Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.

zondag 8 december 2019

Facebook keurde advertenties goed die waren gericht op neonazi's

Het hieronder opgenomen artikel, geschreven door Julia Angwin, met hulp van Madeleine Varner en Ariana Tobin, werd op 14 september 2017 gepubliceerd op Pro Publica.

In dit artikel wordt aangegeven dat Facebook in 2017 advertenties goedkeurde die waren gericht op neonazi's. Vergelijk dat eens met het Facebook censuurprogramma waar men alternatieve media die de leugens doorprikken van de reguliere (massa-) media weert van haar platform, waarbij alternatieve nieuwssites, vredesactivisten en hun Facebook accounts, milieuactivistische accounts en links politieke accounts meer en meer worden geblokkeerd of zelfs geheel worden verwijderd......

Na Charlottesville, waar een anti-nazi betoger werd vermoord door een neo-nazi, stelde Zuckerberg (baas Facebook) dat er geen plaats is voor haatzaaierij op Facebook......

Bij het aanbieden van advertenties kijkt Facebook of er genoeg lezers zijn, daarbij kan je zelf ook groepen aandragen en vreemd genoeg werden antisemitische groepen als potentiële lezers aangemerkt.....

Jammer dat de schrijvers weer beginnen over de $100,000 aan advertenties die later aan Rusland werden toegeschreven, alsof die het verschil maakten tijdens de VS presidentsverkiezingen van 2016..... (ach, het is dan ook een artikel van een paar jaar terug) Het werkelijke aantal advertenties die mensen echt manipuleerden om voor de één dan wel de ander te kiezen, was veel groter, zelfs zo groot dat de $100,000 voor advertenties in het niet vallen, of die nu wel of niet door de Russische overheid werden betaald.......

Het is nu al zo zot, dat Facebook onlangs bekend maakte dat leugens in advertenties van de Republikeinen of Democraten worden toegestaan...... Terwijl Facebook stelt geen fake news meer te brengen...... (>> knettergek!!)

Lees het weliswaar gedateerde, maar wat betreft het huidige Facebook nog steeds ter zake doende artikel van ProPublica en verbaas je over deze onverkwikkelijke Facebook-zaak en het meer dan belachelijke beleid dat Facebook nog steeds voert en zoals je kon lezen in feite zelfs heeft opgevoerd:

Facebook Enabled Advertisers to Reach 'Jew Haters:

After being contacted by ProPublica, Facebook removed several anti-Semitic ad categories and promised to improve monitoring.

by Julia AngwinMadeleine Varner and Ariana Tobin Sept. 14, 2017, 4 p.m. EDT

Tobias Schwarz/AFP/Getty Images

Want to market Nazi memorabilia, or recruit marchers for a far-right rally? Facebook’s self-service ad-buying platform had the right audience for you. 

Until this week, when we asked Facebook about it, the world’s largest social network enabled advertisers to direct their pitches to the news feeds of almost 2,300 people who expressed interest in the topics of “Jew hater,” “How to burn jews,” or, “History of ‘why jews ruin the world.’”

To test if these ad categories were real, we paid $30 to target those groups with three “promoted posts” — in which a ProPublica article or post was displayed in their news feeds. Facebook approved all three ads within 15 minutes.

After we contacted Facebook, it removed the anti-Semitic categories — which were created by an algorithm rather than by people — and said it would explore ways to fix the problem, such as limiting the number of categories available or scrutinizing them before they are displayed to buyers.

There are times where content is surfaced on our platform that violates our standards,” said Rob Leathern, product management director at Facebook.

In this case, we’ve removed the associated targeting fields in question. We know we have more work to do, so we’re also building new guardrails in our product and review processes to prevent other issues like this from happening in the future.”

Facebook’s advertising has become a focus of national attention since it disclosed last week that it had discovered $100,000 worth of ads placed during the 2016 presidential election season by “inauthentic” accounts that appeared to be affiliated with Russia.

Like many tech companies, Facebook has long taken a hands off approach to its advertising business. Unlike traditional media companies that select the audiences they offer advertisers, Facebook generates its ad categories automatically based both on what users explicitly share with Facebook and what they implicitly convey through their online activity.

Traditionally, tech companies have contended that it’s not their role to censor the Internet or to discourage legitimate political expression. In the wake of the violent protests in Charlottesville by right-wing groups that included self-described Nazis, Facebook and other tech companies vowed to strengthen their monitoring of hate speech.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote at the time that “there is no place for hate in our community,” and pledged to keep a closer eye on hateful posts and threats of violence on Facebook. “It’s a disgrace that we still need to say that neo-Nazis and white supremacists are wrong — as if this is somehow not obvious,” he wrote. 

But Facebook apparently did not intensify its scrutiny of its ad buying platform. In all likelihood, the ad categories that we spotted were automatically generated because people had listed those anti-Semitic themes on their Facebook profiles as an interest, an employer or a “field of study.” Facebook’s algorithm automatically transforms people’s declared interests into advertising categories.

Here is a screenshot of our ad buying process on the company’s advertising portal:

This is not the first controversy over Facebook’s ad categories. Last year, ProPublica was able to block an ad that we bought in Facebook’s housing categories from being shown to African-Americans, Hispanics and Asian-Americans, raising the question of whether such ad targeting violated laws against discrimination in housing advertising. After ProPublica’s article appeared, Facebook built a system that it said would prevent such ads from being approved.

Last year, ProPublica also collected a list of the advertising categories Facebook was providing to advertisers. We downloaded more than 29,000 ad categories from Facebook’s ad system — and found categories ranging from an interest in “Hungarian sausages” to “People in households that have an estimated household income of between $100K and $125K.”

At that time, we did not find any anti-Semitic categories, but we do not know if we captured all of Facebook’s possible ad categories, or if these categories were added later. A Facebook spokesman didn’t respond to a question about when the categories were introduced.

Last week, acting on a tip, we logged into Facebook’s automated ad system to see if “Jew hater” was really an ad category. We found it, but discovered that the category — with only 2,274 people in it — was too small for Facebook to allow us to buy an ad pegged only to Jew haters.

Facebook’s automated system suggested “Second Amendment” as an additional category that would boost our audience size to 119,000 people, presumably because its system had correlated gun enthusiasts with anti-Semites.

Instead, we chose additional categories that popped up when we typed in “jew h”: “How to burn Jews,” and “History of ‘why jews ruin the world.’”

Then we added a category that Facebook suggested when we typed in “Hitler”: a category called “Hitler did nothing wrong.” All were described as “fields of study.”

These ad categories were tiny. Only two people were listed as the audience size for “how to burn jews,” and just one for “History of ‘why jews ruin the world.’” Another 15 people comprised the viewership for “Hitler did nothing wrong.”

Facebook’s automated system told us that we still didn’t have a large enough audience to make a purchase. So we added “German Schutzstaffel,” commonly known as the Nazi SS, and the “Nazi Party,” which were both described to advertisers as groups of “employers.” Their audiences were larger: 3,194 for the SS and 2,449 for Nazi Party.

Still, Facebook said we needed more — so we added people with an interest in the National Democratic Party of Germany, a far-right, ultranationalist political party, with its much larger viewership of 194,600.

Once we had our audience, we submitted our ad — which promoted an unrelated ProPublica news article. Within 15 minutes, Facebook approved our ad, with one change. In its approval screen, Facebook described the ad targeting category “Jew hater” as “Antysemityzm,” the Polish word for anti-Semitism. Just to make sure it was referring to the same category, we bought two additional ads using the term “Jew hater” in combination with other termsBoth times, Facebook changed the ad targeting category “Jew hater” to “Antisemityzm” in its approval.

Here is one of our approved ads from Facebook:

A few days later, Facebook sent us the results of our campaigns. Our three ads reached 5,897 people, generating 101 clicks, and 13 “engagements” — which could be a “like” a “share” or a comment on a post.

Since we contacted Facebook, most of the anti-Semitic categories have disappeared.

Facebook spokesman Joe Osborne said that they didn’t appear to have been widely used. “We have looked at the use of these audiences and campaigns and it’s not common or widespread,” he said.

We looked for analogous advertising categories for other religions, such as “Muslim haters.” Facebook didn’t have them.

Update, Sept. 14, 2017: This story has been updated to include the Facebook spokesman's name.

Julia Angwin

Julia Angwin is a senior reporter at ProPublica. From 2000 to 2013, she was a reporter at The Wall Street Journal, where she led a privacy investigative team that was a finalist for a Pulitzer Prize in Explanatory Reporting in 2011 and won a Gerald Loeb Award in 2010.

Ariana Tobin

Ariana is an engagement editor and reporter at ProPublica, where she works to cultivate communities to inform our coverage.

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Voor de demonstraties en moord in Charlottesville, klik op het label met die plaatsnaam, direct onder dit bericht.

Beste bezoeker, dit was het voor vandaag, morgen meer berichten, maak er zo mogelijk een mooie dag van.

zaterdag 7 december 2019

Uri Rosenthal (VVD ex-minister) schiet weer eens een reuzenbok, dit keer over subsidies R&D

Uri Rosenthal, eerder VVD 'minister' van Buitenlandse Zaken, waar hij de ene blunder op de andere stapelde, is tegenwoordig de topgraaier van de Adviesraad voor wetenschap, technologie en innovatie (AWT)..... In die functie was hij gistermorgen te horen bij BNR (na 8.00 u.), waar hij van de Nederlandse regering eiste dat er meer geld wordt gestoken in research en development ofwel R&D (onderzoek en ontwikkeling, O&O), daar Nederland op dat gebied ver achterloopt op buurlanden, aldus deze kakkerige zakkenwasser.

Nederland stak vorig jaar een kleine 4 miljard in R&D, waar de totale uitgaven, dus inclusief de R&D van bedrijven, een totaal bedrag vertegenwoordigde van 16,7 miljard euro...... Me dunkt een fiks bedrag, waar nog maar moet blijken wat de positieve effecten zijn van een dergelijke investering.

Op de laatste vraag kwam een uur later een antwoord en alweer op BNR: Guido Diederick, de directeur van NXP, liet weten dat Nederland in het geheel niet achterloopt op buurlanden als het gaat om R&D, integendeel: Nederland loopt vergeleken met veel EU landen zelfs voor op dat gebied, we bevinden ons volgens Diederick zelfs in de 'voorhoede!!'

Rosenthal is of zo dom dat hij de cijfers niet kent, dan wel hij probeert geld binnen te harken voor het al overgesubsidieerde bedrijfsleven van Nederland, zelfs al moet dat gebeuren middels leugens..... Beide zaken zijn mogelijk als het over Rosenthal gaat, al staat de knurft wat mij betreft vooral bekend om zijn enorm domme flaters....... Als VVD'er is Rosenthal standaard tegen sociale programma's voor de grote onderlaag, tegelijkertijd voor zoveel mogelijk overheidssubsidies t.b.v. het bedrijfsleven, de welgestelden en voor illegale oorlogsvoering in het Midden-Oosten en Afrika...... 

Hoe is het mogelijk dat fantast en leeghoofd Rosenthal ooit nog een functie kreeg daar hij minister is geweest?(een politieke benoeming) Immers zoals gezegd ook op BuZa was Rosenthal een ramp... Klik voor de gein eens op het label met zijn naam, direct onder dit bericht..... Ten overvloede wordt met dit geval nog eens duidelijk gemaakt dat politieke benoemingen vaak allesbehalve goed zijn voor welke 'tak van sport' dan ook......

Trouwens: die 4 miljard van ons belastinggeld voor R&D ten behoeve van het bedrijfsleven, vind ik al veel te veel, 5 ton zou al fiks zijn, immers het bedrijfsleven profiteert van deze subsidies, terwijl er voor de grote arme onderlaag amper geld wordt uitgegeven...... Dezelfde bedrijven knijpen de gewone werknemers zoveel mogelijk af als het gaat om het betalen van salarissen, tegelijkertijd betalen ze hun top achterlijk hoge bedragen (en aandelenbonussen als het gaat om een beursgenoteerd bedrijf....)..... 'Echt bedrijven die miljarden aan subsidies nodig hebben...'


Amazon werknemers worden behandeld als slaven, alleen de zweep ontbreekt nog

Amazon wordt geleid door Jeff Bezos, één van de rijkste mensen op onze aarde (geschat vermogen 112 miljard dollar), je zou denken dat zo'n figuur wel goed zal zorgen voor zijn werknemers, immers zijn kapitaal zal daar niet onder leiden, maar helaas zijn werknemers worden behandeld als slaven, waar alleen het gebruik van de zweep nog ontbreekt..... 

Naast het voorgaande verdienen de gewone werknemers van Amazon bijzonder weinig, zeker als je ziet onder welke enorme druk ze staan, zo moeten werknemers in de magazijnen elke 11 seconden een artikel scannen om hun doelen te kunnen halen, ongeacht de zwaarte van dat artikel, je begrijpt waarschijnlijk wel dat het onmogelijk is om dit vol te houden......

Als de werknemers niet voldoen aan de eisen worden ze ontslagen en zelfs als ze doelen wel halen, maar daardoor een ongeluk krijgen op de werkvloer, krijgen ze alsnog ontslag......

Niet vreemd dus dat werknemers zelfs zwaar gewond raken en daaronder versta ik als rugpatiënt ook zware rugklachten (voor de rest van het leven). Volgens het Care2 team dat een petitie heeft opgezet om de ijskoude neoliberale hufter tot inkeer te bewegen, is een onervaren heftruckchauffeur onder een heftruck terecht gekomen en werd daarbij doodgedrukt..... Pas na 2 uur werd de chauffeur nog levend gevonden door collega's, maar de redding van deze werknemer was te laat.......

Wel moet ik zeggen dat zonder ongelukken op de werkvloer, waarbij iemand bijvoorbeeld onder een pallet met artikelen terechtkomt, het zeer moeilijk zal zijn te bewijzen dat werknemers zijn omgekomen dan wel gewond zijn geraakt door de werkdruk..... Waar dan wel bij aangetekend moet worden dat oververmoeide werknemers makkelijk fatale fouten kunnen maken..... (maar ja bewijs maar eens dat een overlijden of een blijvende invaliditeit te danken is aan oververmoeidheid en de onmenselijke werkdruk....)

Bezos weet dondersgoed dat zijn werknemers grote gevaren lopen door de werkdruk, hij heeft lak aan de gewone werknemers dat heeft dit onmens 'iets te vaak' bewezen......

Lees en teken de petitie ajb en geeft het door! Zelf heb ik me voorgenomen nooit iets te bestellen bij Amazon, althans zolang de werknemers daar als goedkoop vervangbaar artikel, ofwel als slaaf behandeld worden.

Amazon Employees are Literally Dying, But the Company Just Made an Announcement That Will Make Conditions Even Worse!

The holiday season is a time when people are encouraged to focus on gratitude, loved ones, and rest. But for Amazon warehouse employees, the holiday, or "peak," season, looks a little bit different. They will experience nothing but dehumanizing, injurious, and sometimes fatal working conditions.

Sign the petition now and ask that Jeff Bezos have mercy on Amazon employees.

This holiday season, Amazon has announced one-day shipping, boasting it as evidence of how much they care about their customers. But what about their employees that are maimed and killed?

During peak season, seasonal workers are added to the warehouses - this means the spaces are filled with under-trained and inexperienced employees. That will only compound Amazon's already despicable track record of employee injury and abuse.

Amazon is known for its convenience and speed, but according to a report by Reveal from the Center for Investigative Reporting (CIR), those perks come at the cost of life and limb. This report found that Amazon's warehouses average over twice the amount of serious injuries compared to the entire warehouse industry.

Many of these injuries occur because of Amazon's ridiculous productivity demands - workers must scan one item, no matter how big or heavy, every 11 seconds in order to meet their quota. They cannot concentrate on proper training because if their productivity wanes, they are fired. Ironically, once they are injured due to speeding through items, they are often left permanently debilitated and therefore fired anyway.

Other injuries occur due to a lack of training. In one such case, a warehouse maintenance employee named Terry was tragically crushed to death when a forklift fell on top of him. There is no record of Terry ever receiving proper training before he was sent to work on the forklift. He lay crushed and dying for two hours before someone discovered his body by following the pool of blood. Amazon later shifted the blame of Terry's death onto Terry himself.

No matter the cause of suffering in their warehouses, Amazon does not seem to care. When a gas leak in Amazon's Eastvale, California warehouse choked employees and burned their eyes, managers would not let them stop working. They needed to keep productivity high, and told employees it would be considered personal time off if they left. Eventually, employees had to call 911 in secret in order to get help.

This is unsustainable. Amazon needs to treat its employees like human beings - this means hiring more employees to cover the work and investing time and money in training so that safety is a priority and injury rates plummet. Jeff Bezos is currently worth 112 billion dollars - he can afford it.

No gift is worth giving this holiday season if the cost is a human life. Demand that Jeff Bezos and Amazon restructure their hiring and training process for the safety of their employees!
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 'Amazon, het grote voorbeeld van de hervormde arbeidsmarkt, Pechtold let op!' 

Voor meer berichten over Bezos, Amazon of werkdruk in het algemeen, klik op het betreffende label, direct onder dit bericht.

Britse banken steunen kolenverbranding met 25 miljard pond

Dacht dak ik uit m'n stoel donderde toen ik gisteren een kop van een Unearthed artikel las: (de 4 grootste) Britse banken steunen de kolenindustrie met maar 'liefst' 25 miljard pond (ons miljard, dus Engels biljoen).

Door het financieren van o.a. nieuwbouw van kolencentrales dragen de banken bij aan de vernietiging van de aarde zoals wij die kennen en waar de gevolgen van de klimaatverandering intussen al duizenden slachtoffers hebben gemaakt.... Vergeet niet (wat men bij die banken al lang is vergeten) dat wij na het volledig 'losbarsten' van de bankencrisis de banken op de been moesten houden met vele miljarden van ons belastinggeld......  

Moet je nagaan: 4 jaar na het Klimaatakkoord van Parijs, waar ook de bankwereld beterschap beloofde, dit jammer genoeg onder door henzelf opgestelde criteria, ofwel geldig tot de deur achter de laatste klimaatganger in Parijs werd gesloten..... (hetzelfde kan je stellen van de grote oliemaatschappijen, waar Shell het klimaatakkoord van Parijs op 8 punten niet nakomt.....*)

De banken moeten als de oliemaatschappijen dan ook betalen voor de gevolgen van de klimaatverandering die zij met leningen mogelijk hebben gemaakt, sterker nog: als de oliemaatschappijen zouden de grofgraaiers van de banken terecht moeten staan voor het Internationaal Strafhof (ICC) wegens massamoord en grootschalige vernietiging van natuur, plus de vernietiging van roerende en onroerende goederen........

Moet je nagaan: The Royal Bank of Scotland is in feite een staatsbank, ofwel ook op andere manieren subsidieert de Britse regering het verbranden van steenkool, zoals onze regering dat ook nog steeds doet en dan durft zijne VVD leugenachtige hufterigheid Rutte te zeggen dat Nederland voorop loopt op duurzaam gebied..... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Ach ja, eens een leugenaar.......

Voor de begeleidende staatjes, zie het origineel (bijzonder lullig van Unearthed dat je deze niet kan overnemen.....)

Revealed: UK banks’ £25 billion support for global coal

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor Revealed: UK banks’ £25 billion support for global coal

UK banks have supported companies building new coal plants with financing worth almost £25 billion since the Paris climate deal, according to data gathered by environmental organisations Urgewald and BankTrack and shared with Unearthed.

In 2015, world leaders agreed to ensure finance reduced greenhouse gas emissions, but new data shows that HSBC, Standard Chartered, Barclays and Royal Bank of Scotland continued to support firms investing in coal.

The data shows that those four banks supported companies with plans to build new coal plants to the tune of $31.8 billion or £24.7 billion between 2016 and 2019.

Between them, these companies plan to build 174 gigawatts of new coal plants, equivalent to the total operating capacity of the EU and Australia put together. However, industry data is not yet sufficiently transparent to calculate how much of the money is used directly for coal plant construction. 

The plans include the Adani megamine in Australia, a controversial new coal plant in Germany and huge coal expansion in Indonesia.

Over the period, HSBC was the biggest coal financer out of all UK banks, with its support worth £8.4 billion. This consisted of £2.1 billion of loans and £6.1 billion of underwriting.

Underwriting is what banks do when companies issue bonds on the public markets. An underwriting bank purchases bonds and then sells them on.

Despite positioning themselves as concerned about climate change Barclays and Standard Chartered actually increased the amount of support they provided in the last two years, compared to 2014-2016.

The figure for Barclays rose from £2.8 billion to £5.8 billion and the figure for Standard Chartered rose from £2.5 billion to £6.6 billion.

HSBC, meanwhile, has decreased its support for companies building new coal plants from £8.7 billion to £6.1 billion.

The state-owned Royal Bank of Scotland exited the global coal sector last year, providing no financing at all for companies building new coal plants from January to September.

Four years since Paris

In 2015 at the United Nations climate conference in Paris, leaders signed an agreement including a commitment to “making finance flows consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development”.

The UK will next year host next year’s annual climate conference, billed as the most important since Paris because world leaders are meant to upgrade pledges made in 2015.

Greig Aitken, coal campaigner at BankTrack, told Unearthed: “One year out from the UK’s hosting of the UN Climate Summit, if Barclays, HSBC and Standard Chartered don’t act rapidly to rein in their financing of coal expansion companies, the UK government should take steps or risk turning up in Glasgow with coal dust on their faces thanks to our big fossil banks.

Compared to their European counterparts, UK banks have stubbornly failed for several years to adequately respond to the worsening climate emergency by at least introducing policy restrictions to significantly curb their sponsoring of coal expansion around the world. Cosmetic policy tweaks no longer cut it.”

The data, which was gathered from financial databases at Bloomberg and Refinitiv and from company reporting, is part of a bigger report that Urgewald and BankTrack plan to publish on the financing of new coal plants globally. They shared the UK information with Unearthed in advance of the final report.

It is based on Urgewald’s list of 258 companies with known coal plant expansion plans, 51 of which received financial support from UK banks.

Between 2017 and 2019, the Finnish state-owned energy company Fortum received more funding from UK banks than any other company with coal expansion plans. It received £2.5 billion from Barclays, mainly in loans, and £1.7 billion in loans from Royal Bank of Scotland, which is itself state-owned.

Fortum recently agreed to take control of the German energy company Uniper in a 2.3 billion euro deal, meaning it will take over the company’s numerous coal plants.

According to Urgewald’s data, Fortum makes only 5% of its revenue from coal and only 3% of the power it produces is from coal. However, Uniper is involved in a controversial plan to build a new coal plant in Germany.

The plant, Datteln 4, is controversial because of the German government’s plan to abandon coal as an energy source by 2038. According to a report from Reuters, the 1.1 gigawatt plant will be allowed to enter service despite the government’s commission recommending that no new coal plants be brought into use.

A spokesperson for Fortum said: “We don’t invest in Uniper because of coal but despite coal. Our goal is to create a leader in Europe’s energy transition. The energy transition will require significant investments in the coming decades not only in renewables, but also in gas, energy storage, and other flexibility solutions to provide security of supply.”

A Uniper spokesperson said that Fortum’s finances were a matter for Fortum but added that the Datteln 4 project had not received any “bilateral loans” from UK banks.

Another state-owned company is second on the list. Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), an Indonesian government-owned utility company, received £1.8 billion in support from HSBC and £746m from Standard Chartered.

Coal plants owned by PLN, amounting to 20 gigawatts, already emit 74 million tonnes of CO2 a year, or around 14% of the country’s total emissions. It plans to develop another 10 gigawatts of coal plants.

According to a 2015 report from Greenpeace, pollution from coal plants has caused the premature deaths of 6,500 people in Indonesia per year. That same report predicted that if plants currently planned in the country are built, this could rise to 28,300.

Standard Chartered and Barclays have also provided financial support to the Indian coal firm Adani. Standard Chartered made a $150m corporate loan in 2017 and a $600m corporate loan in 2019, while Barclays and Standard Chartered both underwrote bonds in 2017 and 2019.

The company is well-known for its mega-mine expansion plans in Australia, where it is building a massive coal mine. The mine will produce 2.3 billion tonnes of coal over 60 years, according to Adani, making it one of the largest in the world.

The role of finance in driving climate change has come under increasing scrutiny over the last year. In the UK, the issue is of particular concern given British banks’ outsize influence globally – the UK banking sector is the largest in Europe and the fourth largest in the world.

Last month, Mark Carney, governor of the Bank of England, warned that the global financial system is backing projects that will raise the temperature of the planet by more than 4C, far above the 2C limit pledged in the Paris agreement.

Labour has promised to give the Bank extra powers to monitor City firms’ progress on carbon emissions.

Banks have looked to address this issue, introducing restrictions on their finance policy restrictions in the last two years which have ended all direct ‘project finance’ to new coal mines and coal plants globally.

This data, however, shows that they have continued to use corporate finance, loaning money to firms involved in coal development and underwriting loans to those companies.

A spokesperson for Standard Chartered told Unearthed: “Not having seen the report or its methodology we can’t comment on the specific figures, but as you are probably aware we announced last year that we will no longer finance new coal power plant projects and we are revisiting our approach to clients who are dependent on coal for business revenues (more to come on that later).”

A spokesperson for Barclays also pointed to the bank’s new policy on project finance, saying it agrees “with the objective of reducing financing for coal-powered energy production”.

They added that they disputed the findings of the report, saying: “Barclays has comprehensive criteria and controls in place for our energy related financing, and we firmly believe in supporting the transition to a low carbon economy.”

An HSBC spokesperson said: “HSBC recognises the role of the financial sector in addressing climate change. We do not support new thermal coal mines and have not financed any new coal fired power plants anywhere since April 2018.”
* Zie: 'Shell houdt zich niet aan het klimaatakkoord: 8 bewijzen'

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