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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
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Posts tonen met het label E. Fiala. Alle posts tonen

woensdag 2 mei 2018

NAVO advocaat: aanval tegen Syrische doelen was illegaal

Het was voor velen al duidelijk: de aanval van de VS, Frankrijk en Groot-Brittannie tegen Syrische doelen was illegaal, je weet wel na de zogenaamde gifgasaanval van het reguliere Syrische leger in Douma. Uiteraard werd en wordt dit bestreden door de reguliere westerse media en het grootste deel van de westerse politici....... Een paar uur na deze 'gifgasaanval' wist men het zeker: Syrië 'is de dader' en het duivelse Rusland steunt dit 'moorddadige bewind.......'

Nu is er een luitenant-kolonel van de NAVO (dus uit 'onverdachte hoek'), de Nederlander Kris van der Mey, die stelt dat deze aanval van de VS en twee partners inderdaad illegaal was en een misdaad is volgens het internationaal recht!!

Van der Mey legt uit hoe e.e.a. moet worden gezien. Lullig dat hij daarbij de leugen aanhaalt, die werd rondgebazuind door de reguliere westerse media en westerse politici >> Khadaffi slachtte zijn eigen mensen af en daarom greep men in. Gelukkig stelt van der Meij wel dat zelfs de oorlog tegen Khadaffi in feite illegaal was (dus eigenlijk op onjuiste gronden....).......

Bij de 'opstand' die tot de oorlog in Libië leidde (een opstand vooral door de VS gesteund, mede georganiseerd en geregisseerd), slachtte Khadaffi zijn eigen mensen niet af, losgeslagen terreurgroepen pleegden aanslagen op o.a. burgerdoelen om deze daarna in de schoenen van Khadaffi te schuiven, ofwel weer typische 'false flag' operaties naar recept van de VS........ 

Van der Meij vergeet voor het gemak dat Libië onder Khadaffi het rijkste land van Afrika was, waar scholing en zelfs studeren in het buitenland gratis waren (waar de studenten zelfs leefgeld kregen), dat was verder van toepassing op de huisvesting (bijna gratis), medische hulp en de energielevering........

De partij die Khadaffi weg wilde hebben was vooral in het buitenland te vinden, met hoofdrolspelers VS, Frankrijk en Groot-Brittannië....... Met dank aan hen en andere NAVO partners (Nederland deed verkenningsvluchten) werd Libië plat gebombardeerd. Khadaffi gruwelijk vermoord en het land in enorme chaos gedompeld...... Intussen is Libië het bijna armste land van Afrika (de enorme goudvoorraad, waar Khadaffi een internationaal betaalmiddel mee wilde instellen, als alternatief voor de op lucht gefundeerde olie-dollar, werd gestolen en het zou me verbazen als die niet in de VS opgeslagen ligt, dan wel elders is te vinden onder toezicht van de VS....)

De chaos is nog steeds compleet in Libië en er worden intussen zelfs slavenmarkten georganiseerd.....

Kortom de zoveelste waanzinnige prestatie van het westen o.l.v. de grootste terreurentiteit op aarde: de VS!!

Terug naar Syrië en de illegale aanval van de VS, Frankrijk en Groot-Brittannië op dat land:

NATO Lawyer: Syria Strike Wasn't Justified by International Law

emmafiala (41) in news •  May 1st 2018

In case you were in need of additional evidence that the strike on Syria recently conducted by the US, the UK and France was illegal, besides the simple logic that countries probably shouldn't bomb other countries without an indisputable reason to do so, a lawyer affiliated with NATO has declared that the Syria strike was illegal.

Regardless of what Assad and his regime did or did not do, was bombing Syria the correct course of action? Numerous public figures, experts, journalists and normal people have called the legality of the military strike into question. And rightfully so. But now we have a lawyer on our side. A NATO affiliated lawyer to boot.

Lieutenant Colonel Kris van der Meij is his name. The Dutch lawyer is currently working at the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE) in Estonia, focusing on the intersection of international law and cyber conflict. While the CCDCOE is not directly funded by NATO, it is an accredited NATO Center of Excellence.

According to van der Meij, none of his CCDCOE colleagues accepted the mission's "humanitarian" claim a valid reason for military aggression.

According to international law, military action against another country is allowed for only three reasons: self defense, after a UN Security Council resolution, or after a request for intervention is made by the country where the attack is to take place.

However, in unique situations, international law also permits intervention to aid in alleviating humanitarian distress when there is extensive and convincing evidence of extreme humanitarian suffering. There must also be no alternative methods available to alleviate that distress.

The UK claims it met these requirements, despite the fact that the narrative of the chemical attack on Douma on April 7 continues to crumble.

"The fourth option sometimes mentioned is this humanitarian intervention, like they did in Libya for example when Gaddafi was slaughtering his own people," van der Meij said.

"But this is not yet considered customary international law. We don’t accept this as a reason to act."

Russia and Syria continue to clearly communicate that they strikes were in violation of international law. Vladimir Safronkov, Russia's ambassador to the UN, called the attacks a "flagrant violation of international law and an act of aggression" at a recent UN Security Council meeting.

Conversely, NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg, has said he supports the actions taken by the US, the JK and France, saying "There was no other alternative than to react the way they reacted this night."

But something about bombing people due to claims that they were unjustly bombed just doesn't sit right, especially on the cusp of an intergovernmental organization's investigation into the alleged bombing. It should be customary for an international investigation to be completed prior to, not hindered by, military actions being taken. Or perhaps it's time to reevaluate why NATO, the UN, and international law even exist.

This post is Creative Commons.

vrijdag 24 november 2017

Thanksgiving: één van de leugens waarmee de VS denkt de genocide op de oorspronkelijke bewoners te kunnen wegpoetsen.....

Op Thanksgiving zo leert men op VS scholen en zelfs aan de universiteit, herdenkt men dat in 1621 de pelgrims (tuig uit Europa) na de oogst samen met de oorspronkelijke bewoners ('indianen') aan tafel zaten. Een oogst die was behaald met de hulp en aanwijzingen van die 'indianen' .

Geen fluit van waar: Thanksgiving was in eerste plaats een feest n.a.v. een zelfs voor die tijd (1637) groot bloedbad dat senator John Withrop had laten aanrichten onder de Pequot stam, waarbij 700 mensen van die stam, inclusief vrouwen en kinderen, werden vermoord........

Nog steeds hebben deze oorspronkelijke stammen geen rechten..... De aan hen, bij verdragen toegewezen gronden worden simpelweg onteigend als men vindt dat daar bijvoorbeeld een oliepijpleiding overheen gelegd moet worden, zoals de Dakota Access Pipiline (DAPL) of de Keystone (en de Keystone XL) pijpleiding, ook al weten de landelijke, regionale en plaatselijke overheden, dat deze pijpleidingen gegarandeerd op meerdere plekken zullen gaan lekken in de toekomst.......

Ach ja, wat verwacht je van 'een land' dat is gebouwd op de grootste genocide uit de geschiedenis, waarbij het overgrote deel van de oorspronkelijke bevolking werd vermoord.......'Een land'  gebouwd op leugens en extreem geweld.........

Lees het volgende uitstekende artikel van Emma Fiala (en geeft het door!) op MintPress News en o.a gepubliceerd op Anti-Media, daaronder vindt u een artikel met video van Brasscheck TV, genaamd: 'The theft of the New World', waarin aandacht voor de legitimatie, die o.a. de kerk gaf aan de verovering van de 'Nieuwe Wereld' en de massamoorden die daarmee gepaard gingen...... Na de video en tekst van Brasscheck TV, nog een artikel geschreven door Tyler Durden, gepubliceerd op Zero Hedge, over de toestemming van de regionale overheid om de Keystone XL pijpleiding aan te leggen over grondgebied van Nebraska, dit terwijl een paar dagen daarvoor een grote lekkage in de Keystone pijpleiding werd ontdekt (dit wordt trouwens ook in het eerste artikel genoemd)......... Een beslissing die 'uiteraard werd toegejuicht door de aandeelhouders, veelal ijskoud inhumaan geteisem dat maar één doel heeft: zoveel mogelijk winst maken, ten koste van wat dan ook......

How to Be Less Ignorant This Thanksgiving

November 22, 2017 at 11:23 am
Written by Emma Fiala
A day seen by many Americans as a day of celebration, a day for family, and a day for giving thanks, is perceived by many Native Americans as a day filled with ignorance, a day filled with anger and a day full of mourning.

(MPN) — While millions of Americans prepare this week to get into the holiday spirit, beginning with Thanksgiving, how many are prepared to view the day through an accurate lens? While to many Americans the holiday serves as a reminder to give thanks, it is seen as a day of mourning by countless others. The truth is: European migrants brutally murdered Native Americans, stole their lands, and continue to do so today.

Start by acknowledging that almost everything taught about Thanksgiving in most schools across the country is a lie. Most Americans remember celebrations in elementary school in honor of Thanksgiving that included activities ranging from coloring pages to parades to plays. Everyone knows the drill: The Pilgrims fled Europe before landing on Plymouth Rock. The resident natives taught them how to farm the land, they all sat down for a big meal in 1621, and everyone lived happily ever after in the United States.

This brief history lesson is often followed by teepees made hastily from paper bags and headdresses for all children in the classroom using brown paper and brightly colored feathers. Some children are assigned the role of Pilgrims while others are told to play Indian for the day. Younger children make turkeys shaped like their hands while high school students are allowed to glimpse a few select representations of the gruesome battles involved in colonization.

Unfortunately, the watered-down, inaccurate teaching of the first Thanksgiving continues into junior high, high school and even into college, with most Americans never actually learning the truth. If non-Native Americans are to learn the truth of the day, it is best to go directly to the source. While there were two parties involved in this supposed great feast, most Americans reference only the story told by the Pilgrims, only the story fed by the colonizers, only the story shaped by textbook manufacturers over the years.

Celebration of a Massacre

It may come as a surprise to some that the first official Thanksgiving Day was held in 1637. Feasts of thankfulness were commonplace in both European and Native American circles long before the first meeting between the Wampanoag tribe, which inhabited southeastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island, and the Pilgrims when they first landed back in 1621. In 1637, Governor John Winthrop called for an official day of thanks to celebrate the massacre of more than 700 people from the Pequot Tribe, a gruesome and generally unknown start to such a widespread and popular holiday. “This day forth shall be a day of celebration and thanksgiving for subduing the Pequots,” read the proclamation.

If Thanksgiving is to be celebrated accurately, it must be viewed through a Native American lens. The best way to do that is to ask a Native American.

Watch | Native Americans share their feelings about the history of Thanksgiving and how it impacts their lives to this day:

Thoughts and emotions communicated in this video, as well as in conversations with Native Americans, are in stark contrast to the thoughts of gratitude and love conventionally expressed by non-Native Americans when it comes to Thanksgiving. A day seen by many as a day of celebration, a day for family, and a day for giving thanks, is perceived as a day filled with ignorance, a day filled with anger and a day full of mourning. How can these incredibly conflicting views of the same day and the same events possibly exist within the same country?

Colonization Then and Now

An elderly woman is escorted to a transport van after being arrested by law enforcement at the Oceti Sakowin camp as part of the final sweep of the Dakota Access pipeline protesters in Morton County, Thursday, Feb. 23, 2017, near Cannon Ball, N.D. (Mike McCleary/The Bismarck Tribune via AP, Pool)

Colonization of this continent began long ago and continues to this day, constantly shape-shifting but causing significant harm in all its many guises. From the disappearance of Native women to the fight for clean water, and from the police murder of a Native boy to threats of the sale of Native lands, the Native struggle against colonization is seemingly unrelenting.

This time last year, Native Americans and their allies were brutally attacked by police while defending clean water at Standing Rock in North Dakota. In freezing temperatures, water cannons, along with rubber bullets, were used by militarized police to keep water protectors at bay. Over the course of the entire struggle at Standing Rock, excessive force and violence were used by police and hired security multiple times.

Police confront water protectors on Thanksgiving Day in Mandan, North Dakota, just north of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation, after a symbolic feast on the town’s main thoroughfare. (Emma Fiala)

On Thanksgiving Day last year, a protest in the town of Mandan, ND was met with a show of force while water protectors on the front lines at the Oceti Sakowin camp at Standing Rock were attacked by police for crossing the river at the base of Turtle Island. Native Americans and their allies persisted and found reasons to be thankful in the face of oppression.

Recently, a 14-year-old Native American boy, Jason Ike Pero, was killed by an Ashland County Sheriff’s Deputy on the Bad River reservation in northwestern Wisconsin. The Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Ojibwe has requested the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice to open a criminal civil rights investigation into the incident. They claim the media and  Wisconsin Department of Justice are trying falsely to “describe Jason as being a troubled young man that acted in a violent manner towards the deputy,” a tactic seen again and again when it comes to police violence against minorities.

Just this week, Nebraska’s Public Utility Commission approved the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline, threatening Indigenous lands, despite a major leak in the Keystone pipeline just days prior. Pipelines and other projects threaten Native lands across the country, with the Trump administration seemingly more focused on profit than on protecting both Native and national lands.

Celebrating Thoughtfully

Once the truth is acknowledged, how do non-Natives move forward? The Thanksgiving tradition is now so deeply rooted in American culture that doing away with the holiday completely is unrealistic, and would further do little to repair the harm that has been done over the years.

Here are some suggestions on how Americans can avoid the traditional whitewash and hypocrisy, and tailor their Thanksgiving celebrations thoughtfully:
  • Donate to local Native American organizations or to those fighting to protect their lands.
  • Cook traditional Native foods.
  • Invite a Native neighbor and listen to what they have to say.
  • Teach family, friends, children an accurate history of Thanksgiving and colonization, using these books suggested by American Indians in Children’s Literature.
  • Make an informed decision with family and decide together whether celebrating Thanksgiving is appropriate and comfortable.
When it comes to halting and healing from colonization there is much work to be done. Thanksgiving Day and it’s brutal history are an excellent and timely place to begin.


The theft of the New World



It starts very slowly, but then when it gets to the point it is begins a fascinating story.

Have you ever wondered how European powers justified coming in and taking the New World?

After all, it belonged to someone.

We all know the European powers used violence, but they also operated “under the law.”

What law are we talking about?

The savage “Doctrine of Discovery in the Name of Christ.”

Nebraska Regulators Approve Keystone Pipeline Route Days After South Dakota Leak, Shutdown

Nov 20, 2017 11:29 AM

TransCanada received its final required pipeline route approval, winning Nebraska’s permission to build its long-delayed Keystone XL crude oil pipeline across the state... just days after a 5,000 barrel spill in South Dakota shut the pipeline.

decision will almost certainly be challenged in court.

Just a few short days after 210,000 gallons of crude oil spilled in South Dakota, Bloomberg reports that Nebraska's Public Service Commission voted three to two Monday, removing one of the last hurdles to the Calgary-based company’s construction of the $8 billion, 1,179-mile conduit (1,897-kilometer), which has been on its drawing boards since 2008.

For those who aren't familiar with the project, the pipeline links Canada’s Alberta oil sands to U.S. refineries.  While a portion of the pipeline has been operating, part of it had still not been approved by state regulators... until today's decision by Nebraska.

                      (Héééé! Altijd al gedacht dat Nederland één groot redneck gat was!)

However, as Bloomberg notes, the commission approved an alternative route.

Jane Kleeb, president of the environmental advocacy group Bold Alliance, said green-lighting an alternative route may have helped the commission reach a "middle ground solution.”
At the same time it opens new questions that she said her group would explore in federal court. She argued the secondary route wasn’t adequately vetted.
That view mirrored a dissenting opinion filed by Commissioner Crystal Rhoades. She wrote that TransCanada didn’t meet "the burden of proof” in proving that the pipeline is in the state’s public interest, and she said the alternative route needed more study on both the state and federal level. For example, she said, Nebraska’s Department of Environmental Quality didn’t analyze the alternative route at all in its 2013 report.
 "It is clear” TransCanada “never intended it to be considered," Rhoades said.
 In its post-hearing brief, TransCanada told the panel its "preferred route was the product of literally years of study, analysis and refinement by Keystone, federal agencies and Nebraska agencies," and that no alternate route, even one paralleling the Keystone mainline as the approved path does, was truly comparable.

TransCanada's share price is up on the news...

Notably, with Nebraska’s go-ahead in hand, TransCanada still must formally decide whether to proceed with construction on the line, which would send crude from Hardisty, Alberta, through Montana and South Dakota to Nebraska, where it will connect to pipelines leading to U.S. Gulf Coast refineries. The company’s open season for gauging producers’ interest closed late last month, and TransCanada executives have indicated that they’ve secured enough shipping commitments to make the project commercially worthwhile.

Zie ook: 'Keystone XL pijpleiding heeft grote hoeveelheid olie gelekt, terwijl vreedzame demonstranten tegen de aanleg worden weggezet als terroristen......'

donderdag 3 augustus 2017

Moderne slavenmarkt: het onnoemelijke leed van de Filipijnse arbeidsmigranten.........

Ontving vorige week een Anti-Media bericht over het onnoemelijke leed dat Filipijnen ondervinden als ze om de armoede van hun familie te verlichten in het buitenland gaan werken.

Niet alleen belanden vrouwen her en der in de seksindustrie, waar ze als slaven worden behandeld, maar ook de arbeidskrachten wacht veelal eenzelfde behandeling: lange werkdagen en opvang in wat je het best een gevangenis kan noemen, uiteraard tegen een minimale betaling, althans als die al volgt..... Maar liefst 21 miljoen van deze werkers leven in wat niet anders dan dwangarbeid kan worden genoemd.........

Lees dit onthutsende relaas van Emma Fiala, eerder geplaatst op Media Roots. Hierin beschrijft zij ook een deel van de Filipijnse geschiedenis en besteedt ze aandacht aan de 2 documentaires die Abby Martin over deze zaak maakte (de links naar de video's zijn opgenomen in het artikel):

Watch: Abby Martin Reveals Booming Modern Day ‘Buy a Slave’ Market

July 26, 2017 at 8:04 am
Written by Media Roots
(MR) — In this two part series on the US/Philippines human trafficking epidemic, Abby Martin recalls the history of the colonization of the Philippines and how it has led to a dramatic rise in human trafficking of Philippine workers.

She interviews the executive director of Damayan, the 8,000 member strong New York City based organization created and led by Filipino women domestic workers that provides legal assistance to migrant workers and human trafficking victims, as well as other victims of human trafficking who have experienced the dark side of migrant employment.

Part One: Buying a Slave – The Hidden World of US/Philippines Trafficking

Part Two: The Roots of the Philippines Trafficking Epidemic

The Philippines has suffered the consequences of occupation and colonization for hundreds of years with the effects still being seen today in the form of poverty, job shortages and a human trafficking epidemic. A shocking 10% of the Philippine population must leave the country in order to seek employment in hopes of sending money back to their families. An estimated 6,000 people, mostly women, leave the Philippines daily to seek work.

Human trafficking is a multi-billion dollar industry that entraps millions of people across the globe. The majority of victims are abused– living and working in shockingly inhumane conditions. Particularly horrifying is the fact that, in the Philippines, humans have become the number one export.

Most of these migrant workers leave the Philippines for the United States, the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia and Japan where they work in low-wage jobs. In fact, 21 million people are working in forced labor situations worldwide- many of them right under the noses of the average citizen of these countries.

There are currently 2 million migrant domestic workers working in the United States. According to the recent report The Human Trafficking of Domestic Workers in The United States, over 80% of these workers have experienced their pay being withheld or having been paid under minimum wage, 81% live in abusive conditions and 73% work excessive overtime.

Through this process, many of these migrant workers have become victims of human trafficking and have found themselves stuck in a seemingly endless cycle of abuse and neglect. But what has led to this disturbing trend? Why do so many Filipinos flee their home country for work and subject themselves to such harsh and inhumane conditions?

The Philippines was first claimed by the Spanish in 1525. The indigenous Filipino people engaged in over 300 armed revolts over the next three hundred years, eventually securing their independence after a two year long war of independence. At the time, Spain was also engaged in the Spanish-American war. Upon losing that war, Spain negotiated the sale of the Philippines to the United States, behind the backs of the Filipino people, for a total sum of $20 million in the Treaty of Paris.

This began a many decade-long hostile relationship between the Filipino people and their new occupiers from the United States. With such a volatile relationship, conflicts occurred frequently resulting in the deaths of numerous Filipinos. In one such conflict, the Moro Crater Massacre, only six out of 1,000 Filipinos survived. Shockingly, in the first 15 years of colonization, more Filipinos were killed by the U.S. than during the entire three hundred years of Spanish occupation.

As the violence decreased, the occupation took on a new form– economic destruction and experiments in neocolonialism. There quickly became a dependence on U.S. patronage for survival of the now fragile Philippine economy and the U.S. began focusing it’s efforts and attention on the elite of the Filipino people– training and educating them to be vehicles of U.S. colonization.

This led to the granting of Philippine independence in 1946 but that independence was only in name. With the puppets of neocolonialism now in charge of the country, the U.S. continued to have a direct line of control, only now it was slightly obscured. Also in 1946, the United States Congress passed the Rescission Act, stripping Filipinos who fought in defense of the U.S. against the Japanese during World War II of the benefits they were promised for doing so, yet another damaging blow to the Philippine people.
Our country was ruined primarily by the U.S.” –Linda Oalican

Tensions between the Filipino people and the U.S. backed ruling class have continued to this day, with the Philippine economy continuing to suffer and a successful government propaganda campaign encouraging workers to seek employment elsewhere via the Philippine Labor Migration Policy continuing to grow. In this episode, Abby Martin details the history of the colonization of the Philippines, starting with the Spanish in 1525 and ending with the present day situation, leading to an exodus of able-bodied workers from the Philippines to all corners of the globe– often ripping families apart and damaging relationships for years to come.

The history of the Philippine resistance is an unbroken chain– from it’s first hand-to-hand battles against colonizers wearing armor and swords to it’s organizing against today’s exploiters who wear three piece suits, the poor and oppressed of the Philippines are much more than victims of the system, but are indeed the force that will change it.”

By Emma Fiala / Republished with permission / Media Roots / Report a typo