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Posts tonen met het label M. Abrahms. Alle posts tonen

donderdag 12 december 2019

Afghanistan oorlog: militaire top VS zei al voor het begin dat dit een niet te winnen oorlog is

De Washington Post (WaPo) doet af en toe ook wel iets goed, naast het maken van nepnieuws en het manipuleren van haar gebruikers. De WaPo heeft na een gevecht met de overheid documenten op tafel gekregen waarin duidelijk is te lezen dat de militaire top van de VS van meet af aan heeft gesteld dat de oorlog tegen de Taliban in Afghanistan niet is te winnen..... Kortom niet alleen werd op oneigenlijke gronden een oorlog aangegaan, zoals die later tegen Irak, Libië en Syrië, maar blijkt nu ook nog eens dat de militaire top in de VS vooraf heeft gesteld dat deze oorlog niet is te winnen....... Al moet gezegd worden, dat het militair-industrieel complex in de VS enorme kapitalen heeft verdiend aan deze oorlog (en de illegale oorlogen tegen de andere genoemde landen....).....  

De schrijver van het hieronder opgenomen artikel, Caitlin Johnstone vindt eigenlijk dat het gevecht van de WaPo om de bewuste gegevens boven tafel te krijgen, een nog belangrijker onderwerp..... Wat dat betreft ben ik het overigens niet met haar eens, immers het is de zoveelste keer dat er in de VS en de rest van het westen documenten worden achtergehouden waar het volk recht op heeft.... Echter veel is al bekend wat in deze Afghanistan papers staat, zo weten we al lang dat de VS al voor 9/11 een oorlog tegen Afghanistan voorbereidde...... 

Middels de Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) wat wij een 'WOB-verzoek' noemen (Wet Openbaarheid van Bestuur), heeft WaPo de documenten boven tafel gekregen. Wel moet ik zeggen dat Johnstone een mooie analyse heeft gemaakt van het 'wobben' in de VS.....

Overigens zet e.e.a. nog grotere vraagtekens bij het meedoen van Nederland aan de illegale oorlog in Afghanistan die ons honderden miljoenen aan belastinggeld heeft gekost, om maar te zwijgen over de door Nederlands ingrijpen omgekomen burgers en Nederlandse militairen die omkwamen, of voor de rest van hun leven geestelijk en/of lichamelijk zijn beschadigd...... Daarnaast hebben we ook nog eens te maken met de burgerdoden in de andere genoemde illegale oorlogen en de Nederlandse militairen die bij deze andere oorlogen omkwamen..... 

In totaal moeten de kosten voor de inzet van Nederlandse militairen (ook in Mali, wat een uitvloeisel is van de schandelijke NAVO oorlog tegen Libië) meer dan 1 of zelfs 2 miljard euro bedragen en dan lopen de VS en anderen te zeiken dat we meer moeten uitgeven aan 'defensie' (lees: oorlogsvoering in een land waar we niets te zoeken hebben!!)..... Dan reken ik niet eens de kosten mee van de enorme vluchtelingenstromen richting Europa en de terreur op de straten van Europa, beiden het gevolg van die illegale oorlogsvoering.... 

Terecht stelt Johnstone dat men zoveel mogelijk documenten geheim verklaart, in het belang van de staatsveiligheid, terwijl die documenten niets te maken hebben met de staatsveiligheid en het volk juist recht heeft op die informatie...... Dat is dan ook de manier waarop men bepaalde zaken onder de pet kan houden en er een enorme strijd nodig is om ze toch boven tafel te krijgen..... Hier hebben we o.a. te maken met de commissie stiekem, waar alleen bepaalde politici toegang tot hebben en zelfs als zij concluderen dat e.e.a niet thuishoort bij de commissie stiekem mag er niet over gesproken worden, een schande van formaat dat politici zich hieraan hebben verbonden, ronduit een aanslag op onze democratie!! Voorts worden niet zelden de middels een WOB-verzoek verkregen documenten voor een groot deel zwart gemaakt....*

 The Most Significant Afghanistan Papers Revelation Is How Difficult They Were To Make Public

The Washington Post has published clearundeniable evidence that US government officials have been lying to the public about the war in Afghanistan, a shocking revelation for anyone who has done no research whatsoever into the history of US interventionism.

In all seriousness it was a very good and newsworthy publication, and those who did the heavy lifting bringing the Afghanistan Papers into public awareness deserve full credit. The frank comments of US military officials plainly stating that from the very beginning this was an unwinnable conflict, initiated in a region nobody understood, without anyone being able to so much as articulate what victory would even look like, make up an extremely important piece of information that is in conflict with everything the public has been told about this war by their government.

But the most significant revelation to come out of this story is not in the Afghanistan Papers themselves.

The most significant Afghanistan Papers revelation comes from The Washington Post's account of the extremely difficult time they had extricating these important documents from the talons of government secrecy, as detailed in a separate article titled "How The Post unearthed The Afghanistan Papers". WaPo explains how the papers were ultimately obtained via Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests which, after they were initially rejected by the US government, needed to be supplemented over three years with two lawsuits.

"The Post’s efforts to obtain the Afghanistan documents also illustrate how difficult it can be for journalists — or any citizen — to pry public information from the government," WaPo reports. "The purpose of FOIA is to open up federal agencies to public scrutiny. But officials determined to thwart the spirit of the law can drag out requests for years, hoping requesters will eventually give up."

"In October 2017, The Post sued the inspector general in U.S. District Court in Washington — a step that can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees — to obtain the Flynn interview materials," WaPo adds.

Now, The Washington Post is a giant, for-profit corporate media outlet which is solely owned by Jeff Bezos, who is currently listed as the wealthiest person on earth. Does anyone reading this have hundreds of thousands of dollars and years of their life to spend battling the US government into complying with its own transparency laws? Are any of the alternative media outlets which consistently oppose US imperialism able to afford many such expenditures? I would guess not.
Is it not disturbing that the American taxpayer has to depend on outlets like The Washington Post, a neocon-packed outlet with an extensive history of promoting US interventionism at every opportunity, to extract these documents from behind the wall of government opacity?

After all, by WaPo's own admission it both sought and published the Afghanistan Papers in order to take a swing at Donald Trump. According to the Post it went down this path in 2016 initially seeking documents on Michael Flynn, who was then part of the Trump campaign, after receiving a tip that he'd made some juicy statements about the war in Afghanistan to the Office of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR). WaPo then made the decision to publish the papers now rather than waiting for its legal battle for more information to complete because Trump is currently in the midst of negotiating with the Taliban over a potential troop withdrawal.

"The Post is publishing the documents now, instead of waiting for a final ruling, to inform the public while the Trump administration is negotiating with the Taliban and considering whether to withdraw the 13,000 U.S. troops who remain in Afghanistan," WaPo reports.

It is obviously an inherently good thing that WaPo poured its immense wealth and resources into pursuing and publishing these documents. But would it have done so if those documents hadn't presented an opportunity to embarrass the Trump administration? What kinds of information does the notoriously war-happy WaPo not spend its wealth and resources pursuing and publishing? Probably a whole lot.

It is a very safe assumption that, because of the immense walls of government opacity that have been built up around the unconscionable things America's elected and unelected leadership is doing, there are far, far more evil things that are far, far worse than anything revealed in the Afghanistan Papers that we don't know about, and that we don't even know we don't know about. Is it not deeply disturbing that we have to pray that some war-loving, establishment-supporting billionaire media outlet will have a partisan agenda to advance if we want to know about even a tiny sliver of this information?
I’m waiting for something like the to be released about U.S. involvement in Syria.

The story won’t be one about corruption and false reports of progress but of knowingly helping Al Qaeda, its radical rebel friends, even ISIS.

I mean, it's not like the Afghanistan Papers revealed anything we didn't already know. It's been public knowledge for many years that there was a preexisting agenda to invade Afghanistan well before September 11, it's been public knowledge that many lies were put in place after the invasion, and it's been public knowledge for a long time that we're being lied to about how well the war is going. All these new revelations did was reify and draw attention to what anyone with an ear to the ground already knew: like all other US-led military interventions, we were lied to about Afghanistan. It's not like the US government was staving off some massive unknown bombshell revelation with its resistance to WaPo's FOIA requests. Yet it resisted them anyway, just because it was more convenient.

Julian Assange once said "The overwhelming majority of information is classified to protect political security, not national security," and we see this tacitly confirmed by the US government in its massive backlogs of unanswered FOIA requests, illegitimate refusals, unjustifiable redactions and exploitation of loopholes to retain as much security as possible. As one Twitter follower recently put it, "The FOIA was enacted in 1966 to make legally compulsory the opening of government activities to 'sunlight'. Fifty-three years later, the government has learned how to neutralize the law and once again hide their misconduct. Classifying everything is one way, requiring an expensive 'lawsuit' is another."

It shouldn't work this way. People shouldn't have to count on immoral plutocratic media institutions to get their government to tell them the truth about what's being done in their name using their tax dollars. A free nation would have privacy for its citizenry and transparency for its government; with the growing increase in surveillance and government secrecy across the entire US-centralized empire, what we're getting is the exact opposite.
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Caitlin Johnstone | December 11, 2019 at 3:04 am | Tags: afghanistanFOIAFreedom of Information Actpaperstransparencywarwashington post | Categories: ArticleNews | URL:
* Nederland is overigens ook goed in het achterhouden van documenten, neem het net gepasseerde 'gevalletje' met de Belastingdienst, die gedupeerden van de teruggevorderde toeslag kinderopvang, ofwel van haar misdadig handelen, een rapport opstuurden (wat eerder werd geweigerd) waarvan letterlijk alle bladzijden zwart zijn gemaakt..... 

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zaterdag 19 januari 2019

VS oorlogshitsers wijzen hysterisch op aanslag als teken dat VS in Syrië moet blijven

De suïcide aanslag in het Syrische Manbij waarbij 2 militairen van de VS en 2 VS 'burgers' die samenwerken met het VS leger (ofwel huursoldaten) omkwamen, was het sein voor de reguliere media in de VS om hysterisch te gillen dat IS niet is verslagen en de VS moet doorgaan met haar illegale oorlog in Syrië..... IS heeft inderdaad de aanslag opgeëist, maar dat heeft IS intussen al zo vaak onterecht gedaan, dat het maar de vraag is of deze aanslag inderdaad door deze terreurorganisatie is uitgevoerd.

De schrijver van het hieronder opgenomen artikel, Caitlin Johnstone heeft zich goed pissig gemaakt over de reactie van de reguliere media in de VS, terwijl deze reactie volledig voorspelbaar was en is.... Maakt verder niet uit, de meer dan belachelijke reacties van de verschillende media-oorlogshitsers zijn het lezen meer dan de moeite waard. 

Met het voorgaande geven de reguliere massamedia in de VS nog eens aan dat ze volkomen in de zak zitten van: -de oorlogshitsers in het Pentagon, -de geheime diensten van de VS, -de wapenfabrikanten (inclusief de fabrikanten van rollend, varend en vliegend oorlogstuig), -de NAVO en -de oliemaffia (de laatsten verdienen in tijden van oorlog ook fiks meer)..... Overigens ook banken, de farmaceutische maffia en aandeelhouders kunnen fikse winsten boeken door oorlogsvoering.... (zo verdiende Nederland zich scheel aan de raffinage van cocaïne tijdens WOI, waar Nederland alle legers die in Frankrijk vochten van deze drug voorzag....)

Het hieronder opgenomen artikel komt van de site van Caitlin Johnstone en is door mij overgenomen van Anti-Media:

War Whores Scramble to Say Syria Attack Means US Troops Must Remain

January 16, 2019 at 10:20 pm
Written by Caitlin Johnstone

(CJ Opinion) — A suicide bombing in Manbij, Syria has reportedly killed 19 people including four Americans, two of whom were US soldiers and two of whom worked with the US military. ISIS, which has an extensive history of falsely claiming responsibility for attacks it had nothing to do with, has claimed responsibility for the attack. Despite the fact that ISIS would claim responsibility for a housewife stepping on a Lego block, and despite the complete absence of evidence that it had anything to do with the deadly explosion, all the usual cheerleaders of endless war are pointing to the Manbij suicide bombing and shrieking “See?? Trump said ISIS is defeated and it’s not!”

ISIS is still a very real threat here,” CNN international corespondent Clarissa Ward told Jake Tapper from northern Syria. “And the real concern that we are hearing over and over again on the ground, Jake, is that when US troops withdraw, a power vacuum is created, and that only gives them more strength.”

Virulent Syria war pundit Charles Lister, who is notorious for praising Al Qaeda and is a senior fellow at the Gulf state-funded neoconservative think tank Middle East Institute, told AFP that this attack invalidates Donald Trump’s order last month to withdraw troops from Syria.

Trump’s order was reckless and driven far more by domestic political concerns than it was by facts on the ground,” Lister said, adding, “To suggest ISIS is ‘defeated’ because it no longer controls territory is to fundamentally misunderstand how ISIS and similar organizations seek to operate.”

Former John McCain ventriloquism dummy Lindsey Graham pounced like a rat on a cheese doodle on the opportunity to call for continued US troop presence within hours of the attack, interrupting the confirmation hearing of Attorney General nominee William Barr with an ejaculation about Trump’s Syria withdrawal.

(het hieronder weergegeven bericht bevat een video die ik niet kan overnemen, hier de link naar het origineel)
Embedded video
Senator this morning spoke about the attacks on American service members in Manbij, Syria.

I would hope the President would look long and hard at where he’s headed in Syria,” Graham said after repeating the baseless claim that the attack was perpetrated by ISIS. “I know people are frustrated, but we’re never going to be safe here unless we’re willing to help people over there who will stand up against this radical ideology.”

Not to be left out when there are moronic war agendas to be sold, Fox News leapt into the fray with a quote from an anonymous foreign diplomat saying “This attack today is a direct result of the announcement made by President Trump that U.S. forces are pulling out. These troops had a bullseye on them when the president telegraphed that he was ordering a pullout.”
ISIS has already claimed responsibility for today’s suicide attack, a reminder that the group is not defeated,” added Fox’s Jennifer Griffin.

MSNBC’s deranged intelligence analyst Malcolm Nance topped everyone as usual with a babbling nonsensical post about how US troops were killed in Manbij because there were no US troops in Manbij, proving that Assad and Putin may have allowed the attack to happen, which proves Trump is a Russian asset.

The moment Russia and Assad took over patrolling Manbij on Trumps go ahead we get hit with suicide bombers for the first time. It’s possible Russia/Assad let the attack happen. Trump’s treachery on this matter now kills our special operators. #RussianAsset,” Nance tweeted between huffs of paint thinner.

Other voices are treating the reports about the bombing with a little more skepticism.
If ISIS were smart it would hold its fire especially against Americans,” tweeted professor and author Max Abrahms. “The main justification for leaving Syria is the (contested) assessment ISIS is defeated. ISIS attacks convey the opposite, weakening the strategic rationale of withdrawal while making it politically harder.”

Ok, so Trump announces that the U.S. will begin a phased withdrawal from Syria, which according to his critics, would only benefit ISIS who they say is still operational and would welcome a U.S. pull out. But not waiting for pull out ISIS then targets U.S. troops! Yeah right,” tweeted former Green Party vice presidential nominee Ajamu Baraka.

These are interesting points. If ISIS is indeed responsible for the bombing, as war pundits are unquestioningly asserting is the case, then they’re either really, really stupid or they really want US troops to remain in Syria. Or perhaps the attack was engineered by someone else who has a vested interest in keeping a US military presence in Syria, either using ISIS as a patsy or completely separate from ISIS. Wouldn’t be the first time a suspicious attack took place in Syria while the Trump administration was working to withdraw troops.

Of course, this whole debate ignores the most obvious point of all: that if there was no US military presence in Syria, there would be no US military personnel being killed in Syria. The fight against the terrorist forces who nearly overtook the nation with the help of the western power alliance’s imperialist support have been beaten to the brink of total defeat not by the US, but by the Syrian government and its allies. If US troops were removed Damascus would quickly restore stability to the region and continue rebuilding the war-ravaged nation. But this is precisely what these war whores do not want.

Syria is a strategically crucial geopolitical nation for reasons having to do with natural resources and the power dynamics of Israel, Iran, and the empire-aligned Gulf states. It is not a coincidence that so much energy gets poured into this small stretch of land and its surrounding nations by the western military alliance and its propaganda machine, and it’s unlikely that the global dominators will lose interest in Syria any time soon. Stay skeptical.

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By Caitlin Johnstone / Republished with permission / Medium
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