Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.

dinsdag 13 november 2018

Hele Syrische families in Raqqa uitgemoord door de VS

Ruth Sherlock, Lama Al-Arian en Kamiran Sadoun hebben een artikel geschreven over de situatie in de Syrische stad Raqqa, een jaar nadat de stad door de VS werd gebombardeerd vanwege de aanwezigheid van IS, in wat destijds de hoofdstad van hun bloedige kalifaat was......

Dagelijks is men nog bezig om de lijken onder het puin vandaan te halen, zoals de skeletten van 2 Syrische meisjes...... Het zijn dan ook vooral burgerslachtoffers die men vindt in de ruïnes en massagraven.... Tot nu toe zijn meer dan 2.600 vermoorde slachtoffers gevonden, maar dat moeten er volgens de bevolking ter plaatse, duizenden meer zijn......... Er zijn overigens veel meer burgerslachtoffers gevallen in Raqqa dan IS terroristen......

Uit het hieronder opgenomen artikel wordt ten overvloede nog eens gemeld dat terreurgroep IS, als andere terreurgroepen ('gematigde rebellen') eerder, de bevolking verbood Raqqa te verlaten, op straffe van de dood...... Ik meld dit daar de reguliere westerse media en bijvoorbeeld het Syrisch Observatorium voor Mensenrechten (SOHR, geleid door een misdadiger) keer op keer met de leugen kwamen dat het reguliere Syrische legger vluchtelingen zou hebben doodgeschoten, zoals bij de belegering van Oost-Aleppo....... Terwijl het Syrische leger en de Russen juist vluchtcorridors instelden voor de bevolking, die zoals gezegd door scherpschutters van de 'gematigde rebellen' (financieel gesteund met o.a. ons belastinggeld...) onder vuur werden genomen.......

De VN en een paar landen smeekten de VS destijds te stoppen met de bombardementen op Raqqa, maar dat was als bij de eerdere belegering van het Iraakse West-Mosul tevergeefs...... 'Vreemd overigens' dat dit feit destijds niet of amper werd gemeld door de reguliere westerse media en als het al gemeld werd, dan weggestopt bijvoorbeeld op de laatste pagina van kranten behorend tot die westerse media..... (niet 'vreemd' dus, immers men staat bij die 'onafhankelijke' media ten volle achter de terreur die de VS uitoefent, waar dan ook over de wereld en die media gebruiken daarvoor niet alleen 'fake news' (nepnieuws), maar zoals gemeld verzwijgen ook simpel 'bepaalde nieuwsfeiten......')

Lees het volgende ontluisterende artikel en zegt het ajb voort, tijd dat de wereldbevolking eindelijk achter de waarheid komt en de VS, Saoedi-Arabië, Israël en de NAVO lidstaten gaat zien voor wat ze 'waard' zijn: bloeddorstige terreurstaten!!! De door de VS in Syrië georganiseerde 'opstand' (onder de Obama administratie met hoofdverantwoordelijke voor die opstand: Hillary Clinton...), een opstand die resulteerde in een oorlog en die zou tot nu toe in totaal al zo'n 500.000 mensen het leven hebben gekost....... De VS? De grootste terreurentiteit op aarde!!

EDITOR'S CHOICE | 12.11.2018

Entire Families Wiped Out': US Airstrikes Killed Many Civilians in Syria

‘Entire Families Wiped Out': US Airstrikes Killed Many Civilians in Syria


On a busy street corner in Raqqa, Syria, a digger pushes through the rubble of a building hit by an airstrike. Onlookers shield their mouths and noses from the dust and stench of corpses of those who perished beneath.

Just streets away, three recovery workers pull out the delicate skeletons of two children from under the debris of a partially collapsed home. And across the city, in what was once Raqqa's public park, men unearth more bodies from a mass grave.
"Raqqa did not deserve this destruction," says Yasser al-Khamis, who leads the city's emergency response team. "Of course, we understood its fate because it was the capital of ISIS, but we were hoping that the civilian death toll would be lower."
One year after the U.S.-led military campaign against ISIS ended in Raqqa, Khamis' team is still recovering the remains of the battle's casualties. This grim, daily work is revealing a civilian death toll that is dramatically higher than the assessment offered by the U.S.-led coalition against ISIS.
Yasser al-Khamis leads Raqqa's First Responders Team, a U.S.-funded group tasked with emergency work including pulling the bodies of casualties out of the rubble from the war against ISIS.
The rescue workers' findings, which they document in meticulous notes shown to NPR, point to an offensive that killed many more civilians than it did ISIS members, and where the majority of those civilians likely died in American airstrikes.
The U.S.-led coalition against ISIS has so far verified 104 unintended civilian casualties caused by its attacks in Raqqa and is investigating more cases, coalition spokesman Army Col. Sean Ryan tells NPR.
"With new information being submitted to the CivCas [civilian casualties] team by a multitude of sources every month, the numbers will presumably go up," Ryan adds.
The workers in Raqqa, however, estimate the real tally is much higher — likely in the "thousands."
Since January, the rescue team has uncovered more than 2,600 bodies. Through their identification process, they say they have found that most of the bodies were civilians killed in coalition airstrikes during the battle for Raqqa between June and October 2017.
Formally called the First Responders Team, the group receives funding from the U.S. government, but the assistance is limited. Its approximately 37 members work long hours for little pay — some are volunteers — and say their efforts are slowed by a lack of heavy machinery needed to access the bodies.
With many more corpses still under rubble, the rescue workers estimate it will take another year to clean the city of the dead.
Faster strikes and artillery barrages
Raqqa served as the capital of ISIS' self-proclaimed caliphate for almost four years after the militant group seized the city in 2014.
The U.S.-led coalition's offensive on Raqqa came after several years of fighting the extremist group in Iraq and other parts of Syria.
While campaigning for president, Donald Trump vowed to "bomb the s*** out of" ISIS.
In the months following his January 2017 swearing-in, conflict analysts reported increases in both the numbers of U.S. airstrikes and of civilians reported killed in the attacks.
President Trump reportedly handed decision-making power for major bombardments to the military, enabling airstrikes to be more easily called in by commanders on the ground during a battle.
In May 2017, Defense Secretary James Mattis told CBS News the U.S. was accelerating and intensifying the campaign against ISIS, and added, "We have already shifted from attrition tactics ... to annihilation tactics."
In Raqqa, the consequences of the "annihilation tactics" are still keenly felt.
According to Airwars, an independent research group monitoring the anti-ISIS conflicts in Iraq and Syria, the U.S. was responsible for about 95 percent of the airstrikes and all of the artillery barrages in Raqqa. The U.K. and France also participated in the offensive.
Data given to Airwars by the U.S. military's central command show the coalition launched at least 21,000 munitions — airstrikes and artillery — in the city in little over four months.
"Entire families have been wiped out"
By the end of the campaign, Raqqa was a wasteland of smashed concrete; its residential tower blocks were flattened and schools and hospitals toppled. A United Nations study found that over 80 percent of the city — originally home to some 220,000 people — is damaged or destroyed.
Many residents say they lost loved ones in the strikes.
Mohanned Tadfi, 41, recently buried his mother, his brother, his sister-in-law and seven nieces and nephews. "Ten people," he says. "A plane came and hit the house and the building of five floors fell on their heads."
Tadfi says his brother Latuf had found it too hard and dangerous for his family to leave. "ISIS was executing anyone from his neighborhood who tried to escape. And in any case, our mother is diabetic and can't walk well, and it was too difficult [to] carry her because the bridges out of the city had been bombed."
The family stayed in their basement apartment as the war intensified around them. The Syrian Democratic Forces, a U.S.-backed militia, was closing in on the neighborhood and the family thought the fighters would soon capture the area from ISIS.
On Sept. 5, 2017, just after a muezzin in a nearby mosque called the end of noon prayers, an airstrike hit the building where Tadfi's family was. Another brother, Raed Tadfi, went to deliver insulin for their mother. He found Latuf dead on the steps and the building collapsed behind him.
Days later, SDF fighters seized control of the neighborhood. Tadfi says he and his brother asked the militia for access to the house. "Please, there are children under the rubble. My brother's children, young kids. Maybe even just one of them is still alive!" he recalls asking them.
But they were told the area was too dangerous for civilians. It wasn't until three months later that Tadfi was finally able to recover his loved ones. He hired a flatbed truck and took them away to graves he says he dug with his own hands.
The Tadfis' story is one of the cases being looked at by Donatella Rovera, a senior crisis response adviser for Amnesty International who has spent much of the last year in Raqqa. She compiles witness testimonies and analyzes war damage to buildings as part of an ongoing investigation to determine how many civilians were really killed in the coalition attacks.
The building in Raqqa of the former home of Latuf Tadfi and his family, which relatives say was hit by a U.S.-led coalition airstrike.
"This is one case of many that I have been investigating where entire families have been wiped out in places where they thought they would be safe," she says, standing beside the wreckage of the Tadfis home.
Determining casualties
In a statement responding to NPR, Col. Ryan, the spokesman of the Combined Joint Task Force, said the coalition conducted "thorough assessments" to ensure it didn't accidentally kill civilians. "The majority of strikes were executed as planned, but to say this was perfect execution from all sides is meaningless and we understand mistakes were made."
He said the coalition was "fighting a ruthless enemy that was systematically killing innocent civilians and unfortunately some were unintentionally killed trying to liberate them, something we tried to avoid."
Rovera doesn't dispute that ISIS tried to prevent civilians from leaving. But, she says,the military knew that before the battle and did not adjust their attack plan accordingly.
Her investigation so far suggests that "many hundreds" of civilians were killed in the Raqqa offensive, which she says prioritized speed, even in densely populated neighborhoods.
Testimony Rovera gathered from embedded journalists and SDF militia sources suggests that strikes sometimes came "within minutes" of a local commander choosing a target.
"If they had had observation for an adequate period of time, they would have realized that there were civilians in those buildings," she says. "Yes, the war probably would have taken more time. But more lives would have been saved."
The rescue unit says it determined most of the more than 2,600 recovered bodies were civilians in a few different ways. ISIS combatants often dressed a specific way and carried an ID card, the workers say. Other characteristics, such as victims' age and gender and testimony from families, also help in the team's documentation.
Rescuers say they recognize airstrike scenes from the scale of the destruction.
Airwars puts the civilian death toll in the Raqqa offensive at 1,400, but it believes the number could be higher. It gathers data largely remotely, through communication with sources and information from social media, and has not been able to verify every reported case.
"We expected a significantly higher portion of civilian harm reports to be determined as credible, since in Raqqa really the only player causing the destruction was the coalition," says Chris Woods, the director of Airwars.
He explains that the coalition has assessed and accepted only a fraction of the casualty reports from Raqqa than it did from the major campaign to drive ISIS from Mosul, Iraq, from October 2016 to July 2017.
"That suggests a political dimension to the decision-making process," he says. "We can't think of another explanation for that discrepancy."
Rovera, the Amnesty International adviser, says it is imperative that coalition forces send ground investigators into Raqqa. "Having dropped the bombs from the sky they should now be sending their investigators on the ground now to establish the facts of what was the impact of those strikes on the civilian population," she says.
Col. Ryan from the coalition said the existing coalition forces in Syria are not a trained investigative force and taking them away "from their mission is not advisable as the fight against this ruthless enemy continues."
For now, Raqqa's people are left to count their dead largely alone, while the U.S. and other powers strike elsewhere in Syria.
Tags: Raqqa  War Crimes 
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Voor meer berichten over Raqqa, Aleppo en/of Mosul, klik op het betreffende label, direct onder dit bericht.

Trump administratie staat op het punt de Houthi's in Jemen op de terreurlijst te zetten.......

Als de Trump Administratie inderdaad de Jemenitische Houthi rebellen op de lijst van terreurorganisaties zet, is het lot van de sjiitische Jemenieten bezegeld.

Deze beslissing heeft alles te maken met de door de reguliere westerse media en politici herhaalde CIA* leugens over Iraanse deelname aan de oorlog die in Jemen wordt uitgevochten door de Saoedische soennitische terreurcoalitie (in feite o.l.v. de VS) tegen de sjiitische Houthi's. Je snapt dat in die visie het sjiitische Iran aan de kant van de Houthi's zou vechten, terwijl daar niet één bewijs voor werd geleverd..... (die bewijzen bestaan dan 'ook niet')

De Houthi rebellen zijn juist de strijd met de regering Al-Hadi aangegaan daar deze IS en Al Qaida in Jemen onderdak heeft gegeven en deze soennitische terreurgroepen hun terreur op de sjiitische Jemenieten loslieten, waarbij zelfs moskeeën niet werden ontzien.......

Al-Hadi vluchtte uiteindelijk naar Saoedi-Arabië en dat land zette hem onder druk het presidentschap dat hij had neergelegd weer op te nemen, zodat hij daarna Saoedi-Arabië 'legitiem' te hulp kon roepen in de strijd tegen de Houthi's....... Dezelfde Houthi rebellen die op dat moment uiterst succesvol vochten tegen de soennitische terreurgroepen IS en Al Qaida, beiden gesteund door Saoedi-Arabië.......

Ofwel er kan maar één conclusie getrokken worden: de VS steunt de ongebreidelde terreur van de Saoedische coalitie, die sinds een paar jaar zonder meer als genocide tegen de sjiitische bevolking van Jemen kan worden aangemerkt....... 

De Trump administratie begint door te krijgen dat het internationaal recht VS hulp aan een genocide kan bewijzen en zoekt nu een manier om de tegenstander, de Houthi's als terroristen af te schilderen....... Zo wordt Iran als grote boosdoener weggezet die deze zogenaamde terroristen zou helpen...... Op die manier probeert de VS haar smerige rol in 'het conflict', zoals men dat daar noemt, te legitimeren........

Toevallig hoorde ik afgelopen zaterdagochtend op BBC World Service, dat de Saoedische terreurcoalitie de taak van het aftanken in de lucht van haar moorddadige straaljagers en bommenwerpers, over gaat nemen van de VS...... Volgens de presentator zou de VS nu kritisch staan ten opzichte van de Saoedische coalitie, dit na de moord op Khashoggi....... Lachen past hier niet, maar het lijkt me overduidelijk het teken dat de VS haar openlijke steun voor de genocide in Jemen wil verbergen voor de ogen van de wereld....... 

Kortom, de Trump administratie probeert haar rol in de genocide tegen de sjiitische Jemenieten voor de ogen van de wereld te verbergen en wil tegelijkertijd de Houthi rebellen aanwijzen als terroristen, waardoor de ellende voor de bevolking in Jemen nog verder wordt vergroot.... (immers men zal ook gaan twijfelen of het nog wel een goed idee is om Jemen humanitaire hulpgoederen te sturen, goederen die nu al amper de zo geplaagde bevolking bereiken......)

Het laatste aangevuld met de uitlatingen van die Trump administratie over de oorlog in Jemen en 'de rol van Iran' daarin, maakt het meer dan duidelijk dat de VS achter de Saoedische terreur en de genocide in Jemen zal blijven staan, ook al probeert de VS dat te verbergen..... E.e.a. gesteund door Groot-Brittannië, dat zelf ook een heel smerige rol speelt in de oorlog, die zoals gezegd is uitgedraaid op een genocide....... 

Overigens zoals in het begin van dit bericht gesteld: ook de reguliere westerse media en het grootste deel van de westerse politici besteden amper aandacht aan die genocide (sterker nog ook zij nemen het woord genocide niet in de mond), laat staan dat ze de VS en anderen zou veroordelen voor die genocide in Jemen...... Nee, men spreekt liever over de door Iran gesteunde Houthi rebellen en stelt tot vervelens toe dat de Houthi's ook oorlogsmisdaden begaan, terwijl zij de enige organisatie vormen die de sjiitische bevolking beschermt...... Alsof je het Nederlandse verzet tegen de nazi bezetting aanmerkt als terreur....... 

Trump Administration Considers Declaring Yemen’s Houthis ‘Terrorists’

Gerelateerde afbeelding

Move could harm recent US push for diplomacy

Just weeks after promising to back a peace effort in Yemen, the Trump Administration is reportedly considering labeling the Shi’ite Houthi movement in northern Yemen, one of the principal forces, a terrorist organization.

The move appears unrelated to US policy in Yemen itself. Rather, it reflects the Trump Administration’s desire to go after perceived Iranian allies. Saudi Arabia, who is attacking the Houthis, has accused them of being in league with Iran.

In reality, the Houthis have always had limited connections to Iran. But making them a US-labeled terrorist group would not only greatly undermine the Houthis, it would complicate the peace talks to the point of making them nearly impossible.

Perhaps even worse, a terrorist label would make it even harder to deliver humanitarian aid into northern Yemen. With millions on the brink of starvation because of the US-backed Saudi war and Saudi naval blockade, a cut to aid could lead to a massive humanitarian disaster.

Last 5 posts by Jason Ditz

* De CIA goed samenwerkend met de Saoedische geheime dienst, beiden uiterst moorddadige organisaties, die zoals je begrijpt ook de hand niet omdraaien voor martelen.... (moord z.a. onlangs op Khashoggi)

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maandag 12 november 2018

Hollywood sterren vieren feest n.a.v. de massamoord op Palestijnen

Op 1 november jl. was er een groot feest in Hollywood, een zogenaamde 'fundraiser' voor het Israëlische leger...... Waarom dat nodig is, is me een raadsel, immers dat terreurleger wordt dubbel en dwars gesteund door de VS en dat met vele miljarden......

Een feest om de moordenaars een extra 'hart onder de riem te steken', daar deze psychopaten geen hart bezitten? Je leest 't beste bezoeker, ik sla er maar een slag naar.......

Sinds maart dit jaar hebben Israëlische psychopaten, 'helden' die als scherpschutter meer dan 200 ongewapende Palestijnen (dat zijn mensen) hebben vermoord, inclusief, kinderen, gehandicapten, medisch hulpverleners en journalisten, dat alles over de grens met de Gazastrook, dus ook nog eens op gebied 'van de Palestijnen....' 

En daarvoor denken flut acteurs als Kutcher (die dom genoeg dacht Charlie Sheen te kunnen evenaren) dat die militairen wel beloond mogen worden, met nog meer kogels en wapens..........

Lees het volgende artikel van Zena Tahhan op Middle East Eye (MEE)

Palestinians denounce Hollywood stars' $60m for Israeli army 'terror'

Pharrell Williams and Ashton Kutcher among stars condemned by Palestinians, who say money furthers the occupation

Pharrell Williams was one of the US celebrities who participated in the Los Angeles event (AFP)

Zena Tahhan Friday 9 November 2018 16:09 UTC
Last update: 
Friday 9 November 2018 19:21 UTC

Topics: Occupation

RAMALLAH, West Bank - As Hollywood stars celebrated at a fundraiser for the Israeli army last week in Los Angeles, halfway across the world Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip were waking up for another Friday of protest and bloodshed.
The gala on 1 November, organised by Friends of the Israeli Defence Forces and attended by actors such as Ashton Kutcher, Gerard Butler and Andy Garcia, was praised by Israel and its supporters for raising a record $60 million and bringing together more than 1,200 people. 
A memorandum of understanding signed between Israel and Barack Obama's US administration in 2016 included a record $38bn deal to provide Israel with military assistance over a ten-year period, the largest such pledge in American history.
In the occupied Palestinian territory and on social media, the star-studded event was met with anger and condemnation.
In 2016, Ashton Kutcher was filmed "shutting down" an activist from the BDS movement at a promotional event for the property rental company Airbnb, which was listing homes in illegal Israeli settlements. "But this comapany is about bringing people together and loving one another", Kutcher said, speaking about the privately-held global corporation. 
The Israeli army will use these funds to buy more bullets and more bombs, only to kill more civilians,” said Ahmed Abu Artema, an organiser of the Great March of Return protests in the Gaza Strip. The rallies, which call for the right of return of refugees to their homes and an end to Palestinian suffering, have been ongoing since 30 March.
The Israeli army has killed more than 200 civilians and wounded some 20,000; these people were men, women and children calling for basic human rights. They did not pose any threat to the Israeli army,” Abu Artema told Middle East Eye.  
Despite cries of human rights abuses and violations of international law, the voices of Palestinians were nowhere to be heard at the Los Angeles event.
The gala’s attendees enjoyed a performance by producer and rapper Pharrell Williams, who was attacked on social media for recently asking US President Donald Trump to refrain from playing his song “Happy” at his rallies only to perform it at the fundraiser.

Pharrell invented a new level of irony after he told Trump to stop playing Happy at his rallies and then performed it at an IDF fundraiser 

Friends of the Israel Defense Forces Gala Raises Record $60 Million for Soldiers

This year's Friends of the Israel Defense Forces Gala topped last year’s record-breaking fundraiser.

It is difficult to understand how actors and performers, who carry the message of life, can               support an army that carries out systematic killings, which contradict the essence of life                   and art,” Abu Artema said. 

To us, anyone who funds this army has blood on their hands,” he added.

Since the event, the hashtag #HollywoodFundsTerror has taken off.

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Dear @Pharrell, you contributed in raising $60 million to a nasty army that has killed hundreds of thousands of my people. Is this the change you want in the world? You're a partner in crime.

357 people are talking about this

Hollywood enables the Israeli Occupation Forces to execute the peaceful women and children in Gaza

For Mahmoud Shobi, a resident of the West Bank city of Nablus, funds from the US government, US taxpayer money and donations from American citizens have only allowed Israel to “intensify its occupation and colonialism”.

Shobi lost eight family members in 2002 when US-made bulldozers, bought by Israel, demolished his home with his family still inside.
Israel has used its money and weapons to destroy our homes, our trees, and kill our people,” he told MEE. “It doesn’t matter where this money is coming from."
They’ve labelled us ‘terrorists’, though we fight for our land. Even in ‘peaceful’ resistance, as we see in Gaza, the protestors are being met with live bullets,” Shobi continued.
But as families of martyrs and political prisoners, as people who are facing the occupation, these donations will only empower us to become more resilient.”
Fareed Taamallah, a political activist based in Ramallah, said he believes more needs to be done to raise awareness of the situation on the ground by the Palestinians in the West.

Israel has effective tools to market itself as the only democracy of the Middle East and claim that it holds the same values as the American people, particularly with the Zionist lobby,” Taamallah told MEE. “They try to show Israel as a victim of Arab and Muslim terror.”
We need to work with Palestinians in the US and Europe to change the narrative. We must be more active in raising awareness of where this money goes.”
The activist said the money raised in Hollywood would undoubtedly be used to further suppress Palestinians, pointing to Israel’s Nation-state law passed earlier this year. 
Every American dollar donated to the occupation’s state translates into our suffering as a               Palestinian people,” Taamallah said.

Mijn excuus voor de belabberde weergave.