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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
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Posts tonen met het label V. Prashad. Alle posts tonen

zaterdag 16 mei 2020

VS wil op militaire manier 'het gevaar China' neutraliseren

De VS is sinds het aantreden van Trump bezig met het demoniseren van China, neem de handelsoorlog met alle haat- en angstzaaierij respectievelijk tegen en voor China, een demonisering van China die Trump al heeft gebruikt voordat het Coronavirus in beeld kwam..... Doordat Trump onder vuur kwam te liggen vanwege de totaal onverantwoorde omgang met het virus, heeft deze zijn pijlen weer gericht op China, waarbij hij de uitbraak van het Coronavirus NB heeft aangewezen als de grootste aanval op de VS ooit..... Ofwel in feite zegt Trump dat China de VS heeft aangevallen......  

Bij het voorgaande was Trump 'even vergeten' dat de witte Europeanen, van wie ook hij een nazaat is, een genocide hebben uitgevoerd op de oorspronkelijke volkeren van de VS, gepaard gaand met een ongelofelijk aantal doden, waarbij het aantal Coronadoden in de VS niet eens in de schaduw kan staan..... Zo kwamen de witte terroristen uit Europa, niet zelden streng gelovig, 'in het bezit' van de VS, een land dat zij over de lijken van de oorspronkelijke bewoners hebben gestolen.......... Over de grootste aanval ooit gesproken, op wat nu de VS wordt genoemd......

Niet alleen Trump maar ook de militaire top, die door Trump aanzienlijk aan macht heeft gewonnen, maakt zich druk om 'het gevaar China......'* (macht: zo kan het Pentagon naar eigen inzicht militairen toevoegen aan de militairen in landen waartegen de VS illegaal oorlog voert....) Admiraal Philip Davidson eist 20 miljard van de Trump administratie om een cordon met o.a. schepen en raketbases te leggen en zo illegaal de bewegingsvrijheid van de Chinese marine in te perken.... Een cordon dat loopt van Californië tot Japan en die verder gaat tot alle landen en steden die grenzen aan de Grote Oceaan (exclusief China zoals je begrijpt), ofwel de VS wil de hele Grote of Stille Oceaan tot haar achtertuin maken (of beter gezegd: weer tot haar achtertuin maken) en daarmee China terugwerpen op de eigen territoriale wateren....... In feite is dit bijna een oorlogsverklaring, al wordt deze gedaan door een hoge marine officier en niet door Trump, het is dan ook de vraag hoe lang het zal duren voor deze zijn mond of smartphone (Twitter) zal gebruiken om hetzelfde te zeggen...... (neem hierbij zijn woorden nog eens in gedachte over de grootste aanval op de VS ooit.....)

China zou een voordeel op raketgebied hebben t.o.v. de VS**, vandaar dat Trump zich vorig jaar terugtrok uit het INF-verdrag voor middellangeafstandsraketten, zogenaamd daar Rusland zich daar niet aan zou houden (bewezen lulkoek), echter de 'werkelijke reden' was een door het Pentagon opgeklopte angst voor Chinese raketten...... Echter ook dat is m.i. een excuus om deze raketten zelf weer te kunnen gebruiken, wat wel bleek uit het feit dat de VS in augustus 2019 al een test deed met een dergelijke raket..... (het ontwikkelen van een dergelijke raket doe je niet in een paar maanden tijd, kortom de VS was al lang bezig met de illegale ontwikkeling van middellangeafstandsraketten.......

Bovendien heeft de VS een raketschild geïnstalleerd in Polen en Roemenië, zogenaamd tegen inkomende raketten uit Iran, de raketten van dit schild vallen in feite onder het INF-verdrag, maar omdat ze geen kernkoppen hebben, vallen ze er buiten, echter hier zit een hele dikke adder onder het gras: de raketten kunnen in een mum van tijd worden voorzien van meerdere kernkoppen en kunnen dan ingezet worden tegen Rusland en dan vallen deze raketten wel degelijk onder het INF-verdrag....... (en daarmee heeft Rusland kernraketten van de VS op de 'voordeurmat...')

Admiraal Davidson wilde al in 2018 kernraketten in alle met de VS bevriende landen plaatsen, zodat China van meerdere kanten in feite zou worden ingesloten door kernraketten van de grootste terreurentiteit op aarde, de VS.... Daarnaast heeft de VS al veel bases in de buurt van China, vergeet niet dat dit Noord-Amerikaanse land meer dan 800 militaire bases heeft over een fiks deel van de wereld.........

De 'angst voor China' is een duidelijk motief om dat land verder te isoleren, militair kan China niet tippen aan de VS, ondertussen draait de wapenindustrie in de VS weer op volle toeren.......

Lees het artikel over het gevaarlijke spel dat de VS speelt, geschreven door Vijay Prashad en gepubliceerd op CounterPunch:

May 14, 2020

The U.S. Military is Hell-Bent on Trying to Overpower China

by Vijay Prashad

On April 1, Admiral Philip Davidson—the head of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command—told the U.S. Congress that he would like $20 billion to create a robust military cordon that runs from California to Japan and down the Pacific Rim of Asia. His proposal—titled “Regain the Advantage”—pointed to the “renewed threat we face from Great Power Competition. … Without a valid and convincing conventional deterrent, China and Russia will be emboldened to take action in the region to supplant U.S. interests.”
The real focus is China. In January 2019, Acting U.S. Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan told U.S. military officials that the problem is “China, China, China.” This has been the key focus of all U.S. President Donald Trump’s nominees for the Defense Department, whether it be Shanahan or the current chief Mark Esper. Esper cannot open his mouth without blaming China; he recently told the Italian paper La Stampa that China is using the coronavirus emergency to push its advantage through “malign” forces such as Huawei and by sending aid to Italy. As far as Trump and Esper are concerned, China and—to a lesser extent—Russia are to be contained by the United States with armed force.

The Missile Gap?

Senator Tom Cotton (Republican from Arkansas) has pushed the view that China’s military modernization program has created a missile gap in China’s favor. In March 2018, Cotton asked Admiral Harry Harris, commander of the U.S. Pacific Command (now U.S. ambassador to South Korea) about China’s missiles. “We are at a disadvantage with regard to China today in the sense that China has ground-based ballistic missiles that threaten our basing in the western Pacific and our ships,” Harris told Congress. To remedy this, Harris suggested that the United States exit from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), which Trump did in early 2019 (Trump blamed Russian non-compliance, but it was clear that the real target was this fear of a Chinese missile advantage). In August 2019, the U.S. tested an intermediate-range missile, signaling that its intentions long preceded its withdrawal from the INF.

In March 2019, Cotton went to the Heritage Foundation to say that the United States should start production of medium-range ballistic missiles, which should be deployed on bases at the U.S. territory of Guam and on the territories of U.S. allies; these missiles should directly threaten China. “Beijing has stockpiled thousands of missiles that can target our allies, our bases, our ships, and our citizens throughout the Pacific,” Cotton said in characteristic hyperbole. Exaggeration is central to people like Cotton; for them, fear-mongering is the way to produce policy, and facts are inconvenient.

The United States has used the concept of the “missile gap” before. John F. Kennedy used it for his 1958 presidential campaign, even though it is likely he knew that it was false to say that the USSR had more missiles than the United States. Little has changed since then.

In November 2018, before the U.S. left the INF, Admiral Davidson spoke at a think tank in Washington on “China’s Power.” In 2015, Davidson said, his predecessor Harry Harris had joked that the islands off the coast of the People’s Republic of China were a “Great Wall of Sand”; now, said Davidson, these had become a “Great Wall of SAMs,” referring to Surface-to-Air Missiles. Davidson, from the military side, and Cotton, from the civilian side, began to say over and over again that China had a military advantage by the “missile gap,” a concept that required no careful investigation.

The United States has the largest military force in the world. In April, the Stockholm 
International Peace Research Institute found that the United States military budget rose by 5.3 percent over the previous year to total $732 billion; the increase over one year was by itself the entire military budget of Germany. China, meanwhile, spent $261 billion on its military, lifting its budget by 5.1 percent. The United States has 6,185 nuclear warheads, while China has 290 nuclear warheads. Only five countries in the world have missiles that can strike any country on the earth: the United States, Russia, China, the United Kingdom, and France. Whether it be in terms of intercontinental weapons or through U.S. air power, there is no doubt that China simply does not possess a military advantage over the United States.

Every known inventory of weapons shows that the United States has a much greater capacity to wreak havoc in a military confrontation against anyone—including China; but the U.S. now understands that while it can bomb a country to smithereens, it can no longer subordinate all countries.


The United States Navy is both overstretched and threatened. The two U.S. Pacific-based carriers—USS Ronald Reagan and USS Theodore Roosevelt—are in trouble; USS Reagan is in Japan, where it is being repaired, while USS Roosevelt is in Guam, with its crew devastated by COVID-19. Meanwhile, the U.S. has sent an aircraft carrier group to threaten Venezuela using the excuse of counter-narcotics. Threatening several countries far apart from each other makes it difficult for the U.S. to focus its superior military power against any one country.

Missile capacities shown by Iran and by China have meant that the U.S. continuous bomber presence at al-Udeid Air Base (Qatar) and at Andersen Air Force Base (Guam) has been withdrawn. These bombers are now at Minot Air Force Base (North Dakota) and Barksdale Air Force Base (Louisiana). General Timothy Ray of the U.S. Air Force Global Strike Command put a brave face on these withdrawals, saying that it gives the U.S. greater flexibility. The real reason for the bombers leaving Qatar and Guam is that the U.S. military fears that these strategic assets are in harm’s way.

Neither Iran nor China has the capacity to defeat the U.S. in a military confrontation. But alongside both of their borders, Iran and China have the capacity to strike U.S. targets and U.S. allies. This capacity hampers the U.S. ability to establish the complete subordination of these countries. It is this local power developed by China and Iran that the United States wants to extinguish.

Regain the Advantage

Admiral Davidson’s April report calls for “Forward-based, rotational joint forces” as the “most credible way to demonstrate U.S. commitment and resolve to potential adversaries.” What the Indo-Pacific Command means is that rather than have a fixed base that is vulnerable to attack, the U.S. will fly its bombers into bases on the soil of its allies in the Indo-Pacific network (Australia, India, and Japan) as well as others in the region (South Korea, for instance); the bombers, he suggests, will be better protected there. China will still be threatened, but Chinese missiles will—so the theory goes—find it more difficult to threaten mobile U.S. assets.

Davidson’s report has a stunning science-fiction quality to it. There is a desire for the creation of “highly survivable, precision-strike networks” that run along the Pacific Rim, including missiles of various kinds and radars in Palau, Hawaii, and in space. He asks for vast amounts of money to develop a military that is already very powerful.

Furthermore, the U.S. is committed to the development of anti-space weapons, autonomous weapons, glide vehicles, hypersonic missiles, and offensive cyber weapons—all meant to destabilize missile defense techniques and to overpower any adversary. Such developments presage a new arms race that will be very expensive and that will further destabilize the world order.

The United States has unilaterally increased a buildup around China and has ramped up threatening rhetoric against Beijing. Anxiety about a possible war against China imposed by the United States is growing within China; although sober voices are asking the Chinese government not to get drawn into an arms race with the United States. Nonetheless, the threats are credible, and the desire to build some form of deterrence is growing.

The absence of a strong world peace movement with the capacity to prevent this buildup by the United States is of considerable concern for the planet. The need for such a movement could not be greater. 

This article was produced by Globetrotter, a project of the Independent Media Institute. 

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More articles by:Vijay Prashad 

Vijay Prashad’s most recent book is No Free Left: The Futures of Indian Communism (New Delhi: LeftWord Books, 2015).
*  Uitstekend voor de wapenindustrie waarmee het Pentagon is verknoopt, zo erg dat het leger van de VS regelmatig nieuwe wapens uittest op het slagveld, dat maar al te vaak bestaat uit een bewoonde stad......... (en uiteraard niet in eigen land.....)

** Praatjes die het Pentagon en de rest van het militair-industrieel complex er steevast inhouden, zo doen ze dat al vele decennia. In de tijd dat de Sovjet-Unie bestond werd er altijd gehamerd op meer bewapening om 'dit gevaar af te wenden' terwijl men wist dat de toenmalige S-U nooit een oorlog tegen de VS zou kunnen winnen, zo waren de tanks van inferieure kwaliteit........ Uiteraard is daarmee langzaam maar zeker het belachelijk hoge defensiebudget van de VS opgeblazen tot de huidige proporties, waar Trump na zijn aantreden in 2016 een enorme schep bovenop heeft gedaan, zoveel dat de VS meer dan 730 miljard dollar uitgeeft aan defensie uh, illegale oorlogsvoering, waarmee de VS veel meer uitgeeft aan wapens en ander oorlogstuig dan Rusland en China samen..........

dinsdag 17 december 2019

Bolivia: de coup heeft alles te maken met grondstoffen

Het is meer dan duidelijk dat de coup in Bolivia alles te maken heeft met grondstoffen, daar president Evo Morales de delving van o.a. indium en lithium heeft genationaliseerd, de eerste, dus indium is van groot belang voor de LCD schermen van smartphones enz. en lithium voor accu's van deze telefoons en andere toepassingen zoals accu's voor elektrische fietsen en auto's.........

 Afbeeldingsresultaat voor The Coup in Bolivia Has Everything to Do With the Screen You’re Using to Read This
(mijnwerker met hamer en beitel......)

Ook de olie en gaswinning werd door Morales genationaliseerd, waar eerdere protesten in bloed werden gesmoord, protesten om meer inkomsten uit de grondstoffen ten goede te laten komen van het hele volk, dus ook voorde meerderheid van de oorspronkelijke bevolking..... Bij protesten in 2003 kwamen tenminste 70 Bolivianen van de oorspronkelijke bevolking om het leven, ofwel die werden vermoord door politie en leger.......

Nationaliseringen werken als een rode lap op een stier als het om de VS gaat en om die reden heeft de VS al vele keren ingegrepen in Latijjns-Amerika, niet alleen door militaire campagnes, ofwel illegale oorlogen, maar ook door het organiseren van opstanden die dan moeten uitmonden in een staatsgreep..... Mocht dat niet lukken zet de CIA het leger en politie van een dergelijk land onder druk een staatsgreep te forceren, uiteraard met de hulp van de VS, die e.e.a. organiseert en regisseert..... Als ook dat niet lukt zoekt de VS op basis van leugens (false flag operaties) een oorzaak om een (illegale) oorlog tegen zo'n land te beginnen....

In Bolivia heeft de VS een combinatie van voornoemde zaken gebruikt, ofwel een coup door leger en politie, die vooraf werd gegaan door protesten..... Deze zogenaamde opstand tegen de democratisch gekozen president Morales zou door het hele volk gesteund zijn. Althans zo berichtten de westerse reguliere media, gelul van een dronken aardbei daar het grootste deel van het volk tot de oorspronkelijke bevolking behoort en deze bevolking heeft Morales, die zelf tot deze oorspronkelijke bevolking behoort ('indianen'), voor meer dan 95% gesteund....... 

 Afbeeldingsresultaat voor The Coup in Bolivia Has Everything to Do With the Screen You’re Using to Read This

De regering Morales heeft het als eerste regering (en voor het eerst sinds de witte kolonisator haar genocide begon in Latijns-Amerika), opgenomen voor het grootste deel van het volk, zoals gezegd de oorspronkelijke bevolking. Door het beleid van Morales en zijn regering is de armoede onder die bevolkingsgroep aanmerkelijk afgenomen en hij voerde daarnaast een prima economisch beleid.... Natuurlijk hebben de bedrijven, die genationaliseerd werden (en toch nog dikke winsten mochten maken), een grote verantwoording voor de coup die Morales aan de kant zette......

In Washington (DC) is een arbitrage rechtbank gesitueerd, de International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), NB een onderdeel van de Wereldbank..... Deze organisatie en de Wereldbank werken bepaald niet in het belang van arme bevolkingsgroepen en veroordelen dergelijke nationaliseringen...... ICSID heeft Bolivia gelast meer rekening te houden met de internationale bedrijven als de mijnbedrijven en die van de olie- en gassector..... Bolivia, Cuba, Nicaragua en Venezuela hebben zich intussen teruggetrokken uit het ICSID en een zelfde soort arbitrage opgezet, echter met één groot verschil, deze organisatie houdt wel rekening met het volk en niet met de grote bedrijven die landen als Bolivia voor een deel hebben leeggezogen......

Salon bracht op 22 november jl. een artikel van Globetrotter (Naked Kapitalism) waarin e.e.a. aangaande de grondstoffen wordt verduidelijkt, jammer dat men niet lithium noemde, daar Bolivia ook de grootste voorraad lithium zou hebben....

NOVEMBER 20, 2019

The Coup in Bolivia Has Everything to Do With the Screen You’re Using to Read This

Photograph Source: Senado Federal – CC BY 2.0

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor The Coup in Bolivia Has Everything to Do With the Screen You’re Using to Read This
iPhone XS (AP/Marcio Jose Sanchez)

When you look at your computer screen, or the screen on your smartphone or the screen of your television set, it is a liquid crystal display (LCD). An important component of the LCD screen is indium, a rare metallic element that is processed out of zinc concentrate.
The two largest sources of indium can be found in eastern Canada (Mount Pleasant) and in Bolivia (Malku Khota). Canada’s deposits have the potential to produce 38.5 tons of indium per year, while Bolivia’s considerable mines would be able to produce 80 tons per year.

Canada’s South American Silver Corporation—now TriMetals Mining—had signed a concession to explore and eventually mine Malku Khota. Work began in 2003, two years before Evo Morales and the Movement for Socialism (MAS) won their first presidential election in Bolivia. South American Silver conducted several studies of the region, all of which found substantial deposits that were poised to make this Canadian firm one of the major players in the mining industry.
A study done by Allan Armitage and others for South American Silver, and delivered to the company in 2011, showed that the Malku Khota mine would produce substantial amounts of silver, indium, lead, zinc, copper, and gallium. “The indium and gallium,” the study noted, “are regarded as strategic metals that give the project future upside potential.” Gallium is used for thermometers and barometers, as well as in the testing side of the pharmaceutical industry. There is Fort Knox level treasure to be made from these minerals.

Resource Nationalism

Evo Morales rode to victory in 2006 with the promise of a new day for Bolivia. Key to his agenda was to take control of the country’s resources and use them to improve the quality of life of Bolivia’s deprived populations. One of the great tragedies of Bolivia has been that since the mid-16th century, the indigenous populations have had to work to remove precious wealth from underneath their lands and send that wealth to enrich the people of Europe and later North America. They did not benefit from those riches.
Millions died in the mines of Potosí to bring the silver, and later tin, out of the ground. For the indigenous people who live near and on the hill, everything is upside down—one of the most lucrative hills is known as Cerro Rico (Rich Hill), while in Spanish there is a phrase that toys with the idea that wealth is equivalent to Potosí (vale un Potosí). Morales’ message during his campaign was framed around the concept of resource nationalism—use our resources to better the lives of those who live in deprivation and indignity.

Morales first went after the oil and gas industry. It is important to recall that his opponent in this year’s election—Carlos Mesa—was the president right before Morales won the election in December 2005. Mesa had come to power when his predecessor Sánchez de Lozada resigned in disgrace over the mass demonstrations in 2003 when Bolivians demanded more control over their gas reserves (the state repression was severe, with at least 70 people killed in the demonstrations). In May 2006—just over three months after being sworn in as president—Morales announced that the oil and gas industry had been nationalized. It is important to recall that his approval rating was well above 80 percent.
Nationalization was not easy, since the Bolivian government could not expropriate assets but only raise taxes and renegotiate contracts. Even here, the government faced problems since it lacked enough technical skills to understand the opaque energy sector. Furthermore, the problem with the energy sector is that even nationalized oil and gas must be sold to the transnational firms that then process them and market them; they remain in control of the value chain. What Morales’ government was able to do was to ensure that the State controlled 51 percent of all private energy firms that operated in Bolivia, which allowed the State’s coffers to fill rapidly. It was this money that was invested to go after poverty, hunger, and illiteracy.
Revenge of the Mining Companies

Canada’s Fraser Institute—a libertarian think tank that is heavily funded by the energy and mining sector—publishes an annual survey of mining companies. This survey is conducted by asking mining executives their opinions on a range of issues. The 2007–08 survey said that Bolivia is the second-worst country for investment; the worst was Ecuador. In 2010, the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Index rated Bolivia at 161 of 183 countries. Heads of mining firms—from Barrick’s Peter Munk to Repsol’s Antonio Brufau—made disparaging comments about the nationalization program. “If Bolivia keeps on this path,” a Wall Street banker told me at that time, “these companies will make sure that Bolivian natural gas remains underground.” Bolivia might be embargoed; Morales might be assassinated.

Pressure mounted daily on the MAS government, which began a process to write a new Constitution that would both protect nature and insist on resource wealth being used for the people. There was an immediate contradiction here: if the MAS government was going to undo centuries of deprivation, it would have to mine the earth to bring out the wealth. A tragic choice befell the government—it could not both conserve nature and transform the wretched conditions of everyday life at the same level of caution. At the same time, to get its minerals and energy to market, it had to continue to negotiate with these transnational firms; no immediate alternative was present.

Despite the constraints on it, the MAS government continued to nationalize resources, and insist on State firms being partners in resource extraction. Transnational firms immediately took Bolivia to the International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), a part of the World Bank system. The ICSID—formed in 1966—is based in Washington, D.C., and shares an outlook toward business that mirrors that of the U.S. Treasury Department.
On April 29, 2007, the leaders of Bolivia (Evo Morales), Cuba (Carlos Lage), Nicaragua (Daniel Ortega), and Venezuela (Hugo Chávez) signed a declaration to create an alternative to the investor-government system institutionalized in the ICSID. Bolivia and Ecuador formally withdrew from this U.S.-dominated system, while Venezuela’s Supreme Court declared that it did not have the power to intervene in Venezuelan sovereign affairs.
On July 10, 2012, Morales’ government nationalized the Malku Khota property of South American Silver. Company CEO Greg Johnson said he was “really shocked” at the decision. South American Silver’s shares dropped immediately; it had been trading at $1.02 on July 6, and it fell to $0.37 on July 11.

The immediate spur for the nationalization was the protest around the mine by indigenous artisanal miners who did not want this mega-project to undermine their livelihood. South American Silver had spent a great deal of money to convince 43 of the 46 neighboring communities to accept the mine; but they could not convince the artisanal miners. “Nationalization is our obligation,” said Morales.

All that indium would not make its way in significant quantities to the factories to produce LCDs for television sets, computer monitors, and cell phones.
South American Silver took the Bolivian government to the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague. In November last year, the Court ordered Bolivia to pay South American Silver $27.7 million rather than the $385.7 million that TriMetals (the new name for South American Silver) had demanded.

In July 2007, U.S. Ambassador Philip Goldberg sent a cable to Washington in which he pointed out that U.S. mining firms had approached his embassy to ask about the investment climate in Bolivia. Goldberg felt that the situation for mining firms was not good. When asked if he could organize a meeting with Vice President Álvaro García Linera, he said, “Sadly, without dynamite in the streets, it is uncertain whether the Embassy or the international mining companies will be able to attain even this minimal goal.”

Without dynamite in the streets” is a phrase worth dwelling upon. A year later, Morales expelled Goldberg from Bolivia, accusing him of aiding the protests in the town of Santa Cruz. Just over a decade later, it was the “dynamite” that removed Morales from power.
Resource nationalism is no longer on the agenda in Bolivia. The fate of Malku Khota is unknown. The fate of your screen is guaranteed—it will be replaced with indium from the Potosí deposits. And the benefits of that sale will not go to improving the well-being of Bolivia’s indigenous population; they will enrich the transnational firms and the old oligarchy of Bolivia.
This article was produced by Globetrotter, a project of the Independent Media Institute.

More articles by:VIJAY PRASHAD

Vijay Prashad’s most recent book is No Free Left: The Futures of Indian Communism (New Delhi: LeftWord Books, 2015).
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Venezuela >> regime change: 'de 12 stappen methode' die de VS gebruikt

Hoe de VS te werk gaat als het een haar onwelgevallig regime wil laten vallen, is op deze plek meermaals aangehaald: organiseer een opstand onder het volk, het liefst middels een economische oorlog, die aanvankelijk in het geniep wordt gevoerd: VS bedrijven onder druk zetten, bedrijven die in bijvoorbeeld Venezuela levensmiddelen verkopen, hun voorraden niet of onvoldoende te bevoorraden, hetzelfde geldt voor farmaceutische bedrijven. Hierdoor ontstaat ontevredenheid onder het volk, een situatie die kan leiden tot een volledige opstand......

Een opstand die uiteraard wordt georganiseerd en geregisseerd door de VS >> CIA), waarbij men het liefst gewelddadige figuren inzet die middels zwaar geweld als het doodschieten van demonstranten, het bewuste bewind zoals dat in Venezuela in een kwaad daglicht stelt, ofwel: de doden zouden te danken zijn aan het bewind, dit noemt men een false flag operatie en is een specialiteit van de CIA en het Pentagon.......

Met een opstand in het land ligt de weg naar een staatsgreep open. Immers op het punt dat er sprake is van een opstand, die 'met geweld wordt onderdrukt', stappen de reguliere westerse media in de zaak en middels het schreeuwen van moord en brand en de eis sancties in te stellen..... Met sancties zoals in het geval van Venezuela, wordt het leven voor de bevolking nog zwaarder, waarna men in diezelfde media in de westerse politiek ingrijpen eist...... Zie hier in het kort de werkwijze van de VS.

De VS heeft in Venezuela een tekort aan voedsel en medicijnen veroorzaakt, waar dezelfde VS nu de door haar naar voren geschoven kandidaat Guaidó wil voorzien van..... levensmiddelen en medicijnen!! 

Op dit moment, even na 12.00 u. is er een Duitse correspondent in Venezuela aan het woord op WDR 5, en stap voor stap herhaalt zij de leugens die tot de door de VS georganiseerde opstand in Venezuela hebben geleid, zo herhaalt ze de leugen dat er geen economische oorlog is gevoerd tegen het land en dat de tekorten aan Maduro's beleid zijn te danken...... Terwijl er aantoonbaar een economische oorlog is gevoerd tegen Venezuela en dat deze de grote tekorten heeft veroorzaakt...... 

De correspondent spreekt alsof de toestand van het Venezolaanse volk hetzelfde is als die voor de Palestijnen in de Gazastrook en op de West Bank, of sterker nog: of deze te vergelijken is met de genocide die de Saoedische terreurcoalitie uitvoert in Jemen (met grote steun van de VS en GB...) en waarbij dagelijks grote aantallen mensen omkomen.... (opvallend is het volgende onderwerp op WDR 5: fake news [nepnieuws] en de betrouwbaarheid van de reguliere media.....)

Het hieronder opgenomen artikel van de schrijver Vijay Prashad, werd op 5 februari jl. gepubliceerd op CounterPunch. Prashad haalt nog een aantal extra punten aan die in het stappenplan van de VS worden gebruikt om te komen tot een verandering van regime. Prashad doet dit o.a. door zaken uit het verleden aan te halen, zoals de coup van de VS tegen de socialistische president Allende in Chili op 11 september 1973 (de eerste 9/11, als de tweede, onder regie van de CIA....)

FEBRUARY 5, 2019

The 12-Step Method of Regime Change

On 15 September 1970, US President Richard Nixon and National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger authorised the US government to do everything possible to undermine the incoming government of the socialist president of Chile, Salvador Allende. Nixon and Kissinger, according to the notes kept by CIA Director Richard Helms, wanted to ‘make the economy scream’ in Chile; they were ‘not concerned [about the] risks involved’. War was acceptable to them as long as Allende’s government was removed from power. The CIA started Project FUBELT, with $10 million as a first instalment to begin the covert destabilisation of the country.

CIA memorandum on Project FUBELT, 16 September 1970.

US business firms, such as the telecommunication giant ITT, the soft drink maker Pepsi Cola and copper monopolies such as Anaconda and Kennecott, put pressure on the US government once Allende nationalised the copper sector on 11 July 1971. Chileans celebrated this day as the Day of National Dignity (Dia de la Dignidad Nacional). The CIA began to make contact with sections of the military seen to be against Allende. Three years later, on 11 September 1973, these military men moved against Allende, who died in the regime change operation. The US ‘created the conditions’ as US National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger put it, to which US President Richard Nixon answered, ‘that is the way it is going to be played’. Such is the mood of international gangsterism.

Phone Call between Richard Nixon (P) and Henry Kissinger (K) on 16 September 1973.

Chile entered the dark night of a military dictatorship that turned over the country to US monopoly firms. US advisors rushed in to strengthen the nerve of General Augusto Pinochet’s cabinet.
What happened to Chile in 1973 is precisely what the United States has attempted to do in many other countries of the Global South. The most recent target for the US government – and Western big business – is Venezuela. But what is happening to Venezuela is nothing unique. It faces an onslaught from the United States and its allies that is familiar to countries as far afield as Indonesia and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The formula is clichéd. It is commonplace, a twelve-step plan to produce a coup climate, to create a world under the heel of the West and of Western big business.

Step One: Colonialism’s Traps.
Most of the Global South remains trapped by the structures put in place by colonialism. Colonial boundaries encircled states that had the misfortune of being single commodity producers – either sugar for Cuba or oil for Venezuela. The inability to diversify their economies meant that these countries earned the bulk of their export revenues from their singular commodities (98% of Venezuela’s export revenues come from oil). As long as the prices of the commodities remained high, the export revenues were secure. When the prices fell, revenue suffered. This was a legacy of colonialism. Oil prices dropped from $160.72 per barrel (June 2008) to $51.99 per barrel (January 2019). Venezuela’s export revenues collapsed in this decade.
Step Two: The Defeat of the New International Economic Order.
In 1974, the countries of the Global South attempted to redo the architecture of the world economy. They called for the creation of a New International Economic Order (NIEO) that would allow them to pivot away from the colonial reliance upon one commodity and diversify their economies. Cartels of raw materials – such as oil and bauxite – were to be built so that the one-commodity country could have some control over prices of the products that they relied upon. The Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), founded in 1960, was a pioneer of these commodity cartels. Others were not permitted to be formed. With the defeat of OPEC over the past three decades, its members – such as Venezuela (which has the world’s largest proven oil reserves) – have not been able to control oil prices. They are at the mercy of the powerful countries of the world.
Step Three: The Death of Southern Agriculture.

In November 2001, there were about three billion small farmers and landless peasants in the world. That month, the World Trade Organisation met in Doha (Qatar) to unleash the productivity of Northern agri-business against the billions of small farmers and landless peasants of the Global South. Mechanisation and large, industrial-scale farms in North America and Europe had raised productivity to about 1 to 2 million kilogrammes of cereals per farmer. The small farmers and landless peasants in the rest of the world struggled to grow 1,000 kilogrammes of cereals per farmer. They were nowhere near as productive. The Doha decision, as Samir Amin wrote, presages the annihilation of the small farmer and landless peasant. What are these men and women to do? The production per hectare is higher in the West, but the corporate take-over of agriculture (as Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research Senior Fellow P. Sainath shows) leads to increased hunger as it pushes peasants off their land and leaves them to starve.

Step Four: Culture of Plunder.

Emboldened by Western domination, monopoly firms act with disregard for the law. As Kambale Musavuli and I write of the Democratic Republic of Congo, its annual budget of $6 billion is routinely robbed of at least $500 by monopoly mining firms, mostly from Canada – the country now leading the charge against Venezuela. Mispricing and tax avoidance schemes allow these large firms (Canada’s Agrium, Barrick and Suncor) to routinely steal billions of dollars from impoverished states.

Step Five: Debt as a Way of Life.

Unable to raise money from commodity sales, hemmed in by a broken world agricultural system and victim of a culture of plunder, countries of the Global South have been forced to go hat in hand to commercial lenders for finance. Over the past decade, debt held by the Global South states has increased, while debt payments have ballooned by 60%. When commodity prices rose between 2000 and 2010, debt in the Global South decreased. As commodity prices began to fall from 2010, debts have risen. The IMF points out that of the 67 impoverished countries that they follow, 30 are in debt distress, a number that has doubled since 2013. More than 55.4% of Angola’s export revenue is paid to service its debt. And Angola, like Venezuela, is an oil exporter. Other oil exporters such as Ghana, Chad, Gabon and Venezuela suffer high debt to GDP ratios. Two out of five low-income countries are in deep financial distress.
Step Six: Public Finances Go to Hell.

With little incoming revenue and low tax collection rates, public finances in the Global South has gone into crisis. As the UN Conference on Trade and Development points out, ‘public finances have continued to be suffocated’. States simply cannot put together the funds needed to maintain basic state functions. Balanced budget rules make borrowing difficult, which is compounded by the fact that banks charge high rates for money, citing the risks of lending to indebted countries.
Step Seven: Deep Cuts in Social Spending.

Impossible to raise funds, trapped by the fickleness of international finance, governments are forced to make deep cuts in social spending. Education and health, food sovereignty and economic diversification – all this goes by the wayside. International agencies such as the IMF force countries to conduct ‘reforms’, a word that means extermination of independence. Those countries that hold out face immense international pressure to submit under pain of extinction, as the Communist Manifesto (1848) put it.
Step Eight: Social Distress Leads to Migration.

The total number of migrants in the world is now at least 68.5 million. That makes the country called Migration the 21st largest country in the world after Thailand and ahead of the United Kingdom. Migration has become a global reaction to the collapse of countries from one end of the planet to the other. The migration out of Venezuela is not unique to that country but is now merely the normal reaction to the global crisis. Migrants from Honduras who go northward to the United States or migrants from West Africa who go towards Europe through Libya are part of this global exodus.
Step Nine: Who Controls the Narrative?

The monopoly corporate media takes its orders from the elite. There is no sympathy for the structural crisis faced by governments from Afghanistan to Venezuela. Those leaders who cave to Western pressure are given a free pass by the media. As long as they conduct ‘reforms’, they are safe. Those countries that argue against the ‘reforms’ are vulnerable to being attacked. Their leaders become ‘dictators’, their people hostages. A contested election in Bangladesh or in the Democratic Republic of Congo or in the United States is not cause for regime change. That special treatment is left for Venezuela.
Step Ten: Who’s the Real President?

Regime change operations begin when the imperialists question the legitimacy of the government in power: by putting the weight of the United States behind an unelected person, calling him the new president and creating a situation where the elected leader’s authority is undermined. The coup takes place when a powerful country decides – without an election – to anoint its own proxy. That person – in Venezuela’s case Juan Guaidó – rapidly has to make it clear that he will bend to the authority of the United States. His kitchen cabinet – made up of former government officials with intimate ties to the US (such as Harvard University’s Ricardo Hausmann and Carnegie’s Moisés Naím) – will make it clear that they want to privatise everything and sell out the Venezuelan people in the name of the Venezuelan people.
Step Eleven: Make the Economy Scream.

Venezuela has faced harsh US sanctions since 2014, when the US Congress started down this road. The next year, US President Barack Obama declared Venezuela a ‘threat to national security’. The economy started to scream. In recent days, the United States and the United Kingdom brazenly stole billions of dollars of Venezuelan money, placed the shackles of sanctions on its only revenue generating sector (oil) and watched the pain flood through the country. This is what the US did to Iran and this is what they did to Cuba. The UN says that the US sanctions on Cuba have cost the small island $130 billion. Venezuela lost $6 billion for the first year of Trump’s sanctions, since they began in August 2017. More is to be lost as the days unfold. No wonder that the United Nations Special Rapporteur Idriss Jazairy says that ‘sanctions which can lead to starvation and medical shortages are not the answer to the crisis in Venezuela’. He said that sanctions are ‘not a foundation for the peaceful settlement of disputes’. Further, Jazairy said, ‘I am especially concerned to hear reports that these sanctions are aimed at changing the government of Venezuela’. He called for ‘compassion’ for the people of Venezuela.
Step Twelve: Go to War.

US National Security Advisor John Bolton held a yellow pad with the words 5,000 troops in Colombia written on it. These are US troops, already deployed in Venezuela’s neighbour. The US Southern Command is ready. They are egging on Colombia and Brazil to do their bit. As the coup climate is created, a nudge will be necessary. They will go to war.
None of this is inevitable. It was not inevitable to Titina Silá, a commander of the Partido Africano para a Independència da Guiné e Cabo Verde (PAIGC) who was murdered on 30 January 1973. She fought to free her country. It is not inevitable to the people of Venezuela, who continue to fight to defend their revolution. It is not inevitable to our friends at CodePink: Women for Peace, whose Medea Benjamin walked into a meeting of the Organisation of American States and said – No!

It is time to say No to regime change intervention. There is no middle ground.
More articles by:VIJAY PRASHAD

Vijay Prashad’s most recent book is No Free Left: The Futures of Indian Communism (New Delhi: LeftWord Books, 2015).
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