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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label vanden Heuvel. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label vanden Heuvel. Alle posts tonen

woensdag 9 oktober 2019

Snowden vindt het ongelofelijk dat de media VS politici niet aanspreken op totaal verschillende reacties n.a.v. 'klokkenluiden'

Edward Snowden, die zelf zwaar boet voor het naar buiten brengen van informatie waar ten eerste het volk in de VS en ten tweede zo ongeveer de hele wereld recht op heeft, de ongelofelijk smerige en bloederige internationale 'spelletjes' (lees: terreur) die de VS uitvoert.

Het steekt Snowden volkomen terecht dat de VS politici zo verschillend reageren op klokkenluiders, Snowden noemt de zaak met klokkenluider Daniel Hale, die rapporten lekte over het VS terreurprogramma met drones..... Trump weigerde een paar maanden geleden al e.e.a. naar openbaar te maken, terwijl dat normaal wel zou gebeuren.....

Sources: 1) ISR study; 2) ISR study; 3) ISR study; 4) ISR study; 4) ISR study; 6) Foreign Policy; 7) The Washington Post; 8) Foreign Policy; 9) The Washington Post; 10) The Washington Post; 11) The Washington Post; 12) The Washington Post; 13) The New York Times; 14) The Washington Post

Des te belangrijker dat rapport daar meer dan 90% van de slachtoffers die bij deze drone aanvallen wordt vermoord niet eens werden verdacht, want daar gaat het om: de VS vermoordt verdachten, waar deze berecht zouden moeten worden...... Buiten de vergissingen bij drone aanvallen, zijn er altijd de omstanders die ook getroffen worden als een verdachte wordt vermoord, zoals gezegd mensen die niet eens verdacht werden, veelal vrouwen en kinderen...... ('echte helden', die deze aanvallen uitvoeren....)


Hale wordt vervolgd, terwijl een andere klokkenluider, de CIA figuur die gestationeerd was in het Witte Huis en die met een telefoongesprek tussen Trump en de Oekraïense president Zelensky naar buiten kwam, niet wordt vervolgd...... Je weet wel het gevalletje Joe Biden en zijn zoon Hunter, die duidelijk en zelf verklaard de Oekraïense president onder druk hebben gezet om de openbaar aanklager te ontslaan, daar deze met een onderzoek bezig was naar corruptie bij het bedrijf Burisma, een energieleverancier voor wie Hunter Biden tegen een achterlijk hoog salaris werkte, als was hij een CEO van een Duits autobedrijf....... Bij het niet voldoen aan deze eis, zou een dikke levering met militair materieel voor Oekraïne niet doorgaan, binnen 6 uur was de zaak geklaard volgens de oude corrupte Biden, die daar nogal trots op was.....

Nu Trump op zijn beurt de Oekraïense president onder druk zou hebben gezet om een onderzoek in te stellen naar deze zaak en ook dat weer afhankelijk maakte van een dikke financiële injectie, zijn de rapen wel gaar......

Totaal hypocriet, maar beste bezoeker, ik vind 't allemaal best, hoe meer ellende in de VS politiek, hoe minder kans op weer een bloedige slachtpartij in een ver of dichtbij buitenland van deze vereniging van terreurstaten.........

(De getoonde afbeeldingen komen van The Intercept)

Het volgende artikel werd geschreven door Jessica Corbett en verscheen eerder op Common Dreams:

Published on Wednesday, October 02, 2019 by Common Dreams

'Unbelievable': Snowden Calls Out Media for Failing to Press US Politicians on Inconsistent Support of Whistleblowers

The comment followed a new Justice Department filing that claims a whistleblower engaged in "thievery, not protected speech" when allegedly leaking classified information on the U.S. drone operations

Edward Snowden
National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden called out the media Wednesday for not challenging U.S. lawmakers on their inconsistent support for whistleblowers. (Photo: CyberHades/flickr/cc)

Exiled National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden declared on Twitter Wednesday it is "unbelievable that in a moment where politicians are making daily media statements about 'supporting whistleblowers,' the media is not pressing them on the case of Daniel Hale."

Hale, a 31-year-old former government intelligence analyst, "is being prosecuted RIGHT NOW for blowing the whistle on enormously controversial drone programs," Snowden wrote. In May, Hale was charged under the Espionage Act for leaking classified information to a journalist widely believed to be The Intercept's Jeremy Scahill.

Snowden's comments came as U.S. politicians are speaking out about the importance of protecting the anonymity of the intelligence community whistleblower whose complaint about President Donald Trump's July phone call with the Ukrainian president prompted House Democrats' official impeachment inquiry into Trump.

Unbelievable that in a moment where politicians are making daily media statements about "supporting whistleblowers," the media is not pressing them on the case of Daniel Hale, who is being prosecuted RIGHT NOW for blowing the whistle on enormously controversial drone programs. 

Snowden, on Twitter, linked to The Washington Post's report from Tuesday night on a new federal court filing in which the U.S. Department of Justice argued that Hale engaged in "thievery, not protected speech," and thus cannot challenge the Espionage Act charges on First Amendment grounds.

Defense attorneys for Hale "argued last month that the law was designed to deal with spies, not leakers, and that the prosecution runs afoul of the First Amendment by chilling newsgathering and implicating the reporter who received the information," the Post noted. That argument could resurface if WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange—who also faces espionage charges in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia—is ever extradited to the United States.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Alexander Berrang argued in the DOJ filing that by signing nondisclosure agreements, "Hale expressly waived in writing his right to disclose the national security information he obtained while in his government position." Berrang added that whether federal lawmakers intended the Espionage Act—which dates back to World War I—to apply to leakers of classified information "may be interesting thought exercises but are irrelevant to the case at hand."
According to the Post:
In their own filing Monday, Hale's attorneys argue that he should be able to challenge whether the documents in question were truly national defense information and properly classified. He may argue at trial that he "intentionally selected any documents he obtained to include only those that he believed were relevant to public discourse and not potentially damaging to national security," and that "his intentions were purely to inform the public of information relevant to public discourse—and not to profit ... or to harm the United States."
They reference recent news that the White House has been moving reports on President Trump's phone calls with foreign leaders to a highly classified computer system.
"The government could classify information, improperly, solely to protect the Executive Branch from embarrassment, and criminalize any attempt by the press to write about the substance of its obviously improper classification determination," they wrote.
Trump's treatment of the Ukraine whistleblower, which Snowden condemned earlier this week, has provoked a national discussion about the federal government's use of the Espionage Act and the importance of whistleblower protections.

Snowden, who also has been charged under the Espionage Act but currently lives in Russia with asylum status, is board president of the Freedom of the Press Foundation (FPF). Trevor Timm, the group's co-founder and executive director, addressed the controversial law and the value of whistleblowers—both those who go through "proper" channels and those who leak information to reporters—in a Medium post last week.

"Thanks to massive public pressure, the whistleblower will likely be heard by Congress," Timm wrote of the person behind the complaint about Trump's phone call. "And when that person does go before the intelligence committee, the lawmakers assembled should commend not only the initial whistleblower's bravery, but also those who had the guts to do the right thing and go to the press when the official process was being stifled."

Katrina vanden Heuvel, editorial director and publisher of The Nationpointed out Tuesday in her weekly column for the Post, "Yes, many are portraying the anonymous intelligence official who blew the whistle on Trump as a hero, but all too often Americans who reveal truths about government misdeeds are treated as traitors."

One example vanden Heuvel highlighted was the federal government's latest attack of Snowden. 
"Even as the latest whistleblower scandal was breaking," she noted, "the Justice Department filed a lawsuit against Snowden over the release of his new memoir, Permanent Record—an absurd act of spite considering that the book contains no details about surveillance that have not been previously reported."

As Common Dreams reported after the DOJ filed the suit last month, Snowden responded in part by tweeting out a link to his book's page on Amazon and the words, "This is the book the government does not want you to read."

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'WhiteHouse: US, Ecuador Coordinating About Future Of Assange Asylum'

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'VS burgers zijn gewaarschuwd: Rusland kan hun hersenen hacken en laten geloven dat Joe Biden niet geschikt is als president'

'Nieuwe Russische hack samenzweringstheorie t.a.v. Joe Biden 'schokt' VS Democraten

'Hunter Biden zit in de Oekraïense 'witwas val''

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'Joe Biden (ex-vicepresident VS) heeft zichzelf fiks in de Oekraïense staart gebeten'

'Oekraïne, een mislukte, corrupte en fascistische staat........' (o.a. met aandacht voor Biden en zijn zoon)

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Laatste 'update' : 4 juni 2021 >> de leesbaarheid verbeterd, wat niets aan de strekking van het bericht heeft veranderd.

vrijdag 23 februari 2018

Trumps buitenlandbeleid heeft de wereld naar de rand van WOIII gebracht.......

Volkomen terecht waarschuwt Darius Shahtahmasebi de wereld voor het gevaar van het 'buitenlandbeleid' dat de Trump administratie voert.

Met veel voorbeelden geeft Shahtahmasebi aan dat de VS ons op de rand van Wereldoorlog III heeft gebracht en er niet veel voor nodig is om deze oorlog daadwerkelijk te laten losbarsten......

Waar blijven de demonstraties tegen het terreurbeleid van de VS, die ons steeds dichter bij WOIII brengen???

Verdere woorden overbodig, lees en oordeel zelf:

How Donald Trump’s Policies Have Brought Us to the Brink of World War 3

February 20, 2018 at 11:55 

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) — On February 7, 2018, the U.S.-led coalition in Syria conducted air and artillery strikes against what were believed to be pro-government forces in response to an “unprovoked attack” launched by these pro-regime troops. Not long after, reports began emerging that significant numbers of Russian personnel were included in the over 100 dead and wounded. While Russia denied this at first, eventually, the accepted version of events on both sides was that there were some Russian nationals who did lose their lives in Syria. These Russians are arguably mercenaries and contractors, not official troops.

This is not the first time the U.S.-led coalition has struck pro-government forces in Syria. Aside from Donald Trump’s grandiose strike on a Syrian airbase in April of last year, U.S. forces also conducted multiple strikes against Syrian and Iranian-backed forces as these factions began to encircle the American military’s presence at a base in al-Tanf.

Donald Trump has famously relaxed the Obama-era restrictions on calling in airstrikes, meaning commanders on the battlefield can call in airstrikes at their disposal without any oversight. Previously, an airstrike could not be launched on a whim and was required to go through certain protocols before it could be delivered. Now, even associated forces can call in American airstrikes on the battlefield. The most infamous example of this is when Iraqi commanders called in a U.S. strike that ended up killing well over 200 civilians in a single bombardment.

Barely a week after Trump’s Syria strike in April, the U.S. military dropped a $450,000 bomb in Afghanistan dubbed the “Mother of all bombs” (MOAB). It soon transpired that the decision to drop the bomb was not made by Trump himself as commander-in-chief but by Gen. John Nicholson, commander of the U.S. forces in Afghanistan.

It’s time to ask yourself: Are you comfortable with commanders on the battlefield calling in airstrikes even if those airstrikes could potentially kill personnel on the ground belonging to another nuclear power?

Last Tuesday, Wisconsin Democrat Mark Pocan told the Nation that “Congress has never authorized force against Syrian, Turkish, Yemeni Houthi, Russian, Iranian, or North Korean forces. Yet reportedly, a secret administration memo may claim the legal justification to do just that: attack Syrian, North Korean, and other forces without any congressional authorization.” [emphasis added]

According to Lawfare, a lawsuit required the government to reveal a list of documents relating to the April Syria strike, but not the actual documents themselves. The court-ordered directions forced the government to reveal that the seven-page secret memo Pocan was referring to was drafted up by administration lawyers on April 6, 2017, just before Trump’s infamous strike. The government’s declarations revealed that only a few of the words on one of the memo’s pages are classified, and they are related to facts, not legalities. Still, the administration refuses to disclose the memo to the public, claiming the document is exempt from the Freedom of Information Act.

I am also concerned that this legal justification may now become precedent for additional executive unilateral military action, including this week’s U.S. airstrikes in Syria against pro-Assad forces or even an extremely risky ‘bloody nose’ strike against North Korea,” Senator Tim Kaine (D-Va) said last week.

In early February, the Pentagon released its much anticipated 2018 Nuclear Posture Review. From the Washington Post’s Katrina vanden Heuvel’s assessment:

The review reaffirms the United States is ready to use nuclear weapons first in an alarmingly wide range of scenarios. It remains ‘the policy of the United States to retain some ambiguity regarding the precise circumstances’ that might lead to a nuclear response. The United States reserves the right to unleash nuclear weapons first in ‘extreme circumstances’ to defend the ‘vital interests’ not only of the United States but also of its ‘allies and partners’ — a total of some 30 countries. ‘Extreme circumstances,’ the review states explicitly, include significant non-nuclear attacks,’ including conventional attacks on ‘allied or partner civilian population or infrastructure.’ The United States also maintains a ‘portion of its nuclear forces’ on daily alert, with the option of launching those forces ‘promptly.’ [emphasis added]

The U.S. has an active stockpile of at least 4,000 nuclear weapons, rivaled only by Russia. According to the Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR), a “limited” regional exchange of nuclear weapons could force one billion people to the point of starvation, and a week-long “regional” encounter could kill far more than died during World War II.

As Albert Einstein famously said, “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”

Heuvel correctly summarized the current nuclear strategy:

In sum, the United States is building a new generation of nuclear weapons and delivery systems, will deploy more usable nuclear weapons in ‘forward’ areas, remains committed to possible ‘first use’ of nuclear weapons even against non-nuclear attacks in defense of 30 countries, retains missiles on active alert ready to launch, is skeptical of the possibility of any progress in arms control and is hostile to the global movement to make nuclear weapons illegal. All this as tensions with Russia and China rise, relations with North Korea remain literally explosive, and the nuclear deal with Iran stays under constant assault from the president.

One thing we do know is that the U.S. is openly considering nuclear strikes in response to cyber-attacks, which could be conducted by anyone from lone-wolf hackers to Iran, North Korea, Russia, or China. We also know that the Trump administration has been weighing a “limited” strike on North Korea for some time now, even as North and South Korea pursue a peaceful dialogue of their own. Even now, the U.S. continues to position nuclear-capable B-52 and B-2 bombers around the Korean peninsula. The B-2 is the most advanced bomber in the United States air force, capable of dropping the military department’s biggest bomb, which weighs in at around 14,000 kilograms.

This is a recipe for disaster. Donald Trump isn’t bringing the troops home and focusing on “making America great again.” According to the Department of Defense, American troop deployments to the Middle East had increased 33 percent by the end of last year.

It’s time for both sides of the political coin to confront their delusions and face reality. Donald Trump is by far the most hawkish, trigger-happy president to have ever been sworn into office, which is no easy feat considering his predecessors. His policies are leading the United States down a dangerous path that could see a miscalculated strike on Syria, Russia, Iran, North Korea, or even China — whether by mistake or by design. Considering that strikes have already been underway in Syria against the Syrian government and its allies, including Russia, these policies are likely to lead to something far more explosive down the line.


PS: heb een bericht over de situatie in het Syrische Ghouta in voorbereiding. Ghouta waar de enorme westerse hysterie en hypocrisie in de reguliere media weer eens heeft toegeslagen, dit gesteund door het grootste deel van de westerse politici, terwijl men weet dat de moordenaars, verkrachters en martelbeulen van Al Qaida, al-Nusra (in feite 'Al Qaida Syrië') en als het even kan de White Helmets tekeer gaan tegen de bevolking....... Waar is de kritiek op terreurgroep Al Qaida gebleven?? Alle berichten over 'de slachting' in Ghouta komen dan ook van die terreurgroepen en van Al Qaida's White Helmets, met door hen geregisseerde video's en hoorspelen....... Bij deze (op 25 februari 2018): 'Oost-Ghouta, wat je niet wordt verteld'