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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
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Posts tonen met het label Fed. Alle posts tonen

zaterdag 4 augustus 2018

VS importbeperkingen niet alleen dom maar ook uiterst hypocriet

Lees het volgende uitstekende artikel van Mike 'Mish' Shedlock, eerder geplaatst op Mish Talk, de site van Shedlock, een artikel over de handelsoorlog die Trump heeft ontketend met China, volgens Shedlock niet alleen een dom 'beleid', maar ook uiterst hypocriet en contraproductief.

US Trade Policy: Not Only are We Stupid, We are Hypocrites

by Mike Mish Shedlock 1 day-edited (August 2, 2018)

The news agencies reported Trump would extend tariffs on Wednesday. Instead, we have an outline of possible actions.

The Wall Street Journal reports U.S. Turns Up the Heat on China.
The U.S. turned up the heat Wednesday on China, with the Trump administration threatening to more than double proposed tariffs on imports while Congress passed a defense bill designed to restrict Beijing’s economic and military activity.
The moves come as Beijing and Washington have failed to ease an escalating trade dispute, prompting the administration to seek additional leverage. The administration, which has already affixed tariffs on billions of dollars in Chinese imports, said it would consider more than doubling proposed tariffs on a further $200 billion worth of Chinese goods to 25%, up from an original 10%.
Meantime, the Senate approved a defense-policy bill that both tightens U.S. national-security reviews of Chinese corporate deals and revamps export controls over which U.S. technologies can be sent abroad. The bill, which also restricts Beijing in areas ranging from cultural activity to military exercises, passed the House a week earlier and President Trump is expected to sign it into law.
Administration officials are confident they have the upper hand in the trade fight because the U.S. economy is strengthening while the Chinese economy shows signs of growing slack. Moreover, China is more dependent on trade than the U.S.
But that confidence so far hasn’t translated into action.
President Trump has threatened to apply tariffs to all $505 billion in Chinese goods entering the U.S. if the two are unable to reach a settlement. Washington has already applied tariffs to $34 billion worth of Chinese imports, with another set of duties on $16 billion in goods scheduled in the days ahead.
The U.S. threatened Wednesday to make the next round of tariffs more punitive. In a Monday White House meeting, Mr. Trump dismissed the original administration plan for a 10% tariff on $200 billion in imports—the next step in Mr. Trump’s escalation—and had his team bump up the levy to 25%.
Another Tariff Backfiring Moment
The administration didn’t spell out a particular rationale for increasing the tariff. People familiar with White House discussions say the reasons include anger over the Chinese government’s failure to approve the merger of U.S.-based Qualcomm Inc. and Dutch chip maker NXP Semiconductors , which forced the companies to scrap a deal aimed at boosting Qualcomm’s reach into new markets.
Both sides lose. That's exactly what happens in trade wars.
More Losses Coming
The proposed tariff increase poses big risks for both the U.S. and global economy. A 25% tariff would boost the cost of a range of U.S. imports at a time when inflation has begun to pick up. It would become another factor for the Federal Reserve to consider as it decides how quickly to raise interest rates.
This gets you nothing,” said Fred Bergsten, founder of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, a Washington, D.C., free-trade think tank. “It adds to inflation pressure and interest rates and [would] strengthen the dollar, which makes trade situation even worse” for the U.S., he said.
It gets less than nothing. Inflation will be temporary, and it will be followed by a deflationary collapse in trade.
Three Ways China Can Retaliate
  1. Let the Yuan slide 25% negating the tariffs.
  2. Further limit US firms ability to do deals in China
  3. Halt Rare Earth Exports. Rare earths are 17 minerals used to make cell phones, hybrid cars, weapons, flat-screen TVs, magnets, mercury-vapor lights, and camera lenses.
Option one has capital flight risks for China of course. But US tariffs pose numerous risks to the US and global economy as well.
Option two is a given.
Option three is rarely discussed, but China has at least 80% of the global market.
China's Rate Earth Monopoly
In August of 2017, The Diplomat commented on The Ongoing Efforts to Challenge China’s Monopoly.
Back in 2010, “rare earth elements” became a hot topic in the national security and foreign policy fields, mainly because of the political, economic, and security turmoil that followed China’s defacto embargo of those elements. In September of that year, China (the major supplier of rare earth elements) suddenly reduced its export quotas by 40 percent — not long after the collision of a Chinese fishing ship and a Japanese Coast Guard vessel in the East China Sea. Due to the export restriction, Japan found it difficult to fill its domestic rare earth demands, and as a result the world market price of the elements skyrocketed.
Eventually, when the WTO ruled against China’s export restriction in 2014, and the market price went back to the original (or even lower) level, media coverage on rare earths declined dramatically. Are the risks in the rare earth supply chain really gone? Probably not.
Called “the vitamins of modern society,” rare earth elements play a critical role in our daily life — in both the economic and security domains. These elements are key components of a vast array of products, including smart phones, computers, light bulbs, electric cars, wind turbines, satellites, cruise missiles, and stealth aircrafts. Some elements, like neodymium and dysprosium, are highly demanded for the production of permanent magnets, which are used for sensors and motors of these products. The most noteworthy fact is that the more we go green and technology-oriented, the more important these elements become to our society.
Today, China enjoys a monopoly in the rare earths market. It is estimated that in 2016, more than 80 percent of rare earth elements produced in the world were excavated in China. The country is also believed to hold more than 30 percent of the planet’s remaining rare earth element reserves. While many stopped paying attention to rare earths after the dispute settlement at the WTO, the market has been preparing for more potential turmoil.
It is costly to find alternatives to low-priced Chinese rare earths, whether those alternatives are opening and reopening mines, inventing new recycling process, or developing substitutes. Nonetheless, in the current situation, where China not only has major control over global supply but has also begun stockpiling in preparation for future market demand, continuing efforts to diversify the supply chain portfolio are critical for the United States and its allies — from both economic and security perspectives. It is not sustainable to rely on Chinese rare earths, although they look very cost-effective in a very short term. Now is the time to revisit the powerful dynamics of rare earth elements and to establish a strategy to win the soon-to-be-more-competitive battle of the market.
Not That Rare? So What?
The Verge contradicts its own headline in the body.
The whole process is “expensive, difficult, and dangerous,” says former rare earth trader and freelance journalist Tim Worstall. He tells The Verge that, because of this, the West has been more or less happy to cede production of rare earths to China. From the 1960s to the ‘80s, the US did actually supply the world with these elements; all extracted from a single mine in California named Mountain Pass. But in the ‘90s, China entered the market and drove down prices, making Mountain Pass unprofitable and leading to its closure in 2002.
Worstall says there are many reasons production moved overseas. Some of these are familiar: cheap labor costs and a willingness to overlook environmental damage, for example. But there’s also the fact that rare earth production in China is often a byproduct of other mining operations. “The biggest plant there is actually an iron ore mine which extracts rare earths on the side,” says Worstall. This means that, unlike the Mountain Pass mine, producers aren’t reliant on a single product. “If you are trying to only produce rare earths, then you’re subject to the swings and roundabouts of the market.”
In a paper describing the Minamitori find published in Nature Scientific Reports, the Japanese suggest a hydrocycle could use centrifugal forces to quickly separate out a lot of the unnecessary materials in the sea mud. But this method is unproven.
Nobody has ever done it before, and no-one has proved it can work at an industrial scale,” says Professor Frances Wall of the Exeter University’s Camborne School of Mines. Wall tells The Verge that the Japanese team are doing “some nice work,” but says a huge amount of research has yet to be done before the seabed becomes a reliable source of these important elements. “There have been literally hundreds of exploration projects [that have found rare earth metals] and they’ve not been able to go forward through production because they can’t prove they’ll make any money,” says Wall.
Where's the Mine?
Rare earths may not be that rare but how long does it takes to start a mine and produce what you need?
It was a WTO ruling that eventually led to the price collapse, some four years later! And if Trump has no use for the WTO, maybe China will decide the same thing.
Alleged Steel Glut
Let's step back for a moment and look at what started this trade war: An alleged steel glut. China supposedly was dumping steel below cost.
Complaining about "dumping" is idiotic. If someone is providing goods cheaper than you or they can make them, you are getting one hell of a good deal! Period. End of story. If it hurts steel manufacturers, then it benefits thousands of other companies that use steel.
And tariffs pick winners and losers, mostly losers, all but the steel industry in fact. To argue about this is absurd.

When someone Tweeted about a steel glut today, I responded:

Oceans of Gluts
If there is a "steel glut" then there is a "soybean glut". There are tens of thousands of gluts. Literally every export can be deemed a glut.
And again, if China is indeed subsidizing steel, then we should be eternally grateful. Instead, Trump spits in their face.

By the way, the US subsidizes Boeing and the entire defense industry by fighting needless, counterproductive wars. And what about the sugar lobby? Ethanol?
So not only are we stupid, we are hypocrites.
Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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vrijdag 14 juli 2017

Janet Yellen voorspelt crisis door tegenovergestelde te beweren!!! Een truc die al eerder misliep!

Alweer een verrassend artikel van Republikein Ron Paul. Dit keer neemt hij Janet Yellen de maat.

Yellen kondigde een paar dagen geleden aan dat de VS (en daarmee de rest van het westen) een lange tijd van voorspoed tegemoet kan zien en dat een crisis zoals die in 2008 zich niet meer kan herhalen........ ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Dit terwijl de VS in feite al lang failliet had moeten gaan, de geldpersen maken overuren en de staatsschuld is al bijna niet meer in cijfers uit te drukken.........

Paul stelt dan ook dat de geruststellende woorden van Yellen in feite een waarschuwing voor een komenden (enorme) crisis zijn........

Ook de banken hebben niets geleerd van de crisis, al moet ik zeggen, dat ze dit ook niet wilden. Obama heeft praktisch niets ondernomen om een crisis als in 2008 in de toekomst te voorkomen, precies als de voorganger van Yellen, grootoplichter Greenspan daar niets tegen heeft ondernomen........Ja men voerde wat schoonheidsregels door, die het volk in comateuze slaap moesten brengen (en dat is aardig gelukt!)...........

Ach, lees liever het volgende artikel van Paul, o.a. gepubliceerd op Anti-Media, een gedegen analyse van de stand van financiële VS zaken:

Ron Paul: Janet Yellen is a False Prophet of Prosperity

July 13, 2017 at 9:29 am
Written by Ron Paul
(RPIFederal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen recently predicted that, thanks to the regulations implemented after the 2008 market meltdown, America would not experience another economic crisis “in our lifetimes.” Yellen’s statement should send shivers down our spines, as there are few more reliable signals of an impending recession, or worse, than when so-called “experts” proclaim that we are in an era of unending prosperity.

For instance, in the years leading up to the 2008 market meltdown, then-Fed Chair Ben Bernanke repeatedly denied the existence of a housing bubble. In February 2007, Bernanke not only denied that “sluggishness” in the housing market would affect the general economy, but predicted that the economy would expand in 2007 and 2008. Of course, instead of years of economic growth, 2007 and 2008 were marked by a market meltdown whose effects are still being felt.

Yellen’s happy talk ignores a number of signs that the economy is on the verge of another crisis. In recent months, the US has experienced a decline in economic growth and the value of the dollar. The only economic statistic showing a positive trend is the unemployment rate — and that is only because the official unemployment rate does not count those who have given up looking for work. The real unemployment rate is at least 50 percent higher than the manipulated “official” rate.

A recent Treasury Department report’s called for rolling back of bank regulations could further
destabilize the economy. This seems counterintuitive, as rolling back regulations usually contributes to economic growth. However, rolling back bank regulations without ending subsidies like deposit insurance that create a moral hazard that incentivizes banks to engage in risky business practices could cause banks to resume the unsound lending practices that were a major contributor to the growth, and collapse, of the housing bubble.

The US economy is already faced with several bubbles that could implode at any time. These include bubbles in student loans and automobiles sales, and even another housing bubble. The most dangerous of these bubbles is the government bubble caused by excessive spending. According to a 2016 study by the Mercatus Center, at least four states could soon join Puerto Rico and Illinois in facing bankruptcy.

Of course, the mother of all government bubbles is the federal spending bubble. Despite claims of both defenders and critics of the president’s budget, neither President Trump nor the Republican Congress have any plans for, or interest in, reducing spending in any area. Even the so-called cuts in Medicare and other entitlement programs that have generated such hysterics are not real cuts, but “reductions in the rate of growth.”

Some fiscal conservatives are praising the administration’s proposal to finance transportation spending via government bonds. However, the people will eventually have to pay for these bonds either directly through income taxes or indirectly through the inflation tax. Government-issued bonds harm the economy by diverting investment capital away from the private sector to the “mixed economy” controlled by politicians, bureaucrats, and crony capitalists.

If Congress continues to increase spending and the Federal Reserve continues to facilitate that spending by monetizing the debt, Americans will face an economic crisis more severe than the Great Depression. The crisis will likely result from a rejection of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Those of us who know the truth must redouble our efforts to ensure a peaceful transition away from the Keynesian system of welfare, warfare, and fiat currency to a society of peace, prosperity, and liberty.

woensdag 1 maart 2017

VS draait op gebakken lucht!

Hoe de Federal Reserve in de VS werkt, twee keer een uitleg, de eerste in 3 minuten en de tweede 13 minuten.

De Centrale bank van VS, de Federal Reserve ('Fed'), heeft van de VS overheid de monopolistische macht gekregen over het creëren van geld. De politici krijgen als beloning van die bank uit lucht gecreëerd geld, wanneer die politici dat geld nodig hebben. Daarover betaalt de VS overheid rente aan de centrale bank. De VS overheid heeft intussen zoveel geld geleend (ook via staatsobligaties), dat dit onmogelijk terugbetaald kan worden. De uiteindelijke schuldenaar is de belastingbetaler in de VS.

Kortom: de VS draait op gebakken lucht en zit in feite nog verder in de stront dan een land als Griekenland........ Het verschil is, dat niemand de VS failliet wil zien gaan, daar men simpelweg teveel dollar tegoeden heeft...... Uiteindelijk zal de boel op de klippen lopen, op dat moment is de hele wereld de klos.......

Zie beide video's en u zult al snel merken, dat e.e.a. voor een fiks deel ook op Nederland van toepassing is, al is onze staatsschuld, in verhouding, gelukkig niet te vergelijken met die van de VS!

We moeten als de donder af van de dollar als betaalmiddel voor bijvoorbeeld olie, helaas likt men liever de hielen van de VS, dan zich af te vragen of we de dollar niet beter kunnen dumpen als meest gebruikte valuta in de internationale (olie-) handel....

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vrijdag 30 december 2016

Berlijn, de kerstmarkt aanslag: wie trok er aan de touwen.....??

Eergisteren publiceerde Information Clearing House, het volgende artikel van Peter Koenig. Hij zet (wat mij betreft) terecht grote vraagtekens bij de aanslag op de kerstmarkt in Berlijn. Zoals u zo kan lezen, er zijn teveel vreemde 'toevalligheden', zoals we die bij eerdere aanslagen ook hebben gezien.

'Vreemd genoeg' overleeft geen van de daders de arrestatie na de aanslag. De grote reguliere media draaien braaf het verhaal af, dat de autoriteiten hen voorhoudt, daarvoor worden deze media dan ook betaald, door het relatief lage aantal eigenaren van deze grote reguliere: kranten, tijdschriften, tv en radiostations. Wat betreft de nationale radio en tv zenders is de link al helemaal simpel, wil men de baan behouden, zal men mee moeten doen, en zoveel mogelijk herkauwen, wat hen door de neoliberale overheid en het grote bedrijfsleven wordt voorgeschoteld..... Waar deze mediaorganen (ook de commerciële) zich niet alleen bezondigen aan het brengen van pure propaganda leugens (neem Aleppo), maar zich zelfs schuldig maken aan zelfcensuur..........

Mensen lees het artikel! Onder het artikel kan u klikken voor een 'Dutch vertaling'.

Berlin – Another False Flag?

By Peter Koenig 

December 28, 2016 "Information Clearing House" - 12 dead, about 40 injured, is the result of the latest terror attack in Berlin, when on 19 December, a truck plouged into a Christmas market at Berlin’s Bretscheideplatz, near the lush Kurfuerstendamm.

Is it not a ‘déjà-vu’ of not even half a year ago, when in Nice, France, on 14th July a truck mowed down hordes of people celebrating Bastille Day?

In Berlin, the first ‘culprit’ was a Pakistani who apparently ‘escaped’. When later he turned up and explained with proof his innocence, they had to let him go. In the cabin of the truck they also found a dead man of Polish origin. He couldn’t be accused, since he was dead.

Then the chase was stalled, until miraculously, about a day later, they found in the truck identity papers of a Mr. Anis Amri (24) of Tunisian citizenship beneath the driver’s seat.  As is usual with these terrorists, they like to leave their ID cards behind. It seems to be part of their strategy to be caught and killed.

Then, once more there was a ‘suspect’, who could be chased, throughout Europe.

At three in the morning of December 23, again miraculously, Anis Amri turned up on a plaza in Milan, got allegedly into a confrontation with two policemen, who claimed he pulled a gun, when one of them shot and killed him. No witness, no proof.

Two Italian policemen killed a young man, whom – they say – they didn’t even have a clue who he might be. They became heroes, literally overnight. Italy’s new PM, Paolo Gentiloni, thanked and congratulated them; and so did Mme. Merkel and her Interior Minister, Thomas de Maizière.

The same pattern all over again.

DEAD MAN CAN’T TALK. It’s Paris (Charlie Hebdo and Bataclan); Nice; Brussels; Munich; Orlando, Florida; San Bernardino, California …… all over again- and again – and again.

The ‘plowing-through-a-celebrating-crowd’ is in many regards “a carbon copy” of  the 14th July massacre in Nice (see image below). At the end, the designated ‘Muslim’ terrorist was  killed. No witness. No testimony.

Questions to be fully investigated: Were the secret services, the core of which are the CIA, Mossad and MI6, with the collaboration of Germany’s BND involved. Was it a false flag?

Don’t believe one minute that your respective governments didn’t and don’t know what’s going on.

Who are the real perpetrators?

The real perpetrators are not Muslims. They are your own spineless puppet governments, all of which (covertly) support the ISIS and al Qaeda. They obey orders to demonize the Muslim faith and society.

That’s what the west knows best – denigrating and discriminating, accusing the innocent, to serve their purpose, sanctions for those who do not submit.

In reality, no change for the last 800-some years, colonizing, exploiting, murdering the people of Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Today’s ‘leaders’ are the descendants of the colonial era killers of times past.  They form the core of our “western killer civilization”.

These western ‘leaders’ are mere puppets, because they have been put in ‘power’ by the the elusive elite, also called the “Deep State” – the Deep State gone global.

Democracy is dead. It’s become a useless defunct slogan. No so-called election over the past decade or so, in the western world has been democratic. They were all scams and manipulations of peoples’ minds and wills.

And if they didn’t conform to what the Washington masters and their supreme masters needed, Plan B of ‘regime change’ kicked in.

They have become experts of semi-clandestine ‘regime change’ through parliamentary coups – i.e. Paraguay, Ukraine, Brazil, Greece, Portugal, Spain and many others.

If these eventually ‘elected’ western leaders (sic-sic), from Obama, to Merkel, Hollande, May, Gentiloni – and the entire EU / OECD clan, don’t behave, they are ‘cooked’, the target of political destabilizaion. That’s the extent of impunity which drives this hegemonic and criminal process towards the New World Order, or the One World Order, led by the global finance and war industry.

The finance clan, the lords of money, the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, et al, the FED, BIS (Bank for International Settlements, the secretive central bank of all central banks) and Goldman Sachs, have to act fast; otherwise they might lose the key instrument of their power – the sham dollar pyramid economy – may fall apart, before they have actually reached their goal – a world under constant chaos, never-ending conflicts and wars.

A world under which a small elite, enslaves the 99.99% of ‘Us, the People’ — under ever worsening life conditions, unemployment, misery, disease, privatized social services, all contributing to a steady decline in life expectancy.

Among their instruments is permanent chaos. Economic dislocation and social crises.

Open borders forced by trade lobbies and WTO (World Trade Organization) will wipe out small farmers and manufacturers in developing countries, thus eventually handing monopolies to large, mostly US corporations, to the detriment of already impoverished nations, whose vulnerability will be further abused to extract their natural resources for a pittance, so they may repay their IMF / World Bank imposed and leveraged debt.

Floods of refugees from war zones to industrialized wealthy countries, currently happening from the war-torn Middle East to Europe, will disrupt the labor market, push down wages, create massive unemployment. These are all tools towards enslavement of populations. People who have to fend and fight for daily food and often for sheer survival, have no energy or time to take to the streets and protest. That’s the plan; already being enacted. Just look at Greece.

What does all that have to do with the Berlin massacre? –

Everything. Berlin, like Paris, Brussels, Munich, Orlando… is just a cog in the wheel of the monster’s drive towards full world hegemony.

Unexpected, haphazard carnage and terror acts are spreading misery, poverty and fear.

People who are afraid will call for more police and military protection.

They will voluntarily give up their human and civil rights for what they hope will be more ‘protection’, being totally oblivious to the fact that the very governments from whom they are seeking more protection are those that commit these acts of treason and terror, those who are behind the killings. The Anglo-american  controlled presstitute mainstream media is in permanent brainwashing mode. Unless you search the news and information for yourself on alternative media, they will never tell you the truth, but their lies, after lies, after more of the same lies will fabricate the public truth.

Peoples’ fear and absence of civil rights are easy steps towards increased militarization of the west, already happening – look at France – President (sic) Hollande was just able to extend the State of Emergency through July 2017. [The Paris November 2015 terror attacks played a key role in justifying the State of Emergency.]

The goal is to include it into the French Constitution, basically putting the French people under permanent actual or threat of Martial Law. Others might follow – Germany, Italy – all those whose constituents are ever warier of the EU and their ‘monopoly money’, the euro, and who may seek EUREXIT. This would break the camel’s back, so to speak, or at least put a wrench in the boundless onslaught of the hegemon.

Peoples’ fear may also re-strengthen the faltering justification of NATO. The fall of NATO must be halted. NATO is the Deep State’s warrior flagship, the military fear- and war monger vis-à-vis Russia and eventually China – the last vestiges to be conquered by the self-styled almighty empire, the invisible elite that pretends to rule the globe. Fortunately, they cannot stand up to the Russia-China chess duo which is gradually outsmarting the west’s ostentatious killer exploits.

Imagine, your own spineless governments, following orders of the globalized Deep State – in Berlin, Munich, Nice, Paris, Brussels, Orlando, and an almost endless list of false flags.

How can we respect our so-called leaders? They have zero esteem for us, who are their bread-earners. They kill us, no hesitation, if it pleases them and serves their purpose – and their greed.

In the case of Berlin, is the German government complicit? Blaming Muslims, finding a pre-identified victim, Mr. Anis Amri, who most likely had no clue that he was framed.

In Italy, the police catches him (or somebody who has been given the pre-identified Tunisian victim’s name), they kill him – and, bingo – case closed. Another fear-inflicting false flag was born and concluded, advancing the bulldozer of empire’s destruction a notch closer to Full Spectrum Dominance.

The MSM will do the rest – until the next fake exploit. Be prepared. But this can happen only if we let our governments get away with it, if we close our eyes to reality; if we keep believing the presstitute media.

People wake up! – Boycott the MSM. Take the time to seek the truth elsewhere, for example, on RT, TeleSur, Global Research, ICH, New Eastern Outlook (NEO), CounterPunch, The Saker, Voltairenet — and many more. The Deep State cannot win without your participation.

Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a former World Bank staff and worked extensively around the world in the fields of environment and water resources. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance

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donderdag 22 september 2011

De stresstest van de Europese banken

De stresstest van de Europese banken is zo'n waanzinnig succes, dat the Fed (de federale bank van de VS) waarschuwt voor de stabiliteit van de Europese banken, volgens the Fed hebben deze banken te weinig eigen vermogen.......

zaterdag 27 augustus 2011

Banken: 'weggedrukt' financieel nieuws

Afgelopen maandag was om 19.00u. in het NOS nieuws op de radio te horen, dat diverse banken waaronder Nederlandse als de ING, Rabobank, Fortis en ABN Amro in 2009 miljarden aan noodleningen hebben 'gekregen' van de Fed (Federal Reserve) in de VS. Dit was al bekend, maar de bedragen die werden geleend waren veel hoger.
Dat nieuws was niet in het uitgebreide bulletin van 18.00u. te horen, ook de volgende morgen om 8.00u. kwam dit nieuws niet terug.
Heeft het foutgestrikte CDA varken de NOS aan de taas getrokken en verordonneerd in het belang van de maatschappelijke rust, verder geen aandacht meer aan dit bericht te wijden?
Wat is dit? En wat betekend dit bericht voor de positie van onze banken?