de promotie voor deze schoft stelde deze 'MBS' dat de VS en andere
westerse landen Saoedi-Arabië hebben gevraagd haar vorm van islam,
het wahabisme uit te dragen in landen die banden onderhielden met de
Sovjet-Unie, ofwel als instrument te dienen tegen het
nadat Saoedi-Arabië het wahabisme ging uitdragen als reactie op
Nasser, de 'socialistische' president van Egypte, waar de term 'nasserisme' haar oorsprong vond. Nasser was de Egyptische president die tijdens zijn leven (en lang daarna) immens populair was in de arabische wereld........
In de 80er jaren leidde dit tot de samenwerking van de VS met Saoedi-Arabië in de strijd tegen door de Sovjet-Unie gesteunde linkse bewind in Afghanistan, ofwel: dit leidde tot de strijd tegen de Russische troepen in dat land....... Met deze steun werd de Taliban als strijdgroep groot (en machtig) in Afghanistan, dezelfde Taliban, die de VS met de NAVO aan de leiband nu al bijna 17 jaar lang bestrijd zonder enig succes, sterker nog: de Taliban is niet ver verwijderd van het punt waarop de oorlog begon in 2001....... Een oorlog die aan een enorm aantal burgers het leven heeft gekost (ofwel: die zijn vermoord), lullig genoeg kan je daar (althans ikzelf) geen cijfers voor vinden**, men spreekt over tienduizenden, echter dat moet intussen de 250.000 al lang zijn gepasseerd.......
hoe ook het bouwen van moskeeën en madrassa's (islam scholen) door Saoedi-Arabië
over een fiks deel van de wereld (zie het cijfer voor te bouwen moskeeën in Bangladesh in het volgende artikel), en daarmee de verspreiding van het
fanatieke wahabisme (de ideologie van IS...) voor een groot deel is te
danken aan de VS en andere westerse landen..... Overigens bleek uit de gelekte e-mails van Hillary Clinton, dat Saoedi-Arabië de grootste sponsor is van IS........ I.p.v. Clinton te vervolgen (ook door de reguliere massa-media) voor het niet delen van deze informatie, het niet ingrijpen op deze informatie en haar innige banden met Saoedi-Arabië, maakt men zich druk om wie de e-mails heeft gelekt...... Ongelofelijk!!
Saudi Crown Prince: America Asked Us to Spread Ideology of ISIS
29, 2018 at 1:01 pm
by Darius
the latest continuation of western media’s shameless promotion of
a known war criminal, the Washington
Post (WaPo) sat
down with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) last Thursday
for a 75-minute discussion (even the Post itself
previously published an acknowledgment of
his crimes).
the Post’s write-up focuses mainly on the
allegation that MBS has Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner,
“in his pocket,” the war in Yemen, and the rights of women in the
Kingdom, most curious is the second-to-last paragraph of the report,
which states the following:
about the Saudi-funded spread of Wahhabism, the austere faith that is
dominant in the kingdom and that some have accused of being a source
of global terrorism, Mohammed said that investments in mosques and
madrassas overseas were rooted in the Cold War, when
allies asked Saudi Arabia to use its resources to prevent inroads in
Muslim countries by the Soviet Union.” [emphasis
Allies asked Saudi Arabia to use its resources —
specifically, investments in mosques and madrassas overseas —to
prevent countries from forming alliances with the former Soviet
course, it was already known that
Saudi Arabia was doing just that for decades, but this is the first
time the blame has been openly shifted to Western allies in an
interview with a major newspaper.
As the Week explained in
2015, Saudi Arabia has spent billions of dollars “investing
heavily in building mosques, madrasas, schools, and Sunni cultural
centers across the Muslim world. Indian intelligence says that in
India alone, from 2011 to 2013, some 25,000 Saudi clerics arrived
bearing more than $250 million to build mosques and universities and
hold seminars.”
effects of this policy have been far-reaching. As even pro-war
pundit Fareed Zakaria has documented:
Southeast Asia, almost all observers whom I have spoken with believe
that there is another crucial cause [behind the ‘cancer’ of
Islamic extremism] – exported money and ideology from the Middle
East, chiefly Saudi Arabia. A Singaporean official told me, ‘Travel
around Asia and you will see so many new mosques and madrassas built
in the last 30 years that have had funding from the Gulf. They are
modern, clean, air-conditioned, well-equipped – and Wahhabi [Saudi
Arabia’s puritanical version of Islam].’
it was reported that Saudi Arabia plans to contribute almost $1
billion to build 560 mosques in Bangladesh. The Saudi government has
denied this, but sources in Bangladesh tell me there’s some truth
to the report.”
Arabia’s funding for extremism has even reached as far as the
Indian Ocean. According
to the New
York Times,
Saudi Arabia has “for
decades spread its conservative strand of Islam in the Maldives by
sending religious leaders, building mosques and giving scholarships
to students to attend universities.” Is
it a mere coincidence therefore that the South
China Morning Post reported that
Indian intelligence sources are claiming hundreds of Maldivians have
joined ISIS in Syria?
also know from
Hillary Clinton’s leaked emails that Saudi Arabia was almost
certainly one of ISIS’ prime sponsors — and that the Clinton camp
was well aware of this issue.
this is the first time a prominent figurehead like MBS has admitted
not only that Saudi Arabia spreads its Wahhabist strain of Islam
across the world but also that it was done at the request of its
western allies, there is proof that MBS’ claim is a well-kept
secret of former and current American administrations.
former U.S. ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad wrote
in September 2016,
a Saudi official quietly admitted this little-known fact almost two
years ago:
[the Saudi official] explained that Saudi support for Islamic
extremism started in the early 1960s as a counter to Nasserism—the
socialist political ideology that came out of the thinking of Egypt’s
Gamal Abdel Nasser—which threatened Saudi Arabia and led to war
between the two countries along the Yemen border. This tactic allowed
them to successfully contain Nasserism, and the Saudis concluded that
Islamism could be a powerful tool with broader utility.
their new and unprecedented policy of honesty, the Saudi leadership
also explained to me that their support for
extremism was a way of resisting the Soviet Union, often in
cooperation with the United States, in places like Afghanistan in the
1980s. In
this application too, they argued, it proved successful. Later it was
deployed against Iranian-supported Shiite movements in the
geopolitical competition between the two countries.” [emphasis
* De VS is vanwege haar steun medeverantwoordelijk voor de Saoedische genocide in Jemen, zie: 'VS doet planning van de Saoedische genocide in Jemen.....'
** Niet vreemd dat er geen cijfers met het totaal aantal vermoordde burgerslachtoffers te vinden zijn, immers de reguliere westerse media en het grootste deel van de westerse politici hebben daar geen belang bij, zij hebben deze zinloze (illegale-) oorlog van meet af aan gepromoot en gesteund........
Zie ook: 'Saoedi-Arabië dreigt Iran aan te vallen voor vanuit Jemen afgevuurde 'raketten' op Saoedische 'doelen..........''
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