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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label SOF. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label SOF. Alle posts tonen

woensdag 27 november 2019

Bellingcat wordt betaald door de VS overheid ha! ha! ha! ha!

In een artikel van Caitlin Johnstone maakt zij melding van Bellingcat en dat deze zogenaamde journalistenclub wordt betaald door de VS..... De National Endowment for Democracy (NED), die volgens een medeoprichter is bedoeld om te doen wat de CIA eerder (en nog) doet, propaganda maken voor de VS tegen landen die zich niet laten commanderen door de VS, of schijt hebben aan de belangen van de VS....... NED wordt direct betaald door de VS overheid, dus van enige onafhankelijkheid is totaal geen sprake...... Bellingcat wordt weer direct betaald door NED en daarmee is het kringetje rond: de VS betaalt Bellingcat......

Verbaasd me niets gezien de meer dan belachelijke, gekleurde berichtgeving van dit collectief van leken, je zou het nu zelfs als een trollenfabriek van de VS kunnen zien, immers ze doen niet anders dan het terroristische buitenlandbeleid van de VS van steun voorzien en brengen bijvoorbeeld door de VS opgestelde anti-Assad-propaganda....

NED is als gezegd een organisatie die (ook in het geheim) propaganda tegen landen opstelt en verspreidt, als deze zich niet naar de wensen van de VS schikken en organiseren dan bijvoorbeeld (gewelddadige) demonstraties tegen een bepaalde regering, in de hoop dat dit tot een staatsgreep leidt, ofwel die aansturen op een regime verandering in dergelijke landen (voorbeelden te over uit het verleden...)

Terug naar Bellinqat uh Bellincat: Bellingcat wordt voorts betaald door de Open Society Foundations (SOF)*, als NED een neoliberaal orgaan dat ten dienste staat van de VS en haar collega NAVO-lidstaten......

Bellingcat heeft zich ook met MH17 bemoeit en zoals te verwachten: Bellingcat steunt de leugen dat Rusland verantwoordelijk is voor het neerhalen van dit vliegtuig, terwijl er meters dossiers liggen die toch echt een andere kant op wijzen, niet voor niets ook dat de premier van Maleisië de JIT-rapportages totaal onbetrouwbaar acht.......

Ach het is als met alle leugens die de VS zelf brengt, men slikt ze als zoete koek in het westen, ook al blijkt die informatie keer op keer niet te kloppen, toch steunen de meeste NAVO-lidstaten de grootschalige VS terreur als dit 'land' weer een nieuwe illegale oorlog begint..... Ook Nederland steunt deze terreur en dat met ons belastinggeld, men hield nog even af wat betreft de Straat van Hormuz (bij de Golf van Oman), waar de VS de marine van Iran treitert, maar nu gaat Nederland daar ook oorlogje spelen met een fregat (marine oorlogsschip), of omdat de VS dat van ons eist, dan wel een volgende hielenlikkende actie van het walgelijke kabinet Rutte 3...

Hier de tekst van Caitlin Johnstone:

Bellingcat is funded by the National Endowment for Democracy, which according to its own cofounder was set up to do overtly what the CIA had previously been doing covertly, namely orchestrating narrative management geared toward the elimination of governments which refuse to comply with US interests. NED is funded directly by the US government, which means that Bellingcat is funded by the US government via an organization set up to promote imperialist regime change agendas. Bellingcat is also funded by Open Society Foundations, another imperialist narrative management operation.

* De Open Society Foundations (een echte SOF) is een privaat opererende en fondsenverstrekkende stichting met als doel om overheidsbeleid te hervormen en om democratisch bestuur, mensenrechten en economische, juridische en sociale hervormingen te promoten...... ha! ha! ha! ha! Het voorgaande is wat Wikipedia zegt over de Open Society Foundations (behalve de tekst die tussen haakjes staat, zoals je begrijpt)..... In werkelijkheid heeft men in de VS schijt aan democratie, niet voor niets worden veel bloedige dictators gesteund door de VS, neem alleen al de banden met de reli-fascistische dictatuur Saoedi-Arabië, die NB met hulp van o.a. de VS een genocide uitvoert in Jemen..... (trouwens wat er in de VS zelf gebeurt heeft intussen ook al niets meer te maken met wat democratie zou moeten zijn.....) Wikipedia, steeds meer gevuld met leugens..... 

Zie ook:
'Brief aan de Russische bevolking over 'Defender 2020', de zoveelste militaire NAVO oefening langs de grens van hun land' (en zie de links in dat bericht)

'MH17 proces op Radio1'(en zie de links in dat bericht over MH17)

'Na massamoord in Hawija: Nederlands fregat naar Golf van Hormuz' (en zie de links in dat bericht)

Voor nog meer berichten over MH17, klik op het desbetreffende label, direct onder dit bericht. 

In mijn bericht schreef ik over een Nederlands fregat richting Golf van Oman, dat moet echter zijn de Straat van Hormuz, dat weliswaar een uitloper is van de Golf van Oman, mijn excuus. Noot van 28 november 2019.

Hersteller op 4 december 2019: in de kop stond Bellingcat zonder 'g', mijn excuus.

zaterdag 15 december 2018

Geheime oorlogvoering van de VS in Afrika duurt voort, het aantal VS operaties in Afrika is zelfs groter dan in het Midden-Oosten

Het bericht met deels de bovenstaande kop lag tot mijn schaamte nog op de stapel concepten, ik vond het terug bij nazoeken van een artikel dat afgelopen woensdag werd gepubliceerd op Vice News door Nick Turse, het eerdere artikel van dezelfde schrijver is getiteld: 'U.S. SECRET WARS IN AFRICA RAGE ON, DESPITE TALK OF DOWNSIZING'. Zoals gezegd: afgelopen woensdag publiceerde Turse het ander artikel over de VS oorlogsvoering in Afrika, dit keer met de titel: 'EXCLUSIVE: THE U.S. HAS MORE MILITARY OPERATIONS IN AFRICA THAN THE MIDDLE EAST'. Als eerste het artikel van Turse dat op 26 juli jl. werd gepubliceerd, daarna een korte inleiding tot het laatste artikel van Turse. (waarin wordt gesteld dat de militaire operaties in de VS niet geheim moeten worden gehouden en dat door een hoge VS militair)

Oktober vorig jaar liepen 4 VS militairen in een hinderlaag waarbij ze omkwamen, dit gaf nogal wat ophef in de VS, waarop het Pentagon aangaf het aantal troepen in Afrika te verminderen...

Niet eens een jaar later blijkt er van dit voornemen, troepenvermindering in Afrika, niets terecht te zijn gekomen....... De VS vecht (dat vechten wordt ontkend, ondanks alle bewijzen daarvoor, zoals de 4 militairen die in Niger werden gedood) in de volgende Afrikaanse landen Kameroen, Kenia, Libië, Mali, Mauritanië, Niger, Somalië en Tunesië...

Vreemd ook dat in het rijtje landen Zuid-Soedan ontbreekt, terwijl ook daar VS militairen opereren....... De president van Soedan, Omar al-Bashir, is bepaald geen vriend van de VS en ondanks dat de VS een wapenembargo heeft ingesteld tegen Zuid-Soedan*, werkt de VS, in het 'niet-zo-geheim', samen met het terreurbewind in Zuid-Soedan.......

Generaal Thomas Waldhauser, hoofd Africa Command (AFRICOM), zei tijdens een Pentagon conferentie afgelopen mei, dat ondanks alle moeilijkheden de VS militairen hun werk geweldig doen over het hele continent Afrika....... (beter had hij gezegd: dat de VS militairen hun werk uiterst gewelddadig doen, immers het gaat om grootschalige terreur in landen waar de VS niets te zoeken heeft, terreur waarmee de VS zelfs terreur kweekt! Tja als je dat erbij zou zeggen kan je moeilijk volhouden dat de VS goed werk verricht in Afrika....) 

Lees het volgende artikel van Nick Turse, zoals eerder geplaatst op The Intercept:


 Nick Turse July 26 2018, 7:15 p.m.

An American Special Forces soldier trains Nigerien troops during an exercise on the Air Base 201 compound, in Agadez, Niger, April 14, 2018. Hundreds of American troops are working feverishly to complete a $110 million airfield that will be used to strike extremists in West and North Africa, a region where most Americans have no idea the country is fighting. (Tara Todras-Whitehill/The New York Times)

LAST OCTOBER, FOUR U.S. soldiers – including two commandos – were killed in an ambush in Niger. Since then, talk of U.S. special operations in Africa has centered on missions being curtailed and troop levels cut.

Press accounts have suggested that the number of special operators on the front lines has been reduced, with the head of U.S. Special Operations forces in Africa directing his troops to take fewer risks. At the same time, a “sweeping Pentagon review” of special ops missions on the continent may result in drastic cuts in the number of commandos operating there. U.S. Africa Command has apparently been asked to consider the impact on counterterrorism operations of cutting the number of Green Berets, Navy SEALs, and other commandos by 25 percent over 18 months and 50 percent over three years.

Analysts have already stepped forward to question or criticize the proposed cuts.
Anybody that knows me knows that I would disagree with any downsizing in Africa,”
Donald Bolduc, a former chief of U.S. commandos on the continent, told Voice of America.

While the review was reportedly ordered this spring and troop reductions may be coming, there is no evidence yet of massive cuts, gradual reductions, or any downsizing whatsoever. In fact, the number of commandos operating on the continent has barely budged since 2017. Nearly 10 months after the debacle in Niger, the tally of special operators in Africa remains essentially unchanged.

According to figures provided to The Intercept by U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM), 16.5 percent of commandos overseas are deployed in Africa. This is about the same percentage of special operators sent to the continent in 2017 and represents a major increase over deployments during the first decade of the post-9/11 war on terror. In 2006, for example, just 1 percent of all U.S. commandos deployed overseas were in Africa – fewer than in the Middle East, the Pacific, Europe, or Latin America. By 2010, the number had risen only slightly, to 3 percent.

Today, more U.S. commandos are deployed to Africa than to any other region of the world except the Middle East. Back in 2006, there were only 70 special operators deployed across Africa. Just four years ago, there were still just 700 elite troops on the continent. Given that an average of 8,300 commandos are deployed overseas in any given week, according to SOCOM spokesperson Ken McGraw, we can surmise that roughly 1,370 Green Berets, Navy SEALs, or other elite forces are currently operating in Africa.

The Pentagon won’t say how many commandos are still deployed in Niger, but the total number of troops operating there is roughly the same as in October 2017 when two Green Berets and two fellow soldiers were killed by Islamic State militants. There are 800 Defense Department personnel currently deployed to the West African nation, according to Maj. Sheryll Klinkel, a Pentagon spokesperson. “I can’t give a breakdown of SOF there, but it’s a fraction of the overall force,” she told The Intercept. There are now also 500 American military personnel – including Special Operations forces — in Somalia.  At the beginning of last year, AFRICOM told Stars and Stripes, there were only 100.

None of these special operations forces are intended to be engaged in direct combat operations,” said Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs Robert S. Karem, while speaking about current troop levels in Niger during a May Pentagon press briefing on the investigation into the deadly October ambush. Despite this official policy, despite the deaths in Niger, and despite the supposed curbs on special operations in Africa, U.S. commandos there keep finding themselves in situations that are indistinguishable from combat.

In December, for example, Green Berets fighting alongside local forces in Niger reportedly killed 11 ISIS militants in a firefight. And last month in Somalia, a member of the Special Operations forces, Staff Sgt. Alexander Conrad, was killed and four other Americans were wounded in an attack by members of the Islamist militant group Shabaab. Conrad’s was the second death of a U.S. special operator in Somalia in 13 months. Last May, a Navy SEAL, Senior Chief Petty Officer Kyle Milliken, was killed, and two other American troops were wounded while carrying out a mission there with local forces.

Between 2015 and 2017, there were also at least 10 previously unreported attacks on American troops in West Africa, the New York Times revealed in March. Meanwhile, Politico recently reported that, for at least five years, Green Berets, Navy SEALs, and other commandos — operating under a little-understood budgetary authority known as Section 127e that funds classified programs — have been involved in reconnaissance and “direct action” combat raids with local forces in Cameroon, Kenya, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Somalia, and Tunisia. Indeed, in a 2015 briefing obtained by The Intercept, Bolduc, then the special ops chief in Africa, noted that America’s commandos were not only conducting “surrogate” and “combined” “counter violent extremist operations,” but also “unilateral” missions.

While media reports have focused on the possibility of imminent reductions, the number of commandos deployed in Africa is nonetheless up 96 percent since 2014 and remains fundamentally unchanged since the deadly 2017 ambush in Niger. And as the June death of Conrad in Somalia indicates, commandos are still operating in hazardous areas. Indeed, at the May Pentagon briefing, Gen. Thomas Waldhauser, the chief of U.S. Africa Command, drew attention to special operators’ “high-risk missions” under “extreme conditions” in Africa.  America’s commandos, he said, “are doing a fantastic job across the continent.”

Top photo: An American Special Forces soldier trains Nigerien troops during an exercise on the Air Base 201 compound, in Agadez, Niger, on April 14, 2018.
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* Volgens de NRC exporteerde de VS al minimaal wapens naar Zuid-Soedan...... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Het is de redactie blijkbaar nog niet opgevallen dat de VS ook via omwegen een land vol kan proppen met wapens (zoals de CIA al zo vaak heeft geregeld), desnoods (of zelfs het liefst) aan elkaar bekampende groeperingen......

De VS heeft meer militaire operaties in Afrika dan in Midden-Oosten

Hier het tweede artikel van Nick Turse op Vice News, een artikel dat zoals gezegd afgelopen woensdag werd gepubliceerd. Met iets meer actuele informatie. Gezegd moet worden dat Turse bij de aanvang van dit bericht een fout maakt, hij doelt duidelijk op een hinderlaag die in oktober 2017 plaatsvond, terwijl je uit z'n schrijven zou kunnen opmaken dat het om oktober 2018 gaat, in het artikel hierboven wordt ook oktober 2017 aangehaald.

In dit bericht schrijft Turse over het grote aantal militaire operaties die de VS uitvoert in Afrika, operaties die de operaties van de VS in het Midden-Oosten ver overtreffen, al is het aantal VS militairen in het Midden-Oosten veel groter.

Mijn excuus voor de belabberde weergave, krijg het niet op orde.



By Nick Turse Dec 12, 2018

The deadly ambush in Niger last October that left four U.S. serviceman dead prompted months of hand-wringing inside the Pentagon. But that botched operation, which drew national attention to U.S. counterterror operations throughout Africa should not have shocked military leadership, the former commander of U.S. Special Operations forces in Africa told VICE News.

These weren’t the first casualties, either. We had them in Somalia and Kenya,” said retired Brig. Gen. Donald Bolduc, who served as commander of Special Operations Command Africa (SOCAFRICA) from April 2015 to June 2017, in an interview with VICE News. “We had them in Tunisia. We had them in Mali. We had them in Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon, and Chad. But those were kept as quiet as possible. Nobody talked about it.”
Indeed, two separate military efforts — named Juniper Shield and Obsidian Nomad — that were set to intersect but failed to on the night of the deadly ambush near Tongo Tongo in Niger were part of a pattern of expansion on the African continent that has made it the most active U.S. military theatre in the world. The United States has conducted more than 30 named operations and activities in Africa over the last three years, according to documents obtained by VICE News. While more troops are deployed to, and engaged in combat in, the Greater Middle East, the sheer number of named efforts in Africa actually surpasses that region.
VICE News reviewed documents from the U.S. Army, Africa Command, and Special Operations Command Africa, and conducted interviews with current and former military personnel and experts familiar with America’s “war on terror” in Africa. These documents and testimony paint a startling picture of a sprawling, labyrinthine, and at times chaotic shadow war on the African continent, in which commandos are endangered by a lack of resources and “assistance” operations blur with combat.
Africa has more named operations than any other theater, including CENTCOM [the command that oversees the Middle East],” Buldoc confirmed to VICE News. “But remains under-resourced for doing what it’s been directed to do.”


In 2017, U.S. troops carried out an average of nearly 10 missions per day —3,500 exercises, programs, and engagements for the year — across the African continent, according to Gen. Thomas Waldhauser, the AFRICOM commander.
These efforts — carried out in at least 33 countries — range from capture-or-kill commando raids to more banal training missions. Americans are also gathering intelligence, involved in surveillance and reconnaissance missions carried out by drones, engaged in construction projects, and accompanying allies on tactical operations.
There are also now 34 U.S. military outposts on the continent, concentrated in the north and west and the Horn of Africa, according to a recent report by The Intercept.

US operations Africa
This March 2018 briefing authored by Africa Command Science Advisor Peter Teil outlines current U.S. military operations throughout the African continent. (Nick Turse for VICE News).

Through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), AFRICOM provided VICE News with a list of 21 named operations conducted between January 1, 2016 and September 25, 2018. According to a separate March 2018 briefing, authored by Africa Command Science Advisor Peter Teil and also obtained via FOIA, eight current operations in North and West Africa were aimed at countering the Islamic State and Boko Haram and assisting local allies and French counterterrorism efforts. Six operations in East Africa focused on defeating al Shabaab, assisting the African Union Mission in Somalia, and counter-piracy. Two theater-wide efforts focused on crisis response in the event U.S. government personnel or facilities are threatened, while one operation — Echo Casemate — provides support to French and U.N. forces in the troubled Central African Republic.

A separate Defense Department document, marked “For Official Use Only,” that appears to have been posted online inadvertently, lists 12 named activities not on AFRICOM’s list, including eight in the east and another four in the northwest.

Taken together, these documents represent the most current and complete record of named U.S. operations and activities recently conducted on the continent, offering a window into a collection of little-understood, often overlapping, military efforts unknown to most Americans.


US operations Africa
Somali soldiers are on patrol at Sanguuni military base, where an American special operations soldier was killed by a mortar attack on June 8, about 450 km south of Mogadishu, Somalia, on June 13, 2018. - More than 500 American forces are partnering with African Union Mission to Somalia (AMISOM) and Somali national security forces in counterterrorism operations, and have conducted frequent raids and drone strikes on Al-Shabaab training camps throughout Somalia. (MOHAMED ABDIWAHAB/AFP/Getty Images).

The proliferation of so many concurrent counterterrorism efforts courts danger, said Bill (William) Hartung, the director of the Arms and Security Project at the Center for International Policy (ASPCIP).

Running so many operations with combat implications without making them known to the American public is both unwise and ultimately undemocratic. It is no way to run foreign policy in a democracy,” he said. “And running sensitive operations that are secret, or simply not widely publicized, increases the risks of failure, because they are not subject to public debate or adequate scrutiny.”

Bolduc also criticized the lack of transparency on the part of AFRICOM. “What we’re doing shouldn’t be a mystery,” he said.

Alice Hunt Friend, the principal director for African affairs in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy from 2012 to 2014, said the risks are compounded by the way these operations tend to blur between “assistance” and combat.

If the primary military activity in a country is assistance, then as we saw in Niger, U.S. combat-related resources are not readily on hand,” Friend explained.
Among the operations that provide “assistance” are the classified 127e programs. These secretive efforts are “aimed at assisting foreign forces who support U.S. counterterrorism operations,” said Friend.
But these activities often consist of far more than assistance, said Bolduc. Classified 127e programs are “direct action” efforts, which are defined by the Pentagon as “short-duration strikes and other small-scale offensive actions conducted as a special operation in hostile, denied, or diplomatically sensitive environments.”
Such direct-action missions were carried out in Cameroon, Kenya, Libya, Mali, Niger, Somalia, and Tunisia in recent years, as well as two nations where the 127e programs have now ended, Ethiopia and Mauritania, said Bolduc.

US operations Africa
Through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), AFRICOM provided VICE News with a list of 21 named operations conducted between January 1, 2016 and September 25, 2018. Above is the list. (Nick Turse for VICE News.)

The Department of Defense declined to provide details about these activities because many were “ongoing,” said Navy Commander Candice Tresch, a Pentagon spokesperson.
We are extremely lucky that there have not been more situations like Niger,” said Hartung. “Running dozens of missions where U.S. troops are liable to be thrust into combat roles is an extremely risky approach, putting both their lives and our interests at risk.”

Buldoc expressed particular concern over what he explained was a persistent lack of support from the Pentagon. “When I left command, I had 96 missions and 886 tasks associated with those missions in 28 different countries, in an area that was two and a half times the size of the United States,” Bolduc said. “I was under-resourced in personnel recovery. I was under-resourced in ISR [intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance assets]. And I was under resourced in medical support — the three key things that I needed.”

For years, the special operations community and its supporters have expressed concern over deployment rates, operations tempo, and the amount of resources being allocated to direct action missions. “Most SOF units are employed to their sustainable limit,” General Raymond Thomas (III), the Special Operations Command chief, told members of Congress last spring.
In June, the New York Times reported that Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, had grown concerned that commandos across the globe were spread too thin. And the resources afforded to the team ambushed in Niger in 2017, for example — who relied on contracted medical evacuation services, French airpower, and lightly armored vehicles — have been criticized as inadequate and dangerous.
Bolduc, the former SOCAFRICA commander, laid much of the blame of the Niger ambush on such deficits and a failure to adequately support local allies. “That lack of resources — as well as fundamentally misunderstanding the environment, the situation, and the threat — meant that we were unable to help our partners solve a regional problem. Because we didn’t provide an adequate military and security response, the threat got stronger and more effective. The direct result was the ambush of our SOF team in October 2017.”

Africa Command's official investigation, however, concluded that the “direct cause of the enemy attack in Tongo Tongo is that the enemy achieved tactical surprise there, and our forces were outnumbered approximately three to one,” according to AFRICOM’s former chief of staff, and now the head of the U.S. Army in Africa, Maj. Gen. Roger Cloutier.


The Pentagon told VICE News that the total number of troops assigned to AFRICOM — about 7,200 personnel — would be cut by less than 10 percent over several years, as it reviews its priority areas on the continent and reorients itself toward great power rivals.

There are, by comparison, roughly 24,000 troops deployed to Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, although President Trump recently suggested that U.S. troops might be withdrawn from the Middle East due to lower oil prices.

US military operations Africa
President Donald Trump with, from left, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, Trump, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford and Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller, speaks during a briefing with senior military leaders in the Cabinet Room at the White House in Washington, Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2018. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

Pentagon spokesperson Tresch said that the ambush in Niger had nothing to do with the Defense Department’s decision to modestly decrease troop levels in Africa. She said the move is predicated on the National Defense Strategy, released earlier this year, which calls for increased focus on near-peer competitors. The Trump administration is reportedly poised to unveil a broader strategy for Africa specifically focused on countering the influence of Russia and China on the continent.
As we prioritize where we need to place concentrations of troops, there were certain specialties — especially in the Special Operations arena — that we didn’t necessarily need employed in Africa,” AFRICOM’s Senior Enlisted Leader Chief Master Sergeant Ramon Colon-Lopez told VICE News.

Few, if any, troops will be cut from hotspots like Libya and Somalia, nor Djibouti, whose bases also play a pivotal role in U.S. operations in Yemen and the greater Middle East. Nor will any region of the continent see all U.S. forces removed. Troop drawdowns in West Africa will be marked by a shift from tactical-level support to a greater emphasis on advising, training and intelligence-sharing, the Pentagon said.

Bolduc, who supports robust military and diplomatic engagement on the continent, warned that any significant cuts to special operations forces would irreparably harm U.S. interests in Africa. 

“We’re becoming risk averse and it’s slowing down the amount of support we provide to our partner nations in training, advising, assisting, and accompanying them,” he said. “We’re basically ceding our strategic leverage and relationship with our African partners to the Chinese and the Russians.”

But Friend said there was greater risk in small teams of special operators conducting far flung and secretive missions on the continent.

The fact that American forces were out in the field like that made them vulnerable to [ISIS in the Greater Sahara] attacks. If they’re not forward and not out there, it’s much harder to attack them,” she said. “So, one of the choices in front of DoD decision-makers is ‘do we want to keep forces forward?’ and therefore ‘what kind of support do we need to give them?,’” Friend said.

Cover image: Malian soldiers take part in training at the Kamboinsé general Bila Zagre military camp near Ouagadougo in Burkina Faso during a military anti-terrorism exercise with US Army instructors on April 12, 2018. (ISSOUF SANOGO/AFP/Getty Images)
Zie ook:
'VS vermoordt zoals gewoonlijk straffeloos burgers in geheime Somalische oorlog'

'VS bombardementen: 62 vermoorde stadsbewoners in Somalië'

'De VS heeft 500 militairen ingezet in Somalië, het imperium breidt zich verder uit......'

'Jeroen Leenaers (CDA): Somalië is 'veilig' voor vluchtelingen.............' en in het verlengde daarvan: 'Jeroen Leenaers (CDA EU): 'veilige landen' moeten asielzoekers terugnemen, anders zwaait er wat........ OEI!!!' en: 'Amnesty International beschuldigt Nederland van het schenden van de mensenrechten, door Somaliërs terug te sturen......'

'VS, in 2016 vermoordde de VS 24.000 mensen, uit landen die op de lijst van inreisverboden staan.......'

'VS pleegt aanslag op een leider van al-Shabaab, geen 'onschuldige slachtoffers.....''

zaterdag 6 januari 2018

VS commando's vechten o.a. in Midden- en Zuid-Amerika, aldus het VS ministerie van oorlog.........

In het volgende bericht van Darius Shahtahmasebi geeft de VS letterlijk toe ook speciale troepen te hebben in Midden- en Zuid-Amerikaanse landen..... Dit was al bekend, maar een officiële bevestiging daarvoor was er tot nu toe niet. Waar deze speciale troepen (commando's) zijn, adviseren ze niet alleen, maar vechten ze ook en in dit geval zou dat tegen acties van Al Qaida of IS zijn........ ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! En dat door een 'land', de VS, dat het beste is aan te duiden als de grootste terreurentiteit op aarde...........

Shahtahmasebi legt in zijn artikel uit, dat de VS ook de gewone troepen wil gaan inzetten als speciale troepen, ofwel de geheime terroristische acties van de VS, zullen worden uitgebreid met gebruikmaking van onderdelen uit het gewone leger als speciale commando's.......... Dit naast de openlijke terreur die de VS uitoefent middels illegale oorlogen.....

In Afrika zou de VS in 20 landen bezig zijn met speciale troepen, wat tot nu toe tot 100 operaties heeft geleid......

Arme mensen, die met deze gehersenspoelde (en onder invloed van o.a. psychofarmaca), psychopathische moordenaars te maken krijgen........

Overigens zou de NAVO intussen een militaire bases in Zuid-Amerika hebben (Colombia), uiteraard onder direct bevel van het Pentagon..... Zo mogen wij via de NAVO meebetalen aan VS-terreur in steeds meer landen...... Eén van de redenen waarom meer van de door ons opgebrachte belastinggelden naar de NAVO moeten.......

Department of Defense Announces Major Changes to US Military Operations in 2018

January 4, 2018 at 2:00 pm

(ANTIMEDIA)  An interesting overlooked development taking place within the U.S.’ ever-expanding military is the recent announcement that conventional forces will begin blurring their roles with those of Special Forces, according to the Department of Defense.

At the end of last year, Defense Secretary James “Mad Dog” Mattis told Pentagon reporters that the experiences of war since the 9/11 attacks have blurred the lines between the two forces, noting that general purpose forces will eventually shoulder missions of their Special Forces counterparts.

I anticipate more general purpose forces being used for some of the missions,” he said. “In the past, we used only special forces to do it. The general purpose forces can do a lot of the kind of work that you see going on and, in fact, are now.

Specifically, Mattis expects this to happen within Iraq and Syria (bear in mind that U.S. troops, whether or not they are Special Forces, do not have the legal basis to operate in Syrian territory).

I mean, there was a time when the only people who ran drones were the Special Forces,” Mattis also said, as quoted by He said the use of drones is now widespread in the conventional force.

Special Operators have complained that they are overstretched, having been deployed almost everywhere across the globe. In 2017, fourteen of the 33 U.S. troops killed were assigned to Special Forces operations, several of whom died in battle arenas where the Trump administration has expanded counter-terrorism operations over the past year.

We are not the ultimate solution to every problem, and you will not hear that coming from us,” Gen. Raymond “Tony” Thomas (III), SoCom commander, told the Senate Armed Services Committee in May 2017.

We operate and fight in every corner of the world,”  Thomas also reportedly said. “On a daily basis, we sustain a deployed or forward stationed force of approximately 8,000 across 80-plus countries. They are conducting the entire range of SOF [Special Operations Forces] missions in both combat and non-combat situations.”

Special Forces are typically tasked with carrying out 12 core missions, including counterinsurgency and unconventional warfare to hostage rescue. As the Washington Post established, these Special Forces are frequently on the ground to coordinate fire support, acting as an “observation element for what appears to be US airstrikes carried out by A-10 ground attack aircraft.” According to a report by Vice News, at any given time, U.S. Special Forces are conducting nearly 100 missions across 20 African countries. According to the Nation, Thomas also said:

Special Operations Forces are the main effort, or major supporting effort for US VEO-focused operations in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, across the Sahel of Africa, the Philippines, and Central/South America—essentially, everywhere Al Qaeda (AQ) and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) are to be found…”

The recent change seems likely to indicate that the U.S. will be stepping up its involvement in areas it deems hotbeds of terrorism, perhaps opening up the door to something more confrontational.
It also seems likely that we will see the increased presence of Special Forces — as well conventional forces who have been trained to act like Special Forces — in places well outside the Middle East and Africa, including the Philippines.

According to Mattis, this change will most likely affect the dynamics in the Afghanistan theater, as well. The Army’s new “Security Force Assistance Brigades” (SFAB) is expected to deploy in the spring to Afghanistan to train, advise, and assist the duties of the Special Forces with the conventional Afghan forces.

We’re going to be putting more American forces, advisers, in the more conventional force in the Afghan army. As you know, they have not had them, and they’ve not — they were not ready to fight in the way we want them to,” Mattis said.

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