Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
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Posts tonen met het label D. Peskov. Alle posts tonen

zondag 19 juli 2020

Coronavirus spionage door Rusland: een beschuldiging zoals gewoonlijk zonder enig bewijs

'Putin' zou westerse Corona onderzoeken pikken middels hacken, zo werd afgelopen week gemeld, waarbij men onmiddellijk stelde dat Rusland daarom zover is gekomen dat men daar een vaccin zou hebben ontwikkeld dat al wordt getest op mensen.....'Beetje vreemd' dan dat Rusland gegevens van een onderzoek heeft gehackt, waarmee nog lang geen testen worden gedaan op mensen.... Het artikel waarin wordt gesteld dat Rusland gegevens over COVID-19 rond de wereld verzamelt komt van het National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), echter zoals gezegd zonder enig bewijs daarvoor....

Overigens heeft men in Rusland 26 afzonderlijke onderzoeken lopen naar een vaccin voor COVID-19 en dat zijn bepaald geen onderzoeken die zijn begonnen na het zogenaamd hacken door Russische 'trollenfabrieken' (ha! ha! ha!) die geleid zouden worden door Putin zelf.....

Aaron Maté maakte gehakt van deze beschuldiging in een Twitterbericht, waarin hij zegt dat het nieuws vergaren een stuk makkelijker is als we ervan uitgaan dat Rusland alles hackt, zelfs Atari spelcomputers en dat het eigenlijk alleen nieuws is als anonieme bronnen van de Britse en VS geheime diensten melden dat Rusland iets niet hackt.... ha! ha! ha! ha!

Om het voorgaande nog eens te bevestigen, hoorde ik afgelopen vrijdagmorgen op Radio1 een plork 'uitleggen' dat Rusland continu bezig is het westen te hacken, o.a. om aan informatie over het Coronavirus te komen, terwijl je hem daarvoor op de blauwe ogen moet geloven. Al sprak hij nog wel over ongeveer 10 Russische hackers die e.e.a. zouden doen en niet over een trollenboerderij of fabriek......

Deze joker stelde dat iedereen hiermee bezig zou zijn, ook deze figuur kwam niet verder dan te stellen dat men e.e.a. heeft gevonden door juist de hackers te hacken en uiteraard zijn de bewijzen daarvoor geheim...... Ofwel of we de geheime diensten maar willen geloven, terwijl die aantoonbaar al zo vaak hebben gelogen..........

Schandalig genoeg wordt Jeremy Corbyn, de voormalige leider van labour door ITV beschuldigt van het gebruiken van door Russen gehackte documenten voor de verkiezingen van 2019, zo zou de Britse regering Johnson hebben bevestigd, en ook hier weer: zonder een flinter aan bewijs..... De leugens dat hij antisemiet zou zijn, leugens van de reguliere Britse media, inclusief de zogenaamd onafhankelijke BBC, hebben Corbyn vorig jaar de verkiezingen gekost..... Zonder meer een zware misdaad, waarvan ook de huidige Britse regering op de hoogte is en dan Corbyn nog een schop na durven geven, schandalig!!!

Volkomen terecht komt Caitlin Johnstone in het hieronder opgenomen artikel tot de conclusie dat Rusland zal en moet hangen en dat daarvoor alles is gelegitimeerd, de grootste leugens en verdraaiingen volgen elkaar in een redelijk tempo op sinds Rusland zogenaamd de presidentsverkiezingen van 2016 in de VS zou hebben gemanipuleerd, nogmaals zonder enig steekhoudend bewijs...... Media en politiek (zoals hare D66 kwaadaardigheid Ollongren) houden deze leugens erin zodat het makke schapenvolk in een vorm van hersenspoeling alle leugens en fantasieverhalen gelooft, immers als je iets maar lang genoeg herhaalt wordt het 'waarheid' bij degenen die deze info 'verwerken.....'

Vandaar ook het grote verzet van de westerse politiek tegen de sociale media, omdat daar deze leugens, halve waarheden en verdraaiingen worden doorgeprikt, niet voor niets dat naast politici vooral de westerse reguliere media schreeuwen om actie tegen de sociale media, immers het fake news van die reguliere (massa) media wordt keer op keer ontmaskerd en dat valt ook de gebruikers van die media op en in grote getale zijn afgehaakt......

Hier het artikel van Johnstone die dieper op deze zaak ingaat, het lezen meer dan waard (en zo gebeurd):

Putin Hacked Our Coronavirus Vaccine” Is The Dumbest Story Yet

by Caitlin Johnstone

OMG* you guys Putin hacked our coronavirus vaccine secrets!

Today mainstream media is reporting what is arguably the single dumbest Russiavape story of all time, against some very stiff competition.

"Russian hackers are targeting health care organizations in the West in an attempt to steal coronavirus vaccine research, the U.S. and Britain said," reports The New York Times.

"Hackers backed by the Russian state are trying to steal COVID-19 vaccine and treatment research from academic and pharmaceutical institutions around the world, Britain’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) said on Thursday," Reuters reports.

"Russian news agency RIA cited spokesman Dmitry Peskov as saying the Kremlin rejected London’s allegations, which he said were not backed by proper evidence," adds Reuters.

To make news gathering easier, we should just always assume that Russia has tried to hack everything stored on every computer ever — emails, recipes, Atari consoles — and only report it when anonymous US & UK intel officials determine that Russia has NOT hacked something 

I mean, there are just so many layers of stupid.

First of all, how many more completely unsubstantiated government agency allegations about Russian nefariousness are we the public going to accept from the corporate mass media? Since 2016 it's been wall-to-wall narrative about evil things Russia is doing to the empire-like cluster of allies loosely centralized around the United States, and they all just happen to be things nobody can actually provide the public with hard verifiable evidence of.

Ever since the shady cybersecurity firm Crowdstrike admitted that it never actually saw hard proof of Russia hacking the DNC servers, the already shaky and always unsubstantiated narrative that Russian hackers interfered in the US presidential election in 2016 has been on thinner ice than ever. Yet because the mass media converged on this narrative and repeated it as fact over and over again they've been able to get the mainstream headline-skimming public to accept it as an established truth, priming them for an increasingly idiotic litany of completely unsubstantiated Russia scandals, culminating most recently in the entirely debunked claim that Russia paid Taliban-linked fighters to kill coalition forces in Afghanistan.

Secondly, the news story doesn't even claim that these supposed Russian hackers even succeeded in doing whatever they were supposed to have been doing in this supposed cyberattack.

"Officials have not commented on whether the attacks were successful but also have not ruled out that this is the case," Wired reports.

Thirdly, this is a "vaccine" which does not even exist at this point in time, and the research which was supposedly hacked may never lead to one. Meanwhile, Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University reports that it has "successfully completed tests on volunteers of the world’s first vaccine against coronavirus," in Russia.

Fourthly, and perhaps most importantly, how obnoxious and idiotic is it that coronavirus vaccine "secrets" are a even a thing??? This is a global pandemic which is hurting all of us; scientists should be free to collaborate with other scientists anywhere in the world to find a solution to this problem. Nobody has any business keeping "secrets" from the world about this virus or any possible vaccine or treatment. If they do, anyone in the world is well within their rights to pry those secrets away from them.

Watch this. They're literally just saying Russians talked about already leaked documents on the internet. That's the whole entire news story. 

(voor de video in dit Twitterbericht, zie het origineel)

This intensely stupid story comes out at the same time British media are blaring stories about Russian interference in the 2019 election, which if you actually listen carefully to the claims being advanced amounts to literally nothing more than the assertion that Russians talked about already leaked documents pertaining to the UK's healthcare system on the internet.

"Russian actors 'sought to interfere' in last winter’s general election by amplifying an illicitly acquired NHS dossier that was seized upon by Labour during the campaign, the foreign secretary has said," reports The Guardian.

"Amplifying". That's literally all there is to this story. As we learned with the ridiculous US Russiagate narrative, Russia "amplifying" something in such allegations can mean anything from RT reporting on a major news story to a Twitter account from St Petersburg sharing an article from The Washington Post. Even the foreign secretary's claim itself explicitly admits that "there is no evidence of a broad spectrum Russian campaign against the General Election".

"The statement is so foggy and contradictory that it is almost impossible to understand it," responded Russia's foreign ministry to the allegations. "If it’s inappropriate to say something then don't say it. If you say it, produce the facts."

Jeremy Corbyn refuses to answer questions about Russian involvement in last year's general election. Leaked government documents highlighted by Mr Corbyn during the campaign were almost certainly “amplified” online by Russia, the UK Government has said 
Embedded video

Instead of producing facts you've got the Murdoch press pestering Jeremy Corbyn on his doorstep over this ridiculous non-story, and popular right-wing outlets like Guido Fawkes running the blatantly false headline "Government Confirms Corbyn Used Russian-Hacked
Documents in 2019 Election". The completely bogus allegation that the NHS documents came to Jeremy Corbyn by way of Russian hackers is not made anywhere in the article itself, but for the headline-skimming majority this makes no difference. And headline skimmers get as many votes as people who read and think critically.

All this new cold war Russia hysteria is turning people's brains into guacamole. We've got to find a way to snap out of the propaganda trance so we can start creating a world that is based on truth and a desire for peace.
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Caitlin Johnstone | July 17, 2020 at 12:31 am | Tags: coronavirus, hack, hackers, Russia, Russiagate, vaccine | Categories: Article, News | URL:
* OMG staat voor Oh My God.

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zaterdag 18 april 2020

De Russisch - Saoedische olie-oorlog was niet tegen elkaar gericht, maar tegen de VS productie van schaliegas en -olie

De zogenaamde 'olie-oorlog' tussen Saoedi-Arabië en Rusland, gevoerd voor de prijs van olie was niet gericht tegen elkaar, maar tegen de schaliegas en schalie-olie productie van de VS en niet in de laatste plaats daar de VS zich voor de zoveelste keer niet wenst te houden aan afspraken gemaakt door de OPEC.

De VS weigert simpelweg minder olie en gas te produceren, anders dan door 'natuurlijke oorzaak', zoals de Coronacrisis die zorgt voor een fiks verminderde vraag naar olie en gas..... Sterker nog: de VS noemt deze 'natuurlijke vermindering van productie' een vermindering van productie zoals bedoelt door de OPEC, terwijl de OPEC landen te maken hebben met eenzelfde vermindering van vraag naar olie en gas, en daarbovenop een vermindering van deze productie wensen om de prijs weer op peil te krijgen.......

In feite is de VS dom bezig, immers een vermindering van het aanbod aan olie en gas zou de prijs voor de schalie-olie en schaliegas-winning juist meer rendabel maken..... Deze winning van gas en olie wordt zwaar gesubsidieerd en met een verminderd aanbod zou de prijs zoals gezegd omhooggaan, waardoor subsidiëring meer lucratief is. Door het niet handelen van de  VS op de vraag van de OPEC en de reactie daarop van Saoedi-Arabië en Rusland  daalde de olieprijs zover dat men in de VS nog meer geld moet toeleggen op elk geproduceerd vat olie.... Precies dat laatste was dan ook de bedoeling van vooral Saoedi-Arabië, daar haar olie (en dat van Rusland) een stuk goedkoper kan worden gewonnen en men wel ruimte heeft voor een 'tijdelijke' prijsverlaging.

Lullig voor Saoedi-Arabië maar Trump heeft nog eens laten weten dat zonder de VS het Saoedische koningshuis nog geen 2 weken kan standhouden, waarna de psychopathische moordenaar Mohammad bin Salman (MBS), de Saoedische kroonprins, weer braaf luistert naar wat de meesters in de VS wensen: een fikse reductie op de productie, zodat de winning van schalie-olie weer lucratief wordt en dat is zo als een vat olie minstens $ 40.-- oplevert (ook al wordt deze productie nog steeds gesubsidieerd, zelfs als was het alleen door de niet aan milieuregels gebonden productie van deze uiterst vervuilende olie- en gaswinning....) 

Volgens Mike Whitney, de schrijver van het hieronder opgenomen artikel zou Putin de olieprijs op minstens $ 45.-- per vat willen houden, echter daarmee zou Putin in de eigen voet schieten, immers zo wordt de zwaar gesubsidieerde schalie-olie en gaswinning in de VS weer enigszins lucratief. (en reken maar dat Rusland als Saoedi-Arabië de hele schalie-olie winning in de VS plat zou willen leggen...)    

Het volgende artikel werd zoals gezegd geschreven door Mike Whitney en door mij overgenomen van Information Clearing House, onder het artikel kan je klikken voor een 'Dutch' vertaling, dit neemt wel enige tijd in beslag:

The Russia-Saudi Oil-Price War Is a Fraud and a Farce

By Mike Whitney

April 16, 2020 "Information Clearing House" -   The Russia-Saudi oil-price war is a fabrication concocted by the media. There’s not a word of truth to any of it. Yes, there was a dust up at an OPEC meeting in early March that led to production increases and plunging prices. That part is true. But Saudi Arabia’s oil-dumping strategy wasn’t aimed at Russia, it was aimed at US shale oil producers. But not for the reasons you’ve read about in the media.

The Saudis aren’t trying to destroy the US shale oil business. That’s another fiction. They just want US producers to play by the rules and pitch in when prices need support. That might seem like a stretch, but it’s true.

You see, US oil producers are not what-you’d-call “team players”. They don’t cooperate with foreign producers, they’re not willing to share the costs of flagging demand, and they never lift a finger to support prices. US oil producers are the next-door-neighbor that parks his beat-up Plymouth on the front lawn and then surrounds it with rusty appliances. They don’t care about anyone but themselves.

What Putin and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman want is for US producers to share the pain of oil production cuts in order to stabilize prices. It’s an entirely reasonable request. Here’s a clip from an article at that helps to explain what’s really going on:

“… there was a sliver of hope that oil prices may rebound after Reuters reported that Saudi Arabia, Russia and allied oil producers will agree to deep cuts to their crude output at talks this week but only if the United States and several others join in with curbs to help prop up prices that have been hammered by the coronavirus crisis. However, in an attempt to have its cake and eat it too, the U.S. DOE said on Tuesday that U.S. output is already falling without government action, in line with the White House’s insistence that it would not intervene in the private markets….

OPEC+ will require the United States to make cuts in order to come to an agreement: The EIA report today demonstrates that there are already projected cuts of 2 (million bpd), without any intervention from the federal government,” the U.S. Energy Department said.

That is not enough for OPEC+ however, and certainly not Russia, which on Wednesday made clear that market-driven declines in oil production shouldn’t be considered as cuts intended to stabilize the market, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov tells reporters on conference call.

These are completely different cuts. You are comparing the overall demand drop with cuts to stabilize global markets. It’s like comparing length and width,” Peskov said…..Moscow’s participation is highly contingent on the US, and is unlikely to agree to output cuts if the US does not join the effort.” (“Historic Oil Deal On The Verge Of Collapse As Russia Balks At U.S. ‘Cuts'”,

Putin is being reasonable and fair. If everyone else is forced to cut supply, then US oil producers should have to cut supply too. But they don’t want to share the pain, so they’ve settled on a strategy for weaseling out of it. They want their reductions in output (from weak demand during the pandemic) to count as “production cuts”. They even have a name for this swindle, they call it “organic production cuts”, which means no cuts at all. This is the way hucksters do business not responsible adults.

What does Putin want from this deal?

Price stability. Yes, he’d like to see prices settle somewhere north of $45 per barrel but that’s not going to happen for a while. The combination of a weaker demand (due to the coronavirus) and oversupply (from the Saudis flooding the market) have ensured that prices will remain low for the foreseeable future. Even so, Putin understood what the Saudis were doing by flooding the market, and he knew it wasn’t directed at Russia. The Saudis were trying to persuade US oil producers to stop freeloading and cut production like everyone else. That’s the long and short of it. Check out this excerpt from an article by oil expert, Simon Watkins at

Saudi Arabia was continually peeved …(because) its efforts to keep oil prices up through various OPEC and OPEC+ agreements were allowing these very shale producers to make a lot more money than the Saudis, relatively speaking. The reason for this was that U.S. shale producers…. were not bound in to the OPEC/OPEC+ production quotas so could fill the output gaps created by OPEC producers.” (“The Sad Truth About The OPEC+ Production Cut”, Simon Watkins, 
This is what the media fails to tell their readers, that US oil producers– who don’t participate in any collective effort to stabilize prices– have been exploiting OPEC production quotas in order to fatten the bottom line at the expense of others. US producers figured out how to game the system and make a bundle in the process. Is it any wonder why the Saudis were pissed?? Here’s more from the same article:

This allowed the U.S. a rolling 3-4 million bpd advantage over Saudi in the oil exports game, meaning that it quickly became the world’s number one oil producer…. Hence, Saudi Arabia decided initially to unilaterally announce its intention for the last OPEC+ deal to be much bigger than that which it had pre-agreed with Russia, hoping to ambush the Russians into agreeing. Russia, however, turned around and told Saudi Arabia to figuratively go and reproduce with itself. MbS,… then decided to launch an all-out price war.” (

So you can see that this really had nothing to do with Russian at all. The Crown Prince was simply frustrated at the way US oil producers were gaming the system, which is why he felt like he had to respond by flooding the market. The obvious target was the US shale oil industry that was taking advantage of the quotas, refusing to cooperate with fellow oil producers and generally freeloading off the existing quota system.

And what’s funny, is that as soon as the Saudis started putting the screws to the US fracking gang, they all scampered off to Washington en masse to beg for help from Papa Trump. Which is why Trump decided to make emergency calls to Moscow and Riyadh to see if he could hash out a deal.

It’s worth noting that domestic oil producers have been involved in other dodgy activities in the past. Check out this excerpt from an article in the Guardian in 2014, the last time oil prices crashed:

After standing at well over $110 a barrel in the summer, the cost of crude has collapsed. Prices are down by a quarter in the past three months….
Think about how the Obama administration sees the state of the world. It wants Tehran to come to heel over its nuclear programme. It wants Vladimir Putin to back off in eastern Ukraine. But after recent experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan, the White House has no desire to put American boots on the ground. Instead, with the help of its Saudi ally, Washington is trying to drive down the oil price by flooding an already weak market with crude. As the Russians and the Iranians are heavily dependent on oil exports, the assumption is that they will become easier to deal with

The Saudis did something similar in the mid-1980s. Then, the geopolitical motivation for a move that sent the oil price to below $10 a barrel was to destabilize Saddam Hussein’s regime….

Washington’s willingness to play the oil card stems from the belief that domestic supplies of energy from fracking make it possible for the US to become the world’s biggest oil producer. In a speech last year, Tom Donilon, then Barack Obama’s national security adviser, said the US was now less vulnerable to global oil shocks. The cushion provided by shale oil and gas “affords us a stronger hand in pursuing and implementing our national security goals”. (“Stakes are high as US plays the oil card against Iran and Russia”, The Guardian) 
This excerpt shows that Washington is more than willing to use the “oil card” if it helps to achieve its geopolitical objectives. Not surprisingly, good buddy, Saudi Arabia, has historically played a key role in helping to promote those goals. The current incident, however, is the exact opposite. The Saudis aren’t helping the US achieve its objectives, quite the contrary, they’re lashing out in frustration. They feel like they’re being squeezed by Washington (and US producers) and they want to prove that they have the means to fight back. Flooding the market was just MBS’s way of “letting off steam”.

Trump understands this, but he also understands who ultimately calls the shots, which is why he took the unusual step of explicitly warning the Saudis that they’d better shape up and step in line or there’d be hell to pay. Here’s a little background that will help to connect the dots:

..the deal made in 1945 between the U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Saudi King at the time, Abdulaziz, that has defined the relationship between the two countries ever since… the deal that was struck between the two men on board the U.S. Navy cruiser Quincy… was that the U.S. would receive all of the oil supplies it needed for as long as Saudi Arabia had oil in place, in return for which the U.S. would guarantee the security of the ruling House of Saud. The deal has altered slightly ever since the rise of the U.S. shale oil industry and Saudi Arabia’s attempt to destroy it from 2014 to 2016, in that the U.S. still guarantees the security of the House of Saud but it also expects Saudi Arabia not only to supply the U.S. with whatever oil it needs for as long as it can but also – and this is key to everything that has followed – it also allows the U.S. shale industry to continue to function and to grow.
As far as the U.S. is concerned, if t his means that the Saudis lose out to U.S. shale producers by keeping oil prices up but losing out on export opportunities to these U.S. firms then tough..
As U.S. President Donald Trump has made clear whenever he has sensed a lack of understanding on the part of Saudi Arabia for the huge benefit that the U.S. is doing the ruling family: “He [Saudi King Salman] would not last in power for two weeks without the backing of the U.S. military.” (“The Sad Truth About The OPEC+ Production Cut”, Simon Watkins, Oil Price) 
Trump felt like he had to remind the Saudis how the system actually works: Washington gives the orders and the Saudi’s obey. Simple, right? In fact, the Crown Prince has already slashed oil production dramatically and is fully complying with Trump’s directives, because he knows if he doesn’t, he’s going to wind up like Saddam Hussein or Muammar Gaddafi.
Meanwhile, US shale oil producers won’t be required to make any cuts at all or, as the New York Times puts it: “It was not immediately clear if the Trump administration made a formal commitment to cut production in the United States.”

Got that? So everyone else cuts production, everyone else sees their revenues shrink, and everyone else pitches-in to put a floor under prices. Everyone except the “exceptional” American oil producers from the exceptional United States. They don’t have to do a damn thing.

Mike lives in Washington state.  He can be reached at - "Source"

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