aanleiding van een Brasscheck TV artikel, waarvan de video in
Nederland weer eens werd gecensureerd, kwam ik middels een link op de
site Declassified UK. In dit artikel van 30 september 2020
wordt uitvoerig beschreven hoe het Britse leger zich bezig houdt met
het beïnvloeden van de Britse bevolking door 'misinformatie' op de
sociale media te tackelen, maar ook door het tegengaan van
'desinformatie.....' (zie niet wat het verschil is tussen
desinformatie en misinformatie, 'maar goed....') Eén en ander wordt
gedaan door de geheime 77ste Brigade....... Uiteraard zijn begrippen als misinformatie en desinformatie onderhevig aan wat het leger daaronder verstaat, niet wat het grootste deel van het volk daaronder verstaat, laat staan wat critici daaronder verstaan.......
Uitermate schandalig zeker daar het hier gaat om het Britse leger >> op grond van wat o.a. de reguliere media (fake news en smerige propaganda) en de geheime diensten, waaronder die van dat leger zelf, bij elkaar durfden te liegen voorafgaand aan de illegale oorlogen van de VS, telkens weer met deelname van het Britse leger, oorlogen waarbij alleen deze eeuw al meer dan 5 miljoen mensen werden vermoord........ (nogmaals: massamoorden 'gelegitimeerd' door smerige leugens en vuile propaganda....)
Mensen de haren rijzen je te berge als je leest hoe men doet alsof het
de normaalste zaak van de wereld is dat het leger de vrije
meningsuiting van burgers denkt te kunnen manipuleren....... Op een
gegeven moment wordt in dit uitvoerige artikel zelfs gesteld dat
mensen niet begrijpen hoe ernstig de 'Coronapandemie' is en dat men
daarom de mensen bewust angst moet aanjagen......
Nederland werd in november bekend gemaakt dat het LIMC,
een legeronderdeel, bezig is geweest om hetzelfde in Nederland te
doen, volkomen illegaal wel te verstaan, waarbij Patrick
Dekkers, de commandant van dit onderdeel, gvd nog pissig was
ook dat er ophef was ontstaan over zijn illegaal handelen, pas ruim
een week later heeft de zwaar disfunctionerende CDA minister van
Defensie Bijleveld ingegrepen, echter het zal me niet verbazen als
dit onderdeel stiekem gewoon doorgaat met de illegale
was er op WDR 5 een 'journalist' te horen, terwijl ik het artikel
las, die in feite bepleitte dat er ingegrepen moet worden op de sociale
media..... Volgens hem moeten meningen bestreden worden die niet
gebaseerd zijn op feiten (m.i. zijn meningen nooit gebaseerd op
feiten, 'maar goed...'). Al grinnikend en lachend liet deze kwezel weten dat men zich
terugtrekt in de eigen kring en alleen wil lezen/horen wat men al
denkt en dat is volgens deze 'journalist' gevaarlijk, het veroorzaakt
agressie, zo liet hij weten...... Alsof dat geen mening is, immers
'gedragswetenschappen' zijn allesbehalve wetenschappelijk te
Door het
Coronavirus naderen we steeds dichter een maatschappij zoals
beschreven in het boek 1984 van George Orwell 'Vreemd genoeg' heb ik
de laatste weken al 2 keer gehoord dat men het boek 1984 maar een
matig boek vindt, wars van de werkelijkheid...... ha! ha! ha! >>
Duidelijk figuren die er niets van begrijpen, of schoften die willen maskeren dat we inderdaad in zo'n maatschappij belanden als het zo doorgaat.......)
Lees het
volgende artikel en geeft het door, we moeten ons voorbereiden op een
tijd waarin de democratie wordt omgevormd tot een politiestaat,
wellicht met voor de vorm nog verkiezingen, die echter niets
veranderen aan wie er werkelijk aan de touwen trekt.... Met
manipulatie van de bevolking door de media, politiek en het leger (in GB), zal men proberen
duidelijk te maken dat veiligheid een prijs heeft: totale
afhankelijkheid van een dictatoriale staat.........
information operations in the time of coronavirus
By Chris King and
Professor David Miller• 30 September 2020
General Sir Nick Carter, UK chief of the defence staff, speaks at a
government press briefing during the coronavirus crisis, 22 April 2020
(Photo: Crown Copyright)
a Downing Street briefing
April, UK foreign secretary Dominic Raab paid a lengthy tribute to
the “amazing work” of the British army during the coronavirus
pandemic. His praise was likely well-received by the individual
standing two metres to his left – General Nick Carter, the UK’s
most senior military officer, who appeared at the briefing for the
first time.
a speech afterwards, General Carter outlined
ways in which the military was supporting the government and,
crucially, noted that the highly secretive 77th Brigade was “helping
to quash rumours from misinformation, but also counter
did not elaborate, but two weeks later armed forces minister James
Heappey – himself a former army officer – confirmed
the 77th Brigade was playing a key role in Whitehall’s battle
against coronavirus.
other things, the Brigade was said to be “supporting the
government’s Rapid Response Unit in the Cabinet Office”– a body
set up in 2018 “to identify and rebut disinformation and
misinformation”, according
the government.
is known about the role or rationale of the British army’s 77th
Brigade, which is based at Denison Barracks in Berkshire, southern
England. In
a 2018 speech,
however, General Carter dubbed it an “information warfare”
initiative, affording the military “the capability to compete in
the war of narratives at the tactical level”.
to Carter’s April speech, the government’s long-held position was
that propaganda operations by the British military are never waged
domestically. But less than a year after this was last publicly
August 2019, the policy has been avowedly reversed.
compromises the vital dividing line between military and civil power
which has endured as long as British parliamentary democracy. But not
a single voice in the mainstream, as far as we know, has mentioned
this disturbing shift, much less questioned it.
has some cause to know about the 77th Brigade. We can reveal that in
2012, he was appointed
Colonel Commandant” in the British army’s “Media Operations
Group” – one of the four units which were merged to form the
Brigade in 2015, which was called its ‘Number
5 Column’.
reasons that are unclear, Carter’s official
biography makes
no mention of his tenure in the unit. In November 2019, he was
this role by Alexander Aiken, the executive director for government
communications, the most senior spin doctor in Whitehall. Aiken’s
position with the Brigade is, again, unmentioned in his official
biography, although it does note he oversaw the creation of the Rapid
Response Unit.
a recently deleted article
the government’s website, Aiken acknowledged “alternative news
sources” were one of the unit’s key targets, on the basis that
such outlets were “biased” and focused on “sensationalism
rather than facts”.
UK Army)
Shaping behaviour
indications of the Brigade’s operations can be found in the media
coverage of its launch in 2015. A Channel 4 article
to “Twitter troops… shaping behaviours through the use of dynamic
narratives” and the army was said to be specifically
with “journalism skills and familiarity with social media”.
has been virtually no serious reporting on the Brigade since,
although in 2018 the publication Wired
granted exclusive access to its Denison Barracks headquarters.
While a
textbook example of ‘embedded journalism’, Wired’s article did
highlight soldiers using advertising industry phrases such as “key
influencers”, “reach” and “traction”, as well as a sign on
the wall declaring “behavioural change is our USP [unique selling
room was focused on understanding audiences: the makeup, demographics
and habits of the people they wanted to reach. Another was more
analytical, focusing on creating ‘attitude and sentiment awareness’
from large sets of social media data”, the article continued.
“Another was full of officers producing video and audio content.
Elsewhere, teams of intelligence specialists were closely analysing
how messages were being received and discussing how to make them more
77th Brigade shrouds
activities in neutral language to describe its operations. While the
15th Psychological
Operations Group was among the four units merged to form the Brigade,
it does not publicly acknowledge that “psyops” form part of its
the Brigade is said
employ “non-lethal engagement and legitimate non-military levers”,
while the term “information warfare”, referenced by General
Carter in 2018, is absent from its listing on the Ministry of Defence
(MOD) website.
forthcoming UK military doctrine is, however, regularly published by
the MOD. A 2018 document
January 2020 reveals that “deception” is a core practice for the
armed forces, stating “it’s critical we develop mindsets and
capabilities that deny information to our adversaries – to degrade
their understanding – … incorporating both passive and active
is defined as “measures designed to mislead adversaries” with
information “used to create deception or as ‘camouflage and
concealment’ to support deception”.
document adds this can “range from encouraging the responsible use
of social media by our own personnel through promoting and developing
and continuous reinforcing of a security culture, to camouflage,
concealment and deception techniques”.
77th Brigade has no admitted social media presence, but indications
the unit is widely active on such networks were boosted in September
2019 when senior Twitter staffer Gordon MacMillan was exposed
East Eye as
a lieutenant in the Brigade.
puff pieces reporting on the Brigade’s creation, and interactions
with its now-dormant Twitter account the next year, strongly suggest
he has been involved with the unit – which seeks to weaponise the
platform for which he works – for quite some time.
has made much of its commitment to ridding the platform of networks
of “coordinated accounts” engaged in state-backed “information
operations” and “platform manipulation”, and has conducted
regular mass purges of such accounts since October 2018. However, not
once have the purged users been based in the UK.

(now deleted) LinkedIn page of Gordon MacMillan, a senior Twitter
staffer who was exposed by Middle East Eye as a lieutenant in the
77th Brigade. (Screengrab / Middle East Eye)
‘Highly organised’
77th Brigade has been accused by a member of parliament of targeting
the Scottish independence movement and its supporters. In 2019,
Scottish National Party (SNP) MP Douglas Chapman repeatedly
Twitter that the Brigade was “working against elected MPs and
parties” in a “highly organised” manner, “attacking and
undermining our democratic choices”.
tweets prompted such a deluge of abuse from other users that he
deleted some of the postings.
to Scottish independence is a viewpoint shared by some of the
Brigade’s known members who serve as reservists in the unit. These
include former Conservative MP and armed forces minister Mark
Lancaster (the unit’s Deputy
Commander) and current Conservative MP and chair of the House of
Commons defence
committee, Tobias Ellwood (a Lieutenant
Colonel in
the unit).
Lancaster and Ellwood have voted
consistently against
all legislation transferring further powers of any kind to the
Scottish parliament.
be part of the Brigade is Kate Watson, Labour’s unsuccessful
candidate for Glasgow East in the 2017 and 2019 general elections.
She was formerly the operations director of Better Together, the
principal “No” vote campaign group in the 2014 Scottish
independence referendum.
MOD website states
Brigade is involved in “collecting, creating and disseminating
digital and wider media content”. Could this entail managing real,
fake and automated social media accounts disseminating pro-government
messages and discrediting those critical of Downing Street’s
handling of the pandemic?
attempts to “game” social media platforms by using covert and
fake social media accounts in these ways have been repeatedly
the UK in recent months. A significant example occurred in May when a
brief statement
from a post on an obscure blog circulated far and wide on both
Facebook and Twitter.
read: “Journalism is missing the ‘mood’ in this great country
of ours – the United Kingdom. We do not want or need blame. We do
not want constant criticism of our Government who are doing their
very best in a very difficult and unprecedented global emergency.”
was shared without attribution by, among others, prominent
businessman Sir Alan Sugar, although many users posting the message
had only recently registered, or had little to no followers or
‘friends’ – key potential hallmarks of inauthenticity. Several
users were subsequently “restricted” by Twitter due to “unusual
activity”, meaning the accounts were either automated or suspected
of being so – or run from the same IP address.
is not possible to connect the 77th Brigade with this potentially
coordinated effort. However, academic Marc
Owen Jones – who
conducts detailed analysis of social media posts – told us that it
is “plausible” the unit is “adapting legitimate content seeking
to diminish blame directed at the government during the crisis”.
explains: “It would certainly make sense to adopt, adapt, or
appropriate legitimate sentiments expressed by real people that
appear popular and boost them in order to ensure maximum reach.
that tweet was popular, and also sought to deflect blame from the
government, it would be a prime choice to adapt for an information
operation that had a veneer of authenticity. This way, whoever is
amplifying this content can claim it was grassroots, as opposed to
top down.”
other words, even if this was not the 77th Brigade’s work, it is
likely other content circulated during the pandemic has been. Given
Twitter staffer Gordon MacMillan’s role in the unit, the
weaponisation of the platform by the military is surely a matter for
future investigations into Whitehall’s handling of the pandemic.
It may
also be significant that in February this year, Whitehall convened a
behavioural scientist collective, the Scientific Pandemic Influenza
group on Behaviour (SPI-B), to advise its Scientific Advisory Group
for Emergencies (SAGE) on how to, among other things, increase public
adherence to social distancing measures.
by the group was to increase the “perceived level of personal
threat” among British citizens. One document states: “A
substantial number of people still don’t feel sufficiently
personally threatened… The perceived level of personal threat needs
to be increased among those who are complacent, using hard-hitting
emotional messaging.”
It went
on to recommend that such messaging be circulated via “targeted
media campaigns, social media, apps and websites”.
MP Tobias Ellwood during a reception at No 10 Downing Street in
London, 23 May 2018. (Photo: EPA-EFE / Will Oliver)
‘Civilian army’
MOD is not a designated lead department for responding to emergencies
such as pandemics. However, government policy since the 2015
Strategic Defence and Security Review
– which
placed military planners in key government ministries – has given
the army a “wider and more formal role in supporting national
resilience contingency planning”.
then vice chief of the UK Defence Staff, General Sir Gordon
Messenger, wrote
2017: “Defence has a key role to play, supporting lead government
departments, devolved administrations and civil authorities as they
prepare for, respond to, and recover from disruptive challenges and
major national events.”
explained: “Defence is now no longer seen as the ‘last resort’
option; rather, it must now be ready and configured to play an early
role in providing civil resilience.”
more recent attempts to use the coronavirus pandemic in order to blur
the distinction between military and civil power have surprisingly
provoked no alarm.
example, SNP MP and defence
spokesperson Stewart McDonald has proposed establishing a “national
resilience force”, which he describes as “a civilian army that
would be deployed at times of national crisis”.
the plans, which McDonald intends to have adopted as party policy,
school leavers, graduates, retirees and those taking career breaks
would be offered incentives to enlist. School leavers would receive a
year’s training in responding to a range of crises.
an interview
the Times,
McDonald suggested the scheme could be further expanded
post-independence or even adopted by the UK government on a “larger
scale”. He also dismissed obvious comparisons with national
military service, suggesting the scheme was merely a way of engaging
citizens “to deliver the resilience needed to meet modern threats
and challenges”.
McDonald acknowledged his thinking was “heavily influenced” by
the Modern
Deterrence Project
the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), an influential think tank
with close ties to the British defence establishment.
proposal was greeted warmly in the New
Statesman which
noted that the project’s director, Elisabeth Braw, was liaising
directly with McDonald on the issue. Braw called for all government
agencies linked to national security, including the National Health
Service, to be able to select 18-year-olds for training in a variety
of disciplines.
Integrity and statecraft
joining RUSI, Braw was a “non-resident senior fellow” at
NATO-connected think tank, the Atlantic
Council. During this period, she also became involved
the Integrity Initiative, a covert Foreign
intelligence operation.
extent of Braw’s relationship with the Integrity Initiative is
unclear, but a leaked document dated 2018 indicates she was listed
one of 14 members of its North American “cluster” – a
clandestine network of journalists, academics, and military and
intelligence operatives maintained by the organisation to spread
propaganda and encourage more assertive government policies towards
this year, Braw was a panellist at an event convened by New
Bletchley, a shadowy “network of thinkers, leaders, and
stakeholders” co-founded by Paddy Nicoll, a former officer
the Black Watch army battalion and member
of the Integrity Initiative’s UK cluster
name appears in a number of its internal
speakers at the meeting, which was held in London’s Churchill War
Rooms under the banner of ‘UK Defence Priorities’, included a
host of current and former senior US and UK military veterans, among
them 77th Brigade Lieutenant Colonel Tobias Ellwood.
need for the UK government to “find ways of building national
resilience, especially in young people” was one of the panel’s
“key findings”. Strikingly, in 2009 Ellwood authored
paper on “bridging the gap between military and civilian affairs on
the modern battlefield”, indicating the lengthy history of these
concerns in elite security circles.
Integrity Initiative files
clear the organisation is no friend of Scottish independence, that
Stewart McDonald’s thinking has been guided by one of its cluster
members is unsurprising. McDonald denies
any connection with the organisation, but his political adviser and
close friend Neal Stewart has given secret briefings
the offices of its parent “charity”, the Institute for
Institute for Statecraft has proposed a number of plans to increase
the armed forces’ role and presence in Britain, and instil a
military ethos
every level of British society.
National Party MP and defence spokesperson Stewart McDonald. (Photo:
UK Parliament)
such clandestine endeavour, called
was an information technology education initiative targeted at
“initially 12-18-year-olds, but spreading to younger children as
the programme evolves”. The project’s executive
summary had
clear echoes of McDonald’s “national resilience” plan,
including similar phraseology.
seemingly never came to pass, but other Institute for Statecraft
militarisation endeavours have – and received Whitehall funding. In
response to a parliamentary
question in
2018, Tobias Ellwood, then a defence minister, confirmed that in
2016-18 the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust’s Local Grants
Programme awarded £177,650 to 12 separate projects run by the
of the projects was called “Shared Outcomes”. Ellwood
an idyllic picture of the endeavour, stating
its programmes “enable young people to take part in challenging
activities such as assault courses, night navigation exercises and
camping while visiting an Army base, and other activities designed to
improve community cohesion”.
a leaked Institute for Statecraft internal file authored by the
organisation’s co-founder Dan Lafayeedney reveals that its real
aims were “counter-radicalisation”, with a pernicious focus on a
so-called “Muslim mindset”.
have a programme exploring the fundamental cause of radicalisation,
i.e., the Muslim mindset
how we tackle that in our Muslim communities in the UK and elsewhere…
engage directly with the various UK Muslim communities, using
adventurous training laid on by the Army to teach young people
leadership, life skills, other skills and encouraging them to
undertake the national Duke of Edinburgh Award challenge.”
added: “This helps build trust and confidence in the communities
and to integrate their young people into mainstream British society.
But we… make no mention of deradicalisation… If it were badged
counter-radicalisation, no
one would participate in it [emphasis
same document shows that the Institute for Statecraft also played a
role in the formation of the 77th Brigade.
continued: “[We] help the Forces become more competent to fight
modern war with all kinds of weapons and do so on the budget the
state provides. To that end we’ve supported the creation of special
Army reserve units – 77th Brigade and Specialist Group Military
Intelligence – with
which we now have a close, informal relationship [emphasis
bring in, as reservists with special status, individuals who are very
senior civilian experts in some relevant area, such as hedge fund
managers, senior bankers, heads of public affairs companies… people
whom the Army could never afford to hire, but who donate their time
and expertise as patriots.”
Specialist Group Military
Specialist Group Military Intelligence (SGMI) was founded the same
year as the 77th Brigade and is also based at Denison Barracks in
even less information on this unit is available than its neighbour at
the base. It has not been mentioned in a single UK mainstream media
article as of September 2020 and even lacks an official British army
website listing.
MOD recruitment
page for
the SGMI, however, makes reference to it conducting “intelligence
focused activity for not only military but also civil contingency
‘hacktivist’ collective, Anonymous, has published a list of over
50 alleged SGMI operatives, some who are full-time in the military,
others who are reservists working day jobs in various sectors
including banking, tech industry, lobbying, consulting, and secondary
and university education.
Institute for Statecraft’s co-director Chris Donnelly is an
colonel” in
the SGMI. Leaked recruitment
slides shown
to prospective SGMI operatives – who are allegedly
and interviewed by Donnelly at his organisation’s offices – make
frequent mention of the Special Operations Executive (SOE). This was
the secret army created by Winston Churchill in July 1940 to carry
out espionage, sabotage and reconnaissance in Nazi-occupied Europe,
and which also served as a “stay-behind” military
force in the event of a Nazi invasion of Britain.
leaked documents shed light on the “intelligence focused activity”
of SGMI reservists. For instance, while serving as Global Head Market
Structure & Execution Strategy at HSBC Global Asset Management
(and also chair
the HSBC Military Network), Ian
Cohen was
a captain in the SGMI’s financial intelligence (‘FININT’)
released by Anonymous indicate that Cohen’s role included advising
unit on optimal ways of identifying Russian state or corporate
funding of UK organisations such as “a university with an
anti-fracking agenda”.
also wrote an extensive report
a Moscow Exchange Forum event
London he attended in December 2017, and personally hosted
conference at the Institute for Statecraft’s offices in January
2018 on “China’s strategy for achieving a competitive advantage
over the West”.
emailed Cohen, and his former employer HSBC, to ask whether this dual
position led to other HSBC staff knowingly or unknowingly assisting
him in his military intelligence responsibilities, or if the bank’s
commercial activities were in any way influenced by the role.
reply was received from Cohen, and HSBC said he had now left the
organisation, ignoring subsequent requests for clarification.

A leaked recruitment slide shown to
prospective Specialist Group Military Intelligence operatives.
Zie voor het vervolg het originele artikel.
* Zie: 'LIMC
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