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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label VS Senaat. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label VS Senaat. Alle posts tonen

zaterdag 7 november 2020

Joe Biden de nieuwe president van de VS

Joe Biden heeft 273 kiesmannen en is daarmee de nieuwe president van de VS, zo berichtte CBC Radio1 rond 17.50 u. vanmiddag. 

Joe Biden, een president die met een senaat en het huis van afgevaardigden te maken krijgt waar zijn Democratische partij in de minderheid zal zijn. 

Morgen meer over deze overwinning.

Voor meer berichten over Joe Biden of Donald Trump, klik op één van deze labels, direct onder dit bericht.

donderdag 10 januari 2019

Anti-BDS, pro-Israël wet dreigt aangenomen te worden in Senaat, dit tijdens een schandelijke overheidssluiting

Dat republikeinen in de VS veelal knettergek zijn is bekend (hetzelfde geldt voor veel democratische politici), maar de absurditeit van onzin argumenten doen mij regelmatig de haren te berge rijzen..... Zoals een anti-BDS wet die vandaag in de senaat ter stemming komt en die dreigt aangenomen te worden (ook daar een aantal democraten er achter staan)....... Het wetsvoorstel ingediend door opperschoft Rubio wordt 'Combating BDS Act of 2019' genoemd, deze wordt ook aangeduid als 'S1'. 

BDS is een organisatie die volkomen terecht pleit voor een boycot van de fascistische apartheidsstaat Israël, dit vanwege de barbaarse omgang met de Palestijnen, een omgang die o.a. bestaat uit massamoord op ongewapende demonstranten en het opsluiten van 1,8 miljoen Palestijnen in de Gazastrook; zo meer daarover.

Bernie Sanders spoog vuur over deze wet en zette de republikeinen te kakken, republikeinen die achter het belachelijke plan van Trump staan een muur tussen Mexico en de VS te bouwen en die het prima vinden dat Trump een groot deel van de VS overheid op slot heeft gedaan..... Sanders stelt terecht dat het van het allergrootste belang is, uit die 'shutdown crisis' te komen, voordat wat voor wet dan ook wordt aangenomen, immers een enorm aantal (gezinnen van) overheidsdienaren zit zonder inkomen.......

Daar komt voor Sanders bij dat hij het (alweer terecht) schunnig vindt dat de overheid aanzet tot het inperken van de vrijheid van meningsuiting en het recht van VS burgers zich met politiek te bemoeien...... Er zijn nu al staten die bedrijven geen overheidsopdrachten meer geven, daar de leiding kritiek heeft op Israël vanwege die omgang met Palestijnen..... Het kan nog gekker beste bezoeker, mensen die geen sociale bijstand krijgen, daar ze in het verleden kritiek hebben geleverd op het meer dan bewezen moorddadige optreden van Israël...... Of wat dacht je van werknemers die worden ontslagen vanwege dezelfde reden........ 

Alsof het om gelijke rechten gaat als je het hebt over bazen en werknemers, of kleine bedrijven en de overheid, stelde Rubio dat het omgekeerd belachelijk is dat deze werkgevers en overheid geen recht van spreken hebben en van andere bedrijven of van hun werknemers te verwachten zich niet tegen Israël uit te spreken, laat staan mee te doen aan de boycot tegen Israël, die o.a. door BDS wordt bepleit........ Terwijl dat uiteraard je reinste kul is, het gaat hier immers niet over Luxemburg of een ander land waar de rechten van mensen worden geëerbiedigd, maar over de nu fascistische apartheidsstaat Israël dat alleen al dit jaar tijdens de Palestijnse protesten genaamd de Great Return March, intussen al meer dan 250 ongewapende mensen heeft vermoord (waaronder kinderen, invaliden, medisch hulpverleners en journalisten....).... Het Israëlische leger doet dat niet op Israëlische bodem, maar schiet over de grens op ongewapende Palestijnen in het getto Gazastrook, een getto als dat van Warschau tijdens WOII.......

En dan durven zionistisch Joodse organisaties, als ook de Israëlische staat, te stellen dat het antisemitisme oprukt, waarbij men vredesactivisten en mensen die zich tegen de bewezen terreur van Israël keren, afschildert als antisemieten...... Zelfs Joden die zich tegen de grootschalige terreur van Israël verzetten, worden als antisemieten en verraders weggezet...... 

Vergeet bij dit alles niet dat zelfs de stichting van de staat Israël een illegale daad was, die ten koste ging van duizenden Palestijnse doden, vermoord door zionisten, verdrijving uit hun huizen en van hun grond door terreurstaat Israël en het enorme aantal vluchtelingen die e.e.a. opleverde (vluchtelingen die o.a. in de Gazastrook zitten).........

Mensen, boycot producten uit Israël, wat eens lukte met de Zuid-Afrikaanse apartheid kan herhaald worden, er dient zo snel mogelijk een eind te komen aan het bloedvergieten door terreurstaat Israël!! Niet vreemd dus dat Zuid-Afrika de Palestijnen steunt. Hier een beknopte lijst met Israëlische bedrijven en producten die geboycot zouden moeten worden: 

              Fruit en groenten:
·         Citrusvruchten (sinaasappelen, citroenen, pompelmoezen, pomelo’s), aardappelen,                    avocado’s, kaki’s, mango’s, druiven, dadels, lychees, granaatappelen, wortelen,                          paprika’s en tomaten MEHADRIN
·         Citrusvruchten (sinaasappelen, pomelo’s, pompelmoezen) JAFFA (Agrexco)
·         Avocado’s, suikermaïs, kumquats CARMEL (Agrexco)
·         Avocado’s KEDEM
·         Paprika’s, tomaten, kruiden ADAFRESH
·         Aromatische planten(koriander, tijm, munt, salie, basilicum)
·         Paprika’s, tomaten, kruiden ARAVA
·         Paprikamix BIOTIME COLRUYT en DELHAIZE BIO
·         Aardappelen
·         Zoete aardappelen
·         Kerstomaten
·         Kaki’s (Sharon)
               Rozen, tulpen, irissen
·         Wijnen GALIL, GOLAN, YARDEN, GAMLA
·         Frisdranken om zelf te maken SODASTREAM
·         Salades/tapenades (humus, auberginepuree) SABRA
·         Bereide maaltijden Garden Gourmet en vleesvervangers die AH verkoopt van het                      merk TIVALL 
·         Pretzels Super Sticks BEIGEL & BEIGEL
·         Snacks HALVA et OSEM
·         Soepen en bouillons TELMA
·         Confituren AUNT BERTA’S
               Schoonheidsproducten AHAVA en KEDEM
               Producten van het farmaceutische bedrijf TEVA

Anti-BDS Bill Slammed as ‘Absurd’ Amid US Government Shutdown Crisis

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor Anti-BDS Bill Slammed as ‘Absurd’ Amid US Government Shutdown Crisis

January 7, 2019 at 11:40 pm
Written by Middle East Eye

(MEE— A US Senate measure encouraging states and local governments to “divest” from companies that boycott Israel has stirred controversy in Washington, with civil rights groups rallying against the proposal and Senator Bernie Sanders slamming it as “absurd”.

The measure, presented in a wider Middle East foreign policy bill, was introduced last week amidst a partial shutdown of the federal government, which was caused by a political impasse over funding between Democrats and President Donald Trump’s Republican Party.      
It’s absurd that the first bill during the shutdown is legislation which punishes Americans who exercise their constitutional right to engage in political activity,” Sanders wrote on Twitter on Monday.

Democrats must block consideration of any bills that don’t reopen the government. Let’s get our priorities right.”

Newly elected Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib also criticised the proposal, which the Senate may vote on as early as Tuesday, urging politicians to remember that the US Constitution guarantees free speech.

They forgot what country they represent. This is the US. where boycotting is a right & part of our historical fight for freedom & equality,” she wrote on Twitter.

Maybe a refresher on our U.S.. Constitution is in order, then get back to opening up our government instead of taking our rights away.”

The statement provoked Marco Rubio, the Republican senator who introduced the bill last week, to accuse the Palestinian-American congresswoman of anti-Semitism.

This “dual loyalty” canard is a typical anti-Semitic line isn’t about freedom & equality, it’s about destroying

And if boycotting is constitutionally protected, then boycotting companies that boycott is also constitutionally protected

Tlaib later clarified that her comment was not aimed at Jewish-Americans, but was about Republicans’ efforts to strip citizens of their right to freedom of expression instead of focusing on reopening the government.

Earlier in the day, Rubio defended the proposal, calling Sanders’ statement a “lie”.

He also emphasised that his proposal is legal, despite two federal court rulings in Kansas and Arizona last year concluding that it is unconstitutional to force state contractors to refrain from boycotting Israel.


Dozens of states have passed various forms of anti-BDS bills in recent years, but several of these measures are currently being challenged in courts across the US.

While Rubio’s bill boosts local and state efforts against boycotting Israel, it also extends to boycotts of “Israeli-controlled territories”, effectively targeting boycotts of Israeli businesses in the illegally occupied Palestinian West Bank and Syrian Golan Heights.

The proposal is named the “Combating BDS Act of 2019” after the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, which seeks to pressure Israel economically and politically to end its abuses against Palestinians.

My bill doesn’t punish any political activity. It protects the right of local & state govts that decide to no longer do business with those who boycott #Israel. So boycotting #Israel is a constitutional right, but boycotting those participating in #BDS isn’t?” Rubio wrote on Twitter.

Sen. Rubio, it's clear my earlier tweet was critical of U.S. Senators like yourself, who are seeking to strip Americans of their Constitutional right to free speech.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) responded to Rubio by explaining that the First Amendment, which grants US citizens the right to free speech, belongs to the people, not the government.

States don’t have the ‘right’ to punish individuals for participating in political boycotts the government doesn’t agree with, which this bill encourages them to do,” the group said on Twitter.
Rubio’s office did not respond to MEE’s request for comment on Monday.

Later in the day, ACLU sent a letter to the members of the Senate, calling on them to reject the bill, “primarily due to First Amendment concerns”.

The Combating BDS Act sends a clear message to Americans who engage on issues of global importance that if they dare to disagree with their government, they will be penalized and placed in a lesser class with fewer opportunities,” the letter said.

That message makes a mockery of the constitutional principle that Americans are free to believe as they choose.”

The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) also called on its supporters to contact their elected officials and urge them to reject the bill.

This unconstitutional bill violates the First Amendment rights of all Americans to challenge the illegal and discriminatory actions of a foreign government and goes against the principles of free speech on which our country was founded,” CAIR government affairs director, Robert McCaw, said in a statement.

Government shutdown

Since late December, about 25 percent of US federal agencies have been closed because of the disagreement between Trump and Democrats over the president’s demand to allocate $5bn for a border wall with Mexico.

The failure to reach an agreement has killed efforts to pass several funding bills.
In that context, Rubio’s anti-BDS measure has been criticised as a distraction from the more consequential government shutdown, as well.

The timing of the bill, dubbed S1, as the first order of business of the new Senate in 2019, has even irked some politicians who are staunch supporters of Israel.

In a Twitter post, Senator Ben Cardin, a Democrat who introduced his own anti-BDS bill in 2017, said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell should not take up any other piece of legislation that does not address the “crisis” of the shutdown.

The ACLU letter also noted the concerning nature of proposing the bill at a time when lawmakers should be trying to resolve the more pressing issue of the shutdown.

It is particularly alarming that the Senate is considering this bill amidst a partial government shutdown,” it said.

The US Campaign for Palestinian Rights provided a sample letter to its supporters, calling on them to urge their senators to vote against the proposed bill.

I am especially outraged that while parts of the government remain shutdown, the Senate would consider its most urgent act to be denying us our First Amendment rights,” the letter reads.

By Ali Harb Republished with permission / Middle East Eye / Report a typo
Mijn excuus voor de vormgeving, krijg het niet op orde.

donderdag 15 november 2018

James Clapper (voormalig dir. National Intelligence) en John Brennan (voormalig CIA dir.) hebben het congres en de senaat bespioneerd, een misdaad van formaat

James Clapper voormalig directeur National Intelligence en John Brennan, voormalig CIA directeur hebben het congres en de senaat bespioneerd in de strijd tegen klokkenluiders, zo blijkt uit een door John Kiriakou geschreven artikel, eerder gepubliceerd op ConsortiumNews........

De twee verklaarden een paar documenten geheim >> 2 zogenaamde congressional notifications*, documenten die deze spionage aantoonden, waardoor er geen vervolging kon worden ingesteld, in een zaak die ook in de VS als misdaad wordt gezien...... Clapper en Brennan werkten samen en deden e.e.a. om achter de namen van eventuele klokkenluiders te komen.......

De republikeinse senator Chuck Grassley heeft al eerder gevraagd om openbaarmaking van de stukken, die uiteraard niets bevatten wat geheim moet worden gehouden, maar die wel aangeven dat de 2 vervolgd moeten worden en gevangen moeten worden gezet.... Aanvankelijk lukte het niet om deze documenten vrij te krijgen in de laatste 2 jaar van de Obama administratie, maar nadat de mensen van Obama waren vervangen door republikeinen, lukte het wel deze documenten boven tafel te krijgen.

De spionage bestond er uit dat men de commissies die de inlichtingendiensten controleren in de senaat hackte om zo achter de namen van eventuele klokkenluiders te kunnen komen, ofwel men heeft ingebroken op het email systeem van de senaat.........

Zo zie je ten overvloede nog eens hoe corrumperend en criminaliserend het werk van geheime diensten als de CIA in werkelijkheid is en dat de macht die deze diensten hebben, totaal onterecht is.....

Het voorgaande geldt ook voor ons land, met het hijgerig wijzen op islam terroristen krijgen de geheime diensten steeds meer macht en middelen, terwijl men een echte aanslag niet eens weet te voorkomen, zelfs niet als men één of meerdere daders in het vizier had........ (dat geldt ook voor de inlichtingendiensten elders) Afgelopen week werd bekend gemaakt dat de 

Daarover gesproken: enige tijd geleden werden een aantal mannen opgepakt in Nederland voor het beramen van een aanslag, het was echter snel na dit bericht stil en ben benieuwd hoe het er met die zaak voor staat....... Immers eerder werden dergelijke zaken met veel tamtam gebracht, waar later bleek dat men een bok had geschoten en verdachten vrijgelaten moesten worden..... Het geval met de Russen die het OPCW gebouw zouden hebben willen hacken, is van een zo ongeloofwaardig niveau dat ik er niet eens op in ga.........

James Clapper and John Brennan Should Not Escape Prosecution

November 10, 2018 at 10:47 pm
Written by Consortium News

Recently declassified documents show that the former CIA director and former director of national intelligence approved illegal spying on Congress and then classified their crime. They need to face punishment, writes John Kiriakou.

(CN Opinion) — Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa made a dramatic announcement this month that almost nobody in America paid any attention to. Grassley released a statement saying that four years ago, he asked the Intelligence Community Inspector General to release two “Congressional Notifications” written by former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

Grassley had had his requests to declassify the documents ignored repeatedly throughout the last two years of the Obama administration. He decided to try again because all of the Obama people at the CIA and DNI are gone now. This time, his request was approved.

So what was the information that was finally declassified? It was written confirmation that John Brennan ordered CIA hackers to intercept the emails of all potential or possible intelligence community whistleblowers who may have been trying to contact the Congressional oversight committees, specifically to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Simply put, Brennan ordered his people to hack into the Senate email system—again. Grassley is the longtime chairman of Judiciary Committee, and he was understandably appalled.

First, let me explain what a Congressional Notification is. The CIA is required by law to inform the Congressional oversight committees whenever one of its officers, agents, or administrators breaks the law, when an operation requires Congressional approval because it is a “covert action” program, or whenever something happens at the CIA that’s potentially controversial and the Agency wants to save itself the embarrassment of explaining itself to Congress later.

Brennan apparently ordered his officers to spy on the Senate. Remember, back in 2014 his officers spied on Intelligence Community investigators while they were writing the Senate Torture Report. This time, he decided to inform Congress.

But Brennan and Clapper classified the notification. It was like a taunt. “Sure, I’m spying on Congress, which is illegal. But it’s classified, so what are you going to do about it?”

Grassley went through the proper channels. And even though Brennan and Clapper essentially gave him the middle finger, he didn’t say anything until the documents were finally declassified. He’s a bigger man than I.

I think Grassley missed an opportunity here, though.

First, it’s my own opinion that John Brennan belongs in prison. He has flouted U.S. national security laws with impunity for years. That’s unacceptable. In these declassified notifications, he’s confessing to hacking into the Senate’s computer system. That’s a violation of a whole host of laws, from illegal use of a government computer to wire fraud to espionage. There ought to be a price to pay for it, especially in light of the fact that Brennan was the leading force behind the prosecutions of eight national security whistleblowers during the Obama administration, almost three times the number of whistleblowers charged under the Espionage Act by all previous presidents combined.

Second, it’s a crime, a felony, to overclassify government information. Most Americans have no idea that that’s the case. Of course, nobody has ever been charged with it. But it’s a serious problem, and it’s antithetical to transparency.  The CIA Inspector General said of the notifications, “I could see no reason to withhold declassification of these documents. They contained no information that could be construed as sources and methods.” That’s an admission that the notifications were improperly classified in the first place.

Grassley added, “There is a strong public interest in (the notifications’s) content.  I do not believe they need to be classified at all, and they should be released in their entirety.”

Grassley went so far as to call out Brennan and Clapper by name. “What sources or methods would be jeopardized by the declassification of these notifications? After four-and-a-half years of bureaucratic foot-dragging, led by Brennan and Clapper, we finally have the answer: None.”

So why weren’t they declassified four years ago? Remember, it’s illegal to classify a crime. And it’s illegal to classify something solely for the purpose of preventing embarrassment to the CIA. Yet those were the very reasons for classifying the documents in the first place. It was because Brennan and Clapper think they’re somehow special cases. (Recall that it was Clapper who lied directly to the Senate Intelligence Committee about intercepting the communications of American citizens. He also did that with impunity.)

Brennan and Clapper think the law doesn’t apply to them. But it does. Without the rule of law, we have chaos in our country. The law has to apply equally to all Americans. Brennan and Clapper need to learn that lesson the hard way. They broke the law. They ought to be prosecuted for it.

John Kiriakou is a former CIA counterterrorism officer and a former senior investigator with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. John became the sixth whistleblower indicted by the Obama administration under the Espionage Act—a law designed to punish spies. He served 23 months in prison as a result of his attempts to oppose the Bush administration’s torture program.

By John Kiriakou Republished with permission / Consortium News / Report a typo
* Congressional notifications: de CIA is bij wet verplicht om aan een commissie van het congres door te geven als een agent, beambte of administratiekracht de wet overtreedt in het belang van een inlichtingen onderzoek, dan wel als de wet wordt overtreden bij een actie van geheime diensten (zoals bij marteling van gevangenen, wat ook in deze zaak gebeurde....).......

zaterdag 4 augustus 2018

VS importbeperkingen niet alleen dom maar ook uiterst hypocriet

Lees het volgende uitstekende artikel van Mike 'Mish' Shedlock, eerder geplaatst op Mish Talk, de site van Shedlock, een artikel over de handelsoorlog die Trump heeft ontketend met China, volgens Shedlock niet alleen een dom 'beleid', maar ook uiterst hypocriet en contraproductief.

US Trade Policy: Not Only are We Stupid, We are Hypocrites

by Mike Mish Shedlock 1 day-edited (August 2, 2018)

The news agencies reported Trump would extend tariffs on Wednesday. Instead, we have an outline of possible actions.

The Wall Street Journal reports U.S. Turns Up the Heat on China.
The U.S. turned up the heat Wednesday on China, with the Trump administration threatening to more than double proposed tariffs on imports while Congress passed a defense bill designed to restrict Beijing’s economic and military activity.
The moves come as Beijing and Washington have failed to ease an escalating trade dispute, prompting the administration to seek additional leverage. The administration, which has already affixed tariffs on billions of dollars in Chinese imports, said it would consider more than doubling proposed tariffs on a further $200 billion worth of Chinese goods to 25%, up from an original 10%.
Meantime, the Senate approved a defense-policy bill that both tightens U.S. national-security reviews of Chinese corporate deals and revamps export controls over which U.S. technologies can be sent abroad. The bill, which also restricts Beijing in areas ranging from cultural activity to military exercises, passed the House a week earlier and President Trump is expected to sign it into law.
Administration officials are confident they have the upper hand in the trade fight because the U.S. economy is strengthening while the Chinese economy shows signs of growing slack. Moreover, China is more dependent on trade than the U.S.
But that confidence so far hasn’t translated into action.
President Trump has threatened to apply tariffs to all $505 billion in Chinese goods entering the U.S. if the two are unable to reach a settlement. Washington has already applied tariffs to $34 billion worth of Chinese imports, with another set of duties on $16 billion in goods scheduled in the days ahead.
The U.S. threatened Wednesday to make the next round of tariffs more punitive. In a Monday White House meeting, Mr. Trump dismissed the original administration plan for a 10% tariff on $200 billion in imports—the next step in Mr. Trump’s escalation—and had his team bump up the levy to 25%.
Another Tariff Backfiring Moment
The administration didn’t spell out a particular rationale for increasing the tariff. People familiar with White House discussions say the reasons include anger over the Chinese government’s failure to approve the merger of U.S.-based Qualcomm Inc. and Dutch chip maker NXP Semiconductors , which forced the companies to scrap a deal aimed at boosting Qualcomm’s reach into new markets.
Both sides lose. That's exactly what happens in trade wars.
More Losses Coming
The proposed tariff increase poses big risks for both the U.S. and global economy. A 25% tariff would boost the cost of a range of U.S. imports at a time when inflation has begun to pick up. It would become another factor for the Federal Reserve to consider as it decides how quickly to raise interest rates.
This gets you nothing,” said Fred Bergsten, founder of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, a Washington, D.C., free-trade think tank. “It adds to inflation pressure and interest rates and [would] strengthen the dollar, which makes trade situation even worse” for the U.S., he said.
It gets less than nothing. Inflation will be temporary, and it will be followed by a deflationary collapse in trade.
Three Ways China Can Retaliate
  1. Let the Yuan slide 25% negating the tariffs.
  2. Further limit US firms ability to do deals in China
  3. Halt Rare Earth Exports. Rare earths are 17 minerals used to make cell phones, hybrid cars, weapons, flat-screen TVs, magnets, mercury-vapor lights, and camera lenses.
Option one has capital flight risks for China of course. But US tariffs pose numerous risks to the US and global economy as well.
Option two is a given.
Option three is rarely discussed, but China has at least 80% of the global market.
China's Rate Earth Monopoly
In August of 2017, The Diplomat commented on The Ongoing Efforts to Challenge China’s Monopoly.
Back in 2010, “rare earth elements” became a hot topic in the national security and foreign policy fields, mainly because of the political, economic, and security turmoil that followed China’s defacto embargo of those elements. In September of that year, China (the major supplier of rare earth elements) suddenly reduced its export quotas by 40 percent — not long after the collision of a Chinese fishing ship and a Japanese Coast Guard vessel in the East China Sea. Due to the export restriction, Japan found it difficult to fill its domestic rare earth demands, and as a result the world market price of the elements skyrocketed.
Eventually, when the WTO ruled against China’s export restriction in 2014, and the market price went back to the original (or even lower) level, media coverage on rare earths declined dramatically. Are the risks in the rare earth supply chain really gone? Probably not.
Called “the vitamins of modern society,” rare earth elements play a critical role in our daily life — in both the economic and security domains. These elements are key components of a vast array of products, including smart phones, computers, light bulbs, electric cars, wind turbines, satellites, cruise missiles, and stealth aircrafts. Some elements, like neodymium and dysprosium, are highly demanded for the production of permanent magnets, which are used for sensors and motors of these products. The most noteworthy fact is that the more we go green and technology-oriented, the more important these elements become to our society.
Today, China enjoys a monopoly in the rare earths market. It is estimated that in 2016, more than 80 percent of rare earth elements produced in the world were excavated in China. The country is also believed to hold more than 30 percent of the planet’s remaining rare earth element reserves. While many stopped paying attention to rare earths after the dispute settlement at the WTO, the market has been preparing for more potential turmoil.
It is costly to find alternatives to low-priced Chinese rare earths, whether those alternatives are opening and reopening mines, inventing new recycling process, or developing substitutes. Nonetheless, in the current situation, where China not only has major control over global supply but has also begun stockpiling in preparation for future market demand, continuing efforts to diversify the supply chain portfolio are critical for the United States and its allies — from both economic and security perspectives. It is not sustainable to rely on Chinese rare earths, although they look very cost-effective in a very short term. Now is the time to revisit the powerful dynamics of rare earth elements and to establish a strategy to win the soon-to-be-more-competitive battle of the market.
Not That Rare? So What?
The Verge contradicts its own headline in the body.
The whole process is “expensive, difficult, and dangerous,” says former rare earth trader and freelance journalist Tim Worstall. He tells The Verge that, because of this, the West has been more or less happy to cede production of rare earths to China. From the 1960s to the ‘80s, the US did actually supply the world with these elements; all extracted from a single mine in California named Mountain Pass. But in the ‘90s, China entered the market and drove down prices, making Mountain Pass unprofitable and leading to its closure in 2002.
Worstall says there are many reasons production moved overseas. Some of these are familiar: cheap labor costs and a willingness to overlook environmental damage, for example. But there’s also the fact that rare earth production in China is often a byproduct of other mining operations. “The biggest plant there is actually an iron ore mine which extracts rare earths on the side,” says Worstall. This means that, unlike the Mountain Pass mine, producers aren’t reliant on a single product. “If you are trying to only produce rare earths, then you’re subject to the swings and roundabouts of the market.”
In a paper describing the Minamitori find published in Nature Scientific Reports, the Japanese suggest a hydrocycle could use centrifugal forces to quickly separate out a lot of the unnecessary materials in the sea mud. But this method is unproven.
Nobody has ever done it before, and no-one has proved it can work at an industrial scale,” says Professor Frances Wall of the Exeter University’s Camborne School of Mines. Wall tells The Verge that the Japanese team are doing “some nice work,” but says a huge amount of research has yet to be done before the seabed becomes a reliable source of these important elements. “There have been literally hundreds of exploration projects [that have found rare earth metals] and they’ve not been able to go forward through production because they can’t prove they’ll make any money,” says Wall.
Where's the Mine?
Rare earths may not be that rare but how long does it takes to start a mine and produce what you need?
It was a WTO ruling that eventually led to the price collapse, some four years later! And if Trump has no use for the WTO, maybe China will decide the same thing.
Alleged Steel Glut
Let's step back for a moment and look at what started this trade war: An alleged steel glut. China supposedly was dumping steel below cost.
Complaining about "dumping" is idiotic. If someone is providing goods cheaper than you or they can make them, you are getting one hell of a good deal! Period. End of story. If it hurts steel manufacturers, then it benefits thousands of other companies that use steel.
And tariffs pick winners and losers, mostly losers, all but the steel industry in fact. To argue about this is absurd.

When someone Tweeted about a steel glut today, I responded:

Oceans of Gluts
If there is a "steel glut" then there is a "soybean glut". There are tens of thousands of gluts. Literally every export can be deemed a glut.
And again, if China is indeed subsidizing steel, then we should be eternally grateful. Instead, Trump spits in their face.

By the way, the US subsidizes Boeing and the entire defense industry by fighting needless, counterproductive wars. And what about the sugar lobby? Ethanol?
So not only are we stupid, we are hypocrites.
Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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