding zou zijn dat men geen geld heeft om te procederen tegen het verbieden van de organisatie daar deze zoals gezegd als terreurorganisatie wordt aangemerkt in Canada en daarbij de middelen en eigendommen in beslag kunnen worden genomen en verbeurd kunnen worden verklaard.

In het artikel van Right Wing Watch hieronder, geschreven door Karim Zadan, vraagt deze zich in de kop af of de Proud Boys organisatie niet meer bestaat en daar als antwoord op geeft dat dit wellicht niet zo is..... Wat ik overigens niet wist is dat Gavin McInnes de oprichter van de Proud Boys de Canadese nationaliteit heeft. Uiteraard gaan deze fascisten met hun meer dan belachelijke naam door, het zijn geen jongens en racisme (is wat mij betreft fascisme) is bepaald niet iets om trots op te zijn..... (maar ja daarover 'denken' fascisten en neonazi's anders; al is denken om 't zacht te zeggen niet hun sterkste kant) 

Het is als met de motorbendes die na te zijn verboden onder een andere naam doorgingen. Trouwens over die motorbendes gesproken: als je foto's ziet van deze Proud Boys lijken ze precies op die 'brommerjongens' en inderdaad dat zijn een soort van psychopathisch gewelddadige figuren die nooit volwassen zijn geworden en dat nooit zullen zijn...... Je kan er dan ook donder op zeggen dat het overgrote deel van de Proud Boys deel uitmaakt van motorbendes.

Gavin McInnes en zijn 'motorboys'

Deze Proud Boys staan pal achter de figuren die het land hebben gekoloniseerd, ofwel de massamoordenaars die de oorspronkelijke bevolking hebben uitgemoord in de grootste genocide ooit..... Toen de Amerika's werden ontdekt bestonden er naar schatting 15 miljoen oorspronkelijke bewoners, die men indianen noemt. Tegen het eind van de 19de eeuw waren daar nog 250.000 mensen van over....... Ofwel die Proud Boys zijn er trots op dat en minstens 14 miljoen mensen werden vermoord om ruimte te maken voor de witte Europeanen...... (zo'n miljoen mensen zijn overleden aan ziekten die de witten meebrachten, ziekten die niet bestonden in de 3 Amerika's......)

Zidan concludeert uiteindelijk dat deze Proud Boys zullen blijven bestaan, niet alleen daar bepaalde groepen zich niet gebonden voelen aan het opheffen van de organisatie, of dat men onder een andere naam door zal gaan, maar vooral door een soort van leus die de Proud Boys gebruiken: 'Ideas cannot be legislated and our fire will never be extinguished.' (ideeën kunnen niet worden onderworpen aan wetgeving en ons vuur zal nooit worden geblust.

Are the Proud Boys Finished in Canada? Maybe Not



On Sunday, Proud Boys Canada released a statement claiming that the organization has “officially dissolved.

In the release, leaders of the Canadian branch of the organization stated that the group reached the decision to disband after Canada’s Liberal government designated it a terrorist organization following the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection. Proud Boys Canada’s inclusion on the list meant that the group’s assets and property are subject to seizure or forfeiture. While the group claimed that the terrorist designation was “not based on evidence or incident,” they admitted that they would not be able to pursue a legal case against the government because they have “no financial support.”

“We were never terrorists or a white supremacy group,” read the statement posted on Telegram via the official Proud Boys channel. “We are just regular patriotic Canadians. We are electricians, carpenters, financial advisors, mechanics, etc. … In the face of a tyrannical leftist government, we regular citizens were banned and outlawed for holding the same beliefs as the men who built this country.”

Despite the group’s apparent demise, there is reason to believe that Proud Boys Canada will continue to operate in some form. Several local chapters of the Proud Boys have already rejected the official statement, adding that regional chapters were independent and were free to make their own decisions. Other members may splinter off into different groups or even join up with existing groups in the far-right landscape. These concerns beg the question: Are the Proud Boys truly finished in Canada?

Founded in 2016, the Proud Boys began as a male-only organization that promoted “Western chauvinism” and challenged political correctness. The group originated in both the U.S. and Canada and was founded by Gavin McIness, a Canadian citizen who grew up in Ottawa, Ontario. Within the first year of the group’s existence, the Proud Boys made national headlines in Canada when five Canadian Armed Forces officers—all of whom were members of the Proud Boys Halifax chapter—interrupted an Indigenous protest ceremony on Canada Day. The five men were dressed in black polo shirts (a style that would soon become synonymous with the group) and carried posters with slogans such as “West is Best” and a Red Ensign flag, Canada’s predecessor to the maple leaf standard that symbolizes the nation today.

Over the next few years, dozens of Proud Boys chapters sprouted across Canada, and in cities including Toronto, Montreal, Manitoba, Vancouver, Edmonton, and Calgary. They participated in public rallies and protests, where they became known for “confrontational and at times violent tactics,” according to a report by the Canadian Armed Forces. However, while Proud Boys chapters continued to operate across Canada, they did not garner the media attention that their American counterparts did nor did they appear to be as extreme as some of the U.S. factions.

In the wake of the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection, the vast majority of online platforms associated with the Canadian branches of the Proud Boys went dark. The Edmonton Proud Boys website, which was used for recruitment purposes, also went offline as reports emerged that prominent Proud Boys members, including the leader of the Proud Boys Hawaii chapter, were allegedly involved in the insurrection. Then on Jan. 12, the Proud Boys faction in Manitoba disbanded due to “differences between our autonomous chapter’s values and how the name is perceived.”

“Although we as an organization have always been opposed to political violence, the recent events in the United States have made it impossible for us to continue,” the group said in an email sent to Global News. “With solid leadership and a proper code of conduct internationally The Proud Boys could have been a great thing.”

Within a matter of weeks, Canada’s public safety minister, Bill Blair, announced that the Proud Boys and two neo-Nazi networks, Atomwaffen and The Base, had been added to Canada’s terror entity list. While the move was celebrated as a symbolic gesture affirmed Canada’s opposition to domestic extremism as well as a death blow to the organization, it could also embolden its former members outraged by the group’s dissolution to join other far-right entities or form new groups.

Prior to the Proud Boys’ terrorist designation, a group of former Proud Boy members splintered off from the organization and formed a pro-terrorist group known as Canada First. As reported by the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, the group has emerged as a violent neo-Nazi accelerationist movement that “calls for the removal and elimination — through violent means —  of Jews, feminists, LGBTQIA2S+ people, Black people, Muslims and anyone not white.” The group also sought to target journalists that were critical of their activities.

The Canada First group became active in October 2020, recruiting members and producing propaganda flyers that were distributed across the country, including Ontario and as far west as Vancouver Island. They remain active and are considered to be one of the most extreme groups operating in Canada.

While it is unlikely that the Proud Boys will regain footing in Canada under that brand name, its offshoots such as Canada First remain significant threats to Canadian society. And given that several Proud Boys chapters in Canada have rejected the official dissolution of the group, it is also possible that some chapters will continue to operate autonomously. Others may splinter off into new groups, all of which helps grow the far-right ecosystem within Canada. Even the official Proud Boys group seemed to hint that the group will continue to live on in some form.

“Many will champion and celebrate this decision by the Canadian Proud Boys but this fight for liberty is far from over,” read the official Proud Boys statement on Telegram. “Ideas cannot be legislated and our fire will never be extinguished.”

Tags: Gavin McInnes Anti-Muslim Anti-Semitism Proud Boys Terrorism Proud Boys


Zie ook 'Capitol Hill bestorming: leugens in de massamedia' (en zie de links in dat bericht)

'Rellen op Capitol Hill: burgeroorlog in VS dichterbij dan de laatste 155 jaar en de roep om censuur klinkt harder dan ooit'
'VS 'voorrechten' op de rest van de wereld'

'Trump dreigt met paramilitair geweld in de VS'

Mijn excuus voor de vormgeving, krijg het niet op orde, de niet in 'vet' weergegeven links werken wel. 

zaterdag 23 maart 2019

Trump dreigt met paramilitair geweld in de VS

Het is het beest Trump nu geheel en al in de bolle kop geslagen, de hufter durfde 13 maart jl. in een interview voor Breitbart te zeggen dat hij het leger, de politie en motorbendes aan zijn kant staan, maar dat ze gelukkig (nog) geen geweld plegen.....* (motorbendes: je weet, wel van die gewelddadig misdadige 'volwassen' jongens met veel te grote brommers en oude stinkauto's) Met andere woorden: als Trump z'n zin niet krijg, of men probeert hem af te zetten, is dat nog lang geen gelopen race, sterker nog die race zal niet eens van start gaan......

In feite dreigt Trump met een burgeroorlog mocht men hem proberen af te zetten, met de lullige toevoeging dat hij aan de sterke kant zal staan met paramilitaire troepen om zijn tegenstanders op te pakken, dan wel te vermoorden.....

Ben het overigens niet eens met wat Sasha Abramsky, de schrijver van het hieronder opgenomen artikel, zegt over Putin: Rusland zit toch echt nog voor het stadium van een totale dictatuur. Bovendien hebben we aan Putin te danken dat het in Syrië niet volledig uit de hand is gelopen, wat betreft de andere wereldmacht, of beter gezegd terreurentiteit VS. Eén ding is zeker als Trump, of noem nog maar wat VS presidenten, op de plek van Putin hadden gezeten met hun administratie, waren we waarschijnlijk al in een wereldoorlog verwikkeld geweest >> WOIII.....

Steve King, een (fascistisch) ideologische partner van Trump en witte nationalistische ploert, hield vorige maand zijn volgers een cartoon voor en gaf ze de boodschap mee dat een burgeroorlog mogelijk is en dat dit een feest zou zijn voor conservatieven wapenfanaten, 'een feest' om slappe liberalen, 'die niet weten welk toilet ze moeten gebruiken', neer te schieten.....

Zoals gezegd: Abramsky is de schrijver van het hieronder opgenomen artikel dat o.a. verscheen op Information Clearing House (ICH). Hij haalt het verleden erbij, o.a. de SA van Hitler, paramilitairen die tekeergingen tegen Joden, homo's, of beter gezegd wat we tegenwoordig Lgbt mensen noemen, maar ook tegen Roma, Sinti en linkse tegenstanders.......

Het feit dat Trump met paramilitaire acties dreigt is uiteraard te zot voor woorden, hiervoor zou hij afgezet moeten worden, niet voor het sprookje dat men Russiagate is gaan noemen, maar waarvoor niet één nanometer bewijs is gevonden, zelfs niet na 2 jaar diepgravend onderzoek........ (nieuws van deze dag: aanklager Mueller adviseert de zaak verder te laten rusten, ofwel hij heeft nul komma nada bewijzen voor Russiagate gevonden!)

Beste bezoeker, nog even dit: lullig misschien, maar wat mij betreft mag de pleuris uitbreken in de VS en wel zo erg dat het leger uit andere landen moet worden teruggetrokken, kan de wereld eindelijk een ademhalen, zonder de hete 'bloedige adem' van de grootste terreurentiteit op aarde in de nek te voelen.......

Het artikel verscheen op Information Clearing House (ICH) en werd eerder gepubliceerd op truthout (nam het artikel over van ICH, de foto komt van truth):

Trump Threatens to Unleash Paramilitary Violence in the US

President Donald Trump stands with Bikers for Trump at Trump National Golf Club.

By Sasha Abramsky

March 21, 2019 "Information Clearing House" - This has been one of those whiplash weeks where so many particularly monstrous words have emanated from Donald Trump’s mouth and Twitter-fingers that it becomes almost dizzying.

Where to focus my outrage? Should I be most concerned about the fact that the supposed “leader of the free world” stumbled through a series of non-answers when asked about the growing threat of white nationalism in the wake of the grotesque massacre of scores of Muslims in New Zealand? Or the fact that last weekend, instead of tweeting sympathy to the victims of that massacre, Trump chose instead to tweet out insults and lies about a dead senator? Or the fact that he threatened to sic the Federal Communications Commission onto a comedy show he didn’t like, while at the same time stepping into the editorial fray to urge Fox News to stand behind two particularly noxious commentators whom he does like?

All these are bad, but none is as bloody awful as his musings on unleashing paramilitary violence if things go too wrong for him in the political arena. In his trademark “I didn’t say it” way, Trump talked in a March 13 Breitbart interview about how he had the police, the military and the biker gangs in his corner — and how wonderful it was that they weren’t violent … for now; the clear nudge, nudge, wink, wink, subtext being that all he would have to do is give a signal, and his armed proxies would go after his enemies. A few days later, white nationalist Rep. Steve King, one of Trump’s closest ideological soulmates on Capitol Hill, forwarded to his followers a cartoon about the possibility of a modern-day U.S. civil war, and how gun-toting conservatives would have a field day shooting down wishy-washy liberals who couldn’t even work out what public bathrooms they wanted to use.

None of this stuff is remotely funny, and it has no place in a functioning democracy. Of course, many U.S. politicians in the past have called out the hard-hat brigade when it suited them; segregationist Southern governors during the civil rights struggle routinely stoked white mob violence in an effort to block reforms. In 1968, Chicago Mayor Richard Daley unleashed the police against anti-war protesters with the intent of busting open as many heads as possible. In the Tammany Hall days, machine politicians weren’t averse to making unholy alliances with street gangs. More recently, demagogues from Louisiana politician Huey Long to Red Scare architect Joe McCarthy have all-too-well understood the power of the crowd and the potency of the threat of political violence in an already combustible situation.

But for the most part, presidents have tended to stay away from such a dark and dangerous path. They have done so not necessarily because of moral scruples, but out of an awareness of the ferocious (and ultimately uncontainable) forces that can be unleashed when a person with the power and reach of the president of the United States abandons all pretext of democratic governance; of respect for the rule of law; and of an understanding that the game of politics has to be bound by a set of rules or else it will degenerate into strong-man rule, and, eventually, the unfathomable horror of civil conflict.

Trump has, since he first announced his candidacy back in 2015, shown little patience for the limits, the nuance and the necessity of compromise that constitutional governance necessitates. He has, from the get-go, shown himself temperamentally to be an autocrat, a man with dictatorial ambitions who is far more comfortable in the presence of rulers such as Russian President Vladimir Putin, Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro, than democratic leaders such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel or Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Over the last two years, the Trump regime — and it is far more a regime than an administration — has bent the GOP firmly to his will on this.

Were Trump’s outrageous comments about biker gangs and military intervention in domestic politics just the random utterances of an egocentric authoritarian, things would be grim enough. But over the last two years, various GOP organizations around the country have invited white supremacist groups including the Three Percenters, the Oath Keepersand the Proud Boys to either provide “security” at their rallies or to “spice up” their events with speakers who advocate violence. All of these groups are paramilitaries-in-the-making; all are — or at least were before being brought into the mainstream by Trumpite Republicans — on the far margins of the political process, their worldview more closely aligned with fascist visions of society than with what passed as GOP mainstream beliefs in the pre-Trump era.

Over these last few years, the GOP has increasingly come to resemble a political party whose raison d’étre is simply to nurture the cult of the personality around Trump rather than to contribute anything genuinely resembling ideas into the political discourse; a political party willing to embrace the most violent and thuggish elements for partisan advantage. The scale of this degeneration was on display last month, when Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz publicly threatened congressional witness and former Trump attorney Michael Cohen, and then blithely claimed he was just contributing to “the marketplace of ideas.”

Let’s be real. Publicly blackmailing a witness is no more about “the marketplace of ideas” than a mobster’s threat to make someone “sleep with the fishes” if they cooperate with the police. Using the presidential bully pulpit to goad an already angry and wrathful “base” to consider violence against political opponents is, again, no more simply part of the democratic rough and tumble, the contest for hearts and minds, than would be the burning of a cross on the lawn of a perceived enemy.

Unfortunately, history is littered with examples of power-hungry rulers turning to paramilitary violence when it was politically expedient. The Sturmabteilung (SA) were the backbone of early Nazi power in Germany. Their sadistic foot soldiers were unleashed against Jews, trade unionists, communists, LGBTQ folks, independent journalists, artists, academics and so on. In Latin America, paramilitaries were instrumental in the dirty wars that decimated a generation of progressives. Elsewhere, paramilitaries have been turned to in recent times by leaders such as Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, as well as by genocidal leaders such as those in Rwanda and in the Balkan states in the early 1990s.

In his powerful essay, “In Defense of the Word,” written during a decade when most of Latin America had fallen to dictators backed up by paramilitary forces, the Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano wrote that the combination of authoritarian leaders and armed militias had paved the way for “the development of methods of torture, techniques for assassinating people and ideas, for the cultivation of silence, the extension of impotence, and the sowing of fear.”

We think we are different; we are, after all, Americans, and in the U.S., we say to ourselves with a healthy dose of hubris, that we don’t do things that way. But how different are we really? How thin is our veneer? How vulnerable are we to the siren calls of political violence issued from the biggest dais on Earth and amplified by the instruments of social media?

Trump and his acolytes are now truly playing with fire. The more Trump’s legal woes mount up, the more he seems willing to embrace his own Götterdämmerung vision, a willingness to create maximum chaos simply to insulate himself from justice.

In an essay titled “Fascism in Latin America,” Galeano observed that, “In the slaughterhouses of human flesh, the hangmen hummed patriotic songs.” Trump, with his musings about the army, the police, the biker gangs, his literal hugging of the flag at the Conservative Political Action Conference, and his repeated conflation of dissent with treason, is humming loud and clear these days.

Sasha Abramsky is a freelance journalist and a part-time lecturer at the University of California at Davis. His work has appeared in The NationThe Atlantic MonthlyNew York MagazineThe Village Voice and Rolling Stone. Originally from England, he now lives in Sacramento, California, with his wife, daughter and son. He has a masters degree from Columbia University School of Journalism, and is currently a senior fellow at the New York City-based Demos think tank.

This article was originally published by "truthout" - 
* Gezien het enorme en onevenredige geweld van de politie tegen gekleurde VS burgers en andere ambtenaren tegen vluchtelingen, is die uitspraak een gotspe!

zaterdag 29 maart 2014

Motorclub brekend nieuws! Een vijfde motorclub ziet het levenslicht!!!

Veel ellende over de nieuwe motorclub 'Bandidos', na een aantal incidenten, werd vannacht het clubhuis van deze brommerfanaten in brand gestoken. Tegelijkertijd werd vanmorgen bekend gemaakt, dat er een vijfde motorclub is opgericht: 'De Bambinos'. De leden van deze club bewegen zich uitsluitend op zogenaamde 'Trikes', dat zijn bromfietsen op drie wielen, de Bambinos verplaatsen zich middels 'lichamelijke brandstoffen', dus minimale vervuiling en geen herrie. De Bambinos hebben het meteen groots aangepakt, in alle steden en dorpen, hebben de leden clubhuizen. Om aanvallen van de andere motorclubs te voorkomen, begeven de leden zich uitsluitend op straat, met minimaal één lijfwacht, meestal in de tijd van rond 7.00 's morgens tot 20.00 u. 's avonds.........

De aanpak van deze club is zoveel volwassener, dan die van de bestaande motorclubs, waar volwassenen zich als kleine misdadige kinderen gedragen op hun stinkende lawaaifietsen, dat uw Azijnpisser de Bambinos een gezonde, zonnige en voorspoedige toekomst toewenst!