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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label Shahtahmasebi. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Shahtahmasebi. Alle posts tonen

vrijdag 4 mei 2018

Iran houdt zich aan de nucleaire deal dit in tegenstelling tot de VS........

In het hieronder opgenomen artikel, geschreven door Darius Shahtahmasebi, betoogt hij dat niet Iran de nucleaire deal schendt maar de VS! Dezelfde VS, die sinds de Trump administratie aan het bewind is, deze deal van tafel wil hebben, zoals o.a. Trump zelf meermaals op een meer dan belachelijke manier heeft gesteld.

Echter als je de bepalingen in deze deal, de 'Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) leest en deze goed analyseert, is het juist de VS die dit JCPOA schendt!

Voorts hebben zelfs de psychopaten Pompeo, Tillerson, Mattis en het State Department (het VS ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken) gesteld dat Iran zich wel degelijk aan deze overeenkomst houdt. Naast deze spelers heeft ook de IAEA (het internationaal atoomagentschap) gesteld dat Iran zich aan de deal hield en houdt, een vaststelling die de IAEA maar liefst 9 keer heeft gedaan....... Ook EU partners in de IAEA en de EU hebben dit meermaals vastgesteld.....

Lees het volgende verhelderende relaas van Shahtahmasebi (en zegt het voort, de reguliere media beginnen meer en meer de leugens van de Trump administratie in deze te herhalen en te verdedigen, niet in de laatste plaats te danken aan de belachelijke 'openbaringen' van Palestijnenslachter Netanyahu en zijn psychopathische collega Lieberman*):

Iran Isn’t Violating the Nuclear Agreement — America Is

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor Iran Isn’t Violating the Nuclear Agreement — America Is

May 2, 2018 at 3:21 pm

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed)  On Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave his most grandiose anti-Iranian performance to date, revealing what he believed was direct proof that Iran “lied” about its nuclear program. This isn’t the first time Netanyahu has overhyped the threat of Iran’s non-existent nuclear weapons program. He has been crying wolf over Iran since as far back as 1992.

The aim of this performance is to cast doubt on the efficacy of the Iranian nuclear accord signed in 2015, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which U.S. President Donald Trump has long intended to completely derail. Netanyahu, of course, is totally on board with this goal.

Following Netanyahu’s speech, the White House released a statement of its own, saying Israel’s intelligence confirms what the U.S. had already known — that “Iran has a robust, clandestine nuclear weapons program that it has tried and failed to hide from the world.” Not long after, the White House issued a second statement that changed the word “has” to “had,” appearing to suggest that Iran no longer possesses a nuclear weapons program. However, a White House official later explained to NBC News that the wrong tense was the result of a “clerical error.”

Either way, despite the uncompromising anti-Iranian narrative, the prevailing truth appears to be that Iran is in full compliance with the JCPOA, and the main officials involved — including Trump and Netanyahu — are well aware of this. In his April 12 Senate confirmation hearing, then-CIA director Mike Pompeo (who this week began his tenure as secretary of state) said he has “seen no evidence that they [Iran] are not in compliance today.”

Just last month, the State Department once again issued a report declaring that “Iran continued to fulfill its nuclear-related commitments” under the JCPOA following an ongoing pattern of the State Department even under the watch of Rex Tillerson, who essentially forced Trump to certify Iran’s compliance. Secretary of Defense James “Mad Dog” Mattis has also said Iran is “fundamentally” in compliance with the nuclear agreement.

Further, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has also confirmed Iran’s compliance at least nine times, as have the European partners to the JCPOA and practically the entire EU.

The deal is working, it is delivering on its main goal which means keeping the Iranian nuclear programme in check,” said Federica Mogherini, the EU’s foreign policy chief, before acknowledging that the JCPOA is “making the world safer and … preventing a potential nuclear arms race in the region.”

In fact, as the Atlantic’s Peter Beinart has explained, it is Donald Trump’s administration that is most likely violating the JCPOA — not Iran.

According to Beinart:

The more interesting question isn’t whether Iran has been complying with the nuclear deal. It’s whether America has. American journalists often describe the agreement as a trade. In the words of one CNN report, it ‘obliges Iran to limit its nuclear program in exchange for the suspension of economic sanctions.’ 

But there’s more to it than that. The deal doesn’t only require the United States to lift nuclear sanctions. It requires the United States not to inhibit Iran’s reintegration into the global economy. Section 26 commits the U.S. (and its allies) ‘to prevent interference with the realisation of the full benefit by Iran of the sanctions lifting specified’ in the deal. Section 29 commits the U.S. and Europe to ‘refrain from any policy specifically intended to directly and adversely affect the normalisation of trade and economic relations with Iran.’ Section 33 commits them to ‘agree on steps to ensure Iran’s access in areas of trade, technology, finance and energy.’”

This is the interesting part. According to those sections, the U.S. has been violating the JCPOA for some time now.

As Beinart explains further:

The Trump administration has likely been violating these clauses. The Washington Post reported that at a NATO summit last May, ‘Trump tried to persuade European partners to stop making trade and business deals with Iran.’ Then, in July, Trump’s director of legislative affairs boasted that at a G20 summit in Germany, Trump had ‘underscored the need for nations … to stop doing business with nations that sponsor terrorism, especially Iran.’ Both of these lobbying efforts appear to violate America’s pledge to ‘refrain from any policy specifically intended to directly and adversely affect the normalisation of trade and economic relations with Iran.’”

Or, take for example, sanctions imposed on Iran by the Trump administration in July of last year that targeted “procurement of advanced military hardware, such as fast attack boats and unmanned aerial vehicles, and send a strong signal that the United States cannot and will not tolerate Iran’s provocative and destabilizing behaviour,” according to a statement released by U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin.

Beinart also explains how that 22 of the deal specifically requires the U.S. to allow for the sale of commercial passenger aircraft and related parts and services to Iran,” which, as Al-Monitor revealed, “requests concerning permits to export planes to Iran have been piling up … OFAC** has not responded to aircraft sales licensing requests since the first of such licenses were issued during the Barack Obama administration.”

In other words, Iran is in compliance with the JCPOA but the U.S. isn’t. Does the U.S. abide by its own rules, or should it be held to the same standards that the world has held Iran ransom to for decades?

It is nothing short of extraordinary that the only country to have ever used nuclear weapons can be the one violating an international agreement all while it consistently demonizes another state for allegedly violating the very same agreement. Why is it that the U.S. can violate the JCPOA with no consequence but Iran is demonized even as it continues to comply with it?

The problem with the JCPOA isn’t that it isn’t working; the problem for people like Trump and Netanyahu is that it is working too well.


*  Zie: 'Iran moet hangen en Iran-deal moet van tafel....... Israël speelt wolf in schaapskleren'

** OFAC: Office of Foreign Assets Control.

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vrijdag 30 maart 2018

Saoedi-Arabië heeft op verzoek van de VS intensief haar islam ideologie (en die van ISIS) verspreid.....

Weer een geval van je gelooft je ogen niet als je het leest: de psychopathische Saoedische kroonprins Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), de oorlogsmisdadiger die verantwoordelijk is voor de gaande zijnde genocide op sjiieten in Jemen*, werd maar liefst 75 minuten lang gepromoot door de Washington Post (WaPo).

Tijdens de promotie voor deze schoft stelde deze 'MBS' dat de VS en andere westerse landen Saoedi-Arabië hebben gevraagd haar vorm van islam, het wahabisme uit te dragen in landen die banden onderhielden met de Sovjet-Unie, ofwel als instrument te dienen tegen het 'communisme.........'

E.e.a. nadat Saoedi-Arabië het wahabisme ging uitdragen als reactie op Nasser, de 'socialistische' president van Egypte, waar de term 'nasserisme' haar oorsprong vond. Nasser was de Egyptische president die tijdens zijn leven (en lang daarna) immens populair was in de arabische wereld........

In de 80er jaren leidde dit tot de samenwerking van de VS met Saoedi-Arabië in de strijd tegen door de Sovjet-Unie gesteunde linkse bewind in Afghanistan, ofwel: dit leidde tot de strijd tegen de Russische troepen in dat land....... Met deze steun werd de Taliban als strijdgroep groot (en machtig) in Afghanistan, dezelfde Taliban, die de VS met de NAVO aan de leiband nu al bijna 17 jaar lang bestrijd zonder enig succes, sterker nog: de Taliban is niet ver verwijderd van het punt waarop de oorlog begon in 2001....... Een oorlog die aan een enorm aantal burgers het leven heeft gekost (ofwel: die zijn vermoord), lullig genoeg kan je daar (althans ikzelf) geen cijfers voor vinden**, men spreekt over tienduizenden, echter dat moet intussen de 250.000 al lang zijn gepasseerd.......

Lees hoe ook het bouwen van moskeeën en madrassa's (islam scholen) door Saoedi-Arabië over een fiks deel van de wereld (zie het cijfer voor te bouwen moskeeën in Bangladesh in het volgende artikel), en daarmee de verspreiding van het fanatieke wahabisme (de ideologie van IS...) voor een groot deel is te danken aan de VS en andere westerse landen..... Overigens bleek uit de gelekte e-mails van Hillary Clinton, dat Saoedi-Arabië de grootste sponsor is van IS........ I.p.v. Clinton te vervolgen (ook door de reguliere massa-media) voor het niet delen van deze informatie, het niet ingrijpen op deze informatie en haar innige banden met Saoedi-Arabië, maakt men zich druk om wie de e-mails heeft gelekt...... Ongelofelijk!!

Saudi Crown Prince: America Asked Us to Spread Ideology of ISIS

March 29, 2018 at 1:01 pm

(ANTIMEDIA)  In the latest continuation of western media’s shameless promotion of a known war criminal, the Washington Post (WaPo) sat down with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) last Thursday for a 75-minute discussion (even the Post itself previously published an acknowledgment of his crimes).

While the Post’s write-up focuses mainly on the allegation that MBS has Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, “in his pocket,” the war in Yemen, and the rights of women in the Kingdom, most curious is the second-to-last paragraph of the report, which states the following:

Asked about the Saudi-funded spread of Wahhabism, the austere faith that is dominant in the kingdom and that some have accused of being a source of global terrorism, Mohammed said that investments in mosques and madrassas overseas were rooted in the Cold War, when allies asked Saudi Arabia to use its resources to prevent inroads in Muslim countries by the Soviet Union.” [emphasis added]

What? Allies asked Saudi Arabia to use its resources — specifically, investments in mosques and madrassas overseas —to prevent countries from forming alliances with the former Soviet Union?

Of course, it was already known that Saudi Arabia was doing just that for decades, but this is the first time the blame has been openly shifted to Western allies in an interview with a major newspaper.

As the Week explained in 2015, Saudi Arabia has spent billions of dollars “investing heavily in building mosques, madrasas, schools, and Sunni cultural centers across the Muslim world. Indian intelligence says that in India alone, from 2011 to 2013, some 25,000 Saudi clerics arrived bearing more than $250 million to build mosques and universities and hold seminars.”

The effects of this policy have been far-reaching. As even pro-war pundit Fareed Zakaria has documented:

In Southeast Asia, almost all observers whom I have spoken with believe that there is another crucial cause [behind the ‘cancer’ of Islamic extremism] – exported money and ideology from the Middle East, chiefly Saudi Arabia. A Singaporean official told me, ‘Travel around Asia and you will see so many new mosques and madrassas built in the last 30 years that have had funding from the Gulf. They are modern, clean, air-conditioned, well-equipped – and Wahhabi [Saudi Arabia’s puritanical version of Islam].’

Recently, it was reported that Saudi Arabia plans to contribute almost $1 billion to build 560 mosques in Bangladesh. The Saudi government has denied this, but sources in Bangladesh tell me there’s some truth to the report.”

Saudi Arabia’s funding for extremism has even reached as far as the Indian Ocean. According to the New York Times, Saudi Arabia has “for decades spread its conservative strand of Islam in the Maldives by sending religious leaders, building mosques and giving scholarships to students to attend universities.” Is it a mere coincidence therefore that the South China Morning Post reported that Indian intelligence sources are claiming hundreds of Maldivians have joined ISIS in Syria?

We also know from Hillary Clinton’s leaked emails that Saudi Arabia was almost certainly one of ISIS’ prime sponsors — and that the Clinton camp was well aware of this issue.

While this is the first time a prominent figurehead like MBS has admitted not only that Saudi Arabia spreads its Wahhabist strain of Islam across the world but also that it was done at the request of its western allies, there is proof that MBS’ claim is a well-kept secret of former and current American administrations.

As former U.S. ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad wrote in September 2016, a Saudi official quietly admitted this little-known fact almost two years ago:

He [the Saudi official] explained that Saudi support for Islamic extremism started in the early 1960s as a counter to Nasserism—the socialist political ideology that came out of the thinking of Egypt’s Gamal Abdel Nasser—which threatened Saudi Arabia and led to war between the two countries along the Yemen border. This tactic allowed them to successfully contain Nasserism, and the Saudis concluded that Islamism could be a powerful tool with broader utility.

Under their new and unprecedented policy of honesty, the Saudi leadership also explained to me that their support for extremism was a way of resisting the Soviet Union, often in cooperation with the United States, in places like Afghanistan in the 1980s. In this application too, they argued, it proved successful. Later it was deployed against Iranian-supported Shiite movements in the geopolitical competition between the two countries.” [emphasis added]


*  De VS is vanwege haar steun medeverantwoordelijk voor de Saoedische genocide in Jemen, zie: 'VS doet planning van de Saoedische genocide in Jemen.....'

** Niet vreemd dat er geen cijfers met het totaal aantal vermoordde burgerslachtoffers te vinden zijn, immers de reguliere westerse media en het grootste deel van de westerse politici hebben daar geen belang bij, zij hebben deze zinloze (illegale-) oorlog van meet af aan gepromoot en gesteund........

Zie ook: 'Saoedi-Arabië dreigt Iran aan te vallen voor vanuit Jemen afgevuurde 'raketten' op Saoedische 'doelen..........''

zondag 25 maart 2018

John Bolton, nationaal veiligheidsadviseur, alsof de duivel zelf is benoemd........

Mensen ik had het bericht, waarin wordt 'gesproken' over de vervanging van figuren rond het beest Trump, 'nog niet gepubliceerd'* of men maakte bekend dat McMaster, zelf al een enorme ploert van formaat, werd  afgezet door het beest, om plaats te maken voor John Bolton, ofwel de duivel zelf..... (zo niet dan toch één van diens trouwste medewerkers...)

Bolton schreef onlangs 'geheel toevallig een' opiniestuk' in de Wall Street Journal dat de VS Noord-Korea moet aanvallen.... uit zelfbehoud!!! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Alsof Noord-Korea ooit ook maar een miljoenste van een seconde een gevaar is geweest voor de VS....... Ja ik lach wel, maar deze opperploert is werkelijk een gevaar voor de hele wereld.......

Alsof je een oorlogsmisdadiger, die je minstens als terrorist moet zien, minister van defensie maakt.... Oh ja, deze benoeming is in feite nog erger...!!

Bolton is één van de hoofdverantwoordelijken voor de illegale oorlog tegen Irak, waar hij de massavernietigingsfabel bleef herhalen als ambassadeur bij de VN......... Al moest je ofwel een topidioot zijn om dit te geloven, dan wel een kwaadaardige collaborateur van de VS, of lobbyist van andere westerse regeringen zijn die achter deze illegale oorlog stonden (zoals de reguliere westerse media....).... Hoewel een lobbyist van het militair-industrieel complex, of een combi van het e.e.a. heel goed mogelijk is.........

Met Pompeo, een andere opperschoft op Buitenlandse Zaken, een groot voorstander van oorlog tegen Iran en Noord-Korea, laat zich raden wat er op het 'menu staat.....' (één of het liefst twee illegale oorlogen, misschien zelfs met het gebruik van 'tactische' kernwapens, zodat deze getest kunnen worden in de praktijk.......)

Ik hoef je niet te vertellen wat hiervan het gevolg zal zijn..... Och, waarom ook niet: Rusland zal dit zeker niet pikken en waarschijnlijk zal China al evenmin op de handen blijven zitten, ofwel WOIII zal dan een voldongen feit zijn.........

Hoe is het mogelijk dat de westerse media zo relatief gelaten reageren op deze laatste benoemingen.....??? Ach ja, die zien niet eens de grootschalige terreur die de VS uitoefent op een explosief deel van de wereld..... Sterker: nog steeds durft men daar niet te stellen dat de VS meehelpt aan een genocide op de sjiitische bevolking van Jemen......

Darius Shahtahmasebi noemt Bolton America's Worst Nightmare, ik zou een stap verder willen gaan en hem daarom de ergste nachtmerrie voor de wereld willen noemen.....

America’s Worst Nightmare

March 23, 2018 at 11:45 am

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) — John Bolton’s inclusion in the Trump administration as Donald Trump’s new national security advisor is nothing short of a nightmare.

Bolton, a former U.N. ambassador under George W. Bush, will be replacing General H.R. McMaster as Trump’s national security advisor, who replaced former “disgraced” national security advisor Michael Flynn. When the president struck a Syrian airbase in April 2017, it was McMaster who drew up and briefed Trump on the strike proposals, one of which was reportedly very extensive.

McMaster was also reportedly one of the main backers of a secret plan to give North Korea’s Kim Jong-un a “bloody nose strike,” a limited strike to dismantle its nuclear ambitions without risking an all-out war.

However, despite this, it appears McMaster wasn’t hawkish enough for Donald Trump’s needs. While McMaster publicly berates Iran and North Korea on a regular basis, he persistently warned against Trump’s plan to completely derail the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) formed with Iran in 2015. He also later denied the claims that the Trump administration was looking to deliver the “bloody nose strike” on North Korea, perhaps indicating he was not completely on board with the idea after all (or had decided otherwise at that particular juncture in history).

Enter John Bolton. Less than month ago, he wrote an op-ed article published by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) entitled “The Legal Case for Striking North Korea First” — an idea so bad, it seems, that about a week later, the WSJ published a counter viewpoint simply entitled “Striking North Korea First Is a Bad Proposal.”

In Bolton’s short-sighted op-ed — aside from the fact that he offers no real legal analysis at all (those who do consider it a legal analysis must explain why the argument of preemptive self-defense applies to the U.S. but not to North Korea, which faces American aggression near its borders on a routine basis) — it’s also quite telling that he relies on the evidence of CIA Director Mike Pompeo, who alleged in January that Pyongyang was only “a handful of months” away from being able to strike the American mainland with nukes.

It is no coincidence that next in line for Donald Trump’s secretary of state position is Pompeo himself.

Together, Bolton and Pompeo will be able to advise Trump on anti-North Korean and anti-Iranian platforms so hawkish there is no telling what’s to come (though we have a fairly decent idea).

As some of you may know, John Bolton’s hawkishness has already led to some of the most despicable foreign policy agendas of our generation.

We are confident that Saddam Hussein has hidden weapons of mass destruction and production facilities in Iraq,” Bolton famously said in 2002 while serving as President George W. Bush’s undersecretary of state for Arms Control and International Security. He also called Hussein a “threat to the region” and claimed he needed to be “disarmed.”

But the end of the story is clear here. And if Saddam Hussein does not co-operate we have made it clear this is the last chance for him…I think the Iraqi people would be unique in history if they didn’t welcome the overthrow of this dictatorial regime,” he added.

Even when this rationale for invading Iraq and destabilizing an entire region turned out to be one of the worst editions of “fake news” ever to sting the planet, in 2015 – some 12 years later – Bolton still claimed the Iraq War was worth it and said that, conversely, the worst decision involving Iraq was the “2011 decision to withdraw U.S. and coalition forces.” In 2016, he then changed his mind to say that the only mistake of the Iraq War was that the U.S. did not get rid of Saddam Hussein sooner.
If John Bolton leads the cheers to invade Iran or North Korea, who will hold him accountable?

Apparently having learned no lessons at all from the criminal invasion of Iraq, Bolton also wrote a New York Times op-ed entitled “To Stop Iran’s Bomb, Bomb Iran” in 2015. He made it quite clear that “only military action” could accomplish what was required to stop Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. In Bolton’s eyes, the JCPOA doesn’t cut it.

He also openly called for the assassination of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, only to later condemn the Obama administration for doing just that (an invasion is bad if a Democrat does it, and vice versa, of course, depending on who you are running against).

John Bolton is also a strong anti-Russian, drone-warfare supporting imperialist who once also appeared to call for the invasion of Cuba.

He is now going to be advising Donald Trump, a seventy-one-year-old mass murdering narcissist with an attention span of two to four minutes, on matters of national security.
