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Albert Einstein:

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Posts tonen met het label Flynn. Alle posts tonen

woensdag 27 juni 2018

Obama wist van bewapenen en ondersteunen terroristen in Syrië.......

Ben Rhodes, adviseur van Obama tijdens diens presidentschap, gaf in een interview schoorvoetend toe dat Obama en hijzelf wisten dat terreurgroepen als IS door de VS werden bewapend en ondersteund en zelfs vochten onder leiding van de VS......

Niets nieuws zou je zeggen, immers dat de VS de zogenaamde gematigde rebellen (psychopathische moordenaars, verkrachters en martelbeulen) steunden met o.a. wapens en transportmiddelen was al lang geen geheim meer, althans voor mensen die verder kijken dan wat de reguliere westerse (massa-) media aan 'nieuws' brengen.

Het nieuwe is wel het toegegeven van deze zaken door de rechterhand van Obama, ten tijde van diens presidentschap, al moet daar onmiddellijk aan toegevoegd worden dat zoals gezegd een aantal zaken al lang bekend waren, zoals het onder leiding van de VS vechten van het Vrije Syrische Leger (FSA) in combinatie met IS.... Zaken die door de reguliere westerse media en het grootste deel van de westerse politici worden afgedaan als samenzweringstheorieën en 'fake news....' (nogmaals dit wordt gezegd over feitelijke berichtgeving in de sociale media en Wikileaks, terwijl wat betreft op de laatste site, die van Wikileaks, officiële documenten van de VS overheid zijn te vinden die e.e.a. bevestigen....)

In 2013 werkte VS ambassadeur in Syrië, Robert Ford, nauw samen met een bekende IS commandant, zo heeft Ford zelf toegegeven......

Lees het volgende ontluisterende artikel van Tyler Durden over deze zaak (eerder gepubliceerd op Zero Hedge), het steunen door de VS van jihadistische terreurgroepen, die liefkozend 'gematigde rebellen' worden genoemd en waartoe, zoals nogmaals blijkt, zelfs een tijdlang IS behoorde...... Het lullige is wel dat gezien de feiten je niet anders kan dan de volgende conclusie trekken: de VS heeft zelfs aan 'de wieg van IS' gestaan........ (en ook dat is al veel langer bekend >> zie de links onder dit bericht.....)

Oh ja, mocht je het vergeten zijn: Obama kreeg de Nobelprijs voor de Vrede.... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Obama Adviser: We Knew We Were Arming and Funding Terrorists in Syria

June 24, 2018 at 10:00 pm
Written by Tyler Durden

(ZHE Op-ed) — Someone finally asked Obama administration officials to own up to the rise of ISIS and arming jihadists in Syria.

In a wide ranging interview titled “Confronting the Consequences of Obama’s Foreign Policy” The Intercept’s Mehdi Hasan put the question to Ben Rhodes, who served as longtime deputy national security adviser at the White House under Obama and is now promoting his newly published book, The World As It Is: Inside the Obama White House.

Rhodes has been described as being so trusted and close to Obama that he was in the room” for almost every foreign policy decision of significance that Obama made during his eight years in office. While the Intercept interview is worth listening to in full, it’s the segment on Syria that caught our attention.

In spite of Rhodes trying to dance around the issue, he sheepishly answers in the affirmative when Mehdi Hasan asks the following question about supporting jihadists in Syria:
Did you intervene too much in Syria? Because the CIA spent hundreds of millions of dollars funding and arming anti-Assad rebels, a lot of those arms, as you know, ended up in the hands of jihadist groups, some even in the hands of ISIS.
Your critics would say you exacerbated that proxy war in Syria; you prolonged the conflict in Syria; you ended up bolstering jihadists.

Rhodes initially rambles about his book and “second guessing” Syria policy in avoidance of the question. But Hasan pulls him back with the following: “Oh, come on, but you were coordinating a lot of their arms.” 

The two spar over Hasan’s charge of “bolstering jihadists” in the following key section of the interview, at the end of which Rhodes reluctantly answers yeah…” — but while trying to pass ultimate blame onto US allies Turkey, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia (similar to what Vice President Biden did in a 2014 speech):
MH: Oh, come on, but you were coordinating a lot of their arms. You know, the U.S. was heavily involved in that war with the Saudis and the Qataris and the Turks.
BR: Well, I was going to say:Turkey, Qatar, Saudi.
MH: You were in there as well.
BR: Yeah, but, the fact of the matter is that once it kind of devolved into kind of a sectarian-based civil war with different sides fighting for their perceived survival, I think we, the ability to bring that type of situation to close, and part of what I wrestled with in the book is the limits of our ability to pull a lever and make killing like that stop once it’s underway.

Deputy National Security adviser Ben Rhodes and President Obama. Image source: AP via Commentary Magazine
To our knowledge this is the only time a major media organization has directly asked a high ranking foreign policy adviser from the Obama administration to own up to the years long White House support to jihadists in Syria.

Though the interview was published Friday, its significance went without notice or comment in the mainstream media over the weekend (perhaps predictably). Instead, what did circulate was a Newsweek article mocking “conspiracy theories” surrounding the rapid rise of ISIS, including the following:
President Donald Trump has done little to dispel the myth of direct American support for ISIS since he took office. On the campaign trail in 2016, Trump claimed—without providing any evidence—that President Obama and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton co-founded the group and that ISIS “honors” the former president.

Of course, the truth is a bit more nuanced than that, as Trump himself elsewhere seemed to acknowledge, and which ultimately led to the president reportedly shutting down the CIA’s covert Syrian regime change program in the summer of 2017 while complaining to aides about the shocking brutality of the CIA-trained “rebels”.

Meanwhile, mainstream media has been content to float the falsehood that President Obama’s legacy is that he “stayed out” of Syria, instead merely approving some negligible level of aid to so-called “moderate” rebels who were fighting both Assad and (supposedly) the Islamic State. Rhodes has himself in prior interviews attempted to portray Obama as wisely staying “on the sidelines” in Syria.

But as we’ve pointed out many times over the years, this narrative ignores and seeks to whitewash possibly the largest CIA covert program in history, started by Obama, which armed and funded a jihadist insurgency bent of overthrowing Assad to the tune of $1 billion a year (one-fifteenth of the CIA’s publicly known budget according to leaked Edward Snowden documents revealed by the Washington Post).

It also ignores the well established fact, documented in both US intelligence reports and authenticated battlefield footage, that ISIS and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) jointly fought under a single US-backed command structure during the early years of the war in Syria, even as late as throughout 2013 — something confirmed by University of Oklahoma professor Joshua Landis, widely considered to be the world’s foremost expert on Syria.

Important “Islamic State Leader Omar al-Shishani Fought Under U.S. Umbrella as Late as 2013” by @BradRHoff 

Syria experts, as well as a New York Times report which largely passed without notice, verified the below footage from 2013 showing then US Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford working closely with a “rebel” leader who exercised operational command over known ISIS terrorists (Ambassador Ford has since acknowledged the relationship to McClatchy News): 

This latest Ben Rhodes non-denial-cum-sheepish-affirmation on the Obama White House’s arming jihadists in Syria follows previous bombshell reporting by Mehdi Hasan from 2015.

As host of Al Jazeera’s Head to Head, Hasan asked the former head of Pentagon intelligence under Obama, General Michael Flynn, who is to blame for the rise of ISIS(the August 2015 interview was significantly prior to Flynn joining Trump’s campaign).

Hasan presented Flynn with the 2012 Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) declassified memo revealing Washington support to al-Qaeda and ISIS terrorists in Syria in order to counter both Assad and Iran. Flynn affirmed Hasan’s charge that it was a willful decision to support an insurgency that had Salafists, Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood…”.

Soon after, The Intercept’s Glenn Greenwald appeared on Democracy Now to discuss the shocking contents of the Flynn interview:

It will be interesting to see years from now which “narrative” concerning Obama’s legacy in the Syrian conflict future historians choose to emphasize.

Obama the president who “stayed out” and “on the sidelines” in Syria? …Or Obama the president whose decisions fueled the rise of the most brutal terrorist organization the world has ever seen?

Below is the relevant excerpt covering Syria from the 26-minute Intercept interview with Obama deputy national-security adviser Ben Rhodes [bold emphasis ours].

Mehdi Hasan: My guest today was at President Obama’s side every step of the way over the course of those two terms in office. Ben Rhodes joined the Obama election campaign in 2007 as a foreign-policy speechwriter, when he was just 29, and rose to become a deputy national-security adviser at the White House, who was so intellectually and ideologically close to his boss that he was often described as having a mind-meld with Obama.

Ben, who currently works at the Obama Foundation, has written a new book, “The World as It Is: A Memoir of the Obama White House.” And earlier this week I interviewed him about Obama’s rather contentious foreign policy record…
MH: But Ben, here’s what I don’t get, if you’re saying this about Afghanistan and prolonged conflict, all of which I don’t disagree with what you’re saying. How do you, then, explain Syria? Because you’ve been criticized a lot. I’ve been listening to your interviews on the book tour; you talk about in the book about how you were criticized for not doing enough on Syria. I remember being an event in D.C. a couple years ago where Syrian opposition members were berating you for not doing enough at an event, and you often were the public face who came out and defended Obama. I want to come to the other direction and say: Did you intervene too much in Syria? Because the CIA spent hundreds of millions of dollars funding and arming anti-Assad rebels, a lot of those arms, as you know, ended up in the hands of jihadist groups, some even in the hands of ISIS. Your critics would say you exacerbated that proxy war in Syria; you prolonged the conflict in Syria; you ended up bolstering jihadists.

Ben Rhodes: Well, what I try to do in the book is, you know, essentially raise — all the second guessing on Syria tends to be not what you expressed, Mehdi, but the notion that we should’ve taken military action.

MH: Yes.

BR: What I do in the book is I try to look back at 2011 and 2012, was there a diplomatic window that we missed or that we, in some ways, escalated its closure by pivoting to the call for Assad to go — which obviously I believe should happen, I believe Assad has been a terrible leader for Syria and has brutalized his people — but, you know, was there a diplomatic initiative that could have been taken to try to avert or at least minimize the extent of the civil war. Because, you know, what ended up happening essentially there is, you know, we were probably too optimistic that, you know, after Mubarak went and Ben Ali and eventually Saleh and Gaddafi, that you would have a situation where Assad would go. And, you know, not factoring in enough the assistance he was going to get from Russia and Iran, combined with his own nihilism, and how that could lead him to survive. So I do look back at that potentially missed diplomatic opportunity.

On the support of the opposition, you know, I don’t know that I would give us that much agency.
There are a lot of people putting arms into Syria, funding all sorts of —

MHOh, come on, but you were coordinating a lot of their arms. You know, the U.S. was heavily involved in that warwith the Saudis and the Qataris and the Turks.

BR: Well, I was going to say: Turkey, Qatar, Saudi.

MH: You were in there as well.

BR: Yeah, but, the fact of the matter is that once it kind of devolved into kind of a sectarian-based civil war with different sides fighting for their perceived survival, I think we, the ability to bring that type of situation to close, and part of what I wrestled with in the book is the limits of our ability to pull a lever and make killing like that stop once it’s underway.

So that’s why I still look to that initial opening window. I also describe, there was a slight absurdity in the fact that we were debating options to provide military support to the opposition at the same time that we were deciding to designate al-Nusra, a big chunk of that opposition, as a terrorist organization. So there was kind of a schizophrenia that’s inherent in a lot of U.S. foreign policy that came to a head in Syria.

MH: That’s a very good word, especially to describSyria policy…

Op-ed by Tyler Durden / Republished with permission / Zero Hedge / Report a typo
Zie ook:

'The United States, Israel, and Saudi Arabia Created and Funded ISIS'

'CIA valt nogmaals door de mand als wapenleverancier van IS.......'

'VS steunt terreurgroepen als ISIS in Syrië...........'

'Syrië, de prijs van westerse terreur (die onmiddellijk gestopt moet worden >> tijd voor actie!)......'

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'Syrië: nieuwe gifgasaanval als 'false flag' operatie tegen Syrisch bewind in voorbereiding........'

'Assad heeft geen gifgas gebruikt tegen de Syrische bevolking!'

'Israël bewapent minstens 7 terreurgroepen in Syrië.......'

'VS trainingsnetwerk voor terroristen in Syrië.......'

Mijn excuus voor de belabberde vormgeving, krijg het niet op orde.

vrijdag 1 juni 2018

Iran klaagt VS aan voor oprichting ISIS......... ha! ha! ha! ha! Koek van eigen deeg, al is deze 'koek' echt

Tyler Durden plaatste afgelopen woensdag een artikel op Zero Hedge waarin hij het nieuws bracht dat Iran de VS gaat aanklagen (bij het Internationaal Strafhof, ofwel het ICC).

Iran doet dit n.a.v. uitlatingen die Trump deed voordat hij aantrad als president, meermaals liet hij destijds weten dat Obama en Hillary Clinton in feite ISIS hebben opgericht en gesteund in de vreselijke terreur die deze groep uitoefende op de bevolking van Irak en Syrië....... Trump stelde voorts dat Clinton verantwoordelijk was voor de snelle groei van IS. 

Iran hoeft niet veel moeite te doen om haar zaak hard te maken. Zo vertelde Michael Flynn aan Al Jazeera dat het een weloverwogen beslissing van de VS was om IS te steunen...... 

Deze aanklacht van Iran staat in schril contrast tot de uitspraak van een rechter in de VS die Iran verantwoordelijk stelde voor de 911 aanvallen, ondanks dat daar geen flinter van bewijs voor is..... Bewijs daarvoor hoeft niet eens gezocht te worden, daar de terreurgroep die de VS aanwees als dader voor de 911 aanvallen Al Qaida is en als er één land is waar terreurgroepen als Al Qaida en IS de pest aan hebben, is het wel het sjiitische Iran, het gaat tenslotte om soennitische terreurgroepen........ 

Iran had wel degelijk te lijden onder terreuraanvallen van IS, daar is geen twijfel aan.....

Lees het artikel van Durden en je zal verstelt staan hoeveel bewijzen er zijn voor de aanklacht van Iran tegen de VS.....

Laten we hopen dat de VS wordt veroordeeld voor deze terreur, niet dat het veel zal uitrichten, maar hoe meer bewijzen er liggen voor de grootschalige terreur van de VS, hoe beter het is!! Wellicht dat de westerse wereld zich dan geheel zal afwenden van de VS, kunnen we meteen de uiterst agressieve terreurorganisatie NAVO ontmantelen en kan de wereld eindelijk eens rustig ademhalen.

Iran To Bring International Lawsuit Against "ISIS Founder" America Based On Trump Statements

Profile picture for user Tyler Durden      by Tyler Durden
                 Wed, 05/30/2018 - 19:00

After a US federal judge in New York ordered Iran to pay billions of dollars to the families of victims of the September 11 terror attacks earlier this month in a largely symbolic default judgement, Iran is reportedly prepping to sue Washington for terror attacks carried out against Tehran within the last year.

Iran says the US is responsible for the rise of ISIS, and is therefore indirectly to blame for twin terror attacks that rocked the Iranian parliament building and a popular religious shrine in June 2017, which left 17 civilians dead and 43 wounded, according to Iranian media figures.

During the presidential campaign, Trump clearly spoke about the performance of his rival, Mrs. Clinton, saying that the US has created the ISIL,” Abolfazl Aboutorabi, a member of parliament’s judicial commission, announced on Tuesday in comments carried by Iranian state media. “The public prosecutor has also filed a lawsuit in this regard,” Aboutorabi added.

Iran hopes the initiative will shine an international spotlight on the Obama administration's role in facilitating the rise of ISIS in Iraq and Syria — something President Trump repeatedly affirmed while on the campaign trail.

Trump also famously blamed then Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton for the rapid rise of ISIS, especially in relation to policies she oversaw in Libya and Syria as Obama's Secretary of State.

Trump first told his supporters in January 2016 that Hillary Clinton created ISIS with Obama.” And in a CBS 60 Minutes interview that aired July 17, 2016, he said again, “Hillary Clinton invented ISIS with her stupid policies.”

Trump: Obama and "crooked Hillary Clinton" are the "founder" and "co-founder" of ISIS:

It's the first time in history that a candidate who would go on to become president has blamed his predecessor for founding a terrorist group.

A fairly consistent theme of Trump on the campaign trail was that Obama and Hillary's massive covert aid program to Islamist "rebels" in places like Libya and Syria facilitated the terror group's rapid growth. He also blamed Obama's hasty troop pullout from Iraq.

Long before joining the Trump campaign, former Defense Intelligence Chief under Obama Michael Flynn told Al-Jazeera it was a "willful decision" to support jihadists groups in Syria that included ISIS:
(de volgende video behoort bij het Twitterbericht daaronder, helaas kan ik die video niet overnemen, hier is dezelfde video direct van YouTube)
Former DIA Director Mike Flynn couldnt be clearer; it was deliberate decision by US to fund and arm ISIS 

Indeed one surprisingly frank editorial in Britain's premier  mainstream Guardian newspaper concluded the same a full year before Trump first made the statements. The Guardian article, titled Now the truth emerges: how the US fulled the rise of ISIS in Syria and Iraq went viral after it was published in June 2015, and analyzed a then newly declassified Pentagon intelligence document which had been released as part of a watchdog group's FOIA* lawsuit connected to the Benghazi diplomatic compound attack. 

A revealing light on how we got here has now been shone by a recently declassified secret US intelligence report, written in August 2012, which uncannily predicts – and effectively welcomes – the prospect of a “Salafist principality” in eastern Syria and an al-Qaida-controlled Islamic state in Syria and Iraq. In stark contrast to western claims at the time, the Defense Intelligence Agency document identifies al-Qaida in Iraq (which became Isis) and fellow Salafists as the “major forces driving the insurgency in Syria” – and states that “western countries, the Gulf states and Turkey” were supporting the opposition’s efforts to take control of eastern Syria.
Raising the “possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist principality”, the Pentagon report goes on, “this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime, which is considered the strategic depth of the Shia expansion (Iraq and Iran)”.

It appears that Trump's provocative charge of Obama and Clinton being the "co-founders of ISIS" — statements made a year after the Pentagon intelligence memo's initial release — were likely the direct result of his reading the Pentagon memo and accompanying media commentary.

In June of 2016 Trump tweeted a story linking to the Pentagon memo which opened with"Hillary Clinton received a classified intelligence report stating that the Obama administration was actively supporting Al Qaeda in Iraq, the terrorist group that became the Islamic State." Trump said of himself concerning his accusations against Obama and Hillary made that summer: "But he's right". 

An: Media fell all over themselves criticizing what DonaldTrump "may have insinuated about @POTUS." But he's right: 

At the time, multiple Iranian state media outlets also featured the Pentagon document, while also highlighting then candidate Trump's statements blaming the Obama administration. 

It is this past commentary that Iran will utilize to make its case that the US is to blame for the 2017 ISIS terror attacks inside Iran, which it plans to file with the international court, according to FARS News Agency. The 2012 Pentagon memo, which has since 2015 been available to the public, will likely play a central role in Iran's presentation of the case. 

Iran's parliamentary judicial committee spokesman noted"there is nothing more reliable than a claim raised by a country's president." 

In the summer of 2017 Trump announced that he shut down the CIA's covert program to train and arm anti-Assad militants in Syria after he reportedly saw a video of "CIA vetted rebels" beheading a child in Aleppo.

* FOAI: Freedom of Information Act (bij ons wet op openbaarheid van bestuur, ofwel: WOB)

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Mijn excuus voor de belabberde vormgeving.