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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label Warren. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Warren. Alle posts tonen

dinsdag 22 oktober 2019

Tulsi Gabbard (Democratische presidentskandidaat) en de gestoken verkiezingen

Kurt Nimmo plaatste op Information Clearing House (ICH) een artikel waarin hij ingaat op de democratische voorverkiezingen en waarin hij aan de hand van o.a. een video aangeeft dat deze verkiezingen nu al zijn gemanipuleerd door de DNC en de rest van de Democratische top, uiteraard met de welwillende medewerking van de reguliere (massa-) media in de VS....* Tulsi Gabbard, één van de Democratische presidentskandidaten voor de verkiezingen in 2020, heeft de bewuste video geplaatst op het internet, een video waarin zij ingaat op deze zaak.......

De top van de Democratische Partij heeft samen met die reguliere media deze voorverkiezingen al gemanipuleerd, waar Nimmo aangeeft dat het absurd is dat men Joe Biden nog als een serieuze kandidaat durft neer te zetten, sterker nog, hij staat nummer 1 op de lijst met kandidaten, althans als Elizabeth Warren deze plek al niet heeft overgenomen...... Biden zit in de zak van de machthebbers (en niet alleen in de Democratische Partij) en wordt daarom voorgesteld als de beste kandidaat, hoe corrupt deze ploert ook is.....

Tulsi Gabbard ziet de verkiezingsdebatten als een brood en spelen voor tv, waar het brood staat voor de zaken die een groot deel van de bevolking aan de staat hebben te danken (een enorm ambtenarenapparaat en dan nog de mensen die afhankelijk zijn van overheidsopdrachten, of bijvoorbeeld van voedselbonnen)..... De spelen of zoals men in de VS zegt het circus is de show, het theatrale en over geregisseerde valse spel, ofwel het is de manier waarop men het volk inpalmt en zoals gezegd met de hulp van de reguliere media....... Nimmo geeft een mooi voorbeeld: mensen vermoorden in verre landen wordt simpelweg als humanitair neergezet, daarnaast stelt men dat de economie het prima doet, terwijl de staatsschuld nooit zo groot is geweest, hetzelfde geldt voor de persoonlijke schulden van de burgers in de VS en dan nog het enorme aantal werklozen en daklozen....**

Lees het volgende artikel van Nimmo en zie de video die Gabbard heeft geopenbaard, onthoud dit als men weer begint over Russische manipulaties en zegt het voort! (overigens heeft ook Ollongren moeten toegeven dat haar beschuldiging aan het adres van de Russen, die onze verkiezingen zouden hebben gemanipuleerd, een belachelijke fantasie was, later meer daarover) Onthoud dat bijvoorbeeld de zogenaamde onafhankelijke media de verkiezingen hier en elders al decennialang manipuleren, neem bijvoorbeeld ook de lastercampagne van de BBC tegen Jeremy Corbyn, als zou hij een antisemiet zijn, dit daar hij volkomen terecht commentaar heeft op het bloedige beleid van de Israëlische regering tegen het verdrukte Palestijnse volk....... Waar de reguliere westerse media Israël behandelen alsof het een mensenrechtenstaat is die het beste voorheeft met al haar bewoners en waar de Palestijnen worden afgeschilderd als een gevaar voor Israël, een land met zo ongeveer het modernste leger op aarde en in het bezit van kernwapens....... (een land dat zelfs chemische wapens*** als witte fosfor inzet tegen de Palestijnen en er geen moeite mee heeft kinderen, invaliden, medisch hulpverleners en echte journalisten te vermoorden en dat daadwerkelijk op grote schaal heeft gedaan en dat zal blijven doen vrees ik....)

ICH 13 oktober 2019:

Tulsi and Rigged Elections

By Kurt Nimmo

Tulsi Gabbard, who has at best minimal support by Democrats (around one percent), and zero from the corporate DNC, posted the following video earlier today

There are so many of you who I’ve met in Iowa and New Hampshire who have expressed to me how frustrated you are that the DNC and corporate media are essentially trying to usurp your role as voters in choosing who our Democratic nominee will be.
October 12, 2019 "Information Clearing House" -     This, of course, is nothing new, but thanks to Tulsi for reminding us of how “elections” are conducted. In fact, the state long ago corrupted the process and has selected candidates for long as anybody can remember. 

How is it possible a cognitively challenged and corrupt hack like Joe Biden is number one in the running—or was until Elizabeth Warren took that spot away from him? It’s possible because Biden is a trusted asset eager to do whatever he is told, same as Obama, Bush the lesser, Clinton (a “brother by another mother”), Bush the elder, Reagan… on and on, down the line. Like Hillary Clinton, the Democrat establishment believes it is Biden’s “turn” to read the teleprompter. All the others, well, they’re spoilers.
They are attempting to replace the roles of voters in the early states, using polling and other arbitrary methods which are not transparent or democratic, and holding so-called debates which are not debates at all but rather commercialized reality television meant to entertain, not inform or enlighten.
That replacement happened decades ago. Trump won the election because our rulers left the election process intact, arrogantly confident their handpicked candidates will win because only those who have come up through the system are permitted to run. It’s left intact as a public relations gimmick designed to fool the proles who are, regrettably, all too easy to control—or were until Trump appeared on the scene. 

Tulsi is spot on about the “debates,” which are nothing of the sort. Indeed, they are a form of televised bread and circuses—bread because most Americans receive some kind of support from the government, and a circus because all circuses are comical, theatrical, and well-scripted. 

As for being informed, that’s the last thing the ruling elite want. They have us believe in fantasies so absurd they may as well be props in a Luis Buñuel film—for instance, killing people in foreign lands is humanitarian and the economy is doing great (never mind the unemployed, the homeless, and record debt, both governmental and personal). 
In order to bring attention to this serious threat to our democracy, and ensure your voice is heard, I am giving serious consideration to boycotting the next debate on October 15th. I will announce my decision within the next few days. With my deepest aloha, thank you all again for your support.
This is commendable, although, sadly, an almost transparent blip on the political radar screen. Big corporate media will certainly not take notice, and if they perchance do it will be with snide commentary. 

The soft totalitarian machine rejects the socialist palliatives of Elizabeth Warren. She appears to be anti-corporatist, and that is inexcusable. Many of our political and social problems are related to the domination of corporations, most of the crony variety. 

Elizabeth Warren will be unable to break the corporate stranglehold on America. It is pure insanity to believe otherwise. The Democrat and Republican parties—one party disguised as two—will not savage corporations with taxation and redoubled punitive regulation, not if they wish to remain in Congress and receive money to run obscenely expensive campaigns. 

Warren will be overshadowed by the Hildabeast, Hillary Clinton, who is determined to be president. She will enter the race sometime next year, overturning the apple cart of other hopefuls, all spouting the same wealth distribution nonsense because, after all, a well-trained and ceaselessly indoctrinated public, most on a modern version of the Roman Cura Annona grain dole, love free stuff (stolen from others).

No way will the DNC accept Elizabeth Warren as the nominee. She will be subverted, the same way Bernie Sanders was. 

Most Americans don’t trust or like Hillary, but that hardly matters. 

The days of Trump may soon be over. If he’s not impeached on spurious grounds, he will enter the race under a toxic cloud of accusation and unproven high crimes and misdemeanors greatly amplified by a propaganda media. Polls consistently show he is losing traction, and the MAGA**** crowd is increasingly disillusioned, unable to realize its populist agenda. 

I’m sorry, Tulsi. Your effort to unmask the subversion of the election system will largely fall on deaf ears. As of this morning, the above video garnered a mere 800 views.

It will take more than a “debate” boycott to send the message. It will take a revolution to finally drain Trump’s swamp, end the endless wars, and force transnational corporations and foreign governments (most egregiously Israel) out of the bed they have shared for so long with our “representatives,” who are largely nothing more than self-seeking sociopaths on short leashes. 

This article was originally published by "Kurt Nimmo"- -
*    Media die bijvoorbeeld Sanders, Warren en Gabbard niet wensen als president en deze kandidaten te onpas en te onpas zwartmaken. In Groot-Brittannië is Corbyn wel het meest in het oog springende voorbeeld die door de reguliere media werd gedemoniseerd als antisemitisch en communist (alsof dat laatste een schande is....)

**   Waar het werkelijke aantal werklozen veel groter is dan de cijfers doen geloven, daar men net als hier een meer dan belachelijke rekenmethode gebruikt, waarin werklozen met een partner die werk heeft, niet worden meegeteld als werkloos, hetzelfde geldt hier voor bijstandsgerechtigden, die ofwel fysiek of geestelijk afgekeurd zouden moeten worden, of die in feite werkloos zijn en waarvan men weet dat ze nooit weer een baan zullen hebben (vanwege de leeftijd..... En dan toch de pensioenleeftijd opschroeven >> meer dan belachelijk!) In de VS worden bijvoorbeeld daklozen niet gezien als werkloos.....

***  Vergeet voorts niet dat Israël nog steeds chemische wapens produceert en deze verkoopt, samen met Egypte heeft Israël het verdrag tegen chemische wapens niet getekend..... Echt een 'lekker' fascistisch apartheidsstaatje dat Israël...... (door de aanname in 2018 van de natiestaatwet is Israël nu officieel een fascistische staat!)

**** MAGA: Make America Great Again.

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maandag 22 februari 2016

Westerse bemoeienis met Syrië en de anti-Russische propaganda leugens (in de media).........

Het volgende artikel vond ik afgelopen vrijdag op Information Clearing House, hierin aandacht voor de smerige westerse anti-Rusland / anti-Assad propaganda. Enorme leugens, die desnoods een paar dagen later onderuit worden gehaald met nieuwe leugens, als het zo uitkomt. Als één van de laatste 'wapenfeiten' op dat gebied, de totaal ongefundeerde leugen dat Rusland ziekenhuizen zou hebben gebombardeerd, o.a. een ziekenhuis van Artsen Zonder Grenzen (MSF)...... U kan voor een vertaling onder het artikel klikken op Dutch, dat neemt wel enige tijd in beslag:

Russia Lances the Poison in Syria
By Finian Cunningham
February 18, 2016 "Information Clearing House" - "SCF" -  Less than five months after Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered military intervention in Syria, the five-year war has been completely transformed. Peace is far from certain as a tentative truce this week will attest. The conflict may even escalate. But what Russia’s intervention has certainly achieved is to squeeze out into the open the poisonous forces of regime change that have brought Syria to its dire condition.
Not only is the Syrian state pulled back from the brink of collapse into a terrorist-run failed entity, as befell «NATO liberated» Libya, but the Russian air strikes like a surgical operation have lanced the noxious inflammation festering in Syria. All sorts of poisons are now oozing and being exposed, primarily the nefarious roles played by Western powers, their regional allies, and the toxic lies propounded by the Western news media to cover for crimes against peace.
If it were not for the gravity of human suffering, the situation could be seen as almost comical, owing to the Western contortions to hide reality. Western governments and their servile media are falling over themselves with ever-changing stories and spin, accusing Russian military operations of all sorts of crimes: killing civilians, hitting hospitals, exacerbating the refugee crisis, targeting «moderate rebels», or «propping up a dictator».
This week, the Western media rushed to implicate Russia or the allied Syrian army in striking hospitals and schools in Azaz and Maarat al-Numan near the Turkish border. Some 11 people were killed at the latter facility, which is supported by the French medical group Doctors Without Borders (DWB). No evidence was presented to support the high-flown claims in the Western media accusing Russia. Russia denied any involvement, while the Syrian government said that the US-led forces carried out the attacks. Meanwhile, all week Turkish military were launching hundreds of artillery volleys across the border into the very area around Azaz where the hospitals were hit. But Western media did not question Turkey about its violation of Syrian sovereignty or the possibility that the errant strikes could have been inflicted by Turkish forces, perhaps even as a false flag to impute Russia.
Last week, the US military spokesman Colonel Steve Warren blamed Russia for air strikes on two hospitals in Aleppo City. Russian defense ministry spokesman General Igor Konashenkov responded by saying that Russian aircraft were not active in the city that day, Wednesday, and that Russian surveillance data in fact showed that two US warplanes had bombed Aleppo.
It is not clear who did strike the DWB-supported hospital in this week. But one established relevant fact is that it was the Americans who bombed a DWB hospital in Afghanistan last October, killing some 30 staff and patients. Also, in Yemen, the US-backed Saudi bombing coalition striking that country have routinely hit DWB and other hospitals on numerous dates over recent months, as even confirmed by DWB.
One other feat of narrative-contortion was given by US envoy to Syria Brett McGurk, who told Congressional lawmakers last week that Russia was «directly helping Islamic State terrorists» from its military intervention in Syria. Another warped spiel was that of US government-owned outlet Voice of America which claimed that Russia’s air strikes were pushing moderate rebels to join the ranks of extremist militia.
Any and all narratives are hastily churned out, it seems, to avoid the obvious, real story: Russia has saved Syria from a covert war of aggression waged by foreign powers who have been using terrorist proxies for the objective of regime change.
That’s it in a nutshell. Russia should be commended, if objective analysis were to prevail. But objective analysis must not prevail in Western media narratives because that would expose the toxic role of their governments and their own criminal complicity in distorting the conflict in Syria.
In a recent «backgrounder» on the Syrian war, here is how the British state-owned BBC «explained» what’s happening: «More than 250,000 Syrians have lost their lives in four-and-a-half years of armed conflict, which began with anti-government protests before escalating into a full-scale civil war. More than 11 million others have been forced from their homes as forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad and those opposed to his rule battle each other – as well as jihadist militants from so-called Islamic State».
The BBC tells it like a guileless fairytale, which in its simplistic telling is itself guileful. Note how in the BBC narrative the «jihadist militants» appear from nowhere as if they are an accidental walk-on sideshow; and how, as if by magic, «anti-government protests escalated into a full-scale civil war».
This is the kind of toxic nonsense that Western governments and their evidently dutiful news media have been pumping into the consciousness of their public’s minds for the past five years.
But now that Russia has entered the fray, the poison is oozing out from the Syrian wound.
The Turkish state of Recep Tayyip Erdogan this week is shelling Syrian territory in what any fair-minded person would describe as an act of aggression towards a sovereign country. Ankara is claiming it is attacking «terrorist» Syrian Kurdish militia, the YPG. Not unrelated is the fact that the YPG last week inflicted heavy losses on the jihadist mercenaries that Ankara has been supporting, when the Kurds took over Menagh airbase.
NATO member Turkey has reportedly hit Kurdish villages in Aleppo Province causing civilian casualties, as well as Syrian army positions and Russia’s airbase in Latakia, whom the Kurdish YPG have been liaising with.
Saudi Arabia is sending fighter jets to the NATO airbase at Incirlik in Turkey’s Adana Province, allegedly to begin combat operations against the Islamic State terror group in Syria. Turkey and Saudi Arabia are readying a ground invasion of Syria, with the approval of the Pentagon.
If we step back from the commotion, it is patent that what is unfolding here is flagrant aggression, which the Syrian government has protested to the United Nations Security Council. But with the US, Britain and France – executive powers in the regime-change war on Syria – the UNSC will simply bury the legitimate protests from Damascus.
The unavoidable conclusion is that NATO – the US-led military alliance supposedly maintaining global security – has openly become a belligerent in the Syrian war. The obvious factor is that Russia’s intervention has cut off the Turkish-Saudi-NATO channels to the regime-change terrorist brigades inside Syria. Turkey’s murderous shoot-down of a Russian bomber jet last November – with apologetics from Washington and other NATO members – was the initial, desperate response to Russian success in thwarting the covert war.
The severance of the NATO mercenaries in Aleppo from their lifeline in Turkey is further evidence of Russia’s deep incision into the poison. Turkey and Saudi Arabia’s war mobilization and their tortuous pretexts is straining credulity and straining Western media efforts at trying to sanitize what is going on.
US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter may have publicly endorsed the plan for Saudi and Turkish military intervention in Syria under the laughable guise of «fighting terrorism». But it is also clear that Washington has become unnerved by the runaway train wreck it is riding with these two rogue states. France and Germany are also calling for Turkey to cease its cross-border shelling of Syria.
US Vice President Joe Biden, who only weeks ago was in Ankara chumming it up with the Erdogan regime, reportedly phoned Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu last weekend urging him to call off the artillery fire into Syria.
Voice of America reported«US officials say there is little to be done to counter militarily the Russian-backed Assad offensive and they argue the vicious five-year-long Syrian civil war that has left upwards of 250,000 dead won’t be resolved by the clash of arms but through a negotiated political settlement».
US Secretary of State John Kerry desperately wants «peace talks» in Geneva because he knows the covert war is on a losing streak. Peace talk is just a cover for political wrangling for regime change. But the Russians are having none of it. Moscow is going to wipe out the foreign-backed mercenaries and stick to the principle of Syrian sovereignty for mapping the country’s political future. The US State Department is in a bind. It has backed a loser, but the impetuous, irrational Erdogan and Saudi clients are not giving up on their regime change fantasies.
Washington is being ensnared in its own toxic contradictions. It has led the criminal scheme for regime change in Syria, instrumented by Turkey and Saudi Arabia in weaponizing radical jihadist mercenaries. As the New York Times recently admitted«The Russians have cut off may of the pathways the CIA has been using for a not-very-secret effort to arm rebel [that is, terrorist] groups».
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev told the Munich Security Conference last weekend that Syria was in danger of escalating into all-out international war. His warnings were scoffed by Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir as being alarmist – this from an advocate of foreign aggression on Syria!
Medvedev’s warnings are not at all alarmist. They are realist. Frighteningly realist. Russia’s intervention in Syria is demonstrating the complete lawlessness of Washington and its NATO and regional allies. Syria is not in the grip of a «civil war» as the Western media fabricate. Syria is in the crosshairs of foreign powers and their criminal project to destroy a country for their twisted geopolitical ambitions.
Before Russia’s operation, Syria was a shackled patient being amputated upon, injected with all kinds of poisons and generally being violated. The Western media were the orderlies who pulled a screen across this obscenity so that the public would not know. This vile charade can no longer be concealed. The US-led NATO, Arab, terrorist covert war on Syria is there for all to see, and it is largely down to Russia for exposing the despicable crime.
The truth is no guarantee of peace. But in order to eventually arrive at a peace, we at least need to learn of truth.
 Click for SpanishGermanDutchDanishFrench, translation- Note- Translation may take a moment to load.

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       en: 'Van Baalen (VVD EU topgraaier) het is moeilijk te zien wie je moet steunen: Al Qaida, Al Qaida of Al Qaida....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

Klik voor meer berichten volgend uit het voorgaande, op één van de labels, die u onder dit bericht terug kan vinden, dit geldt niet voor de labels: McGurk en Warren.