Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label D. Broze. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label D. Broze. Alle posts tonen

donderdag 8 februari 2018

Gezichtsherkenningssoftware in zonnebrillen en zelfs voor het scannen van rijdende auto's: Big Brother neemt een reuzenstap.........

Mensen die stellen dat het een goede zaak is elke minuut van de dag te worden gecontroleerd door de overheid, vragen in feite om een dictator! (en reken maar dat iedereen iets te verbergen heeft, zelfs en vooral de staat, zoals keer op keer blijkt, als ons weer een oor is aangenaaid........).

Onze privacy is al voor een fiks deel gestolen, dit in de oorlog tegen terrorisme, terwijl de geheime diensten een terrorist zelfs niet kunnen tegenhouden, als ze deze al lang in het vizier hebben....... Reken maar dat ook bij invoering van dergelijke gezichtsherkenningstechnologie men je voor zal houden dat dit van het grootste belang is van jouw eigen veiligheid......

In de VS heeft de Customs and Border Protection (CBP usa) aangekondigd dat het de komende zomer gaat experimenteren met gezichtsherkenningssoftware voor rijdende auto's, waar men met deze technologie alle passagiers in een auto kan scannen.......

De vervolmaking tot een staat als beschreven in George Orwells 1984, komt steeds dichterbij.... In China heeft men al een zonnebril voor politieagenten ontwikkelt, die ook de gezichten van passanten (en daarmee mensen die staande zijn gehouden) razendsnel kunnen scannen met gezichtsherkenningssoftware.........

Met dit soort soft- en hardware zal het steeds moeilijker worden om nog in opstand te komen tegen de huidige inhumane neoliberale status quo..... Nog even en men weet al wat je denkt als je door de stad loopt....... Hitler en z'n misdadige kliek zouden er van kwijlen, elke tegenstander zou in een mum van tijd kunnen worden opgepakt, vastgezet en vermoord.........

Derrick Broze stelt in het artikel hieronder dat e.e.a niet meer is tegen te houden en dat de tijd rijp is om gemeenschappen te creëren waar men dit soort technologie afwijst (wat nooit zal worden toegestaan). Echter het lijkt me allesbehalve te laat om massaal in opstand te komen tegen deze totale afbraak van ons recht op privacy en op de inperking van onze 'vrijheid!!' (voor zover er nog sprake is van vrijheid...)

US to Test Facial Recognition Scanners on People in Moving Vehicles

February 6, 2018 at 2:22 pm
Written by Derrick Broze

(AP) — On Thursday the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announced plans for a new pilot program that will test out biometric facial recognition technology as part of an effort to identify fugitives or terror suspects. The Austin-American Statesman reported on the announcement:
Thanks to quantum leaps in facial recognition technology, especially over the past year, the future is arriving sooner than most Americans realize. As early as this summer, CBP will set up a pilot program to digitally scan the faces of drivers and passengers — while they are in moving vehicles — at the busy Anzalduas Port of Entry outside of McAllen, the agency announced Thursday.”

The Texas-Mexico border is being used as the testing grounds for the technology. The results of the pilot program will be used to help roll out a national program along the entire southern and northern borders. The Statesman notes that the Department of Energy hired researchers at Tennessee’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to help overcome the difficulties of using facial recognition technology on moving vehicles. The researchers developed a method for combating window tinting and sun glare which can make a vehicle’s windows impenetrable to cameras. The facial recognition technology being developed for the pilot program will be capable of identifying the driver, front passengers, and the passengers riding in the back.

The CBP currently operates facial recognition exit programs at almost a dozen international airports in the United States. Colleen Manaher, the CBP’s executive director of planning, program analysis and evaluation, told the Statesman that travelers have been accepting of the technology and noted that “we can thank the Apples and the Googles for that.”

Although the CBP claims implementing facial recognition technology could eventually eliminate the need for passports, boarding passes and other travel documents, the technology is without a doubt an invasion of privacy. Both the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Georgetown University’s Center on Privacy and Technology have called for further investigation into the potential dangers of a massive facial recognition apparatus. In the U.S., only Texas and Illinois have laws preventing the use of biometric data for commercial purposes.

The new Texas pilot program is only the latest effort by the federal government to implement a wide range of biometric and surveillance programs around the United States.

In August 2017 Activist Post first reported on the plans to launch a national program scan the facesof all airline passengers in the U.S. Customs and Border Protection launched a “Traveler Verification Service” (TVS) that intends to use facial recognition on all airline passengers, including U.S. citizens, boarding flights exiting the United States. That same month it was reported that thirty-one sheriffs along the U.S.-Mexico border voted unanimously to adopt tools that will allow the collection and storing of iris scans.

Additionally, Activist Post just last week reported that the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency now has access to a nationwide license plate recognition database after finalizing a contract with the industry’s top license plate data collection company. This database allows ICE to search a vehicles whereabouts over the last five years, as well as developing “hot lists” that can track particular vehicles indefinitely.

The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is currently facing a lawsuit for failing to release records related to the agency’s use of devices to gather biometric data from immigrants. Mijente and the National Immigration Project of National Lawyers Guild (NIPNLG) are asking a federal court to force ICE and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to release information related to the use of handheld devices used to gather biometric data from immigrants during raids.

These programs are reminiscent of mass surveillance systems established in Russia and China. The truth of the matter is that all three nations are taking different paths towards the same goal: control and monitoring of their population and suppression of critical thought or opposition. The only way to stand against this is to refuse to fund the programs at every turn and sharing the information. It might be too late to stop the establishment of these programs, but the people could potentially form enough of a resistance to establish free communities and neighborhoods where these invasive technologies are rejected.

maandag 5 februari 2018

Studie wijst op risico tumoren door mobiel telefoongebruik......

Mensen heb staan dubben of ik dit bericht wel moest brengen, proeven op ratten tonen verband aan tussen mobiele telefoongebruik en tumoren. Ach het is eigenlijk al heel lang bekend dat zo'n ding continu aan de kop houden gevaarlijk is.....

Dit werd overigens fel bestreden door de mobiele telefoonmaffia, dus de makers van smartphones en de netwerk aanbieders..........

Lullig dat daar nu weer dieren voor zijn opgeofferd, puur en alleen omdat er een aantal wetenschappers zijn, die wel wilden verklaren dat al deze claims berusten op lariekoek....... (het zou me verbazen als deze 'wetenschappers' niet zijn te linken aan die tele-maffia)

Dr. Joel Moskowitz of UC (universiteit van Californië) Berkeley klaagde het California Department of Public Health (CDPH) aan voor het niet informeren van de consument over de richtlijnen tot veilig gebruik van de smartphone, zoals: -zorg dat de telefoon niet in de buurt van je bed ligt, -verwijder de koptelefoon als deze niet in gebruik is en -verminder het streamen van video en audio op de smartphone (bij vasthouden van de telefoon, dan wel deze in de buurt van het lichaam houden tijdens het streamen van inhoud). Let wel: dit zijn interne richtlijnen van het CDPH!

Als reactie op deze aanklacht heeft het CDPH bij monde van dr. Karen Smith de consument voorgehouden de smartphone op minstens een armlengte van het lichaam te houden en de telefoon niet in de broekzak te stoppen, waarna Smith opmerkte dat het CDPH niet gelooft dat het gebruik van de smartphone kankerverwekkend is, maar dat de wetenschap op dat gebied evolueert.............. ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Jezus wat een bedrieger!

Verdomd, je zou de telefoonmaffia, overheidsinstanties, wetenschappers die lobbyen voor de tele-mafia en verantwoordelijke politici strafrechtelijk moeten vervolgen voor deze ronduit misdadige gang van zaken! (en vervolg ze civiel >> dikke schadevergoeding voor slachtoffers, al is natuurlijk moeilijk aan te tonen wat de oorzaak van een hersen- of andere tumor is, hoewel sommige tumoren overdadig voorkomen bij smartphone gebruikers..........)

Gebruik je verstand en zorg ervoor dat je niet continu zo'n ding in de hand hebt, dan wel aan je hoofd houdt. Je zal verrast zijn hoe snel je zonder deze apparaten echt contact legt met anderen, ook in het openbaar vervoer en op straat, bovendien scheelt het botsingen met objecten of mensen (of dat nu lopend, fietsend of met de auto is, al zijn de gevolgen daarvan dan wel weer heel verschillend....).

Trouwens, dit zet (zoals zojuist al even aangestipt) alweer extra vraagtekens bij het overheidsbeleid op dit soort zaken...... Ach ook dat is niets nieuws, de centen gaan nu eenmaal mijlenver voor de volksgezondheid, zoals telkens weer blijkt....... Snap werkelijk niet waarom er nog mensen op de gangbare politieke partijen stemmen, één zootje bedriegers!! (zelfs de SP past haar ideologie aan, als het deel kan nemen aan een bestuur) Alleen de Partij voor de Dieren is nog een gunstige uitzondering, de grote vraag is of dit zo zal blijven als de politici van deze partij in besturen terechtkomen.......

New Study Links Cellphone Radiation to Tumors in Male Rats

February 3, 2018 at 12:00 pm
Written by Derrick Broze

(AP) — A new report from the U.S. government is likely to create further debate regarding whether or not cellphones and other mobile devices pose a cancer risk to humans. According to a draft report from researchers the United States National Toxicology Program (NTP), male rats exposed to high levels of radiation similar to that emitted by cellphones developed tumors in the tissue surrounding their hearts. The report also found that female rats and mice exposed to the same amount of radiation did not develop tumors. Reuters first reported on the release of the preliminary report.

Reuters reports:
However, NTP scientists and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) were quick to say the findings could not be extrapolated to humans and that current safety limits on cellphone radiation are protective.
The 10-year, $25 million studies – the most comprehensive assessments of health effects and exposure to radiofrequency radiation in rats and mice to date – do raise new questions about exposure to the ubiquitous devices.”

The NTP study involved exposing rats and mice to higher levels of radiation for longer periods than is typically experienced by the average cellphone user. Researchers also exposed the entire body of the rats and mice to this high dose of radiation. The report concluded that cellphones typically emit lower levels of radiation than the maximum allowable level. Interestingly, John Bucher, a senior scientist with NTP, told Reuters that the tumors seen in the studies are “similar to tumors previously reported in some studies of frequent cellphone users.”

statement from the American Cancer Society said the findings of the studies are inconclusive. “For example, the newly released results show little indication of an increased risk of tumors or any other health problems in mice exposed to RFR,” the ACS wrote. “Also, the male rats exposed to RFR in the study lived, on average, significantly longer than the male rats who were not exposed. The reasons for this are not clear.”

The ACS also noted that the study has not yet been peer reviewed by outside experts. Peer review is expected in March. Dr. Otis Brawley, chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society, called the evidence for association between cell phones and cancer “weak”, pointing to an apparent lack of higher cancer risk in humans. “But if you’re concerned about this animal data, wear an earpiece,” Brawley stated.

The US Food and Drug Administration released a statement affirming their support of the current safety limits as “acceptable for protecting the public health.”

To be clear, this is not the first time studies examining the dangers of radiofrequency devices such as cellphones and microwaves have caused controversy. Studies in both Australia and India have found that men who use their cellphones most often had lower sperm counts than those who used cellphones less often. In addition, in 2011, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer classified radiofrequency radiation emitted by cellphones as “possibly carcinogenic to humans.”

There are also studies which have concluded there is no risk of cancer or other illnesses from the radiation released by cellphones. An 18-month study from Denmark compared cancer rates in 360,000 cell phone users to adults without cellphone subscriptions and found no connection to brain or spinal cord tumors.

More recently, in late 2017 it was revealed that the California Department of Public Health had issued internal guidelines on how to reduce exposure to cellphone radiation. The guidelines included keeping the phone away from bed at night, removing headsets when not on a call, and reducing streaming of audio or video on cellphones. The guidelines were released to the public as the result of a lawsuit filed by Dr. Joel Moskowitz of UC Berkeley. Moskowitz sued the California Department of Public Health after they failed to release information about potential dangers of cellphones back in 2009. Currently we’re not doing a good job in regulating radiation from these devices. In fact, we’re doing an abysmal job,” Moskowitz told CBS San Francisco.

In response to the release of the guidelines Dr. Karen Smith of the California Department of Public Health recommended users keep the cellphone “at least arm’s length away from your body” and not carrying the phone in your pockets. Smith said the CDPH does not believe cell phones are carcinogens, but rather, “that the science is evolving.”

Derrick Broze is an investigative journalist and liberty activist. He is the Lead Investigative Reporter and the founder of the Follow him on Twitter. Derrick is the author of three books: The Conscious Resistance: Reflections on Anarchy and Spirituality and Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion, Vol. 1Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion, Vol. 2 and Manifesto of the Free Humans.

By Derrick Broze / Republished with permission / Activist Post / Report a typo

woensdag 31 januari 2018

Massamedium CBS (VS) tegen reality check. Logisch wel, gezien de hoeveelheid fake news op die zender.....

CBS, een van de grootste commerciële radio en tv zenders (het best bekeken tv kanaal) in de VS, heeft haar 'nieuwsanker' voor Georgia (CBS46), de gelauwerde journalist Ben Swann 'op zwart' gezet, daar hij zijn eerdere 'Reality Check' op de alternatieve media opnieuw leven wilde inblazen........

Zoals in de kop gesteld, CBS zit allesbehalve op een gedegen, echte 'fact checker' te wachten. CBS tamboereert al precies zo hard tegen 'fake news' op de sociale of alternatieve media, als de rest van de reguliere westerse (massa-) media...... 'Controle' op haar eigen nieuws en dat van de andere reguliere media gebeurt 'uiteraard' alleen met 'deskundigen', die geen vraagtekens zetten bij de enorme hoeveelheid fake news gepubliceerd door diezelfde reguliere (massa-) media..........

Nee men wenst geen kritiek op de eigen nieuwsgaring bij CBS en de andere massamedia...... Massamedia die het fake news van elkaar overnemen, om zo het publiek te hersenspoelen met de gewenste leugens en verzwijging over/van (echt) nieuws..........

Onafhankelijke journalistiek is alleen nog te vinden op de sociale media, daar de reguliere nieuwskanalen ofwel in handen zijn van miljonairs en investeerders, dan wel zijn deze media afhankelijk van overheidssubsidie, zoals de BBC en de publieke omroep in ons land. En je weet 't: wiens brood men eet, diens woord men spreekt!

Het zoveelste bewijs dat de reguliere westerse media schijt hebben aan de waarheid!

CBS Suspends Ben Swann Immediately After He Announces Return of ‘Reality Check’

January 29, 2018 at 10:33 am
Written by Derrick Broze

Award-winning journalist and news anchor Ben Swann was suspended by CBS Atlanta after announcing the return of his Reality Check segment.

(AP) — On Friday, award-winning journalist Ben Swann was suspended as the evening anchor for CBS46 in Atlanta. Only hours before the suspension Swann had released a new video – his first independent video since January 2017 – announcing his impending return to the independent/alternative news arena. Rodney Ho of was the first to report on the news.
CBS46 evening anchor Ben Swann has been taken off the air after his efforts to revive his independent investigative operation he called Reality Check came to light today,” Ho wrote. “On Thursday night, Swann posted a video on Vimeo teasing about an upcoming new project he planned to announce next Tuesday. He only identified himself as an “investigative journalist” and did not reference his ties to CBS46.”

Exciting news fans! has just released this video to make a special annoucement! Get ready for Tuesday Jan 30th! 📽️🙂🚀

Ho goes on to state that once CBS46 learned of Swann’s extracurricular activity he was suspended and his video was removed from Vimeo. A copy of the video is still available on Twitter and has been seen more than 16,000 times as of Monday morning. Activist Post confirmed the suspension with CBS46 Atlanta. When pressed for more information regarding the cause of the suspension, CBS46 News Director Steve Doerr told Activist Post via email, “We don’t have a comment at this time.” Doerr only became news director in July 2017 and was not the News Director at the time of Swann’s initial blackout in February 2017. Sources close to the situation tell Activist Post that Doerr was aware of Swann’s attempts to bring back his popular Reality Check segment.

Swann “went dark” on February 1, 2017 as his social media accounts on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and elsewhere were suddenly deactivated. Swann is a well-known local journalist at CBS46 in Atlanta, as well as a viral Internet sensation for his Reality Check investigative reports. Swann’s Reality Checkreports began to garner attention around the 2012 U.S. election and have continued to gain millions of views while questioning the mainstream narrative.

Prior to his disappearance, Swann had been under attack by much of the corporate media for his now notorious Reality Check segment on the controversial Pizzagate theory. During the segment, Swann draws attention to what he sees as curious aspects of the theory which warrant further attention. Swann was immediately attacked by The Daily Beast (going so far as to place a tin-foil hat on the journalist), the Inquisitr, and many other publications. CBS46 initially defended Ben Swann’s reporting, but later appeared to take the blame for allowing the report to air.

In mid-December 2017, Ben Swann began posting in the forums of the cryptocurrency, DASH. While an increasing amount of public attention is given to the popular cryptocurrency Bitcoin, many people in the privacy focused crypto community are placing their support behind DASH.  Originally released under the name “Darkcoin” back in 2014, the crypto would later be rebranded as DASH, or digital cash.

The biggest feature that sets DASH apart from Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is the use of self-governing, self-funding protocol. This allows users to submit proposals to the treasury which help grow the DASH community and potentially receive funding. Users submit proposals via forums in the DASH community. It is in these forums where Ben Swann successfully sought funding for reviving Reality Check and his Truth In Media website. After the proposal was approved by the DASH community Ben Swann’s team began working on fulfilling their end of the arrangement, promising new episodes of Reality Check every Tuesday and Thursday throughout February, March and April.  Swann also confirmed that he will begin appearing publicly starting with the Anarchapulco conference in Acapulco, Mexico in late February.

However, Swann’s suspension could spell trouble for his arrangement with the DASH community. The intrepid journalist obviously has enough support to completely sever ties with the mainstream and go independent, but he is likely contractually obligated to CBS46 Atlanta. Activist Post will continue to follow the situation and provide updates as they come.

Derrick Broze is an investigative journalist and liberty activist. He is the Lead Investigative Reporter and the founder of the Follow him on Twitter. Derrick is the author of three books: The Conscious Resistance: Reflections on Anarchy and Spirituality and Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion, Vol. 1Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion, Vol. 2 and Manifesto of the Free Humans.

By Derrick Broze / Republished with permission / Activist Post / Report a typo

Let wel: bij het bovenstaand Twitterbericht hoort een video (van Vimeo), die ik niet weet over te nemen, hier de link naar het originele bericht. (als je weet hoe ik deze video's kan overnemen, meld dat dan ajb, je gaat dan op voor de vierdehands koelkast met exotische schimmels van dr. Pisser; voor muzikale recepten van dr. Pisser, klik op het label 'recept', direct onder dit bericht, recepten met een grote hoeveelheid links naar besproken albums van bands. Na een aantal berichten, ziet je het eerste muzikale recept en na een hoeveelheid van die recepten wordt het laatst bekeken recept telkens weer herhaald, dan even opnieuw op het label 'recept' klikken onder dat laatst bekeken recept.)

Zie ook: 'CIA en 70 jaar desinformatie in Europese opiniebladen............'

       en: 'Russiagate, of: hoe de media u belazeren met verhalen over Russische bemoeienis met de VS presidentsverkiezingen........

       en: 'Publicly Available Evidence Doesn’t Support Russian Gov Hacking of 2016 Election'

       en: ''Russiagate' een verhaal van a t/m z westers 'fake news.....''

       en: 'FBI, de spin in het Russiagate web........'

       en: 'Fake News van CNN: 'American Sniper gedood in Syrie....' ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

       en: 'Massamedium CBS (VS) tegen reality check. Logisch wel, gezien de hoeveelheid fake news op die zender.....'

       en: 'Vandalisme na Super Bowl door massamedia o.a. afgedaan als pure poëzie, waar protesten van gekleurden na zoveelste moord door politie worden afgedaan als terreur.........'

      en: 'Massamedia VS vergeven van CIA 'veteranen', alsof die media nog niet genoeg 'fake news' ofwel leugens brengen........'

dinsdag 12 september 2017

9/11 de verklaring van de VS overheid aangaande het instorten van WTC gebouw 7 is vals..........

Het zal u niet ontgaan zijn gisteren, de herdenking van de dag 16 jaar na de terreuraanvallen op de Twin Towers (WTC) en andere doelen in de VS. Brasscheck TV bracht een aantal video's waarin de gang van zaken onder de loep worden genomen en zoals u waarschijnlijk wel weet, de zaak stinkt van voor naar achter. De video's vindt u onder een uitstekend artikel van Derrick Broze, die schrijft over het instorten van WTC gebouw 7 een andere onderdeel van het WTC complex waarvan de Twin Towers deel uitmaakten.

Velen zien in het instorten van WTC 7 volkomen terecht, dat de VS regering een grote leugenactie op touw zette, waarmee het volk van de VS en de rest van de wereld werd besodemieterd.......

Leugens die hebben geleid tot de moord door de VS op meer dan 1,5 miljoen mensen in Afghanistan en Irak........ Leugens die de VS en daarmee het militair-industrieel complex daar in de kaart hebben gespeeld, immers men had een nieuwe vijand nodig en middels die nieuwe vijand 'Al Qaida' kon de VS meerdere landen aanvallen en wist men van meet af aan, dat uiteindelijk de VS en Rusland weer als aartsvijanden tegenover elkaar zouden komen te staan.......

Lees het volgende artikel en zie de video's:

Why Did World Trade Center Building 7 Fall? New Study Claims Gov’t Story Is False

September 11, 2017 at 6:41 am
Written by Derrick Broze
A two-year study has determined the collapse of World Trade Center 7 on September 11, 2001 could not have been caused by office fires. This undermines a critical component of the “official story,” but in the age of President Trump will the painstaking investigation make a difference?

(MPN) — Last Wednesday, Dr. J. Leroy Hulsey of the University of Alaska Fairbanks presented the findings and conclusion of his team’s two-year engineering study evaluating whether fire caused the collapse of World Trade Center 7 on September 11, 2001.

Many “9/11 Truth” researchers focus on the mysterious collapse of World Trade Center 7 (WTC7) as the smoking gun evidence that Americans were lied to about the attacks. WTC7 was not hit by a plane, yet it collapsed at 5:20 p.m. on Sept. 11, 2001. According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the collapse was caused by office fires leading to thermal expansion of the building’s supportive columns and girders.

Dr. Hulsey’s presentation, “A Structural Reevaluation of the Collapse of World Trade Center 7, September 2017 Progress Report”, detailed how his team eliminated fire as the cause of the collapse of the 47-story building. Hulsey explained that NIST’s report on the collapse found fires on floors 7 through 9, 11 through 14, 19, 22, 29, and 30. However, there is no evidence of fire below floor 7, Hulsey said.

Watch Hulsey’s presentation below:

You have to ask yourself lots of questions … Where is the combustibility in this building? … Did WTC7 collapse because of fires?” Hulsey asked during his presentation. “Our study shows that it did not collapse because of fires.” This revelation matches what Hulsey told MintPress News in September 2016, when his team’s preliminary finding was “that fire did not produce the failure at this particular building,” adding “additional calculations are further substantiating the finding.”

Dr. Hulsey and his team developed an AutoCAD drawing that they then used to create a virtual geography of the building. The research team first partnered with the non-profit Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth in May of 2015 to study of the collapse of WTC7. They did not release their final report in April 2017 as originally planned, but Hulsey said a draft report of the study will be released in October or November 2017 and will be open for public comment for a six-week period. “I am still examining the progressive collapse. We thought we would be complete by the time announced but it is taking longer than I expected,” Hulsey told MintPress. “I simply am not going to release it until I am sure we are totally correct.”

A final report will be published in early 2018 and submitted to peer-reviewed journals. “It is my plan to provide the opportunity for public and technical input, a form of review and peer review,” Dr. Hulsey stated. “I will have it reviewed during this time frame. Once we have gone through that preliminary review; I will submit the findings to peer-reviewed journals for publication.”

The Bobby McIlvaine Act
Today, on the 16th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, the organization funding Hulsey’s study, held a press conference discussing the conclusions of the study and the introduction of the “Bobby McIlvaine World Trade Center Investigation Act.” The Bobby McIlvaine Act is draft legislation that would impanel a select committee in either chamber of Congress to reinvestigate the destruction of the three World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001. The act is named after Bobby McIlvaine, who was tragically killed at the age of 26 while entering the North Tower of the World Trade Center.

Richard Gage, the founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, spoke today about the Bobby McIlvaine Act at the National Press Club in Washington. “The Bobby McIlvaine Act will, for the first time, put in Congress’ hands the resolution which will cause an investigation of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers’ destruction,” Gage told Mint Press. “We are putting Congress on notice and hopefully this act will be successfully legislated into law.”

Following the press conference, Mr. Gage and Bob McIlvaine, Bobby McIlvaine’s father, began the process of distributing informational packets related to the Bobby McIlvaine Act to every member of Congress. The next stage in their campaign will involve attempting to organize a bipartisan group of sponsors to introduce the resolution by September 11, 2018. Mr. McIlvaine has been independently investigating the 9/11 attacks since his son’s death and calling attention to what he says are discrepancies in the government’s narrative of the events of that day. McIlvaine has been an outspoken leader in the so-called “9/11 Truth” movement, advocating for a new investigation since the release of the 9/11 Commission Report in 2004.

The 9/11 Truth movement includes victims, their families, and experts in a range of fields who are skeptical of the government’s official line on 9/11. Some of the groups include Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth & Unity, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, 9/11 Families United for Justice Against Terrorism, Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice, and other local activist groups and individuals from around the globe. It’s a loose-knit movement without an official position, and the opinions, theories and ideas held among its members sometimes conflict with one another. However, those working within the broader movement are bound by the belief that the official narrative promoted by the U.S. government is full of holes.

9/11 Truth in the Donald Trump era

The election of Donald Trump brought fear and paranoia to some of the American population, and hope and elation to another segment of the nation. Elements of the 9/11 Truth movement believed Trump might support their cause for a new investigation.  Although Trump never officially discussed his interest in a new investigation into the events of September 11, 2001, he did make vague references to the “secret papers” and to the Saudi government’s possible role in funding the 9/11 attacks. During a campaign event Trump called out former president George W. Bush for the Iraq war and referenced “very secret” papers involving the Saudi government and 9/11, elaborating:
It wasn’t the Iraqis that knocked down the World Trade Center; we went after Iraq, we decimated the country. Iran’s taking over, okay. But it wasn’t the Iraqis, you will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center, ‘cause they have papers in there that are very secret, you may find it’s the Saudis, okay? But you will find out.”

The “secret papers” Trump referred to are the now-declassified 28-pages of the “Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities Before and After the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001.”  Although the final report amounts to over 800 pages, the 28 pages were classified by former President George W. Bush shortly after the report was released in 2002. The papers detail the story of Saudi nationals suspected of being Saudi intelligence agents involved in the terror attacks. In July 2016, after nearly 15 years of secrecy and resistance from the Bush and Obama administrations, the report was released to the public and the family members of the victims of the 9/11 terror attacks.

While campaigning for the presidency, Trump also gave an interview on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends,” stating that the release of the pages would be “very profound” and relate to Saudi Arabia’s role in the 9/11 attacks.
That’s very serious stuff,” Trump said. “It’s sort of nice to know who your friends are and perhaps who your enemies are. You’re going to see some very revealing things released in those papers.”

Trump also flirted with the 9/11 Truth movement when he criticized former President Obama for his veto of the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, or JASTA, which unanimously passed the House and the Senate in 2016 after a hard-fought battle by the families of the victims of 9/11. The law, passed over Obama’s veto, has now opened the door for lawsuits from the victims of 9/11 and their families against Saudi Arabia to inspect the Kingdom’s possible role in 9/11. Trump called Obama’s veto “shameful” and  “one of the low points of his presidency.”

It is these comments that caused some “9/11 truthers” — including some family members of 9/11 victims — to believe a Donald Trump presidency might lead to a new investigation into the terror attacks. The 9/11 Families and Survivors United for Justice Against Terrorism — the organization largely responsible for pushing JASTA — sent a letter to President Trump asking him to clarify his position on Saudi Arabia and its role in the terror attacks of September 11, 2001. “This letter is inspired by news reports that today you met with Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman al Saud,” reads the letter from Terry Strada, a widow and the national chair for the 9/11 Families & Survivors. Strada’s letter continues:
As you know, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a defendant in our lawsuit because of the involvement of its agents in supporting the 9/11 hijackers, and for support that flowed to al-Qaeda through institutions the Kingdom established and funded to spread a radical form of Islam that lies at the root of both al-Qaeda and, more recently, ISIS. Despite mounting evidence, the Saudis have refused to accept accountability for their actions and the injury they have caused across the globe.”

Since becoming president, Donald Trump has shown little interest in carrying his “you may find it’s the Saudis” campaign rhetoric any further. Instead, he has signed an arms deals worth more than $100 billion with the Saudi Kingdom and has continued to offer support for their bombing campaign in Yemen. Trump has not taken any steps towards calling for an investigation into the 9/11 attacks or Saudi Arabia’s possible role. He has remained silent on the controversial topic. The upcoming release of Dr. Hulsey’s study on the collapse of World Trade Center 7 may force Trump to publicly address the situation.

Terry Strada, whose husband Tom Strada died in the twin towers, is skeptical of the importance of Dr. Hulsey’s study. “It doesn’t matter to me what happened to Building 7. I know what happened to the Twin Towers and I know how my husband was murdered. I know who worked with al-Qaeda. That’s all I care about,” Mrs. Strada explained to MintPress News via phone. “It’s a very separate incident. I don’t see how anything that happened to Building 7 has to do with the Twin Towers.”

Despite her skepticism towards the study, Strada is still calling on President Trump to address the concerns of the 9/11 families:
We would like to see some action. We would like to sit down and meet with him, have him hear our side. We know he hears it from the Saudi’s all the time. We want our chance.”

Hier nogmaals de link naar het originele bericht, waar u nog een video kan vinden, die ik niet over kan nemen.

Zie ook het uitstekende artikel van prof Michel Chossudovsky, eerder geplaatst op Global Research en later door Stan van Houcke overgenomen: 'Who Is Osama Bin Laden?' (o.a. hoe is het mogelijk dat de VS een paar uur na de aanslagen van 911 wist dat Osama Bin Laden en 'zijn Al Qaida' verantwoordelijk waren voor de aanslagen???)

Hierna de Brasscheck video's.

Zie ook: 9/11 Wiring the buildings COULD IT BE DONE IN A WEEKEND? (zie naast de onderstaande video, ook de tekst onder deze video, op Brasscheck TV

en: 9/11 First the explosion and then the “planes” VIDEO SPECIAL EFFECTS AFTER THE FACT:

Mind ControlThe 9/11 Files

en: The biggest maritime evacuation in history took place on September 11, 2001 in Manhattan.

It was handled by a spontaneous fleet of hundreds of boat owners, large and small, who rushed to help people in need without any concern for their own safety.

I bet you NEVER heard about these unpaid first responders before - because it doesn't fit the "government is god" narrative.


en: People who design, engineer, build and demolish buildings for a living agree...

The Twin Towers and WTC 7 came down as the result of controlled demolition.

Architects and engineers lay out the case – and their expert analysis has been completely censored by the US news media.

Architects and engineers: “It was a controlled demolition” THE FRAUD THAT LED TO WAR:

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