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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label Wereld Walvisdag. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Wereld Walvisdag. Alle posts tonen

dinsdag 30 maart 2021

Ondanks een steeds verdere afname van de vraag naar walvisvlees geeft de Noorse regering toestemming om meer dan 2 keer zoveel dwergvinvissen te vermoorden dan in 2020

Terwijl het walvisjacht seizoen van 2021 met rasse schreden nadert, heeft de inhumane rechtse Noorse regering toestemming gegeven om 1.278 dwergvinvissen te vermoorden, dit is een hoeveelheid die 2 keer zo hoog is dan in 2020......

Terwijl gelukkig ook in Noorwegen de weerzin tegen deze barbaars bloedige moordpartijen toeneemt en de vraag naar walvisvlees en andere producten van deze walvissen afneemt, besloot de Noorse regering alsnog deze massamoord meer dan te verdubbelen..... Vergeet daarbij niet dat 70% van de vermoorde dieren zwanger kan zijn......

Noorwegen is 1 van de 3 landen die nog steeds op walvisjacht gaan....... Men noemt dit 'commerciële walvisjacht', echter de zogenaamd wetenschappelijke walvisjacht zoals Japan dat noemt, is niets anders dan een commerciële walvisjacht, terwijl bij dat commercieel steeds grotere vraagtekens moeten worden gezet, immers door afnemende vraag is de Japanse regering genoodzaakt om die jacht te subsidiëren en ik neem aan dat dit in Noorwegen niet anders is...... 

Tijd dat de wereld Noorwegen gaat boycotten voor deze schandelijke en barbaarse jacht!!

Lees enteken de petitie van het Care 2 team ajb, de vreselijke moord op deze slimme en wonderlijke dieren moet eindelijk afgelopen zijn, we leven niet meer in 1821 maar in 2021!! (en zegt het voort!):

Norway is encouraging the mass slaughter of minke whales, with a killing quota almost three times the number killed last year!

Sign Now 


The 2021 whaling season in Norway is quickly approaching, and the whaling industry is out for blood — specifically, minke whale blood. This year's killing quota is a whopping 1,278 minke whales! Last year, less than half of that amount of whales were killed, which is in line with the downward trend in whale product demand in Norway, the increasing public distaste for the cruel practice of whaling, and decreased participation from fisheries. The Norwegian government should be embracing this trend; instead, they are trying to reverse it by keeping killing quotas high and loosening regulations that are meant to protect the welfare of these poor whales!

The slaughter of a wild minke whale is a terrible thing to behold. Whalers onboard their vessels aim a harpoon at a moving, fleeing, terrified whale, which is meant to kill the animal on the spot. But more often than not, it takes a long time for these whales to die. The huge mammals are incapacitated, left to slowly die in immense pain either from bleeding out or not being able to rise to the surface for the life-giving air they need.

Norway is one of only three countries that still allow the brutality of commercial whaling. It's time to catch up to the rest of the world and put an end to it! Sign the petition and demand that Norway drastically lower its minke whale murder quota for 2021, and use this as the first step to phasing out whaling entirely!

Thank you,

The Care2 Petitions Team

P.S. Why is Norway clinging on to the antiquated and cruel practice of commercial whaling? Sign the petition to demand they begin to phase it out.



Hier de meer uitgebreide tekst op de petitiepagina:

The 2021 whaling season in Norway is quickly approaching, and the whaling industry is out for blood -- specifically, minke whale blood. This year's killing quota is a whopping 1,278 minke whales! 

That quota is well over DOUBLE the number of minke whales slaughtered during last year's season! But Norway's whaling industry is dead set on making the cruel capture and slaughter of these iconic beings "more attractive" so they can turn a pretty profit without being viewed in a negative light.

Well they aren't going to get off that easy. Sign the petition and demand Odd Emil Ingebrigtsen, Norway's Minister of Fisheries, dramatically lower this quota! It must reflect the extremely low demand for whale products and the general public's overwhelmingly negative view of cruel whaling!

(Odd Emil Ingebrigtsen, de inhumane Noorse minister die het besluit nam de quota voor walvisvangst te vergoten, ofwel een echte psychopathische ploert)

The slaughter of a wild minke whale is a terrible thing to behold. Whalers onboard their vessels aim a harpoon at a moving, fleeing, terrified whale, which is meant to kill the animal on the spot. But more often than not, it takes a long time for these whales to die. The huge mammals are incapacitated, left to slowly die in immense pain either from bleeding out or not being able to rise to the surface for the lifegiving air they need. 

Whales dying slowly and painfully is a rule in the whaling industry, not an exception -- which made it all the more horrifying when Norway relaxed regulations in 2020. Their new rules even stated that only one person on an entire whaling vessel needs to have previous whaling experience. One person for an entire crew. And even then, they only need to have experience in the past six years. In an effort to stoke the dying fire of the whaling industry, the government of Norway is completely abandoning animal welfare.

And there is exhaustive proof that the whaling industry is, in fact, dying. Ingebrigtsen, when announcing this horrifically high quota, implied that demand for whale meat is rising. But a study from the Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) polled Norwegians and found that under 5% say they eat whale meat regularly! So who is all this murder for? Actually, most of the poor whales caught during the whaling season are sent elsewhere for consumption. This industry simply no longer represents the feelings or desires of Norwegian people, nor of its laborers. The number of vessels registered for whale hunting has been falling for over a decade, down to 12 in 2020 from 34 in 2004 -- and the Norwegian government should be embracing this trend, rather than trying to reverse it.

It is appalling that the government of Norway would ignore the feelings of its people and the welfare of whales just to try and save an antiquated, cruel industry that has negligible economic benefits and could decimate conservation efforts for whales worldwide -- 70% of the whales targeted are females that could be pregnant! 

Norway is only one of three countries that still allows commercial whaling. It's time to catch up to the rest of the world and put an end to it! Sign the petition and demand that Norway drastically lower its minke whale murder quota for 2021, and use this as the first step to phasing out whaling entirely!


Zie ook: 'Noorwegen doodt overwegend zwangere dwergvinvissen'

'Japans wereldwijde dolfijn handel en de jaarlijkse massamoord op die slimme en mooie dieren'

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'Taiji (Japan): het 'jachtseizoen is gesloten', ofwel de bloedige slachtpartijen op dolfijnen 'zijn voor even afgelopen'

'Brexit zorgt voor een alarmerend groot aantal dode dolfijnen

'Canada verbiedt het in gevangenschap houden van walvissen voor menselijk 'vermaak'' (!!!!)

'SeaWorld alweer een orka overleden na een lange lijdensweg........ Sluit alle dolfinaria!

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'The truth about the peer-reviewed science produced by Japan's whaling'

'Japan vermoordde dit jaar o.a. 134 bedreigde Noordse vinvissen, stop dit barbaarse geweld!

'Sea World infiltreerde in dierenactivisme........ Sluit de dolfinaria circussen!!

'Stop de barbaarse Japanse slachting van walvissen >> boycot Japan!

'Faeröer Eilanden: jaarlijkse barbaarse slachting van dolfijnen >> Boycot Denemarken en de Faeröer Eilanden!!

'Denemarken beschermt dolfijnenslachters Faeröer Eilanden

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''Koninklijke Shell': ondanks 'groene beloften' blijft CO2 uitstoot van dit bedrijf stijgen'

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'Shell neemt Kosmos Energy over, 'specialist in diepzeeboringen', of: hoe Shell ook de diepzee verder 'duurzaam' wil vervuilen' (en zie de links in dat bericht!!)

'Absolute noodzaak volgens Michael Moore, Jeff Gibbs en Greta Thunberg: het redden van mens, dier, natuur en aarde, voor het echt te laat is'

'Bossen in Duitsland: nog maar 28% van de bomen is gezond, de rest is ten dode opgeschreven.....' (en zie de links in dat bericht!!)

'Trump van zins Endangered Species Act de nek om te draaien: bedreigde diersoorten vogelvrij........'

'BP stelt in milieuplan dat een olieramp op zee goed is voor de lokale economie..........' (de onbeschofte brutaliteit en dat een paar jaar na de ramp met het door BP gehuurde platform Deepwater Horizon!!!)

'Shell is zwaar teleurgesteld, dat het niet lonend is, een groot deel van het Arctisch gebied met olie te vervuilen......'

'Koninklijke Shell koers omhoog, aandeelhouders, waaronder uw koningshuis, dolblij met 6.500 ontslagen.......... IJsbreker Shell tegengehouden op weg naar toekomstige ramp in Arctisch gebied.....

'Shell gaat boren in Arctisch gebied, zonder de beloofde extra beveiliging.........' (klik ook op de 'links' in dat bericht).

'Deepwater Horizon heeft een apocalyptisch onderwaterlandschap nagelaten met misvormde dieren'

'Studie toont aan dat het Antarctica ijs onder de waterspiegel in hoog tempo smelt.......'

En terzijde: 'Het beschermen van de planeet is verworden tot een misdaad, veelal bestraft met moord'

dinsdag 24 juli 2018

Orca's nemen actie op leegvissen van de oceanen: vissers verliezen hun buit

In de buurt van Alaska worden groepen orca's waargenomen die dagenlang vissersschepoen volgen, om de netten kapot te maken op het moment dat men de (veel te grote) hoeveelheid vis aan boord wil hijsen.....

De orca's zijn niet te foppen, bijvoorbeeld door de scheepsmoteren urenlang uit te schakelen. Ook het maken van extreme harde geluiden, die walvissen zouden moeten afschrikken, helpt niet.

Jammer dat de schrijver van dit artikel op Mother Nature Network (MNN), Christian Cotroneo stelt dat e.e.a. niet ligt aan het leegvissen van de oceanen door westerse en Aziatische visfabrieken, die 24/7, 365 dagen per jaar hun moorddadige werk verrichten (bunkeren gebeurt veelal op zee en de ingevroren vracht wordt daar door andere schepen afgevoerd)...... Natuurlijk is dit wel het geval zoals zoveel rapporten laten zien, tel daar nog eens bij op dat veel kraamkamers in de oceanen, zoals die bij koraalriffen, doodgaan en verdwijnen door de opwarming van de aarde...... 

Overigens zouden orca's deze manier van voedsel bemachtigen hebben afgekeken van potvissen die dit al decennia lang zouden doen.

Het zou me niet verbazen als orca's, zoals andere walvisachtigen zeer intelligente dieren, doorhebben dat de mens de schuld is voor het leegvissen van de wereldzeeën.......

Killer wenhales are hunting fishing boats like prey

There's new kind of pirate plying the waters off the coast of Alaska.

CHRISTIAN COTRONEO June 21, 2017, 4:16 p.m.

killer whales swimming in ocean
Killer whales have increasingly been shaking down fishing boats off the coast of Alaska. (Photo: Kim Parsons/NOAA Fisheries)

Fishing boats are coming under attack by an unlikely band of marauders bent on stealing their cargo.
Killer whales have reportedly been zeroing in on boats from the Gulf of Alaska to Aleutian Island to the Bering Sea — sometimes trailing them for days on end.
And when those nets are teeming with the day’s catch, they make their move, sawing through twine and feasting on the cargo.
In a letter to North Pacific Fisheries Management Council, fisherman Robert Hanson described a particularly precarious encounter, as reported in the Alaska Dispatch News.
The seasoned captain noted that he lost spent 4,000 gallons of gas trying to outrun a pod of whales last month — even drifting silently for 18 hours — before losing 12,000 pounds to his net-gnawing pursuers.
And the whales, which can grow up to 11 tons and race at speeds of 30 miles per hour, don’t respond to noisemakers either. In fact, the electronic horns designed to disperse them have become siren calls … for supper.
It became a dinner bell,” fishing boat operator Paul Clampitt told the National Post.

Prelude to a shakedown

orca breaching
A wild killer whale leaps into the air off the U.S. West Coast. (Photo: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)

Killer whales, famed for their complex and patient hunting techniques, follow the beleaguered boats, encircling and harassing the vessel, much like a "motorcycle gang," fisherman John McHenry told the newspaper.
"You’d see two of them show up, and that’s the end of the trip. Pretty soon all 40 of them would be around you," he said.
The shakedowns have taken a heavy toll on the Alaskan fishing industry, with a University of Alaska study suggesting that commercial anglers lose as much as $1,000 per day to the pirating pods.
So what’s driving whales to a life of plunder and pillage? It’s possible they were inspired by sperm whales — behemoths that have been vexing fishing boats for decades.
The biggest factor, however, may not be a dearth of fish in the ocean, but rather an abundance of intelligence on the whale’s part.
Quite simply, they’re studying patterns in their environment.
As John Moran, a biologist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) explained to the Alaska Dispatch News, they’re adapting — and getting richly rewarded for it.
The orcas, he noted, distinguish between types of boats, even recognizing the drone of a hydraulic system, as it lowers nets into the water.
Who can resist the temptation for a little fast food? Especially when it’s being dangled, literally, in front of their noses.

PS: als de mens doorgaat met het op dit enorme tempo leegvissen van de wereldzeeën, is het niet onwaarschijnlijk dat de orca in de toekomst de mens ook als voedselbron zal gaan zien....... 'Uiteraard' zal men dan jacht gaan maken op orca's......... Zoals je kon lezen berekenen de vissers in het gebied waar deze orca's 'jacht maken' op hun buit, al wat ze dagelijks kwijt zijn door deze manier van jagen, ook dat zou wel eens tot een openlijke en wellicht een hernieuwde 'legale jacht' op deze geweldige dieren kunnen leiden......... (wat bij wijze van spreken 'god verhoede', of beter gezegd: 'moeder aarde verhoede')

woensdag 6 juni 2018

Stop de barbaarse Japanse slachting van walvissen >> boycot Japan!

Gisteren ontving ik een petitie van Alex B., lid van het Care2 Petiton Team, een petitie tegen de komende slachting die Japan wil uitvoeren op walvissen, e.e.a. ook naar aanleiding van World Oceans Week (WOW), die dit jaar van 4 tot 12 juni duurt.

Japan voert deze jaarlijkse slachting uit onder het mom van wetenschappelijk onderzoek, terwijl dit wetenschappelijk bewezen kul is, voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek op walvissen hoef je deze mooie en intelligente dieren niet te vermoorden......

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor walvisjacht japan

Vorig jaar vermoordde Japan maar liefst 120 zwangere Antarctische dwergvinvissen, van de in totaal 333 vermoordde dwergvinvissen........ Van de honderden walvissen die Japan vorig jaar vermoordde, waren er meer dan 180 van het vrouwelijk geslacht en 70% van hen was zwanger..... (het is maar zeer de vraag of deze cijfers kloppen, immers ze worden aangevoerd door Japan...)

Sea Shepherd, de organisatie die zich jarenlang actief verzette tegen de Japanse slachtingen, heeft vorig jaar de handdoek in de ring gegooid, daar de Japanse walvisvloot met militaire zaken de boel zo had versterkt en beveiligd dat Sea Shepherd niets meer kan uitrichten.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor walvisjacht japan

Die aanpassingen zijn door de Japanse overheid gesubsidieerd, zoals ook de hele walvisjacht wordt gesubsidieerd door de Japanse overheid. De consumptie van walvisvlees is sterk teruggelopen in Japan, waardoor de diepvriespakhuizen voor walvisvlees volkomen uit hun voegen barsten........

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor walvisjacht japan

De hoogste tijd dat de Japanse regering internationaal aan de paal wordt genageld voor de barbarij......

Boycot Japanse producten en onderneem geen vakanties naar dat land!

Hier de tekst van het Care2 team en de links naar de petitie, lees en teken de petitie ajb en geeft het door!

Action for World Oceans Week: Stop the Summer Whale Slaughter

Last year, the government of Japan harpooned 333 Antarctic minke whales to death. 120 of these whales were expecting mothers.

It wasn't the first time this slaughter has occurred, and if we don't act now, it certainly will not be the last.

The Japanese government conducts this annual whale hunt every summer in the name of scientific research. But non-lethal surveys have been shown to be just as effective for "biological sampling." In reality, many of the whales are ending up at the dinner table.

This week is World Ocean's Week and the summer hunt is just around the corner. There will be no better time to raise your voice for these whales.

Japan plans to slaughter at least 4,000 whales over the next decade. But according to a 2014 ruling by the International Court of Justice, Japan is breaking the law by continuing their Antarctic whaling program. 

We must continue to shine a light on Japan's horrific, criminal hunt. Please sign and share the petition today!

Thank you,

Alex B. 
The Care2 Petitions Team

P.S. Each and every one of our signatures let Japan know that we are against this horrible practice. Together, by speaking up, we can send a strong message. Please sign the petition and urge Japan to end their annual whale hunt.

P.P.S. Care2's World Oceans Week is leading up to the March for the Ocean on June 9th. Find out more and join us in DC or at a march near you!

Last Year, Japan Murdered 120 Pregnant Minke Whales. Thousands More Could Be Next.

  • petitie van: Care2 Team
  • doelwit: Prime Minister of Japan Shinzō Abe

Imagine this, you are out in the ocean, swimming along with your friends and family. The sky is blue, the water is the perfect temperature. Life couldn't be better. Then all of a sudden a grenade-tipped harpoon plows into your chest.. It explodes. Your friends look on in horror as you are dragged to your death by a whaling ship. 

This is what happens hundreds of times a year all thanks to the horrific Japanese whaling industry. The country is one of only a handful of nations that continues to harvest the cetaceans. Officials defend the practice in the name of science. They say the whales are harvested in order to conduct "biological sampling." However, according to many experts, non-lethal surveys have been shown to be just as fruitful. 

Science though is only an excuse, in reality, the 333 minke Antarctic whales that were killed last year likely ended up at the dinner table. 

Of the hundreds of whales that were taken in 2017 more than 180 of those were female and of those, nearly 70% were pregnant making the hunt even more tragic. 

If the world cannot convince Japan to abandon its whaling program the bloodshed will continue since the country says they intend to kill at least 4000 whales over the next decade. 

According to a 2014 ruling by the International Court of Justice, Japan is breaking the law by continuing their Antarctic whaling program. Countries like Australia and animal rights organizations around the world have urged Japan to stop to no avail. But we can't give up. Each and every one of our signatures let Japan know that we are against this horrible practice. Together, by speaking up, we can send a strong message. 

Please sign the petition and urge Japan to end their whaling program and stop this barbaric hunt.

zondag 11 februari 2018

2018: nog steeds worden walvissen vermoord, o.a. voor gesubsidieerde consumptie, 'biodiesel', cosmetica en golfballen.........

In aanloop naar Wereld Walvis Dag op 18 februari a.s. bracht Animal Petitions gisteren een verhaal over de jacht op deze wonderlijke, slimme en mooie dieren. Aan de hand heeft deze organisatie een aantal vragen voor haar leden.

Wat betreft het gebruik van walvissen, waren een paar zaken voor mij een ontdekking. Zo worden walvissen o.a. gebruikt in cosmetica, biodiesel en golfballen!! 

Zoals je ongetwijfeld weet, is Japan één van de landen, die nog steeds de barbaarse en uiterst gewelddadige walvisjacht blijft uitvoert......... Wat ik dan weer niet wist is het feit dat Japan jaarlijks ook een groot aantal zwangere walvissen vangt en vermoord........

Walvisvlees is (goddank) erg ongezond, bevat onder meer PCB's, kwik, DDT en landbouwgif en wordt zelfs door restaurants in de VS en Canada geïmporteerd....... Overigens kunnen de Nederlandse oranjedwazen die voor de Olympische Spelen in Zuid-Korea zijn, ook daar walviskadaver eten........

De smerige moord op walvissen moet nu eindelijk eens helemaal verboden worden, laten we de landen die walvissen jagen boycotten, om te beginnen Japan! Made in Japan? Niet kopen!

Educational Series: It’s 2018 and Countries are Still Killing Whales

Japan recently set out on their annual whaling mission to kill hundreds of minke whales in the name of scientific research. On these excursions, whales are shot with a grenade harpoon that is connected to a moving ship, causing them to die a slow and painful death.
In 2016, 200 of the minke whales killed by Japan were pregnant due to the fact that they perform these hunts during the whales’ breeding season. Japan is only one of three countries that continues hunting whales after a moratorium on commercial whaling was put in place by the International Whaling Commission (IWC). The IWC was set up in 1946 to protect whales from extinction and to regulate the commercial whaling industry. They set catch limits for certain areas and species, designate areas as whale sanctuaries, protect mother whales and their calves, and control the types of methods used when hunting is allowed.
In 1986, the IWC, after observing a steep decline of whale populations due to hunting, created a moratorium for commercial whaling dramatically decreasing the number of whales killed every year. Norway, Iceland and Japan have all sought out workarounds in order to continue their own personal whaling industries. Whaling is extremely detrimental to whale populations due to long reproduction cycles, and Japan’s hunting season aligning with breeding season makes that even harder. Japan uses the scientific research loophole to allow them to kill hundreds of whales every year, claiming that their mission is to perform “research for the purpose of studying the ecological system in the Antarctic Sea”. Norway and Iceland both whale under an objection to the moratorium, and they self regulate their own quotas.
The international community is not blind to Japan’s abuse of the loophole and has been meeting to solve this problem. The European Union, along with Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, New Zealand, Panama, Peru and Uruguay have all come out against Japan’s abuse of the system, pointing out that these hunts are not based on science and provide no new scientific value. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has agreed that they are merely hunting whales for their meat. In 2015, the ICJ’s ruling prevented Japan from slaughtering whales during that year’s hunt, and their crews were only able to take skin samples and head counts of the whales, but by the next year, they were back at it killing over 300 whales.
Whaling is not only unsustainable and cruel, but their meat is also extremely unhealthy and can be dangerous when consumed. Top predators such as large mammals like whales accumulate large amounts of heavy metals and organochlorines of the smaller fish they feed on. These toxins bond easily with fat, making the high blubber content of whales the perfect storage place for them. Metals like mercury and organochlorines such as polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB’s) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT’s) are the most dangerous of the toxins found in whales, and they can cause major health problems in humans when consumed in higher quantities. PCB’s have shown to cause nerve damage, reproductive and developmental disorders, immune system suppression, liver damage, and endocrine disruption. DDT exposure has shown to cause certain types of cancer, as well as neurological and reproductive disorders. Mercury consumption can also cause neurological and developmental problems.
The most contaminated meat comes from fish or mammal eaters such as dolphins, sperm whales, and beaked whales. Minke whales are known to feed lower on the food chain, making them safer to consumer, but they still contain unsafe levels of PCB’s and pesticides. Even worse for those consuming whale, studies have found that dolphin or beaked whale meat is often sold under the name of “kujira”, claiming to be minke meat.
Japan, Norway, Iceland and Canada are the biggest consumers of whale meat, with Japan serving it in schools and hospitals to encourage the practice. But, the whale meat industry as a whole has been on the decline in recent years. It is no longer a sustainable business unless heavily subsidized by their governments. A large portion of the meat is being frozen and stockpiled, while some of it is actually making its way into US and South Korean restaurants. In Denmark, it is suspected to be found in farm animal food. But it isn’t just the food industry that is supporting this business. The health and beauty industry is also a big supporter, with whale products turning up in cosmetics and health supplements. Norway and Japan continue to invest into research for the potential of utilizing whale oil for pharmaceutical products, nutritional supplements such as fish oil, and to feed farmed fish and livestock. 
There are currently thousands of patents on products containing whale, and the products range from golf balls to eco-friendly laundry detergents to bio-diesel. The research into these new uses has shown an increase over the last few years, causing concern for some that the whaling industry may be on the rise yet again.
February 18th is World Whale Day. Celebrate this year by joining in on a fundraiser, spread the word on social media, and help bring awareness to the fragility of our oceans and all of those giant creatures who inhabit them. We have to educate the public on the dangers of whale meat consumption, as well as protect these majestic creatures from extinction. Public awareness can make a big difference in keeping the whaling industry unsustainable. Speak up and celebrate all whales on February 18th.

Photo credit: Pacman

Hier de link naar het origineel op Animal Petitions, waar je eventueel officieel mee kan doen aan de vragen, al moet je dan wel eerst 'premium lid' worden van de organisatie...... (de vragen zijn overigens makkelijk, zeker als je het bovenstaande hebt gelezen)