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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label paramilitairen. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label paramilitairen. Alle posts tonen

vrijdag 13 juli 2018

Militairen hebben geen tijd voor bijstand in zaken als een terreuraanslag....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Vanmorgen meldde het BNR nieuws van 8.00 u. dat het Nederlandse leger heeft laten weten geen tijd meer te hebben voor bijstand in zaken als een terreuraanslag...... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Nee, het leger is veel te druk met het creëren van terreur op onze straten, dit door het uitvoeren van militaire missies, als bijstand in illegale oorlogen van de VS tegen landen waar de VS en ons leger niets, maar dan ook helemaal niets te zoeken hebben!

Een woordvoerder van het leger zou in het AD hebben laten weten dat reservisten deze taak moeten overnemen in het geval van calamiteiten als een terreuraanslag. Deze reservisten moeten dan nog wel wat schietlessen volgen.......

Reservisten, voor het grootste deel rechtse hufters, veelal uit de foute studentencorpsen...... Een leuk vooruitzicht als je dit tuig geüniformeerd tegenkomt op straat, op zich is dat al een vorm van terreur!

vrijdag 30 september 2016

Stijn Derksen, rector Vindicat, neemt geen maatregelen tegen ontgroening, maar wacht eerst een intern en extern onderzoek af.........

Weer een slachtoffer door ontgroening, dit keer nogmaals in Groningen. Gistermiddag had presentator Hemmen op BNR, 'de rector' van Vindicat, Derksen aan de telefoon. Deze klootzak wil volgens Trouw niet zeggen, hoe het hersenletsel bij het aspirant lid is ontstaan, letsel dat deze opliep tijdens de ontgroening.......

Ook bij Hemmen wilde Derksen niet zeggen hoe het letsel was ontstaan, precies zo wilde Derksen niet verklaren dat dit achterlijk ontgroenen eindelijk zal worden verboden....... Sterker nog, die ontgroening wil Derksen niet verbieden, hooguit een paar beperkingen.

Derksen stelde keer op keer, dat hij eerst een intern en extern onderzoek wil afwachten, voordat hij eventueel maatregelen zal nemen......

Dit is het zoveelste incident tijdens de ontgroening door het ballen corps, u weet wel de weg naar een bestuursfunctie (onthoudt dit als u bijvoorbeeld een politicus van de VVD, of een ondernemer de zoveelste inhumane rotopmerking hoort maken). In Groningen overleed al eens een aspirant lid, na het drinken van een grote hoeveelheid sterke drank....

Derksen zei over de seksistische, vernederende 'bangalijst' voor vrouwelijke studenten, dat dit niet kan, maar dat het wel de mooiste Groningse meisjes zijn......... Jezus, wat een enorme hufter!!!

Het is zelfs zo zot, dat aspirant leden van studentenverenigingen een zwijgcontract moeten tekenen, betreffende de ontgroening, waar de boete bij overtreding € 25.000,-- is.........

Een lul van de universiteit van Groningen, Jan de Jeu, durfde gistermiddag na 17.00 u. bij BNR te zeggen, dat de universiteit al een paar jaar bezig was met ontgroening (aan banden te leggen, Ap) ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! De lul vindt wel, dat ontgroening moet kunnen, maar wel met beperkingen......... Even later stelde hij gelukkig, dat ontgroeningen eigenlijk niet meer zou moeten kunnen.

De wanpresterende PvdA kwaadaardigheid Ploumen durfde haar verontwaardiging uit te spreken over het voorval in Groningen....... De wezenloze trut zit al 4 jaar als minister en nog steeds heeft ze niets tegen dit achterlijke gebruik gedaan, zoals haar voorgaande (PvdA) collega's ook al niets ondernamen tegen dit, meer dan achterlijke gebruik!!

Moet u nagaan, dit corpsballen tuig vormt ook nog eens een militaire reserve, zij krijgen militaire training om in geval van calamiteiten de belangen van de bedrijven en de welgestelden te behartigen.......

Klik voor meer berichten n.a.v. het bovenstaande, op één van de labels, die u onder dit bericht terug kan vinden, dit geldt niet voor het label 'Vindicat'.

vrijdag 26 augustus 2016

Lullo's tot Nederlands cultureel erfgoed verheven........ ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Gisteren donderde ik weer eens heftig van m'n kruk: in een BNR nieuwsuitzending het bericht dat studentenverenigingen zijn verheven tot 'Nederlands cultureel erfgoed........'

De verenigingen voor de welgestelde studenten, die jongeren ontgroenen, alsof het nog 1860 is, worden dus verheven tot cultureel erfgoed...... Alsof we internationaal nog niet voldoende voor joker staan.........

Psychopathische verenigingen voor de inhumane neoliberale politici en bedrijfsleiders van de toekomst, verheven tot cultureel erfgoed......

Psychopaten die godbetert militaire training krijgen, inclusief schietlessen....... Dit voor het moment waarop de onderlaag in opstand zou komen en dit geteisem ingezet zal worden om te helpen orde op zaken te stellen....... Cultureel erfgoed..........

Psychopaten die als knokploeg door een wijk als de Schilderswijk in Den Haag willen marcheren, om te bewoners te choqueren en te intimideren...... Echt iets om trots op te zijn.......

Psychopaten als van Pro Patria (Leidse studentenvereniging, die ook door de Schilderswijk wilden marcheren) die grafstenen op een joods kerkhof vernielden, echt reden om tot cultureel erfgoed te worden gerekend..........

Studentenverenigingen Cultureel Erfgoed? Cultureel fascistisch erfgoed zullen ze bedoelen!!

Wat een land mensen en weet u wat? Zowel op Radio1 als BNR was men nog trots op die toekenning ook.........

Voor meer berichten n.a.v. het bovenstaande, klik op één van de labels, die u onder dit bericht terug kan vinden.

woensdag 1 juni 2016

Nuon, Essent, E.On en Engie weigeren te stoppen met import bloedkolen..... Boycot die bedrijven a.u.b. mensen!

Het volgende bericht werd vandaag geplaatst op de webpagina van Ravage. Het handelt over de kolenimport uit Colombia, waar 4 in Nederland opererende energiebedrijven kolen inkopen. Het gebied waar de steenkool vandaan komt, werd tussen 1996 en 2006 middels een schrikbewind van paramilitairen vrijgemaakt van de bewoners (veelal boeren), waarbij 3.100 mensen werden vermoord en 55.000 boeren van hun land werden verdreven..........

Mensen, lees het artikel en geef het door aan familie, vrienden en bekenden, bent u of één van voornoemde groepen klant van Nuon, Engie, Essent, of E.ON, zeg dan a.u.b. uw contract op en vraag uw verwanten, vrienden en bekenden, hetzelfde te doen. U wordt alvast bedankt door Maira Mendéz en vele andere nabestaanden van de slachtoffers. De genoemde bedrijven wilden Mendéz niet toezeggen te stoppen met de import van deze 'foute steenkool', toen ze onlangs in Nederland was om voor erkenning te vechten en deze bedrijven te vragen af te zien van verdere import van Columbiaanse bloedkolen........ Beter nog: neem geen energie af, van leveranciers, die nog steeds steenkool verstoken!

Vredesorganisatie PAX is een campagne gestart om klanten van Nuon, Engie, Essent en E.ON te laten wisselen van energieleverancier. Deze energiebedrijven importeren ‘bloedkolen’ uit Colombia.
De laatste tijd voeren milieuorganisaties campagnes en acties tegen bedrijven die nog gebruik maken van kolen om energie mee op te wekken. De schade die de vrijgekomen CO2 door de kolenverbranding toebrengt aan het milieu is de milieubeweging een doorn in het oog. Bij PAX ageert men tegen Nuon, Engie, Essent en E.ON vanuit oogpunt van de mensenrechten. Deze bedrijven weigeren volgens de vredesorganisatie, ondanks verzoeken, de inkoop van kolen uit Colombia tijdelijk stop te zetten.
De ‘bloedkolen’ worden gedolven door Colombiaanse mijnbedrijven die betrokken zouden zijn geweest bij schendingen van mensenrechten tussen 1996 en 2006, aldus PAX. In die tijd hebben paramilitairen 3100 mensen vermoord en 55.000 boeren van hun land verdreven. Daarvan zouden de betreffende mijnbouwbedrijven nog steeds profiteren daar een deel van het afgepakte land op grondgebied ligt van de mijnbedrijven.
Al ruim tien jaar wachten slachtoffers en nabestaanden op erkenning en financiële compensatie voor wat hen tussen 1996 en 2006 in de Colombiaanse provincie Cesar is aangedaan. Volgens voormalig paramilitaire daders en getuigen hebben de mijnbouwbedrijven Drummond en Glencore/Prodeco met de paramilitairen samengewerkt door het leveren van financiële en materiële steun en strategische informatie.
Maira Mendéz tijdens haar bezoek aan Nederland, april 2016.
De Colombiaanse Maira Mendéz, wiens vader in 2001 voor de ogen van zijn gezin door paramilitairen werd dood geschoten, verzocht vorige maand bij een bezoek aan Nederland tevergeefs de vier betrokken energiebedrijven tijdelijk te stoppen met de inkoop van de ‘bloedkolen’. PAX is zelf al geruime tijd met de energiebedrijven in gesprek, maar dat heeft tot op heden tot geen enkel concreet resultaat voor slachtoffers als Maira Mendéz geleid
Om de druk verder op te voeren is PAX een online-campagne gestart om consumenten die klant zijn van een van de vier energiebedrijven die kolen inkopen uit Colombia op andere gedachten te brengen. Wouter Kolk, internationaal campagneleider van PAX, kan zich niet voorstellen dat je als consument ongevoelig blijft voor het onrecht dat via je stopcontact regelrecht je huiskamer binnenstroomt. ,,Daarom vragen we aan consumenten een krachtig signaal af te geven door over te stappen naar een bloedkolenvrije energieleverancier.”

Als reactie op de overstapcampagne heeft Nuon Vattenfall een verklaring met aangescherpte eisen voor zijn inkoopbeleid van bloedkolen op zijn website geplaatst. Volgens PAX is dat weliswaar ,,een stap in de goede richting, maar Nuon vraagt de betrokken mijnbouwbedrijven Drummond en Prodeco/Glencore zelf niet om concrete stappen te nemen die leiden tot genoegdoening voor de slachtoffers. Ook gaat het bedrijf niet over tot een onmiddellijke opschorting van de inkoop.”
Klik voor meer berichten n.a.v. het bovenstaande, op één van de labels, die u onder dit bericht terug kan vinden, dit geldt niet voor de labels: Drummond, M. Mendéz en Prodeco.

dinsdag 26 april 2016

Chavez waarschijnlijk vermoord........

Op Information Clearing House gisteren een interview van Mike Whitney met Eva Golinger, een gelauwerd onderzoeksjournalist. Met de 'Freedom of Information Act' in de hand, haalde zij diverse smerige VS zaken boven tafel.

Volens Golinger is Chavez vrijwel zeker vermoord. In het interview noemt zij een aantal moordaanslagen op Chavez, tijdens de jaren van zijn presidentschap. In alle gevallen is de VS de grote boosdoener en initiatiefnemer op de achtergrond. En inderdaad, als je de buitenlandpolitiek van de VS ziet, zou de moord op Chavez maar een voetnoot zijn, bij de enorme terreur de de VS in veel landen heeft losgelaten op de bevolking...... Laatste bericht dienaangaande, was onlangs op de BBC te zien, waar in een documentaire wordt gesteld, dat het neerhalen van MH17 een complot is van de CIA, zelfs met medeweten van een Nederlandse geheime dienst......... Daarover later meer.....

Overigens is de VS zelfs op economisch gebied bezig regeringen omver te werpen, dat geldt ook voor Venezuela en Rusland. Met het massaal dumpen van olie, gas en kolen op de wereldmarkt, worden de economieën van deze landen geschaad en probeert de VS deze landen te destabiliseren, althans dat is de bedoeling, die godbetert in Venezuela is gelukt..... Intussen is de VS zelf in feite failliet en drijft het op een zeepbel, die op spanning wordt gehouden door China, de EU en Saoedi-Arabië..... Onlangs, tijdens de OPEC-top hield de VS Saoedi-Arabië met succes voor, de olieproductie niet te verminderen, wat het terroristische Saoedische bewind wel van plan was.......

Hier het verslag van het interview (voor een vertaling kan u onder dit artikel op Dutch klikken, dit neemt wel enige tijd in beslag):

The Strange Death of Hugo Chavez

An Interview with Eva GolingerBy Mike Whitney

Hugo Chavez defied the most powerful interests, and he refused to bow down….I believe there is a very strong possibility that President Chavez was assassinated.”
Eva Golinger
April 25, 2016 "Information Clearing House" - "Counterpunch"-  MW– Do you think that Hugo Chavez was murdered and, if so, who do you think might have been involved?

Eva Golinger–  I believe there is a very strong possibility that President Chavez was assassinated. There were notorious and documented assassination attempts against him throughout his presidency. Most notable was the April 11, 2002 coup d’etat, during which he was kidnapped and set to be assassinated had it not been for the unprecedented uprising of the Venezuelan people and loyal military forces that rescued him and returned him to power within 48 hours. I was able to find irrefutable evidence using the US Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), that the CIA and other US agencies were behind that coup and supported, financially, militarily and politically, those involved. Later on, there were other attempts against Chavez and his government, such as in 2004 when dozens of Colombian paramilitary forces were captured on a farm outside of Caracas that was owned by an anti-Chavez activist, Robert Alonso, just days before they were going to attack the presidential palace and kill Chavez.

There was another, lesser-known plot against Chavez discovered in New York City during his visit to the United Nations General Assembly in September 2006. According to information provided by his security services, during standard security reconnaissance of an event where Chavez would address the US public at a local, renowned university, high levels of radiation were detected in the chair where he would have sat. The radiation was discovered by a Geiger detector, which is a handheld radiation detection device the presidential security used to ensure the President wasn’t in danger of exposure to harmful rays. In this case, the chair was removed and subsequent tests showed it was emanating unusual amounts of radiation that could have resulted in significant harm to Chavez had it gone undiscovered. According to accounts by the presidential security at the event, an individual from the US who had been involved in the logistical support for the event and had provided the chair was shown to be acting with US intelligent agents.

There were numerous other attempts on his life that were thwarted by the Venezuelan intelligence agencies and particularly the counterintelligence unit of the Presidential Guard that was charged with discovering and impeding such threats. One other well known attempt was in July 2010 when Francisco Chavez Abarca (no relation), a criminal working with Cuban-born terrorist Luis Posada Carriles, responsible for bombing a Cuban airliner in 1976 and killing all 73 passengers on board, was detained entering Venezuela and later confessed he had been sent to assassinate Chavez. Just five months earlier, in February 2010, when President Chavez was at an event near the Colombian border, his security forces discovered a sniper set up just over a quarter of a mile away from his location, who was subsequently neutralized.

While these accounts may sound like fiction, they are amply documented and very real. Hugo Chavez defied the most powerful interests, and he refused to bow down. As head of state of the nation without the largest oil reserves on the planet, and as someone who openly and directly challenged US and Western domination, Chavez was considered an enemy of Washington and its allies.

So, who could have been involved in Chavez’s assassination, if he was assassinated? Certainly it’s no far stretch to imagine the US government involved in a political assassination of an enemy it clearly – and openly – wanted out of the picture. In 2006, the US government formed a special Mission Manager for Venezuela and Cuba under the Directorate of National Intelligence. This elite intelligence unit was charged with expanding covert operations against Chavez and led clandestine missions out of an intelligence fusion center (CIA-DEA-DIA) in Colombia.  Some of the pieces that have been coming together include the discovery of several close aides to Chavez who had private, unobstructed access to him over prolonged periods, who fled the country after his death and are collaborating with the US government. If he were assassinated by some kind of exposure to high levels of radiation, or otherwise inoculated or infected by a cancer-causing virus, it would have been done by someone with close access to him, whom he trusted.

MW– Who is Leamsy Salazar and how is he connected to the US Intelligence Agencies?
Eva Golinger– Leamsy Salazar was one of Chavez’s closest aides for nearly seven years. He was a Lieutenant Colonel in the Venezuelan Navy and became known to Chavez after he waved the Venezuelan flag from the roof of the presidential guard’s barracks at the presidential palace during the 2002 coup, as the rescue of Chavez was underway. He became a symbol of the loyal armed forces that helped defeat the coup and Chavez rewarded him by bringing him on as one of his assistants. Salazar was both a bodyguard and an aide to Chavez, who would bring him coffee and meals, stand by his side, travel with him around the world and protect him during public events. I knew him and interacted with him many times. He was one of the familiar faces protecting Chavez for many years.  He was a key member of Chavez’s elite inner security circle, with private access to Chavez and privileged and highly confidential knowledge of Chavez’s comings and goings, daily routine, schedule and dealings.

After Chavez passed away in March 2013, because of his extended service and loyalty, Leamsy was transferred to the security detail of Diosdado Cabello, who was then president of Venezuela’s National Assembly and considered one of the most powerful political and military figures in the country. Cabello was one of Chavez’s closest allies. It should be noted that Leamsy remained with Chavez throughout most of his illness up to his death and had privileged access to him that few had, even from his security team.

Shockingly, in December 2014, news reports revealed that Leamsy had secretly been flown to the US from Spain, where he was allegedly on vacation with his family. The plane that flew him was said to be from the DEA. He was placed in witness protection and news reports have stated he is providing information to the US government about Venezuelan officials involved in a high level ring of drug trafficking. Opposition-owned media in Venezuela claim he gave details accusing Diosdado Cabello of being a drug-kingpin, but none of that information has been independently verified, nor have any court records or allegations been released, if they exist.

Another explanation for his going into the witness protection program in the US could include his involvement in the assassination of Chavez, possibly done as part of a CIA black op, or maybe even done under the auspices of CIA but carried out by corrupt elements within the Venezuelan government. Before the Panama Papers were released, I had accidentally discovered and was investigating a dangerous corrupt, high level individual within the government, who Chavez had previously dismissed, but who returned after his death and was placed in an even more influential, powerful position.  This individual also appears to be collaborating with the US government. People like that, who let greed obscure their conscience, and who are involved in lucrative criminal activity, could have also played a role in his death.

For example, the Panama Papers exposed another former Chavez aide, Army Captain Adrian Velasquez, who was in charge of security for Chavez’s son Hugo. Captain Velasquez’s wife, a former Navy Officer, Claudia Patricia Diaz Guillen, was Chavez’s nurse for several years and had private, unsupervised access to him. Furthermore, Claudia administered medicines, shots and other health and food-related materials to Chavez over a period of years. Just one month before his deadly illness was discovered in 2011, Chavez named Claudia as Treasurer of Venezuela, placing her in charge of the country’s money. It’s still unclear as to why she was named to this important position, considering she had previously been his nurse and had no similar experience. She was dismissed from the position right after Chavez passed away. Both Captain Velasquez and Claudia appeared in the Panama Papers as owning a shell company with millions of dollars. They also own property in an elite area in the Dominican Republic, Punta Cana, where properties cost in the millions, and they have resided there since at least June 2015. The documents show that right after Chavez passed away and Nicolas Maduro was elected president in April 2013, Captain Velasquez opened an off-shore company on April 18, 2013 through the Panamanian firm Mossack Fonesca, called Bleckner Associates Limited.  A Swiss financial investment firm, V3 Capital Partners LLC, affirmed they manage the funds of Captain Velasquez, which number in the millions. It’s impossible for an Army Captain to have earned that amount of money through legitimate means. Neither him nor his wife, Claudia, have returned to Venezuela since 2015.
Captain Velasquez was especially close with Leamsy Salazar.

MW– Can you explain the suspicious circumstances under which Salazar was flown out of Spain to the safety of the United States on a plane belonging to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)?  Doesn’t that strike you as a bit strange? At the very least, this suggests that Salazar was acting as an agent for a country that is openly hostile towards Venezuela? That makes him either a collaborator or a traitor. Do you agree?

Eva Golinger– Of course it was highly suspicious that Salazar was flown out of Spain, where he was allegedly on vacation with his family, and taken to the United States on a DEA plane. There is no question that he was collaborating with the US government and betrayed his country. What remains to be seen is what his exact role was. Did he administer the murderous poison to Chavez, or was it one of his partners, such as Captain Velasquez or the nurse/treasurer Claudia?

While this all may sound very conspiracy theory-ish, these are facts that can be verified independently. It is also true, according to declassified secret US documents, that the US Army was developing an injectable radiation weapon to use for political assassinations of select enemies as far back as 1948. The Church Commission hearings into the Kennedy Assassination also uncovered the existence of an assassination weapon developed by CIA to induce heart attacks and soft-tissue cancers. Chavez died of an aggressive soft-tissue cancer. By the time it was detected it was too late. There is other information out there documenting the development of a “cancer virus” that was going to be weaponized and allegedly used to kill Fidel Castro in the 1960s. I know most of that seems like science fiction, but do your research and see what really exists. I don’t believe everything I read either. As a lawyer and investigative journalist, I need hard evidence, and multiple, verifiable sources. Even if we just go on the official US Army document from 1948, it’s a fact that the US government was in the process of a developing a radiation weapon for political assassinations. More than 60 years later we can only imagine what technological capacities exist.

MW– Can you explain why the DEA was involved in this operation and not the CIA as many would expect?

Eva Golinger– I think CIA was involved. They work together on high-profile political cases, and they were operating out of the Intelligence Fusion Center in Colombia together. Why it was DEA and not CIA that brought Leamsy Salazar to the US has not yet been revealed, but I don’t think that means the CIA wasn’t involved in the whole operation.

MW– On a personal note, Hugo Chavez was a giant among men and a real hero. Would you please tell us what his loss has meant to you personally and how his death has impacted the people of Venezuela?

Eva Golinger– The loss of Hugo Chavez has been crushing. He was my friend and I spent nearly ten years as his advisor. The void he has left is impossible to replace. Despite his human flaws, he had a huge heart and genuinely dedicated himself to build a better country for his people, and a better world for humanity. He cared deeply about all people, but especially the poor, neglected and marginalized.
There is a picture taken of Chavez by a bystander, when he had been at an event in the center of Caracas and was walking through a large plaza that had been cleared by security. All of a sudden, he saw a young man, disheveled and seemingly on drugs, barely able to keep himself upright, wearing ragged clothes. To the horror of his security guards, Chavez went over to him and lovingly put his arm around him and offered him a cup of coffee. He didn’t judge the poor guy or reprimand him, or show disgust. He treated him like a fellow human being who deserved to be seen with dignity. He stayed there with him for a while, just telling stories and chatting like old friends. When he had to go, he told one of his guards to offer the man whatever help he needed.

There were no cameras there, no TV, no public. It wasn’t a publicity stunt. It was genuine, sincere care and concern for a fellow human in need. Despite being president and a powerful head of state, Chavez always saw himself as an equal to all people.

His unexpected death has had a tragic toll on Venezuela. Sadly, those he left in charge have been unable to manage the country through this difficult times. A combination of corruption and external sabotage by opposition forces (with foreign support) has crippled the economy. Mismanagement has been widespread and destructive. US agencies and their allies in Venezuela have seized the opportunity to further destabilize and destroy all remaining remnants of chavismo. Now they are trying to tarnish and erase Chavez’s legacy, but I believe this is an impossible task. Even if the current government doesn’t survive the vicious attacks against it, Chavez’s memory in the millions of people he impacted and improved the lives of, will weather the storm. “Chavismo” has become an ideology founded on principles of social justice and human dignity. But do people miss him terribly? Yes.

Eva Golinger is winner of the International Award for Journalism in Mexico (2009), named “La Novia de Venezuela” by President Hugo Chávez, is an Attorney and Writer from New York, living in Caracas, Venezuela since 2005 and author of the best-selling books, “The Chávez Code: Cracking US Intervention in Venezuela” (2006 Olive Branch Press), “Bush vs. Chávez: Washington’s War on Venezuela” (2007, Monthly Review Press)

Since 2003, Eva has been investigating, analyzing and writing about US intervention in Venezuela using the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to obtain information about US Government efforts to undermine progressive movements in Latin America.

Mike Whitney - lives in Washington state. He is a contributor to Hopeless: Barack Obama and the Politics of Illusion (AK Press). Hopeless is also available in a Kindle edition. He can be reached at
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Zie ook: 'VS steunt rechtse coalitie (MUD) in Venezuela.........'

       en: 'Venezuela moet en zal 'verlost' worden van Maduro, met 'oh wonder' een dikke rol van de VS en de reguliere westerse media'
       en: 'What Mainstream Media Got Wrong About Venezuela's Constituent Assembly Vote' (met mogelijkheid tot directe vertaling)

Voor meer berichten n.a.v. het voorgaande, klik op één van de labels, die u onder dit bericht aantreft, dit geldt niet voor de labels: C.Abarca, Carriles, Golinger en L. Salazar.

zaterdag 20 februari 2016

VS steun voor IS, steun met een verleden van 10 geheime terreurgroepen opgezet door de CIA

Gisteren op Information Clearing House, een artikel over de 'traditie' van de CIA, geheime terreurgroepen* op te zetten, om zo de belangen van de VS veilig te stellen middels oorlog (de zwaarste vorm van terreur). Zelfs bananen (Guatemala) waren reden voor de CIA een illegale oorlog te beginnen, met een door hen opgezet en getrainde terreurgroep. Dit is nog buiten de illegale oorlogen die de VS (begon,) voerde en voert tegen Irak, Libië en Syrië.

Justin King schreef dit artikel naar aanleiding van het meer en meer duidelijk worden, dat de VS steun verleent aan IS (en zelfs meehielp bij het opzetten van IS)....... Het doel daarvan: de democratisch gekozen Assad en zijn regering wegwerken, puur uit eigenbelang van de VS (machtsuitbreiding in Midden-Oosten) en een aantal bondgenoten van deze terreurnatie, zoals het reli-fascistische Saoedi-Arabië.........

Een zeer verhelderen artikel, dat een aantal duivelse en uiterst misdadige handelingen van de VS op een rij zet. Voor vertaling kan u onder dit artikel (op Dutch) klikken, dat neemt wel wat tijd in beslag.

10 Secret Armies of the Central Intelligence Agency

By Justin King 

February 18, 2016 "Information Clearing House" - "TFC" -  Langley, Virginia - As more and more evidence mounts that the US government was secretly assisting the Islamic State, it might be time to point out a few instances when the Central Intelligence Agency created secret armies. The current theory suggests the US secretly supported the Islamic State so the Islamists would destabilize the government of Syrian President Assad. If that seems out of the question, remember the CIA once started a war over bananas… literal bananas.
Cuba: Probably the best known secret army. Castro nationalized the assets of western companies after his government took power,  so the US decided to overthrow the government of Cuba and install a puppet regime. As with most of the armies backed by the US intelligence establishment, it failed. Miserably. The Bay of Pigs invasion saw 1400 US-trained Cubans surrender to Castro’s forces within 24 hours.

El Salvador: The US-supported Salvadoran government faced opposition from communist rebels. US intelligence saw an obvious and simple answer: establish death squads. US intelligence trained and advised pro-government forces as they massacred villages and led the way to the displacement of over a million people. Immediately after the ceasefire, there was a general amnesty for people implicated in war crimes. This amnesty was ruled to be illegal, but remains in effect anyway. Those seeking justice are often burglarized and the evidence of CIA involvementis stolen.

Afghanistan: The US armed and trained the Mujaheddin fighters through Operation Cyclone. Later, many of these fighters would form the core of the fundamentalist Islamic terrorist groups we are fighting (or possibly supporting) today. Yes, Osama bin Laden was one of the fighterstrained by the CIA in Afghanistan. The whole operation was carried out to stop the Soviet invasion.

Guatemala: This little CIA caper is the origin of the term “Banana Republic.” The democratically elected President of Guatemala  decided to punish the United Fruit Company for decades of consorting with the country’s dictators. He began to propose legislation to end the US multinational’s monopoly on almost everything in the country. So what else could the CIA do? The agency overthrew the legal government and triggered a war… over bananas.

Congo: In the 1960s, Belgium was ending its colonial rule over Congo. Rather than allow self-determination, the CIA staged assassinations, armed rebel forces, brought in European mercenaries, and even backed them up with a secret air force.
Nicaragua (the second time): In the 1980s, the leftist Sandinistas took power. The CIA backed the Contra militia that opposed them. The agency funneled them arms, ran cocaine for them, and trained the organization that become well known for child soldiers, massacres at literacy centers, and war crimes of just about every imaginable kind.
Angola: The CIA hired French and South African mercenaries to assist right-wing groups in their fight against the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola. The group was competing with several other paramilitary organizations in a fight to take over the country after the Portuguese decolonized. The CIA’s mercenary army predictably lost.
Ukraine (the first time): During the second World War, the Nazis set up a partisan group in Ukraine to harass and slow the advancing Soviet forces. At the end of World War II, US intelligence began funding and assisting the partisan group. The Soviets wiped the partisans out in 1952.
Venezuela: In 2002, a group within Venezuela attempted to oust the government. The US flatly denied involvement. Of course, there is more than enough evidence to tie the Bush Administration to the plot. There is even circumstantial evidence a more recent second attempt.
Ukraine (the second time): The most recent revolution in Ukraine may have started organically, however, it was seized upon by US intelligence. The revolution became just another method of installing a US puppet regime. The US chose to install literal Nazis.  These facts are largely ignored by US media.
Would US intelligence secretly back a brutal, murderous paramilitary group to destabilize a country on the US hit list? Of course. The US intelligence apparatus has been doing it for about 60 years.
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* Deze terreurgroepen waren vaak wel bekend, maar niet het feit, dat ze waren opgezet door de CIA.... Deze feiten werden vaak weggehouden uit de reguliere westerse pers.

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vrijdag 15 januari 2016

Monsanto vergiftigt niet alleen de wereld, maar heeft zelfs de moordenaars bv Blackwater opgekocht........

Het volgende bericht kwam ik tegen op het blog van Stan van Houcke. In dit bericht (uit 2013), dat van Counter Current News (slecht werkende site) komt, wordt uitgelegd dat Monsanto, de grote gifmengers en gentech schoften, het agressief paramilitaire bedrijf Blackwater (later 'Ex Services' en nu 'Academi' genoemd) opkocht. Blackwater werkte o.a. voor multinationals als Monsanto, Chevron en banken als Barclays en Deutsche Bank. Blackwater heeft zich in het verleden o.a. schuldig gemaakt aan diverse oorlogsmisdaden en terrorisme in het algemeen. Daar Blackwater een privé onderneming is, die weliswaar veel voor het ministerie van defensie (lees: ministerie van oorlog) in de VS werkt, kan de regering van de VS daarmee alle claims over oorlogsmisdaden en terrorisme afwijzen en daarmee Blackwater zoveel mogelijk smerige zaken laten uitvoeren.........

Het laat zich raden waarom Monsanto een bedrijf als Blackwater opkocht, immers het bedrijf heeft er belang bij, dat haar zaden overal worden verkocht en dat regeringen de boeren houden aan hun contracten met Monsanto. Zo heeft een groot aantal boeren in India zich het leven benomen, daar ze volkomen failliet gingen door hun contract met Monsanto. Dat zit zo: Monsanto verkoopt zaden aan boeren, waarbij die boeren ervoor tekenen, dat zij niet zelf de zaden vermeerderen (zoals ze al duizenden jaren hebben gedaan en doen). Monsanto belooft die boeren gouden bergen, als zij hun zaden afnemen, echter als het tegenzit, bijvoorbeeld door grote droogte, of slecht weer, houden de boeren geen geld over om zaden te kopen voor het volgende seizoen..... Uiteraard geeft Monsanto grote kortingen op de eerste levering, zoals een heroïne dealer dat doet met zijn klanten......

Het laat zich raden, dat er ontwikkelingslanden zijn, die hun boeren niet gaan lastigvallen met de claims van Monsanto, dan is het uiteraard erg handig, als je een goedgetrainde ploeg psychopaten achter de hand hebben, om hun claims 'wat meer kracht' bij te zetten...........

Naast dit alles heeft Monsanto nog te maken met milieugroepen, die (volkomen terecht) tegen gentech zijn en bovendien tegen het op grote schaal verspreiden van zwaar gif over de aarde, door dit klote bedrijf......... Altijd handig om een stel psychopaten achter de hand te hebben, om je belangen veilig te stellen, ja toch....???

Monsanto and Blackwater

Yes, Monsanto Actually DID Buy the BLACKWATER Mercenary Group!

February 2, 2013 2:39 pm·
Reports that the huge multinational corporation Monsanto bought the largest mercenary army in the world might have seemed ridiculous on the surface. But it turns out that’s exactly what happened.
A report authored by Jeremy Scahill for The Nation revealed that Blackwater, later called Xe Services and more recently “Academi”, had been sold to Monsanto.
The clandestine intelligence service was renamed in 2009 after it became notorious and synonymous with numerous reports of abuses in Iraq, including massacres of civilians.
The group, originally founded in 1997 by former Navy SEAL officer Erik Prince, remains the largest private contractor of the U.S. Department of State “security services.” It exists in its functional capacity, so that the state may engage in terrorism while giving the government the opportunity to deny it, because those carrying out the war crimes are not directly reporting to members of the U.S. military hierarchy.
A number of military and former CIA officers are said to work for the mercenary group formerly known as Blackwater. The purpose has always been to increase profit selling their nefarious services-ranging from information and intelligence to infiltration, political lobbying and paramilitary training – for other governments, banks and multinational corporations.
Scahill indicates that the group does business with multinationals, like Monsanto, Chevron, and financial giants such as Barclays and Deutsche Bank, but that this is done through two companies owned by Erik Prince, owner of Blackwater: Total Intelligence Solutions and Terrorism Research Center. These officers and directors share the group.
One of those partners is Cofer Black, who was known for his brutality as one of the directors of the CIA.
He is alleged to have been the one who made contact with Monsanto back in 2008 as director of Total Intelligence. Black entered into the contract with the company in order to spy on and infiltrate organizations of animal rights activists, anti-GM and other dirty activities of the biotech giant, according to sources close to Academi.
Monsanto executive Kevin Wilson declined to comment, when asked directly by Scahill about this. But he later confirmed to The Nation that the company had in fact hired Total Intelligence in 2008 and 2009.
According to Monsanto, this was only to keep track of “public disclosure” of its opponents. He asserted, however, that Total Intelligence was a “totally separate entity from Blackwater,” even though it is just one of the myriad of names and forms the massive mercenary group has adopted over the years.
Scahill himself, however, says that he has copies of emails from Cofer Black. They explain that after the meeting with Wilson for Monsanto, where he explains to other former CIA agents, using their Blackwater e-mails, that the discussion with Wilson was that Total Intelligence had become “Monsanto’s intelligence arm,” spying on activists and other actions, including “our people to legally integrate these groups.”
In all, Monsanto paid Total Intelligence $ 127,000 in 2008 and $ 105,000 in 2009. After these details began to leak out, they seem to have buried the paper trail, and perhaps utilized yet another front for Blackwater to provide the same services.
Activists have claimed to have confronted agents of Monsanto who roughly fit the description of mercenaries with the group. Whatever name they are utilizing at this point, it seems reasonable that if they have been used in the past – and if they have repeatedly changed their names and added sub-groups to their organization – that they have only done the same thing once again.
Monsanto has been criticized by an array of environmental, peace and even health activists for their production of toxic poisons spilling from Agent Orange to PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), as well as their more common business in selling pesticides, hormones and genetically modified seeds.
Almost simultaneously with the publication of this article in The Nation, the Via Campesina reported the purchase of 500,000 shares of Monsanto, for more than $23 million by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which with this action completed the outing of the mask of “philanthropy.” Another association that is not surprising.
It is a marriage between the two most brutal monopolies in the history of industrialism: Bill Gates controls more than 90 percent of the market share of proprietary computing and Monsanto about 90 percent of the global transgenic seed market and most global commercial seed. There does not exist in any other industrial sector monopolies so vast, whose very existence is a negation of the vaunted principle of “market competition” of capitalism. Both Gates and Monsanto are very aggressive in defending their ill-gotten monopolies.
Although Bill Gates might try to say that the Foundation is not linked to his business, all it proves is the opposite: most of their donations end up favoring the commercial investments of the tycoon, not really “donating” anything, but instead of paying taxes to the state coffers, he invests his profits in where it is favorable to him economically, including propaganda from their supposed good intentions. On the contrary, their “donations” finance projects as destructive as geoengineering or replacement of natural community medicines for high-tech patented medicines in the poorest areas of the world. What a coincidence, former Secretary of Health Julio Frenk and Ernesto Zedillo are advisers of the Foundation.
Like Monsanto, Gates is also engaged in trying to destroy rural farming worldwide, mainly through the “Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa” (AGRA). It works as a Trojan horse to deprive poor African farmers of their traditional seeds, replacing them with the seeds of their companies first, finally by genetically modified (GM). To this end, the Foundation hired Robert Horsch in 2006, the director of Monsanto. Now Gates, airing major profits, went straight to the source.
Blackwater, Monsanto and Gates are three sides of the same figure: the war machine on the planet and most people who inhabit it, are peasants, indigenous communities, people who want to share information and knowledge or any other who does not want to be in the aegis of profit and the destructiveness of capitalism.
So why were so many media outlets, editorialists and bloggers clamoring to say that the purchase was a “hoax”?
That’s a good question. The more cynical among us might suspect a financial incentive from Monsanto itself to such “journalists.” Monsanto indeed has hired a public relations team to seek out critical blogs and websites reporting on their crimes against both Nature and humankind. We have seen this first hand in comments on articles on Monsanto. It is not beyond the realm of possibilities that they have created blogs where seemingly legitimate authors write organic thoughts, observations and rebuttals. The public presumes these are real-world people, when in fact they are working PR for the company.
But the core argument of those who claim that the Monsanto purchase of Blackwater is not true lies in the fact that we can only officially document Blackwater being hired by Monsanto for years. Immediately following this extensive work that Blackwater did for Monsanto, they sold the company. Because of the nature of how the sale transpired, it is impossible to document who the sale was to. The obvious and logical conclusion to insiders (particularly in the private security industry), however, is that the sale was in fact to Monsanto who had been employing the group.
Xe (now Academi) has, indeed, been purchased, and while there’s no way of DOCUMENTING who the new owners really are, the logical conclusion would be that Monsanto, who had been employing them prior to the sale are the new owners. This, of course, would also make sense of the secrecy surrounding the deal and the identity of the new owners. The company was bought out by private investors via private equity companies that don’t have to divulge any of their dealings, with Bank of America providing much of the $200 million in financing for the deal.
New York-based USTC Holdings said it will acquire Xe and its core operating subsidiaries, but did not disclose the price or terms of the agreement in a statement.
USTC Holdings is an investor consortium led by private equity firms Forte Capital Advisors and Manhattan Partners.
Various researchers have been trying to document the buy via a paper trail, but so far without much luck. That, of course, is the point.
One thing that is known: Forte Capital Advisors is the baby of long-time Blackwater ally Jason De Yonker:
DeYonker has unique experience with the Company that dates back to its founding in the late 1990s. He advised the Company through development of its early business plan and expansion of the Moyock training facility as well as supporting negotiations of its first training contracts with U.S. government agencies. Between 1998 and 2002, Mr. DeYonker co-managed Xe founder, Erik Prince’s family office which included management of Mr. Prince’s portfolio companies.
What does that mean? The guy is a glorified accountant.
Prior to joining Forté, Jason co-managed a +$100 million family office. In addition to actively managing various platform companies, Jason was a part of the executive team responsible for family wealth management.
Jason has spent the last 18 years advising on various mergers, acquistions and divestitures with an aggregate transaction value greater than $1 billion. Jason’s experience include: transaction advisory, portfolio management, real estate development, venture capital and cross border dealings. Jason began his career with Arthur Andersen Corporate Finance Group, and was a Director in Deloitte & Touche’s Corporate Finance Group. He also was the Finance Director for the West Family Trust, a venture capital group focused on cross-border transactons.
Jason recieved a Bachelor of Business Administration, with a concentration in finance and accounting, from the Univeristy of Michigan.
The other investor? It looks like the very junior partner will be Manhattan Partners, a private equity company – a shop that gathers money from anonymous rich investors and uses the pool of cash to  leverage buyouts of big companies they wouldn’t have been able to take over on their own.
Manhattan Partners invests in “compelling growth and special situation transactions,” but this will be their first known foray into defense industries – reports (via Spencer Ackerman):
Manhattan Growth Partners is led by Dean Bosacki and Patrick McBride. Bosacki serves on the board of “the world’s largest commencement photography business,” among other companies. Manhattan Growth Partners, which describes itself as “a progressive thinking private equity firm,” also holds a majority interest in Hugo Naturals, a line of organic, vegan-friendly soaps, lotions, scents and soy candles sold at Whole Foods and other greenwashed retailers.
So what does this all mean? Did Monsanto actually buy Blackwater? The answer is yes, but indirectly. The purchase was made through shell company and a pair of private equity firms. At the end of the day, it would seem the logical conclusion is that in spite of arguments to the contrary, Monsanto in fact did by the Blackwater mercenary group… or at least the renamed Blackwater Xe, and now Academi Services group. The big question, now is why?
(Article by M. David, Jackson Marciana and I.A. Jamal; image via #Op309 Media)
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