Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label N. Pelosi. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label N. Pelosi. Alle posts tonen

vrijdag 10 juli 2020

Beambte VS inlichtingendienst stelt dat er geen bewijs is voor beschuldiging dat Rusland de Taliban betaalde voor huurmoorden

Op 30 juni jl. plaatste ik al een bericht over de meer dan belachelijke claim van VS geheime diensten dat Russische spionnen de Taliban betalen voor het aanvallen van VS doelen en die van andere NAVO-partners*. Deze constatering wordt nog eens bevestigd door een beambte van zo'n geheime dienst....

Dezelfde beambte stelt voorts dat Trump daarom niet ingelicht zou zijn over deze zaak, echter dat is m.i. precies zo onbetrouwbaar, daar het gerucht over het inhuren van Taliban door Russische spionnen al langer circuleerde in het Witte Huis en je maakt mijn niet wijs dat Trump daar al die tijd niets over heeft gehoord........ Trump heeft bevestigd dat hij niets over deze zaak wist, maar ja als je Trump nog gelooft is er definitief iets mis in je hersenpan....... 

Verder zei Trump dat e.e.a. een nieuwe hoax is om hem te beschadigen, nieuw daar het nu in de openbaarheid komt en men in de VS a.s. november presidentsverkiezingen houdt.... (ofwel door Trump te beschadigen zouden minder mensen op hem stemmen, iets wat ik ook al niet geloof, immers zelfs als hij zijn achterban financieeel geheel uitkleedt zal deze achterban nog op hem stemmen als was hij de teruggekeerde jezus)

Het is intussen al wat dagen verder en ondanks dat veel van de reguliere mediaorganen het huurmoord verhaal erin houden is meer dan duidelijk dat e.e.a. inderdaad een enorme leugen is, waarvoor geen flinter aan bewijs kan worden geleverd.....

Het meest zieke is wel dat de VS eerder nog veel verder ging, toen Rusland de democratisch gekozen regering van Afghanistan op haar eigen verzoek te hulp schoot, de VS trainde en bewapende de Taliban zelfs....* (zie nogmaals dezelfde noot)

Fact or fiction?

Intel Official: Allegations of Russian Bounties to Taliban ‘Uncorroborated’
By Mairead McArdle

Members of the Taliban hand over their weapons in Jalalabad, Afghanistan June 25, 2020. (Parwiz/Reuters)
June 30, 2020 "Information Clearing House" - A U.S. intelligence official claims that intelligence reports alleging Russia offered bounty payments to Taliban militants to target American forces in Afghanistan were “uncorroborated” and hence not presented to President Trump as part of his briefings on national security matters.

The unidentified intelligence official told CBS News’ Catherine Herridge that the National Security Agency assessed that the intelligence collection report “does not match well-established and verifiable Taliban and Haqqani practices” and lacks “sufficient reporting to corroborate any links.” The report reached “low levels” of the National Security Council but did not travel further up the chain of command — and was not included in briefings with the president or vice president — because it was deemed “uncorroborated” and there was dissent in the intelligence community about the veracity of the allegations.

Last week, reports broke that U.S. intelligence found that at least one American soldier, as well as a number of Afghan civilians, died as a result of secret bounty payments that Russia paid to Taliban militants in Afghanistan.

Several American service-members died as a result of monetary rewards that a Russian military intelligence unit offered to terrorist militants to target U.S. and allied forces in Afghanistan, the Washington Post (WaPo) reported.

A similar report in the New York Times said that President Trump was briefed on the bounty allegations — a claim the White House denied.

Trump said in a tweet Sunday night that intelligence officials did not brief him on the allegations because they did not find them “credible,” adding that the information was “possibly another fabricated Russia Hoax.”

Nobody’s been tougher on Russia than the Trump administration,” he added in another tweet.

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said Monday that neither the president nor the vice president were briefed on the matter and said the intelligence about the alleged Russian bounty payments has not been verified.

There is no consensus within the intelligence community on these allegations,” McEnany said. “There are dissenting opinions from some in the intelligence community with regards to the veracity of what’s being reported, and the veracity of the underlying allegations continue to be evaluated.”

Members of Congress on both sides of the aisle have demanded answers about the reports of alleged Russian bounty payments.

Representative Liz Cheney, who ranks third in House GOP leadership, called on the White House to explain why the president and vice president were not briefed on the intelligence as well as what has been done to protect American forces and hold Russia accountable if the intelligence is true.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer have both called for briefings on the matter for all members of their respective chambers.

The administration’s disturbing silence and inaction endanger the lives of our troops and our coalition partners,” Pelosi said.

The U.S. has long accused Moscow of supporting the Taliban with weapons and other aid but has never accused Russia of soliciting Taliban members with bounties to kill U.S. forces and allies.

The Kremlin has denied the reports that it solicited militants with bounties to target American forces.
- "Source" -
See also

US claim of 'Russian Bounty' plot in Afghanistan is dubious and dangerous

* Zie: 'Geheime dienst VS: Russische spionnen betalen Taliban voor aanvallen VS doelen in Afghanistan.... ha! ha! ha! ha!' (zie de links in dat bericht voor oudere artikelen op dit blog over de illegale oorlog van de VS en haar NAVO-partners tegen Afghanistan, een oorlog die gvd nu al 19 jaar lang duurt, voor nog veel meer berichten over die oorlog, klik op het label 'Afghanistan', direct onder dit bericht)

Zie ook:
'VS vermoordde in Afghanistan weer 15 burgers waaronder 3 vrouwen en 3 kinderen........'

'Moordenaar van Soleimani komt om bij neerhalen van VS spionage vliegtuig in Afghanistan'

'Arnon Grunberg bagatelliseert tevergeefs embedded zijn bij Nederlands leger in Afghanistan en Irak'

'Afghanistan oorlog: militaire top VS zei al voor het begin dat dit een niet te winnen oorlog is'

'Afghanistan: wie is de terrorist'

dinsdag 21 april 2020

Trump wil tijdens de Coronacrisis het minimumloon voor arbeiders in de landbouw afschaffen

Ongelofelijk maar waar: de Trump administratie wil het minimumloon afschaffen voor arbeiders in de landbouw...... Terwijl het Coronavirus huishoudt en men wordt gemaand zoveel mogelijk binnen te blijven, kunnen deze arbeiders het zich niet veroorloven het werk neer te leggen, waar het werk van deze mensen juist nu ook nog eens van het grootste belang is...... 

Het gaat hier om arbeiders voor wie de arbeidsvoorwaarden al van nul en generlei waarde zijn en die al een allesbehalve normaal salaris verdienen........ Met het Coronavirus dat zoveel slachtoffers eist in de VS, stellen zij hun leven in de waagschaal, waar deze arbeiders bij het verwerken van landbouwgif, dit zonder beschermende kleding moeten doen en ondanks dit alles zullen ze als het aan de Trump administratie ligt nog eens worden gekort op hun salaris..... Wat een enorme inhumane psychopaat moet je zijn om alleen al met zo'n voorstel te komen...???

Dezelfde regering die vluchtelingen terugstuurt terwijl deze mensen op de vlucht zijn geslagen voor door de VS veroorzaakt geweld in hun moederland, maakt de Trump administratie gebruik van arbeiders uit Latijns-Amerika, mensen die met een groene kaart tegen een slavenloon mogen werken in de VS..... 
De volgende tekst hoort bij een petitie opgesteld door Pesticide Action Network (PAN), zoals je begrijpt kunnen wij deze petitie niet tekenen:


Stop the proposal to slash farmworker wages

Farmworkers are risking their well-being to keep our food system going without adequate safety, financial, and health protections. Meanwhile, this administration has proposed slashing minimum wages for farmworkers on guest worker visas as “aid” to industrial agriculture.

We should be raising wages and strengthening protections for farmworkers during the COVID-19 pandemic, not cutting wages and slashing protections. Join us in calling on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to step in and block this proposed wage cut for farmworkers.

Farm work can’t be done remotely. We know that many of those who are on the frontline of harmful impacts from industrial agriculture (like pesticide exposure) are also on the frontlines of coronavirus harm. Farmworkers are already some of the least protected workers in the country — they’re even excluded from federal standards for minimum wage and overtime pay that are guaranteed to other workers.

This administration’s proposal would further cut wages for farmworkers on guestworker visas. Targeting these essential workers in the midst of a pandemic isn’t just immoral — it could destabilize our food system by driving down wages for all farmworkers.

The proposal to cut farmworker wages could move forward at any time. Urge Speaker Pelosi to step up for farmworkers, today.

Thanks for all you do.

Take Action
Zie ook:
'Trump promoot anti-malariamiddel voor 2de keer als remedie tegen het Coronavirus' (en zie de links in dat bericht)

Voor meer berichten over arbeidsmigratie, arbeidsvoorwaarden, slavenlonen en/of het Coronavirus, klik op het betreffende label, direct onder dit bericht.

Coronavirus: hysterische en belachelijke beschuldigingen aan adres China

Fox News heeft als lid van de reguliere (massa-) media de grote aftrap gedaan in het beschuldigen van China voor de Coronacrisis. Fox presentator Jeanine Pirro heeft haar gif gespuid over China en daar zelfs een eis aan toegevoegd: China moet op alle mogelijke manieren boeten, nou ja, 'alle mogelijke manieren?' Een kernoorlog ontbreekt nog aan de tirade van deze oorlogshitser.......

Tucker Carlson, een Fox presentator die liever voor de CIA had gewerkt, maar daar werd afgewezen, had oud-CIA agent Bryan Dean Wright op bezoek en vroeg hem op suggestieve manier of Democratische politici werken voor de Chinese geheime dienst. Carlson deed dit daar men eerder aan Democratische politici had gevraagd of zij contact hebben gehad met Chinese autoriteiten maar daar geen antwoord op kreeg; kijk dan concludeert men bij Fox dat deze politici, waaronder senator Feinstein, wel op de loonlijst van de Chinese geheime dienst moeten staan..... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Kortom de Russiagate leugen wordt afgestoft en van een ander etiket voorzien: China! Overigens ook de Democraten kunnen er wat van, zo heeft oorlogsmisdadiger Biden zelfs durven zeggen dat Trump zich weliswaar oorlogspresident noemt, maar zich eindelijk als zodanig moet gedragen...... Waar hij voorts stelde dat Trump de Chinezen veel te slap aanpakt...... En dan denken progressieve Democraten dat Biden wel naar de linkerkant van de partij is te krijgen..... ha! ha! ha! ha!

Caitlin Johnstone schreef een artikel over deze zaak, waar ze als bij Russiagate concludeert dat e.e.a niet gaat over het Coronavirus of manipulatie van verkiezingen (Russiagate), maar over het handhaven van de VS als alleenheerser over de wereld, dus het in de tang nemen van China en Rusland, waarbij één van de doelen is China's economie onderuit te halen, daar deze een grote bedreiging vormt voor de VS...... De VS moet de nummer 1 economie van de wereld blijven, ook al is de staatsschuld van de VS amper nog in cijfers is uit te drukken en loopt deze per seconde op...... (kijk 'voor de gein' is hoe snel dat gaat)

MSM China Hysteria Gets Way Crazier And Dumber

by Caitlin Johnstone

Hysteria about China has been kicked into high gear by the political/media class who are responsible for manufacturing support for the cold war escalations which will be necessary to prevent the US from being surpassed on the world stage as a unipolar superpower.

Fox News' Jeanine Pirro has aired a fire-and-brimstone monologue on China that looks like a fictional news clip from some kind of film noir-style movie adaptation of a really ham-fisted dystopian graphic novel. It really needs to be seen to be believed, so give it a view here when you get a chance:

This seems more unhinged than normal
Embedded video
(voor de video in dit Twitterbericht zie het origineel)

"China is the one that's out of control," Pirro spat, punching the word 'China' like she was speaking a profanity at someone she despises. "We're not going to let you destroy this country or our way of life. We've fought too hard and we've fought too long to lose it to a Wuhan - that's what I said, a WOO-HAN virus."

"You want to control people? You politicians want to flex your muscles?" Pirro asked, referring to government lockdowns. "Well start working on how you're gonna punish, ostracize, alienate, and financially sanction, and make China accountable for what they did to us and the rest of the world!"

It's a legitimately scary segment with an unbelievable amount of vitriol, and Pirro isn't the only Fox News pundit ramping up the anti-China hysteria.

Tucker Carlson recently had on "former" CIA officer Bryan Dean Wright to tell his massive audience about the danger posed by the Chinese menace, and pitched him a question clearly geared to set up Wright to claim without evidence that leaders of the Democratic Party may in fact be members of the Chinese intelligence agency MSS.

"Former" CIA officer @BryanDeanWright tells Tucker Carlson (who has also tried to join the CIA) that some Democratic Party leaders may in fact be secret intelligence agents working for China. This is easily as deranged as anything we've seen on MSNBC about Russia.
Embedded video

(voor de video in dit Twitterbericht zie het origineel)

"We reached out to Senator Feinstein and a number of other elected officials today and asked 'Have you had contact recently since the outbreak with Chinese officials?', and not a single one responded. What do you think we should infer from that?" asked Carlson, who is known to have himself tried to join the CIA in the past.

"I think that they’re nervous," Wright replied. "I think there are a bunch of people who, because they’re either useful idiots, or they have some degree of knowledge and and relationships behind the scenes with the Chinese government. Some of them in fact could be Chinese agents of the MSS, their intelligence service, God forbid. They’re nervous."

"We’ve got a lot of very nervous folks in the Democratic Party," Wright added.

This is easily as unhinged as even the most cartoonishly ridiculous Russia hysteria we've seen uncorked by Rachel Maddow or anyone on MSNBC, and is not at all different in tone or content; even the use of the term "useful idiots" is right in line with the same reprehensible Russiagate rhetoric we've been hearing for the last four years.

The claim that rival parties have been infiltrated by communists has a very long and ugly history in US politics, and now that it's being weaponized by the American right wing in such a shameless way we can expect it to get a whole lot uglier.

Welcome to the new cold war. Biden's new ad is just unhinged anti-China propaganda.

Biden will attack Trump for supposedly being "too soft" on China, and Trump will do the same to Biden.

The 2020 election will be nonstop bipartisan scapegoating of China.
Embedded video

Not to be outdone the Democrats are now working to out-Trump Trump, with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi demanding that Trump "swiftly begin implementing the Hong Kong Human Rights & Democracy Act", and a new Biden campaign ad attacking the president for being too soft on China for its handling of the Covid-19 virus.

The ad attacks Trump for failing to force Beijing to allow US government officials into Wuhan to monitor the governing of a sovereign nation during a pandemic outbreak.

"Trump praised the Chinese 15 times in January and February as the coronavirus spread across the world," says the ad's narrator in a menacing voice. "Trump never got a CDC team on the ground in China. And the travel ban he brags about? Trump let in 40,000 travelers from China into America after he signed it. Not exactly airtight."

Attacking Trump from the right on foreign policy has become standard practice for the Biden campaign, with whoever runs his account recently tweeting "Donald Trump says he’s a wartime president — it’s time for him to act like one."

This is the guy that American progressives still say can be moved to the left? Hilarious.

Even as the world confronts the coronavirus crisis, democracy and human rights continue to be attacked in Hong Kong. @RepMcGovern is right — @realDonaldTrump must swiftly begin implementing the Hong Kong Human Rights & Democracy Act. 

It is never a good sign when the political/media class all across the aisle begins loudly trying to out-hawk one another about a nation which refuses to be absorbed into the US-centralized world order. And make no mistake, this is all this is actually about.

It's not a coincidence that the two nations the US political/media class has been shrieking the loudest about lately are the two strongest nations which have refused to be absorbed into the US empire. It's never been about "collusion" or a virus, it's about stopping multipolarism. This has been obvious for years, but partisan narrative control masks it.
More than two years ago I was writing about how Russiagate isn't about Trump or even really just about Russia, but about hamstringing the Russia-China tandem to stop China's rise.

Ever since the fall of the Soviet Union and the rise of neoconservatism, the prevailing orthodoxy in the US-centralized power alliance has been to preserve the unipolar world order at any cost. All US foreign policy has been a direct or indirect result of this agenda ever since.

Donald Trump says he’s a wartime president — it’s time for him to act like one.

It's not about Covid-19. It's not about Uighurs. It's not about a Putin pee tape. It's not about terrorists. It's not about weapons of mass destruction. It's about world domination, plain and simple. And the oligarch-owned political/media class who controls the dominant narrative is helping to facilitate that.

I never voted for a world order where one powerful government is constantly attacking, destroying and sabotaging any nation that threatens its hegemony. I'm pretty sure you never did either. And yet here we are, forced to accept this insane paradigm, even when the targeted nations in question are nuclear armed and anything could go drastically wrong at any moment as a result of miscommunication or technical malfunction in the heat and confusion of escalated aggression.

This will continue to be foisted upon us whether we like it or not, until this way of life is locked in forever, or until we all die in a nuclear holocaust, or until we force them to stop. It's that third option that they are working to cut off during the rapid increases in government surveillance and internet censorship we've seen implemented during this pandemic, so we're going to have to want to live a lot more than the empire does.
Thanks for reading! The best way to get around the internet censors and make sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list for my website, which will get you an email notification for everything I publish. My work is entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, liking me on Facebook, following my antics onTwitter, checking out my podcast on either YoutubesoundcloudApple podcasts or Spotify, following me on Steemit, throwing some money into my hat on Patreon or Paypal, purchasing some of my sweet merchandise, buying my books Rogue Nation: Psychonautical Adventures With Caitlin Johnstone and Woke: A Field Guide for Utopia Preppers. For more info on who I am, where I stand, and what I’m trying to do with this platform, click here. Everyone, racist platforms excluded, has my permission to republish, use or translate any part of this work (or anything else I’ve written) in any way they like free of charge.

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donderdag 14 maart 2019

Russiagate geslaagd: geen impeachment van Trump, waar Clinton en haar team na bewezen misdaden vrijuit gaan.....

Nancy Pelosi, de 'Speaker of the House' (nee, bepaald geen B&O speaker) heeft laten weten dat ze geen behoefte heeft aan een impeachment (afzetten) van Trump over Russiagate...... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Na 2 jaar lang schreeuwen over Russiagate, zonder ook maar een flinter aan bewijs, waar het woord 'impeachment' niet van de lucht was, durft Democraat Pelosi te zeggen dat ze geen reden ziet om Trump af te zetten.......

Russiagate was niets anders dan een doofpot voor het misdadig optreden van Clinton en haar campagneteam, ofwel: Russiagate truc geslaagd: Trump ten onrechte beschuldigd van samenspannen met Rusland*, (nogmaals) terwijl de misdaden van Clinton en haar campagne team onder het tapijt zijn geveegd!! Het gaat hier om de enorme misdaad van de kandidaatstelling diefstaldoor Clinton en haar team, de kandidaatstelling voor het presidentschap van de VS van haar partijgenoot Bernie Sanders..... 

Sanders was veel te 'links' voor de apparatsjiks van de Democraten, dus voor figuren als Clinton en Obama, vandaar dat de boel zo werd gemanipuleerd dat Sanders deze voorverkiezingen verloor...... De aanduiding 'Clintongate' zou dan ook moeten worden gebruikt, i.p.v. Russiagate.......... 

Vergeet niet dat de hele Russiagate hysterie heeft gezorgd voor censuur op het internet**, iets waarvoor westerse politici en de reguliere westerse media, regimes als dat in China aan de paal nagelen...... Niet alleen dat, er worden kapitalen uitgegeven 'om te voorkomen' dat Russiagate zich kan herhalen..... 

In Nederland heeft hare D66 akeligheid Ollongren het gore lef te stellen dat Rusland hier ook de boel manipuleert en reken maar dat ook aan de bestrijding van die fantasie enorme kapitalen aan belastinggeld worden verspild........ Waar de schrijvers op sites die vertellen wat er echt gebeurd in de wereld, werden en worden afgeschilderd als Russische trollen....... Denk daaraan als je volgende week en in mei in het stemhok staat, niet alleen D66 is volkomen fout op dit gebied, maar ook partijen als de VVD, CDA, PvdA, CU, SGP en GroenLinks......

Lees het volgende sarcastische en toch ook humoristische artikel (je gelooft je ogen af en toe niet) van Caitlin Johnstone, eerder geplaatst op haar website en overgenomen van Anti-Media:

Nancy Pelosi Tacitly Admits That Russiagate Is Bullshit

March 12, 2019 at 12:34 pm
Written by Caitlin Johnstone

(CJ Opinion) — In an interview with the Washington Post yesterday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that she opposed the impeachment of President Trump. This comes shortly before Mueller’s investigation into Trump-Russia collusion is expected to wrap up.

I’m not for impeachment,” Pelosi told the Post. “This is news. I’m going to give you some news right now because I haven’t said this to any press person before. But since you asked, and I’ve been thinking about this: Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path, because it divides the country. And he’s just not worth it.”

The response to Pelosi’s remarks has been swift and strong.

Wrong!” exclaimed MSNBC’s Russiagate con man Malcolm Nance via Twitter. “What the hell is wrong with the @SpeakerPelosi Congress that they absolve themselves of their duty! Nothing is criminal anymore?! Trump can do and say like a dictator as he pleases? All of his crimes are OK even if you see them? This requires a public outcry. #Disgraceful”

I like Speaker Pelosi but this is NOT the right approach,” tweeted Michael Avenatti of Stormy Daniels fame. “If Trump has committed impeachable offenses, he must be charged and he must face a trial in the Senate. Would the Repubs take this approach? Hell no! And this is why we get outplayed.”

Sorry, Madam Speaker,” tweeted Esquire’s Charles P Pierce. “If you really believe the president* is an unprecedented threat to the Constitution, your oath demands that you begin the process to remove him. It’s your job.”

Wrong! What the hell is wrong with the @SpeakerPelosi Congress that they absolve themselves of their duty! Nothing is criminal anymore?! Trump can do and say like a dictator as he pleases? All of his crimes are OK even if you see them? This requires a public outcry. .

The House’s most virulent Russiagater, however, sang a different tune.

If the evidence isn’t sufficient to win bipartisan support for this, putting the country through a failed impeachment isn’t a good idea,” said Congressman Adam Schiff told CNN yesterday.

As you might expect, those voices in alternative media who’ve been voicing skepticism of the Russiagate narrative since the beginning have been having a ball with this one.

BREAKING: The Democrats’ Congressional leadership is realizing that their two-year Russia conspiracy theory is not going to pan out,” tweeted journalist Aaron Maté, who has been in my opinion the single most lucid Russiagate critic for a long time now.

If Trump is literally controlled by Putin to the point where Trump is forced to act in the best interests of Russia *at the expense of the US* — which has been the prevailing claim not of Dem fringes but its mainstream — how can it be morally justified not to impeach him???” tweeted journalist Glenn Greenwald in response to Pelosi’s comments.

How indeed? Pelosi’s comments go completely against the narrative that mainstream Democrats have been selling America for over two years now, and this close to the Mueller report amount to a rejection of that narrative. Her statement is a tacit admission that she knows Russiagate is bullshit, has always been bullshit, and will continue to be bullshit.

Anyone who actually believed Putin controls Trump, Trump subordinates US interests to Russia, and that Trump conspired with a foreign adversary to win an election - as Schiff has spent 2 years screaming he's seen *conclusive* evidence for - would have a duty to try to impeach:

Is it possible that Putin has something on Pelosi?” Greenwald joked. “Or perhaps Democratic politicians and their media allies have been knowingly feeding the party base and cable viewers unadulterated, deranged, unhinged bullshit that they now can’t carry through on with the power in their hands because it was all self-serving, manipulative dreck? Anyone who has ever believed Trump is controlled and blackmailed by Putin to the point that Putin makes Trump treasonously sacrifice America’s interests for Russia’s — and there are a lot of you — should be marching in fury in the streets over Pelosi’s refusal to impeach Trump.”

But, of course, they will not. There will be no protest against Pelosi’s opposition to impeachment because those who would lead it know there will never be any evidence that could possibly lead to a bipartisan willingness in the Senate to remove him from office.

Anyone who’s paid close and intellectually honest attention to the Russiagate circus has known since the beginning that Trump was never going to be impeached for a treasonous conspiracy with the Russian government, despite the endless fantasies inflicted upon the blinkered Maddow muppets day after day after day for over two years now. Back in 2017 I said that “Mueller will continue finding evidence of corruption throughout his investigation, since corruption is to DC insiders as water is to fish, but he will not find evidence of collusion to win the 2016 election that will lead to Trump’s impeachment,” because it was obvious to anyone who knew anything. And that has proven to be the case with uninterrupted consistency.

If those who have been driving the Russiagate conspiracy theory really believed what they’ve been pushing, they would be up in arms at Pelosi’s remarks. Instead, we see responses like Russiagate grifter Bill Palmer publishing a hilarious article titled “Nancy Pelosi is playing rope-a-dope with Donald Trump on impeachment”, explaining that her remarks were actually a brilliant 57-D chess maneuver designed to “play this Trump fool like fiddle.”

Instead, by answering the question in this manner, Pelosi accomplishes two things,” says the Palmer Report, where sitting US senators and top Harvard law professors go for the important updates they need to continue fueling Russia hysteria in America. “First, she manages to put off the question until she and her allies have managed to carve Donald Trump up. Second, she’s messing with him. She just insulted him by saying he’s not worth the trouble of impeachment. Pelosi is looking to bait Trump into publicly feuding with her over the question of impeachment. That way it’ll be Trump introducing the concept, not her. And that’ll serve to help put the impeachment process on the right track. Just don’t call it ‘impeachment’ quite yet.”

So that tells you a bit about where the Russiagaters are at today.

This all comes out, by the way, at the same time as a new Wall Street Journalreport that Trump once attempted to personally cajole German Chancellor Angela Merkel into ceasing to buy gas from Russia out of fear that “it will make Europe’s largest economy excessively reliant on Russian energy.” Hardly the behavior you’d expect from a Putin puppet, but then neither are the rest of the many, many other actions that this administration has taken against the interests of Moscow.

As Democratic elites back off impeachment & collusion after pushing it for 2 years, perhaps voters will conclude they’ve been misled. And perhaps a backlash will benefit the wing of the party those same elites have used the Trump-Russia hype to ward off: the actual progressives.

It is right and appropriate that those few voices on the left who’ve been sharply critical of Russiagate from the beginning are now taking some time to gloat at and mock its peddlers with increasing scorn. The centrists who chose to spend more than two years forcing everyone’s energy into this blatant psyop which escalated a cold war against a nuclear superpower were wrong, and the leftists who objected to it were right. Trump’s term is more than halfway over, and Russiagaters chose to suck all the oxygen out of the room for this brainless, fruitless, worthless endeavor instead of allowing space for progressive reform and for criticism of Trump’s actual pernicious policies from the left. And they did it on purpose.

Mock the Russiagaters. Mock them ruthlessly, and never, ever let them forget the horrible thing that they did. Never stop making fun of them and reminding them how stupid and crazy they acted during this humiliating period of American history. And never stop using it as a weapon against them. They were wrong, so they should not be leading the way on what passes for America’s political left today. Skepticism was the only appropriate response to Russiagate in a post-Iraq invasion world, and those on the left who made that appropriate response should be treated with infinitely more respect and deference than those who did not.

They were wrong, we were right, and now even Nancy Pelosi is all but admitting it. Never let them forget it.

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Opinion by Caitlin Johnstone / Republished with permission / Medium / Report a typo
*  Door alle tamtam van Pelosi en andere Democratische Partijbonzen zullen velen in de VS blijven geloven dat Trump wel degelijk samenspande met Rusland...... Immers een belachelijk cliché werkt voor velen nog steeds: 'waar rook is is vuur......' Begrijp me goed, Trump is een smerige psychopaat, die inderdaad afgezet zou moeten worden, maar juist door het gebruik van valse beschuldigingen komt Trump steeds 'vaster' in het zadel te zitten.....

** Hier een 'paar' voorbeelden van wat het Russiagate sprookje teweeg heeft gebracht:
'Putin vraagt en Trump levert: een lijst met 'alle goede zaken die Trump voor Rusland regelde''

'Twitter verwijdert accounts vanwege 'propaganda', maar werkt zelf met een militair propagandist'

'Australische politie valt kantoor ABC binnen vanwege gelekte documenten'

'Gelekte documenten tonen aan dat Google en Pinterest censuur uitoefenen'

'Warren (democratisch presidentskandidaat) toont met hulp van Facebook aan dat dit bedrijf niet hoort te gaan over wat wel en niet is toegestaan'

'Facebook: uit gelekte documenten worden de steeds veranderende regels voor censuur op dit platform openbaar gemaakt: Facebook als geheime tak van de VS overheid'

'NewsGuard, het nieuwste wapen van Big Brother VS tegen de alternatieve media'

'Netflix censureert aflevering van humoristisch programma, 'na een geldig verzoek' op grond van Saoedische wetgeving....'

'Facebooks departement voor censuur: een hoognodige uitleg over een maatregel die alleen in een dictatuur thuishoort'

'Facebook censureert foto's van verhongerende Jemenitische kinderen als 'sexual content''

'Google manipuleerde VS presidentsverkiezingen van 2016 en censureert niet alleen linkse/alternatieve sociale media'

'Facebook gebruikte 'fake news' beschuldiging om de aandacht voor schandalen af te leiden'

'Google Maps veegt Palestijns gebied van de kaart'

'Twitter weert waarheid: Paul Craig Roberts in de ban, Roberts >> de grote criticus van de illegale oorlogen die de VS voert'

'Bolsonaro, de fascistische nieuwe president van Brazilië, werd volgens Avaaz en fake news brengers als de NYT gekozen door manipulatie via WhatsApp'

'Facebooks zuivering van de alternatieve (nieuws) media staat nog in de kinderschoenen'

'Facebook censureert de waarheid over Columbus en de verovering van de Amerika's.......'

'Facebook censuur gestuurd door het westers militair-industrieel complex en de NAVO in het bijzonder..........'

'Why the Coordinated Alternative Media Purge Should Terrify Everyone' (Tyler Durden op Zero Hedge)

'Facebook en Twitter verwijderen nu volledige accounts.........'

'Facebook (en Twitter) onderdrukt meningsvorming door het verwijderen van (echt) onafhankelijke media'

'Wie het nieuws controleert, controleert de wereld......'

'Facebook en Twitter verwijderen de eerlijke journalistiek en oprechte opinie >> censuur.....'

Facebook verlaat 'tranding news' voor 'brekend nieuws' van 80 reguliere mediaorganen, ofwel nog meer 'fake news.....''

'Facebook komt met nieuwsshows van betrouwbare media als CNN en Fox News.... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

'Censuur op het internet met vliegende start in de VS, 'het land van het vrije woord....''

'Facebook en NAVO werken samen in censuur op niet welgevallig nieuws......'

'Facebook helpt Saoedi-Arabië: doodstraf door onthoofding van vrouw die het waagde kritiek te uiten.....'

'Aanval op alternatieve media 'succesvol': meer en meer sites worden van het net geweerd.........'

'ThinkProgress eiste censuur van Facebook en werd inderdaad gecensureerd.... ha! ha! ha! ha!'

'VS staatscensuur op Facebook (ook in de EU)'

'Facebook stelt perstituee van New York Times aan als censuur-agent...... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

'Het echte Facebook schandaal: manipulatie van de gebruikers en gratis diensten voor eertijds presidentskandidaat Obama.......'

'Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook doneerde aan de politici die hem in de VS aan de tand voelden >> in het EU parlement maakte hij gebruik van megalomane EU politici.....'

'Facebook wil samen met door Saoedi-Arabië gesubsidieerde denktank censureren.... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

'VS gebruikt sociale media om 'fake comment' te verspreiden en de bevolking te hersenspoelen met leugens, ofwel 'fake news....''

'Eis een nee tegen censuur op het internet!

'Facebook e.a. hebben lak aan AVG (GDPR), misbruik persoonsgegevens gaat gewoon door.......'

'Facebook: verrijking van oliemaatschappijen en andere grote bedrijven, plus wereldwijde corruptie.......'

'Rusland krijgt alweer de schuld van hacken, nu van oplichters Symantec en Facebook....... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'