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Posts tonen met het label J.T. Crowe. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label J.T. Crowe. Alle posts tonen

donderdag 29 november 2018

Trumps chantage van de democraten: 5 miljard dollar voor z'n muur aan de Mexicaanse grens, anders 'sluit hij de regering'

Als een kleuter gaat psychopaat Trump tekeer tegen de democraten die niet meer dan 1,6 miljard dollar beschikbaar willen stellen voor Trumps 'big, very big en beautiful wall' aan de grens met Mexico.

Trump dreigt een deel van de regering lam te leggen, zodat overheidsinstellingen geen geld krijgen voor salarissen en deze instanties de deuren zullen moeten sluiten...

Totaal idioot Trump stelt dat 3 grenswachten, volgens Trump heel dappere mannen, die met stenen werden geraakt, aantonen dat de muur nodig is...... Echter er is niets aan de hand met deze 3 ambtenaren, ze liepen zelfs geen schram op, maar Trump doet net of ze zijn neergeschoten en daarna gemarteld, maar ja liegen en schreeuwen is dan ook datgene wat hij het best beheerst.....

In feite chanteert de machtigste man ter wereld de VS oppositie (al is die in de vorm van de Democratische Partij amper verschillend van de Republikeinse Partij van Trump)..... Hogan Gidley, Witte Huis woordvoerder, stookte het (kolen-) vuur verder op, door te stellen dat tegenstand van de democraten zal leiden tot een streep door plannen van die partij......

Kortom met Trump aan het roer zullen we nog veel zot en uiterst misdadig gedrag te zien krijgen van de volgens de VS zelf beste democratie ter wereld is (ha! ha! ha!).......

Het volgende artikel geschreven door JT Crowe, werd gepubliceerd op Money and Markets:

Trump: Give Me Border Wall Money or I’ll Shut Down the Government

Posted by JT Crowe | Nov 28, 2018 

Trump: Give Me Border Wall Money or I’ll Shut Down the Government

With a partial government shutdown possible on Dec. 7, President Donald Trump has met with Republican leaders to hash out a spending plan that includes money for Trump’s proposed border wall with Mexico.

Trump is seeking $5 billion for the border wall, which he made a centerpiece of his 2016 campaign and said Mexico would pay for, and he is stepping up pressure on Congress to provide it. Trump said he would “totally be willing” to shut down the government if he doesn’t receive the wall money he wants.

House Republicans approved $5 billion for Trump’s wall in a key committee, but a bipartisan bill in the Senate allocates just $1.6 billion for the border.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., called Tuesday’s White House meeting “very productive” and said Trump “is very solid with where he wants to go and what he needs to have a secure border.”

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., took a hard line on the negotiations, saying Democrats will soon face a crucial question: “Are they going to shut down the government because they don’t want to keep America safe?”

Trump said he is considering a backup plan if Congress rejects his demand for the $5 billion, possibly including the continued use of troops and razor wire to prevent migrants from entering the country. He told The Washington Post that if he doesn’t get the money, there are other ways he could get it done.

But he has expressed impatience. “I am firm,” he said in an interview published Wednesday in Politico.

I don’t do anything … just for political gain,” Trump said. “But I will tell you, politically speaking, that issue is a total winner. People look at the border, they look at the rush to the police, they look at the rock throwers and really hurting three people, three very brave border patrol folks — I think that it’s a tremendous issue, but much more importantly, is really needed. So, we have to have border security.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said the Trump administration hasn’t even spent the $1.6 billion Congress approved in the current budget for the border wall.

With Republicans in control of the presidency, the House and the Senate, “a shutdown is on their back,” Schumer said Tuesday. “Stick to the $1.6 billion.”

Democrats and GOP leaders struck a deal earlier this year to fund nearly three-fourths of the government into next year. Left undone, however, is funding for the Department of Homeland Security, which oversees the border, and a few other agencies. They’re now running on stopgap funds set to expire Dec. 7.

Complicating border negotiations, Democrats also want to protect special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian election interference and any possible coordination with Trump associates.

I didn’t know Robert Mueller needed protection,” McCarthy told reporters, adding that there’s “nothing out there” for Mueller or Democrats to fear from Trump or his administration. “But I do know the southern end of our country needs protection.”

McCarthy, whose party lost more than three dozen House seats in the midterm elections earlier this month, urged Democrats to work with Republicans on the border wall and other legislation, including a long-stalled farm bill, a new tax cut package and criminal justice reform.

The election is over. Let’s put people before politics,” McCarthy said. “We’ve got a problem before us. Let’s solve that problem.”

Schumer said Democrats support strong border security and believe that $1.6 billion for border security, including physical barriers and technology along the U.S. southern border, “is the right way to go.”

White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said Trump and GOP leaders discussed a range of legislative priorities, including the California wildfires, the farm bill and “the great need for border security at this crucial time,” as well as prison reform and the budget. The group also talked about Monday’s announcement by General Motors (GM) that it will shutter five plants and slash 14,000 jobs in North America, Gidley said.

© The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

woensdag 14 november 2018

Ron Paul maakt gehakt van Pompeo's uitspraak dat sancties een paar miljoen dode Iraniërs waard zijn.....

Oorlogsmisdadiger en fascistische psychopaat Pompeo, momenteel VS minister van buitenlandse zaken, liet vorige week weten dat de sancties tegen Iran, die een 'regime change' moeten veroorzaken, een paar miljoen doden waard zijn....... Precies zoals hare kwaadaardigheid en collega fascist van de democraten Albright liet weten dat de 500.000 kinderen die in Irak overleden ten gevolge van de VS sancties tegen dat land in de 90er jaren, het waard zijn geweest....... Wat een enorme rotschoft moet je zijn, als je dergelijke woorden uit de vuilbek durft te laten vallen.......

Ron Paul, een republikein die eerder in het huis van afgevaardigden zat, heeft gehakt gemaakt van de uitspraak die Pompeo deed voor de BBC. Met een aantal vragen geeft hij precies aan waar de schoen wringt en godzijdank noemt hij de 'situatie' in Jemen bij de naam: een genocide die uitgevoerd wordt door (met een toevoeging van mij) de Saoedische terreurcoalitie, militair gesteund door de VS..... Een genocide waar de Trump administratie geen seconde van wakker ligt, nee men gaat de Houthi's die hun burgers proberen te beschermen tegen de terreur van die coalitie, aanmerken als terroristen.....*

De redactie van Money and Markets die een artikel publiceerde geschreven door J.T. Crowe (die ook verantwoordelijk is voor het volgende) over de woorden van Paul, was zo laf om nog even te refereren aan de woorden van de hoogste leider in Iran, waarin deze de VS dreigt met oorlog...... Ofwel Paul kan wel wat zeggen, maar Iran dreigt zelf met oorlog..... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Alsof zo'n dreiging ook maar een moment serieus is te nemen, dan nog: de VS voert al een economische oorlog tegen Iran, dat is voor de hele wereld wel duidelijk en je weet het >> wie de bal kaatst........

Terecht trekt Paul een vergelijking tussen de VS en Iran, waar Iran niet het ene na het andere land in puin gooit in illegaal begonnen oorlogen..... Niet Iran maar de VS steunt de genocide in Jemen en Iran vecht niet in Jemen, zoals de VS wel doet........ Niet Iran organiseert opstanden elders, maar de VS...... Over de zogenaamde terreur die Iran zou steunen: als er één land is op de wereld dat daadwerkelijk overal en nergens terreur zaait, is het de VS wel, de VS de grootste terreurentiteit op aarde, met intussen een onafzienbaar aantal oorlogsmisdaden op haar naam....** 

Beste bezoeker, lees het volgende artikel en oordeel zelf:

Ron Paul Lashes Out at Trump Admin, ‘Neocons’ Over Iran Starvation Policy

Ron Paul Lashes Out at Trump Admin, ‘Neocons’ Over Iran Starvation Policy

Posted by JT Crowe | Nov 13, 2018 News

Retired Libertarian and Republican Congressman Ron Paul is asking a question in his weekly column about the Trump administration’s ‘neoconservative’ policy regarding how to handle the situation with Iran: Is it normal?

Some context, per the Ron Paul Institute:
It’s not often that US Government officials are honest when they talk about our foreign policy. The unprovoked 2003 attack on Iraq was called a “liberation.” The 2011 US-led destruction of Libya was a “humanitarian intervention.” And so on.
So, in a way, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was refreshingly honest last week when, speaking about newly-imposed US sanctions, he told the BBC that the Iranian leadership “has to make a decision that they want their people to eat.” It was an honest admission that new US sanctions are designed to starve Iranians unless the Iranian leadership accepts US demands.
His statement also reveals the lengths to which the neocons are willing to go to get their “regime change” in Iran. Just like then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said it was “worth it” that half a million Iraqi children died because of our sanctions on that country, Pompeo is letting us know that a few million dead Iranians is also “worth it” if the government in Tehran can be overthrown.

Paul notes that the U.S. Secretary of State has demanded that Iran “act like a normal country.” Iran essentially threatened war against the U.S. over the sanctions, but does that mean the citizens of Iran have to suffer, Paul asks, and is that normal?
Is it normal to threaten millions of people with starvation if their leaders refuse to bow down to US demands? Is the neoconservative obsession with regime change “normal” behavior? Is training and arming al-Qaeda in Syria to overthrow Assad “normal” behavior? If so, then perhaps Washington’s neocons have a point. As Iran is not imposing sanctions, is not invading its neighbors, is not threatening to starve millions of Americans unless Washington is “regime-changed,” perhaps Iran is not acting “normal.”

It all depends on what your definition of “normal” is, Paul says.
The continued Saudi genocide in Yemen does not bother Washington a bit. In fact, Saudi aggression in Yemen is viewed as just another opportunity to strike out at Iran. By making phony claims that Yemen’s Houthis are “Iran-backed,” the US government justifies literally handing the Saudis the bombs to drop on Yemeni school buses while claiming it is fighting Iranian-backed terrorism! Is that “normal”?
Millions of Yemenis face starvation after three years of Saudi attacks have destroyed the economy and a Saudi blockade prohibits aid from reaching the suffering victims, but Secretary Pompeo recently blamed Yemeni starvation on, you guessed it: Iran!
And in a shocking display of cynicism, the US government is reportedly considering listing Yemen’s Houthis as a “terrorist” organization for the “crime” of fighting back against Saudi (and US) aggression. Labeling the Yemeni resistance a “terrorist” organization would effectively “legalize” the ongoing Saudi destruction of Yemen, as it could be justified as just another battle in the “war on terror.” It would also falsely identify the real culprits in the Yemen tragedy as Iran, which is repeatedly and falsely called the “number one sponsor of terrorism” by Pompeo and the rest of the Trump Administration neocons.
So yes, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told one wicked truth last week. But before he demands that countries like Iran start acting “normal” or face starvation, perhaps he should look in the mirror. Are Pompeo and the neocons “normal”? I don’t think so.

Editor’s note: Is Ron Paul ignoring the fact that Iran has threatened the U.S. and then openly mocked the sanctions put in place, or is he right about the Iranian people being unduly targeted by the Trump administration? Share your thoughts below, and keep scrolling down to read more about the ongoing dispute with Iran on Money & Markets.
Zie: 'Trump administratie staat op het punt de Houthi's in Jemen op de terreurlijst te zetten.......' (zie ook de links in dat bericht)

** Alleen deze eeuw heeft de VS in/met: -illegale oorlogen, -geheime militaire operaties, -standrechtelijke executies van verdachten middels drones (waar meer dan 90% van de slachtoffers niet eens werd verdacht, dus veelal vrouwen en kinderen), -door haar georganiseerde opstanden en -staatsgrepen, al ruim meer dan 2 miljoen mensen vermoord.......

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