Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.

woensdag 19 juli 2017

VS grenzen over de wereld >> The Long Reach Of The US Border

Information Clearing House (ICH) bracht gisteren een artikel over de vele VS bases over de wereld. De schrijver, Belen Fernandez stelt dat met al die bases het grondgebied van de VS internationaal grenst aan een groot deel van de landen die onze aarde rijk is. Daarmee is de VS een (uiterst gevaarlijk) imperium, groter dan de wereld ooit zag........

Lees dit uitstekende artikel en oordeel zelf, onder het artikel vindt u een link naar het volledige artikel op ICH, waaronder u de mogelijkheid heeft tot vertaling:

The Long Reach Of The US Border

No matter where you are in the world, you are likely to stumble upon the US border-without-borders.

While it might be tempting to blame US President Donald Trump and his special brand of counter-reality for the frenzied expansion of the US border into international spaces, the concept of the border itself evolved some time ago into something encompassing much more than physical territorial limits

Just ask the victims of the post-9/11 "war on terror", which has eliminated countless human lives for the ostensible purpose of securing the US homeland.

While the US has over the decades repeatedly been up in arms over perceived enemy intrusions into its own 'backyard' - see, for example, the Soviets in Cuba or the more recent ruckus over Iran's supposed infiltration of Latin America - the country persists in trampling over other backyards at will.

Beyond the matter of forcing international airlines to get on board with every US whim in terms of security measuresand other life-complicating activities, there's nothing like ubiquitous military bases to reinforce the notion that the world in fact belongs to America.

In his 2015 book Base Nation: How US Military Bases Abroad Harm America and the World, American University's David Vine reported that, as of that year, the US "controlled approximately 800 bases" outside the country.

This had resulted in a situation in which, he said, "we probably have more bases in other people's lands than any other people, nation, or empire in world history".

Vine went on aptly to note that, for most Americans, "the idea of even the nicest, most benign foreign troops arriving with their tanks, planes, and high-powered weaponry and making themselves at home in our country - occupying and fencing off hundreds or thousands of acres of our land - is unthinkable".

Thanks to imperialism's gloriously hypocritical logic, of course, America's disproportionate global footprint hasn't stopped the US political establishment from regularly accusing selected nemeses of meddling in the internal affairs of other nations.

Hier de link naar het volledige artikel:
The Long Reach Of The US Border

dinsdag 18 juli 2017

Eigenaar Fukushima wil 777.000 ton radioactief afval in oceaan dumpen.....!!!

Nadat de eigenaar van de Fukushima rampreactoren al miljoenen liters radioactief water in de oceaan heeft laten lopen, heeft deze eigenaar, TEPCO, besloten nog eens een slordige 770 miljoen liter (!!!) nucleair afvalwater in de Stille Oceaan te dumpen.........

Volgens Japanse media ontbreekt alleen nog de handtekening van de nucleair maffe regering van dat land....... M.a.w. die handtekening zal er komen! De beslissing om deze troep te dumpen wordt gesteund door de Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA), de topman van deze organisatie heeft de topgraaier van TEPCO toegevoegd dat wanneer hij deze beslissing niet neemt, hij afgezet zou moeten worden als directeur.........

Volgens deskundige Simon Boxall, die door The Guardian werd geciteerd, kan het geen kwaad als dit nucleair vervuilde water in de oceaan wordt gedumpt. Verdunning zou het gevaar neutraliseren....... Deze schoft vergeet even dat er sinds de 50er jaren al minstens een paar miljard liter nucleair vervuild water in zee is gedumpt, dit nog naast vaten met nucleair afval, die intussen voor een groot deel allang moeten zijn gebarsten.....

Uiteraard is het te zot voor woorden deze radioactieve troep in zee te dumpen, terwijl we weten dat het dumpen van 'normale troep' als plastic en andere rotzooi in zee moet stoppen, om verdere verzuring en opwarming tegen te gaan. Vergeet daarnaast niet, dat de oliebedrijven in de VS intussen al miljoenen liters door fracken vervuild water in de oceaan hebben gedumpt......... Bovendien zijn er, zoals gezegd, ten tijde van het voltrekken van deze ramp met de reactoren, al vele miljoenen liters nucleair vervuild water in de oceaan 'verdwenen..........'

Dit bericht ontving ik gisteren via Anti-Media, toevallig dezelfde dag dat Stan van Houcke een bericht plaatste over het voornemen van de nucleaire lobbyisten in de Japanse regering, de bevolking van Fukushima en het gebied daarachter te herhuisvesten in het nucleair besmette gebied waar zij voor de ramp woonden........ Nog gekker: Japan heeft wedstrijden van de Olympische Spelen in 2020 gepland in Fukushima!!!* Het is duidelijk dat de huidige smerige regering van Japan nucleaire energie van haar slechte naam wil ontdoen, zelfs al zou dit ten koste gaan van duizenden slachtoffers!!

Mocht e.e.a. doorgaan, zou de Japanse regering voor het Internationaal Strafhof moeten worden gedaagd..... Daarover gesproken: het is de hoogste tijd, dat ook schoften uit het bedrijfsleven (zoals die van TEPCO) worden vervolgd door dit strafhof, als zij aantoonbaar verantwoordelijk zijn voor een ramp zoals die in Fukushima en zoals in dit geval voor het dumpen van rotzooi in het milieu!!

Fukushima Plant Owner Decides to Dump 777,000 Tons of Nuclear Waste Into Ocean

July 17, 2017 at 11:42 am
Written by Anti-Media Team

(ANTIMEDIA) Japan — More than three-quarters of a million tons of radioactive water is about to be dumped into the Pacific Ocean if the chairmen of the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) and the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) have their way, Japanese media reported over the weekend. All they require now is final government approval.

The decision has already been made,” TEPCO chairman Takashi Kawamura told the media, according to the Japan Times.

As of July 6, about 777,000 tons of tritium-tainted water is being stored in about 580 tanks at the Fukushima nuclear plant. The water, which is constantly injected into leaking reactor No. 1 to cool it since it was damaged by a tsunami in 2011, is then filtered to remove radioactive materials. The complex filtering system can eliminate everything but tritium.

This has left the Japanese government with a problem. They can’t go on filling up tanks forever. Something has to be done with the radioactive water. A government panel is currently coming to a decision on the issue, and simply dumping the water into the sea is an option on the table.
TEPCO chairman Kawamura is just waiting on the green light. “We cannot keep going if we do not have the support of the state,” he told the media.

Kawamura certainly has the support of NRA chairman Shunichi Tanaka, who’s been urging the TEPCO boss to make the move. Tanaka has been critical of Kawamura in the past, saying he should be more proactive in his handling of the Fukushima nuclear crisis.

An operator lacking the will to take the initiative does not have the right to resume operation of nuclear reactors,” he said recently at a special meeting with TEPCO’s top management.
According to the Japan Times, Kawamura “feels emboldened to have the support of the NRA chairman.”

Tritium itself is said to be relatively harmless, and discharge of tritium-tainted water into the ocean is standard operating procedure at nuclear power plants. Oceanographer Simon Boxall spoke to The Guardian on the tritium issue last year, saying:

In the broad scale of things, if they do end up putting the material in the Pacific, it will have minimal effect on an ocean basin scale.”

But local fishermen say the actual harmfulness of tritium isn’t the issue. What’s paramount is the perception people will have when they hear of hundreds of thousands of tons of radioactive water being released into the ocean. In short, such a move would make customers question the safety of their catches, which would thereby affect their livelihoods.

Releasing (tritium) into the sea will create a new wave of unfounded rumors, making our efforts all for naught,” Kanji Tachiya, who heads a fishermen cooperative, told the Japan Times.

And Aileen Mioko-Smith of Green Action Japan says there is even more to consider here. “They say that it will be safe because the ocean is large so it will be diluted,” she told The Telegraph, “but that sets a precedent that can be copied, essentially permitting anyone to dump nuclear waste into our seas.”

Furthermore, says Mioko-Smith, those in charge of managing the Fukushima nuclear crisis have had plenty of time to come up with solutions and that the “out of sight, out of mind” approach is unacceptable:

This accident happened more than six years ago and the authorities should have been able to devise a way to remove the tritium instead of simply announcing that they are going to dump it into the ocean.”

Creative Commons / Anti-Media / Report a typo


Zie ook:
'Radioactieve deeltjes van Fukushima ramp gevonden in de Beringstraat'

Washington Post medewerkers is verboden grote adverteerders te bekritiseren..... Of hoe miljonairs en miljardairs de voorheen onafhankelijk pers beheren

De medewerkers van de Washington Post is het verboden om op wat voor manier dan ook kritiek te uiten op de adverteerders van deze krant........ Kortom de krant de ooit faam verkreeg door het onderzoek naar de Watergateschandaal is in handen en onder redactie van de grote bedrijven.......

Niet alleen dat, ook de CIA mag niet langer bekritiseerd worden, daar de eigenaar van de Post, topgraai miljardair Jeff Bezos zaken doet met de CIA......... Vandaar ook dat de WaPo vorig jaar de berechting van Edward Snowden bepleitte, terwijl het eerder NB zelf uit WikiLeaks had gepubliceerd.....

Lees dit ontluisterende relaas en u zult gegarandeerd nog beter begrijpen, waarom het fout is, dat mediaorganen in handen zijn van grote investeerders en supergraaiers. In Nederland is het overigens niet veel beter, vandaar ook dat je maar al te vaak ziet dat men kritiekloos uitermate foute standpunten van bijvoorbeeld de inhumane neoliberale regering Rutte als zaligmakend neerzet. Zelfcensuur in de reguliere westerse media is aan de orde van de dag en dat is niet voor niets........

Het is nu zelfs al zo zot, dat de WaPo en de New York Times mogen beslissen van wat wel of niet als nepnieuws moet worden gezien.......

Washington Post Staff Banned From Criticizing Corporate Advertisers

July 17, 2017 at 9:26 am
Written by Whitney Webb
A new policy at the Washington Post will punish its employees for using social media to make critical statements about the paper’s corporate advertisers. The policy was approved by Jeff Bezos, the billionaire head of Amazon who purchased the newspaper in 2013.

(MPN) — The Washington Post’s journalistic decline over the past several years has been remarkable, especially following the newspaper’s 2013 purchase by Amazon founder and billionaire Jeff Bezos, the world’s second-richest man after Bill Gates.

In the face of controversies concerning the use of anonymous and often inaccurate sources and the publication of false news in order to foment anti-Russia hysteria, the Post is now set for another scandal thanks to a new Bezos-approved company-wide policy that seeks to prevent employee criticism of the newspaper’s corporate backers and advertisers.

The policy, which took effect in May, now prohibits Post employees from using social media in such a way that “adversely affects The Post’s customers, advertisers, subscribers, vendors, suppliers or partners.” According to the policy, the paper’s management team reserves the right to take disciplinary action against violators “up to and including termination of employment.”

A clause of the policy cited by the Washingtonian also encourages employees to rat out other employees for potentially violating the policy: “If you have any reason to believe that an employee may be in violation of The Post’s Social Media Policy […] you should contact the Post’s Human Resources Department.”

The Washington Post threatens to ‘terminate’ employees who disparage advertisers on  | via @thedrum 

The Post confirmed the existence of the policy and its more controversial clauses and provisions to the Washingtonian, though the paper’s management later attempted to soothe the nerves of rattled journalists by assuring them that “no one would get in trouble for such social media activity […] But that’s the way the policy is written.”

While the Post’s own journalists are sure to feel the heat from this new policy, several of the newspaper’s corporate advertisers and backers are likely relieved that critical content targeting them or their products will now be absent from the social media activity of the paper’s employees – and likely its reporting as well.

This new policy offers a simple loophole to corporations that wish to avoid criticism from the Post, as becoming a sponsor of the paper would quickly put an end to any unfavorable coverage.

Among the Washington Post’s advertisers are corporate giants like GlaxoSmithKline, Bank of America andKoch Industries. With the new policy, social media posts criticizing GlaxoSmithKline’s habit of making false and misleading claims about its products, inflating prices and withholding crucial drug safety information from the government will no longer be made by Post employees.

The policy also suggests that criticisms of Bank of America, one of the nation’s most lawless banks and a key player in provoking the 2008 financial crisis, will go unvoiced, as well those regarding the toxic empire that is Koch Industries, an integral part of the U.S. fracking industry.

Another Washington Post sponsor, though unofficially, is the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.

Four months after purchasing the Post, Jeff Bezos landed a $600 million contract with the CIA for Amazon Web Services, a web hosting service that now serves the entire U.S. intelligence community.

Jeff Bezos Is Doing Huge Business with the CIA, While Keeping His Washington Post Readers in the Dark @alternet 

Long before this latest policy was put into effect, some had speculated that the connections between the CIA and the Post were already affecting its reporting. For example, last year, the Post openly called for the prosecution of Snowden, despite having previously used the whistleblower’s leaks for their Pulitzer Prize-winning report on illegal NSA spying.

The CIA has long called for Snowden to be tried for treason within the United States for leaking details of the NSA’s domestic spying program.

While criticism of the CIA is not technically prohibited by the new policy, former Post reporters have suggested that making such criticisms could endanger one’s career. As former Post writer John Hanrahan told Alternet in 2013: With Post employees severely limited in what they can post on social media and discuss in their writing, this new policy will only continue to erode trust in the mainstream media, especially in light of the benefits it may bring to its corporate and government backers.

Post reporters and editors are aware that Bezos, as majority owner of Amazon, has a financial stake in maintaining good relations with the CIA — and this sends a clear message to even the hardest-nosed journalist that making the CIA look bad might not be a good career move.”

With Post employees severely limited in what they can post on social media and discuss in their writing, this new policy will only continue to erode trust in the mainstream media, especially in light of the benefits it may bring to its corporate and government backers.

By Whitney Webb / Republished with permission / MintPress News / Report a typo

Zie ook: 'How Russia-gate Met the Magnitsky Myth' (een artikel op ICH, met 'een mooie rol' voor de afhankelijke Washington Post en New York Times. Onder dat artikel kan u klikken voor een vertaling)

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