Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label verarmd uranium. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label verarmd uranium. Alle posts tonen

zaterdag 26 augustus 2017

Oorlog: ook nog eens zwaar milieuvervuilend met als kers op de taart het gebruik van verarmd uranium.........

Oorlog gaat niet alleen ten koste van ongelofelijk veel mensenlevens en grote ellende voor de overlevenden, maar is daarbovenop ook nog eens zwaar milieuvervuilend.......

Gerelateerde afbeelding

Om over het gebruik van verarmd uranium in munitie nog maar te zwijgen.......

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor verarmd uranium

Het volgende artikel kwam ik tegen op het blog van Stan van Houcke, die het op zijn beurt van GlobalResearch haalde:


Global Research, August 22, 2017

The amount of devastation caused by the Depleted Uranium (DU) weaponry used against Iraq during the consecutive US led wars is historically unprecedented in modern warfare. The devastating magnitude of the complications and damage caused as a result of the use of such radioactive and toxic weapons on the environment and the human population was intensified as a result of the intentional concealment, denial and misleading information released by the Pentagon about the quantities, characteristics, and Iraqi area’s within which these weapons were used.

Information revealed about a severe illness known as the ‘Gulf War Syndrome’ which spread amongst US Army veterans who were exposed to DU while using theseweaponry, helped Iraqi researchers and Medical Doctors to understand the nature of the effect of these weapons, and the means required to investigate further into this issue.

DU is a chemically toxic and radioactive heavy metal produced as waste by the nuclear power industry. It is used in weapons because it is an extremely hard material capable of piercing armor.
The synergistic impact on health due to the 1991post-Gulf War1 economic sanctions, and DU related radioactive and toxic contamination, raised the number of casualties in contaminated areas such as in Southern Iraq.
During 2003, the invading forces used additional rounds of DU in heavily populated areas such as Baghdad, Samawa, Fallujah, Diyala, Najaf, Salahuddin, Basra and Nasiriya (again), and other cities.
The continual use of DU after-Gulf War I in 1991, then during and after the US led military operations in 2003 invasion of Iraq increased the total contamination area with DU in Iraq. Consequently, civilians in previously contaminated areas received an extra dose of radioactivity after 2003. An action that can only be interpreted as committing unseen genocide against the unarmed civilian population in these areas.
Accordingly, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have received higher doses of radioactivity than those received from standard natural sources of radiation. As a result, a multifold increase of diseases related to Low Level Radiation (LLR) exposure have been registered amongst Iraqis since 1995, including an increase of children’s leukemia, congenital malformations, breast cancer etc…
The leukemia incidence rates for instance, shifted towards younger children during these recent years, and its association with geographically distributed contaminated areas, offers strong evidence of the correlation between LLR exposure, and the resulting health damages.
Through this paper, an overview of major scientific DU conclusions will be presented, drawn from investigations and research conducted since the year 1991 by Iraqi researchers and MDs. This research was never published outside Iraq because of the comprehensive sanctions imposed on Iraq from (1991-2003). They were published only in Iraqi University peer reviewed journals and two related conferences.  Schemes of the research papers can be classified into three categories:
  1. DU contamination detection and exploration programs.
  2. DU effects on human body cells.
  3. DU related epidemiological studies.
Voor het vervolg, klik op deze link.

zaterdag 15 juli 2017

VS maakt (met NAVO) taak in Kosovo af, de rest van de oorspronkelijke bewoners het leven onmogelijk maken........ 500 extra VS militairen naar Kosovo!

Het volgende bericht komt van ANTIWAR. De VS vindt dat er nog steeds te veel van de oorspronkelijke bevolking, de Serviërs, in Kosovo zijn en dat deze mensen verjaagd moeten worden...... Vandaar dat de VS nog eens 500 militairen extra naar deze oorspronkelijke provincie van Servië stuurt........

De VS doet dit i.h.k.v. een gezamenlijke NAVO operatie (waar de VS uiteindelijk de baas is.... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!). Deze troepen helpen terreurgroepen als het UÇK in hun geweld tegen de Servische bevolking........... Het leven wordt deze Serviërs in feite onmogelijk gemaakt, niet voor niets hebben velen van hen geprobeerd met de vluchtelingenstromen de EU binnen te komen........

We moeten ons doodschamen voor wat deze mensen is aangedaan, de NAVO heeft zich aan meerdere grootschalige oorlogsmisdaden schuldig gemaakt, sinds het partij koos voor de terroristen van het UÇK...... Zo stond ook Nederland achter het bombarderen van Servische burgerdoelen (een oorlogsmisdaad) door NAVO troepen en als ik me niet vergis heeft Nederland daar actief aan deelgenomen...... Volgens 'officiële' westerse cijfers zouden er in Servië en Kosovo rond de 550 burgerdoden zijn gevallen bij de NAVO bombardementen, daar kunt u dus minimaal 100 doden bij optellen..... Om over het aantal op andere manieren vermoordde 'Servische Kosovaren' maar te zwijgen.......

We zouden de Servische bevolking van Kosovo met liefde op moeten nemen in de EU, immers wij zijn schuld aan hun enorme ellende........

De NAVO maakte destijds gebruik van clusterbommen en raketten met verarmd uranium, deze munitie eist nog steeds slachtoffers, in feite een standrechtelijke executie op termijn, niet alleen vanwege de nog ontploffende clustermunitie, maar ook vanwege een grote kans op kanker door het gebruikte verarmd uranium...... Ja mensen, dat is de NAVO (lees: legermacht onder VS commando) waarvoor wij keer op keer diep in de buidel moeten tasten, dit vanwege peperdure illegale acties en oorlogen in het buitenland, plus de grootschalige 'uitdaag-oefeningen' langs de Russische grens.... 

Jason Ditz stelt dat deze langste terreurmissie van de NAVO niet tot een eind komt met het zenden van meer troepen en dat men dit blijft doen, tot het moment waarop men hoopt te kunnen zeggen dat de zege is behaald. Echter dat moment komt met het vluchten van meer en meer Serviërs steeds dichterbij.

Hier het bericht van ANTIWAR:

US to Send Ground Troops to Kosovo to Join NATO Operation

NATO's Longest Operation Continues With no End in Sight

Jason Ditz July 13, 2017

The Pentagon has announced today that a unit of about 500 US ground troops, National Guardsmen, are to be deployed to the Kosovo region to join a NATO “peacekeeping” operation (KFOR) that has proven the longest in the alliance’s history.

The operation is the remnant of the 1999 NATO attack on Serbia, which ended with NATO announcing that Kosovo, which had been part of Serbia since the Middle Ages, would secede from Serbia. The ethnic Albanian population approved of this. The Serbian population in North Kosovo continues to oppose it.

That’s because the Kosovar Albanians, who are the overwhelming majority of the south, dominate the NATO-backed government,and they’ve gone out of their way to limit the northerners’ ability to trade across the Serbian border. Stopping this trade has often proved the job of NATO forces when the locals resist.

18 years in, Kosovo still lacks recognition from a number of states, particularly Serbia, and the intense ethnic division between Albanians and Serbs remains as big a problem as ever. NATO’s effort has been to just keep throwing more troops at the situation, and hope that somewhere along the line the situation will resolve itself and victory can be claimed.

Zie ook: 'Milošević zat onschuldig in Nederlandse cel..... 'Fijn' dat u dit niet hoort in de reguliere media........'

donderdag 5 november 2015

VS bombardeerde het Artsen zonder Grenzen ziekenhuis in Kunduz niet per ongeluk.......... Ofwel: VS terreur op grote schaal, over een lange periode!!

Het is al weer even terug, dat de VS een ziekenhuis van Artsen zonder Grenzen bombardeerde en dat Peter van Buren hier een artikel over schreef op ICH. Volgens hem was dit bombardement bepaald geen vergissing, ook vertelt van Buren over het enorme aantal onschuldige slachtoffers, die met de standrechtelijke executies worden gemaakt door de VS met drone aanvallen. Ook noemt hij het gebruik van verarmd uranium in munitie door de VS en het gebruik van door de VS geleverde clustermunitie (Rusland wordt nu beschuldigd van clustermunitie gebruik) door de grote partners van de VS: Israël en Saoedi-Arabië. De laatst genoemde drie landen, weigeren een verdrag tegen clustermunitie te tekenen..... Lees en huiver (beneden kunt u voor een Nederlandse vertaling klikken, let wel: dat kost wat extra tijd):

From Iraq to Kunduz, US Civilian Killings Are No
Accident - They're Policy
By Peter Van Buren

October 12, 2015 "
Information Clearing House" - "MEE" - America and its allies make modern war in a way that assures "mistakes" destroy hospitals, and civilian lives are taken by drones and bombs. These horrors are all too often strategic decisions, or the result of the profligate use of needlessly destructive weapons. They are typically far from accidents. The attack on a Doctors without Borders (MSF) hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, is only the latest. It is important as a clear example of a sordid policy.

Target Kunduz

The series of cascading explanations the United States offered for striking Kunduz hospital ignore the larger story of how such "accidents" really happen.
An American AC-130, a flying gunship, conducted the strike. A retired Air Force Special Operations officer explained to me the AC-130 is considered a "first hit" weapon; its ordnance hits where it is designated to hit on the first try. The targeted hospital was marked by a US Special Forces operator on the ground alongside the Afghans. The AC-130 fired on the hospital for over one hour, in 15-minute paced barrages, even as Doctors Without Borders representatives frantically sought to contact American officials.

The US should have known the target was a hospital. The Afghans had controlled Kunduz alongside their American allies for some time. It was a mature battlefield, with landmarks such as the hospital well-known on the ground. It is a large, distinctive building as seen from the air; take a look.

In addition, NGOs employ organisations like the International NGO Safety and Security Association (INSSA) specifically to coordinate with armed forces, to include providing precise GPS coordinates to avoid "accidental" targeting. Doctors Without Borders also directly provides combatants their locations; in Kunduz, as recently as 29 September.
The latter details are especially important in evaluating strikes against hospitals and other civilian targets. Unlike in WWII when planes flew over cities hoping to hit a target only as precisely defined as "Tokyo," modern ordnance is delivered using laser designation, satellite coordination and GPS systems.
America blew up exactly what it aimed at in Kunduz.

America's other hospitals

Kunduz was not the first protected facility America attacked.
In 2001 the United States bombed the Red Cross in Kabul, twice. The US also bombed other targets in Iraq; a maternity facility in Baghdad, a hospital in Rutbah, stormed another in Nasiriya, and shelled the Al Yarmuk Hospital in Iraq in 2003. A hospital in Belgrade, former Yugoslavia, was bombed in the 1990s. In Hanoi, the United States struck the Bach Mai hospital – twice - during the infamous 1972 "Christmas Bombing".
America bombed the Al Jazeera broadcast facilities in Baghdad and Kabul and also destroyed the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade in 1999. Civilian infrastructure, such as water and sewer plants, were targeted in Iraq in 1991 and again in 2003.

There are always investigations following such incidents, though in the history of modern American warfare none have ever deemed such devastation as intentional. Yet hospitals do make attractive targets. Destroying them results in fighters dying of their wounds, and increases the burden on healthy soldiers, pulling them from the battlefield to care for their own wounded. In military terms that is known as a "soft kill".
Accidents emerge in war, but so do patterns.

Civilian deaths and the drone war

The killing of civilians as a result of American war is not limited to attacks on hospitals. The global drone war continues to take innocent lives, in what has come to be known without shame as collateral damage.
The Council on Foreign Relations assesses that 500 drone strikes outside of Iraq and Afghanistan killed 3,674 civilians as of 2014. The count measures kills outside of Iraq and Afghanistan specifically because only those places were considered active war zones by the United States when the tally was made.

There is a commonality to the growing death toll: the inevitable civilian deaths are caused by the profligate use of horrifically destructive indiscriminate weapons.
Civilian casualties overall in America's 2003-2011 Iraq war were anywhere from 140,000 dead to upwards of 500,000, with many killed by artillery, aerial bombs and depleted uranium munitions, indiscriminate weapons unique to American forces.
In Yemen, in just one specific example, American drone strikes aimed at 17 named men actually killed 273 people, at least seven of them children, including the American citizen son of al-Qaeda propagandist Anwar al-Awlaki.
For its drone strikes, the US uses Hellfire missiles, armed with warheads originally designed to burn through tank armour. Aiming them at a person inevitably will kill those nearby; the US claimed al-Awlaki's son was killed inside a car, seated next to the actual target. Such deaths are closely tied to America's policy of "signature drone strikes," where a missile is aimed at a "profile:" a suspect cell phone, a car matching some description, or a suspicious gathering.

America's allies - Israel and Saudi Arabia

America's allies, equipped with American weapons, follow a similar pattern in making war.
Saudi Arabia in Yemeni cities, and Israel in urban Gaza, employ cluster munitions. Such munitions are known as "area denial weapons," causing indiscriminate destruction over swathes of territory. Documented munitions used inside Yemen include American-made CBU-52 cluster bombs, each loaded with 220 "anti-material" bomblets. Imagine the use of such weapons in central London, or on a Manhattan street.
Though not confined to cluster munitions alone, the deployment of these US-made weapons by the Saudis in Yemen has only added to the carnage. Almost 4,000 people have been killed, with 19,000 injured.
In Gaza in 2009, the Israelis used cluster munitions, white phosphorus - a flesh burning agent also used by the US in Iraq - as well as standard artillery, all against dense urban areas. The UN estimates over 1,400 civilians, of whom 495 were children, were killed in the attacks. The Israelis also destroyed a hospital in Gaza, attacked two others, and shelled UN-run schools in 2014.
Policy? The US, Israel and Saudi Arabia are among the countries that refuse to sign the Convention on Cluster Munitions banning such weapons.

The cost of modern war

Accountability remains in the hands of those with the weapons. America and Israel conduct self-investigations, and stymie independent ones, to clear their military of blame - the Saudis do not even bother. At the UN, the United States blocks action critical of Israel. In Yemen, the US claims it cannot control how the Saudis choose to employ American weapons, and has stated the Saudi actions only "border on" violations of international law; Amnesty International labels them war crimes. NATO and the EU are deathly silent on the substantive issues, even in places where their own forces are on the ground.

Modern war as conducted by the United States and its allies in the Middle East has as a known outcome massive civilian casualties. The sites precisely targeted can be civilian, in violation of all known standards of international law. With indiscriminate weapons, the collateral kills are foreseeable - and thus preventable - consequences. To label the destruction of one hospital in isolation a war crime is to think too small. The civilian deaths are policy.
Kunduz was no accident. It was simply another example.
- Peter Van Buren is a retired 24-year veteran of the US Department of State, including service in Iraq. He is the author of We Meant Well: How I Helped Lose the Battle for the Hearts and Minds of the Iraqi People. His latest book is Ghosts of Tom Joad: A Story of the 99 Percent. He lives and writes from New York City.

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Zie ook: 'VS bombardeert ziekenhuis Artsen zonder Grenzen in Kunduz, 9 medewerkers van deze organisatie kwamen om het leven........'

       en: 'Artsen zonder Grenzen ziekenhuis: tijdens bombardement werden vluchtenden vanaf relatief korte afstand beschoten....... Vergissing??'

       en: 'VS bombardement MSF ziekenhuis in Kunduz: deze 'vergissing' kostte 42 mensen het leven.....'

      en: 'MSF ziekenhuis Millis (Syrië) verwoest, 13 doden.......'

Voor meer berichten over/met Artsen zonder Grenzen, Kunduz, Jemen, Irak, illegale oorlog, drones, verarmd uranium, clustermunitie, NAVO, VS, oorlogsmisdaden, burgerslachtoffers, terreur, Israël, Saoedi-Arabië, Al Qaida en/of Gazastrook, klik op het desbetreffende label, onder dit bericht.

vrijdag 6 juli 2012

Mali, met hulp van het westen naar de afgrond

In Libië hebben we de 'oppositie' fijn geholpen, een waanzinnig succes, om in de woorden van CDA leeghoofd Eurlings te spreken. Ongeregelde troepen maken de dienst uit, onlangs werden een paar medewerkers van het Internationaal Strafhof, gevangen gehouden, daar zij de staatsveiligheid in gevaar zouden hebben gebracht, ha! ha! ha! Waarom? nou, de bewuste medewerkers van het Strafhof hadden gesproken met de gevangengenomen zoon van Khadaffi.....

Dan nog de gigantische hoeveelheid verarmd uranium, die daar als gevolg van de 'geallieerde' bombardementen, vele volkswijken heeft vervuild, een tikkende tijdbom voor de gezondheid van de bewoners in die wijken.

De status quo in Syrië, is mede te danken aan het ingrijpen van het westen in Libië, door een VN resolutie zo te interpreteren, dat ingrijpen geoorloofd leek, lieten Rusland en China geen enkele, (verregaande) resolutie de eindstreep halen in de Veiligheidsraad van de VN

Nog een gevolg van de hulp die het westen de 'oppositie' van Libië bood: In het noordelijk deel van Mali namen de gevluchte veiligheidstroepen van Khadaffi, de Toearegs, de macht over, gevolgd door een stel fundamentalistische islamitische idioten, die de macht naar zich toetrokken en de sharia invoerden. In Timboektoe zijn deze religieuze gekken bezig met het heldhaftig volledig vernielen van allerlei monumenten en andere geschiedkundige schatten, waaronder 13e eeuwse teksten.

Nee, Libië echt een waanzinnige succes!
(het kost wat, maar dan heb je ook wat...)