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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
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Posts tonen met het label G. Papadopoulos. Alle posts tonen

maandag 26 november 2018

Russiagate? Britaingate zal je bedoelen!

MI6, de Britse geheime dienst doet er alles aan om te voorkomen dat Trump geheime documenten vrijgeeft, documenten verkregen via een FBI 'app' (waarmee één van Trumps campagne adviseurs werd 'afgeluisterd en afgekeken')...... MI6 stelt dat elke openbaarmaking het verder vergaren van inlichtingen zal ondermijnen..... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Tja, een andere reactie was dan ook niet te verwachten van dit gespuis.

Trumps bondgenoten eisen terecht openbaarmaking en stellen dat Groot-Brittannië 'iets' te verbergen heeft met het pleidooi de documenten niet vrij te geven. Een hoge beambte van de VS inlichtingendiensten stelt dat MI6 terecht bezorgd is, mochten bronnen worden geopenbaard als geheime delen van het afluisteren (en ik neem aan door meekijken op computers) worden vrijgegeven.....

Aanvankelijk eiste ook Trump openbaarmaking, maar de geheime diensten hebben hem weten om te praten........

MI6 is vooral bezorgd over de link met Steele, de voormalige MI6 agent die één van de hoofdrolspelers is in het 'Russiagate' sprookje, met het 'Steele dossier'*, dat al volkomen is doorgeprikt als flauwe kul.....

Eén ding is zeker, al stelt Tyler Durden, schrijver van het hieronder opgenomen artikel dat op Zero Hedge werd gepubliceerd, het een stuk voorzichtiger: Groot-Brittannië heeft zich op grote schaal bemoeit met de presidentsverkiezingen in 2016, dit in samenwerking met de Obama administratie...... Dat laatste blijkt wel uit het feit dat één van de andere hoofdrolspelers, ene Halper in totaal 1 miljoen dollar ontving van het Pentagon onder die administratie, waarvan 400.000 dollar tijdens de laatste maanden voor (en tijdens) de presidentsverkiezingen van 2016......

Kortom mocht je nog steeds zijn overtuigd van Russiagate, waarvoor al zoveel bewijs is geleverd dat het om een 'hoax' gaat, wordt het nu toch echt de hoogste tijd dat je gaat spreken over Britaingate i.p.v. Russiagate!! Uiteraard zullen de westerse reguliere media en het grootste deel van de politici blijven volhouden dat Rusland de grote schuldige is...... Ach ja, men is dan ook uit op oorlog met Rusland, goed voor de VS, de NAVO en het militair-industrieel complex, maar niet voor de wereldbevolking....... (laten we hopen dat het bij een Koude Oorlog 2.0 blijft, maar alle machinaties van de VS en de NAVO lijken te wijzen op een 'warme oorlog' met Rusland [en China], ofwel WOIII.....)

MI6 Scrambling To Stop Trump From Releasing Classified Docs In Russia Probe

Sun, 11/25/2018 - 08:30

The UK's Secret Intelligence Service, otherwise known as MI6, has been scrambling to prevent President Trump from publishing classified materials linked to the Russian election meddling investigation, according to The Telegraph, stating that any disclosure would "undermine intelligence gathering if he releases pages of an FBI application to wiretap one of his former campaign advisers." 

Trump's allies, however, are fighting back - demanding transparency and suggesting that the UK wouldn't want the documents withheld unless it had something to hide. 

The Telegraph has talked to more than a dozen UK and US officials, including in American intelligence, who have revealed details about the row. 
British spy chiefs have “genuine concern” about sources being exposed if classified parts of the wiretap request were made public, according to figures familiar with discussions.
It boils down to the exposure of people”, said one US intelligence official, adding: “We don’t want to reveal sources and methods.” US intelligence shares the concerns of the UK. 
Another said Britain feared setting a dangerous “precedent” which could make people less likely to share information, knowing that it could one day become public. -The Telegraph

The Telegraph adds that the UK's dispute with the Trump administration is so politically sensitive that staff within the British Embassy in D.C. haver been barred from discussing it with journalists. Theresa May has also "been kept at arms-length and is understood to have not raised the issue directly with the US president." 

In September, we reported that the British government "expressed grave concerns" over the material in question after President Trump issued an order to the DOJ to release a wide swath of materials, "immediately" and "without redaction." 
Trump walked that order back days later after the UK begged him not to release them

Mr Trump wants to declassify 21 pages from one of the applications. He announced the move in September, then backtracked, then this month said he was "very seriously" considering it again. Both Britain and Australia are understood to be opposing the move. 
Memos detailing alleged ties between Mr Trump and Russia compiled by Christopher Steele, a former MI6 officer, were cited in the application, which could explain some of the British concern. -The Telegraph

I met with the DOJ concerning the declassification of various UNREDACTED documents. They agreed to release them but stated that so doing may have a perceived negative impact on the Russia probe. Also, key Allies’ called to ask not to release. Therefore, the Inspector General.....

25.2K people are talking about this

....has been asked to review these documents on an expedited basis. I believe he will move quickly on this (and hopefully other things which he is looking at). In the end I can always declassify if it proves necessary. Speed is very important to me - and everyone!
The New York Times reported at the time that the UK's concern was over material which "includes direct references to conversations between American law enforcement officials and Christopher Steele," the former MI6 agent who compiled the infamous "Steele Dossier." The UK's objection, according to former US and British officials, was over revealing Steele's identity in an official document, "regardless of whether he had been named in press reports." 

We noted in September, however, that Steele's name was contained within the Nunes Memo - the House Intelligence Committee's majority opinion in the Trump-Russia case.
Steele also had extensive contacts with DOJ official Bruce Ohr and his wife Nellie, who - along with Steele - was paid by opposition research firm Fusion GPS in the anti-Trump campaign. Trump called for the declassification of FBI notes of interviews with Ohr, which would ostensibly reveal more about his relationship with Steele. Ohr was demoted twice within the Department of Justice for lying about his contacts with Fusion GPS. 

Perhaps the Brits are also concerned since much of the espionage performed on the Trump campaign was conducted on UK soil throughout 2016. Recall that Trump aid George Papadopoulos was lured to London in March, 2016, where Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud fed him the rumor that Russia had dirt on Hillary Clinton. It was later at a London bar that Papadopoulos would drunkenly pass the rumor to Australian diplomat Alexander Downer (who Strzok flew to London to meet with). 

Also recall that CIA/FBI "informant" (spy) Stefan Halper met with both Carter Page and Papadopoulos in London. 
Halper, a veteran of four Republican administrations, reached out to Trump aide George Papadopoulos in September 2016 with an offer to fly to London to write an academic paper on energy exploration in the Mediterranean Sea.
Papadopoulos accepted a flight to London and a $3,000 honorarium. He claims that during a meeting in London, Halper asked him whether he knew anything about Russian hacking of Democrats’ emails.
Papadopoulos had other contacts on British soil that he now believes were part of a government-sanctioned surveillance operation. -Daily Caller

In total, Halper received over $1 million from the Obama Pentagon for "research," over $400,000 of which was granted before and during the 2016 election season.

Papadopoulos, who was sentenced to 14 days in prison for lying about his conversations with a shadowy Maltese professor and self-professed member of the Clinton Foundation, has publicly claimed he was targeted by UK spies, and told The Telegraph that he demands transparency. Trump's allies in Washington, meanwhile, have suggested that the facts laid out before us mean that the ongoing Russia investigation was invalid from the start

In short, it's understandable that the UK would prefer to hide their involvement in the "witch hunt" of Donald Trump since much of the counterintelligence investigation was conducted on UK soil. And if the Brits had knowledge of the operation, it will bolster claims that they meddled in the 2016 US election by assisting what appears to have been a set-up from the start.

Steele's ham-handed dossier is a mere embarrassment, as virtually none of the claims asserted by the former MI6 agent have been proven true. 
Steele, a former MI6 agent, is the author of the infamous and unverified anti-Trump dossier. He worked as a confidential human source for the FBI for years before the relationship was severed just before the election because of Steele’s unauthorized contacts with the press.
He shared results of his investigation into Trump’s links to Russia with the FBI beginning in early July 2016.
The FBI relied heavily on the unverified Steele dossier to fill out applications for four FISA warrants against Page. Page has denied the dossier’s claims, which include that he was the Trump campaign’s back channel to the Kremlin. -Daily Caller
That said, Steele hasn't worked for the British government since 2009, so for their excuse focusing on the former MI6 agent while ignoring the multitude of events which occurred on UK soil, is curious. 
Tag: Politics
* Zie: 'Democraten VS kochten informatie over Trump >> Forgetting the ‘Dirty Dossier’ on Trump' en: 'Hillary Clinton moet op de hoogte zijn geweest van aankoop Steele dossier over Trump........'

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zondag 23 september 2018

Jemen genocide: democratische oppositie steunt met bijna 100% Trumps terreuragenda, terwijl ze hem aanvallen op niet bewezen Russiagate......

Ontving afgelopen vrijdag het hieronder opgenomen artikel van Caitlin Johnstone, waarin ze de vloer aanveegt met de democraten die zogenaamd oppositie voeren tegen Trump, terwijl ze zijn meer dan belachelijke verhoging van het oorlogsbudget goedkeuren. De democraten tonen zogenaamd hun ongenoegen over Trump op basis van vermeende Russische inmenging in de presidentsverkiezingen van 2016, een zaak die nooit te bewijzen valt, daar het eenvoudigweg niet gebeurd is, wat men je ook vertelt in de reguliere (massa-) media. Elk zogenaamd bewijs blijkt na een korte beschouwing weer het zoveelste niet te bewijzen kul verhaal te zijn.....

Zoals die media maar achter de onzin over Russische inmenging aan blijven lopen en het verkondigen als 'de weg, de waarheid en het leven', zo doet de democratische oppositie dit ook en niet zonder reden. Johnstone stelt volkomen terecht dat er in de VS eigenlijk niets te kiezen valt, de democraten en republikeinen staan beide achter de grootschalige terreur die de VS waar het maar kan uitoefent, van Latijns-Amerika, via Afrika, Europa en het Midden-Oosten tot in Azië..... De uitspraak over het niet bestaande verschil tussen republikeinen en democraten komt overigens van Julian Assange, zoals je in het artikel kan lezen.

Zou ik bijna de EU vergeten, al staat die als 'één man' achter wat de VS en nu de Trump administratie ook maar flikt.... Dezelfde EU die Trump zelfs gelijk geeft als hij erop wijst dat het oorlogsbudget ('defensie') van de meeste NAVO-EU-lidstaten veel te laag is, waar deze EU oplichters dondersgoed weten dat de VS door haar illegale oorlogvoering en andere misdadige acties in het buitenland uiteraard veel meer moet uitgeven aan oorlogsvoering.... Alsof men niet weet dat alleen de EU-lidstaten Duitsland, Groot-Brittannië, Frankrijk en Italië al meer dan 3 keer zoveel uitgeven aan oorlogsvoering dan de Russen aan defensie en buitenlandse hulp, zoals die aan Syrië..... Daarover gesproken: de kosten voor buitenlandse (illegale) Nederlandse militaire missies komen voor een groot deel niet uit het defensie budget!

Johnstone komt met een voorbeeld dat duidelijk toont dat de democraten in feite het verlengde van de republikeinen zijn: de genocide die Saoedi-Arabië met hulp van o.a. de VS pleegt in buurland Jemen (jammer dat zij nog steeds niet spreekt van een genocide, terwijl alle tekenen daarvoor volop aanwezig zijn!)...... Hoe makkelijk kan het voor de democraten zijn om deze genocide te gebruiken tegen Trump, zo zijn de laatste paar jaar mede door toedoen van de VS al duizenden kinderen omgekomen in Jemen..... Nee, die kaart spelen de democraten niet omdat ze er vierkant achter staan en stonden, ook toen de Obama ('vredes') administratie hetzelfde flikte.........

Trump's "Opposition" Supports All His Evil Agendas While Attacking Fake Nonsens

by Caitlin Johnstone

new article from the Wall Street Journal reports that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo lied to congress about the measures Saudi Arabia is taking to minimize the civilian casualties in its catastrophic war on Yemen, and that he did so in order to secure two billion dollars for war profiteers.

This is about as depraved as anything you could possibly imagine. US-made bombs have been conclusively tied to civilian deaths in a war which has caused the single worst humanitarian crisis on earth, a crisis which sees scores of Yemeni children dying every single day and has placed five million children at risk of death by starvation in a nation where families are now eating leaves to survive.  CIA veteran Bruce Riedel once said that “if the United States of America and the United Kingdom tonight told King Salman that this war has to end, it would end tomorrow, because the Royal Saudi Airforce cannot operate without American and British support.” Nobody other than war plutocrats benefits from the US assisting Saudi Arabia in its monstrous crimes against humanity, and yet Pompeo chose to override his own expert advisors on the matter for fear of hurting the income of those very war plutocrats.

If the so-called "Resistance" to Trump was ever actually interested in opposing this administration in any meaningful way, this would be the top trending news story in America for days, like how "bombshell" revelations pertaining to the made-up Russiagate narrative trend for days. Spoiler alert: it isn't, and it won't be.

Starving children are being forced to eat leaves in a desperate bid for survival, as conditions in Yemen become a ‘living hell’.
(om de video in bovenstaand Twitterbericht te zien klik op deze link:)

It would be so very, very easy for Democratic party leaders and Democrat-aligned media to hurt this administration at the highest level and cause irreparable political damage based on this story. All they'd have to do is give it the same blanket coverage they've given the stories about Michael Flynn, George Papadopoulos and Paul Manafort which end up leading nowhere remotely near impeachment or proof of collusion with the Russian government. The footage of the starving children is right there, ready to be aired to pluck at the heart strings of rank-and-file Americans day after day until Republicans have lost all hope of victory in the midterms and in 2020; all they'd have to do is use it. But they don't. And they won't.

The US Senate has just passed Trump's mammoth military spending increase by a landslide 92-8 vote. The eight senators who voted "nay"? Seven Republicans, and Independent Bernie Sanders. Every single Democrat supported the most bloated war budget since the height of the Iraq war. Rather than doing everything they can to weaken the potential damage that can be done by a president they've been assuring us is a dangerous hybrid of equal parts Benedict Arnold and Adolf Hitler, they've been actively increasing his power as Commander-in-Chief of the most powerful military force the world has ever seen.

The reason for this is very simple: President Trump's ostensible political opposition does not oppose President Trump. They're on the same team, wearing different uniforms. This is the reason they attack him on Russian collusion accusations which the brighter bulbs among them know full well will never be proven and have no basis in reality. They don't stand up to Trump because, as Julian Assange once said, they are Trump.

Stand up to Trump? They are Trump. 

In John Steinbeck's The Pearl, there are jewelry buyers set up around a fishing community which are all owned by the same plutocrat, but they all pretend to be in competition with one another. When the story's protagonist discovers an enormous and valuable pearl and goes to sell it, they all gather round and individually bid far less than it is worth in order to trick him into giving it away for almost nothing. US politics is pretty much the same; two mainstream parties owned by the same political class, engaged in a staged bidding war for votes to give the illusion of competition.

In reality, the US political system is like the unplugged video game remote that kids give their baby brother so he stops whining that he wants a turn to play. No matter who they vote for they get an Orwellian warmongering government which exists solely to advance the agendas of a plutocratic class which has no loyalties to any nation; the only difference is sometimes that government is pretending to care about women and minorities and sometimes it's pretending to care about white men. In reality, all the jewelers work for the same plutocrat, and that video game remote won't impact the outcome of the game no matter how many buttons you push.

The only way to effect real change is to stop playing along with the rigged system and start waking people up to the lies. As long as Americans believe that the mass media are telling them the truth about their country and their partisan votes are going somewhere useful, the populace whose numbers should give it immense influence is nullified and sedated into a passive ride toward war, ecocide and oppression. If enough of us keep throwing sand in the gears of the lie factory, we can wake the masses up from the oligarchic lullaby they're being sung. And then maybe we'll be big enough to have a shot at grabbing one of the real video game controllers.
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Caitlin Johnstone | September 21, 2018 at 12:30 am | Tags: governmentmike pompeomilitaryPoliticssenatewarYemen | Categories: ArticleNews | URL:
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