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Posts tonen met het label Cunningham. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Cunningham. Alle posts tonen

woensdag 24 juli 2019

VS en GB klaar voor oorlog tegen Iran

'Hoogmoed komt voor de val', is de titel van het artikel dat Finian Cunningham schreef over het tromgeroffel uit Washington en Londen n.a.v. het opbrengen van 2 schepen door Iran. Het zou om 2 Britse olietankers gaan, aldus de Britse regering, echter dat is een leugen, één van de schepen, de Stena Impero, vaart onder Britse vlag, maar is van het Zweedse bedrijf Stena Bulk. Overigens is het andere schip, de Mesdar, varend onder Liberiaanse vlag al lang weer weg uit Iran, daar is amper aandacht voor in de reguliere westerse media, twee in beslag genomen schepen klinkt tenslotte veel sensationeler dan één opgebracht schip, zo kan men Iran nog meer demoniseren.......

Iran stelt dat de Stena Impero die nog wordt vastgehouden, betrokken was bij een aanvaring met een vissersschip en ondanks dat haar weg vervolgde...... Elk ander land zou een dergelijk schip vasthouden, tot onderzoek uitwijst wat er daadwerkelijk is gebeurd.

Veel verder gaat het vasthouden van een Iraanse olietanker door GB (in Gibraltar). Deze tanker zou volgens GB olie vervoeren naar Syrië, dit middels een enorme omweg via Zuid-Afrika.... De EU heeft op eigen houtje in navolging van terreurentiteit VS, Syrië sancties opgelegd, zonder toestemming van de VN, ofwel het gaat hier om illegale sancties (zeker zolang de EU-lidstaten zijn aangesloten bij de VN)......

Intussen is duidelijk geworden dat GB reageerde op een aanhoudingsverzoek van de VS en niet van de EU, ofwel GB gaat haar boekje ver te buiten, ten eerste doordat de EU een afspraak heeft gemaakt met Iran om de illegale sancties van de VS te ontduiken, sancties opgelegd simpel omdat Obama zijn handtekening onder dit verdrag heeft gezet..... Ten tweede en dat kwam al even voorbij, reageert de VS niet n.a.v. een VN resolutie, maar puur op eigen leugens als zou Teheran door zijn gegaan met de verrijking van uranium, vandaar ook dat ook deze sancties totaal illegaal zijn......

Kortom, ook hier is weer sprake van de wereld op de kop, immers de VS en GB houden een Iraans schip vast, op illegale gronden (zowel wat betreft de VS sancties tegen Iran en de EU sancties tegen Syrië) en stellen tegelijkertijd dat Iran een 'Brits schip' illegaal vasthoudt, waar Iran simpelweg het Internationaal Zeerecht volgt.....

Met de totaalidioot Boris Johnson als Britse premier valt te vrezen dat oorlogshandelingen tegen Iran bijna niet te voorkomen zijn......

Het volgende artikel werd eerder geplaatst op Sputnik News en door mij overgenomen van Information Clearing House:

Hubris Before the Fall

By Finian Cunningham

A picture shows supertanker Grace 1 off the coast of Gibraltar on July 6, 2019
(foto overgenomen van Sputnik News   © AFP 2019 / JORGE GUERRERO)

July 20, 2019 "Information Clearing House" - Hubris is usually a forewarning of impending calamity. Extreme arrogance blinds the hubristic person to the limits of their power. So, blindly, they push on with reckless excess, leading to potentially disastrous results.
The US and Britain are exemplars of this kind of mad hubris in the present mounting tensions with Iran.

After Iran seized a British cargo ship this week in the Persian Gulf, Britain’s foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt condemned the Iranian action as “unacceptable” and warned that Tehran is “choosing a dangerous path”.

American President Donald Trump also rebuked Iran. “We have the greatest ships – the most deadly ships, we don’t want to have to use them,” he said to reporters Friday at the White House. “We hope for their [Iran’s] sake they don’t do anything foolish. If they do, they will pay a price like nobody’s ever paid.”

Britain is claiming that Iran’s impounding of a British-operated ship is unlawful and violates “freedom of navigation”. Iran said it seized the vessel after it collided with an Iranian fishing boat and disobeyed safety regulations for passing through the narrow Strait of Hormuz.

Whatever the exact circumstance are, London has very little legal or moral authority to remonstrate with Iran. Tehran says it is carrying out an investigation into the alleged infringement by the British ship. Iran has the sovereign right to do so.

As for the official British reaction, it smacks of downright hypocrisy. An Iranian oil tanker is currently detained in the British overseas territory of Gibraltar after Royal Marines boarded the vessel on July 4 and took it into custody over claims it was transporting oil to Syria – allegedly in breach of European Union sanctions on Damascus.

Iran slammed that British seizure as “piracy” and disputes the legality of Britain’s motives. There are good grounds to believe that Britain’s actions were conducted in league with Washington to deliberately aggravate Iran.

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. If the British apply “laws” on alleged shipping transgressions by Iran, then Tehran has every right to do likewise on suspected British ships in or near its territorial waters in the Persian Gulf.

The arrogance of Britain and the US is astounding. Hypocrisy and double standards are tumbling over themselves.

Washington and London’s accusations that Iran is “escalating” tensions are an absurd inversion of reality. Iran’s foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif just this week requested the US to enter negotiations to resolve the stand-off – if Trump reciprocated by lifting harsh sanctions off Iran. You can’t get fairer than that.

The Stena Bulk oil tanker unloads oil
The Stena Bulk oil tanker unloads oil © AP PHOTO / DAMIAN DOVARGANES

Let’s recall the bigger picture. The dangerous situation has been created by Washington’s reprehensible tearing up last year of the international nuclear accord with Iran. Then in April, Trump reimposed crippling sanctions on Tehran driving the Iranian economy into even further turmoil. Such economic warfare is illegal under international law. It’s “economic terrorism”, as Iranian-American writer Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich aptly puts it.

In May, the Trump administration shifted gear and embarked on a policy of what can only be called military aggression by sending warships and B-52 nuclear-capable bombers to the Persian Gulf, purportedly to “defend” against alleged – though unsubstantiated – Iranian security threats.

For the past two months there have been a series of sabotage incidents against commercial shipping which the US has blamed on Iran. Iran denies any involvement and has instead speculated that the incidents are being orchestrated by malign forces to incriminate Tehran.

The seizure of the Iranian oil tanker off Gibraltar earlier this month by British commandoes fits into the same pattern of deliberate provocation.

So when Britain’s Jeremy Hunt gets on his high horse of legal probity and righteousness, the hubris is way too much to stomach.

Washington and London have said in public that they don’t want a war with Iran. But all other signs suggest that war is something they are prepared to wage. Maybe they expect that the display of military power and bragging about it will be enough to make Iran cower and beg for mercy. That, in short, is state terrorism.

But Iran is nobody’s fool nor play thing, as its leaders have time and again warned. Tehran says that the US and Britain may start a war, but it will be Iran that “finishes it”.

There is no doubt Iran’s military defenses are formidable and its missiles could dispatch American and British warships to a watery grave.

Then we are in extremely red-alert geopolitical territory where military conflict could explode into a regional war and even world war. With the Americans and their British bulldog getting a bloody nose, the truly worrying thing is that their extreme arrogance will tempt them to salvage their disaster with the unthinkable – nuclear weapons.

Hubris before the fall could be a fall involving just the corrupt American and British rogue regimes. 

But awful to contemplate is the fall might also include vast numbers of innocent people, or even the planet as we know it.

One things seems irrefutable, however. The American and British criminal bullying towards Iran and the rest of the world has to stop. The world can no longer afford to tolerate their extreme lawlessness.

Finian Cunningham has written extensively on international affairs, with articles published in several languages. He is a Master’s graduate in Agricultural Chemistry and worked as a scientific editor for the Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, England, before pursuing a career in newspaper journalism. He is also a musician and songwriter. For nearly 20 years, he worked as an editor and writer in major news media organisations, including The Mirror, Irish Times and Independent.

This article was originally published by "Sputnik News" -
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'Iran, de protesten en wat de media je niet vertellen.........'

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'VS rechter gelast Iran miljarden te betalen aan de families van 911 slachtosoennieten zijnffers.....' (terwijl 9/11 niet werd uitgevoerd noch werd geregisseerd door Iran, waar 'de daders'  ook nog eens soennieten zouden zijn en Iran hoofdzakelijk een sjiitisch land is)

'Iran moet hangen en Iran-deal moet van tafel....... Israël speelt wolf in schaapskleren'

'VS ambtenaren: Israël zoekt steun VS voor oorlog tegen Iran.......'

'VS, de werelddictator: Iran-deal is van nul en generlei waarde (op basis van leugens en achterklap).......'

'Iran houdt zich aan de nucleaire deal dit in tegenstelling tot de VS........'

'Israël laat er geen twijfel over bestaan: met het uit de Iran-deal stappen van de VS is definitief de oorlog verklaard aan Iran.........'

vrijdag 29 maart 2019

VS – Duitse verhouding dreigt te exploderen

Finian Cunningham schreef een artikel over de verzuurde verhouding tussen de VS en Duitsland, een verhouding die nu zelfs op ontploffen staat.......

Voor deze vijandigheid is de VS en dan m.n. het beest Trump de hoofdverantwoordelijke. Met zijn eis aan de andere NAVO partners minstens 2% van het BNP te spenderen aan illegale oorlogsvoering en de voorbereiding daarop, heeft Trump een aantal EU lidstaten, waaronder Duitsland tegen zich in het harnas gejaagd..... Omgekeerd jaagt Duitsland de VS tegen zich in het harnas, daar de regering Merkel van zins is te bezuinigen op defensie, terwijl het nu iets meer dan 1% spendeert aan defensie.

Ongelofelijk dat de slaafse reguliere media het wat dit betreft volledig eens zijn met Trump, terwijl men bij die media meer dan voldoende personeel heeft om uit te zoeken waarom de VS zo enorm veel geld uitgeeft aan oorlogsvoering..... 

Met dat laatste woord begint het al: de VS voert deze eeuw de ene illegale oorlog na de andere, oh nee dat klopt niet >> de VS begon deze eeuw illegale oorlogen tegen Libië en Syrië, terwijl de eerste en de tweede van de 21ste eeuw, respectievelijk die tegen Afghanistan en Irak, nog lang niet waren afgelopen en zelfs nu nog steeds bezig zijn...... Overigens is de VS vanaf 1945 bijna onophoudelijk in  oorlogen verwikkeld geweest en dat in landen waar het niets te zoeken heeft....*

Daarnaast heeft de VS meer dan 800 militaire bases over de wereld, alsof dat is te bekostigen met een appel en ei.... Voorts zijn er nog de vele geheime militaire acties die commando's onder bevel van de CIA uitvoeren, waar het haar uitkomt, niet moeilijk te bedenken dat deze illegale acties ook al kapitalen aan belastinggeld kosten....

Dan is daar nog het enorme aantal illegale standrechtelijke executies van verdachten middels drones, je weet wel, waarbij meer dan 90% van de slachtoffers niet eens werd verdacht zoals het doel, deze 'collateral damage' ('bijkomende schade') bij deze geplande moorden (dubbel op, ik weet het) bestaat dan ook voor het overgrote deel uit vrouwen en kinderen (tot en met 'big beautiful baby's', woorden die psychopaat Trump nogal eens gebruikt als hij ferme taal uitslaat over VS niet welgevallige regimes).

Het meest lullige van al is wel dat NAVO-lidstaten Duitsland, GB, Frankrijk en Italië al 3 keer meer aan oorlogsvoering spenderen dan Rusland...... Wat betreft de VS en de andere NAVO-staten samen: deze landen geven in totaal meer dan 10 keer zoveel uit aan oorlogsvoering dan Rusland en China bij elkaar!!!

Gelukkig houdt Duitsland de rug recht t.o.v. Trump, ondanks dat Richard Grenell, de uiterst onbeschofte VS ambassadeur voor Duitsland, meent de Duitse regering openlijk 'door het slijk' te moeten trekken...... Waarover FDP politicus Wolfgang Kubicki volkomen terecht stelde dat de ambassadeur zich niet heeft te bemoeien met de binnenlandse politiek van een andere (bevriende, Ap) staat. Volgens Kubicki gedraagt Grenell zich als de commandant van bezettende troepen en wat mij betreft is daar geen spelt tussen te krijgen......

Dit jaar is het overigens 70 jaar geleden dat terreurorganisatie NAVO werd opgericht en dat wordt natuurlijk in Washington gevierd, waar de echte baas van de NAVO huist...... Een veelgehoorde leugen is trouwens dat de NAVO werd opgericht als reactie op het Warschaupact van de Sovjet-Unie, het is zoals je al begrijpt totaal andersom..... Je kan je zelfs afvragen of de Koude Oorlog was begonnen en de Berlijnse muur was gebouwd als de NAVO niet had bestaan...... (de vraag stellen....)

Voorlopig is het grootste gevaar voor de westerse wereld, de enorme groei van armoede, ongelijkheid en achterstand van een enorm aantal mensen (waar velen van hen ook nog eens worden uitgebuit, Ap), zoals de Organisatie voor Economische Samenwerking en Ontwikkeling (OECD) concludeerde......

Lees het volgende uitstekende artikel van Finian Cunningham, eerder gepubliceerd op Sputnik en door mij overgenomen van Information Clearing House, de foto komt van het Sputnik artikel:

US-Germany Rift Set To Blow

A convoy of U.S. troops, a part of NATO's reinforcement of its eastern flank, who are on their way from Germany to Orzysz in northeast Poland, drive through Sulejowek towards a military base in Wesola, near Warsaw, Poland, March 28, 2017

By Finian Cunningham 21-03-2019

March 22, 2019 "Information Clearing House" - This is going to get very ugly. Germany is openly defying US President Trump's demands to spend more on its NATO budget. Already the American ambassador to the country is crying foul, prompting German calls for his expulsion.

Of all the countries in the European Union, it is Germany that's been mostly on the receiving end of Trump's wrath since he entered the White House. In two years, the bilateral relation between Washington and Berlin has plummeted under the weight of Trump's withering verbal attacks.

The American president has assailed Germany for unfair trading practices over its lucrative auto exports; and he has virtually accused Berlin of treason in its dealings with Russia for natural gas supply, threatening to slap economic sanctions on German firms over the Nord Stream 2 pipeline (NS2) project under the Baltic Sea.

Germany has vehemently rejected Trump's accusations, saying its auto industry is a big investor in creating American jobs, and that its energy policies are a sovereign matter based on objective market principles.

But above all his complaints, Trump has continually rebuked Germany for not spending enough on NATO commitments, sniping that the country is freeloading on American military protection. At a NATO summit last year, Trump hectored German Chancellor Angela Merkel to raise her country's annual military budget to the designated NATO target of 2 per cent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

For many years, especially after the end of the Cold War, German military spending has lagged at around 1 per cent of GDP. Trump contends that, as Europe's largest national economy, Berlin should at least double its defence budget.

Latest figures, however, show that German military spending is nowhere near reaching the 2 per cent target that Trump has been fulminating about. Indeed, the trend appears to be one of declining expenditure by Berlin on military, not increasing.

That caused earlier this week US ambassador Richard Grenell to decry Germany's "failure" to live up to its NATO commitments.

Grenell is something of a Trump cypher. It is not the first time the envoy has harangued Germany in terms that his boss in the White House could have almost written for him. Grenell has been slamming Berlin over the Nord Stream 2 gas project with Russia and in its dealings with Chinese telecoms giant Huawei.

His condemnations this week regarding Germany's military budget have again sparked furore among the country's politicians and media, eliciting further public callsfor the envoy to be expelled owing to his alleged gross interference in Berlin's internal affairs. "An ambassador is not supposed to act like the spokesman of an occupying power," said Wolfgang Kubicki, the deputy leader of the Free Democrat Party (FDP).

The New York Times this week reported "the timing couldn't be worse" for US-German relations. 
Next month marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the NATO alliance. A major celebration is due to take place in Washington DC for the occasion. The atmosphere will be severely chilled by Germany's truculent defiance of Trump to boost its commitment to NATO.

Out of some 30 members in the US-led NATO bloc, only seven countries have managed to raise their military budgets to the 2 per cent of GDP target that Trump has clamoured for. That target figure predates Trump's presidency. But since the end of the Cold War, many European members of NATO have reduced military spending. Trump has made it an obsessive issue and has even threatened to pull the US out of NATO if European members don't pull their financial weight.

Germany and others should call Trump's bluff and say, "go ahead!" — pull your troops, missiles and warplanes out of Europe. US forces in Europe have never been about "protection" and have always been about "projection" of American hegemonic power over European vassals, in particular, to prevent a normal and natural relationship with Russia progressing.

The American obsession with military spending needs to be vigorously challenged. What is this pathological addiction for? It is of course about milking the civilian economy to fatten the profits of giant military companies. It's a racket that requires the poisoning of international relations with Russia and China, among others, in order to sustain the charade of syphoning off public money.

The greatest security threat to Western societies is the massive growth of poverty, deprivation and inequality, according to a new OECD report. The whole scaremongering about Russia and other "foreign enemies" is a risible ruse for the obscene misuse of public money by a military-industrial complex that is a colossal parasite on society. A laughable contradiction is that Trump is supposed to be a "Russian puppet", according to his domestic political enemies, and yet he is pushing the anti-Russia pretext on behalf of the military-industrial complex more than any president.

Germany and most NATO members are just right to ignore Trump's dictate about dubious defence spending. The money would be much better invested in productive and genuinely beneficial social development.

One senses a showdown looming between Washington and Berlin. Germany has for too long been allowing itself to be kicked around by an American "occupying power". Under Trump, the insulting humiliation has only become more acute. How long can Berlin tolerate this abusive taskmaster? Especially when there is growing opposition in the German and wider European public despising the American overlord and its dictates.

Finian Cunningham has written extensively on international affairs, with articles published in several languages. He is a Master’s graduate in Agricultural Chemistry and worked as a scientific editor for the Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, England, before pursuing a career in newspaper journalism. He is also a musician and songwriter. For nearly 20 years, he worked as an editor and writer in major news media organisations, including The Mirror, Irish Times and Independent.

This article was originally published by "Sputnik" - 

See also:

Germany: US ambassador Richard Grenell should be expelled, says FDP deputy leader: US Ambassador Richard Grenell is acting like "a high commissioner of an occupying power," the deputy leader of the Free Democrats (FDP) has said.
* Zie:
'VS vermoordde meer dan 20 miljoen mensen sinds het einde van WOII........' (tot het jaar 2000, intussen is het aantal moorden opgelopen tot meer dan 22,5 miljoen......)

'VS buitenlandbeleid sinds WOII: een lange lijst van staatsgrepen en oorlogen..........'

'List of wars involving the United States'

'CIA 70 jaar: 70 jaar moorden, martelen, coups plegen, nazi's beschermen, media manipulatie enz. enz.........'

Zie verder op Sputnik:

US soldiers take part in the Exercise Baltic Operations (BALTOPS), a NATO maritime-focused military multinational exercise in Lithuania

German Bundeswehr soldiers of the 122th Infantry Battalion take part in a farewell ceremony in Oberviechtach, Germany, Thursday, Jan. 19, 2017

Zie ook:
'Hunter Biden zit in de Oekraïense 'witwas val''

'VS stelt Duitsland een ultimatum (chantage): geen Russisch gas via NS2 anders volgt een handelsoorlog.....' Chantage o.a. ten behoeve van het bedrijf van Hunter Biden, intussen heeft Trump aangekondigd dat de bedrijven, o.a. een deels Nederlands bedrijf, die blijven meewerken aan Nord Stream 2 (NS2) gesanctioneerd zullen worden..... Zie daarvoor: 'Donald 'Darth Vader' Trump verklaart ruimte tot oorlogsgebied en laat Duitsland en haar bedrijven weten dat men zich heeft te schikken naar de VS wensen'
Voor meer berichten over Nord Stream 2, klik op het label NS2, direct onder dit bericht.

'Oekraïne, een mislukte, corrupte en fascistische staat........' (o.a. met aandacht voor Biden en zijn zoon)

'Alarm Code Geel: Lara Rense (NOS) voedt Rusland-haat' (zie ook de links in dat bericht)

dinsdag 16 oktober 2018

Khashoggi waarschijnlijk vermoord vanwege kennis over de 9/11 aanslagen

De Saoedisch journalist Khashoggi, die naar grote waarschijnlijkheid is vermoord in het Saoedische consulaat in Istanbul, zou op de hoogte kunnen zijn geweest van de aanslagen tegen o.a. het WTC op 11 september 2001.

Daar Khashoggi in ongenade was gevallen bij de reli-fascistische dictatuur van Saoedi-Arabië, was hij het land ontvlucht en werkte hij voor de Washington Post. In zijn artikelen deed Khashoggi een boek open o.a. over kroonprins bin Salman (MBS)

Finian Cunningham schreef een artikel op Information Clearing House, waarin hij openbaart dat figuren uit de geheime diensten van de VS op de hoogte waren van de Saoedische plannen Khashoggi te ontvoeren en deze hebben verzuimd hem te waarschuwen...... Hieruit zou je inderdaad kunnen afleiden dat de VS zelf al niet blij was met Khashoggi, het waarom zou kunnen duiden op kennis bij Khashoggi van de 9/11 aanslagen in 2001. 

De daders van die aanslagen, aangestuurd door de geheime diensten van de VS, kwamen voor het grootste deel uit Saoedi-Arabië. Het is intussen wel zeker dat 9/11 een false flag operatie was, waarvan vooral de VS heeft geprofiteerd en waarmee men de weg vrij maakte voor nog meer illegale oorlogen tegen landen die de VS niet gehoorzaam genoeg vindt...... VS terreur waarmee sinds 2001 meer dan 2 miljoen mensen werden vermoord..... 

Cunningham geeft nog veel meer argumenten, lees zijn artikel en oordeel zelf:

Did Saudis, CIA Fear Khashoggi 9/11 Bombshell?

By Finian Cunningham

October 14, 2018 "Information Clearing House" -  The macabre case of missing journalist Jamal Khashoggi raises the question: did Saudi rulers fear him revealing highly damaging information on their secret dealings? In particular, possible involvement in the 9/11 terror attacks on New York in 2001.

Even more intriguing are US media reports now emerging that American intelligence had snooped on and were aware of Saudi officials making plans to capture Khashoggi prior to his apparent disappearance at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul last week. If the Americans knew the journalist’s life was in danger, why didn’t they tip him off to avoid his doom?

Jamal Khashoggi (59) had gone rogue, from the Saudi elite’s point of view. Formerly a senior editor in Saudi state media and an advisor to the royal court, he was imminently connected and versed in House of Saud affairs. As one commentator cryptically put it: “He knew where all the bodies were buried.”

For the past year, Khashoggi went into self-imposed exile, taking up residence in the US, where he began writing opinion columns for the Washington Post.

Khashoggi’s articles appeared to be taking on increasingly critical tone against the heir to the Saudi throne, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. The 33-year-old Crown Prince, or MbS as he’s known, is de facto ruler of the oil-rich kingdom, in place of his aging father, King Salman.

While Western media and several leaders, such as Presidents Trump and Macron, have been indulging MbS as “a reformer”, Khashoggi was spoiling this Saudi public relations effort by criticizing the war in Yemen, the blockade on Qatar and the crackdown on Saudi critics back home.

However, what may have caused the Saudi royals more concern was what Khashoggi knew about darker, dirtier matters. And not just the Saudis, but American deep state actors as well.

He was formerly a media aide to Prince Turki al Faisal*, who is an eminence gris figure in Saudi intelligence, with its systematic relations to American and British counterparts. Prince Turki’s father, Faisal, was formerly the king of Saudi Arabia until his assassination in 1975 by a family rival. Faisal was a half-brother of the present king, Salman, and therefore Prince Turki is a cousin of the Crown Prince – albeit at 73 more than twice his age.

For nearly 23 years, from 1977 to 2001, Prince Turki was the director of the Mukhabarat, the Saudi state intelligence apparatus. He was instrumental in Saudi, American and British organization of the mujahideen fighters in Afghanistan to combat Soviet forces. Those militants in Afghanistan later evolved into the al Qaeda terror network, which has served as a cat’s paw in various US proxy wars across the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia, including Russia’s backyard in the Caucasus.

Ten days before the 9/11 terror attacks on New York City, in which some 3,000 Americans died, Prince Turki retired from his post as head of Saudi intelligence. It was an abrupt departure, well before his tenure was due to expire.

There has previously been speculation in US media that this senior Saudi figure knew in advance that something major was going down on 9/11. At least 15 of the 19 Arabs who allegedly hijacked three commercial airplanes that day were Saudi nationals.

Prince Turki has subsequently been named in a 2002 lawsuit mounted by families of 9/11 victims. There is little suggestion he was wittingly involved in organizing the terror plot. Later public comments indicated that Prince Turki was horrified by the atrocity. But the question is: did he know of the impending incident, and did he alert US intelligence, which then did not take appropriate action to prevent it?

Jamal Khashoggi had long served as a trusted media advisor to Prince Turki, before the latter resigned from public office in 2007. Following 9/11, Turki was the Saudi ambassador to both the US and Britain.

A tentative idea here is that Khashoggi, in his close dealings with Prince Turki over the years, may have gleaned highly sensitive inside information on what actually happened on 9/11. Were the Arab hijackers mere patsies used by the American CIA to facilitate an event which has since been used by American military planners to launch a global “war on terror” as a cover for illegal wars overseas? There is a huge body of evidence that the 9/11 attacks were indeed a “false flag” event orchestrated by the US deep state as a pretext for its imperialist rampages.

The apparent abduction and murder last week of Jamal Khashoggi seems such an astoundingly desperate move by the Saudi rulers. More evidence is emerging from Turkish sources that the journalist was indeed lured to the consulate in Istanbul where he was killed by a 15-member hit squad. Reports are saying that the alleged assassination was ordered at the highest level of the Saudi royal court, which implicates Crown Prince MbS.

Why would the Saudi rulers order such a heinous act, which would inevitably lead to acute political problems, as we are seeing in the fallout from governments and media coverage around the world?

Over the past year, the House of Saud had been appealing to Khashoggi to return to Riyadh and resume his services as a media advisor to the royal court. He declined, fearing that something more sinister was afoot. When Khashoggi turned up in Istanbul to collect a divorce document from the Saudi consulate on September 28, it appears that the House of Saud decided to nab him. He was told to return to the consulate on October 2. On that same day, the 15-member group arrived from Riyadh on two private Gulfstream jets for the mission to kill him.

Official Saudi claims stretch credulity. They say Khashoggi left the consulate building unharmed by a backdoor, although they won’t provide CCTV images to prove that. The Turks say their own CCTV facilities monitoring the front and back of the Saudi consulate show that Khashoggi did not leave the premises. The Turks seem confident of their claim he was murdered inside the building, his remains dismembered and removed in diplomatic vehicles. The two private jets left the same day from Istanbul with the 15 Saudis onboard to return to Riyadh, via Cairo and Dubai.

To carry out such a reckless act, the Saudis must have been alarmed by Khashoggi’s critical commentaries appearing in the Washington Post. The columns appeared to be delivering more and more damaging insights into the regime under Crown Prince MbS.

The Washington Post this week is reporting that US intelligence sources knew from telecom intercepts that the Saudis were planning to abduct Khashoggi. That implicates the House of Saud in a dastardly premeditated act of murder.

But furthermore this same disclosure could also, unwittingly, implicate US intelligence. If the latter knew of a malicious intent towards Khashoggi, why didn’t US agents warn him about going to the Saudi consulate in Istanbul? Surely, he could have obtained the same personal documents from the Saudi embassy in Washington DC, a country where he was residing and would have been safer.

Jamal Khashoggi may have known too many dark secrets about US and Saudi intel collusion, primarily related to the 9/11 terror incidents. And with his increasing volubility as a critical journalist in a prominent American news outlet, it may have been time to silence him. The Saudis as hitmen, the American CIA as facilitators.

Finian Cunningham has written extensively on international affairs, with articles published in several languages. He is a Master’s graduate in Agricultural Chemistry and worked as a scientific editor for the Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, England, before pursuing a career in newspaper journalism. He is also a musician and songwriter. For nearly 20 years, he worked as an editor and writer in major news media organisations, including The Mirror, Irish Times and Independent.

This article was originally published by "Strategic Culture Foundation" -  
* In Nederlands: Turki bin Faisal al-Saoed ('T. bin Faisal' als label onder dit bericht, dit is overigens de eerste keer dat ik deze Saoedische 'prins' noem).

Zie ook:
'Bolton (o.a. Trumps adviseur buitenlandse zaken) wil de Khashoggi tapes niet horen, hij is het arabisch niet machtig....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

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'Jamal Khashoggi was geen groot criticus van de Saoedische dictatuur en bepaald geen held'

''Onderzoek' naar moord op Khashoggi in Saoedisch consulaat te Istanbul voorafgegaan door grote schoonmaakactie........'

'Khashoggi terecht groot in media, waar de aandacht voor Saoedische genocide op sjiieten Jemen amper wordt genoemd'

'Read Jamal Khashoggi’s columns for The Washington Post

Voor meer berichten over de 9/11 aanslagen, klik op het label '911' direct onder dit bericht.

PS: gisteren hebben Turkije en Saoedi-Arabië een onderzoek gedaan in het consulaat in Istanbul, daaraan voorafgaand heeft een schoonmaakploeg het consulaat grondig gereinigd, daarover later deze dag meer.

vrijdag 16 februari 2018

Zijlstra's leugen is vervolgbaar onder de Neurenbergse principes......

De NAVO oorlogsagenda blootgelegd met de Nederlandse leugen over de agressie van Putin......

Op BBC World Service radio werd vanmorgen in 'News Hour Extra' één grote anti-Rusland propaganda show opgevoerd, uiteraard gecombineerd met het ophemelen van de VS en de NAVO, plus een groot pleidooi voor meer geld naar defensie, uh oorlogsvoering..... Dit met een aantal 'deskundigen' (allen anti-Rusland), waaronder Clingendael oorlogshitser en flapdrol de luxe Zandee......

De naam van het programma werd eerder ter discussie gesteld, en naar aanleiding van inzendingen gedaan door luisteraars (dat moet je maar geloven) wordt de naam veranderd van 'News Hour Extra' in 'The Real Story.....' ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Maak er maar 'Propaganda Hour Extra' van! Blijkbaar moet de nieuwe naam van te voren al aangeven dat je hier niet met nepnieuws te maken krijgt, belachelijk!!

Op Information Clearing House bracht men (ook al vandaag) een artikel over de leugen van Zijlstra, een leugen die volgens de schrijver Finian Cunningham 2 jaar oud is, echter deze dateert niet alleen uit 2006, maar wordt sinds die tijd regelmatig aangehaald door Zijlstra (plus andere vooral VVD politici) en een aantal reguliere media organen!!

Volgens Cunningham legt dit ten overvloede nog eens de NAVO oorlogsagenda bloot. Zo werd de door de VS op poten gezette opstand die in de Oekraïense coup resulteerde, omgedraaid in agressie en expansiedrift van Rusland...... Uiteraard overgoten met de VS propagandamachine leugens over een annexatie van De Krim en het binnenvallen van Rusland in Oost-Oekraïne........ Beiden flagrante leugens waar geen nanometer bewijs voor is!

Voorts komt Cunningham met andere voorbeelden die dit beeld staven, al moet ik zeggen dat er voorbeelden te over zijn, neem alleen al de expansie van de NAVO richting Moskou, waar de NAVO nu, in tegenspraak met gesloten overeenkomsten (met Gorbatsjov), voor een groot deel van de Russische westgrens staat........ Cunningham komt met de leugen van de voormalig minister van buitenlandse zaken in Polen, Sikorski: hij zou naar eigen zeggen persoonlijk hebben gehoord dat Rusland en Polen in een overleg Oekraïne onder elkaar verdeeld hadden.......... Een leugen die na doorprikken naarstig werd ingetrokken door deze liegende hufter...... Sikorski is overigens een 'christendemocraat', die van zijn god blijkbaar keihard mag liegen en ophitsen tot oorlog.......  

Terecht stelt Cunningham dat de Nederlandse regering de leugen gebruikt van de geheime diensten dat ze een aan de Russische regering gelieerde groep zou hebben gehackt en hebben gezien dat de Russen de Democraten in de VS hebben gehackt (zodat niet hare kwaadaardigheid Clinton, maar Trump de verkiezingen heeft gewonnen), iets waarvoor alweer geen flinter bewijs is geleverd........ Een smerige leugen die wordt gebruikt voor het propageren van de 'Sleepwet' die hier ter discussie staat en waar volgende maand in een referendum, tegelijk met de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen, over gestemd kan worden.

Ondanks een kleine uitglijder (waar het echte feit het verhaal in feite alleen nog meer ondersteunt), een prima analyse! Hierin stelt Cunningham onder meer dat de leugen van Zijlstra in feite aanzet tot oorlog en dat is strafbaar onder de 'Neurenbergse principes...'

Dutch Lies Over Putin’s ‘Aggression’ Expose NATO War Agenda

By Finian Cunningham

February 15, 2018 "Information Clearing House" - Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte was this week forced to bear a parliamentary vote of no confidence after his foreign minister finally came clean over a dangerous lie he has been telling for two years concerning Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Halbe Zijlstra quit in shame on Monday as the country’s foreign minister after admitting that a story he had peddled about personally hearing Putin plotting to create a “greater Russia” was false. That then forced premier Rutte to endure a “no confidence” motion from parliamentarians. In the end, Rutte survived the vote. If a majority had voted against his leadership, his coalition government may have collapsed.

But the deep damage done to the Dutch authorities will not be so easily repaired by Rutte’s survival as premier. What has been exposed this week is a senior member of government recklessly telling bare-faced lies in an attempt to slander Russia, poison international relations, and ratchet up already dangerous geopolitical tensions.

Zijlstra had claimed two years ago, in 2016, that he had personally witnessed Russian leader Vladimir Putin boasting about creating a “greater Russia” which, it is claimed, would incorporate Ukraine, the Baltic states, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

The newly resigned Dutch top diplomat claimed he heard Putin making the remarks while present with others at the Russian leader’s dacha (summer house) back in 2006. 

This week, Zijlstra finally came clean and admitted before parliament that he hadn’t in fact been present at the alleged gathering. He still maintains, however, that a confidant who was among the guests at Putin’s dacha informed him of the alleged “greater Russia” plan. But how can we now trust the word of a self-confessed liar?

Zijlstra’s boss, Prime Minister Rutte, also sought to downplay the debacle, claiming that his foreign minister had made “a big mistake” – but that “lying was not a deadly sin”.

Rutte is in for a rude awakening due to his complacent thinking. For indeed his government has been caught telling a very grave lie whose ramifications concern issues of war and peace in Europe.
Disgraced former minister Zijlstra stands accused of gross distortion of Russia’s foreign policy.

Since the US and European-backed illegal coup in Ukraine in early 2014, geopolitical reality has been turned upside-down. American and European corporate media have peddled relentless anti-Russia propaganda accusing Moscow of “aggression” and “expansionism” in Europe.

This torrent of Russophobia spewed out by Washington, the Pentagon, NATO and the European Union has created the worst crisis in relations with Russia since the Cold War ended nearly three decades ago. There are real fears that the mounting crisis could escalate into an all-out war involving nuclear powers.

Zijlstra’s offense therefore is not merely a “mistaken” lie. His flagrant public distortion has contributed directly to the grave deterioration in geopolitical relations. One could even argue such reprehensible remarks amount to incitement of war, which is a cardinal crime under Nuremberg legal principles.

Lamentably, the mendacious senior Dutch politician is not an isolated case. Recall how former Polish foreign minister Radek Sikorski was caught out telling similar defamatory lies about Russia in 2014.

Sikorski, who has been an ardent supporter of NATO force build-up against Russia, reportedly claimed that he personally overheard Vladimir Putin in 2008 plotting to annex Ukrainian territory in a covert plot. 
Sikorski claimed that he heard Putin propositioning then Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk with a carve-up deal of Ukraine between Poland and Russia.

Sikorski was obliged to swiftly retract the claims published in US media, and awkwardly admitting that he was not present at the alleged meeting with Putin, and that his quoted remarks were meant as a “surreal joke”.

But, again, this is no joke or mistake. It is deadly serious disinformation by senior government officials, which is recklessly inciting war tensions with Russia. Sikorski is prominently associated with pro-NATO think-tanks like the hawkish American Enterprise Institute. He is married to Anne Applebaum who makes a living from writing anti-Russian screeds for news outlets like the Washington Post.

Zijlstra and Sikorski join the ranks of Russophobia regurgitated by other European foreign ministers like Britain’s Boris Johnson who issued the outlandish claim earlier this year that Russia is “targeting” British infrastructure; or French foreign minister Jean-Yves Le Drian who has impugned Russia for chemical weapons use in Syria – only for the French President Emmanuel Macron to admit this week that his government has actually no evidence about the use of such weapons in Syria.

Macron has made his own contribution to Russophobia by leveling unsubstantiated allegations that his presidential election campaign last year was “hacked” by Kremlin agents. He has since banned Russian news media from attending his press conferences.

All these senior government figures are irresponsibly fueling a climate of demonization against Russia which is compounding other unhinged claims made by politicians in Washington and the Baltic states. Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite, for example, recently claimed that Russian Iskander missiles based on Russian sovereign territory of Kaliningrad were targeting half of Europe, an alarmist claim which has been amplified by US secretary of defense James Mattis in the Pentagon’s recent Nuclear Posture Review.

The climate of hysteria – based on false, fevered official claims – is militating against normal political and diplomatic relations, which is, in turn, exacerbating the war in Ukraine and leading to wider war tensions with Russia across Europe.

A good question is why the ousted Dutch minister decided to own up this week to his lies about Putin.
The answer may be related to the bigger credibility crisis of the Dutch government and its NATO allies with regard to the whole Russophobia propaganda war.

Next month, the Netherlands is to hold a national referendum on extending powers of Dutch state intelligence to monitor public electronic communications. To convince the Dutch public to vote for more snooping powers, the authorities are relying on the hackneyed claims about Russian “meddling” and “interference”.

It seems significant that Dutch media reported last month that the country’s secret services allegedly “hacked into” Russian state hackers who were allegedly penetrating the American Democratic party’s databases during the US presidential elections back in 2015-2016. As usual, no evidence was provided to support the claims. We know from other credible reports that the Democratic party was quite possibly not hacked at all, but rather was leaked from inside by a Democrat staffer. So the Dutch intel story smearing Russia is highly dubious.

But it seems that the purported “good deed” performed by the Dutch intelligence services was pitched in the media as a way to ingratiate bona fides with the Netherlands public. The aim being to dispose the public toward voting in the referendum next month to give the Dutch state more intrusive powers over citizens to “protect” them from “nefarious Russians”.

Now, if the Dutch minister had held on to his office any longer there was a risk that his lies may have become public embarrassingly close to the March referendum, which could have resulted in the public rejecting the authorities’ desire for more snooping powers.

Perhaps then the decision was taken in high office for the minister to take the fall now in order to get rid sooner of an embarrassing story concerning his lies over Russia.

Whatever the explanation about the timing, the admission of Dutch government lying about Russian aggression in Europe is nevertheless an illuminating and appalling insight into how Russophobia and war is being fomented by the US and its European NATO allies.

Abominably, European government officials are willing to risk plunging millions of citizens into a war with Russia based on lies and warped, self-serving prejudices.

This article was originally published by "Strategic Culture Foundation" -

-See Also -

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