Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label Chomsky. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Chomsky. Alle posts tonen

woensdag 26 september 2018

Hersenspoeling via de massamedia en hoe e.e.a. middels 5 filters werkt, o.a. propaganda voor oorlogsvoering

Ontving een artikel van Caitlin Johnstone dat begint met de veroordeling van Bill Cosby, waar ze terecht wijst op de vrouwonvriendelijkheid in de media, o.a.met het aanhalen van het praatje dat Cosby al decennia lang 'héél komisch' in de media herhaalde, dat je vrouwen best kan drogeren om ze daarna te misbruiken.

Over Cosby is gelukkig al genoeg geschreven en ben blij dat de schoft tot een onvoorwaardelijke gevangenisstraf is veroordeeld, hier de link naar het hele artikel van Johnstone.

Johnstone gaat in haar betoog over op de andere rol van de massamedia in de VS bij het hersenspoelen van het volk in voorbereiding op weer een andere illegale oorlog, dan wel hen voor te liegen over acties bijvoorbeeld van een land als Rusland. (overigens gebeurt hetzelfde in de EU en dus ook in Nederland, zo worden we bijna dagelijks keihard voorgelogen over de oorlog in Syrië.....)

Hier het laatste deel van het artikel dat Johnstone schreef, zie ook de 4,46 minuten durende leuke video met een geanimeerde, duidelijke uitleg van Noam Chomsky's: 'The 5 Filters of the Mass Media Machine' die onder het artikel van Johnstone is te vinden, deze video werd ingesproken door de uitstekende journalist, auteur en presentator Amy Goodman:

If Society Understood Sovereignty, It Would End Rape Culture, Imperialism, And Propaganda

Power, when you get right down to it, is ultimately about control. The ability to control other human beings and decide what happens to them. The more control you have over human lives, the more power you have. Some exert totalitarian control over their spouse and their children, and within their homes they are all-powerful. Some exert control over entire groups of nations, and have the power of life and death over entire populations. Those individuals are the most powerful people in the world.
But in order to have control over another person, you must necessarily violate their personal sovereignty. You must find a way to get your will to override their own will for their own lives in order to control them, be it by physical force, legal compulsion, psychological manipulation, or rape drugs. This is why power-facilitating narratives advanced by governments, religions, education/indoctrination systems, and mass media outlets have aways explained to their audiences why it is in their best interest to subvert their personal sovereignty over their lives, their bodies, their reproductive systems, and their minds.

So, never. 

President Trump’s National Security Advisor John Bolton is a PNAC founder, a lead architect of the Iraq invasion, and once threatened to murder a diplomat’s sons for standing in the way of the rape of Iraq. He is the neocon’s neocon, and his respect for both national and personal sovereignty is so nonexistent that I would not be the slightest bit surprised to learn that he has raped his wife or anyone else. Sovereignty is such a non-thing in Bolton’s reality tunnel that he recently claimed that Russia giving Syria air defense systems to defend its own airspace “would be a significant escalation by the Russians,” and added that US troops are going to remain in Syria “as long as Iranian troops are outside Iranian borders, and that includes Iranian proxies and militias.”
To be clear, the US military is in Syria without the permission of the Syrian government, while the Iranian military and its so-called proxies are there at the invitation of the Syrian government to help combat the terrorist forces which have overrun the nation with the help of the US-centralized empire. Bolton is the kind of guy that crashes your party uninvited, drinks all the punch and knocks over the snack table, and when your boyfriend asks him to leave, he tells you he’s not leaving until your boyfriend leaves first. That’s essentially what he’s saying.
The gall it takes to say that your military will continue illegally occupying a sovereign nation for as long as its allies continue to do the thing that allies do is such a grotesque perversion of the concept of sovereignty that if more Americans had a better understanding of that concept John Bolton would have caused national outrage by saying it. But of course he didn’t, because they don’t. It’s just assumed that America is entitled to decide what sovereign nations do with their own allies, and that it is allowed to invade and occupy their land to force them to comply.
”Iran treats Iraq like it’s not an independent nation. Iran sees Iraq as a transit point for weapons and a training ground for its proxies. Iran seeks to keep Iraq economically weak. Why? Because Iran wants to use a weak Iraq to illicitly fund its terrorist activities.”
View image on Twitter
The worst part was that time in 2003 when Iran invaded Iraq, killed a million people and destabilized the entire region, which they manufactured consent for by lying to the public about weapons of mass destruction. We all remember Iran doing that, right? 
Americans accept this gross violation of sovereignty because they have been propagandized to accept it by the mass media machine which spends all day every day manufacturing support for the agendas of those who control the most humans. But this is a violation of Americans’ mental sovereignty, in exactly the same way slipping a rape drug into a woman’s drink is a violation of her sexual sovereignty. Just as Bill Cosby made it his life’s mission to try and manufacture the illusion of sexual consent from women using rape drugs, the most powerful people in the world have been using the mass media to try and manufacture the illusion of consent for their agendas of war, oppression and ecocide.
It is not America’s place to tell Syria and Iran what they’re allowed to do inside one another’s borders any more than it’s the government’s place to tell a woman what she can and cannot do inside her own body, whether that be having sex with whom she pleases or having an abortion if she decides that’s in her best interest. It is not the plutocrats’ place to slip manipulative narratives into the minds of the masses any more than it was Bill Cosby’s place to slip rape drugs into a woman’s drink. It is not America’s place to invade a sovereign nation and occupy its land to force it to obey its commands any more than it was Bill Cosby’s place to insert his penis into a drugged woman.
Power depends on systematic and relentless violations of sovereignty in myriad forms around the world, which is why powerful people act like such disgusting, rapey creeps all the time. In a healthy world, which I firmly believe we can create, a deep understanding of sovereignty in all its forms will replace this toxic dynamic in which the rapey fingers of power are constantly inserting themselves into lives, minds and nations in order to dominate and control them. In such a society, everything from rape to imperialism to propaganda will stand out like a black fly on a white sheet of paper and be expelled like a pathogen by a healthy immune system.

Thanks for reading! The best way to get around the internet censors and make sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list for my website, which will get you an email notification for everything I publish. My articles are entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, liking me on Facebook, following my antics on Twitter, checking out my podcast, throwing some money into my hat on Patreon or Paypal,buying my new book Rogue Nation: Psychonautical Adventures With Caitlin Johnstone, or my previous book Woke: A Field Guide for Utopia Preppers.

Zie ook:
'Bolton (nationaal veiligheidsadviseur van Trump) zegt Rusland de wacht aan wat betreft haar verdediging van Syrië'

'VS buitenlandbeleid sinds WOII: een lange lijst van staatsgrepen en oorlogen..........'

'List of wars involving the United States'

'VS vermoordde meer dan 20 miljoen mensen sinds het einde van WOII........'

'VS: openlijke militaire oefening met terreurgroep in Syrië......'

'NAVO gaat VS helpen in Zuid-Amerika terreur uit te oefenen: Colombia lid van de NAVO.........'

'VS commando's vechten o.a. in Midden- en Zuid-Amerika, aldus het VS ministerie van oorlog.........'

'De VS, een duivels imperium, dat achter haar psychopathisch moordende troepen staat??'

'De war on drugs is veel dodelijker dan over het algemeen gedacht'

'Terreuraanslag in Iran moet acties uitlokken die de VS tot een oorlog met Iran 'dwingen''

dinsdag 18 september 2018

Professor Boyle: Obama de oorlogsmisdadiger die alle wetten met voeten heeft getreden, zou levenslang gevangen moeten zitten in Den Haag

Professor Boyle geeft al 41 jaar lang onderwijs aan de Harvard Law School, waar ook Obama studeerde. Volgens Boyle heeft Obama alle regels aangaande de rechtsstaat geschonden, sterker nog: Obama heeft zelfs de grondwet van de VS geschonden.......

Boyle stelt dat e.e.a Obama veel zwaarder is aan te rekenen dan bijvoorbeeld Bush en Trump, daar hij rechten heeft gestudeerd. Dit alles terwijl Obama tijdens diens presidentschap letterlijk stelde dat hij zeer goed is in het vermoorden van mensen.......

Niet alleen vermoordde Obama een groot aantal mensen in de illegale oorlogen die hij begon tegen Libië en Syrië*, maar ook de duizenden mensen die hij vermoordde met zijn 'drone programma', waar meer dan 90% van de slachtoffers niet eens als verdacht te boek stond, dus je raadt het al: vooral vrouwen en kinderen......  

Daarnaast breidde Obama het aantal militairen in Afghanistan fiks uit en ook daar beging de VS, zoals overal waar deze grootste terreurentiteit oorlog voert, enorme oorlogsmisdaden.... Zoals het bombarderen van een Artsen zonder Grenzen (MSF) ziekenhuis en dat een uur lang, terwijl het VS oppercommando meermaals werd gevraagd te stoppen met bombarderen........

Lees dit helaas enigszins krom geschreven artikel dat wel een heel duidelijk beeld geeft hoe Obama niet alleen wetten met voeten heeft getreden, maar ook zijn verkiezingsbeloften heeft geschonden (al vanaf zijn eerste termijn....)...

Ofwel: gezien het voorgaande had ook Obama levenslang gevangen moeten zitten in Den Haag......

Denouncing Obama
By Professor Francis A. Boyle

University of Illinois College of Law, Before the Foellinger Auditorium, September 7, 2018
 (Transcript revised)

September 14, 2018 "Information Clearing House" -  I am Francis Boyle, Professor of Law here at the College of Law. I’m the Senior Professor at the College of Law. I’ve taught here 41 years in a row without a break. I know Obama. He was behind me at Harvard Law School. Obama abandoned and betrayed every Principle about the Rule of Law that I learned at Harvard Law School including the United States Constitution.

I was fairly disposed towards Obama. When the Black Law Students brought him over here to the Law School from Springfield to speak, I went over there. I sat next to Obama. I introduced myself to Obama. I told Obama I couldn’t stay. I had to go home for dinner with my family. He said he understood. I wished him well and I shook his hand. I was the only Law Professor there that day. I am here to condemn Obama as a war criminal and worse.

The University of Illinois is giving him an “ethics in government” award. This is a sick joke and a demented fraud! The University of Illinois, for its own typical bootlicking reasons, wants to whitewash all of Obama’s international crimes. Obama should be sitting in a jail cell in The Hague with the International Criminal Court and not here getting some bogus “ethics in government” award from the bootlickers of the University of Illinois campus bigwigs.

I’m not the only one to say that. Obama and I had the same Jurisprudence Teacher – Philosophy of Law – at Harvard Law School, Professor Roberto Unger, the founder of the Critical Legal Studies Movement. What did our Teacher say about Obama on BBC Hard Talk and elsewhere?: “Obama is a disaster!” Again, Professor Unger, our teacher, said: “Obama is a disaster!” I agree with Professor Unger, one of the great philosophers of law in the post-World War 2 era. And I’ve been teaching Jurisprudence since I came here in 1978.

Now don’t just take Professor Unger’s words for it. What does Professor Noam Chomsky have to say about Obama and his drone murder extermination campaign against Muslims, Arabs, Asians of Color all over the world? Here’s Professor Noam Chomsky: “…particularly to the drone assassinations, the most extreme terrorist campaign of modern times – which have killed more than 5,000 people, including U.S. citizens and hundreds of children.” That is Noam Chomsky, one of the great intellectuals in the world and a personal hero of mine when he was leading the forces of opposition to the Vietnam War that I was opposing as a young man. That’s how Chomsky referred to Obama’s drone murder campaign: “…the most extreme terrorist campaign of modern times…” That’s amazing to think of! That’s the person here that the University of Illinois is whitewashing. That figure today on his drone murder extermination campaign is up to at least ten thousand. Trump is just continuing it.

Indeed, Trump is just continuing across the board policies that Obama put in place. The difference between Trump and Obama and Obama and Bush Jr. is that Obama knows better. He’s a magna cum laude graduate of Harvard Law School just like I am. Obama has abandoned and betrayed every known Principle of the Rule of Law that I ever learned at Harvard Law School including the United States Constitution which he doesn’t give diddly-squat about. Indeed referring to his drone murder extermination campaign Obama bragged: “…I’m really good at killing people!” Those are Obama’s own words. That’s the man the University of Illinois is whitewashing today with their “ethics in government” award. Indeed Obama murdered four U.S. citizens at least that we know of, including Mr. Awlaki and his 16 year old son who was completely innocent of anything. Obama is a monster! He’s a criminal! As I said he should be in jail, not getting some bogus “ethics” award from the bootlickers at the University of Illinois administration.

Let’s review his record. The first thing Obama does when he comes into office, Bush Jr. has about 26,000 troops in Afghanistan, and Obama escalates that immediately by 100,000 troops. 100,000 extra troops murdering, killing, exterminating Afghans all up and down. We don’t even have a body count because the Pentagon won’t give us the numbers. My estimate maybe a million people. Obama is like Genghis Khan and His Mongol Horde, raping, robbing, pillaging and murdering all over the world innocent men, women, and children. That’s the guy they’re giving their “ethics in government” award to.

After he had done his genocidal work in Afghanistan, Obama moved on to Libya in order to steal their oil. Obama launched his war against Libya and exterminated about 50,000 Libyans – needlessly for no reason except Obama wanted to steal Libya’s oil. Indeed it was outright genocide for Black Africans living in Libya that Obama perpetrated upon them. Obama destroyed Libya as a State completely. It no longer exists and we the have the massive refugee crisis coming out of Libya with thousands of Africans – Blacks, and Arabs – drowning in the Mediterranean all thanks to Obama this war criminal.

After he was done with Libya, then Obama moved on to Syria and destroyed Syria. He worked with his jihadi terrorists to overthrow the government of Syria and create a total catastrophe. Maybe 500,000 Syrians have been murdered because of Obama, and that country is a catastrophe today. The battles still go on. We have no idea what’s going to happen over there. 

Just like he did in Libya, Obama used jihadi extremists to wage his wars for him. And America in Libya, became the air force for Obama’s jihadi extremists. Then he turned them on Syria and there the death and destruction by Obama goes on today. A second state that Obama has pretty much destroyed all by himself with his jihadi extremists – Genghis Khan and His Horde of Mongols.

Now, we come to Yemen started by Obama. Massive death and destruction in Yemen right now as we speak today. Obama supported Saudi Arabia and the UAE against Yemen and has killed close to 10,000 Houthis. Outright genocide. All to steal their oil and set off a humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen. Maybe 2 million Yemenis over there are suffering from cholera. It’s the largest outbreak of cholera in the world today. And they are starving. Obama starved them to death. There’s an embargo on them right now. They can’t even eat. Obama started this policy.

I could go on here forever but I’m not going to because I teach Obama’s atrocities to my law students. I think we could have no better indication of where Obama really stands than the eulogy he gave last weekend in honor of the war criminal and warmonger John McCain. John McCain was a war criminal. He bombed Hanoi killing innocent civilians when he was shot down. Outright war criminal. And when he got home McCain mongered for every war the U.S. ever waged since then including in Syria and supporting Obama’s Nazis in Ukraine. Let us recall John McCain’s theme song: “Bomb, bomb, bomb! Bomb, bomb, Iran!” Sixty million people and McCain did his best to start a war against them and kill them. Obama then appeared there to give a eulogy in support of this long-standing war criminal and warmonger.

Who else was there? Bush Jr. another Genghis Khan and His Horde of Mongols. They’re best buddies – Bush Jr and Obama. Who else did they trot out to honor McCain? Henry Kissinger! The three of them, yes, they all spoke right after each other: Kissinger, Bush Jr., and Obama. Kissinger of the genocidal Vietnam War. Murdering 58,000 young men of my generation and exterminating 3 million Vietnamese. I call him Hank Half-An-Eichmann Kissinger. I say that from personal experience. I went through the exact same Ph.D. program at Harvard that produced Kissinger before me. They gave me Kissinger’s Old Office at Harvard’s Center for International Affairs. 

“There but for the grace of God go I!” So here we have three major warmongers and war criminals honoring a fourth. You have Kissinger, Bush Jr. and Obama honoring McCain. Well as I say: Warbirds of a feather flock together!

I have one message for Obama that I want to deliver him here today personally as a lawyer and a law professor and a graduate of Harvard Law School:

Hey! Hey!
Obama say!
How many kids!
Did you kill today!

Hey! Hey!Obama say!
How many kids!
Did you kill today!

Hey! Hey!Obama say!
How many kids!
Did you kill today!

Thank you.

Francis Anthony Boyle is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law. He has served as counsel for Bosnia and Herzegovina and has been a staunch supporter of the rights of indigenous peoples and Palestinians.
* In feite begon Obama ook de oorlog tegen de bevolking van Oost-Oekraïne. Immers zijn minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, hare kwaadaardigheid Hillary Clinton, heeft de opstand op poten gezet, die tot het afzetten van de democratisch gekozen president Janoekovytsj leidde...... De neonazi-junta die na deze coup werd geïnstalleerd, met de uitermate corrupte Porosjenko aan het roer, was de keus van Obama en Clinton.......... 

zaterdag 4 augustus 2018

De Israëlische manipulatie van de VS presidentsverkiezingen, gaat veel verder dan wat men Rusland in de schoenen schuift.....

Zoals eerder o.a. op deze plek betoogd, concludeert ook Noam Chomsky dat de Israëlische bemoeienis met de VS verkiezingen veel verder gaat dan wat men Rusland in de schoenen probeert te schuiven en dat laatste zonder maar één flinter aan bewijs.....

Met veel ophef sprak de Palestijnenslachter Netanyahu in 2015 het Congres toe, zelfs zonder eerst te overleggen met de president, destijds 'vredesduif' Obama...... Dan zijn er nog de reguliere (massa-) media in de VS, die fungeren als lobbyisten voor de fascistische apartheidsstaat Israël en knippen na elke klapscheet van een Israëlische politicus......

Chomsky wijst op het zogenaamde democratische proces in de VS en stelt volkomen terecht dat er geen sprake is van een functionerende democratie in de VS (overigens geldt dit ook meer en meer voor landen in de EU, zelfs voor Nederland...), volgens Chomsky moeten we in de VS spreken van een 'billionaire corporatocracy', niet het volk maar de 1 procent (van welgestelden, waar veel zionisten tussen zitten) en grote bedrijven worden door de politiek in de VS bediend...... (oh ja en niet te vergeten de belangenbehartiging voor Israël en wat andere 'fijne fascistische landen' als Saoedi-Arabië 'natuurlijk')

Zelfs als zou Rusland hebben geprobeerd de verkiezingen te manipuleren, hebben ze dat op een manier gedaan die totaal geen zoden aan de dijk zet, althans als je alleen al het bedrag aan reclames door 'Rusland' geplaatst op sociale media in ogenschouw neemt, kunnen die niet eens in de schaduw staan van de bedragen die worden misbruikt voor deze presidentsverkiezingen......

Voorts is daar de zogenaamde manipulatie door hacks en door het lekken van documenten van de democraten naar WikiLeaks, alweer geen flinter aan bewijs. Bovendien komt deze claim uit de smerige koker van Clinton en haar aanhangers, om zo de aandacht af te leiden van het smerige spel waarmee zij tot presidentskandidaat van de democraten werd verkozen, een smerig spel tegen de enige kandidaat die er toe deed, Bernie Sanders...... Ofwel: je speelt een smerig spel, waarvan de bewijzen op straat komen te liggen, maar je doet verder geen onderzoek naar dat smerige spel....... Sterker nog: je beschuldigt de klokkenluider en stelt plompverloren dat deze buiten het democratisch comité te vinden moet zijn, vervolgens ga je op zoek naar die klokkenluider* en schuift Rusland de schuld in de schoenen, de aanzet tot het nieuwe 'McCartyisme' in de VS en een verdere aanjager voor de herintroductie van de Koude Oorlog..!!! ('natuurlijk' worden daarmee ook nog eens de belangen van het militair-industrieel complex gediend......)


Lees het volgende artikel met de zienswijze van Chomsky en oordeel zelf:

Noam Chomsky: “Israeli Intervention in US Elections Overwhelms Anything Russia Has Done”

August 3, 2018 at 9:29 pm
Written by Tyler Durden

(ZHE) — Well, this is going to make the weekend’s political conversations a little more awkward around America.

As the mainstream media (and even the leftist politicians) begin to back quietly away from the “collusion” narrative, they remain increasingly focused on Russia’s “evil” efforts at “meddling” in the US election and “interfering with our democracy,” or some such hysterical phrase.

And that is what makes the comments by mainstay of world-renowned political dissident and liberal-thinking hero Noam Chomsky’s comments in the following interview with Democracy Now so ‘awkward’ for the Trump-hating members of society.

(Let wel: dit is niet de video van Democracy Now, met o.a. Chomsky en gepresenteerd door Amy Goodman uit het originele artikel, klik daarvoor op deze link)

so, take, say, the huge issue of interference in our pristine elections. Did the Russians interfere in our elections? An issue of overwhelming concern in the media. I mean, in most of the world, that’s almost a joke.
First of all, if you’re interested in foreign interference in our elections, whatever the Russians may have done barely counts or weighs in the balance as compared with what another state does, openly, brazenly and with enormous support.
Israeli intervention in U.S. elections vastly overwhelms anything the Russians may have done…
I mean, even to the point where the prime minister of Israel, Netanyahu, goes directly to Congress, without even informing the president, and speaks to Congress, with overwhelming applause, to try to undermine the president’s policies – what happened with Obama and Netanyahu in 2015….
Did Putin come to give an address to the joint sessions of Congress trying to – calling on them to reverse U.S. policy, without even informing the president? And that’s just a tiny bit of this overwhelming influence.
So if you happen to be interested in influence of – foreign influence on elections, there are places to look. But even that is a joke.
I mean, one of the most elementary principles of a functioning democracy is that elected representatives should be responsive to those who elected them. There’s nothing more elementary than that. But we know very well that that is simply not the case in the United States.
There’s ample literature in mainstream academic political science simply comparing voters’ attitudes with the policies pursued by their representatives, and it shows that for a large majority of the population, they’re basically disenfranchised. Their own representatives pay no attention to their voices. They listen to the voices of the famous 1 percent – the rich and the powerful, the corporate sector.
The elections—Tom Ferguson’s stellar work has demonstrated, very conclusively, that for a long period, way back, U.S. elections have been pretty much bought. You can predict the outcome of a presidential or congressional election with remarkable precision by simply looking at campaign spending. That’s only one part of it.
Lobbyists practically write legislation in congressional offices. In massive ways, the concentrated private capital, corporate sector, super wealth, intervene in our elections, massively, overwhelmingly, to the extent that the most elementary principles of democracy are undermined. Now, of course, all that is technically legal, but that tells you something about the way the society functions.
So, if you’re concerned with our elections and how they operate and how they relate to what would happen in a democratic society, taking a look at Russian hacking is absolutely the wrong place to look. Well, you see occasionally some attention to these matters in the media, but very minor as compared with the extremely marginal question of Russian hacking.
And I think we find this on issue after issue, also on issues on which what Trump says, for whatever reason, is not unreasonable. So, he’s perfectly right when he says we should have better relations with Russia.
Being dragged through the mud for that is outlandish, makes – Russia shouldn’t refuse to deal with the United States because the U.S. carried out the worst crime of the century in the invasion of Iraq, much worse than anything Russia has done.
But they shouldn’t refuse to deal with us for that reason, and we shouldn’t refuse to deal with them for whatever infractions they may have carried out, which certainly exist. This is just absurd. We have to move towards better – right at the Russian border, there are very extreme tensions, that could blow up anytime and lead to what would in fact be a terminal nuclear war, terminal for the species and life on Earth. We’re very close to that.
Now, we could ask why. First of all, we should do things to ameliorate it. Secondly, we should ask why. Well, it’s because NATO expanded after the collapse of the Soviet Union, in violation of verbal promises to Mikhail Gorbachev, mostly under Clinton, partly under first Bush, then Clinton expanded right to the Russian border, expanded further under Obama.
The U.S. has offered to bring Ukraine into NATO. That’s the kind of a heartland of Russian geostrategic concerns.
So, yes, there’s tensions at the Russian border – and not, notice, at the Mexican border. Well, those are all issues that should be of primary concern.
The fate of – the fate of organized human society, even of the survival of the species, depends on this. How much attention is given to these things as compared with, you know, whether Trump lied about something? I think those seem to me the fundamental criticisms of the media.

So to sum up – Trump’s right about better relations with Russia – the fate of the world depends on it, Russia did nothing of note, Russian hacking is extremely marginal, Israel is the real meddler, US democracy no longer exists, the billionaire corporatocracy runs America.

Is Noam Chomsky a “puppet of Putin”? Did the veteran political dissident just become a “useful
idiot”? Well he must be an anti-semite, right? We look forward to Adam Schiff’s response to this crushing blow to the left’s ‘russia-russia-russia’ narrative.

By Tyler Durden / Republished with permission / Zero Hedge / Report a typo
* Onder andere Seth Rich, een ontevreden DNC medewerker, lekte documenten naar WikiLeaks, daar hij pissig was over deze gang van zaken. Deze Rich werd, oh wonder, kort daarna vermoord op straat, volgens de politie een roofoverval, terwijl er niets van waarde werd gestolen en waardevolle spullen had Rich tijdens die 'roofoverval' voldoende 'op zak...'

Zie ook:
'Russiagate: de westerse massamedia gebruiken propaganda om het volk te manipuleren, precies waar ze Rusland van beschuldigen'

'BBC: Rusland 'misbruikt humor' om Russiagate te ontkrachten..... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

'Russiagate en Assange: The Guardian wordt nu zelfs door collega's voor zot uitgemaakt'

The Guardian: ondanks een enorme misser (fake news) gaat men door met de valse beschuldigingen t.a.v. Assange......'

'WikiLeaks belooft The Guardian 1 miljoen dollar als het haar leugens i.z. Assange en Russiagate kan bewijzen.......'

'Russiagate? Britaingate zal je bedoelen!' (zie ook de andere links in dat bericht)

'Facebook gebruikte 'fake news' beschuldiging om de aandacht voor schandalen af te leiden'

'New York Times: eerste Israëlische inval in Gazastrook sinds 2014 >> fake news!'

'Noord-Koreaans 'bedrog met nucleaire deal' is fake news o.a. gebracht door de New York Times'

'New York Times 'bewijzen' voor Russiagate vallen door de mand......'

'Trump (Republikeinen) wint de midterm verkiezingen, alsook de Democraten, het verschil voor mensen elders in de wereld, die onder VS terreur moeten leven, is nul komma nada.......'

'Russiagate sprookje ondermijnt VS democratie en de midterm verkiezingen' (zie ook de links in dat bericht)

'Politico rapport bevestigt: Russiagate is een hoax'

'Russische inmenging VS presidentsverkiezingen? ha! ha! ha! ha! Sheldon Adelson en Netanyahu zal men bedoelen!'

''Russiagate': Intel-raport over Russische bemoeienis met verkiezingen opgebouwd met leugens en is politiek gemotiveerd, aldus Matlock, voormalig VS ambassadeur in Moskou'

Op 7 november 2018 fout in kop herstelt, waar nu staat: 'gaat veel verder', stond: 'gaan veel verder'; mijn excuus.

donderdag 28 juni 2018

Iraanse protesten gezien door de propaganda bril van de VS en de rest van het westen........

Caitlin Johnstone vertelt in het hieronder opgenomen artikel over de beschuldigingen van de democraten aan haar adres vanwege haar berichtgeving over Rusland en Syrië, waar ze wordt beschuldigd propaganda te maken voor Putin en Assad, om enige tijd later door pro-Trump aanhangers te worden beschuldigd voor het maken van propaganda voor het bewind in Iran, daar ze commentaar heeft op de regime veranderingsretoriek gebezigd door de Trump administratie.......

Terwijl Johnstone juist de Iraanse e Russische anti-propaganda, die wordt gebezigd door democraten en pro-Trump aanhangers, feilloos weet door te prikken met feiten...... Johnstone stelt dan ook dat ze altijd propaganda zal maken voor het land waarop de VS oorlogsmachine haar vizier heeft gericht. Een oorlogsmachine die keer op keer het publiek weet te bespelen met rechtvaardiging voor VS ingrijpen, terwijl de geheime diensten ('inlichtingendiensten'), die de massamedia en politiek bespelen, keer op keer liegen over de reden voor ingrijpen, zie de illegale oorlogen van de VS tegen Afghanistan, Irak, Libië en Syrië

De huidige protesten in Iran worden door het westen geduid als ontevredenheid van Iraniërs over de Iraanse bemoeienis met de oorlog in Syrië, Jemen en met de raketleveringen aan Hezbollah en Hamas in respectievelijk Libanon en de Gazastrook....... In Jemen wordt NB een genocide uitgevoerd op het sjiitische deel van het volk, dit met hulp en onder regie van de VS!! De enige assistentie van Iran 'voor de Houthi rebellen' (lees: voor het Jemenitische volk) bestaat uit humanitaire hulp, voor de beschuldigingen van wapenleveringen of training van troepen door Iran is geen schijn van bewijs...... 

Wat betreft de raketten van Hamas: dit zijn veredelde vuurpijlen die op goed geluk worden afgeschoten, terwijl Iran raketten in de ruimte kan brengen en daar ook satellieten heeft draaien, ofwel met echte raketten uit Iran, zou de schade in Israël aanzienlijk zijn.....

Wat je niet wordt verteld is het feit dat de CIA al langere tijd bezig is om de 'boel op te schudden' in Iran, iets wat de VS ook deed in Libië, Syrië en Oekraïne...... Terwijl het weer ingang zetten van de VS sancties tegen Iran niet anders gezien kan worden dan (illegale) economische oorlogsvoering, waardoor de Iraanse munt devalueerde en het leven behoorlijk duurder is geworden >> middels deze vorm van oorlogsvoering bespeelt de VS de bevolking van landen als Venezuela en Iran.....**

Daarnaast heeft de Trump administratie toegegeven dat het bezig is met het bespelen van de oppositie in Iran, ofwel er werden en worden kapitalen aan VS belastinggeld geïnvesteerd in het organiseren van opstanden in Iran, zowel in het verleden (neem de demonstraties in Iran van afgelopen januari) als het heden...............

Lees het artikel van Caitlin en geeft het door, de leugens over Iran zijn ook hier niet van de lucht. En dat heeft niets te maken met hoe je denkt over het Iraanse bewind, het zegt echter alles over het handelen van de VS dat bepaald niet is gericht op het brengen van democratie en vrede, maar over het veiligstellen van VS belangen (en die van de fascistische apartheidsstaat Israël), of het nu om olie, gas of andere grondstoffen gaat, dan wel om de strategische ligging van een land..... 

Dit 'veiligstellen' van VS belangen gaat altijd gepaard met het grotendeels vernietigen van een land, waarna de opbouw voor een fiks deel wordt toebedeeld aan bedrijven uit de VS, zie Afghanistan, Irak, Libië en Syrië..... Nee Azijnpisser in Libië is amper of geen sprake van wederopbouw, daar de VS en NAVO in samenwerking met terreurgroepen dit land voor een groot deel naar god hebben geholpen...... Libië, een land waar nu het recht van de sterkste terreurgroep tot wet is verheven........ (na ingrijpen van de VS en de NAVO is Libië in chaos gedompeld en is het land verworden van het rijkste in Afrika tot bijna het armste op dat continent...)

Why You Should Be Skeptical of Everything You Hear About the Iran Protests

June 26, 2018 at 10:35 pmWritten by Caitlin Johnstone

(CJ Opinion) — Every few weeks I switch from being accused by pro-establishment Democrats of writing propaganda for Putin and Assad to being accused by pro-Trump Republicans of writing propaganda for the Iranian government, all because I am opposed to US-led regime change intervention in both Syria or Iran. Whichever country the US war machine is roaring loudest at on a given day, that’s the country I’m writing propaganda for, because somehow the social engineers have succeeded in turning regime change interventionism in Iran vs. regime change interventionism in Syria into a partisan wedge issue.

Couldn’t possibly just be that I know the US intelligence community lies constantly about such things.

To reporters everywhere: Please pay attention to what is happening in Iran now. I know foreign bureaus are almost non-existent these days, but keep a close eye on this story - and report it.

Today there are reports being triumphantly bandied about by neoconservative pundits everywhere (often hilariously using pictures of the MEK terror cult) that some Iranian protesters have been recorded chanting “Death to Palestine” and “Death to the dictator” and carrying signs which admonish the Iranian government to pull its troops out of Syria. All of which just so happen to play nicely into the pro-regime change narratives of America’s defense and intelligence agencies.

To reporters everywhere: Please pay attention to what is happening in Iran now,” said the Bush administration’s Press Secretary Ari Fleischer in a viral tweet about the new reports. “I know foreign bureaus are almost non-existent these days, but keep a close eye on this story — and report it.”

So naturally I am being accused by Trump supporters on social media of being a paid propagandist for the leaders of the Iranian government. This is primarily because I’ve been using my platform to circulate an article I wrote way back in January, which begins as follows:
Back in June the Wall Street Journal published a report saying that America’s Central Intelligence Agency had set up a new organization whose sole task would be to focus on Iran under the direction of “Ayatollah Mike” D’andrea, an aggressive Iran hawk.
The Iran Mission Center will bring together analysts, operations personnel and specialists from across the CIA to bring to bear the range of the agency’s capabilities, including covert action,” says the report.
This alone is reason enough to be intensely skeptical of every single thing you hear about Iran. The CIA has been a consistent utilizer and developer of the science of psyops — psychological operations in which large groups of people are deceived and manipulated into thinking and feeling a certain way to advance a preferred agenda during war and during peacetime. Relatedly, the CIA also has an extensive and well-documented history of staging regime change coups to topple rival governments all around the world, including Iran. These are not conspiracy theories. These are conspiracy facts.

Reminder: The Lying, Coup-Staging CIA Recently Escalated Operations In Iran 

It has now been a year since that Wall Street Journal report. Since that time, the Iran deal has been cancelled, sanctions have been implemented, and an effective regime change policy has been put into place. And now, lo and behold, there are Iranians being recorded chanting slogans that according to New York Post headline “prove Trump is getting it right”.

There is no doubt that approval of the Iranian government is far from unanimous among Iranians. There is no doubt that there is an authentic element of legitimate discontent to the current protests. There is also no doubt that the exact same thing could have been said about Libya and Syria, two countries which have been devastated by uprisings artificially provoked by psyops and manipulations from the US intelligence community.

Is it technically possible that these protests in Iran are completely, one hundred percent organic and not in any way the product of manipulations by America’s Central Intelligence Agency or any of its allied agencies? Sure. It’s technically possible the whole thing is exactly what neoconservative pundits like George W Bush’s press secretary want us to believe it is, and since ramping up covert operations in Iran the CIA has just been sitting there twiddling its thumbs the entire time wondering what all the fuss is about. But it’s not bloody likely, is it?

Of all the groups in the world who deserve the benefit of the doubt, the depravedlying, torturingpropagandizingdrug traffickingcoup-stagingwarmongering CIA ranks dead last, especially when it comes to issues of regime change. There is no reason whatsoever for any thinking person to assume the best of that malignant agency, nor that what we’re being told to believe about Iran is true.

Democrats: Regime change intervention in Syria, now!
Republicans: No! Regime change intervention in Iran!
Chomsky: The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum.

It’s so goddamn stupid that regime change interventionism in Iran has become a partisan issue. The fact that establishment liberals are arguing for interventionism in Syria and blind faith Trump loyalists are arguing for interventionism in Iran is the most perfect illustration you could ask for of what Noam Chomsky was talking about when he said that “The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum.”

It’s so degrading. Like the oligarchs who run the whole bipartisan scam were sitting around one day and decided to have the riff raff fight each other over which country the war machine will steamroll next.

We’re better than this. I don’t care who you are, you’re better than this. When pundits and politicians on either side of the aisle begin explaining to you why it’s good and desirable for the government of a rival nation to be overthrown, they are lying. Always. This isn’t the one time they’re telling you the truth after all those other times. Lucy’s never gonna let you kick that damn football, Charlie Brown.

It is the US intelligence community’s job to lie to you. I will say it again: it is the US intelligence community’s job to lie to you. The Trump supporters I’ve been arguing with about this on social media are swept up in the propaganda, apparently believing that every single person in Iran wants to overthrow their government, which is the only way a people’s uprising could possibly be peaceful. They don’t seem to think the government has any loyalists. They don’t seem to understand what happens in a country when one part of the population wants to force the overthrow their government and the rest of the population wants the government to stay, especially after the CIA gets involved. They don’t seem to understand the CIA’s extensive history of funneling arms to groups of mutual interest, who then go on to tear apart countries like Libya and Syria. It’s just “Yay CIA! Yay neocons! Free Iran!”

This should not be a partisan issue. We are all being lied to to advance a policy which will inflict an immense amount of death, destruction, destabilization, displacement, terror, rape and slavery upon a massive region, just like always happens with these interventions. This is not different. They are lying. Turn around. Go back. Wrong way.

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Opinion by Caitlin Johnstone / Republished with permission / Steemit / Report a typo

* Waar ook Oekraïne genoemd zou moeten worden, daar de VS ook daar een opstand organiseerde, die uitmondde in een staatsgreep, waarna de VS een pro-westerse [neonazi-] junta installeerde, een junta die daarop een oorlog begon tegen Oekraïners in het Oosten van het land, een oorlog waarvoor de VS o.a. wapens levert en 'militair advies' geeft.....

** Ontevredenheid creëren om zo protesten in Iran te stimuleren, protesten die moeten uitmonden in een opstand en uiteindelijk in de omverwerping van het Iraanse regime.... Waar men geen rekening mee houdt is dat hierdoor de conservatieve krachten de macht zullen overnemen van de veranderingsgezinde regering, een regering die juist zou moeten worden gesteund door het westen......... Waar ik nog moet opmerken, dat men in het Pentagon en bij de CIA dondersgoed begrijpt dat dit de reactie zal zijn, maar ja, men heeft zoals gezegd geen belang bij vrede >> dat is niet goed voor de enorme winsten van het militair-industrieel complex........

Zie ook:
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'Frankrijk beschermt Iran tegen de 'politieagent' van de wereld, de VS'

'The New Tyranny of the Dollar'

'VS vermoordt Iraniërs met sancties, EU doodstil.......'

'Trump volgt het scenario van deep state: oorlog met Iran 'is onvermijdelijk....''

'Rudy Giuliani viert het sterven van Iraniërs en stelt desondanks dat het Iraanse bewind door de VS geweldloos zal ondergaan.......'

'Iran, de protesten en wat de media je niet vertellen.........'

'With Veiled Regime Change Threats, Trump and NeoCons Blasted for Exploiting Iran Protests'

'Iraanse protesten allesbehalve compleet spontaan (zoals VS ambassadeur bij de VN Haley durfde te stellen...)....'

'Rudy Giuliani viert het sterven van Iraniërs en stelt desondanks dat het Iraanse bewind door de VS geweldloos zal ondergaan.......'

'US Empire Is Running The Same Script With Iran That It Ran With Libya, Syria'

'Nikki Haley (VS ambassadeur in de VN) bedreigt sjiitisch Iran met militair ingrijpen......' (klik ook op de links onder dat bericht)

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'Protesten Iran opgezet door de VS en Israël'

'Reagan middels manipulaties tot president gekozen; waarom de gijzelaars in Iran moesten wachten op hun vrijheid....'

'Saoedi-Arabië beschuldigt Houthi's en Iran van raketbeschieting en noemt dit een oorlogsverklaring............'

en zie:
Warmonger Called Out on Live TV After Pretending to Care About Iranian Protesters