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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label Fed. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Fed. Alle posts tonen

dinsdag 5 november 2019

Lagarde (top ECB): "Je kan beter een baan hebben dan spaargeld"

Lagarde heeft afgelopen vrijdag de baan van topgraaier Draghi als president van de Europese Centrale Bank (ECB) overgenomen, ook al heeft zij bepaald geen financieel economische opleiding gevolgd. Alle hoop van een aantal centrale banken in de EU op een ander beleid dan dat van Draghi werd vrijwel onmiddellijk de grond ingeboord. Vreemd overigens die verwachting, immers Lagarde is ook verantwoordelijk voor de gore spelletjes die het IMF sinds 2011 heeft gespeeld, in dat jaar werd ze directeur van deze inhumane neoliberale organisatie..... 

Overigens,  Lagarde is in feite een veroordeelde misdadiger, die haar straf van een jaar gevangenisstraf ontliep daar er anders een crisis in het IMF zou zijn ontstaan, dit nadat haar voorganger en verkrachter Strrauss-Kahn het veld moest ruimen..... Ongelofelijk daarom ook dat de ondemocratische EU Lagarde koos als topgraaier van de ECB.......

Lagarde nam haar functie bij de ECB op o.a. door Nederland en Duitsland te manen hun overschot te investeren, voorts begon Lagarde te zeuren over onderlinge 'solidariteit', ofwel steek ook je kont diep in de schulden. Wat betreft het 'beleid' van Draghi: Lagarde gaat gewoon door op de doodlopende weg die Draghi eerder heeft bewandeld: obligaties van landen opkopen en het verlagen van de rente tot nog verder onder de – 0,5%, die nu al ingevoerd wordt (zo ongeveer de laatste actie van Draghi), ofwel een rente die nog verder onder het 'nulpunt' zal dalen, anders gezegd: negatieve rente (waarmee geld lenen zelfs geld zou moeten opleveren, al zal dat 'natuurlijk niet' voor het gewone volk opgaan...)....

Dat daardoor een flink aantal mensen in de problemen komt interesseert autocraat Lagarde net zo min als haar voorganger Draghi, schijt aan de pensioenen die mensen hun werkende leven lang hebben opgebouwd, dokken en niet zeuren....... Ook de kleine spaarders kunnen wat Lagarde betreft doodvallen, ze durfde keihard te zeggen dat je beter een baan kan hebben dan geld op de bank..... Moet je nagaan: de misdadige dweil Lagarde gaat een inkomen verdienen van rond de 4 ton op jaarbasis is en dat is exclusief een gigantische onkostenvergoeding......

Taaie stof mensen, het hieronder opgenomen artikel van Tyler Durden, maar zeer de moeite van het lezen waard (het artikel werd eerder gepubliceerd op Zero Hedge). Daaronder een verduidelijking over QE ofwel Quantitative Easing, een artikel van Investopedia, QE of het waanzinnige beleid van Draghi om zoveel mogelijk obligaties van EU landen op te kopen (ook werden schulden van banken in Zuid-Europa opgekocht, waardoor de Grieken de regie in eigen land zijn kwijtgeraakt en nog steeds diep in  de ellende zitten...).... 

De ECB heeft overigens al aangekondigd, na de stop van één jaar, opnieuw bonussen ter waarde van 20 miljard euro op te willen kopen, ook al is het allesbehalve duidelijk of dit ook maar iets heeft opgeleverd voor de EU, behalve dan dat de drukpersen voor papiergeld overuren maakten en ons geld in feite steeds minder waard werd ook al merken we daar nu nog weinig van..... (dat gebeurt als de volgende crisis zich aandient en zoals je weet die komt eraan, de vraag is wanneer precies)

Lagarde: "We Should Be Happier To Have A Job Than To Have Savings"

Mon, 11/04/2019 - 06:12

Any hopes that the replacement of Mario Draghi, who on Halloween left the ECB more polarized than ever, as the core European nations revolted against the Italian's profligately loose monetary policy in an unprecedented public demonstration of discord within the European Central Bank...

... with the ECB's new head, former IMF Director and convicted criminal, Christine Lagarde would result in some easing of tensions, were promptly crushed when Lagarde picked up where Draghi left off, calling on Germany and the Netherlands to use their budget surpluses to fund investments that would help stimulate the economy, in a sharp rebuke that will not win the former French finance minister any friends in fiscally conservative Germany.

In an appeal to Germany's sense of solidarity, and in hopes that Germany's memory of hyperinflation has faded enough, Lagarde said that there "isn’t enough solidarity" in the single currency area, adding: “We share a currency, but we don’t share much budgetary policy for now."

"Those that have the room for manoeuvre, those that have a budget surplus, that’s to say Germany, the Netherlands, why not use that budget surplus and invest in infrastructure? Why not invest in education? Why not invest in innovation, to allow for a better rebalancing?" asked Lagarde, blaming Germany and the Netherlands for living within their means, and demanding they should no longer do so, just because most other Europeans decided to pull a page out of the American playbook, and live exorbitantly outside of their means.

Lagarde's direct attempt at shaming Europe's fiscal conservatives was nothing short of shocking: normally ECB officials avoid naming individual countries in public statements, because their mandate is to act in the interests of the eurozone as a whole. But when Lagarde made her speech she had not yet officially taken over at the Frankfurt-based institution — she succeeds Mario Draghi on Friday.

We somehow doubt this "explanation" will fly with the German population, which sees itself as funding peripheral Europe's profligate ways for the past decade, even as it benefited from the weak euro to supercharge the German export machine.
And just to guarantee she is as resented by Germany as was Mario Draghi, she said that the German and Dutch governments, which last year had budget surpluses of 2% and 1.5% respectively, "have not really made the necessary efforts," she added, referring to establishment's increasing desperation to force anyone with an even remotely normal balance sheet to sink to the same level as their insolvent peers.

As for the punchline, Lagarde defended the negative interest rates introduced by her predecessor Draghi, arguing that people should be happier to have a job than a higher savings rate. This, as a reminder, comes at a time when virtually everyone who is not named "Draghi" or "Lagarde" thinks that negative rates are catastrophic, and assure doom for the Eurozone.
When asked about the impact of negative rates on savers, Ms Lagarde said on Thursday that they should think about how much worse the situation would be if the ECB had not cut rates as much as it had.
Would we not be in a situation today with much higher unemployment and a far lower growth rate, and isn’t it true that ultimately we have done the right thing to act in favor of jobs and of growth rather than the protection of savers?” she asked.
The unemployment rate in the 19-country eurozone has fallen from 12 per cent in 2013 to 8.2 per cent last year. GDP growth in the single currency zone was 1.8 per cent last year and the ECB expects it to slow to 1.1 per cent this year.
Finally, for those curious if the authorities will stop at anything to destroy the currency and send rates to even more negative levels if it means kicking the can on a global, populist uprising, by just a few months, weeks or days, here is the answer: "We should be happier to have a job than to have our savings protected," said Lagarde.

"I think that it is in this spirit that monetary policy has been decided by my predecessors and I think they made quite a beneficial choice."

Let's check back on that statement in a year, shall we?

Of course, there is no magic solution here: all the ECB has done is kick the can, and ensure that the next crisis will be even worse than if some semblance of a price-clearing reality had been allowed under Draghi's 8 years. Instead, the ECB's balance sheet exploded to €4.7 trillion euros, as the world's largest central bank-cum-hedge fund bought every bond in sight in hopes of keeping asset prices artificially elevated.

In October, the ECB, less than a year after it ended QE* in a failed attempt to "renormalize" monetary policy, announced it would cut rates to a record -0.5% and unveiled open-ended plans to start buying €20bn of bonds starting in November.

Needless to say, the comments by the former French finance minister confirm market expectations that she is likely to pursue similar monetary policy strategy to Draghi who flooded the financial system with cheap money to fight slowing growth and inflation while calling on governments to do more through fiscal policy to take the burden off the central bank.

In the end, the consequences of Draghi's monetary policy, as we explained before, will be catastrophic, but the former Goldman partner was wise enough to get off the European Titanic before it hit the iceberg. It will now be Lagarde's task to save as many people as possible once the ship starts sinking, and judging by her remarks, she is perfectly fine of not only going down with the ship, but also being blamed for the collision.

Tags: Business Finance

* Hieronder de uitleg over QE of: Quantitative Easing, geschreven door Jim Chappelow en gepubliceerd op Investopedia (zie ook het eerste staatje in het artikel van Durden):

Quantitative Easing (QE)

What Is Quantitative Easing? (QE)

Quantitative easing is an unconventional monetary policy in which a central bank purchases government securities or other securities from the market in order to increase the money supply and encourage lending and investment. When short-term interest rates are at or approaching zero, normal open market operations, which target interest rates, are no longer effective, so instead a central bank can target specified amounts of assets to purchase. Quantitative easing increases the money supply by purchasing assets with newly created bank reserves in order to provide banks with more liquidity.


  • Quantitative easing (QE) is the name for a strategy that a central bank can use to increase the domestic money supply.
  • QE is usually used when interest rates are already near 0 percent and can be focused on the purchase of government bonds from banks.
  • QE programs were widely used following the 2008 financial crisis, although some central banks, like the Bank of Japan, had been using QE for several years prior to the financial crisis.

Understanding Quantitative Easing

To execute quantitative easing, central banks increase the supply of money by buying government bonds and other securities. Increasing the supply of money is similar to increasing supply of any other asset—it lowers the cost of money. A lower cost of money means interest rates are lower and banks can lend with easier terms. This strategy is used when interest rates approach zero, at which point central banks have fewer tools to influence economic growth.

If quantitative easing itself loses effectiveness, fiscal policy (government spending) may be used to further expand the money supply. In effect, quantitative easing can even blur the line between monetary and fiscal policy, if the assets purchased consist of long term government bonds that are being issued to finance counter-cyclical deficit spending.

The Drawbacks of Quantitative Easing

If central banks increase the money supply, it can cause inflation. In a worst-case scenario, the central bank may cause inflation through QE without economic growth, causing a period of so-called stagflation. Although most central banks are created by their countries' government and are involved in some regulatory oversight, central banks can't force the banks to increase lending or force borrowers to seek loans and invest. If the increased money supply does not work its way through the banks and into the economy, QE may not be effective except as a tool to facilitate deficit spending (i.e. fiscal policy).

Another potentially negative consequence is that quantitative easing can devalue the domestic currency. For manufacturers, this may help stimulate growth because exported goods would be cheaper in the global market. However, a falling currency value makes imports more expensive, which can increase the cost of production and consumer price levels.

Is Quantitative Easing Effective?

During the QE programs conducted by the U.S. Federal Reserve starting in 2008, the Fed increased the money supply by $4 trillion. This means that the asset side of the Fed's balance sheet grew significantly as it purchased bonds, mortgages, and other assets. The Fed's liabilities, primarily reserves at U.S. banks, grew by the same amount. The goal was that the banks would lend and invest those reserves to stimulate growth.

However, as you can see in the following chart, banks held onto much of that money as excess reserves. At its peak, U.S. banks held $2.7 trillion in excess reserves, which was an unexpected outcome for the Fed's QE program.

(voor de staat die hier hoort te staan, zie het origineel)

Most economists believe that the Fed's QE program helped rescue the U.S. (and world) economy following the 2008 financial crisis. However, the magnitude of its role in the subsequent recovery is more debated and impossible to quantify. Other central banks have attempted to deploy QE to fight recession and deflation with similarly cloudy results.

Following the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997, Japan fell into an economic recession. Beginning in 2000, the Bank of Japan (BoJ) began an aggressive QE program to curb deflation and to stimulate the economy. The Bank of Japan moved from buying Japanese government bonds to buying private debt and stocks. The QE campaign failed to meet its goals. Ironically, the BoJ governors had concluded that "QE was not effective" just months before launching their program in 2000. Between 1995 and 2007, Japanese GDP fell from $5.45 trillion to $4.52 trillion in nominal terms, despite the BoJ's efforts.

The Swiss National Bank (SNB) also employed a QE strategy following the 2008 financial crisis. Eventually, the SNB owned assets nearly equal to annual economic output for the entire country, which made the SNB's version of QE the largest in the world as a ratio to GDP. Although economic growth has been positive during the subsequent recovery, how much the SNB's QE program contributed to that recovery is uncertain. For example, although it was the largest QE program in the world as a ratio to GDP and interest rates were pushed below 0%, the SNB was still unable to achieve its inflation targets.

In August 2016, the Bank of England (BoE) announced that it would launch an additional QE program to help alleviate concerns over "Brexit." The plan was for the BoE to buy 60 billion pounds of government bonds and 10 billion pounds in corporate debt. If successful, the plan should have kept interest rates from rising in the U.K. and stimulated business investment and employment.

From August 2016 through June 2018, the Office for National Statistics in the U.K. reported that gross fixed capital formation (a measure of business investment) was growing at an average quarterly rate of 0.4 percent, which was lower than the average from 2009 through 2018. The challenge for economists is to detect whether growth would have been worse without quantitative easing.

donderdag 26 september 2019

Peter Schiff (econoom) waarschuwt voor het waanzinnige beleid van de Fed: 'failliet' van VS dreigt

Een econoom die bekend staat in de VS, t.w. Peter Schiff, heeft de vloer aangeveegd met het beleid van de Fed: rentedalingen en 'quantitative easing' (QE) doorvoeren (het laatste betekent grote hoeveelheden geld bijdrukken, zonder toegevoegde tegenwaarde)....

De rentedalingen zorgen voor het op spanning houden van de over de toeren draaiende huizenmarkt en veroorzaakt een beursbubbel, die beiden vroeg of laat tot een ramp leiden bij het imploderen van de prijzen, het beleid dat de Fed voert, leidt daar onherroepelijk vanzelf toe......

Volgens Chiff zal de VS het niet makkelijk krijgen bij volgende pogingen, daar China en Rusland, eerder geneigd schulden van de VS op te kopen, wel uitkijken dat nog langer te doen, immers de waardepapieren die ze bezitten zullen alleen maar minder waard worden..... De VS heeft nog één geluk en dat is de petrodollar, vandaar ook dat de CIA een opstand organiseerde in Libië daar Khadaffi al vergevorderde plannen had om een gouden dinar als betaalmiddel voor olietransacties te introduceren, een munt die in tegenstelling tot de dollar een tegenwaarde in goud zou hebben, waar de dollar gebakken lucht vertegenwoordigt.....*

Lullig genoeg is één ding zeker: als het financieel misgaat in de VS hebben we ook hier 'de failliete poppen' aan het dansen......

Peter Schiff on the Economy’s Fate: ‘We OD on Stimulus and We Destroy the Dollar’

Posted by JT Crowe | Sep 23, 2019 EconomyNews

Peter Schiff on the Economy’s Fate: ‘We OD on Stimulus and We Destroy the Dollar’

Economist Peter Schiff has been sounding the alarm of late regarding the Federal Reserve’s policies, and he thinks the central bank will take rates back to zero and restart quantitative easing — and that still will only further inflate the bubble before a massive collapse.

The Fed successfully pulled the U.S. economy out of the Great Recession by dropping interest rates all the way zero, where they remained for almost a decade, and with three rounds of QE, which has reflated the real estate bubble, blown up a bond bubble and helped pump up the stock market to new record highs.

Schiff, appearing on the Tom Woods Show last week, admitted he didn’t think the Fed would be able to rescue the economy last time around because he underestimated how the world would so quickly accept the previously outrageous QE — pumping new money into the economy through bond purchases — but things are different this time around.

Economist Peter Schiff has been sounding the alarm of late regarding the Federal Reserve’s policies, and he thinks the central bank will take rates back to zero and restart quantitative easing — and that still will only further inflate the bubble before a massive collapse.

The Fed successfully pulled the U.S. economy out of the Great Recession by dropping interest rates all the way zero, where they remained for almost a decade, and with three rounds of QE, which has reflated the real estate bubble, blown up a bond bubble and helped pump up the stock market to new record highs.

Schiff, appearing on the Tom Woods Show last week, admitted he didn’t think the Fed would be able to rescue the economy last time around because he underestimated how the world would so quickly accept the previously outrageous QE — pumping new money into the economy through bond purchases — but things are different this time around.

I don’t think we’re going to have a whole lot of help from those other countries who are already trying to minimize their exposure to the dollar now. I don’t think they’re really going to step it up in order to enable QE4.”

Another problem facing the Fed this time around are monstrous deficits already in excess of $1 trillion compared to the $250-$300 billion deficits the country had at the time under President George W. Bush.

Is there any way the Federal Reserve can monetize $3 or $4 trillion per year of government debt without the dollar falling and without igniting a bigger increase in inflation?” Schiff said. “If the Fed tried to inject enough stimulus into this economy to try to reflate an even bigger bubble than the ones we already have, I just think the economy dies of an overdose. We overdose on stimulus and we destroy the dollar. And then we have massive inflation.

But what would be required to stop it would be so politically damaging in the short-run that they may opt not to stop it, which is even worse. It just happens a little bit later.”
* Khadaffi had voor de invoering van die dinar een enorme goudvoorraad aangelegd, die 'vreemd genoeg' verdwenen was nadat de VS en andere NAVO-lidstaten Libië in 2011 een jaar of 70 terug in de tijd hebben gebombardeerd, tja waar zou dat goud zijn???? (waarschijnlijk verdeeld tussen de VS, Groot-Brittannië en Frankrijk (met wat fooien voor de terreurgroepen die door het westen werden bewapend, getraind en van rollend oorlogstuig voorzien)..... Wellicht dat ook nog een paar NAVO-lidstaten wat goud hebben ontvangen als beloning voor de steun aan deze zoveelste illegale oorlog van de VS tegen een soeverein land.... Voor het ingrijpen was Libië het rijkste land van Afrika waar het niemand aan iets ontbrak en dat veelal gratis...... Nu behoort Libië tot de armste landen van Afrika, waar het de bevolking aan van alles ontbreekt en is het land in chaos gedompeld, een land waar nu zelfs openbare slavenmarkten worden gehouden, alles met dank aan de VS en een aantal andere NAVO-lidstaten, waaronder Nederland (ja, ook met ons belastinggeld!).....

woensdag 25 september 2019

Miljardair Cooperman: Fed pakt de spaarders door rentetarief te verlagen

Een miljardair uit de VS, Leon Cooperman hekelt het beleid van de Fed (Federal Reserve) inzake de renteverlagingen. Met een simpele som legt hij uit hoe de spaarders in de VS genaaid worden: je krijgt op je geld bij de bank 2% rente, daarvan houden de meeste belastingbetalers in de VS 60% over, waardoor je in werkelijkheid 1,2% rente overhoudt, terwijl de inflatie 2% is, zo heb je dus een negatieve 'teruggave', ofwel je betaalt omdat je spaart.......

Wat Cooperman er niet bij vertelt is dat door die lage rente veel pensioenfondsen korten op de uitkering, ofwel de kleine spaarders en degenen die niet kunnen sparen worden extra gepakt (als ze al recht op pensioen hebben in de totaal ongelijke en inhumane VS maatschappij....)

Het is ronduit misdadig dat de rente zo laag staat en in Nederland vinden ook de huizenkopers het prima, terwijl ze in een totaal overgewaardeerd huis wonen, wat ze zullen merken als de huizenmarkt echt implodeert, dan hebben ze weliswaar een lage rente, maar een hypotheek die totaal niet meer in overeenstemming is met de gedaalde waarde van hun huis....... Zelfs de misdadigers van het IMF en de Wereldbank hebben Nederland al 100 keer gewaarschuwd wat te doen aan de enorme hypotheekschuld van intussen weer meer dan 700 miljard euro..... Als de huizenmarkt implodeert zullen ook de huurders daar het gelag voor moeten betalen, zoals ze nu de hoofdprijs betalen voor de huizenbubbel, schunnig genoeg houdt men de belachelijk hoge huizenprijs aan als meetlat voor de huren, zodat huurders nu dik meer betalen voor een dak boven het hoofd dan kopers..........

Huurders hebben geen rechten, als ze verhuizen moet desnoods het parket nog worden verwijderd uit het huis.... Woon in een buurt waar mensen op de zolderetage een slaapkamer hebben met een maat raam waarvoor geen gordijnen te krijgen zijn, anders dan ze te laten maken...... Bij elke verhuizing in het complex worden de gordijnen weer weggegooid, te zot voor woorden..... Dit telt des te harder daar het hier sociale huurwoningen betreft en veel mensen die uit huis zijn gezet, wonen hier een tijdje en verdwijnen dan weer, zodat je het jaarrond bijna hoort boren en timmeren...... Maar wel de hoofdprijs betalen.... 

Wat nadelen van huren betreft is het voorgaande nog maar de spreekwoordelijke top van de ijsberg, zo mag je je huis worden uitgezet als je meer dan 5 gram wiet in huis hebt...... Een paar wietplanten en je kan je huis uit gedonderd worden, terwijl elke idioot zich dagelijks in zijn/haar huurhuis het leplazerus kan zuipen (aan de harddrug alcohol, waaraan godbetert dagelijks gemiddeld 12 mensen overlijden in ons land, terwijl er nooit iemand is overleden aan het gebruik van cannabis....).......

Ach mensen, het is gewoon de hoogste tijd voor een fikse revolutie, echter dat zal niet snel gebeuren, desnoods verzint men er nog een voetbalcompetitie bij........ Echter dat huurders zich zo laten uitnemen verbaast me ten zeerste, de mensen merken dat echt in hun portemonnee en als je ziet hoeveel huurders er elk jaar op straat worden gezet zou je denken dat men wel in opstand zal komen, zeker gezien de jaarlijkse huurverhoging en dat bijzonder vaak voor een niet geïsoleerd huis in een achterstandswijk...... 

Kortom ook onze neoliberale maatschappij kenmerkt zich als inhumaan, ijskoud en fascistisch....... (fascistisch o.a.: nationalisme, vreemdelingenhaat, agressie tegen alles wat naar links ruikt, klimaatscepticisme en uiteraard keihard voor de intensieve martelveehouderij.... Daarover gesproken: waarom heeft fascist en PVV 'dierenliefhebber' Dion Graus het nooit over de intensieve veehouderij?)

Hier het artikel van JT Crowe over Cooper op Money and Markets:

Cooperman: Fed ‘Screwing the Savers’ By Cutting Interest Rates

Posted by JT Crowe | Sep 23, 2019 NewsPersonal Finance

Cooperman: Fed ‘Screwing the Savers’ by Cutting Interest Rates

Billionaire hedge fund titan Leon Cooperman blasted the Federal Reserve’s interest rate cut last week, saying the central bank is “screwing the savers” after the second rate cut in three months.

Cooperman said the Fed shouldn’t be cutting rates while the economy is still strong in the midst of a record-long growth.

I side with the two Fed governors that were against cutting rates. Rates were already low,” Cooperman said while speaking on during the Delivering Alpha conference, which was hosted by CNBC and Institutional Behavior. “Just think about it this way: You have a 35% to 40% marginal tax rate, you’re getting 2% on your cash if you’re lucky. You keep 60% of the 2%, that’s 1.2%. The inflation rate is running 2%: You have a negative return on savings.”

The Fed approved a second, 0.25% interest rate cut on Sept. 18 while offering few hints that it would lower rates again before the end of the year as many on Wall Street have hoped. Fed officials continued to describe the job market as “strong,” but also noted that American business executives have grown wary of President Donald Trump’s trade tactics and the ongoing trade war with China, which has put a damper on profits.

The weakness in the economy, in my opinion, is directly attributable to the president’s dialogue on tariffs,” said Cooperman, who founded Omega Advisors in 1991. “What we do with China, I understand makes sense. But threatening Mexico, threatening Canada, threatening Europe makes no sense.

This has created great uncertainty in the business community. They don’t know where to put the supply lines, they don’t know where to build their plants. So they’re cutting back on” capital expenditures.

Cooperman‘s net worth is about $3.2 billion, according to Forbes, and his company’s main fund has generated 12.4% annualized returns since its inception. The S&P 500, in turn, has generated a 9.5% return over the same period of time.
PS: ben wel benieuwd hoe Cooperman zijn fortuin heeft vergaard. Neem trouwens aan dat hij ook aandelen in zijn bezit heeft en je weet het: renteverlagingen zijn goed voor de gevoelloze aandeelhouders, figuren die staan te juichen als een beursgenoteerd bedrijf arbeiders op straat flikkert.......

vrijdag 30 augustus 2019

Trumps handelsoorlog en het ontstaan van een corporatieve fascistische staat

Door de economische aanval van Trump op China komt het neofascisme op in de politiek van de VS, waar noch het congres, noch de rechterlijke macht ook maar enige interesse tonen om de presidentiële macht in te perken. De schrijver van het CounterPunch artikel dat hieronder is opgenomen, Anthony Dimaggio, stelt dat 'Trumps unieke vorm van neofascisme eerst naar de voorgrond trad toen Trump de media onderuithaalde en beschuldigde van verraad...... Ben het wat dat betreft niet met Dimaggio eens, immers de VS was al onder Obama op weg om een politiestaat te worden en toonde wat dat betreft al kenmerken van fascisme, neem alleen al de militarisering van de politie en de inzet op totale controle van de burgers, iets dat zich hier overigens ook voltrekt al is het op een wat langzamer manier...... 

Wat betreft de massamedia in de VS (en elders in het westen) moet ik zeggen dat deze inderdaad onbetrouwbaar zijn, al is het op een andere manier dan Trump bedoelt, neem de berichtgeving voorafgaand en tijdens de illegale oorlogen van de VS tegen Afghanistan, Irak, Libië en Syrië en dan gaat het alleen over deze eeuw..... Toch moet ik toegeven dat veel stemmingmakerij tegen Trump niet echt van een geweldig niveau was, om het maar voorzichtig te stellen....

Uiteraard zijn de handelsoorlog en de woorden die Trump daarbij gebruikt van een uitgesproken fascistoïde karakter, zo noemt hij de Chinese leider Xi Jinping een vijand van de VS..... Eén van de middelen die hij gebruikt, of beter misbruikt is de International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA) uit 1977, waarmee men drugssmokkelaars en terroristen te lijf kan gaan en in uitzonderlijke situaties een misdadig regime kan isoleren, echter niet om onenigheid over onderlinge handel te beslechten.....

Overigens laten de leugens van Trump over Latijns-Amerikaanse vluchtelingen niets aan de verbeelding over, ronduit fascistische leugens...... Gisteren liet Trump nog weten dat de 'US Space Force' de VS het machtigste land in de ruimte moet maken, waar hij zelfs stelde dat de VS zich het recht zal voorbehouden om satellieten van VS onwelgevallige landen te vernietigen..... (BBC World Service radio bracht dit bericht afgelopen nacht)

Trump doet in feite wat eerder fascistische regimes deden die uit waren op expansie* en meer macht: landen valselijk beschuldigen om daarna een poging te doen met behulp van de CIA een gewelddadige opstand op te starten in zo'n land, met de opzet het regime ten val te brengen...... Als dat niet lukt blijft altijd de mogelijkheid over een dergelijk land binnen te vallen en daarmee heeft de VS al een heel lange ervaring........ Nu hoeft de VS niet per se een land binnen te vallen om een VS gezind regime te installeren, zo heeft ook Trump bedacht: een handelsoorlog en economische oorlogvoering kunnen al veel in gang zetten (zelfs een roep om regime verandering uit ontevredenheid bij het volk), al lukt dat gelukkig niet altijd, zie Syrië,Venezuela en Iran. Helaas vallen door deze economische terreur wel veel mensenlevens, zo heeft de economische oorlog tegen Venezuela al aan meer dan 40.000 mensen het leven gekost, mensen die in feite zijn vermoord door de VS......

Dan nog dit: het neoliberalisme dat ook in de EU hoogtij viert, is niets anders dan een vorm van fascisme, dit nog naast het feit dat een aantal EU landen in feite al fascistisch worden geregeerd, neem Hongarije, Polen en Roemenië (gelukkig zijn de fascistische Oostenrijkse en Italiaanse regering gevallen).......

Dimaggio heeft verder een uitstekend artikel geschreven over wat ik de 'fascistische Trump doctrine' zou willen noemen. Wel verontrustend als je bedenkt dat de VS afgeladen is met kernwapens, waarover Trump zich afvroeg waarom ze niet gebruikt worden 'als we ze toch hebben......' 

AUGUST 28, 2019

Trump’s Trade War and the Emerging Corporatist-Fascist State

Drawing by Nathaniel St. Clair

President Donald Trump’s fit over China speaks to the rise of neofascism in American politics, at a time when neither Congress nor the courts are showing any interest in rolling back presidential power. Trump’s unique brand of neofascism first emerged in the form of his attempt to crack down on journalistic critics for “treason,” and via the onset of his white ethno-nationalist, which he declared via a “state of emergency” that allowed him to criminalize immigrants in “concentration camp”-style detainment settings, and to confiscate taxpayer funds to build a wall with Mexico that was never authorized by Congress. This nascent fascism is quickly morphing into full-blown fascism, via Trump’s efforts to dictate the rules of investment to U.S. corporations, and in relation to his emerging trade war with China.

In late August, Trump announced he would intensify the trade war against China, with the imposition of an additional 5 percent duty on $250 billion in Chinese goods, reaching a 30 percent tax by October 1st, coupled with a 15 percent tax – over his previous 10 percent planned rate – on another $300 billion of imports, to take effect on September 1st. The major controversy is not Trump’s saber rattling with China, but his attempt to unilaterally require that American corporations no longer do business in China. As Trump announcedon Twitter, “Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing our companies HOME and making your products in the USA.” This “order” was political in motivation, in line with Trump’s “America First” agenda, and as reflected in his announcement that “We don’t need China and, frankly, would be far better off without them.”

For those who would defend the neofascist in chief for making merely “tongue and cheek” comments by “ordering” U.S. corporations around, the president was having none of it. He elaborated via Twitter that his mandate to American corporations was permissible under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA) of 1977, a law the New York Times reports “has been used mainly to target terrorists” and “drug traffickers,” and “originally meant to enable a president to isolate criminal regimes, not sever economic ties with a major trading partner over a tariff dispute.” In a sign of just how much further Trump has come from the authoritarian politics of the Bush-“war on terror” years, George W. Bush’s former international economic advisor warned that “Any invocation of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act in these circumstances and for these purposes would be an abuse… The act is intended to address extraordinary national security threats and true national emergencies, not fits of presidential pique.” But Trump was not deterred. In relation to his “emergency” powers, he claimed: “For all the Fake News Reporters that don’t have a clue as to what the law is relative to Presidential powers, China, etc, try looking at the Emergency Economic Powers Act of 1977. Case closed!”

It should be no surprise that Trump sees this as a “case closed” issue of presidential authority, considering his longstanding contempt for the rule of law, and his routine dismissal of the courts and Congress, both of which he has shown little interest in consulting with regard to his presidential acts and orders. This president believes in ruling by decree, and he isn’t going to let inconvenient obstacles like Constitutionalism and judicial or Congressional oversight get in his way.
A closer look at the 1977 law that Trump cites reveals that it does, in fact, grant presidents the power to regulate foreign commerce in times of emergency. But the law is not what the president claims it to be. It allows the executive to “prohibit” the “importation or exportation” of goods and “any transactions in foreign exchange” “in which any foreign country or national thereof has any interest,” during periods of “unusual and extraordinary threat,” as related to national security and the economy.

The key point of emphasis here is that this power exists during periods of “unusual and extraordinary threat,” which would not under any rational interpretation include simple trade disputes between competing heads of state. Nor would it include trade disputes occurring under an economy which Trump himself heralded last week as “strong and good,” and commentedwithin the last month that it is the “best it has ever been.”

Trump would have his cake and eat it too, speaking out of both sides of his mouth by declaring a national economic emergency on the one hand, while celebrating the nation’s economic vitality and growth on the other. But make no mistake: he realizes there is a very real danger of an emerging recession as a result of his escalating trade war with China. The problem is that he is too arrogant and vain to ever admit that rising economic instability is a result of his own actions, and to reverse course to avoid a possible recession.
In his growing desperation and in response to a self-imposed “crisis,” Trump has taken to demonizing domestic political figures. Consider, for example, his attack the head of the Federal Reserve (FED), Jay Powell, after he refused to immediately lower interest rates to pull the economy back from further volatility, following numerous hits to the stock market due to the onset of Trump’s trade war. Trump hyper-ventilated on Twitter, asking: “who is our bigger enemy, Jay Powell or Chairman Xi?” following Powell’s announcement that the Federal Reserve was limited in its powers to stimulate the economy due to the uncertainty and volatility imposed by Trump’s trade war.

The risk of a declining economy to Trump’s political future shouldn’t be dismissed. A president with a 40 percent approval rating cannot afford to lose much by way of public support if he hopes to be re-elected in 2020. And a full-blown economic recession will almost certainly mean a significant decline in Trump’s already tenuous job approval, likely putting him out of reach of a second term if economic conditions continue to deteriorate in late 2019 and 2020. Despite Trump’s bloviating about enemies at home and abroad, the ultimate irony in this case is that he is his own worst enemy, and an emerging recession, if it does come, will be of his own making.
Recent political events do suggest that the United States is entering a state of emergency, although it is not one that’s driven by an economic downturn. Rather, the cancer that afflicts the nation is neofascism. By neofascism, I am referring specifically to a system of politics that is marked by extreme nationalism, racism and xenophobia, authoritarian contempt for the rule of law, and most recently, to active government efforts to impose new “rules of the game” on the capitalist economy, contrary to “free market” neoliberal principles. This final aspect of fascism – call it corporatist fascism, was popularized in Nazi Germany under the Third Reich, and places government at the helm in terms of making major investment decisions for private corporations.
U.S. capitalism has long been marked by an authoritarian organizational structure, via corporate hierarchies that exercise power at the expense of working Americans having a say in the workplace, while deterring unionism and democracy in the workplace. But corporatist neofascism, of the variety that Trump seeks to introduce, goes beyond anything we have seen in modern history. Government has historically been the junior partner in reinforcing the plutocratic power of the business class over politics. It is not, under “free market” capitalism, a legitimate guiding force when it comes to dictating the terms of investment to business and the private sector.
Most Americans are reluctant to apply the term “fascism” to Trump’s politics because of longstanding aversion to the notion that the U.S. could ever become a fascist nation.
The “It Can’t Happen Here” ethos was well understood more than 80 years ago by novelist Sinclair Lewis, meaning that Americans have historically been blind to the neofascistic elements of politics unfolding before their very eyes. But ultimately, the “fascism-not-fascism” dichotomy is extremely problematic, dangerous, and self-defeating for those who still value principles of democracy and limited government. If Americans wait to discuss the “is it fascism?” question until after a neofascist state has been fully institutionalized, that debate will be merely academic, and utterly meaningless. The time to discuss a fascist threat is as it is emerging, not after it has been implemented.

Time is growing short for those who would reel in Trump’s runaway neofascistic policies, and in terms of reestablishing the rule of law. Congress has it within its authority to countermand Trump’s efforts to impose corporatist-neofascism on the U.S. economy. The very emergency law that Trump cites states that “the president, in every possible instance, shall consult with the Congress before exercising any of the authorities granted” in the emergency law, and that he must “consult regularly with the Congress so long as such authorities are exercised.” He must provide regular updates to the legislative branch on how such emergency powers are being used. Which means that Congress is at liberty to reverse the “state of emergency” Trump has declared by determining that he has abused his political powers by pursuing an authoritarian, self-aggrandizing policy that grants the president unprecedented authority to impose a corporatist-neofascist regime.
Congress should immediately begin impeachment proceedings, under the grounds that Trump is unfit to be commander in chief, following his recent claim that he is God’s “chosen one” with regard to dictating trade policy, and his efforts to claim dictatorial emergency powers in relation to managing his trade war with China. Since, Trump’s neofascist politics have received little pushback thus far, there is growing concern that his recent trade actions will only further empower the president moving forward. There is little standing in this president’s way, short of legislative or judicial action, as he seeks to destroy what remains of the “checks and balances” system under the U.S. Constitution. Short of impeachment or a national strike and mass protests across the country, Trump’s neofascist politics are likely to intensify in the future.

More articles by: ANTHONY DIMAGGIO

Anthony DiMaggio is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Lehigh University. He holds a PhD in political communication, and is the author of the newly released: The Politics of Persuasion: Economic Policy and Media Bias in the Modern Era (Paperback, 2018), and Selling War, Selling Hope: Presidential Rhetoric, the News Media, and U.S. Foreign Policy After 9/11 (Paperback: 2016). He can be reached at:
* Over expansie gesproken: het psychopathische beest Trump bood Denemarken onlangs aan om Groenland te kopen, te belachelijk voor woorden, echter deze mafkloot was zo pissig over de afwijzing door Denemarken, dat hij een gepland bezoek heeft afgezegd........