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Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.
Posts tonen met het label P. Ford. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label P. Ford. Alle posts tonen

donderdag 20 juni 2019

VS plant een bombardement op een Iraanse kerncentrale, verkennende VS drone neergeschoten

Volgens een onderdeel van The Jerusalem Post, is de VS van plan om een grote aanval uit te voeren op een 'aan het kernwapenprogramma gerelateerde installatie', ofwel een levensgevaarlijk bombardement op een kerncentrale......

E.e.a. zou ook nog eens op te maken zijn uit de zending van nog eens 1.000 VS militairen naar het gebied.... Trump zelf zou geen voorstander zijn, maar zou nu geneigd zijn om oorlogsmisdadiger Pompeo zijn zin te geven en een aanval uit te voeren op Iran...... De reden daarvoor is de false flag operatie die de VS hoogstwaarschijnlijk zelf uitvoerde, of heeft laten uitvoeren in de Straat van Hormuz, een operatie waar het in dit geval Iran de schuld van geeft....

Caitlin Johnstone, de schrijver van het hieronder opgenomen artikel haalt o.a. Moon of Alabama en de oud-GB-ambassadeur voor Syrië, Peter Ford aan, die wel geloven dat Iran de aanval heeft uitgevoerd, als was het alleen al uit frustratie over de teloorgang van de Iran nucleaire deal (P5+1 nucleaire deal), waarvoor de VS volledig verantwoordelijk is en die zelfs een aantal partners van de VS te ver vinden gaan, daar voor de beweringen van de VS, als zou Iran nog steeds werken aan een kernwapen, geen enkel steekhoudend bewijs wordt gegeven........ De sancties van de VS zorgen intussen voor veel ellende in Iran......*

Iran stelde eerder dat wanneer haar olie-export zal worden geblokkeerd, het zelf maatregelen zal nemen die alle uitvoer van olie uit het gebied zal tegengaan, een tweede reden voor o.a. Peter Ford om te denken dat Iran inderdaad de aanval heeft uitgevoerd. 

Johnstone stelt dan ook dat het in feite niet uitmaakt of Iran de olietankers nu wel of niet heeft aangevallen, de uiteindelijke schuld ligt bij de VS dat Iran tot het uiterste heeft gedreven (en waar VS en Israëlische oorlogshitsers al jaren aandringen op het aanvallen van Iran.......)

Vanmorgen werd bekend gemaakt dat Iran een drone van de VS heeft neergehaald, volgens de VS in internationaal luchtruim, echter volgens Iran gebeurde dit boven het grondgebied van Iran...... BNR's levende rollade Hammelburg stelde vanmorgen op die zender dat het goed mogelijk is dat Iran de drone in internationaal luchtruim heeft neergehaald, ofwel hij vindt de VS versie uiterst geloofwaardig, 'logisch', immers de VS 'houdt zich altijd aan internationale regels en liegt nooit als het gaat om oorlog en vrede' (het tegenovergestelde is het geval zoals je al begrepen had....). En dan durft Hammelburg keihard te zeggen dat hij objectief en onafhankelijk is...... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Tussen neus en lippen door liet Hammelburg weten dat hij de VS gelooft wat betreft de olietankers die werden aangevallen, daar hij stelde niet te begrijpen waarom Saoedi-Arabië niet heeft teruggeschoten........ Wel Hammelburg wat zou je denken van de mogelijkheid dat de reli-fascistische terreurstaat Saoedi-Arabië weet dat Iran er niet achter zat en dat dit wel eens snel aan het licht kan komen, sufferd!

Je moet wel een imbeciel zijn om niet te zien dat de VS bezig is met het uitlokken van de zoveelste illegale oorlog, te beginnen door de VS en dat tegen Iran...... Gelukkig is de VS door diverse van haar hoge oud-militairen gewaarschuwd geen oorlog tegen Iran te beginnen, daar de uitkomst gegarandeerd heel anders zal uitpakken dan in Irak, waar de oorlog in feite nog steeds niet is afgelopen en die intussen aan meer dan 1,5 miljoen Irakezen het leven heeft gekost......

Wat betreft de VS drone nog het volgende: goed mogelijk dat deze de boel aan het verkennen was voor een VS bombardement op een Iraanse kerncentrale......

Report: US Planning “Massive” Airstrike on an Iranian Facility

June 18, 2019 at 9:45 am
Written by Caitlin Johnstone

(CJ Opinion) — According to a new article from English-language Israeli publication The Jerusalem Post, the Hebrew-language Israeli publication Maariv has reported that diplomatic sources in the UN are assessing a US plan to conduct a “massive” airstrike on “an Iranian facility linked to its nuclear program” in response to alleged attacks on two sea vessels in the Gulf of Oman.

The sources added that President Trump himself was not enthusiastic about a military move against Iran, but lost his patience on the matter and would grant Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who is pushing for action, what he wants,” The Jerusalem Post reports.

This news comes after public statements by Pompeo that the US is considering a “full range of options” against Iran. It also comes as 1,000 additional US troops are being sent to the Middle East to “address air, naval, and ground-based threats” there. It also comes amid sightings of depraved war criminal Henry Kissinger at the Pentagon.

So that’s great.

in response to unproven claim that Iran attacked a Japanese tanker in the Persian Gulf the US is going to bomb an Iranian nuclear facility. 

U.N. officials: U.S. planning a 'tactical assault' in Iran

The military action under consideration would be an aerial bombardment of an Iranian facility linked to its nuclear program, the officials further claimed.

Spotted today at the Pentagon: former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger

Many comparisons are being made today between the unforgivable Iraq invasion and the agendas that this administration is attempting to advance in Iran, and rightly so. But make no mistake, Iran is not Iraq. A full-scale war against Iran would be many times more deadly, costly and destabilizing than Iraq; the UK’s Admiral Lord West told The Daily Star Online last month that winning such a war would require no less than a million troops. And it’s not difficult to imagine how the Trump administration’s brinkmanship could lead to all-out war.

If the US does decide to attack Iran over the highly suspicious Gulf of Oman allegations, for example, it’s not difficult to imagine a scenario in which Iran defends itself or retaliates and kills US servicemen. Once you’ve got the names and faces of US military personnel blaring on news screens all across America, you’ll see the war hawks converge and demand far more aggressive retaliations against Iran, and if the pressure works we could easily see an all-out war between the two nations. It just takes the right spark to land in the right place at the right time for the whole thing to go up in flames, and there are a lot of people trying to create sparks.

It would not be difficult for Trump to find himself in such a situation.

This is actually a line that both the Saudis and the Israelis have been making to Washington for quite some time,” Iranian foreign policy analyst Trita Parsi told CNN International in response to the question of whether Iran would just allow an attack without retaliation. “This is essentially saying that Iran is no different from Syria. You can strike yet they won’t have the guts to respond. We actually know that that’s not true because just two weeks ago when there was a ratcheting up with tensions the US intelligence itself picked up that as US warships were heading towards the middle east, the Iranians started putting some of their missiles on boats and started moving them around, appearing as if they were either wanting to protect those missiles or preparing for counter strikes.”

So the idea that this will just be a limited strike and the Iranians won’t respond seems extremely unlikely, but this is how you sell a big war: you pretend that you are selling a small war,” Parsi continued. “Because that’s much more digestible. That’s something perhaps that Trump could agree to. If you actually try to say ‘Look, let’s have a big war,’ not only would the American public be strongly against it, I personally think that Donald Trump himself would not be in favor of it.”

(voor de video van 1.39 min. in onderstaand Twitterbericht zie het origineel)
Embedded video
My interview on @cnni regarding Trump's escalation with Iran and the idea that you can have a small, limited war with Iran.

"But this is how you sell a big war. You pretend you're selling a small war because that is much more digestible."

As proof of its Gulf of Oman claims against Iran, the US has circulated a grainy, Loch Ness Monster-quality video which shows nothing whatsoever and which one analyst attests has been edited in a misleading way, as well as a few photographs which prove absolutely nothing.

It is worth noting, however, that some typically reliable anti-imperialist voices have been saying it’s likely that Iran was indeed behind the attacks, including Moon of AlabamaElijah J. Magnier, and former UK ambassador to Syria Peter Ford. They argue that Iran has been backed into a corner with economic sanctions, so now it’s fighting dirty to force the Trump administration to either end the sanctions in order to come to the negotiating table or enter into a costly, unpopular war right before election time. Magnier claims to have sources in Tehran who confirm this, saying that we can expect more such incidents in the future.

I’m not taking a position either way, but I do think it would be a mistake to make the possibility of a false flag into the entire argument against attacking Iran for the Gulf of Oman incident. If Iran did indeed attack a Japanese and Norwegian vessel to obstruct trade in accordance with Tehran’s pledge that “if Iran cannot export oil through the Persian Gulf, no-one will do this,” it’s important to recognize that Iran would only be doing this in response to extremely aggressive economic warfare by the United States. As we discussed recently, sanctions are an act of war, and if Iran is behind this and any other attacks, the US will have been the aggressor.

In any case, things could get very, very ugly, very, very fast, and if it does it will be entirely the Trump administration’s fault.

(voor de video van 1.37 min. in onderstaand Twitterbericht zie het origineel)
Embedded video
Here we go again! The US sending more troops to Middle East for what will be disastrous war with Iran. To prevent Trump and future presidents from waging war illegally (without Congress approval) we must sign my No More Presidential Wars Act. Join me: 

Our one saving grace through all this has been Trump’s incompetence in manufacturing any kind of coalition or broad support for increased aggressions against Iran. EU foreign ministers have joined Japan and Germany in demanding further proof of Washington’s Gulf of Oman claims, and China is now denouncing US pressure on Iran and cautioning against “opening Pandora’s box” in the Middle East with further escalations. At home, the political/media class has been far less eager to help manufacture consent for war in this case than it generally is, with even virulent neocon Max Boot advocating for diplomacy and a return to the Iran deal, and Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard actively plugging her No More Presidential Wars Act in response to the administration’s Iran brinkmanship.

I don’t know exactly what’s going on with Washington’s plans for Iran, but what I do know that 30 million people marched worldwide against the war in Iraq and it didn’t make a whit of difference. The same dangerously evil people who bullied, lied and cheated their way into getting their war with Iraq are pretty much the same bunch of assholes who are attempting to do the same with Iran today. Not only did none of them go to jail for that diabolical crime against humanity, most of them are still in positions of influence, and most of them are using that influence to push the world again into another war that nobody wants. How long do we put up with this crap?

Do you want to know the truth about what’s going on with Iran? The real truth? The real truth is that there’s an ever-growing, globe-spanning, oligarch-run power alliance with the United States at its center, an alliance which functions as a single empire and works relentlessly to bully other nations into either joining it or collapsing. Iran is by far the strongest nation in the region that has refused to allow itself to be absorbed into the blob, so its government has found itself in the imperial crosshairs  being commanded to either submit or be toppled. That’s all that’s going on here. Everything else is camera-friendly window dressing.

Opinion by Caitlin Johnstone / Republished with permission / / Report a typo
* Zie: 'VS verwijt Iran nucleaire chantage, chantage waar de VS zichzelf schuldig aan maakt'

Zie ook:
'Bernard Hammelburg rijp voor oorlogshitsclub Atlantic Council: Al Qaida opereert vanuit Iran'

'Spanningen met Iran: VS geschiedenis van false flag operaties en andere manipulaties die tot oorlog hebben geleid'

'VS plant een bombardement op een Iraanse kerncentrale, verkennende VS drone neergeschoten' (zie ook de links in dat bericht)

'VS heeft stok 'gevonden' om oorlog tegen Iran te beginnen: Iran zou tankers hebben aangevallen'

'Twee olietankers aangevallen in Golf van Oman: VS oorlogsbodem in de buurt'

'VS stuurt 500 militairen naar Saoedi-Arabië als inzet tegen 'Iraanse agressie''

'Israël maakt zich op voor oorlog tegen Iran'

'Groot-Brittannië saboteert de Iran deal en de belofte van de EU de VS sancties te compenseren: Iraanse olietanker werd op verzoek VS overvallen'

'De VS en niet Iran is een schurkenstaat'

'VS chanteert de wereld: geen olie import uit Iran, anders........'

'Pompeo (VS minister BuZa): Iran is de grootste sponsor van terrorisme..... Goh, nooit geweten dat Iran subsidie geeft aan het Pentagon'

'Kapitein Japans schip spreekt Trump administratie tegen over Iraanse kleefbom op zijn tanker'

'VS heeft stok 'gevonden' om oorlog tegen Iran te beginnen: Iran zou tankers hebben aangevallen'

'Twee olietankers aangevallen in Golf van Oman: VS oorlogsbodem in de buurt'

US Continues to Escalate Tensions, Raising Fear of Imminent War With Iran

US Might Send 10,000 More Troops to Middle East

'VS dreigt Iran met militair geweld op beschuldiging van terreur die de VS zelf op grote schaal uitoefent'

Yemen Be Damned, Pompeo Doubles Down on US Support for Saudi Arabia

'Het verborgen motief achter de Israëlische agressie tegen Iran en Syrië'

'Iraanse protesten allesbehalve compleet spontaan (zoals VS ambassadeur bij de VN Haley durfde te stellen...)....'

'Protesten Iran opgezet door de VS en Israël'

'Iran, de protesten en wat de media je niet vertellen.........'

'De VS gaf meer dan 1 miljoen dollar uit om protesten tegen Iraans bewind uit te buiten (en te organiseren)'

'Lt. General McInerney says Obama helped build ISIS with Weapons from Benghazi'

'Rex Tillerson (VS BuZA) geeft toe dat de VS een staatsgreep wil uitvoeren in Iran........ Het is nog 'iets te rustig' in dat gebied........'

'Netanyahu vergelijkt Iran met nazi-Duitsland en stelt dat Iran een bedreiging is voor de wereldvrede..... ha! ha! ha! ha!'

'Washington uit op oorlog met Iran......'

'Oliemaatschappijen weigeren n.a.v. VS sancties de jet van Iraanse minister af te tanken'

'Israël bezig met voorbereiding op meerdere fronten oorlog........ (met hulp van de VS'

'John Bolton heeft beloofd dat Iran voor 2019 onder een ander regime zal leven.......'

'Saoedi-Arabië dreigt Iran aan te vallen voor vanuit Jemen afgevuurde 'raketten' op Saoedische 'doelen..........''

'VS rechter gelast Iran miljarden te betalen aan de families van 911 slachtoffers.....' (terwijl 9/11 niet werd uitgevoerd noch werd geregisseerd door Iran)

'Iran moet hangen en Iran-deal moet van tafel....... Israël speelt wolf in schaapskleren'

'VS ambtenaren: Israël zoekt steun VS voor oorlog tegen Iran.......'

'VS, de werelddictator: Iran-deal is van nul en generlei waarde (op basis van leugens en achterklap).......'

'Iran houdt zich aan de nucleaire deal dit in tegenstelling tot de VS........'

Israël laat er geen twijfel over bestaan: met het uit de Iran-deal stappen van de VS is definitief de oorlog verklaard aan Iran.........'

dinsdag 20 november 2018

Machthebbers en elite misbruiken media en fake news voor uitbreiding en bestendiging van macht.......

Oké mensen, niets nieuws, maar gezien het continu volhouden van leugens in de reguliere westerse media (en door het grootste deel van de politici), kan de waarheid niet vaak genoeg herhaald worden (als was het tegengif), inclusief het noemen van de bewijzen dat het om leugens gaat. Dat geldt bijvoorbeeld voor alle leugens over 'fake news' (nepnieuws), maar ook die over de illegale oorlogen van de VS tegen Afghanistan, Irak, Libië, Syrië, Iran en Venezuela (de laatste 2 een economische oorlog die deze landen op de knieën moeten krijgen voor de VS.....).......

Overigens zijn de reguliere westerse (massa-) media in handen van super welgestelden (plutocraten) en investeringsmaatschappijen, die daarmee die media al sturen, ofwel winst über alles! Die winst gaat op zeker ver voor de waarheid, waarbij het inhumane neoliberalisme ('fascisme light') ten koste van alles moet worden beschermd en gepropageerd....... Over manipulaties gesproken......

Kit Klarenberg is de schrijver van het hieronder opgenomen artikel, eerder geplaatst op Sputnik, daarin beschrijft zij het boek van T.J. Coles met de volgende titel: 'Real Fake News: Techniques of Propaganda and Deception-based Mind Control'.

Coles gaat ook in op de geschiedenis van fake news, maar dan wel het 'fake news' dat machthebbers gebruiken om hun positie veilig te stellen...... Het eerst bekende gebruik van fake news was dat door de Babylonische heersers, die daarmee hun goddelijke aanwijzing probeerden te bewijzen (en dat lukte destijds wonderwel goed, later nam het christelijk geloof het over om de koning en koningin als door god gegeven functies neer te zetten, deze achterlijke gedachtekronkel werd ook in de bijbel opgenomen). Terwijl de adel aanvankelijk bestond uit de sterkste en wreedste boeren die de boel met veel geweld onder hun duim wisten te houden en het volk uitbuitten tot het erbij neerviel........ 

Trouwens over religies of geloven gesproken: als er één groot fake gebeuren is zijn het de religies wel, al gaat het dan in het westen wel over 'lang' vervlogen tijden, tegenwoordig gebruikt men zoals gezegd de media (en de politiek) als vehikel om 'fake news' (nepnieuws) te brengen....... De voorbeelden van het verkondigen van fake news zijn overweldigend zie wat dat betreft niet alleen het bericht hierna, maar ook de links die na dat artikel zijn opgenomen.


Fake News

(Sputnik) – For quite some time, debate about ‘fake news’ has reverberated clamorously in both mainstream and alternative discourse. One could easily conclude the issue was a pressingly new plague, restricted to certain corners of the web – but academic TJ Coles begs to differ. In fact, he tells Sputnik fake news has been ubiquitous for thousands of years.
It’s difficult to pinpoint the precise moment the term ‘fake news’ entered the Western political and media lexicon, but the election of Donald Trump as US President certainly turbocharged its usage. For the controversial leader and his supporters, the label can be automatically applied to any and all media reporting critical of him, while his opponents play much the same game when roles are reversed.
This tit-for-tat sparring inspired TJ, director of the Institute for Peace Research, to write a book on the subject — the fruit of his labours, Real Fake News: Techniques of Propaganda and Deception-based Mind Control, was published in September.
All that talk made me think ‘hang on a minute, we’ve always had fake news’. It’s the nature of power — all power structures want to maintain and expand their power, so it’s therefore important to present information that benefits them, and keeps populations in a psychological and/or intellectual prison. The ‘fake news’ peddled by elite financial, commercial and political financial interests, duly regurgitated by major media organizations, eclipses any bogus story perpetuated by alleged ‘bots’ on Twitter, or whatever,” TJ says.


In his work, TJ traces the birth of fake news all the way back to ancient Babylon, when rulers sought to perpetuate the notion they were descended from Gods and thus had a right to dominate and control the populace — history’s first recorded instance of the ‘divine right of kings’.
Similarly, Plato famously popularized the idea of the ‘noble lie’ — privileging untruths told for the benefit of elites and the population alike. These ideas very much endure in the modern day — TJ notes Wikileaks’ dump of the Clinton campaign’s internal emails amply demonstrates her team felt it wouldn’t be good, or necessary, for Hillary’s supporters to be aware of her close connections to Wall Street, so did their utmost to conceal the mephitic kinship.
Elites the world over are acutely aware information is power, and actually quite open about their use and abuse of the news to shape public perceptions and preserve sociopolitical conditions benefitting them. For instance, the UK Ministry of Defence regularly publishes projections of how planners think the world will look in 10 — 20 years, and they routinely note the media is one of the key ways to maintain the current paradigm, and discuss the various ways information can be ‘weaponized’ against the public,” he says.
TJ suggests elites shape and control the public mind so effectively because they exploit fundamental facets of human nature. First, the well-established instinctive inclination to reflexively believe something reinforcing one’s existing beliefs, rather than assessing whether alternative facts or viewpoints have any value, or indeed considering whether what one believes might be wrong, or informed by confirmation bias.
This tendency is greatly exacerbated by the use of internet and social media algorithms that present a ‘personalized’ picture of the world to users, unfailingly presenting individuals with content they want to see, and tacitly suppressing information contrary to their existing opinions.
Elites also know how easy it is to exploit guilt, which is why atrocity propaganda is so widespread today. Most sympathize with the victims of major atrocities, and naturally want to do something to help, so this aspect of human nature can be easily manipulated to justify aggressive foreign policy actions — ‘look at what we’re letting happen to poor defenceless people, we have a responsibility to protect them’ etcetera. It’s funny, when it comes to the economy, the powerful are quick to say people are naturally selfish, so it’s everyone for themselves, but when it comes to foreign policy, we should care about our fellow human beings and do something to help,” TJ says.


As the academic’s work makes clear, atrocity propaganda doesn’t even need to have any grounding in reality whatsoever. In the lead-up to the NATO-backed violent overthrow of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, the mainstream media was awash with reports government forces fuelled by viagra were conducting mass rapes of civilians, and planning a borderline genocidal massacre of rebel forces — claims used to justify the imposition of a no-fly zone over the country, and NATO airstrikes.
The stories were subsequently found to be entirely without foundation — similarly, serious question marks hover over the veracity of numerous claimed chemical weapons attacks in Syria, which likewise have provided a pretext for Western attacks on the country.
It’s especially easy to exploit guilt when you present bite-sized news reports about an atrocious event stripped of all context, and exclude the voices of people who are actually on the ground. Occasionally, contradictory voices do filter through the system, although largely by accident. For instance, the BBC made the mistake of inviting Peter Ford, former UK ambassador to Syria, on air to discuss chemical weapons attacks — he quickly demolished their propaganda. He hasn’t been invited back since,” TJ says.
Ford is surely but one of a great many talking heads to effectively be banned from appearing on the BBC for daring to state views and evidence contrary to ascendant elite narratives. However, the British state broadcaster’s blacklisting activities also extend to its own employees — in April 2018, the BBC admitted that for decades, job applicants and serving staff were subject to political vetting by MI5, in an effort to prevent “subversives” gaining employment with the Corporation.
Often, individuals were ostracized on extremely tenuous grounds. For instance, respected film director John Goldschmidt was blacklisted in the late 1960s, with two projects he was working on for the Beeb cancelled midway through production without warning or explanation — MI5 deemed him a potential subversive as he’d spent a few weeks in Czechoslovakia in his youth, as part of a student exchange program. Similarly, award-winning journalist Isabel Hilton was refused a job by BBC Scotland in 1976 — that she spoke Chinese and had been a member of Scottish China Association at Edinburgh University made MI5 extremely anxious.
Under the policy, popular children’s book author and playwright Michael Rosen was also outright sacked from the BBC in 1972 while a graduate trainee for a number of ‘transgressions’, including student activism at Oxford, and producing a film featuring clips of US soldiers being tested with LSD. The American Embassy in London complained about the project to both MI5 and the BBC directly, whereupon Rosen was shown the door.
The policy was wound down in the 1990s, and it’s unknown whether any comparable structures existed at other major news organizations — although City University research suggests dissenting voices remain rare in the British mainstream media. The 2016 study concluded UK journalists are overwhelmingly white, male, and elite-university educated — and are far more trusting of politicians, the government, police and military than the general population, which the study’s authors partly attributed to reporters’ “reliance on these institutions as sources of information”.
Such widespread faith in the establishment may account for why so many prominent reporters see no problem with maintaining close relationships with the intelligence services. The Guardian’s Luke Harding has frequently, openly and proudly advertised his warm bond with British spying agencies in articles and books — and equally frequently been condemned for uncritically running stories of questionable probity potentially provided to him by agency staff. In a September article he claimed Russian diplomats had held secret talks in London with associates of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, in an attempt to assist in his escape from the UK. The covert action would’ve allegedly seen Assange smuggled out of the Ecuadorian embassy in Knightsbridge under cover of Christmas Eve in a diplomatic vehicle and transported to Moscow.
The story was entirely based on the testimony of anonymous sources, the identity of which Harding didn’t even hint at in the piece. In response, Craig Murray, former UK Ambassador to Uzbekistan, slammed the article, calling it a “quite extraordinary set of deliberate lies” and “entirely black propaganda” published by an “MI6 tool”.
I was closely involved with Julian and with Fidel Narvaez of the Ecuadorean Embassy at the end of last year in discussing possible future destinations for Julian. It is not only the case Russia did not figure in those plans, it is a fact Julian directly ruled out the possibility as undesirable. The entire story is a complete and utter fabrication. It is very serious indeed when a newspaper like the Guardian prints a tissue of deliberate lies in order to spread fake news on behalf of the security services. I cannot find words eloquent enough to express the depth of my contempt for Harding and Katherine Viner, who have betrayed completely the values of journalism,” Murray wrote.
Similarly, in 2007 the Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran published an analysis of 44 articles written by Daily Telegraph Defence Editor Con Couglin on Iran — including stories suggesting North Korea was helping Tehran prepare a nuclear weapons test, and the country was grooming Bin Laden’s successor. They found the pieces almost invariably were based on “unnamed or untraceable” sources in intelligence agencies or the UK Foreign Office and “published at sensitive and delicate times” when there’d been “relatively positive diplomatic moves” towards Iran, and contained ‘exclusive revelations’ about Iran combined with eye-catchingly controversial headlines, which were typically based on a single sentence in the wider article.


Despite his bleak analysis, TJ does not view the elite monopoly on information as insurmountable, or invincible — there’s much individuals and groups can do to shatter the stranglehold.
People should keep a keen eye on sources that analyse news reporting and misreporting, such as Glasgow University Media Group and MediaLens, which offer alternative information and tell you what media coverage is actively omitting from the real story. However, change must come from within too — people should divorce themselves from preconceptions, and question their beliefs wherever and whenever possible. When presented with information that doesn’t conform to our predispositions, we should ask ourselves whether it’s true, rather than reflexively dismissing it outright,” TJ says.
While having less trust in the media more generally is a must, the academic also warns against placing too much faith in alternative news outlets and social networks, despite them being valuable resources with a significant positive potential.
Independent media is growing in size and strength, but its overall reach is still relatively tiny — while print circulation is obviously down, people still get the vast bulk of their information from mainstream outlets. Similarly, social media could’ve democratized the spread of information, but it hasn’t — and in fact any such potential has probably been neutered by the proliferation of ‘fact-checking’ resources, which are anything but unbiased and disinterested arbiters of truth,” TJ notes.
One-such ‘fact-checker’ is the Atlantic Council, a NATO-offshoot with a board of directors comprised of a ‘who’s who’ of contentious US political figures, including Henry Kissinger, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, Robert Gates, Michael Hayden and David Petraeus, among others.
It partnered with Facebook in May to “independently monitor disinformation and other vulnerabilities” and combat the spread of fake news on the platform. To date, the collaboration has resulted in untold hundreds of pages and personal accounts being shut down — rather than being promulgators of propaganda though, the overwhelming bulk of the banished were alternative news sources, political organizations and individuals, highlighting issues and events the mainstream media downplays or ignores, such as US interventionism, drug legalization and police brutality.
Moreover, that elites exploit social media’s information-sharing capabilities to suit their own objectives is well-established.
The US State Department has used major social networks to recruit revolutionaries on several occasions, most notably during the ‘Arab Spring’, connecting ‘moderate rebels’ — actually violent jihadist lunatics — in select countries. Washington wanted Assad, Gaddafi and Mubarak gone, because they weren’t following orders — but there were no Twitter or Facebook ‘revolutions’ in the Gulf states, because the American empire wanted their rulers to remain in place. In Cuba, the CIA even went as far as creating a social network for the same purpose,” TJ concludes.
The views and opinions expressed by the contributors do not necessarily reflect those of Sputnik

This report prepared by Kit Klarenberg for Sputnik
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