Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label Cuba. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Cuba. Alle posts tonen

donderdag 18 april 2019

VS legt nog meer sancties op aan de bevolking van Venezuela, Cuba en Nicaragua

Om de ellende onder de volkeren van Venezuela, Cuba en Nicaragua nog verder te verdiepen, heeft de psychopathische oorlogsmisdadiger Bolton aangekondigd dat de VS deze landen nog meer sancties zal opleggen. In zijn smerige praatje stelde Bolton dat de 3 landen de 'stromannen' zijn van het socialisme, waar hij deze landen ook aanduidt als de 'trojka van tirannie, die volgens hem uit elkaar valt.........'

Waar haalt schoft Bolton het lef vandaan, niet alleen daar de VS de echt tirannieke landen als de reli-fascistische dictaturen van Saoedi-Arabië en de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten steunt, waar de Egyptische-junta van al-Sisi aan toegevoegd moet worden, maar ook daar de VS een tiranniek beleid voert, met uitoefening van grootschalige terreur, tegen landen die haar niet welgevallig zijn, zoals Syrië en Iran....... Vergeet voorts niet dat de VS met haar economische oorlog tegen Venezuela, Cuba en Nicaragua, in feite terreur uitoefent op de volkeren van die landen.... (hetzelfde geldt uiteraard voor Iran)

Opperploert Bolton deed zijn uitlatingen in de buurt van Miami bij de herdenking van het Bay of Pigs fiasco in april 1961, waarbij de CIA en ultra rechtse Cubanen het soevereine land Cuba aanvielen om het bewind van Castro omver te werpen.

Om het volk van Cuba nog harder te straffen, stelde Bolton dat Cubanen in de VS met familie op Cuba in het vervolg niet meer dan $ 1,000.-- per persoon en maximaal 1 keer per kwartaal mogen overmaken naar die familie....... Het is duidelijk: een voortzetting van het programma van ontmoediging voor bewoners van landen die de VS niet welgevallig zijn.....

Met deze tactiek, een economische oorlogsvoering, probeert de VS de bevolking van landen die haar niet welgevallig zijn, zoals de 3 genoemde landen, zo te raken dat ze de straat opgaan voor massademonstraties en daarmee probeert de VS het volk zover te krijgen dat het zittende bewind wordt afgezet........ Tegelijkertijd durft Bolton te stellen dat hij de volkeren van Venezuela, Cuba en Nicaragua nooit in de steek te laten....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Duidelijk geval van gevaarlijke psychopathische gekte, waarbij elke redelijke en ethische argumentatie ontbreekt......

Een paar uur eerder sprak Pompeo over Cuba en hij wil dat Cuba de onteigende bezittingen van 'Amerikanen' teruggeeft aan 'de rechtmatige eigenaren' en waarbij hij grote herstelbetalingen, inclusief rente eist van de Cubaanse regering...... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! De bezittingen waar Bolton over spreekt waren van smerige plantage en fabriekseigenaren die hun arbeiders vreselijk hebben uitgebuit, voorts gaat het om bezittingen van maffia organisaties die voor de revolutie van Castro en zijn makkers in 1959 op Cuba grote casino's en bordelen in hun bezit hadden.......

Gelukkig verzet de EU zich tegen deze verdere uitbouw van sancties, echter dat verzet is van nul en generlei waarde, immers het verzet van de EU tegen de hernieuwde sancties van de VS tegen Iran, was er één in woorden, daarna deed en doet de EU niets voor Iran en durven EU bedrijven niet langer te investeren in dat land........ Eigenlijk onnodig te zeggen dat het hier om een heel smerige vorm van chantage door de Trump administratie gaat, genoeg voor een aanklacht bij het Internationaal Strafhof (ICC)!!

Het volgend artikel komt van de rechtse site Money and Markets:

Trump Admin Sanctions ‘Three Stooges of Socialism,’ Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela

Posted by News Team | Apr 17, 2019 News

Trump Admin Sanctions ‘Three Stooges of Socialism,’ Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela

The Trump administration on Wednesday intensified its crackdown on Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela, rolling back Obama administration policy and announcing new restrictions and sanctions against the three countries whose leaders national security adviser John Bolton dubbed the “three stooges of socialism.”

The troika of tyranny — Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua — is beginning to crumble,” Bolton said in a hard-hitting speech near Miami on the 58th anniversary of the United States’ failed Bay of Pigs invasion of the island, an attempt to overthrow the Cuban government.

Bolton announced a new cap on the amount of money families in the United States can send their relatives in Cuba. The Obama administration had lifted limits on remittances, but the new limit will be $1,000 per person per quarter, Bolton said. Remittances to Cuba from the United States amounted to $3 billion in 2016, according to the State Department.

Bolton also announced that the U.S. was sanctioning the Central Bank of Venezuela, which the Trump administration says has been instrumental in propping up the embattled government of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. He also announced sanctions against financial services provider Bancorp, which he claimed is a “slush fund” for Nicaragua’s President Daniel Ortega.

The United States looks forward to watching each corner of this sordid triangle of terror fall: in Havana, in Caracas, and in Managua,” Bolton said in South Florida, which is home to thousands of exiles and immigrants from Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua.

He said Obama administration policies gave the Cuban government “political cover to expand its malign influence” across the region, including in Venezuela. Cuba has trained Venezuelan security forces to repress civilians and support Maduro, Bolton said.

Havana continues to prop up Maduro and help him sustain the brutal suffering of the Venezuelan people,” Bolton said. “As President Trump has said, Maduro is quite simply a ‘Cuban puppet.'”

Thousands of Cuban doctors in Venezuela are being used as pawns by Maduro and his Cuban sponsors to support his brutal and oppressive reign.”

Bolton’s pledge to “never, ever abandon” the people of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua in their fight for freedom also might ring hollow in light of the historical events he sought to highlight at the event hosted by the Bay of Pigs Veterans Association.

Many Cuban Americans to this day resent the late President John F. Kennedy for not deploying American troops at a critical moment in the Bay of Pigs invasion.

Meanwhile, with the high stakes of the Cold War a fading memory, some critics of U.S. policy toward Venezuela worry that the Trump administration’s stance that all options are on the table, including a military one, to oust Maduro is an empty threat that will only serve to ignite the streets and geopolitical tensions with Russia, compounding the misery of Venezuelan citizens.

Honoring one of U.S.’ greatest military fiascos from 60 years back suggests
U.S. policy to Latin America owes more now to a perverse Cold War nostalgia than practical benefits for people of the region,” said Ivan Briscoe, the Latin American director for the International Crisis Group (ICG), a think tank headquartered in Brussels.

Bolton spoke just hours after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced in Washington a new policy that allows lawsuits against foreign firms operating on properties Cuba seized from Americans after the 1959 revolution. The United States has enforced a trade blockade against Cuba since the early 1960s.

The announcement comes at a moment of severe economic weakness for Cuba, which is struggling to find enough cash to import basic food and other supplies following a drop in aid from Venezuela and a string of bad years in other key economic sectors.

Pompeo said he won’t renew a bar on litigation that has been in place for two decades, meaning that lawsuits can be filed starting on May 2 when the current suspension expires. The decision could cost dozens of Canadian and European companies tens of billions of dollars in compensation and interest.

Pompeo’s decision gives Americans the right to sue companies that operate out of hotels, tobacco factories, distilleries and other properties Cuba nationalized after Fidel Castro took power. It allows Cubans who became U.S. citizens years after their properties were taken to sue.

The Justice Department has certified roughly 6,000 claims as having merit, according to Kimberly Breier, the top U.S. diplomat for the Americas. Those claims have an estimated value of $8 billion: $2 billion in property and $6 billion in interest, she said. In addition, another 200,000 uncertified claims could run into the tens of billions of dollars, she said.

Breier said there would be no exceptions to the decision, which has already prompted stern responses from Canada and Europe as they have vowed to protect their businesses from lawsuits.

European companies that are operating in Cuba will have nothing to worry about if they are not operating on properties taken from Americans,” she said.

The decision deals a severe blow to Havana’s efforts to draw foreign investment to the island and comes as Trump steps up pressure to Venezuela’s Maduro, who is holding power with help from other countries, including Cuba, China and Russia.

Spain, which has large investments in hotels and other tourism-related industries on the island, was the first to react. A senior government official told The Associated Press that Madrid would ask the European Union to challenge the U.S. move in the World Trade Organization.

Businesses from Canada, France and Great Britain among other countries also conduct business in properties nationalized after Castro took power.

Johana Tablada, Cuba’s deputy director of U.S. affairs, said on Twitter: “Before they try to euphorically ride a wave of wickedness and lies, they should take a dose of reality. The world has told John Bolton and the U.S. government to eliminate the criminal blockade against Cuba and the Helms-Burton Act” of 1996.

Countries with large investments in Cuba have ferociously protested the law.
The extraterritorial application of the U.S. embargo is illegal and violates international law,” said Alberto Navarro, the European Union ambassador to Cuba. “I personally consider it immoral. For 60 years the only thing that’s resulted from the embargo is the suffering of the Cuban people.”

© The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
Zie ook:
'Venezuela: vicepresident van de VS, Mike Pence, belooft militairen extra's als ze overlopen naar kamp Guaidó'

'Venezuela: VS ministerie van BuZa publiceert per ongeluk een lijst met sadistische terreurdaden tegen het Venezolaanse volk'

'Venezolaanse ambassade in Washington belaagd, er mag zelfs geen voedsel worden gebracht....'

'Venezuela: ultieme couppoging van Guaidó mislukt'

'Trump vermoordde al 40.000 Venezolaanse burgers' (zie ook de links in dat bericht)

'VS dreigt Rusland, China en Iran met geweld vanwege hulp aan Venezolaanse volk......'

'Venezuela: in geheime zitting in Washington is gesproken over een militaire inval'

'Venezuela is nog lang niet verslagen door de VS'

zaterdag 9 februari 2019

Venezuela >> regime change: 'de 12 stappen methode' die de VS gebruikt

Hoe de VS te werk gaat als het een haar onwelgevallig regime wil laten vallen, is op deze plek meermaals aangehaald: organiseer een opstand onder het volk, het liefst middels een economische oorlog, die aanvankelijk in het geniep wordt gevoerd: VS bedrijven onder druk zetten, bedrijven die in bijvoorbeeld Venezuela levensmiddelen verkopen, hun voorraden niet of onvoldoende te bevoorraden, hetzelfde geldt voor farmaceutische bedrijven. Hierdoor ontstaat ontevredenheid onder het volk, een situatie die kan leiden tot een volledige opstand......

Een opstand die uiteraard wordt georganiseerd en geregisseerd door de VS >> CIA), waarbij men het liefst gewelddadige figuren inzet die middels zwaar geweld als het doodschieten van demonstranten, het bewuste bewind zoals dat in Venezuela in een kwaad daglicht stelt, ofwel: de doden zouden te danken zijn aan het bewind, dit noemt men een false flag operatie en is een specialiteit van de CIA en het Pentagon.......

Met een opstand in het land ligt de weg naar een staatsgreep open. Immers op het punt dat er sprake is van een opstand, die 'met geweld wordt onderdrukt', stappen de reguliere westerse media in de zaak en middels het schreeuwen van moord en brand en de eis sancties in te stellen..... Met sancties zoals in het geval van Venezuela, wordt het leven voor de bevolking nog zwaarder, waarna men in diezelfde media in de westerse politiek ingrijpen eist...... Zie hier in het kort de werkwijze van de VS.

De VS heeft in Venezuela een tekort aan voedsel en medicijnen veroorzaakt, waar dezelfde VS nu de door haar naar voren geschoven kandidaat Guaidó wil voorzien van..... levensmiddelen en medicijnen!! 

Op dit moment, even na 12.00 u. is er een Duitse correspondent in Venezuela aan het woord op WDR 5, en stap voor stap herhaalt zij de leugens die tot de door de VS georganiseerde opstand in Venezuela hebben geleid, zo herhaalt ze de leugen dat er geen economische oorlog is gevoerd tegen het land en dat de tekorten aan Maduro's beleid zijn te danken...... Terwijl er aantoonbaar een economische oorlog is gevoerd tegen Venezuela en dat deze de grote tekorten heeft veroorzaakt...... 

De correspondent spreekt alsof de toestand van het Venezolaanse volk hetzelfde is als die voor de Palestijnen in de Gazastrook en op de West Bank, of sterker nog: of deze te vergelijken is met de genocide die de Saoedische terreurcoalitie uitvoert in Jemen (met grote steun van de VS en GB...) en waarbij dagelijks grote aantallen mensen omkomen.... (opvallend is het volgende onderwerp op WDR 5: fake news [nepnieuws] en de betrouwbaarheid van de reguliere media.....)

Het hieronder opgenomen artikel van de schrijver Vijay Prashad, werd op 5 februari jl. gepubliceerd op CounterPunch. Prashad haalt nog een aantal extra punten aan die in het stappenplan van de VS worden gebruikt om te komen tot een verandering van regime. Prashad doet dit o.a. door zaken uit het verleden aan te halen, zoals de coup van de VS tegen de socialistische president Allende in Chili op 11 september 1973 (de eerste 9/11, als de tweede, onder regie van de CIA....)

FEBRUARY 5, 2019

The 12-Step Method of Regime Change

On 15 September 1970, US President Richard Nixon and National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger authorised the US government to do everything possible to undermine the incoming government of the socialist president of Chile, Salvador Allende. Nixon and Kissinger, according to the notes kept by CIA Director Richard Helms, wanted to ‘make the economy scream’ in Chile; they were ‘not concerned [about the] risks involved’. War was acceptable to them as long as Allende’s government was removed from power. The CIA started Project FUBELT, with $10 million as a first instalment to begin the covert destabilisation of the country.

CIA memorandum on Project FUBELT, 16 September 1970.

US business firms, such as the telecommunication giant ITT, the soft drink maker Pepsi Cola and copper monopolies such as Anaconda and Kennecott, put pressure on the US government once Allende nationalised the copper sector on 11 July 1971. Chileans celebrated this day as the Day of National Dignity (Dia de la Dignidad Nacional). The CIA began to make contact with sections of the military seen to be against Allende. Three years later, on 11 September 1973, these military men moved against Allende, who died in the regime change operation. The US ‘created the conditions’ as US National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger put it, to which US President Richard Nixon answered, ‘that is the way it is going to be played’. Such is the mood of international gangsterism.

Phone Call between Richard Nixon (P) and Henry Kissinger (K) on 16 September 1973.

Chile entered the dark night of a military dictatorship that turned over the country to US monopoly firms. US advisors rushed in to strengthen the nerve of General Augusto Pinochet’s cabinet.
What happened to Chile in 1973 is precisely what the United States has attempted to do in many other countries of the Global South. The most recent target for the US government – and Western big business – is Venezuela. But what is happening to Venezuela is nothing unique. It faces an onslaught from the United States and its allies that is familiar to countries as far afield as Indonesia and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The formula is clichéd. It is commonplace, a twelve-step plan to produce a coup climate, to create a world under the heel of the West and of Western big business.

Step One: Colonialism’s Traps.
Most of the Global South remains trapped by the structures put in place by colonialism. Colonial boundaries encircled states that had the misfortune of being single commodity producers – either sugar for Cuba or oil for Venezuela. The inability to diversify their economies meant that these countries earned the bulk of their export revenues from their singular commodities (98% of Venezuela’s export revenues come from oil). As long as the prices of the commodities remained high, the export revenues were secure. When the prices fell, revenue suffered. This was a legacy of colonialism. Oil prices dropped from $160.72 per barrel (June 2008) to $51.99 per barrel (January 2019). Venezuela’s export revenues collapsed in this decade.
Step Two: The Defeat of the New International Economic Order.
In 1974, the countries of the Global South attempted to redo the architecture of the world economy. They called for the creation of a New International Economic Order (NIEO) that would allow them to pivot away from the colonial reliance upon one commodity and diversify their economies. Cartels of raw materials – such as oil and bauxite – were to be built so that the one-commodity country could have some control over prices of the products that they relied upon. The Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), founded in 1960, was a pioneer of these commodity cartels. Others were not permitted to be formed. With the defeat of OPEC over the past three decades, its members – such as Venezuela (which has the world’s largest proven oil reserves) – have not been able to control oil prices. They are at the mercy of the powerful countries of the world.
Step Three: The Death of Southern Agriculture.

In November 2001, there were about three billion small farmers and landless peasants in the world. That month, the World Trade Organisation met in Doha (Qatar) to unleash the productivity of Northern agri-business against the billions of small farmers and landless peasants of the Global South. Mechanisation and large, industrial-scale farms in North America and Europe had raised productivity to about 1 to 2 million kilogrammes of cereals per farmer. The small farmers and landless peasants in the rest of the world struggled to grow 1,000 kilogrammes of cereals per farmer. They were nowhere near as productive. The Doha decision, as Samir Amin wrote, presages the annihilation of the small farmer and landless peasant. What are these men and women to do? The production per hectare is higher in the West, but the corporate take-over of agriculture (as Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research Senior Fellow P. Sainath shows) leads to increased hunger as it pushes peasants off their land and leaves them to starve.

Step Four: Culture of Plunder.

Emboldened by Western domination, monopoly firms act with disregard for the law. As Kambale Musavuli and I write of the Democratic Republic of Congo, its annual budget of $6 billion is routinely robbed of at least $500 by monopoly mining firms, mostly from Canada – the country now leading the charge against Venezuela. Mispricing and tax avoidance schemes allow these large firms (Canada’s Agrium, Barrick and Suncor) to routinely steal billions of dollars from impoverished states.

Step Five: Debt as a Way of Life.

Unable to raise money from commodity sales, hemmed in by a broken world agricultural system and victim of a culture of plunder, countries of the Global South have been forced to go hat in hand to commercial lenders for finance. Over the past decade, debt held by the Global South states has increased, while debt payments have ballooned by 60%. When commodity prices rose between 2000 and 2010, debt in the Global South decreased. As commodity prices began to fall from 2010, debts have risen. The IMF points out that of the 67 impoverished countries that they follow, 30 are in debt distress, a number that has doubled since 2013. More than 55.4% of Angola’s export revenue is paid to service its debt. And Angola, like Venezuela, is an oil exporter. Other oil exporters such as Ghana, Chad, Gabon and Venezuela suffer high debt to GDP ratios. Two out of five low-income countries are in deep financial distress.
Step Six: Public Finances Go to Hell.

With little incoming revenue and low tax collection rates, public finances in the Global South has gone into crisis. As the UN Conference on Trade and Development points out, ‘public finances have continued to be suffocated’. States simply cannot put together the funds needed to maintain basic state functions. Balanced budget rules make borrowing difficult, which is compounded by the fact that banks charge high rates for money, citing the risks of lending to indebted countries.
Step Seven: Deep Cuts in Social Spending.

Impossible to raise funds, trapped by the fickleness of international finance, governments are forced to make deep cuts in social spending. Education and health, food sovereignty and economic diversification – all this goes by the wayside. International agencies such as the IMF force countries to conduct ‘reforms’, a word that means extermination of independence. Those countries that hold out face immense international pressure to submit under pain of extinction, as the Communist Manifesto (1848) put it.
Step Eight: Social Distress Leads to Migration.

The total number of migrants in the world is now at least 68.5 million. That makes the country called Migration the 21st largest country in the world after Thailand and ahead of the United Kingdom. Migration has become a global reaction to the collapse of countries from one end of the planet to the other. The migration out of Venezuela is not unique to that country but is now merely the normal reaction to the global crisis. Migrants from Honduras who go northward to the United States or migrants from West Africa who go towards Europe through Libya are part of this global exodus.
Step Nine: Who Controls the Narrative?

The monopoly corporate media takes its orders from the elite. There is no sympathy for the structural crisis faced by governments from Afghanistan to Venezuela. Those leaders who cave to Western pressure are given a free pass by the media. As long as they conduct ‘reforms’, they are safe. Those countries that argue against the ‘reforms’ are vulnerable to being attacked. Their leaders become ‘dictators’, their people hostages. A contested election in Bangladesh or in the Democratic Republic of Congo or in the United States is not cause for regime change. That special treatment is left for Venezuela.
Step Ten: Who’s the Real President?

Regime change operations begin when the imperialists question the legitimacy of the government in power: by putting the weight of the United States behind an unelected person, calling him the new president and creating a situation where the elected leader’s authority is undermined. The coup takes place when a powerful country decides – without an election – to anoint its own proxy. That person – in Venezuela’s case Juan Guaidó – rapidly has to make it clear that he will bend to the authority of the United States. His kitchen cabinet – made up of former government officials with intimate ties to the US (such as Harvard University’s Ricardo Hausmann and Carnegie’s Moisés Naím) – will make it clear that they want to privatise everything and sell out the Venezuelan people in the name of the Venezuelan people.
Step Eleven: Make the Economy Scream.

Venezuela has faced harsh US sanctions since 2014, when the US Congress started down this road. The next year, US President Barack Obama declared Venezuela a ‘threat to national security’. The economy started to scream. In recent days, the United States and the United Kingdom brazenly stole billions of dollars of Venezuelan money, placed the shackles of sanctions on its only revenue generating sector (oil) and watched the pain flood through the country. This is what the US did to Iran and this is what they did to Cuba. The UN says that the US sanctions on Cuba have cost the small island $130 billion. Venezuela lost $6 billion for the first year of Trump’s sanctions, since they began in August 2017. More is to be lost as the days unfold. No wonder that the United Nations Special Rapporteur Idriss Jazairy says that ‘sanctions which can lead to starvation and medical shortages are not the answer to the crisis in Venezuela’. He said that sanctions are ‘not a foundation for the peaceful settlement of disputes’. Further, Jazairy said, ‘I am especially concerned to hear reports that these sanctions are aimed at changing the government of Venezuela’. He called for ‘compassion’ for the people of Venezuela.
Step Twelve: Go to War.

US National Security Advisor John Bolton held a yellow pad with the words 5,000 troops in Colombia written on it. These are US troops, already deployed in Venezuela’s neighbour. The US Southern Command is ready. They are egging on Colombia and Brazil to do their bit. As the coup climate is created, a nudge will be necessary. They will go to war.
None of this is inevitable. It was not inevitable to Titina Silá, a commander of the Partido Africano para a Independència da Guiné e Cabo Verde (PAIGC) who was murdered on 30 January 1973. She fought to free her country. It is not inevitable to the people of Venezuela, who continue to fight to defend their revolution. It is not inevitable to our friends at CodePink: Women for Peace, whose Medea Benjamin walked into a meeting of the Organisation of American States and said – No!

It is time to say No to regime change intervention. There is no middle ground.
More articles by:VIJAY PRASHAD

Vijay Prashad’s most recent book is No Free Left: The Futures of Indian Communism (New Delhi: LeftWord Books, 2015).
Zie ook:
'Trump en Bolton bedreigen openlijk de familie van Venezolaanse militairen'

'Venezuela: VS bedrijf dat wapens smokkelde is gelinkt aan CIA 'Black Site' centra'

'Congreslid Ilhan Omar fileert het monster Elliot Abrams, de speciale gezant van de VS voor Venezuela'

'Venezuela >> de media willen het socialisme definitief de nek omdraaien'

'Joel Voordewind (CU 2de Kamer) bakt de 'Venezolaanse vluchtelingencrisis' op Curaçao wel erg bruin en van Ojik (GL 2de Kamer) schiet een Venezolaanse bok'

'BBC World Service radio >> fake news and other lies about Venezuela' (bericht van dit blog)

'Venezolaanse verandering van regime bekokstoofd door VS en massamedia'

'Venezuela zou humanitaire hulp weigeren, het echte verhaal ziet er 'iets anders' uit'

'Guaidó is een ordinaire couppleger van de VS, e.e.a. gaat volledig in tegen de Venezolaanse constitutie'

'Venezuela >> VS economische oorlogsvoering met gebruikmaking van o.a. IMF en Wereldbank'

'VS couppleger in Venezuela belooft VS Venezolaanse olie als hij de macht heeft overgenomen'
Pompeo: US Military Obligated to “Take Down” the Iranians in Venezuela
(de opgeblazen oorlogshitser en oorlogsmisdadiger Pompeo beweert dat Hezbollah werkzaam is in Venezuela en daar een leger heeft dat gezien zijn woorden amper onder doet voor de gezamenlijke NAVO troepen... ha! ha! ha! Ook hier is totaal geen bewijs voor deze belachelijke beschuldiging...)

'Halliburton en Chevron hebben groot belang bij 'regime change' in Venezuela'

'Mike Pence (vicepresident VS) gaf Guaidó, de door de VS gewenste leider, groen licht voor de coup in Venezuela'

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'Antiwar Hero Medea Benjamin Disrupts Pompeo Speech on Venezuela'

'Venezuela’s Military Chief, Foreign Allies Back Maduro'

'Als de VS stopt met spelen van 'politieagent' en het vernielen van de wereld, zullen de slechte krachten winnen......'

'Venezuela: VS verandering van regime mislukt >> de Venezolanen wacht een VS invasie'

Vast Majority of Democrats Remain Silent or Support Coup in Venezuela

'Trump wilde naast de economische oorlogsvoering tegen Venezuela dat land daadwerkelijk militair aanvallen......'

'Venezolaanse regionale verkiezingen gehekeld door westen, terwijl internationale waarnemers deze als eerlijk beoordeelden..........'

'Venezuela: Target of Economic Warfare'

'Venezuela: de anti-propaganda van John Oliver (en het grootste deel westerse massamedia) feilloos doorgeprikt'

'Venezuela: 'studentenprotest' wordt uitgevoerd door ingehuurde troepen.........'

'Abby Martin Busts Open Myths on Venezuela's Food Crisis: 'Shelves Fully Stocked'' (zie ook de video in dat artikel!)

'Rex Tillerson waarschuwt Venezuela voor een coup en beschuldigt China van imperialisme........ ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

'Edwin Koopman (VPRO Bureau Buitenland) over Venezolaanse verkiezingen met anti-Maduro propaganda bij de 'onafhankelijke NOS.....'

'EU neemt uiterst hypocriet sancties tegen de Venezolaanse regering Maduro.........'

'Venezuela ontwricht, wat de reguliere media u niet vertellen........'

'VS steunt rechtse coalitie (MUD) in Venezuela.........'

'The Left and Venezuela' (met mogelijkheid tot directe vertaling)

'Venezolaanse regering treedt terecht op tegen de uiterst gewelddadige oppositie!!'

zaterdag 12 januari 2019

Cuba: 'sonisch wapen' tegen VS ambassadepersoneel blijkt geen Cubaans 'wapen' te zijn.........

Afgelopen week werd bekend gemaakt dat 'het sonische wapen' van de 'vileine' Cubaanse overheid niet is wat men dacht....... Verschillende ambassade medewerkers melden zich vorig jaar ziek en stelden gehoorschade op te hebben gelopen in de VS ambassade in Havana. Deze figuren keerden zelfs terug naar de VS.....

De reguliere westerse media kwamen uiteraard met beschuldigingen dat de Cubaanse overheid de dader van dit 'vreselijk gebeuren' was..... Hoorde op BNR zelfs een 'deskundige', ene Konijn die aanvankelijk stelde het een ongeloofwaardig verhaal te vinden, maar na enig aandringen plompverloren stelde dat de enige mogelijkheid voor dit gebeuren, handelingen van de Cubaanse overheid moesten zijn....*

Terug naar de berichtgeving van afgelopen week: de terreuraanslag op het ambassade personeel van de VS werd uitgevoerd door...... baltsende krekels.... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Je kan het vergeten dat de reguliere westerse massamediaorganen een rectificatie voor hun beschuldiging aan het adres van Cuba zullen plaatsen, noch zullen Facebook en Twitter de sites van die media blokkeren, geen kans ook dat NewsGuard** hen als onbetrouwbaar zal kwalificeren.......

Van BNR valt al helemaal niets te verwachten, de 'buitenlanddeskundige' van dit station, Bernhard Hammelburg had het gore lef een reclame voor zijn programma te maken waarin hij de laatste weken zijn BNR 'De Wereld' als volledig onbevooroordeeld, onafhankelijk en objectief noemt.......... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Jezus je komt niet meer bij als je 'm in het spotje hoort zwetsen! Klik voor de gein op het label met zijn naam, direct onder dit bericht***, dan zal je zien hoe onbevooroordeeld en objectief zijn lobbyprogramma werkelijk is, lobby voor het fascistische neoliberalisme, het militair-industrieel complex, de VS, de NAVO en (fascistische) staten als Oekraïne........ Deze snuiter durft ook nog eens het woord fake news (nepnieuws) regelmatig te laten vallen....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

*   Zie: ''Security deskundige' Konijn over gehoorschade bij VS ambassadepersoneel Cuba......'

**  Zie: 'NewsGuard, het nieuwste wapen van Big Brother VS tegen de alternatieve media'

*** Na een aantal berichten wordt het laatst gelezen bericht telkens herhaald, dan even onder het laatst gelezen bericht weer op het bewuste label klikken.

vrijdag 11 januari 2019

VS zet Latijns-Amerikaanse landen tegen elkaar op en is bezig met voorbereiding invasie Venezuela

InformationClearing House bracht gisteren een artikel over de plannen van de VS met Latijns-Amerika, van belang nu het er toch op lijkt dat de VS aanzienlijke troepenverminderingen zal doorvoeren in het Midden-Oosten.

Thierry Mason, de schrijver van het artikel gaat uitvoerig in op de bestaande status quo in Latijns-Amerika, waar bijvoorbeeld Venezuela al tijden in de schijnwerpers staat. De VS is al jaren bezig met een economische oorlogsvoering tegen Venezuela, waarbij o.a. de VS winkelketens voor levensmiddelen al een aantal jaren geleden onder druk werden gezet door de Obama administratie hun winkels en magazijnen in Venezuela niet langer te bevoorraden......

Deze smerige 'tactiek' heeft deels gewerkt, de middenstand en de hogere klasse gooiden de kont tegen de krib en met uiterst gewelddadige demonstraties probeerde men Maduro tot aftreden te dwingen en zoals we weten is dit niet gelukt. Men gaf de regering Maduro de schuld van dat geweld, echter uit beelden bleek dat veel demonstranten gewapend waren en op de politie schoten, naar verluid ging het hier om door de VS aangevoerde terroristen.....

Bolton heeft Venezuela, Cuba* en Nicaragua aangewezen als as van het kwaad in Latijns-Amerika en heeft gesteld dat de VS daar wil ingrijpen, ofwel er staan weer nieuwe illegale oorlogen van de VS op stapel..... De NAVO heeft in opdracht van haar bevelhebber, de VS Columbia toegelaten als lid van deze 'Noord Atlantische Verdragsorganisatie.....' (ha! ha! ha! ha!) Intussen schijnt terreurorganisatie NAVO twee militaire bases te hebben in dat land, dicht op de grens met o.a. Venezuela.......

Voorts heeft de VS landen als Brazilië in de zak (dat overigens onder fascist Bolsonaro nauw samenwerkt met terreurstaat Israël). Guyana (eerder Brits-Guiana genoemd) een ander buurland van Venezuela, wordt zoals de voormalige naam al zegt in feite door Groot-Brittannië gecontroleerd en bestuurd, GB ook al geen vriend van Venezuela, om het maar zachtjes uit te drukken........ En dan beste bezoeker is daar... Nederland dat een dikke vinger in de Antilliaanse pap heeft, waar de Nederlandse marine in het gebied van de Antilliaanse eilanden (relatief dicht op Venezuela) nauw samenwerkt met de VS, zogenaamd alleen tegen drugssmokkelaars, echter je hoeft geen universitaire graad te hebben om te begrijpen dat deze samenwerking veel verder gaat dan het tegengaan van drugssmokkel.....

Na 13.00 u. vanmiddag kwam WDR nog eens met een aantal leugens over Maduro, dit n.a.v. de inauguratie van Maduro voor zijn tweede termijn als president. Zo werd gesteld dat het grootste deel van de Venezolaanse bevolking tegen Maduro is, dit is een grove leugen, de meerderheid staat wel degelijk achter Maduro, t.w. de grote onderlaag van die bevolking....... Uiteraard werd weer gesteld dat Maduro een desastreus economisch beleid voert, met geen woord werd over de economische oorlog van de VS tegen dat land gesproken, waardoor bijvoorbeeld zelfs medicijnen moeilijk of niet te krijgen zijn, het blokkeren van dergelijke importen is zonder meer een ernstige oorlogsmisdaad......

Lees het volgende artikel van Meyssan en geeft het ajb door, de wereld zit allesbehalve te wachten op oorlogen in Latijns-Amerika. De VS dient zich eindelijk terug te trekken op eigen grondgebied en het fascisme dat ook in Latijns-Amerika op weg terug is naar de macht, moet de pas afgesneden worden, deze ultrarechtse schoften die al zoveel ellende hebben gebracht over de wereld, moeten worden bestreden, voor ze nog veel meer onheil kunnen aanrichten! Opvallend ook het bericht dat de zoon van de Surinaamse president Bouterse niet werd gearresteerd vanwege drugssmokkel, maar vanwege zijn poging het Libanese Hezbollah te introduceren in Suriname..... Dino Bouterse werd in 2013 ondanks zijn diplomatieke paspoort in Panama (dat onder controle van de VS staat) gearresteerd (!!) en uitgeleverd aan de VS waar hij werd veroordeeld tot 16 jaar cel......

The Terrible Forthcoming Destruction of the "Caribbean Basin"

President Trump has announced the withdrawal of US combat troops from the « Greater Middle East », but the Pentagon is still pursuing the implementation of the Rumsfeld-Cebrowski plan. This time the aim is to destroy the States of the "Caribbean Basin ". This is nothing like the overthrow of pro-Soviet regimes, as in the 1970’s, but the destruction of all regional State structures, without consideration for friends or political enemies. Thierry Meyssan observes the preparations for this new series of wars.

By Thierry Meyssan

January 10, 2019 "Information Clearing House" -     In a series of previous articles, we presented the SouthCom plan to provoke wars between the Latin-American nations in order to destroy the structures of all the States in the « Caribbean Basin » [1].

Preparations for wars of this magnitude, intended to follow on from the conflicts in the « Greater Middle East » according to the Rumsfeld-Cebrowski strategy, requires a decade [2].

After the period of economic destabilisation [3] and that of military preparation, the actual operation should begin in the years to come by an attack on Venezuela by Brazil (supported by Israël), Colombia (an ally of the United States) and Guyana (in other words, the United Kingdom). It will be followed by others, beginning with Cuba and Nicaragua (the « troïka of tyranny » according to John Bolton).

However, the original plan may be modified, particularly because of the return of the imperial ambitions of the United Kingdom [4] which may influence the Pentagon.

This is where we are now :

The evolution of Venezuela
Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez had developed relations with the « Greater Middle East » on an ideological basis. He had in particular grown closer to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Syrian President Bachar el-Assad. Together, they had imagined the possibility of founding an intergovernmental organisation, the « Free Allies Movement », on the model of the « Non-Aligned Movement », which was paralysed by the alignment with the United States, over time, of certain of its members [5].

Although Nicolas Maduro adopted the same language as Hugo Chávez, he chose a very different foreign policy. It is true that he continued the rapprochement with Russia and, in his turn welcomed Russian bombers to Venezuela. He signed a contract to import 600,000 tonnes of wheat in order to deal with starvation in his country. Above all, he prepared to receive six billion dollars of investments, including five in the oil sector. Russian engineers took over the posts which were intended for Venezuelan workers but which they had abandoned.

Nicolas Maduro reorganised the alliances of his country on new foundations. He wove close links with Turkey, which is a member of NATO and whose army presently occupies Northern Syria. Maduro went to Istanbul on four occasions and Erdoğan went once to Caracas.
Switzerland was an ally of Hugo Chávez, and had advised him for the composition of his Constitution. Fearing that he would be unable to refine his country’s gold in Switzerland, Nicolas Maduro looked to Turkey, which transformed the raw material into bullion. In the past, this gold had remained in Swiss banks as a guarantee for oil contracts. From now on, the liquid assets were transferred to Turkey, while the newly treated gold returned to Venezuela. This orientation may be interpreted as being no longer founded on ideology, but on interest. Everything depends on who benefits.

Simultaneously, Venezuela became the target of a destabilisation campaign which began with the guarimbas demonstrations, continued with the attempted coup d’etat on 12 February 2015 (« Operation Jericho »), then by a series of attacks on the national currency, and organised emigration. In this context, Turkey offered Venezuela the possibility of avoiding US sanctions. The exchanges between the two countries multiplied fifteen-fold in 2018.
Whatever the evolution of the Venezuelan régime, nothing can justify what is being prepared against its population.

Coordination of logistical means

From 31 July to 12 August 2017, SouthCom organise a vast exercise with more than 3,000 men from 25 allied states, including France and the United Kingdom. The goal was to prepare a swift landing for troops in Venezuela [6].


Colombia is a state, but not a nation. Its population lives geographically separate according to social class, with enormous differences in the quality of life. Almost no Colombian has ever spent time in a neighbourhood attributed to another social class than their own. This strict separation has made possible the multiplication of paramilitary forces and consequently armed interior conflicts which have caused more than 220,000 victims in thirty years.

In power since August 2018, President Iván Duque has challenged the fragile peace concluded with the FARC by his predecessor, Juan Manuel Santos – but not with the ELN. He has not dismissed the option of a military intervention against Venezuela. According to Nicolas Maduro, the United States are currently training 734 mercenaries in a training camp situated in Tona with a view to carrying out a false flag operation intended to spark a war with Venezuela. Taking into account the sociological particularity of Colombia, it is impossible to determine with certainty whether or not the training camp is controlled by Bogota.


In the 19th century, the colonial powers agreed to a frontier between British Guyana (presently Guyana) and Dutch Guyana (presently Surinam). but no text has ever defined the frontier between the British zone and the Spanish zone (presently Venezuela). Consequently, Guyana administrates 160,000 km2 of forest which is still a source of dispute with its larger neighbour. By virtue of the Geneva agreement of 17 February 1966, the two states deferred to the Secretary General of the UNO (at that time the Burmese U Thant). Nothing has changed since then - Guyana has proposed to bring the case before the UNO** Permanent Court of Arbitration, while Venezuela prefers direct negotiations.

This territorial dispute does not seem particularly urgent, because the contested area is an uninhabited forest which was believed to be without value – however, it is a huge area which represents two thirds of Guyana. The Geneva agreement has been violated 15 times by Guyana, which specifically authorised the exploitation of a gold mine. Above all, the stakes were raised in 2015 with the discovery by ExxonMobil of oil deposits in the Atlantic Ocean, particularly in the territorial waters of the contested zone.

The population of Guyana is composed of 40 % Indians, 30 % Africans, 20 % mixed race and 10 % American Indians. The Indians are a strong presence in the civil services and the Africans in the army.

On 21 December, a vote of no confidence was lodged against the government of President David Granger, a pro-British, anti-Venezuelan General, in power since 2015. To everyone’s surprise, a deputy, Charrandas Persaud, voted against his own party, and in an atmosphere of indescribable chaos, provoked the fall of the government which had only a one-vote majority. Since then, the country is in a state of great instability - we do not know whether President Granger, who is presently undergoing chemotherapy, will be able to handle current affairs, while Charrandas Persaud left Parliament with an escort, via a back door, and has fled to Canada.

On 22 December 2018, in the absence of a government, the Ramform Tethys (under the flag of the Bahamas) and the Delta Monarch (Trinidad and Tobago) undertook submarine explorations in the contested zone on behalf of Exxon-Mobil. Considering that this intrusion violated the Geneva agreement, the Venezuelan army chased the two ships away. The Guyanese Minister for Foreign Affairs, working with current affairs, declared it a hostile act.

The United Kingdom Minister for Defense, Gavin Williamson, declared to the Sunday Telegraph on 30 December 2018 that the Crown was putting an end to decolonisation, which had been Whitehall’s doctrine since the Suez affair in 1956. London is preparing to open a new military base in the Caribbean (for the moment the UK has bases only in Gibraltar, Cyprus, Diego Garcia and on the Falkland islands). The new base could be situated on Montserrat (West Indies), or more probably in Guyana, and should be operational in 2022 [7].

Guyana is a neighbour of Surinam (Dutch Guyana). Its President, Desi Bouterse, is wanted in Europe for drug trafficking – an affair which pre-dated his election. But his son, Dino, was arrested in Panama in 2013, despite the fact that he entered that country under a diplomatic passport. He was extradited to the United States where he was sentenced to 16 years of prison for drug trafficking - in reality because he was setting up the Lebanese Hezbollah in Surinam.

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The baptism of Jair Bolsonaro in the waters of the Jordan (Israël) (opvallend hoe goed het christelijk geloof het meestal kan vinden met fascisten....)


In May 2016, Henrique Meirelles, the Minister of Finance for the transitional government of Libano-Brazilian Michel Temer, nominated Israelo-Brazilian Ilan Goldfajn as director of the Central Bank. Mereilles had also presided the Committee for the preparation of the Olympic Games, calling on Tsahal to coordinate the Brazilian army and police, thus guaranteeing the security of the Games. Simultaneously controlling the Central Bank, the army and the police of Brazil, Israël had no difficulty in supporting the popular movement of dissatisfaction in the face of the incompetence of the Workers’ Party.

Believing - without any solid proof - that Presidente Dilma Rousseff had fudged the public accounts in the context of the Petrobras scandal, the parliamentarians impeached her in August 2016.

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During the Presidential election of 2018, candidate Jair Bolsonaro went to Israël to be baptised in the waters of the Jordan, and consequently obtained a massive percentage of the evangelical vote. He was elected with General Hamilton Mourão as his Vice-President. During the period of transition, Mourão declared that Brazil should prepare to send men to Venezuela as a « peace force » once President Maduro had been overthrown – comments which constitute a barely-disguised threat which President Bolsonaro attempted to downplay.

In an interview on 3 January 2019, on the TV channel SBT, President Bolsonaro spoke of negotiations with the Pentagon concerning the possibility of creating a US military base in Brazil. This declaration raised powerful opposition within the armed forces, for whom their country is capable of defending itself without assistance.

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Benjamin Netanyahu during the investiture of President Bolsonaro. Israël has taken position in Brazil.
During his investiture on 2 January 2019, the new President welcomed Israëli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. This was the first time that an Israëli personality of this importance had been to Brazil. On this occasion, President Bolsonaro announced the coming transfer of the Brazilian embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who also went to the investiture, where he met Peruvian Minister for Foreign Affairs Néstor Popolizio, announced with President Bolsonaro his intention to fight with him against the « authoritarian régimes » of Venezuela and Cuba. Returning to the United States, he stopped over in Bogota to meet with Colombian President Iván Duque. The two men agreed to work for the diplomatic isolation of Venezuela. On 4 January 2019, the 14 States of the Lima Group (including Brazil, Colombia and Guyana) met to agree that Nicolas Maduro’s new mandate, which begins on 10 January, is « illegitimate » [8]. This communiqué has not been signed by Mexico. Apart from this, six of the member-States lodged a complaint with the International Criminal Tribunal*** against President Nicolas Maduro for crimes against humanity. It is perfectly clear today that the process towards war is under way. Enormous forces are in play, and there is little that can be done to stop them now. It is in this context that Russia is studying the possibility of setting up a permanent aero-naval base in Venezuela. The island of La Orchila – where President Hugo Chávez was held prisoner during the coup d’etat of April 2002 – would enable the storing of strategic bombers. This would constitute a much greater threat to the United States than the Soviet missiles stationed in Cuba in 1962.

Thierry Meyssan, Political consultant, President-founder of the Réseau Voltaire (Voltaire Network). 

Latest work in French – Sous nos Yeux. Du 11-Septembre à Donald Trump (Right Before our Eyes. From 9/11 to Donald Trump).  Translation - Pete Kimberley

This article was originally published by "Voltaire Network" -


[1] « Plan to overthrow the Venezuelan Dictatorship – “Masterstroke” », Admiral Kurt W. Tidd, Voltaire Network, 23 février 2018. “The United States "Master Stroke" against Venezuela”, by Stella Calloni; “The United States are preparing a war between Latin-American states”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 17 May and 18 December 2018.

[2The Pentagon’s New Map, Thomas P. M. Barnett, Putnam Publishing Group, 2004. “The US military project for the world”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 22 August 2017.

[3] “Declaration of a National Emergency with Respect to Venezuela”, “Executive Order – Blocking Property and Suspending Entry of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Venezuela”, by Barack Obama, Voltaire Network, 9 March 2015.

[4] « Brexit : Londres assume sa nouvelle politique coloniale », Réseau Voltaire, 3 janvier 2019.

[5] “Assad and Chávez call for the creation of a Free Allied Movement”, Voltaire Network, 29 June 2010.

[6] “Large-scale manoeuvres encircling Venezuela”, by Manlio Dinucci, Translation Anoosha Boralessa, Il Manifesto (Italy) , Voltaire Network, 23 August 2017.

[7] “We are opening new overseas bases to boost Britain”, Christopher Hope, Sunday Telegraph, December 30, 2018.

[8] “Declaration of the Lima Group”, Translation Anoosha Boralessa, Voltaire Network, 4 January 2019.

==See Also==

The United States are preparing a war between Latin-American states: The Pentagon is planning to assassinate an elected head of state, ruin his country, and undermine the unity of Latin-America.

*   Afgelopen week werd bekend gemaakt dat het VS ambassade personeel dat middels 'een sonisch wapen' onwel werd, waar men in de westerse pers al flink tamtam over maakte en met de beschuldigende vinger naar de Cubaanse regering wees, in werkelijkheid werd 'aangevallen' door het geluid van (echte) baltsende krekels...... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

**  UNO (United Nations Organisation) >> nu kortweg UN of het Nederlandse VN.

*** Naar grote waarschijnlijkheid doelt de schrijver op het Internationaal Strafhof (ICC) in Den Haag.

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