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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label Libanon. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Libanon. Alle posts tonen

maandag 14 januari 2019

Alan Johnston (BBC correspondent) geeft Israël de stok om 'de Libanese hond te slaan'

Alan Johnston, de BBC correspondent die in 2007 werd ontvoerd en die door de 'militante tak' (woorden op Wikipedia*) van Hamas werd bevrijd, is intussen een brave correspondent geworden, die vooral de door de BBC gewilde Israëlische propaganda uitdraagt.....

In het BBC World Service nieuws van 11.00 u. (CET) gistermorgen was Johnston te horen met een sensationeel verhaal over Hezbollah tunnels, die deze groep zou hebben gegraven vanuit Libanon onder de grens met Israël, om zo aanslagen te kunnen plegen op Israëlisch grondgebied.....

Jammer voor Johnston, maar 'het nieuws' dat hij bracht, letterlijk overgenomen van een woordvoerder van het psychopathisch gewelddadige Israëlische leger, is een 'nieuwtje' van een aantal weken geleden, waar toen al van werd gezegd, dat dit bericht onbetrouwbaar was.... Onbetrouwbaar daar Hezbollah in het grensgebied wel tunnels heeft gegraven, maar dat deze dienen als bescherming voor burgers en Hezbollah leden, dit tegen de agressie van dat Israëlische leger, men stelde destijds dat de tunnels niet onder grens door in Israëlisch grondgebied eindigden......

Ofwel: Johnson laat zich door de fascistische apartheidsstaat Israël gebruiken, om propaganda tegen Libanon en Hezbollah in het bijzonder te maken........ Het voorgaande, terwijl Israël de laatste maanden al troepen en militair materieel aan de grens met Libanon heeft samengetrokken (en dat nog schijnt te doen, overigens nu ook op de Golanhoogten)........ Kortom Johnston helpt Israël de stok om de Libanese hond te slaan

Ach ja, de BBC heeft al heel lang niets meer van doen met onafhankelijke journalistiek en neemt het telkens weer op voor terreurstaat Israël, ongeacht de massamoorden die de regering van dit van de Palestijnen gestolen land begaat..........

* Waar Wikipedia het woord 'militant' vooralsnog nooit zal gebruiken voor het uiterst agressieve Israëlische leger, of voor de psychopathische moordenaars van de Mossad.......

woensdag 9 januari 2019

Trumps beslissing de VS terug te trekken uit Syrië, wordt door Bolton en Netanyahu geblokkeerd

Nadat Trump zijn 'besluit' bekend maakte VS troepen snel terug te trekken uit Syrië, brak er een storm van protest los bij VS politici van de democraten, republikeinen en van Israël. Alsof de bezetting door de VS van Syrisch grondgebied volkomen legitiem was..... Zoals je waarschijnlijk wel weet, is de VS illegaal aanwezig op soeverein Syrisch grondgebied.......

Snel na de verklaring van Trump verzekerde oorlogsmisdadiger Bolton al dat het zo'n vaart niet zou lopen en alsof hij Trump kon besturen, verklaarde deze dat de terugtrekking van VS troepen uit Syrië, niet op stel en sprong zou worden uitgevoerd........

De corrupte oorlogsmisdadiger Netanyahu had het gore lef te stellen dat voor Israël de legitimatie van de annexatie van de Golanhoogten middels het verkrijgen van soevereiniteit over het gebied, de belangrijkste reden was om te protesteren tegen de terugtrekking van VS troepen uit Syrië, althans zeker niet te snel...

Het is dan ook duidelijk dat Trumps macht intussen aan banden ligt. Bolton die Trump adviseert, stelde dan ook dat de terugtrekking van VS troepen uit Syrië, gecoördineerd zal worden met de fascistische terreur- en apartheidsstaat Israël.....

John Bolton | Benjamin Netanyahu
(foto bij het originele artikel op MintPress News)

Overigens is er een tweede reden voor een langzame terugtrekking van VS troepen uit Syrië, waarbij Israël nogmaals een belangrijke rol speelt: Iran en Hezbollah, die beiden strijders hebben in Syrië..... Een langzame terugtrekking van VS troepen, zodat er niet een 'snelweg' tussen Iran en Libanon zal ontstaan, een weg waarover Iran dan wapens en ander oorlogstuig voor Hezbollah zou kunnen vervoeren richting Libanon........ 

Terwijl Israël intussen al honderden gevechtsvluchten heeft uitgevoerd op Syrisch grondgebied (en dat via een illegale aanvliegroute over Libanon....), stuk voor stuk ernstige oorlogsmisdaden, waarbij Israël, als het al toegeeft een bombardement te hebben uitgevoerd, steevast het argument noemt dat men met deze bombardementen heeft willen voorkomen dat er oorlogstuig richting Libanon wordt vervoerd..... Dit in tegenstelling tot bijvoorbeeld de doelen die Israël bombardeert, meestal posities of bases van het reguliere Syrische leger......

Voorts staan de 'gematigde' terreurgroepen, inclusief IS, achter de wens van Israël de soevereiniteit over de Golanhoogten te krijgen en definitief aan haar grondgebied toe te voegen..... De terreurgroepen staan achter deze wil van Israël vanwege de hulp die Israël aan die terreurgroepen gaf. Zo heeft Israël meermaals Syrische reguliere troepen gebombardeerd, als zij terreurgroepen in de buurt van de Golanhoogten dreigden te overvleugelen en heeft Israël jihadterroristen die gewond waren geraakt in Syrië, opgeknapt op de Golanhoogten en in ernstige gevallen zelfs in Israëlische in ziekenhuizen......

Lees het volgende meer uitgebreide artikel, eerder gepubliceerd op MintPress News en door mij overgenomen van Anti-Media:

With Golan at Stake, Netanyahu, Bolton Set Trump Straight on US Syria Withdrawal Plan

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor With Golan Heights at Stake, Netanyahu and Bolton Set Trump Straight on Syria

January 7, 2019 at 11:29 pm
Written by Whitney Webb

(MPN) — The state of Israel seems to share at least some of the responsibility for the latest shift of U.S. Syria policy — as National Security Adviser John Bolton announced on Sunday that President Donald Trump’s call to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria would now be “coordinated” with Israel, after meeting with top Israeli officials including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

John Bolton | Benjamin Netanyahu
(foto bij het originele artikel op MintPress News)

Israel’s main motivation in preventing a swift U.S. exit from Syria was also made explicit by Netanyahu, who openly stated on Twitter that Israel’s push to obtain sovereignty over the occupied Golan Heights – which is internationally recognized as part of Syria – was the driving factor behind Israel’s recent efforts to dramatically slow down Trump’s plan for an “immediate” withdrawal of U.S. troops currently occupying Syrian territory illegally.

As MintPress noted at the time of Trump’s withdrawal announcement, Israel’s influence on Trump’s Middle East policy and Israel’s push towards containing “Iranian influence” in Syria would mean that Trump’s plan to withdraw troops over the alleged defeat of ISIS would likely never materialize if it was opposed by Tel Aviv.

This was apparently and not surprisingly the case as, soon after Trump’s announcement that he planned to bring U.S. troops home from Syria last month, Israel’s government announced that it would dramatically rev up its direct involvement in the Syrian conflict in the U.S.’ absence. That involvement had so far been limited to hundreds of unilateral airstrikes on Syrian government and military targets over the course of the nearly eight-year-long war. Israel’s threat of escalation revealed Israel’s unwillingness to see foreign pressure on Damascus reduced.

Israel’s military — currently headed by Netanyahu, who is also serving as Israel’s defense minister — made good on this promise to increase its military involvement in Syria soon after, using civilian airplanes as cover to launch airstrikes on Syria on Christmas Day.

However, Israel’s reaction to Trump’s announcement appears to have been much more extensive than its decision to increase its airstrikes targeting Syrian territory. After meeting with Netanyahu and the director of Israeli intelligence, Bolton noted on Twitter that the “U.S. drawdown in Syria” would now be “coordinated” with Israel. Also on Sunday, Bolton announced that the U.S. had no timetable for troop withdrawal from Syria and that the troop withdrawal was also conditional.

I met w/ PM @netanyahu, the Director of Mossad, & the Israeli Atomic Energy Commissioner. Discussions included our ongoing efforts to expand & enhance our historic partnership w/ Israel, our mutual response to the threat from Iran, & the coordinated U.S. drawdown in Syria.

This is just the latest indication that the state of Israel is acquiring unprecedented influence over U.S. troop deployments in the region, as the commander of U.S. European Command (EURCOM) noted last year that Israeli generals — not American generals — have the power to deploy U.S. troops to Israel to fight on Israel’s behalf. Now, Bolton — after meeting with Israeli officials — has stated that Israel’s government will also wield tremendous influence over whether or not U.S. troops will be leaving Syria.
Spotlight on the Golan Heights

In publicly discussing his meeting with Bolton on Twitter, Netanyahu noted that a key topic of ongoing discussion with Bolton regarding Syria would involve Israel’s claim to the Golan Heights, a plateau bordering Israel, Lebanon and Syria that Israel has occupied since 1967 and later annexed in 1981.

Netanyahu announced that he and Bolton would be traveling together to the area on Monday and added:
The Golan Heights is tremendously important for our security. When you’re there you’ll be able to understand perfectly why we’ll never leave the Golan Heights and why it’s Heights and why it’s important all countries recognize Israel’s sovereignty over it.”

And you have backed Israel's right to defend itself which we exercise constantly. It's important to know that we have the backing of our great friend and ally the United States of America.

View image on Twitter
Tomorrow we'll go up to the Golan Heights. The Golan Heights is tremendously important for our security. When you're there you'll be able to understand perfectly why we'll never leave the Golan Heights and why it's important all countries recognize Israel's sovereignty over it.
View image on Twitter

As MintPress has noted in the past, understanding the significance of the Golan Heights is in many ways key to understanding why the Syrian conflict was engineered by foreign powers in the first place. This is because, with the Golan Heights in mind, Israel hatched a plan in 2006 to overthrow Syrian President Bashar al-Assad by creating sectarian strife in the country with the hopes that whoever succeeded Assad would be willing to relinquish Syria’s claim to the territory.

Yet, this plan was never designed to be enacted by Israel but instead by the United States. The U.S. eventually adopted the plan and the communications of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton revealed it was a driving factor in U.S. policy leading up to the genesis of the Syrian conflict. One of her leaked emails, published by WikiLeaks, stated that “the best way to help Israel deal with Iran’s growing nuclear capability is to help the people of Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad.”

That same email also noted that “a successful intervention in Syria would require substantial diplomatic and military leadership from the United States.” It added that “arming the Syrian rebels and using Western air power to ground Syrian helicopters and airplanes is a low-cost high-payoff approach.”

Unsurprisingly, official recognition of Israel’s annexation of the Golan was prominent among the regime-change promises touted by Syrian “rebels.” Over the course of the war, rebels have,  in their bid to overthrow Assad, offered to “trade” or sell the Golan Heights to Israel in exchange for military aid or an Israeli-imposed “no-fly zone.”

This also helps explain why Israel was so eager to fund, arm and aid “rebel” groups along the Syria-Israel border, as it offered the justification for the Israeli occupation of a “buffer zone” that, according to Syrian opposition sources and Israeli-American NGOs, was “intended to keep the Syrian army and its Iranian and Lebanese allies as far away from Israel’s border as possible, as well as solidify Israel’s control over the occupied Golan Heights.” However, the success of the Syrian military’s efforts in southern Syria forced Israel to abandon its buffer zone and seek other means to strengthen its claim to the territory.

The Golan: What’s in it for Israel?

Israel created this plan to weaken or overthrow the Syrian state largely because it is eager to cement its claim to the Golan Heights. In order to accomplish that, regime change in Syria is essential, as the international community still refuses to recognize Israel’s seizure and continued occupation of the Golan as legal. This bars Israel from commercially developing the area’s rich resources, which explains Israel’s willingness to go to war over a seemingly small and insignificant tract of land. However, a new Syrian government, one more “friendly” to Israeli interests, could officially relinquish Syria’s claim to the Golan, paving the way for the complete and official annexation of the territory by Israel.

At the time the plan was created, the main motivator for Israel was the Golan’s freshwater reserves, as the Golan is one of three sources of freshwater available to the Israeli state — and is the largest in size and most abundant, as it includes the mountain streams that feed Lake Kinneret (the Sea of Galilee) and the headwaters of the Jordan river.

This makes this area even more important to Israel, given that Israel is in its sixth year of a drought so massive that a NASA study called it the worst drought in the region in nearly 900 years. Thus, the water resources of the Golan Heights are essential to Israel’s existence as well as its expansionist ambitions.

Though recent Israeli investment in desalination plants have since reduced its dependence on Golan water resources, the discovery of oil in the Golan in 2015 dramatically strengthened Israel’s resolve to gain complete sovereignty over the occupied territory.

The oil reserve discovered in the Golan Heights is estimated to contain “billions of barrels” of crude oil that could turn Israel – which currently imports the vast majority of its fuel – into a net oil exporter. Yet, because the Golan Heights are internationally recognized as being under occupation and not an official part of Israel, the commercial extraction and export of this vast oil reserve cannot move forward — until this status changes.

As a result, only exploratory wells have been drilled, mostly by a division of Genie Energy Co., a U.S.-based oil company connected to Rupert Murdoch, Jacob Rothschild, Dick Cheney and former CIA Director James Woolsey, among other powerful individuals in the U.S. and the U.K.
The involvement of such influential figures in future oil extraction endeavors in the Golan Heights – dependent as they are on Israel acquiring sovereignty over the territory — likely explains why the U.S., as well as the U.K., has been so willing to help initiate and then perpetuate the Syrian conflict, which is soon to enter its eighth year.

Geopolitics First: The America-Israel Mideast axis

While Netanyahu’s statements show that the Golan Heights is a key driver for Israel in its refusal to let the Syrian conflict wind down, it is important to note that Israel and its allies abroad are also interested in the partitioning of Syria in order to keep the country weak and conflict-ridden for the foreseeable future. This call to partition Syria as well as other countries in the region, such as Iraq, dates back to the Yinon Plan that was developed in 1982 and seeks to partition and weaken other regional states through the engineering of sectarianism, in order to allow Israel to emerge as the region’s sole superpower.

This is worth pointing out, given Israel’s recent effort to take control of the U.S. troop pull-out (or lack thereof) from Syria, as the U.S. State Department is also promoting a plan as of this past weekend that would push for the partition of northeastern Syria were U.S. troops to begin to withdraw from Syrian territory.

Thus, the announcement that the troop “withdrawal” will now be coordinated with Israel and that the U.S.’ new policy for northeastern Syria will involve partition shows that another “America First” Trump policy has quickly morphed instead into an “Israel First” plan.

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Ondergelopen vluchtelingenkampen in Libanon zijn bevroren door winterstorm

De ellende voor de vluchtelingen in Libanese opvangkampen is niet meer te overzien, nadat hun kampementen waren ondergelopen is de boel nu bevroren door een ijskoude winterstorm.......

Volgens het hieronder opgenomen artikel zijn er nog steeds meer dan één miljoen Syrische vluchtelingen in Libanon, waar velen (rond de miljoen, gezien de cijfers) konden terugkeren naar hun woonplaatsen, die door het reguliere Syrische leger, Russen en Iraanse troepen werden bevrijd van door het westen gesteunde terreurgroepen ('gematigde rebellen').....

De EU heeft middels schoften als zijne PvdA kwaadaardigheid Timmermans gemene zaak gemaakt met het Turkije van de psychopathische reli-fascist Erdogan...... Met 6 miljard euro aan EU belastinggeld werd de verantwoordelijkheid voor NB door het westen gecreëerde vluchtelingenstromen afgekocht...... Waarmee de vluchtelingen het trieste lot in Turkse provisorische gevangenkampen wachtte (waar zelfs hele gezinnen worden vastgehouden) en waar Turkije nu vluchtelingen al voor haar grens afschrikt door op hen te schieten.....

De situatie in de meeste kampen is desastreus, het ontbreekt er veelal zelfs aan eerste levensbehoeften, kampen in onherbergzame gebieden, waar advocaten, mensenrechtenorganisaties en andere hulpverleningsinstanties niet welkom zijn.....* In 2013 gaf de EU al eens 3 miljard euro aan Turkije om de situatie in de kampen te verbeteren, het meeste van het geld verdween in de zakken van de Erdogan kliek...... Verder stuurt Turkije vluchtelingen terug, rechtstreeks het oorlogsgebied in.....

Middels deze deal heeft de EU zoals gezegd haar kwade geweten gesust, vluchtelingen die met de Turkije-deal zouden worden opgenomen door de EU-lidstaten, wachten daar voor het grootste deel nog steeds op en ook Nederland laat grotendeels afweten....... 'Niet vreemd' dus dat men verder praktisch niets doet voor vluchtelingen elders, zoals die in Libanon en Jordanië..... 

Nee, sterker nog dan het voorgaande: de EU steunt nog steeds de agressie van de VS, de verantwoordelijke voor de situatie in Syrië, Irak, Afghanistan en Libië....... Waar de oorlog in Syrië in feite door de VS en een aantal hielenlikkers van terreurorganisatie NAVO, al in 2006 werd voorbereid als opstand, waarna het volk Assad af zou zetten en de VS een marionet als dictator kon installeren (althans dat was het mislukte plan)........ Zoals we nu weten is deze 'opstand' (zoals gezegd) uitgemond in een oorlog, waardoor de vluchtelingenstromen opgang zijn gekomen....... 

Vergeet verder niet dat de zogenaamde gematigde terreurgroepen ook nog eens door het westen (o.a. Nederland) zijn gesteund en sommige terreurgroepen zoals IS zelfs mede werden opgezet door de VS en Saoedi-Arabië.......

Lebanon’s winter storm freezes refugees in flooded camps

January 8, 2019 at 8:32 pm | Published in: LebanonMiddle EastNewsSyriaUN

A Syrian refugee shovels mud in front of a makeshift shelter in an unofficial camp for Syrian refugees in Iaat in Lebanon's Bekaa valley, following heavy rain storms on January 8, 2019. (Photo by/ AFP/Getty Images)
A Syrian refugee shovels mud in front of a makeshift shelter in an unofficial camp for Syrian refugees in Iaat in Lebanon's Bekaa valley, following heavy rain storms on January 8, 2019. (Photo by/ AFP/Getty Images)

Storms in Lebanon have flooded Syrian refugee camps, ruining tents, mattresses and food and compounding the misery of people enduring powerful winter winds and biting cold, Reuters reports.

More than a million Syrians fled to neighbouring Lebanon since war broke out at home in 2011, and UN agencies say most live of them live in poverty.
There is almost half a metre of water on the ground and in the tents … the war in Syria forced us into this situation,” said Hussein Zeidan who came to Lebanon from Homs in Syria in 2011.
He lives in a makeshift camp near a river in north Lebanon’s Akkar region. He and some of its other residents said the storm had left them and their children with no clothes, furniture or food.
Families were moving around in search of dryness and warmth.
Water flooded us in the camp: me and my children. Our situation is bad … God bless our neighbours, they welcomed us in yesterday night. Today, water flooded them so we came here, as you can see, to this half-built house with no windows or doors,” Ghazwan Zeidan, who has three children, said in Akkar.
The UN refugee agency said on Tuesday that the storm had completely flooded or collapsed 15 informal settlements out of at least 66 that were “heavily impacted”.
In the Bekaa valley in east Lebanon, the cold temperatures have also brought snow.
Abu Shahid, who fled Hasaka in Syria three years ago with his family, stood in flooded water in an informal camp in Bar Elias village. He described how his tent had completely submerged, damaging all his family’s belongings.
The only solution is to leave our things and move, run away with our lives … Water is everywhere, where do we go?,” he said. The previous night, he and his wife and two children had slept in a neighbour’s tent that was less damaged by the floods.
For 19-year-old Hamed Haj Abu and his relatives, the night was cold and wet.
We did not sleep all night. Some were sleeping for an hour, others were waking up. Water was coming on us, in the tent, from everywhere,” he said in Bar Elias.
My brother and his family first came to us, they are living nearby. We all did not sleep, we left the tent all together, we can’t sit, look, water is flooding, we can’t sleep on water.”

* Voor EU politici en hulpverleningsorganisaties heeft Turkije een paar modelkampen ingericht, zodat deze figuren met 'een gerust geweten' naar huis kunnen........

maandag 8 oktober 2018

Skripal scenario van GB volledig onderuit gehaald door Israëlische expert

Het hieronder opgenomen artikel van News Front kwam ik tegen op het blog van Stan van Houcke. Hierin veegt de Israëlische internationale terrorisme expert en schrijver Alexander Brass de vloer aan met het Britse fantasieverhaal over 'de door Russische agenten met novitsjok vergiftigde Skripals'.

Onder meer wijst hij op de uiterst kundige geheime dienst van Rusland, in dit geval de GROe. Onmogelijk dat zo'n dienst alle bewijzen die in hun richting wijzen, daadwerkelijk hebben achtergelaten. Zoals eerder op deze plek al geconstateerd: als Rusland Skripal had willen doden, dan was hij dat al lang geweest, zonder dat iemand maar argwaan zou krijgen over de 'natuurlijke' doodsoorzaak........

Terecht stelt Brass dat de manier waarop novitsjok werd gebruikt in deze zaak, althans zoals in het fantasieverhaal van de Britten, dit te vergelijken is met de vernietiging van een stad middels een atoombom en dat om één persoon te vermoorden...... Als zo vaak gezegd, als er inderdaad novitsjok werd gebruikt was iedereen die ermee in aanraking was gekomen al lang en breed overleden, plus een flink aantal omwonenden...... Ofwel ook hier is sprake van een false flag operatie.......

Brass wijst verder als voorbeeld op de gelukte en mislukte aanslagen op 'tegenstanders' door de Israëlische geheime dienst Mossad.

Brass stelt verder dat de bewaking van het huis waar Skripal woonde*, met meerdere camera's werd gedaan, echter de camera die de boel had moeten filmen, op 'het moment waarop de twee Russen de deurknop insmeerden met novitsjok', was uitgeschakeld door de Britten......

Voorts wijst Brass op het feit dat de Skripal zaak moet voorkomen dat Rusland deel mag uitmaken van onderzoeken in Syrie naar het gebruik van chemische wapens. Echter er zijn wat mij betreft meer redenen, zoals de wil van de VS en Groot-Brittannië om een oorlog tegen Rusland te beginnen en dit land failliet te laten gaan, dat laatste zal (gelukkig) op zeker niet lukken en laten we hopen dat het eerste al helemaal niet zal plaatsvinden......... De pogingen om Rusland uit onderzoeken te houden naar gifgasaanvallen, maakt uiteindelijk geen verschil, Rusland zal en moet gedemoniseerd worden....

Niet voor niets dat de reguliere westerse (massa-) media en het overgrote deel van de westerse politici, alle gifgasaanvallen toerekenen aan het reguliere Syrische leger en Rusland, hoewel daar geen flinter aan bewijs voor gegeven kan worden..... Sterker nog: zelfs de echte aanvallen met gifgas zijn na onderzoek voor het overgrote deel toegeschreven aan de 'gematigde rebellen' (o.a. door Nederland gesteunde terreurgroepen die zich schuldig maken aan massamoord, verkrachtingen en martelingen). Lulliger nog: de westerse landen weten dat deze 'gematigde rebellen' over gifgas (chlorine en sarin) beschikken, iets waar ze nooit moeite mee hebben gehad........

Lees dit ontluisterende verhaal en zegt het ajb voort, de berg met leugens en de ronduit anti-Russische propaganda, moet eindelijk voor het 'grote publiek' doorgeprikt worden, zo niet worden we langzaam maar zeker in een oorlog gesleept die maar één aanduiding kan hebben: WOIII.......


Date of publication: 28 09 2018, 12:05

An Israeli expert on international terrorism, writer Alexander Brass, shared his view on the case of the Skripals poisoning in Salisbury. Brass draws parallels between the work of the special services of Israel and Russia – he believes that if to compare the British version with the practice of the special agents, then the absurdity becomes obvious.

Alexander, so what, in your opinion, happened in Salisbury?”
-There was a rough provocation by the British special services. In my opinion, this is obvious.

Why do you think so?
There’s a lot of stupidity on stupidity.” The story with Petrov and Boshirov does not hold up any professional peer review. According to the Brits, the Skripals were poisoned by GRU** agents (this is what the department is called, although this is now the Main Directorate of the RF General Staff).
I want to explain how the special services work. If you need someone to eliminate, then this is a very serious operation, which is being prepared for a long time. A very significant material and human resource is allocated. We are talking about dozens of employees. On the territory of this state, an “advanced command post” is being created.
In the operation, a technical support group, a logistic group, a cover group, an external surveillance group and a group of performers are involved.
The performers themselves appear at the very last moment. They do not go anywhere, lighting up on cameras, do not use public transport, but move on rented cars, which they do not rent themselves. And the more they will not stop in hotels, but will live on safe houses provided by the logistics group.
Such groups do not come under the passport of their country, do not go to the embassy for obtaining a visa, leaving fingerprints. This is complete nonsense. Professionals do not work that way.
If the GRU acted, both the killers and the other participants in the operation would come to the UK on the passports of other countries that have visa-free relations with it. Here, two alleged GRU officers go to the embassy, ​​leave their fingerprints there, get a visa, stop at the hotel, pass under all the cells. This you will not find even in ladies’ detective novels.

Maybe it is unprofessionalism associated with the degradation and decay, which after the collapse of the Soviet Union took place in all structures and institutions of society, including in the special services? Lost skills, methods, no one to teach young people. There is such an opinion.
This is an opinion at the level of kitchen conversations. Where did the armed forces and the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation manage to raise such a “bardak” to such a level as they could organize the World Cup and the Olympics at such a high level?
The GRU has always been and remains one of the most professional and most intelligent intelligence agencies in the world.
If the GRU decided to eliminate Skripal, then I have a question: why was the “Novichok” used? This is not a remedy, it’s a chemical weapon of mass destruction. It’s like dropping an atomic bomb on a city to kill one criminal. When special services eliminate an object, they always try to do it so that no autopsy shows that he was poisoned.

Can you give examples?
I can give many examples. In 1978, the well-known international terrorist Vadia Haddad, one of the founders of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), was killed. “Mossad” did not take responsibility for this, but sewed in a bag you can not hide. A potent biological poison was mixed with chocolate. Within three months he died of a painful and incomprehensible illness in the GDR clinic. His autopsy was conducted at the University of East Berlin. No trace of poison was found. The doctors assumed that he died of leukemia.

How did you know that he was killed by Mossad?
Information about this began to leak a few years ago. It came from Algeria. One of the former Mossad agents during another trial gave evidence that he witnessed how this happened, calling the specific names of the performers. This man also confirmed that he was a participant in this operation. This information was also confirmed by other, non-overlapping sources.

Were there any cases when the Mossad operation ended unsuccessfully and the enemies of Israel were still alive?
Take the last unsuccessful attempt of the Israelis to kill Khaled Mashaal, one of the leaders of the terrorist organization Hamas. He would have been killd if he had not been given an antidote at the last minute.
Everything happened on September 25, 1997 on one of the streets of Amman – the capital of Jordan. Just some passer-by, who was next to Mashaal, “accidentally” stumbled and splashed the liquid from the can of Coke to his neck. The next day Mashal would have died of a heart attack, and no traces. But the performers were seized on the spot. After that, the King of Jordan Hussein demanded that Israel provide an antidote, and in return promised to release Israeli agents.
That is, substances that leave no traces are not detected by expertise and imitate death from the disease, the secret services have long been known?

That’s it. Could the GRU not have been able to use some other poison, and not the “Novichok”, which leaves traces everywhere? If such technologies were in the special services already in the 1950s, do not the GRU have them today?
Let’s talk about the cameras. The UK on this some kind of fad. In no country in the world there is such a number of surveillance cameras per capita.
If I’m not mistaken, about one camera for 15 people. Literally every meter is looked through. MI5, the British counterintelligence service, is considered one of the best in the world. And if Britain took care of Skripal, he was very well guarded. At least his house was hung with all the cameras, which are only possible.
If, according to MI5, these agents visited Salisbury, they came to the house of Skripal and coated the door handle with this substance – so show the records from the cameras! How can it be that it was at this point that the cameras suddenly turned off?

But maybe these agents found the cameras and turned them off?”
If you say that the GRU has deteriorated so badly that it has lit up everywhere and left its mark, why did this degraded intelligence agency manage to turn off the surveillance cameras near the Skripal house at the right time?” Where is the logic?

When our agents killed the Chechen terrorist Zelimkhan Yandarbiyev in Qatar, they got caught and were captured by the local police. True, they carried out the task …
And how many Israeli agents were arrested?” This does not mean degradation. I do not know what happened after the collapse of the USSR in the GRU, but I know what happened in the Foreign Intelligence Service, since I had been friends with one of the very high-ranking officers of this service for many years in retirement. We had very close, friendly relations with him for many years. Unfortunately, he died a few years ago.
He told me that the degradation of the special services is only an appearance. He retired, because he already had years of service and he did not agree with the mess that was going on in the country. But there was no mess in the secret services! Who wanted to – left. But was there a leak of information? Have they discovered an agent network?
Agents of Soviet special services worked all over the world. Have any of them suffered? No one. The mess can be anywhere, but not in the special services.”

Let’s admit. All this really looks strange – first let out Skripal, then kill him. Would not it be easier to just leave him in jail?
“– Now about the personality of Sergei Skripal himself. The main version, which is voiced by the British side, is revenge. But in special services there is no such thing as revenge. Neither the Israelis, nor the Russians. Only the Cubans had it. We must understand that the special services are a very practical organization. Why revenge? A person is eliminated only when he can cause real harm. The Skripal has already done harm. He could not do more harm.”

For example, as a lesson to other potential traitors, no?
“– No. I once asked my acquaintances who worked in your special services (I have never had any contact with active staff, only with retirees): “Why did not Kalugin be killed?” And they answered me with a counter question: “Why haven’t you eliminated the defector? “I said: he has already done harm. To eliminate him, it is necessary to develop a very serious operation, to send people, people should risk their lives. For the sake of what – for the sake of revenge? They say:
For the same reason, we do not touch Kalugin and do not touch anyone.” Israelis are not even exterminated by former terrorists. At the moment when the terrorist stops terrorist activities, regardless of what he did before, he is left alone. The only ones who were persecuted to the end were Nazi criminals.”
    There is an opinion that he was eliminated because he taught at the counterintelligence school and taught young employees how to deal with the GRU.
“– And what, in MI5, except for Skripal, no one knows how to do it? I think they know it better than him.
In such cases, there is a very simple practice. When Skripal was taken on treason, he probably was intelligibly explained: either you go to life imprisonment and you will be in solitary confinement somewhere beyond the Arctic Circle, or you will receive 12 years of strict regime in the European part of Russia. But for this, you must fully tell what you have handed over, and give evidence. To cooperate with the investigation.
Similarly, when the former colonel of the Defense Intelligence of Israel’s Defense Intelligence Department, I did not name him, went into business and got into debt.
He went to Lebanon to buy heroin and conduct a drug deal, and was captured by Hezbollah. He told everything he knew, inflicting enormous damage to Israel’s defense capability. Because he was an officer on this site, he worked for Lebanon.
The Israelis exchanged him, they pulled him out. He was told: let’s make a deal. You will not be prosecuted. But you must thoroughly, in every detail, tell what you told them. We need to know what they know. The same was with Skripal. And there was simply no need to eliminate him.”
    So there was no motive for Russian special services?
“–There was no motive. Then, imagine: they used “Novichok”, they carried it with them in a bottle from under the perfume. In the practice of special services this does not exist. Performers go light, with other people’s passports. They receive weapons on the spot. And when such a group of liquidators works, it works autonomously, without affecting the local residency. In case of failure, do not harm the residence.
When the surveillance is working and the capture team is working, they do not know each other in person, they communicate only through certain communication channels.”
The question is also why the poison did not act instantly, and Skripal was still wandering about for a few hours.
“– It’s a different matter. The British are so disrespectful to Russia that even provocation can not be done at a decent level. It’s even humiliating. Therefore, Russia does not comment on this in any way. And why is it necessary to comment on some kind of nonsense?
It took half a year to Brits to find the “suspects.” Although they left their full personal data and fingerprints in the embassy when they received visas. This is a separate nonsense. Then Russia said: please! Here they are, here’s their interview. If they were active GRU officers, they would not have left their fingerprints in the embassy for anything”.

“– Who are they?”
“– I do not know who they are, but certainly not employees of special services. If the GRU needed to kill Skripal, he would now be dead. This would have been done quietly and without scandal”.

“– Why Britain needs this?”
“– This is a well-thought-out strategy of demonization and international isolation of Russia. In the UK, as in the rest of the Western world, everything works very simply. Most people do not read newspapers at all. And those who read, do not understand half.
But everyone sees the headlines. Provocation with the Skripals is needed to exclude the Russian Federation from the Commission for Investigating the Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria. This is a minimum program”.

Tags: EURussiaSkripal caseUK
*  Of hij en zijn dochter daar nog wonen, weet ik niet (waarschijnlijk niet, kan er niets over vinden).

** GRU de militaire geheime dienst van Rusland, in het Nederlands: GROe.

PS: met alle anti-Russische propaganda (leugens) stelt men dat Rusland een onbetrouwbare handelspartner is, zo merkten ook de NRC en de NOS op, precies zoals VS ambassadeur voor Nederland, plork Hoekstra al stelde...... De VS eist dat Duitsland afziet van het Nord Stream 2 (NS2) project, een gaspijpleiding van Rusland naar Duitsland, een pijpleiding die niet door corrupte Oost-Europese landen als Oekraïne loopt. Logisch daar de VS het gas dat werd gewonnen met de door haar zwaar gesubsidieerde schaliegaswinning, wil verkopen aan de EU en dat tegen een godsvermogen........ Zie wat dat betreft ook: 'VS sancties tegen Rusland ingegeven door eigenbelang'