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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label Steele. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Steele. Alle posts tonen

woensdag 4 november 2020

Russiagate zal worden ingewisseld voor Chinagate en dat met dezelfde soort leugens

Russiagate zal worden ingewisseld voor Chinagate en met dezelfde soort leugens, aldus een artikel van Moon of Alabama, door mij overgenomen van Information Clearing House (ICH). Als eerste wordt Russiagate nog eens doorgeprikt als een berg smerige leugens die vooral gebaseerd is op het meer dan belachelijke Steele dossier. Wel wordt er een nieuw licht op deze zaak geworpen door de Wall Street Journal, die Olga Galkina noemt, een public relations figuur die zaken lekte naar Igor Danchenko, een oude vriend van haar die werkt voor Steele. Deze Danchenko had haar eerder gevraagd om zaken op te diepen die Trump zouden kunnen compromiteren. 

Galkina werkte op Cyprus voor een filiaal van XBT Holding SA, een webservice bedrijf dat bekend is vanwege Webzilla en in eigendom is van Aleksej Gubarev, een Russische internet ondernemer. Daar Galkina regelmatig dronken op haar werk verscheen werd ze ontslagen. Om wraak te nemen vertelde ze het verhaal dat het bedrijf van Gubarev betrokken was bij het hacken van de Democratic National Committee (DNC) servers, al was dat maar één van haar leugens...... 

De leugens in het Steele dossier kwamen dus van Russen, maar niet van de Russische staat!! Terwijl er van hacken van de DNC servers geen sprake was, een domme leugen die de Democratische Partij 4 jaar lang volhield, ondanks alle andere bewijzen dat dit onzin was...... Niet alleen de Democratische Partij hield dit verhaal in de lucht, maar praktisch alle politici van andere westerse landen (zoals hare D66 kwaadaardigheid en minister Ollengren) en de reguliere (massa-) media in de VS en de rest van het westen....... Opvallend overigens dat tijdens de laatste grote partijbijeenkomst van de Democraten er met geen woord meer werd gesproken over Russiagate, ondanks 4 jaar lang Democratische leugens over deze zaak......

De FBI en anderen wisten dondersgoed dat het Steele dossier een fabricatie was van leugens, echter men bleef dit dossier 'voeden' met leugens (o.a. om het volk te overtuigen van de echtheid van de aantijgingen), echter de ware bedoeling was om Trump een zelfde harde politiek te laten voeren tegen Rusland, die president Obama (Nobelprijs voor de vrede winnaar.....) en vicepresident Biden voor hem hadden ingevoerd..... 

Obama en Biden keerden zich tevens al tegen China, eenzelfde politiek moest doorgezet worden onder Trump en zoals we weten is ook dat 'uitstekend gelukt....' Het vreemde is dat Joe en Hunter Biden worden beschuldigd van corrupte deals met Chinese instanties en ondanks dat deze beschuldigingen met bewijzen worden gestaafd en veel geloofwaardiger zijn, worden ze gemeden door dezelfde media die al 4 jaar lang de Russiagate leugens in de lucht houden en zelfs hebben gevoed met andere leugens........ Ook hier is de bedoeling dat mocht Biden winnen hij zich net zo fel tegen China zal keren als Trump heeft gedaan, ofwel zijn anti-Chinese politiek voortzet....... 

Global Order in the Shadow of the Coronavirus: China, Russia and the West |  Lowy Institute

Zoals Caitlin Johnston terecht stelt in een opmerking van haar kant die wordt aangehaald in het artikel hieronder: als Biden wint zal hij zowel de anti-Rusland politiek van Trump voortzetten en zal hij gedwongen zijn hetzelfde te doen met China (zoals Trump aanvankelijk in die rol werd gedwongen door beschuldigingen dat hij een Russische agent zou zijn, immers Biden wordt beschuldigd pro-China te zijn met de beschuldigingen tegen hem en zijn zoon) beide partijen, dus zowel de Democraten als de Republikeinen willen dat men de voet op het gas houdt richting een echt conflict ofwel een oorlog met China en/of Rusland, beiden kernmachten........ 

Lees ook de reacties onder het bericht van ICH. waarvan ik de beste, die van David Wolf heb weergegeven, een reactie waar je geen speld tussen krijgt:

Why Are These Anti-Russian And Anti-Chinese Narratives So Similar?

By Moon Of Alabama

November 02, 2020 "Information Clearing House" -  After more than four years of Russiagate we finally learn (paywalled original) where the Steele dossier allegations about nefarious relations between Trump and Russia came from:

A Wall Street Journal investigation provides an answer: a 40-year-old Russian public-relations executive named Olga Galkina fed notes to a friend and former schoolmate who worked for Mr. Steele.​ The Journal relied on interviews, law-enforcement records, declassified documents and the identification of Ms. Galkina by a former top U.S. national security official.
In 2016, Ms. Galkina was working in Cyprus at an affiliate of XBT Holding SA, a web-services company best known for its Webzilla internet hosting unit. XBT is owned by Russian internet entrepreneur Aleksej Gubarev.
That summer, she received a request from an employee of Mr. Steele to help unearth potentially compromising information on then-presidential candidate Donald Trump ’s links to Russia, according to people familiar with the matter. Ms. Galkina was friends with the employee, Igor Danchenko, since their school days in Perm, a Russian provincial city near the Ural mountains.

Ms. Galkina often came drunk to work and eventually got fired by her company. She took revenge by alleging that the company and its owner Gubarev were involved in the alleged hacking of the Democratic National Committee. A bunch of other false allegations in the dossier were equally based on Ms. Galkina's fantasies.

Mark Ames @MarkAmesExiled - 18:39 UTC · Oct 28, 2020
So the Steele Dossier that kicked off 4 years of Russiagate hysteria among the US ruling class was cooked up by two Russian alcoholics from Perm. “Gogolesque” does not begin to describe the grotesque credulity & stupidity of the American elites.

The tales in the dossier were real disinformation from Russians but not 'Russian disinformation' of the American Newspeak variant.

The FBI, and others involved, knew very early on that the Steele dossier was a bunch of lies. But the issue was kept in the public eyes by continues leaks of additional nonsense. All this was to press Trump to take more and more anti-Russian measures which he did with unprecedented generosity. The accusations about a Trump-Russia connection were the 'Russia bad' narrative that pressed and allowed Trump to continue the anti-Russian policies of the Obama/Biden administration.

A similar string of continuous policies from the Obama/Biden administration's 'Pivot to Asia' and throughout the four years of Trump is the anti-China campaign.

We now hear a lot about Hunter and Joe Biden's corrupt deals with Chinese entities. These accusations come with more evidence and are far more plausible than the stupid Steele dossier claims. Their importance is again twofold. They will be used to press a potential President Joe Biden to act against China but they will primarily be used to intensify a public anti-China narrative that creates public support for such policies.

As Caitlin Johnstone points out:

I don’t know how or at what level, but we are being played. A narrative is being aggressively rammed down our throats about China in exactly the same way it was being aggressively rammed down our throats about Russia four years ago; two unabsorbed nations the US government has long had plans to attack and undermine.
Russiagate was never really about Trump. It was never about his campaign staff meeting with Russians, it was never about a pee tape, it was never about an investigation into any kind of hidden loyalties to the Kremlin. Russiagate was about narrative managing the United States into a new cold war with Russia with the ultimate target being its far more powerful ally China, and ensuring that Trump played along with that agenda.
If Biden gets in we can expect the same thing: a president who advances escalations against both Russia
and China while being accused of the other party of being soft on China. Both parties will have their foot on the gas toward brinkmanship with a nuclear-armed nation, with no one’s foot anywhere near the brakes.

It is thus assured that the verbal attacks on China, the search for new anti-China allies like the Hindu-fascist India and the dangerous weaponizing of Taiwan will all continue under a Biden administration.

"Source" -  


Hier een reactie op het bovenstaande op ICH, eerst een vraag en daarna het meer dan geweldige antwoord van David Wolf:

Participant 2943 7h ago

But why do people believe Russiagate/Chinagate allegations when they don't believe most of what the MSM advances?


David Wolf

Participant 2943 3h ago

Participant2943, Americans generally do not understand the true workings of American exceptionalism. For most of us it was merely amusing. Imagine being at a party and one of your friends says, "I am the most awesome person at this party." The response would be, "Sure bud... ha ha ha." The true downside is invisible as are all cultural myths. Firstly, this myth is so ingrained that it is not even questioned even by the brightest American intellectuals. With it comes the belief that the USA and its system of government is perfect. This is a trap and it resists change and advancement. Worse, every nation occupied by USA forces is not being oppressed, they are developing ways to adopt American 'freedom and democracy'. Then there is the conviction that only Americans can fix the world's problems and because the USA is so 'awesome' everything else, everywhere else is an unimportant side show. Over resistance towards "mandatory voting" Americans speak of what they imagine would happen when they could look at Australia and see what actually does happen. But they don't. And as I look at a nation without high-speed trains or affordable health care for everyone and an infrastructure that is crumbling, I am saddened. American exceptionalism prevents Americans from joining in a co-operative role. Being a bully is not leadership and yes your belief in your own superiority allows you to be a bully while masking it as akin to "parental concern". A true leading nation would aid the weak, be the enlightened, do great things, co-operate with other strong nations like Russia and China to ensure that everyone benefits. And then the entire world would admire you, want to emulate you, trade with you and give you what bullying could never give... a sustainable future of world leadership.


Zie ook: 'Joe Biden (ex-vicepresident VS) heeft zichzelf fiks in de Oekraïense staart gebeten' (ook al een zaak die in feite in de doofpot werd gestopt door de reguliere media) (en zie de links in dat bericht)

'Hillary Clinton moet op de hoogte zijn geweest van 'aankoop' Steele dossier over Trump........' (en zie de links in dat bericht)

donderdag 8 oktober 2020

Russiagate was een middel om de Koude Oorlog tegen Rusland te doen herleven

Caitlin Johnstone heeft een opzienbarende analyse gemaakt over Russiagate die een ander licht werpt op deze zaak: het was geen couppoging tegen Trump, zoals o.a. Sean Davis van The Federalist concludeerde, waar hij stelde dat de directeur van de CIA, hare bloedige kwaadaardigheid Gina Haspel, persoonlijk de poging heeft geblokkeerd om documenten vrij te geven die e.e.a. zouden aantonen.

Volgens Johnstone maakt het niet uit of Davis met zijn bewering wel of geen gelijk heeft, maar dat het wel interessant is te zien dat Haspel flink haar best heeft gedaan om Trump te bewegen de Koude Oorlog tegen Rusland te doen herleven en dat zij één van de architecten is van de hernieuwde Koude Oorlog (2.0) tegen Rusland, iets dat je overigens de hardliners van de Demoncraten uh Democraten ook kan verwijten, vergeet niet dat deze figuren in de zak zitten van wapenfabrikanten in de breedste zin van het woord..... (het hoeft geen betoog dat een flink aantal Republikeinen volkomen achter deze Koude Oorlog 2.0 staat, Republikeinen die Russiagate als een couppoging tegen Trump zagen en zien) Het is duidelijk dat Russiagate ervoor heeft gezorgd dat deze Koude Oorlog inderdaad opnieuw is opgetuigd....

Volgens Johnstone is Russiagate een 'PSYOP' (psychologische operatie) van het geheime diensten kartel in de VS dat meer dan 25 geheime diensten ('inlichtingen diensten') telt, onderdeel van Deep State, niet om Trump uit het Witte Huis te krijgen, maar volkomen gericht tegen Rusland.....

Niet Trump werd het coup-slachtoffer van Russiagate*, nee Russiagate heeft de nieuwe Koude Oorlog opgetuigd door het mogelijk maken van een hele berg aan (loze) beschuldigingen tegen Rusland, aldus Johnstone en gezien de gang van zaken kan ik niet anders dan haar gelijk geven.....

Niet alleen Rusland is de kwaaie pier, intussen worden ook China en Iran al een paar maanden lang aangemerkt als manipulatoren van de presidentsverkiezingen in de VS, het gaat zelfs zover dat men nu al zegt dat wanneer Trump wint, Rusland aan het langste eind heeft getrokken, terwijl Iran en China de grote winnaar zullen zijn als Joe Biden wint....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Zo doorzichtig dat je je werkelijk afvraagt welke hersenloze idioten van de reguliere westerse (massa-) media deze onzin nog geloven (maar men brengt deze onzin met grote graagte in die media.....).....

De reguliere westerse (massa-) media doen dan ook voor bijna 100% mee aan deze hysterie van 'kwaadaardige inmenging' en zo kunnen de westerse bevolkingen bijna dag in dag uit worden gehersenspoeld met dergelijke baarlijke nonsens....... (vergeet niet dat deze media en het grootste deel van de westerse poltici het lullige Russiagate sprookje 'nog steeds geloven' en uitdragen, ondanks dat deze leugen aan alle kanten is doorgeprikt)

Johnstone stelt aan het eind van haar betoog terecht dat de geheime diensten in de VS** degenen zijn die het meest hebben geprofiteerd van Russiagate, terwijl zij deze leugen de wereld in hebben geholpen.....

Lees deze uitstekende analyse van Caitlin Johnstone en onthoud e.e.a. daar ook wij de komende maanden weer heel wat gezeur over Russische inmenging in de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen van maart komend jaar over ons heen zullen krijgen, sterker nog de eerste claims daarover dateren alweer van een paar maanden geleden..... In Nederland is het wel hare D666 boosaardigheid Ollongren die telkens weer met dergelijk claims komt aanzetten, zonder ook maar één steekhoudend bewijs te kunnen leveren, al is dat in geval van Russiagate overal het geval, veel hysterie plus angst- en haatzaaierij resp. voor/tegen Rusland, zonder enig bewijs daarvoor.....

All Russiagate Did Was Advance Pre-Existing Agenadas Of The Same Spy Agencies Who Started It

by Caitlin Johnstone

Hare bloedige kwaadaardigheid Gina Haspel, directeur van terreurorganisatie CIA

One of the many interesting stories that has gotten lost in the shuffle over the controversy over the horrible Trump-Biden debate and the president's recent Covid-19 diagnosis is the recent allegation by The Federalist's Sean Davis that CIA director Gina Haspel has been personally blocking the declassification of incriminating documents pertaining to the origins of the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy theory known as Russiagate.

Davis' claim may be true or false, but it's worth earmarking for later reference given that we already know Haspel has been actively persuading the US president to roll out cold war escalations against Russia, and given that we know the only real changes of consequence that have come about as a result of Russiagate are changes which advanced the longstanding agendas of the same intelligence agencies who started it.

The mainstream Democratic partisan narrative has been that investigations into possible collusion between the Trump camp and Moscow were designed to ascertain whether the US government had been co-opted at its highest levels by a hostile foreign power, with countless human clickbait pundits claiming earlier in Trump's term that these investigations would result in Trump being dragged out of the White House in chains. The mainstream Republican partisan narrative has been that the president was the target of a soft coup attempt by the deep state using false allegations of Russian collusion in an attempt to remove him from office for standing up to the deep state.

Like most partisan narratives, these are both false.

It is correct that the conspiratorial allegations of Vladimir Putin secretly controlling the executive branch of the US government were bogus. It is also correct that Russiagate was a psyop advanced by forces in the US intelligence cartel who are sometimes collectively referred to as a part of the "deep state", though that term has become largely meaningless in recent years due to Trumpists twisting its meaning into "Democrats and anyone who doesn't like Trump". But both Republicans and Democrats are mistaken in believing that Russiagate had anything to do with removing Trump from office.

Russiagate was never a deep state operation targeting Trump; Russiagate has always been a deep state operation targeting Russia. You may be sure this is true because while Russiagate has not had any significant negative effect on Trump, it has greased the wheels for the escalation of many new cold war aggressions against Russia.

Russiagate wasn't an operation by the deep state against Trump, it was an operation by the deep state against Russia. That's why it resulted in no negative outcomes for Trump, but did facilitate mountains of cold war escalations against Russia. 

Anyone who was informed and unbiased knew that the Mueller investigation would never touch Trump (even as a newbie at the time I correctly called it back in 2017), and anyone who was capable of counting Senate seats knew impeachment would result in acquittal.

As far as Trump's presidential career is concerned all Russiagate ever accomplished was galvanizing his Republican base around the completely false notion that he is fighting the establishment.

But what has Russiagate accomplished in relation to Russia? The political pressure it placed on Trump to act tough on Moscow and the Democratic Party's baseless insistence that this administration is controlled by Putin have ensured that there is nothing but acceleration for a world-threatening new cold war which has seen nuclear treaties abandoned, a much more aggressive nuclear posture against Russia, weapons sent to Ukraine, many sanctions on Russia, airstrikes on Russia's ally Syria, sanctions on Russia's ally Venezuela, the Iran deal shredded against urging from Moscow, NATO expansionism and increased military activity at Russia's borders.

These aggressions were all planned years in advance. Obama initiated them, the frighteningly anti-Russia hawk Hillary Clinton was scheduled to continue and expand them, and then when that fell through the Russiagate contingency was rolled out to ensure the US intelligence cartel would get its long-sought campaign to shove Russia off the world stage and thereby hamstring its ally China.

A dodgy intelligence assessment on 2016 Russian election meddling by a few operatives who were hand-selected by notorious Russophobe and known perjurer James Clapper combined with a steady stream of bogus "leaks" like the notoriously false Steele dossier to form the foundation of Russiagate, and it all came from the same spy agencies whose agendas benefitted from Russiagate.

Catherine Herridge @CBS_Herridge BREAKING: The primary sub-source for the Steele dossier was deemed a possible “national security threat” + the subject of 2009 FBI counter-intel probe. According to new records, those facts were known to Crossfire Hurricane team in December 2016. @LindseyGrahamSC

View image on TwitterView image on Twitter

Why were FBI agents talking about people "scrambling for info to support certain things" at a time US intelligence officers were putting together their report on Russian election interference? Pretty sure conclusions are supposed to come after investigations. 

View image on Twitter

The question "Who benefits from this?" is essential for understanding the world, and if you ask it of Russiagate there is one power structure which stands head and shoulders above everyone else. Yes, the mass media got a major ratings bump from Russiagate, which is why they played along with it. Yes, the Democratic Party got to neuter the progressive movement and distract from its 2016 scandals, which is why they played along with it. But in terms of actual changes that were implemented as a direct result of Russiagate, the ones who gained the most were the US intelligence collective whose pre-existing agendas were advanced by it.

Not only were pre-existing agendas against Russia facilitated by Russiagate, but pre-existing agendas against the American left were facilitated as well. The burgeoning swell of progressive populism galvanized by the 2016 Sanders campaign would have made a lot of warmongers nervous, and the opaque government agencies which consistently ally themselves with status quo-loyal plutocrats have a vested interest in protecting the class with which they are allied. The fact that all oxygen was sucked from the progressive movement into baseless Russia conspiracy theories served the same intelligence cartel which initiated Russiagate.

In January of last year a former Assistant Director for the FBI (the same FBI which wordlessly allowed the bogus Steele dossier to circulate despite knowing its intelligence had been compromised) admitted that his work with the FBI had included actively sabotaging leftist politicians in the United States to keep them out of government. This officer's entire FBI career took place after J Edgar Hoover's death and after COINTELPRO had officially been ended.

Embedded video

(voor de video in dit bericht zie het origineel)

So that's two longstanding agendas of US spy agencies that were advanced by Russiagate, a psychological operation which was launched by those same agencies.

And that's all you really need to know about Russiagate: that it was started by the same spy agencies which directly benefited from it. Unless you were born yesterday, this will tell you that we were conned.

And now we're being told that the CIA director is forcefully obstructing transparency into the creation of that operation, even as the same Office of the Director of National Intelligence that James Clapper headed is promoting the narrative that Iran and China are seeking to influence the US election for Biden while Russia is seeking to influence it for Trump.

US Intelligence: If Trump Wins Russia Did It, If Biden Wins It Was China And Iran 

"Lastly, the dumbest thing about believing foreign nations are interfering in American democracy is believing America has any democracy to interfere with." 

This narrative that we are being primed for will enable these same spy agencies to sell the story that at least one of the governments they have targeted for sabotage can be accused of election interference regardless of who wins.

And the most depressing thing about it is that they already know they'll be able to sell it successfully, because nobody has learned anything over the last four years despite the transparent scam of Russiagate. Democrats will happily keep pushing Russia conspiracy theories if Trump wins, and Republicans will cheerfully push conspiracy theories about China and/or Iran after a Biden win. There's no reason to change strategies if it's been immensely successful. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Watch them.


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Caitlin Johnstone | October 4, 2020 at 2:28 am | Tags: #Trump, cia, fbi, Gina Haspel, James Clapper, odni, Politics, Russia, Russiagate, war | Categories: Article, News | URL: 


* Wat de Democraten van meet af aan wisten, immers de Senaat zou nooit akkoord gaan met een impeachment van 'hun' president!!

** Niet alleen dat: alle westerse geheime diensten hebben geprofiteerd van de Russiagate hysterie >> ze wisten daardoor veel meer bevoegdheden en geld af te dwingen (middels angst- en haatzaaierij...)...... Niet voor niets ook dat die geheime diensten voorafgaand aan verkiezingen waar dan ook in het westen (of wat wordt gezien als westerse landen) telkens weer lopen te mekkeren over Russische inmenging en manipulaties, alsof men niet in staat zou zijn om dergelijke manipulaties tegen te gaan......

donderdag 30 juli 2020

De Obama administratie speelde een vuile rol in 'Russiagate': de reguliere (massa-) media zijn niet geïnteresseerd

Op het vrijgeven van eerder geheime documenten blijkt dat de Obama administratie samen met de FBI een wel heel smerige rol hebben gespeeld in Russiagate, echter de belangstelling daarvoor van de reguliere (massa-) media is nul komma nada......

Dezelfde media die nog steeds volhouden dat Rusland de verkiezingen in de VS heeft gemanipuleerd ten gunste van Trump, zonder dat daar enig bewijs voor kan worden geleverd en het al lang duidelijk is dat er geen sprake was van ' Russiagate.....' Dit geldt overigens voor alle reguliere westerse media, zoals die in ons land, hoe bestaat het dat deze media, met de vuilbek vol van 'fake news' (nepnieuws), ondanks alle bewijs van het tegendeel, vol blijven houden dat er wel degelijk sprake is van een Russische manipulatie van de verkiezingen in de VS......  Dit aangevuld met dezelfde ongefundeerde beschuldigingen t.a.v. het Brexit referendum, het Catalaanse onafhankelijkheidsreferendum en ga nog maar even door, D66 mafketel en godbetert minister Ollongren beweert zelfs dat de Russen hier zo ongeveer allles manipuleren..... ha! ha! ha! ha! Zie daarvoor de links onder dit bericht.

Ik heb op deze plak al veel geschreven over de valse beschuldigingen aan het adres van Rusland en in feite Trump (hoewel ik de pest heb aan de psychopathische fascist), je zou denken dat je alles wel gehad hebt, echter de desinteresse van de reguliere media, laat me weer verbijsterd achter.... Ach het zoveelste bewijs dat de media in handen zijn van plutocraten die de huidige status quo beschermen, een status quo waarin men Rusland en China als vijanden ziet, immers dat is goed voor het militair-industrieel complex, waar de eigenaren van die media grootaandeelhouders zijn van de wapenindustrie en ja die industrie heeft continu een vijand nodig om de winsten te blijven opvoeren.......

De VS is de grootste terreurentiteit op onze kleine planeet en heeft sinds het eind van WOII al meer dan 22,5 miljoen mensen vermoord in illegale oorlogen, het organiseren van staatsgrepen en middels het vermoorden van verdachten middels drones, waarbij meer dan 90% van de slachtoffers niet eens werd verdacht.......Alleen deze eeuw is de VS al 4 illegale oorlogen begonnen en heeft het illegale oorlogen elders militair gesteund en geregisseerd, daarbij zijn meer dan 2,5 miljoen mensen vermoord en dat is een cijfer van een paar jaar geleden.....

Het voorgaande werd verricht met de regelmatige hulp van andere NAVO-lidstaten, hielenlikkers van de VS zoals Nederland, mede verantwoordelijk voor de enorme massamoorden die uit naam van 'de vrijheid en het brengen van democratie' worden begaan en dat veelal juist tegen democratisch gekozen regeringen...... De VS en haar hielenlikkers beweren democratie en stabiliteit te brengen, echter met de westerse terreur worden er bloedige dictators geparachuteerd die schijt hebben aan democratie, vrijheid van meningsuiting en alle andere zogenaamd in het westen gekoesterde burgerrechten, waarvoor niet alleen enorme slachtingen worden aangericht, maar waar de overlevenden ook nog eens in diepe ellende en chaos worden gestort........ Stabiliteit door grootschalige VS terreur? ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Terug naar Obama, de Nobelprijs voor de Vrede winnaar, die niet alleen illegale oorlogen begon, maar ook heeft meegholpen aan de Russiagate leugen. Denk aan het voorgaande en het volgende artikel als je weer de reguliere fake news media hoort blaten over Rusland en China als waren het staten die bezig zijn met de ene na de andere illegale oorlog en de boel her en der menipuleren, terwijl men de VS prijst als grote democratie brenger, waar de dagelijkse waarheid laat zien dat de VS de grootste terreurentiteit op aarde is en illegaal ingrijpt waar het maar wil, of dat nu is via het manipuleren van verkiezingen elders of het organiseren van een coup, dan wel door onvervalste grootschalige terreur als in illegale oorlogen...... Voor het maken van winst steunt de VS zelfs de genocide in Jemen, niet alleen middels enorme wapenexporten voor de daders, de Saoedische terreurcoalitie, maar ook door deelname aan die genocide...... Het volkgende artikel nam ik over van Information Clearing house >> ICH en werd eerder gepubliceerd op The Hill

More willful blindness by the media on spying by Obama administration

By Jonathan Turley 

More willful blindness by the media on spying by Obama ... 

July 27, 2020 "Information Clearing House" (ICH) -The Washington press corps seems engaged in a collective demonstration of the legal concept of willful blindness, or deliberately ignoring the facts, following the release of yet another declassified document which directly refutes prior statements about the investigation into Russia collusion. The document shows that FBI officials used a national security briefing of then candidate Donald Trump and his top aides to gather possible evidence for Crossfire Hurricane, its code name for the Russia investigation.

It is astonishing that the media refuses to see what is one of the biggest stories in decades. 
The Obama administration targeted the campaign of the opposing party based on false evidence. The media covered Obama administration officials ridiculing the suggestions of spying on the Trump campaign and of improper conduct with the Russia investigation. When Attorney General William Barr told the Senate last year that he believed spying did occur, he was lambasted in the media, including by James Comey and others involved in that investigation. The mocking “wow” response of the fired FBI director received extensive coverage.

The new document shows that, in summer 2016, FBI agent Joe Pientka briefed Trump campaign advisers Michael Flynn and Chris Christie over national security issues, standard practice ahead of the election. It had a discussion of Russian interference. But this was different. The document detailing the questions asked by Trump and his aides and their reactions was filed several days after that meeting under Crossfire Hurricane and Crossfire Razor, the FBI investigation of Flynn. The two FBI officials listed who approved the report are Kevin Clinesmith and Peter Strzok.

Clinesmith is the former FBI lawyer responsible for the FISA surveillance conducted on members of the Trump campaign. He opposed Trump and sent an email after the election declaring “viva the resistance.” He is now under review for possible criminal charges for altering a FISA court filing. The FBI used Trump adviser Carter Page as the basis for the original FISA application, due to his contacts with Russians. After that surveillance was approved, however, federal officials discredited the collusion allegations and noted that Page was a CIA asset. Clinesmith had allegedly changed the information to state that Page was not working for the CIA.

Strzok is the FBI agent whose violation of FBI rules led Justice Department officials to refer him for possible criminal charges. Strzok did not hide his intense loathing of Trump and famously referenced an “insurance policy” if Trump were to win the election. After FBI officials concluded there was no evidence of any crime by Flynn at the end of 2016, Strzok prevented the closing of the investigation as FBI officials searched for any crime that might be used to charge the incoming national security adviser.

Documents show Comey briefed President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden on the investigation shortly before the inauguration of Trump. When Comey admitted the communications between Flynn and Russian officials appeared legitimate, Biden reportedly suggested using the Logan Act, a law widely seen as unconstitutional and never been used to successfully convict a single person, as an alternative charge against Flynn. The memo contradicts eventual claims by Biden that he did not know about the Flynn investigation. Let us detail some proven but mostly unseen facts.

First, the Russia collusion allegations were based in large part on the dossier funded by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC). The Clinton campaign repeatedly denied paying for the dossier until after the election, when it was confronted with irrefutable evidence that the money had been buried among legal expenditures. As New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman wrote, “Folks involved in funding this lied about it and with sanctimony for a year.”

Second, FBI agents had warned that dossier author Christopher Steele may have been used by Russian intelligence to plant false information to disrupt the election. His source for the most serious allegations claims that Steele misrepresented what he had said and that it was little more than rumors that were recast by Steele as reliable intelligence.

Third, the Obama administration had been told that the basis for the FISA application was dubious and likely false. Yet it continued the investigation, and then someone leaked its existence to the media. Another declassified document shows that, after the New York Times ran a leaked story on the investigation, even Strzok had balked at the account as misleading and inaccurate. His early 2017 memo affirmed that there was no evidence of any individuals in contact with Russians. This information came as the collusion stories were turning into a frenzy that would last years.

Fourth, the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller and inspectors general found no evidence of collusion or knowing contact between the Trump campaign and Russian officials. What inspectors general did find were false statements or possible criminal conduct by Comey and others. While unable to say it was the reason for their decisions, they also found statements of animus against Trump and his campaign by the FBI officials who were leading the investigation. Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein testified he never would have approved renewal of the FISA surveillance and encouraged further investigation into such bias.

Finally, Obama and Biden were aware of the investigation, as were the administration officials who publicly ridiculed Trump when he said there was spying on his campaign. Others, like House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, declared they had evidence of collusion but never produced it. Countless reporters, columnists, and analysts still continue to deride, as writer Max Boot said it, the spinning of “absurd conspiracy theories” about how the FBI “supposedly spied on the Trump campaign.”

Willful blindness has its advantages. The media covered the original leak and the collusion narrative, despite mounting evidence that it was false. They filled hours of cable news shows and pages of print with a collusion story discredited by the FBI. Virtually none of these journalists or experts have acknowledged that the collusion leaks were proven false, let alone pursue the troubling implications of national security powers being used to target the political opponents of an administration. But in Washington, success often depends not on what you see but what you can unsee.

Jonathan Turley is the Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University. You can find his updates online @JonathanTurley. - "Source" -

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