In 2003
werd in Japan wet 11 aangenomen, in die wet staat te lezen dat mensen
die een andere sekse willen aannemen (middels een medische ingreep) en als een andere genderidentiteit wettelijk erkend willen worden, gedwongen sterilisatie moeten
Te zot
voor woorden en deze wet moet zo snel mogelijk worden herzien! Lees
en teken de petitie van het Care2 team ajb en geeft het
Overigens is Japan niet alleen met haar verplichte sterilisatie, ook Frankrijk en België doen dit....*
Forced Sterilization of Transgender People Must End Now
is one of the most technologically advanced countries on earth. But
when it comes to their treatment of trans people they are still
firmly stuck in the 20th century.
Law 111 — passed in 2003 — requires any person wishing to transition and be legally recognized as their preferred gender to undergo forced sterilization.
Since 2004, around 3,000 trans men and women have been forced to relinquish control of their bodies — all so they could be their true selves. These procedures are not necessary for any medical reason, rather the Japanese Ministry of Justice offensively says it is to avoid confusion.
Law 111 has been widely panned by several human rights organizations including the UN and the World Health Organization and it needs to be updated.
Please join in the fight for LGBTQ rights in Japan. Sign the petition and tell the government that forced sterilization must become a thing of the past. Tell them to revise Law 111.
========================================Law 111 — passed in 2003 — requires any person wishing to transition and be legally recognized as their preferred gender to undergo forced sterilization.
Since 2004, around 3,000 trans men and women have been forced to relinquish control of their bodies — all so they could be their true selves. These procedures are not necessary for any medical reason, rather the Japanese Ministry of Justice offensively says it is to avoid confusion.
Law 111 has been widely panned by several human rights organizations including the UN and the World Health Organization and it needs to be updated.
Please join in the fight for LGBTQ rights in Japan. Sign the petition and tell the government that forced sterilization must become a thing of the past. Tell them to revise Law 111.
* Zie: 'Transgenders verplicht gesteriliseerd in o.a Frankrijk en België....... Teken de petitie!' (deze petitie van juli vorig jaar is intussen gesloten)
Zie ook: 'De Gelderlander durft gruwelijke moord op transpersoon te bagatelliseren.......'
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