Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label Colin Powell. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Colin Powell. Alle posts tonen

donderdag 11 oktober 2018

Albright en Powell waarschuwen voor het taalgebruik van Trump........ Ofwel de pot verwijt de ketel....

De twee oorlogsmisdadigers Albright en Powell, die beiden een levenslange gevangenisstraf zouden moeten uitzitten in Scheveningen*, waarschuwen voor de taal die Trump gebruikt..... Aldus werd afgelopen maandagmorgen in het Radio1 Journaal gemeld (rond 8.18 u.)

Beter had men meteen even gemeld dat het woordgebruik van psychopaat Albright van schofterigheid aan elkaar hangt, zo durfde deze oorlogshoer negatief te antwoorden op de vraag of ze spijt had van de sancties tegen Irak**, daar er destijds 500.000 Irakese kinderen zijn omgekomen door die sancties. Nee daar had Albright zoals gezegd niet de minste moeite mee en ze zou het zo weer doen........

Powell zou ook beter de rest van z'n leven z'n mond houden, deze leugenaar overtuigde de VS volgzame schapen van de westerse politiek en massamedia, dat het Irak van Saddam Hoessein massavernietigingswapens had, een dikke vette leugen, waarvan Powell wel degelijk op de hoogte moet zijn geweest..... Al moet ik hier direct aan toevoegen dat veel van de westerse politici, precies als Powell, ordinaire lobbyisten waren voor het militair-industrieel complex en dat complex heeft baat bij zoveel mogelijk oorlog..... Hetzelfde geldt voor de reguliere westerse massamedia......

Powell had inderdaad op de hoogte moeten zijn, niet voor niets zocht VN wapeninspecteur Blix destijds keer op keer de media om te zeggen dat Irak geen massavernietigingswapens had..... Blix was leider van een team van deze inspecteurs en had meerdere missies geleid in Irak, die allen tot dezelfde conclusie kwamen: Irak had deze wapens niet en kon die niet meer hebben, gezien de uitgebreide inspecties die deze inspecteurs uitvoerden in Irak....... Echter i.p.v. te luisteren naar Blix werd hij als ondeskundig neergezet door de VS, een groot deel van de andere westerse politici en door de massamedia....

Door de leugens van Powell begon de VS een illegale oorlog tegen Irak, die intussen aan meer dan 1,5 miljoen mensen het leven heeft gekost...... (dit nog buiten een immense schade, die vooral door VS bedrijven wordt hersteld en dat op kosten van het Iraakse volk.....)

Het zou beter zijn als Trump z'n taal zou temperen, maar vertel dat maar eens aan een imbeciele psychopaat...... Eén ding is zeker (alweer zoals gezegd): massamoordenaars en oorlogsmisdadigers als Albright en Powell zouden vast moeten zitten voor het leven, waar geen persoon nog aandacht zou besteden aan hun hypocriete lulpraatjes...*

*  Scheveningen, waar beiden zouden moeten zitten, na een veroordeling door het Internationaal Strafhof >> ICC. (waar ik aan toe moet voegen dat Trump in relatief korte tijd ook overrijp is voor eenzelfde levenslange straf wegens oorlogsmisdaden, die in die korte tijd al aan een enorm aantal burgers het leven heeft gekost.......)

** Tijdens het bewind van Albright op het VS ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken onder 'democraat' Clinton.

donderdag 2 augustus 2018

Veteranen waarschuwen Trump voor desastreuze gevolgen in geval van oorlog tegen Iran

Veteranen verenigd in de VIPS (Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity) hebben VS president Trump de waarschuwing gestuurd, vooral géén oorlog met Iran aan te gaan.

Ze wijzen daarbij o.a. op de desastreuze illegale oorlog die de VS in 2003 tegen Irak begon (een oorlog die in feite nog steeds voortduurt en aan meer dan 1,5 miljoen mensen het leven heeft gekost.....). Terwijl de zogenaamde bewijzen voor een voortdurend nucleair programma van Iran nog veel zwakker in elkaar steken, dan de 'bewijzen' die de VS destijds aan de wereld toonde aangaande Iraakse massavernietigingswapens.......

De bedenkers van die oorlog, Cheney, Rumsfeld en Bush (hoewel de laatste min of meer een als marionet fungeerde) en andere oorlogsmisdadigers, stelden later dat er een vergissing was gemaakt wat betreft de inlichtingen........ Daar wijzen deze 'veteranen' in hun brief aan Trump nu ook op: het was een willens en wetens in elkaar gedraaid lulverhaal om Irak aan te kunnen vallen (en zo controle te krijgen over de olie- en gasvelden in Irak...).....

De informatie die nu voorhanden is over het atoomprogramma van Iran, komt zelfs uit de koker van de CIA en is al eens als waardeloos beoordeeld. Het gaat hier om dezelfde informatie die Netanyahu gebruikte toen hij stelde dat Iran ondanks de Iran-deal toch nog steeds op weg was een kernwapen te fabriceren........

Lees de brief die deze 'veteranen' aan Trump hebben gestuurd en geeft het door! Nog steeds doet men (in de politiek en de media, ook in Nederland) maar al te graag of er voldoende reden was om Irak ('van Saddam Hoessein') aan te vallen, zelfs na 1,5 miljoen doden en een land dat grotendeels in puin ligt........ Tja, als deze media toegeven dat ze helemaal fout zaten, zouden ze in feite toegeven 'fake news' ('nepnieuws') te hebben gebracht, zoals daadwerkelijk gebeurde (en dat op zeer grote schaal!).......

Overigens heeft de Trump administratie aangeboden te praten met Iran, maar wel met van te voren door Iran te nemen acties, waarop Iran uiteraard 'de boot heeft afgehouden..'**

VIPS to Trump:  Intel on Iran Could be CATASTROPHIC

August 1, 2018

As drums beat again for war — this time on Iran—-the VIPS’ warning is again being disregarded as it was before the Iraq debacle and this time VIPS fear the consequences will be all-caps CATASTROPHIC. 

August 1, 2018


FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)

Intelligence on Iran Fails the Smell Test

Mr. President:

As the George W. Bush administration revved up to attack Iraq 15 years ago, we could see no compelling reason for war.  We decided, though, to give President Bush the benefit of the doubt on the chance he had been sandbagged by Vice President Dick Cheney and others.  We chose to allow for the possibility that he actually believed the “intelligence” that Colin Powell presented to the UN as providing “irrefutable and undeniable” proof of WMD in Iraq and a “sinister nexus” between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda.

To us in VIPS it was clear, however, that the “intelligence” Powell adduced was bogus.  Thus, that same afternoon (Feb. 5, 2003) we prepared and sent to President Bush a Memorandum like this one, urging him to seek counsel beyond the “circle of those advisers clearly bent on a war for which we see no compelling reason and from which we believe the unintended consequences are likely to be catastrophic.”

We take no satisfaction at having been correct — though disregarded — in predicting the political and humanitarian disaster in Iraq. Most Americans have been told the intelligence was “mistaken.” It was not; it was out-and-out fraud, in which, sadly, some of our former colleagues took part.

Five years after Powell’s speech, the Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee minced few words in announcing the main bipartisan finding of a five-year investigation. He said:  “In making the case for war, the Administration repeatedly presented intelligence as fact when in reality it was unsubstantiated, contradicted, or even non-existent.  As a result, the American people were led to believe that the threat from Iraq was much greater than actually existed.”

Iran Now in Gunsight

As drums beat again for a military attack — this time on Iran, we Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity and other experienced, objective analysts are, by all appearances, being disregarded again.  And, this time, we fear the consequences will be all-caps CATASTROPHIC — in comparison with the catastrophe of Iraq.

In memoranda to you over the past year and a half we have pointed out that (1) Iran’s current support for international terrorism is far short of what it was decades ago; and (2) that you are being played by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s claims about Iran’ they are based on intelligence exposed as fraudulent several years ago.  Tellingly, Netanyahu waited for your new national security adviser to be in place for three weeks before performing his April 30 slide show alleging that Iran has a covert nuclear weapons program.  On the chance that our analysis of Netanyahu’s show-and-tell failed to reach you, please know that the Israeli prime minister was recycling information from proven forgeries, which we reported in a Memorandum to you early last spring.

If our Memorandum of May 7 fell through some cracks in the West Wing, here are its main findings:

The evidence displayed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on April 30 in what he called his “Iranian atomic archive” showed blatant signs of fabrication. That evidence is linked to documents presented by the Bush Administration more than a decade earlier as “proof” of a covert Iran nuclear weapons program. Those documents were clearly fabricated, as well.

In our May 7, 2018 Memorandum we also asserted: “We can prove that the actual documents originally came not from Iran but from Israel. Moreover, the documents were never authenticated by the CIA or the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).”

Iran: Almost Targeted in 2008

There was a close brush with war with Iran a decade ago.  Bush and Cheney, in close consultation with Israel, were planning to attack Iran in 2008, their last year in office.  Fortunately, an honest National Intelligence Estimate of November 2007 concluded that Iran had stopped working on a nuclear weapon in 2003, and that key judgment was made public.  Abruptly, that NIE stuck an iron rod into the wheels of the juggernaut then speeding downhill to war.

The key judgment that Iran had stopped work on a nuclear weapon was the result of the painstakingly deliberative process that was customarily used, back in the day, to produce an NIE. After that process — which took a full year —  the Nov. 2007 NIE was was approved unanimously by all U.S. intelligence agencies.

(In other words, it was decidedly NOT a rump “assessment” like the one cobbled together in a couple of weeks by “handpicked” analysts from three selected, agenda-laden agencies regarding Russian meddling. We refer, of course, to the evidence-impoverished and deceptively labeled “Intelligence Community Assessment” that the directors of the FBI, CIA, and NSA gave you on January 6, 2017. The Defense Intelligence Agency and the State Department intelligence bureau were among the other 13 agencies excluded from that “Intelligence Community Assessment.”)

As for the Bush/Cheney plans for attacking Iran in 2008, President George W. Bush, in his autobiography, Decision Points, recorded his chagrin at what he called the NIE’s “eye-popping” intelligence finding debunking the conventional wisdom that Iran was on the verge of getting a nuclear weapon.  Bush added plaintively, “How could I possibly explain using the military to destroy the nuclear facilities of a country the intelligence community said had no active nuclear weapons program?”

Mr. President, we do not know whether a fresh National Intelligence Estimate has been produced on Iran and nuclear weapons — or, if one has been produced, whether it is as honest as the NIE of Nov. 2007, which helped prevent the launch of another unnecessary war the following year.  We stand on our record.  In sum, if you believe that there is credible evidence that Iran has an active secret nuclear weapons program, we believe you have been misled.  And if you base decisions on misleading “intelligence” on Iran, the inevitable result will be a great deal worse than the Bush/Cheney debacle in Iraq.

For the Steering Group

Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity

William Binney, former NSA Technical Director for World Geopolitical & Military Analysis; Co-founder of NSA’s Signals Intelligence Automation Research Center (ret.)
Sen. Richard H. Black, 13th District of Virginia; Colonel US Army (ret.); former Chief, Criminal Law Division, Office of the Judge Advocate General, Pentagon (associate VIPS)
Kathleen Christison, Senior Analyst on Middle East, CIA (ret.)
Bogdan Dzakovic, former Team Leader of Federal Air Marshals and Red Team, FAA Security (ret.) (associate VIPS)
Philip Giraldi, CIA, Operations Officer (ret.)
Larry C. Johnson, former CIA and State Department Counter-terrorism officer
Michael S. Kearns, Captain, Wing Commander, RAAF (ret.); Intelligence Officer & ex-Master SERE Instructor
Linda Lewis, WMD preparedness policy analyst, USDA (ret.) (associate VIPS)
Edward Loomis, NSA Cryptologic Computer Scientist (ret.)
David MacMichael, Capt., USMC (ret.); former Senior Estimates Officer, National Intelligence Council
Ray McGovern, former US Army Infantry/Intelligence Officer & CIA analyst; CIA Presidential briefer (ret.)
Elizabeth Murray, former Deputy National Intelligence Officer for the Near East, National Intelligence Council & CIA political analyst (ret.)
Todd E. Pierce, MAJ, US Army Judge Advocate (ret.)
Gareth Porter, author/journalist (associate VIPS)
Coleen Rowley, FBI Special Agent and former Minneapolis Division Legal Counsel (ret.)
Robert Wing, former Foreign Service Officer (associate VIPS)
Ann Wright, Colonel, US Army (ret.); Foreign Service Officer (resigned in opposition to the war on Iraq)

* Waar Hans Blix, destijds hoofd-wapeninspecteur van de VN, de wereld bij wijze van spreken tot vervelens toe voorhield dat Irak geen massavernietigingswapens had, noch ergens verborgen kon hebben...... In 2004 beschuldigde hij in zijn boek, 'Disarming Iraq' de VS volkomen terecht van vals spel.......

Mijn excuus voor de belabberde weergave.

zaterdag 14 april 2018

De Hoop Scheffer (CDA en ex-NAVO) heeft geen spijt voor de steun aan de illegale Irakoorlog >> 1,5 miljoen vermoorde Irakezen verder......

Je hebt van die dagen beste bezoeker...... Zoals gisteren, na 15.30 u. zette ik Radio1 op en tot mijn ontsteltenis zat leeghoofd de Hoop Scheffer (tegenwoordig zelfs hoogleraar... ha! ha! ha!) in de studio, normaal genoeg om onmiddellijk een andere zender te zoeken, daar ik al kotsmisselijk wordt als ik deze kwijl hoor, maar gezien de hachelijke situatie in Syrië besloot ik toch te luisteren.

Het begon al goed toen de Hoop Scheffer werd gevraagd naar zijn mening over de schuldige aan 'de gifgasaanval' in Douma, stelde hij dat dit 'zeer waarschijnlijk' het Syrische bewind is.......' Waarom vraag je je af? Nou simpel: omdat Assad dit al veel vaker heeft gedaan......... De zoveelste zogenaamde deskundige die keihard het Nederlandse volk (Radio1) voorliegt. Alsof deze maffe loopjongen van het militair-industrieel complex in de VS en de regering daar niet kan weten dat dit alles gelul is. De Hoop Scheffer durfde zelfs de grote gifgasaanval in 2013 aan te halen als bewijs.........

Die aanval is na uitgebreid onderzoek, o.,a. door Carla del Ponte voor de VN, toegewezen aan de 'gematigde rebellen.....' (ofwel: psychopathische moordenaars, verkrachters en martelbeulen, die met instemming van het westen beschikken over voorraden gifgas; ook dat moet de H.S. weten). Ofwel de Hoop Scheffer toont zich voor de zoveelste keer een ongelofelijke leugenaar.......

Ook de uitlatingen van Macron als zou Frankrijk bewijzen in handen hebben, was voor de Hoop Scheffer van belang voor zijn 'zeer waarschijnlijk' oordeel...... Jammer dat Macron die bewijzen dan niet toont aan de wereld, maar daar zullen wel redenen voor zijn, als je de H.S. moet geloven........

Ik ging pas echt op het puntje van m'n stoel zitten toen de Hoop Scheffer werd gevraagd naar een dergelijk voorval uit het verleden: de massavernietigingswapens die Saddam Hoessein zou hebben en op basis waarvan de VS in 2003 de illegale oorlog tegen Irak begon, terwijl ook deze bewering was gebaseerd op leugens, waarvoor de H.S. destijds zelfs was gewaarschuwd..........

Je zal het niet geloven (ik donderde van m'n stoel), maar de Hoop Scheffer zei desgevraagd dat hij nog volledig achter zijn besluit staat om de VS te steunen in deze illegale oorlog, eerst politiek en daarna zelfs militair op de grond! (over dat laatste lult men in de reguliere media al lang niet meer....) Als beloning mocht de H.S. zich een paar jaar lang secretaris-generaal van de NAVO noemen, terwijl de echte macht in de NAVO alleen bij de VS ligt, zie het militaire opperbevel binnen de NAVO door de jaren heen..... Bovendien grijpt de NAVO alleen in als de VS akkoord is (en daartoe het bevel geeft).....

De Hoop Scheffer stelde dat alle inlichtingen er destijds op wezen dat Irak inderdaad massavernietigingswapens had, waar hij zelfs Colin Powell aanhaalde die dit in de VN nog eens 'had bewezen......' (middels een enorme leugen) Zoals gezegd: De Hoop Scheffer was gewaarschuwd door echte deskundigen als VN wapeninspecteur Blix en zelfs onze eigen geheime diensten hadden hun twijfels en brachten die over aan de H.S., die destijds minister van Defensie uh Oorlog en grootlobbyist voor het militair-industrieel complex was...........

Intussen staat de teller aan vermoorde Irakezen sinds het begin van de oorlog in 2003 op 1,5 miljoen mensen en toch stelt de Hoop Scheffer nog achter zijn beslissing te staan die illegale oorlog te steunen....... Deze steun kwam hij destijds met de Zeeuwse gemuteerde kleiaardappel Balkenende, beiden met de pet in de hand, 's morgens vroeg bij de dienstingang van het Witte Huis aanbieden..... ha! ha! ha! Een sketch waardig!

Nee, geen probleem die 1,5 miljoen vermoorde Irakezen voor opperhufter de Hoop Scheffer, een massamoord waar hij mede verantwoordelijk voor is...... (ofwel; de Hoop Scheffer is een oorlogsmisdadiger en bepaald niet de kleinste!)

Wat betreft de 'gifgasaanval' in Douma stelde de Hoop Scheffer dat de VS niet te lang moet wachten met wraakneming (zo noemde hij dat uiteraard niet), nee men moet nu doorpakken nou goed! Dit terwijl het niet eens duidelijk is of er wel een gifgasaanval was en door wie die werd gepleegd...... Nogmaals: de terreurgroepen in Ghouta, als op de plekken waar deze groepen zich eerder in de rest van Syrië hebben opgehouden, beschikten en beschikken over voorraden gifgas....... Zij waren het die belang hadden bij deze beschuldigingen, daar ze op het punt stonden Douma en de rest van Oost-Ghouta uit te worden geschopt door het Syrische leger dat daar geen gifgas voor behoefde te gebruiken......... .

Zoals we nu weten, de Hoop Scheffer heeft zijn zin gekregen: de VS, GB en Frankrijk hebben 'doorgepakt' en afgelopen nacht volkomen illegaal Syrië aangevallen...... Nogmaals: een aanval die niet is gebaseerd op bewijs, maar zoals eerder gesteld op aannames en leugens.....*

Over de uitlating van Lavrov, de Russische ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, die stelde dat de gifgasaanval in scene was gezet met behulp van 'een geheime dienst'**, zei de Hoop Scheffer dat het typisch is dat Lavrov 'natuurlijk niet de naam noemt van het land waarvoor die dienst werkt', ofwel de H.S. stelt dat dit een fantasieverhaal is.......... Terwijl het westen o.l.v. de VS haar schuldig al heeft uitgesproken over de Syrische regering, gebaseerd op niets, ofwel nul komma nada bewijs, maar dat is voor de H.S. geen probleem! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Syrië is een chaos en dat zal voorlopig wel zo blijven aldus een open deur intrappende de Hoop Scheffer.... Inderdaad de Hoop Scheffer en dat is aan het westen te danken, zoals ook Libië volkomen naar god is geholpen door de VS met de NAVO aan de lijn en is het in Afghanistan en Irak nog steeds een ongelofelijke chaos, waar een groot deel van de steden in puin werden gebombardeerd, vooral door de VS, dezelfde VS waar de H.S. zo'n grote fan van is..........

Hoe is 't godverdomme mogelijk dat deze enorme koekwaus, leugenaar en oorlogsmisdadiger de Hoop Scheffer hoogleraar mag spelen....????  En dan durft men nog te klagen over de belabberde kwaliteit van het Nederlandse onderwijs..... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

*  Zie: 'VS, GB en Frankrijk begaan enorme oorlogsmisdaad met aanval op Syrische doelen......'

en: 'Aanval op Syrische doelen door VS, GB en Frankrijk op moment dat de beurs 2 dagen is gesloten....'

en: 'Russische volk wordt geadviseerd zich voor te bereiden op een nucleaire oorlog......

en: 'Gifgasaanval vooropgezet spel om VS actie te rechtvaardigen, waarbij GB de spelers opdracht gaf dit toneelspel snel uit te voeren........ 'False flag gelukt': Syrië gebombardeerd zonder enig bewijs voor schuld.....'

en: 'Rusland beschuldigd GB van het regisseren gifgasaanval Douma en zegt daar bewijzen voor te hebben'     

en: 'In Douma vond geen gifgasaanval plaats aldus gelauwerd journalist Robert Fisk.....'

en: 'De OPCW inspecteurs en hun werk in Douma n.a.v. 'gifgasaanval...''

en: 'Wapenfabrikanten die de illegale raketbeschietingen op Syrië mogelijk maakten, zagen hun aandelen met 10 miljard stijgen.........'

** Over de uitlatingen van Lavrov later een afzonderlijk bericht.

vrijdag 9 februari 2018

VS bewandelt dezelfde weg richting Iran, als die voor de illegale oorlog tegen Irak in 2003, aldus één van de verantwoordelijken voor die oorlog........

Alsof we terug zijn in de tijd, de tijd voor de illegale aanval van de VS tegen Irak in 2003. Destijds werd er door Collin Powell (toenmalig VS minister van buitenlandse zaken) keihard gelogen in de VN, om een enorme oorlogsmisdaad van te voren recht te kunnen praten....... (een oorlog tegen een ander land voeren is een gigantische oorlogsmisdaad)

Ook nu wordt er door de VS ambassadeur voor de VN, hare kwaadaardigheid en superoplichter Haley, zonder blikken of blozen gelogen over 'het gevaar Iran.......'

Lawrence Wilkerson was de stafchef van Colin Powell. Hij was dan ook één van de medeverantwoordelijken voor de illegale oorlog tegen Irak in 2003.......

Dezelfde Wilkerson beschuldigt nu de Trump administratie van het manipuleren van 'bewijsmateriaal' en het angstzaaien voor Iran (waar Wilkerson vergeet haatzaaien te noemen, dit is immers een vast onderdeel in de leugencampagnes die de VS voert, haatzaaien tegen een tegenstander, neem de leugens over het vermoorden van couveuse baby's in Koeweit door Iraakse militairen, voorafgaand aan de eerste illegale oorlog van de VS in 1991 tegen Irak..... In 2003 waren het de massavernietigingswapens die Irak zou hebben, terwijl de VN wapeninspecteur Blix meermaals stelde dat dit niet het geval was en dat was het dan 'ook niet.....'

Of wat dacht je van de beschuldigingen aan het adres van Syrië voor het gebruiken van gifgas tegen de eigen bevolking, dit is nooit bewezen, sterker nog: wel werd bewezen dat elke gifgasaanval die werd onderzocht in Syrië, op de 'doodsrekening' staat van de 'gematigde rebellen', geteisem dat door het westen wordt gesteund...... Maakt allemaal niet uit: alsnog blijven de westerse reguliere (massa-) media en het grootste deel van de westerse politici deze leugens herhalen...... Dit zijn 'false flag' operaties, dus met opzet, zoals in dit geval, mensen gruwelijk vermoorden (of de poging daartoe) met gifgas en dit in de schoenen van een ander schuiven.....

De Trump administratie had zelfs het gore lef te stellen dat Iran samenwerkt met Al Qaida, terwijl Al Qaida elke sjiiet die het tegenkomt vermoord. Hetzelfde werd voor de oorlog tegen Irak gesteld, terwijl Al Qaida onder Saddam Hoessein geen poot aan de grond kreeg in Irak....... Intussen heeft de VS samengewerkt met Al Qaida Syrië en de tak van deze terreurgroep in Syrië zelfs van de zwarte terreurlijst heeft gehaald......

Ik snap werkelijk niet waarom de reguliere media hier geen aandacht aan hebben besteed en elke (zelfs bewezen) claim dat de VS samenwerkt met IS of Al Qaida afdoen als complotdenken...... Daar kan maar één reden voor zijn, de welgestelde bazen of investeringsgroepen die deze media in handen hebben en de regeringen (die middels subsidies voor de publieke omroepen hun zeggenschap kunnen afdwingen) tevreden houden, kortom: kwade opzet! (al zullen die media dit ook afdoen als een complottheorie.....)

Nog een 'klein detail' in deze: met het meegaan van de reguliere massamedia in het keihard liegen, brachten (in het geval van de twee VS oorlogen tegen Irak) en brengen de reguliere (massa-) media een ongelofelijke berg 'fake news' ('nepnieuws...)...... Dezelfde media die nu om het hardst schreeuwen dat de sociale media vol staan met 'fake news' ofwel 'nepnieuws'

Lees het prima artikel van Carey:

Man Who Sold America the Iraq War Just Warned Iran Is Next, but Is Anyone Listening?

February 6, 2018 at 12:45 pm
Written by Carey Wedler

(ANTIMEDIA) — Fifteen years after the calamitous U.S. invasion of Iraq, an architect of the propaganda used to drum up support for the war is warning that it’s happening again — this time with Iran.

Lawrence Wilkerson, who was chief of staff to former Secretary of State Colin Powell, helped the then-secretary “paint a clear picture that war was the only choicein his infamous 2003 speech to the U.N. This week, writing for the New York Times — an outlet that, at the time, parroted misleading narratives in support of the war — Wilkerson accused the Trump administration of manipulating evidence and fear-mongering in the same way the Bush administration did to cultivate public support for ousting Saddam Hussein.

In his Monday op-ed, titled “ I Helped Sell the False Choice of War Once. It’s Happening Again,” he wrote:

As his chief of staff, I helped Secretary Powell paint a clear picture that war was the only choice, that when ‘we confront a regime that harbors ambitions for regional domination, hides weapons of mass destruction and provides haven and active support for terrorists, we are not confronting the past, we are confronting the present. And unless we act, we are confronting an even more frightening future.’”

Though the U.N. and much of the world didn’t buy it, Wilkerson says Americans did, and it amounted to the culmination of a two-year effort by the Bush administration to initiate the war, which he now condemns

That effort led to a war of choice with Iraq — one that resulted in catastrophic losses for the region and the United States-led coalition, and that destabilized the entire Middle East,” he wrote, going on to call out the Trump administration for pushing the United States down the same path in Iran.
This should not be forgotten,” he urged, “since the Trump administration is using much the same playbook to create a false impression that war is the only way to address the threats posed by Iran.”

Wilkerson singled out Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, for her recent saber-rattling against Iran. He accused her of presenting questionable evidence that “Iran was not complying with Security Council resolutions regarding its ballistic missile program and Yemen,” comparing her directly to Powell. “Just like Mr. Powell, Ms. Haley showed satellite images and other physical evidence available only to the United States intelligence community to prove her case. But the evidence fell significantly short.”

Wilkerson accused Haley’s claims about Iran of essentially mirroring Powell’s claims about Iraq, also warning that war with Iran will be very different. It is “a country of almost 80 million people whose vast strategic depth and difficult terrain make it a far greater challenge than Iraq, would be 10 to 15 times worse than the Iraq war in terms of casualties and costs,” he cautioned, still asserting that countries like China, Russia, and North Korea pose far more “formidable challenges to America” than Iran does.
The former chief of staff to Powell further criticized the Trump administration, citing its National Security Strategy, which claims:

The longer we ignore threats from countries determined to proliferate and develop weapons of mass destruction, the worse such threats become, and the fewer defensive options we have.”

The Bush-Cheney team could not have said it better as it contemplated invading Iraq,” Wilkerson wrote, going on to call out not just Haley and the Trump administration but also the executive branch in general, Congress, and the media.

Though Ms. Haley’s presentation missed the mark, and no one other than the national security elite will even read the strategy, it won’t matter,” he lamented. “We’ve seen this before: a campaign built on the politicization of intelligence and shortsighted policy decisions to make the case for war. And the American people have apparently become so accustomed to executive branch warmongering — approved almost unanimously by the Congress — that such actions are not significantly contested.

He implicated the news media, as well, noting that outlets recently “failed to refute false narratives” from the Trump administration that Iran worked with Al-Qaeda to undermine the U.S. (never forget the CIA’s overseas meddling helped lay the foundation for Al-Qaeda in the first place, and its policy of arming extremists in Syria also ended up empowering the terror group). He compared this false conflation with Dick Cheney’s attempts to link Saddam Hussein to Al-Qaeda during the Bush years.

Nevertheless, Wilkerson wrote, “[t]oday, the analysts claiming close ties between Al Qaeda and Iran come from the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, which vehemently opposes the Iran nuclear deal and unabashedly calls for regime change in Iran.”

He went on to list the variety of ways the Trump administration is drumming up unfounded support for war against Iran:

We should include the president’s decertification ultimatum in January that Congress must ‘fix’ the Iran nuclear deal, despite the reality of Iran’s compliance; the White House’s pressure on the intelligence community to cook up evidence of Iran’s noncompliance; and the administration’s choosing to view the recent protests in Iran as the beginning of regime change. Like the Bush administration before, these seemingly disconnected events serve to create a narrative in which war with Iran is the only viable policy.

Considering Iran has long been a crown jewel in the U.S. hegemonic efforts, it should be no surprise the Trump administration isn’t budging on its plans to intervene. Wilkerson, however, knows far better than most the dangers of pushing unsubstantiated claims to advocate war.
He warned:

As I look back at our lock-step march toward war with Iraq, I realize that it didn’t seem to matter to us that we used shoddy or cherry-picked intelligence; that it was unrealistic to argue that the war would ‘pay for itself,’ rather than cost trillions of dollars; that we might be hopelessly naïve in thinking that the war would lead to democracy instead of pushing the region into a downward spiral.

Creative Commons / Anti-Media / Report a typo

      en: 'Iraanse protesten allesbehalve compleet spontaan (zoals VS ambassadeur bij de VN Haley durfde te stellen...)....'

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dinsdag 16 januari 2018

FBI, de spin in het Russiagate web........

Er is al veel geschreven (althans in de alternatieve media) over de ware schuldigen achter Russiagate, met bewijzen werd en wordt aangetoond dat de geheime diensten FBI, CIA en NSA de ware schuldigen zijn achter Russiagate, waar overigens het campagneteam van hare kwaadaardigheid Clinton, aanstichter en mededader is.......

Gisteren op het blog van Stan van Houcke een artikel geschreven door Ray McGovern (ex-CIA) en gepubliceerd op de site van schrijver/journalist Paul Craig Roberts, die het overnam van Consortium News (kan je het nog volgen?). McGovern legt op een gedegen manier uit dat de FBI de ware grote dader is achter Russiagate.

Niet voor niets zegt nu zelfs de Wall Street Journal dat er een punt moet worden gezegd achter het Russiagate verhaal....... ha! Ha! Ha! Eerst liepen de persen van de Wall Street Journal zo hard op deze leugen dat ze bij wijze van spreken bijna vastliepen........ Waar nu blijkt dat het Clinton campagneteam en de geheime diensten samen hebben gewerkt om te voorkomen dat Trump in het Witte Huis zou komen, wil deze bijna grootste krant van de VS dus een punt achter het enorme leugenverhaal dat Russiagate is.........

Nogmaals toont een massamediaorgaan aan 'fake news' (of: nepnieuws) te hebben gebracht en daar het volk maandenlang over te hebben voorgelogen......

Lezen mensen, een geweldig stuk over dombo's Strzak en Page, die dachten in het geheim te kunnen communiceren, maar van wie onlangs een eerste deel van hun lange correspondentie werd vrijgegeven en waardoor ten overvloede de FBI nog eens kan worden aangewezen als spin in het Russiagate web.......

The FBI Hand Behind Russia-gate

By Ray McGovern
January 15, 2018 Paul Craig Roberts.

As I have reported from the beginning, Russiagate is an orchestrated hoax by the security agencies for the purpose of preventing Trump from normalizing relations with Russia and, if necessary, for removing him from office. Russiagate is an act of treason by the security agencies. Those responsible must be arrested, prosecuted, and convicted. — PCR

“After months of breathless searching for ‘evidence’ of Russian-Trump collusion designed to put Trump in the White House, what now exists is actual evidence that senior officials of the Obama administration colluded to keep Trump out of the White House.” — Ray McGovern

Special Report: In the Watergate era, liberals warned about U.S. intelligence agencies manipulating U.S. politics, but now Trump-hatred has blinded many of them to this danger becoming real, as ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern notes. 

January 12, 2017, Information Clearing House

The FBI Hand Behind Russia-gate

By Ray McGovern

Russia-gate is becoming FBI-gate, thanks to the official release of unguarded text messages between loose-lipped FBI counterintelligence official Peter Strzok and his garrulous girlfriend, FBI lawyer Lisa Page. (Ten illustrative texts from their exchange appear at the end of this article.)

Despite his former job as chief of the FBI’s counterintelligence section, Strzok had the naive notion that texting on FBI phones could not be traced. Strzok must have slept through “Security 101.” Or perhaps he was busy texting during that class. Girlfriend Page cannot be happy at being misled by his assurance that using office phones would be a secure way to conduct their affair(s).

It would have been unfortunate enough for Strzok and Page to have their adolescent-sounding texts merely exposed, revealing the reckless abandon of star-crossed lovers hiding (they thought) secrets from cuckolded spouses, office colleagues, and the rest of us. However, for the never-Trump plotters in the FBI, the official release of just a fraction (375) of almost 10,000 messages does incalculably more damage than that.

We suddenly have documentary proof that key elements of the U.S. intelligence community were trying to short-circuit the U.S. democratic process. And that puts in a new and dark context the year-long promotion of Russia-gate. It now appears that it was not the Russians trying to rig the outcome of the U.S. election, but leading officials of the U.S. intelligence community, shadowy characters sometimes called the Deep State.

More of the Strzok-Page texting dialogue is expected to be released. And the Department of Justice Inspector General reportedly has additional damaging texts from others on the team that Special Counsel Robert Mueller selected to help him investigate Russia-gate.

Besides forcing the removal of Strzok and Page, the text exposures also sounded the death knell for the career of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, in whose office some of the plotting took place and who has already announced his plans to retire soon.

But the main casualty is the FBI’s 18-month campaign to sabotage candidate-and-now-President Donald Trump by using the Obama administration’s Russia-gate intelligence “assessment,” electronic surveillance of dubious legality, and a salacious dossier that could never pass the smell test, while at the same time using equally dubious techniques to immunize Hillary Clinton and her closest advisers from crimes that include lying to the FBI and endangering secrets.

Ironically, the Strzok-Page texts provide something that the Russia-gate investigation has been sorely lacking: first-hand evidence of both corrupt intent and action. After months of breathless searching for “evidence” of Russian-Trump collusion designed to put Trump in the White House, what now exists is actual evidence that senior officials of the Obama administration colluded to keep Trump out of the White House – proof of what old-time gumshoes used to call “means, motive and opportunity.”

Even more unfortunately for Russia-gate enthusiasts, the FBI lovers’ correspondence provides factual evidence exposing much of the made-up “Resistance” narrative – the contrived storyline that The New York Times and much of the rest of the U.S. mainstream media deemed fit to print with little skepticism and few if any caveats, a scenario about brilliantly devious Russians that not only lacks actual evidence – relying on unverified hearsay and rumor – but doesn’t make sense on its face.

The Russia-gate narrative always hinged on the preposterous notion that Russian President Vladimir
Putin foresaw years ago what no American political analyst considered even possible, the political ascendancy of Donald Trump. According to the narrative, the fortune-telling Putin then risked creating even worse tensions with a nuclear-armed America that would – by all odds – have been led by a vengeful President Hillary Clinton.

Besides this wildly improbable storyline, there were flat denials from WikiLeaks, which distributed the supposedly “hacked” Democratic emails, that the information came from Russia – and there was the curious inability of the National Security Agency to use its immense powers to supply any technical evidence to support the Russia-hack scenario.
The Trump Shock

But the shock of Trump’s election and the decision of many never-Trumpers to cast their lot with the Resistance led to a situation in which any prudent skepticism or demand for evidence was swept aside.
So, on Jan. 6, 2017, President Obama’s Director of National Intelligence James Clapper released an evidence-free report that he said was compiled by “hand-picked” analysts from the CIA, FBI and NSA, offering an “assessment” that Russia and President Putin were behind the release of the Democratic emails in a plot to help Trump win the presidency.

Despite the extraordinary gravity of the charge, even New York Times correspondent Scott Shane noted that proof was lacking. He wrote at the time: “What is missing from the [the Jan. 6] public report is what many Americans most eagerly anticipated: hard evidence to back up the agencies’ claims that the Russian government engineered the election attack. … Instead, the message from the agencies essentially amounts to ‘trust us.’”

But the “assessment” served a useful purpose for the never-Trumpers: it applied an official imprimatur on the case for delegitimizing Trump’s election and even raised the long-shot hope that the Electoral College might reverse the outcome and possibly install a compromise candidate, such as former Secretary of State Colin Powell, in the White House. Though the Powell ploy fizzled, the hope of somehow removing Trump from office continued to bubble, fueled by the growing hysteria around Russia-gate.

Virtually all skepticism about the evidence-free “assessment” was banned. For months, the Times and other newspapers of record repeated the lie that all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies had concurred in the conclusion about the Russian “hack.” Even when that falsehood was belatedly acknowledged, the major news outlets just shifted the phrasing slightly to say that U.S. intelligence agencies had reached the Russian “hack” conclusion. Shane’s blunt initial recognition about the lack of proof disappeared from the mainstream media’s approved narrative of Russia-gate.

Doubts about the Russian “hack” or dissident suggestions that what we were witnessing was a “soft coup” were scoffed at by leading media commentators. Other warnings from veteran U.S. intelligence professionals about the weaknesses of the Russia-gate narrative and the danger of letting politicized intelligence overturn a constitutional election were also brushed aside in pursuit of the goal of removing Trump from the White House.

It didn’t even seem to matter when new Russia-gate disclosures conflicted with the original narrative that Putin had somehow set Trump up as a Manchurian candidate. All normal journalistic skepticism was jettisoned. It was as if the Russia-gate advocates started with the conclusion that Trump must go and then made the facts fit into that mold, but anyone who noted the violations of normal investigative procedures was dismissed as a “Trump enabler” or a “Moscow stooge.”

The Text Evidence

But then came the FBI text messages, providing documentary evivdence that key FBI officials involved in the Russia-gate investigation were indeed deeply biased and out to get Trump, adding hard proof to Trump’s longstanding lament that he was the subject of a “witch hunt.”

Justified or not, Trump’s feeling of vindication could hardly be more dangerous — particularly at a time when the most urgent need is to drain some testosterone from the self-styled Stable-Genius-in-Chief and his martinet generals.

On the home front, Trump, his wealthy friends, and like-thinkers in Congress may now feel they have an even wider carte blanche to visit untold misery on the poor, the widow, the stranger and other vulnerable humans. That was always an underlying danger of the Resistance’s strategy to seize on whatever weapons were available – no matter how reckless or unfair – to “get Trump.”

Beyond that, Russia-gate has become so central to the Washington establishment’s storyline that there appears to be no room for second-thoughts or turning back. The momentum is such that some Democrats and the media never-Trumpers can’t stop stoking the smoke of Russia-gate and holding out hope against hope that it will somehow justify Trump’s impeachment.

Yet, the sordid process of using legal/investigative means to settle political scores further compromises the principle of the “rule of law” and integrity of journalism in the eyes of many Americans. After a year of Russia-gate, the “rule of law” and “pursuit of truth” appear to have been reduced to high-falutin’ phrases for political score-setttling, a process besmirched by Republicans in earlier pursuits of Democrats and now appearing to be a bipartisan method for punishing political rivals regardless of the lack of evidence.

Strzok and Page

Peter Strzok (pronounced “struck”) has an interesting pedigree with multiple tasks regarding both Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Trump. As the FBI’s chief of counterespionage during the investigation into then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s unauthorized use of a personal email server for classified information, Strzok reportedly changed the words “grossly negligent” (which could have triggered legal prosecution) to the far less serious “extremely careless” in FBI Director James Comey’s depiction of Clinton’s actions. This semantic shift cleared the way for Comey to conclude just 20 days before the Democratic National Convention began in July 2016, that “no reasonable prosecutor” would bring charges against Mrs. Clinton.

Then, as Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence Division, Strzok led the FBI’s investigation into alleged Russian interference in the U.S. election of 2016. It is a safe bet that he took a strong hand in hand-picking the FBI contingent of analysts that joined “hand-picked” counterparts from CIA and NSA in preparing the evidence-free, Jan. 6, 2017 assessment accusing Russian President Vladimir Putin of interfering in the election of 2016. (Although accepted in Establishment groupthink as revealed truth, that poor excuse for analysis reflected the apogee of intelligence politicization — rivaled only by the fraudulent intelligence on “weapons of mass destruction“ in Iraq 15 years ago.)

In June and July 2017 Strzok was the top FBI official working on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible links between the Trump campaign and Russia, but was taken off that job when the Justice Department IG learned of the Strzok-Page text-message exchange and told Mueller.

There is no little irony in the fact that what did in the FBI sweathearts was their visceral disdain for Mr. Trump, their cheerleading-cum-kid-gloves treatment of Mrs. Clinton and her associates, their 1950-ish, James Clapperesque attitude toward Russians as “almost genetically driven” to evil, and their (Strzok/Page) elitist conviction that they know far better what is good for the country than regular American citizens, including those “deplorables” whom Clinton said made up half of Trump’s supporters.

But Strzok/Page had no idea that their hubris, elitism and scheming would be revealed in so tangible a way. Worst of all for them, the very thing that Strzok, in particular, worked so hard to achieve — the sabotaging of Trump and immunization of Mrs. Clinton and her closest advisers is now coming apart at the seams.

Congress: Oversee? or Overlook?

At this point, the $64 question is whether the various congressional oversight committees will remain ensconced in their customarily cozy role as “overlook” committees, or whether they will have the courage to attempt to carry out their Constitutional duty. The latter course would mean confronting a powerful Deep State and its large toolbox of well-practiced retaliatory techniques, including J. Edgar Hoover-style blackmail on steroids, enabled by electronic surveillance of just about everything and everyone. Yes, today’s technology permits blanket collection, and “Collect Everything” has become the motto.
Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-New York, with almost four decades of membership in the House and Senate, openly warned incoming President Trump in January 2017 against criticizing the U.S. intelligence community because U.S. intelligence officials have “six ways from Sunday to get back at you” if you are “dumb” enough to take them on.

Thanks to the almost 10,000 text messages between Strzok and Page, only a small fraction of which were given to Congress four weeks ago, there is now real evidentiary meat on the bones of the suspicions that there indeed was a “deep-state coup” to “correct” the outcome of the 2016 election. We now know that the supposedly apolitical FBI officials had huge political axes to grind. The Strzok-Page exchanges drip with disdain for Trump and those deemed his smelly deplorable supporters. In one text message, Strzok expressed visceral contempt for those working-class Trump voters, writing on Aug. 26, 2016, “Just went to a southern Virginia Walmart. I could SMELL the Trump support. … it’s scary real down here.”

The texts even show Strzok warning of the need for an “insurance policy” to thwart Trump on the off-chance that his poll numbers closed in on those of Mrs. Clinton.

An Aug. 6, 2016 text message, for example, shows Page giving her knight in shining armor strong affirmation: “Maybe you’re meant to stay where you are because you’re meant to protect the country from that menace [Trump].” That text to Strzok includes a link to a David Brooks column in The New York Times, in which Brooks concludes with the clarion call: “There comes a time when neutrality and laying low become dishonorable. If you’re not in revolt, you’re in cahoots. When this period and your name are mentioned, decades hence, your grandkids will look away in shame.”

Another text message shows that other senior government officials – alarmed at the possibility of a Trump presidency – joined the discussion. In an apparent reference to an August 2016 meeting with FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, Strzok wrote to Page on Aug. 15, 2016, “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office — that there’s no way he [Trump] gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk.”  Strzok added, “It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event that you die before you’re 40.”

Insurance Policy?

Senate Judiciary Committee chair Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, says he will ask Strzok to explain the “insurance policy” when he calls him to testify. What seems already clear is that the celebrated “Steele Dossier” was part of the “insurance,” as was the evidence-less legend that Russia hacked the DNC’s and Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails and gave them to WikiLeaks.

If congressional investigators have been paying attention, they already know what former weapons inspector Scott Ritter shared with Veteran intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) colleagues this week; namely, that Fusion GPS’s Glenn Simpson, who commissioned the Russia dossier using Democratic Party money, said he reached out to Steele after June 17, just three days before Steele’s first report was published, drawing on seven sources.

“There is a snowball’s chance in hell that this is raw intelligence gathered by Steele; rather he seems to have drawn on a single ‘trusted intermediary’ to gather unsubstantiated rumor already in existence.”

Another VIPS colleague, Phil Giraldi, writing out of his own experience in private sector consulting, added: “The fact that you do not control your sources frequently means that they will feed you what they think you want to hear. Since they are only doing it for money, the more lurid the details the better, as it increases the apparent value of the information. The private security firm in turn, which is also doing it for the money, will pass on the stories and even embroider them to keep the client happy and to encourage him to come back for more. When I read the Steele dossier it looked awfully familiar to me, like the scores of similar reports I had seen which combined bullshit with enough credible information to make the whole product look respectable.”

It is now widely known that the Democrats ponied up the “insurance premiums,” so to speak, for former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele’s “dossier” of lurid — but largely unproven — “intelligence” on Trump and the Russians. If, as many have concluded, the   dossier was used to help justify a FISA warrant to snoop on the Trump campaign, those involved will be in deep kimchi, if congressional overseers do their job.

How, you might ask, could Strzok and associates undertake these extra-legal steps with such blithe disregard for the possible consequences should they be caught? The answer is easy; Mrs. Clinton was a shoo-in, remember? This was just extra insurance with no expectation of any “death benefit” ever coming into play — save for Trump’s electoral demise in November 2016. The attitude seemed to be that, if abuse of the FISA law should eventually be discovered — there would be little interest in a serious investigation by the editors of The New York Times and other anti-Trump publications and whatever troubles remained could be handled by President Hillary Clinton.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, who chairs the Judiciary Subcommittee of Judiciary on Crime and Terrorism, joined Sen. Grassley in signing the letter referring Christopher Steele to the Justice Department to investigate what appear to be false statements about the dossier. In signing, Graham noted the “many stop signs the Department of Justice ignored in its use of the dossier.” The signature of committee ranking member Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-California, however, was missing — an early sign that a highly partisan battle royale is in the offing.  On Tuesday, Feinstein unilaterally released a voluminous transcript of Glenn Simpson’s earlier testimony and, as though on cue, Establishment pundits portrayed Steele as a good source and Fusion GPS’s Glenn Simpson as a victim.
The Donnybrook is now underway; the outcome uncertain.

Ray McGovern works with Tell the Word, a publishing arm of the ecumenical Church of the Saviour in inner-city Washington.  He was an Army and CIA intelligence analyst for 30 years; prepared and briefed the President’s Daily Brief for Nixon, Ford, and Reagan; and is co-founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS).

Sample text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, released to Congress and the media on December 13, 2016
Strzok – God Hillary should win. 100,000,000-0.
Page – I know
Page – So look, you say we text on that phone when we talk about Hillary because it can’t be traced, you were just venting, bc you feel bad that you’re gone so much but that can’t be helped right now.
Strzok – And meanwhile, we have Black Lives Matter protestors, right now, chanting “no justice no peace” around DoJ and the White House…
Page – That’s awful.
Page – Have you read this? It’s really frightening. For Whites Sensing Decline, Donald Trump Unleashes Words of Resistance http://NYTI/ms/29WCu5!
Strzok – I have not. But I think it’s clear he’s capturing all the white, poor voters who the mainstream republicans abandoned in all but name in the quest for the almighty $$$
Page – Yeah, it’s not good.
Strzok – Poll Finds Emails Weighing on Hillary Clinton, Now Tied With Donald Trump
Page – It is
Strzok – And hey. Congrats on a woman nominated for President in a major party! About damn time! Many many more returns of the day!!
Page – That’s cute. Thanks
Page – Jesus. You should read this. And Trump should go f himself. Moment in Convention Glare Shakes Up Khans American Life
Strzok – God that’s a great article. Thanks for sharing. And F TRUMP.
Page – And maybe you’re meant to stay where you are because you’re meant to protect the country from that menace. To that end comma, read this:
Page – Trump Enablers Will Finally Have to Take A Stand
Strzok – Thanks. It’s absolutely true that we’re both very fortunate. And of course I’ll try and approach it that way. I just know it will be tough at times. I can protect our country at many levels, not sure if that helps
Page – He’s not ever going to become president, right? Right?!
Strzok – OMG did you hear what Trump just said?
Strzok – Just went to a southern Virginia Walmart. I could SMELL the Trump support…
Page – Yep. Out to lunch with (redacted) We both hate everyone and everything.
Page – Just riffing on the hot mess that is our country.
Strzok – Yeah…it’s scary real down here
Strzok: I am riled up. Trump is a f***ing idiot, is unable to provide a coherent answer.
Page– I don’t know. But we’ll get it back. We’re America. We rock.
Strzok– Donald just said “bad hombres”
Strzok– Trump just said what the FBI did is disgraceful.
This article was originally published by Consortium News –


Was the DNC/Clinton campaign-funded dossier used to obtain warrants on Trump team from the secret court?
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