Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.

dinsdag 26 november 2019

Douma, OPCW lek wordt door massamedia toegeschreven aan Rusland, waarbij men blijft volhouden dat de gifgasaanval plaatsvond

Ongelofelijk maar waar: na dat het schandaal bekend werd dat de OPCW de rapportage over de 'gifgasaanval van het Syrische bewind op Douma' dusdanig heeft aangepast dat inderdaad het Syrische leger als schuldig werd aangewezen voor de gifgasaanval op Douma*, wordt er door de reguliere westerse media gesteld dat Rusland en de Syrische regering achter de lekken zit, waarmee ze proberen te ontkennen dat er een gifgasaanval plaatsvond........ Ofwel de westerse massamedia houden gewoon vol dat 'nog steeds vaststaat dat Syrië verantwoordelijk is voor de gifgasaanval op Douma', terwijl al lang bekend is dat dit een smerige leugen is, een feit dat middels het lek binnen de OPCW op straat kwam te liggen, inclusief de documenten en mails die e.e.a. bewijzen....... Let wel: het gaat hier om dezelfde massamedia die de vuilbek vol hebben over 'fake news' (nepnieuws), andere desinformatie en manipulaties op de sociale media.......

De gevonden hoeveelheden chlorine kan je overal vinden waar chloor als schoonmaakmiddel wordt gebruikt, of waar chloor wordt gefabriceerd, dan wel in zwembaden (of in de directe nabijheid van zwembaden of chloorfabrieken.......)

Ach, het is de zoveelste gifgasaanval die in de schoenen van Assad werd geschoven, terwijl achteraf bij echte gifgasaanvallen keer op keer bleek dat terreurgroepen gifgas hebben ingezet als wapen..... (zelfs Obama heeft dat een keer toegegeven) Men zat en zit er in de westerse politiek en media zelfs niet mee dat terreurgroepen als Al Qaida (in Syrië: al-Nusra) en anderen de beschikking hadden (en sommige nog hebben) over chlorine en zelfs sarin........

Lees het volgende deel in de soap: 'Douma en de geregisseerde gifgasaanval', dit keer (weer) geschreven door Caitlin Johnstone:

Surprise! MSM Spins OPCW Leak As Russian Disinfo

So, you might want to sit down for this, but believe it or not the mainstream media is behaving in a way that seems somewhat untruthful.

I know! I know. I'm just as astonished as you are.

So you know that Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) scandal we've been talking a lot about lately? The one where evidence keeps piling up that the US, UK and France launched airstrikes against the Syrian government last year in retaliation for a poison gas attack which never took place, and then manipulated an ostensibly independent and international chemical weapons watchdog organization into covering it up?

Well, it turns out that bigtime news media outlets haven't been all that interested for some strange and mysterious reason. But just today they broke the silence with a new report that mentioned the scandal, and they've totally spun it in a way that makes the US and its allies look good! Can you believe that?

And you'll never guess what excuse they're using to spin it. Never in a million, billion years.

Put a pillow down on the floor, because your jaw's about to drop like James Le Mesurier: believe it or not, they're blaming it on Russian disinformation.

MSM has been steadfastly ignoring the OPCW scandal, but AFP briefly breaks the silence to inform us that the OPCW leaks are being "highlighted" by "Moscow", and that unnamed "Western diplomats" say "the Russians and Syrians are trying to muddy the waters". 
View image on Twitter

AFP, which just as an aside is one of only three gigantic news agencies that are responsible for most of the stories you see in the mass media, has put out an article that has been picked up by multiple mainstream media outlets titled "Showdown looms over Syria chemical weapons probe".

The article deliberately frames the issue as one which has been "highlighted" by "Moscow", and publishes a claim sourced to unnamed western officials that "the Russians and Syrians are trying to muddy the waters".

"Moscow has consistently raised doubts over chemical attacks in Syria or insisted they were staged, and has recently highlighted a leaked report raising questions about a deadly chlorine attack in the Syrian town of Douma in April 2018," AFP reports. "Western diplomats however say the Russians and Syrians are trying to muddy the waters about alleged attacks by President Bashar al-Assad's forces."

Never mind that the leaks themselves are intrinsically important and completely authentic, regardless of who's "highlighting" them. Never mind that the leaks have been "highlighted" by many non-Russian outlets, ranging from small alternative platforms like my own here in Melbourne all the way up to as mainstream as the UK's Daily Mail. All it takes is one Russian to talk about any issue of any kind and it can magically be spun as a talking point of Moscow, no matter how many westerners who have nothing to do with Russia are also talking about it.

The report's author, Danny Kemp, has been spending time narrative managing about the OPCW scandal on Twitter as well. Kemp argues that WikiLeaks, who published a leaked internal email from the organisation on Sunday which challenges the establishment Douma narrative, doesn't have trustworthy publications because WikiLeaks is associated with (you guessed it) Russia.

"Western source notes Russians are particularly sensitive re Douma because happened close to where their own troops were operating," Kemp tweeted. "Also worth noting Mueller highlighted WikiLeaks role in publishing Russian-hacked DNC documents. Plus Russia was accused of hacking OPCW last year."

Kemp's baseless Russia smear is invalidated by the fact that multiple other outlets have also published the email, including the Daily Mail, and by the fact that Reuters has independently verified the email's authenticity with a source in the OPCW.

The OPCW's Director General Fernando Arias said during a convention at The Hague today that he fully supports the conclusions that were published in the OPCW's final report on the Douma incident this past March, which asserted, contrary to everything the OPCW whistleblowers claim, that there was enough evidence to believe that a chemical weapon was used.

"On the first of March, 2019, the Fact Finding Mission issued its final report on the incident of alleged use of toxic chemical weapons in Douma on the seventh of April, 2018," Arias said. "The evaluation and analysis of all the information gathered by the Fact Finding Mission provide reasonable grounds that the use of a toxic chemical as a weapon had taken place."

"It is in the nature of any thorough inquiry for individuals in a team to express subjective views," Arias added. "The overall conclusions of the inquiry, however, must be based on the preponderance of objective facts."

While some of these diverging views continue to circulate in certain public discussion forums, I would like to reiterate that I stand by the independent, professional conclusions reached by the Fact Finding Mission,” Arias said.

Again, everything Arias said is contradicted by what the whistleblowers from inside the aforementioned Fact Finding Mission have been saying:
  • The leaked email says chlorinated organic chemicals on the scene were as low as one or two parts per billion, meaning they were trace background levels you'd find in any industrialized area, and that the symptoms of the victims were inconsistent with chlorine gas poisoning.
  • The leaked Engineering Assessment signed by ballistics expert Ian Henderson states that the alleged chlorine cylinders were much more likely to have been manually placed on the ground than dropped from the air, meaning the incident would have been staged by the Jaysh al-Islam fighters occupying Douma and not the Syrian air force.
  • The information given to journalist Jonathan Steele by the whistleblower "Alex" lists even more inconsistencies with the OPCW report, claims that dissent from the final drafts of the OPCW's Douma reports was a majority opinion within the team, and says investigators felt pressured both by OPCW management and an uncomfortable intercession by US government officials to come to a specific conclusion.
Given all this, there is no reason for anyone to feel at all confident that "the use of a toxic chemical as a weapon had taken place" in Douma. 

In the hours since Arias finally gave them a denial of the OPCW scandal that they can use in their reporting, the mass media have suddenly broken their deafening silence on this important story.

Reports have come out on Arias' defense of the official Douma reports from ReutersAP and CBS explaining to readers that the OPCW's head honcho says all the naughty people sharing unauthorized narratives about Douma are wrong. In a story about Syria and The Hague, the CBS article mentions the words "Russia" or "Russian" no fewer than twelve times, spinning the entire affair as nothing more than a Moscow-orchestrated conspiracy theory.

Here's an excerpt from the CBS article, just to give you a taste of the conspiratorial-lunatic spin job they're doing on something that amounts simply to authentic leaked information:
Russia and Syria have alleged that the incident was staged since soon after it took place. Russia even attempted to bolster its case by bringing individuals who it identified as Syrians seen in "staged" videos after the attack to testify to the OPCW at The Hague. 
European OPCW members rejected the Russian-Syrian claims outright, and refused to attend the session at OPCW headquarters. 
"This obscene masquerade does not come as a surprise from the Syrian government, which has massacred and gassed its own people for the last seven years," France's ambassador to the Netherlands, Philippe Lalliot, said in response.

New OPCW Leak Further Vindicates Skeptics Of Establishment Syria Narrative

"We were right, they were wrong. Maybe going forward people should listen to us a bit more and listen to them a bit less." 

I guess it's nice to have some company on this important story after months and months of near-total silence, but man the spin's making me dizzy.

Of course it's not the mass media's job to objectively report facts, it's the mass media's job to manufacture consent for the status quo upon which the media-owning plutocratic class is built. This status quo naturally includes the globe-spanning US-centralized empire and the endless war which glues the whole thing together. The narrative that this oligarchic power alliance has once again deceived the world about yet another military intervention in yet another Middle Eastern nation would do serious damage to people's trust in the imperial propaganda machine, so the story will be ignored for as long as possible and then attacked with extreme aggression when that fails.

We're on attacking already. This is good.
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Caitlin Johnstone | November 25, 2019 at 5:32 pm | Tags: DoumaFernando AriasmediaMSMOPCWscandalSyria | Categories: ArticleNews | URL:
* Zie: 'OPCW-lek laat ten overvloede zien dat de berichtgeving over gifgasaanval Douma er volledig 'naast zat''

Zie ook:
'Douma gifgasaanval: OPCW baas gaf opdracht een rapport te verwijderen uit dossier en alle sporen te wissen'

'White Helmets oprichter 'vermoord door' vredesactivisten en kritische alternatieve media

'OPCW valt door de mand, klokkenluider: Douma gifgasaanval werd niet uitgevoerd door Syrische leger'

'White Helmets oprichter overleden, het sein voor nog meer anti-Syrische propaganda'

'Massamedia treuren over de dood van een door de CIA gesteunde terrorist'

'Van Baalen (VVD) het is moeilijk te zien wie je moet steunen: Al Qaida, Al Qaida of Al Qaida....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

'VS bereid tot militair ingrijpen tegen de regering Assad >> aanleiding: gifgas leugens van o.a. de VS zelf.......'

'Roger Waters (Pink Floyd) laat weten hoe White Helmets vips rekruteren met Saoedisch geld....'

Voor wapenleveranties e.d. aan terreurgroepen in Syrië, zie de berichten onder de volgende links (opvallend nogmaals dat de VS ISIS van wapens voorzag, zie de hysterie n.a.v. de moord op al-Baghdadi, voor berichten over die moord, klik op het label met zijn naam, direct onder dit bericht..):

'Lt. General McInerney says Obama helped build ISIS with Weapons from Benghazi'

'Tulsi Gabbard (VS congres Hawaï): Trump is de beschermende Big Brother van Al Qaida'

IETA, lobbygroep van oliemaatschappijen en andere grote vervuilers, manipuleert klimaattoppen

The International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) is een lobbygroep van oliemaatschappijen en andere bedrijven die onze aarde naar de gallemiezen helpen met hun gigantische vervuiling en toch mag deze groep aanzitten bij de grote klimaattoppen zoals die van Parijs en de komende top in Madrid......

Bij de klimaattop van Parijs mocht de IETA (met topgraaiers van oliemaatschappijen) voor meer dan 90% van de tijd aanzitten bij de besprekingen en kon daar haar lobbyboodschap volledig uitdragen, sterker nog: de uitkomst van die top voor een fiks deel bepalen..... Milieugroepen die zich verzetten tegen de grote vervuilers en met cijfers komen die er toe doen, mochten voor iets meer dan 5% van de tijd aanzitten.... Ofwel degenen die de wereld zoals gezegd naar de kloten helpen hebben gigantisch veel meer invloed op deze besprekingen die bedoeld zijn om onze aarde te redden (althans voor de mensheid), dan de groepen die juist onze aarde willen redden......

Niet vreemd dus na het voorgaande, dat een topman van Shell vorig jaar liep op te scheppen over de invloed die Shell had op de uitkomst van de klimaaattstrop uh klimaattop in Parijs....... Onlangs nog bleek dat Shell zich niet aan de akkoorden van Parijs houdt*, ofwel ondanks dat deze klimaattop gunstig was voor de oliemaatschappijen, houdt men zich er alsnog niet aan..... Tijd voor een strafrechtelijk onderzoek!!!

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor shell hell

Corporate Accountability kwam op 22 november jl. al met een petitie om een eind aan deze schandelijke situatie te maken en hebben dat gisteren nog eens herhaald. Ongelofelijk dom van deze organisatie dat men niet alle wereldbewoners mee laat tekenen en zich alleen richt op de bevolking van de VS......

The Big Polluter henchman you haven't heard of

Have you heard of the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA)? I wouldn't be surprised if you hadn't -- it is the industry group that the likes of Chevron, Shell, and other Big Polluters don't want you to know about. And it is working tirelessly to derail meaningful progress on climate change.

In just days, I'll be heading to the U.N. climate talks in Madrid with a team of organizers and allies. There we'll go toe to toe with IETA and other industry groups doing the bidding of Big Polluters. This year's U.N. climate talks is a critical moment when governments will make decisions that will go a long way in determining whether the Paris Agreement helps deliver climate justice or simply continues business as usual.

On the one hand are millions of people like you demanding just solutions to address the climate crisis. On the other are the very corporations and industries that have knowingly fueled this crisis, pushing a misleading and dangerous agenda that pads their profits and worsens the climate crisis.

One of the most prevalent voices doing Big Polluters' dirty work is IETA. It was founded by and exists to advance the interests of Big Polluters like BP, Shell, and Chevron in climate policymaking. And that's exactly what it'll be doing in Madrid. Last year when a Shell executive bragged about how the corporation helped shape the Paris Agreement, they were speaking about their involvement through IETA.1

When we show up in Madrid, we'll challenge this dangerous agenda to advance real solutions to address the climate crisis. But we need to make it crystal clear that Big Polluters and the shills that represent their interests have no place at the climate talks, nor do their dangerous schemes like carbon markets.

That's where you come in. Take action now and demand that IETA stop pushing dangerous distractions and corporate schemes that would allow corporations to keep polluting, keep profiting, and make the climate crisis worse.

One of the dangerous schemes peddled by corporate interests are carbon markets -- basically a "get out of jail free" card for Big Polluters and polluting Global North countries. Not only do carbon markets not work, they also fail to do the most essential thing required to reduce greenhouse gas emissions: Keeping fossil fuels in the ground. All the while letting corporations continue to pollute and rake in profits.

Right now, we know IETA is preparing to push this scheme hard at the climate talks. That's why we are organizing with allies from the frontlines of the climate crisis who have been challenging and exposing the dangers of carbon markets for years.

Now is the moment to show that there is a more just and equitable path forward. We can show governments that Big Polluters can and must be made to pay for the devastating impacts of the climate crisis so that we can implement the just solutions the world urgently needs. Solutions like keeping fossil fuels in the ground, transitioning to community-controlled renewable energy systems, and financing climate adaptation projects on the global frontlines of the climate crisis.

But to make progress on these just solutions we need to make it clear: Corporations and industry groups like IETA absolutely cannot have a seat at the table to push their dangerous agenda. By speaking up and demanding our voices be heard we can help clear a path for real, just solutions.

Write to IETA right now and demand they stop pushing dangerous distractions and corporate schemes.

Thanks for all that you do.

* Zie: 'Shell houdt zich niet aan het klimaatakkoord: 8 bewijzen'

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