Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.

zaterdag 5 januari 2019

White Helmets: naast gebruik van terreur ook schuldig aan orgaanhandel, vernietigende VN video presentatie

Op deze plek heb ik al vaak over terreurorganisatie White Helmets geschreven, maar niets was gruwelijker dan de zaken uit het hieronder opgenomen artikel......

Zelfs in de VN is men ervan overtuigd dat de White Helmets een terreurorganisatie is (al zullen de VS, Saoedi-Arabië, andere arabische staten en Israël dat ontkennen), in tegenstelling tot de valse beelden van de White Helmets als hulpverleningsorganisatie, hier een relaas met beelden die er bepaald niet om liegen, om het nog maar voorzichtig uit te drukken...... Dan te bedenken dat Nederland ook deze terreurorganisatie heeft gesteund (met ons belastinggeld...).......

Lees het volgende verhaal en geeft het door, het masker van de White Helmets dient volledig vernietigd te worden, waarna deze organisatie in de hele westerse wereld eindelijk als de terreurorganisatie kan worden gezien, die het in werkelijkheid is!

Het volgende artikel van Mark Taliano, werd eerder gepubliceerd op Global Research:

Video: Who Are the White Helmets? Fake News and Staged Rescues

Canada’s beloved “humanitarian heroes”, the White Helmets.

Global Research, December 26, 2018
In-depth Report: SYRIA

Maxim Grigoriev of the “Foundation for the Study of Democracy”, discussed this and other findings gleaned from interviews with numerous individuals, including former terrorists, in Syria, during a video-taped presentation entitled, “Roundtable Discussion on the Middle East Issues: Activities of the White Helmets Organization in Syria” under UN auspices.

One interview subject, Omar Al-Mustafa — who wanted to be a White Helmet but wasn’t accepted because he wasn’t al Nusra Front (al Qaeda) — recounted the following:
People evacuated by the White Helmets often did not come back alive.  For example, a person receives a minor injury, is rescued, evacuated, and then brought back with their stomach cut open and with their internal organs missing.  I heard that a little girl was injured.  They took her to Turkey and brought back in three days, dead and with no internal organs. People were scared.  When someone got injured, they were afraid to call the White Helmets and ask for help.”
Grigoriev’s findings, presented at the U.N, are consistent with previous on-the ground investigations, including those of pioneering investigative journalist Vanessa Beeley (also featured in the Roundtable presentation), and Prof. Tim Anderson. 

In October, 2017, locals told Prof. Tim Anderson that the building pictured below had been used for organ trafficking.

Additionally, the Director-General of Syria’s Coroner’s Office, Houssein Noufel, reported in November, 2016, that body organs from 15,000 Syrians were sold over the course of six years. [1]

A litany of crimes committed by the White Helmets is documented in the video below.

Equally disturbing, however, is that Western agencies, including Amnesty International, Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), and Western media, use the White Helmets as sources for their stories.
A U.K document entitled, “Syria Resilience CSSF Programme Study” states, in reference to the White Helmets, which it names Syrian Civil Defence (SCD), amply documented, the “news” that the White Helmets report to Amnesty, SOHR, and myriad government sources, consists of fake news and staged rescues. Consider these screen grabs from the above video on UNWeb TV:
In addition to service delivery, SCD provide an invaluable reporting and advocacy role, being nominated again this year for the Nobel Peace Prize. Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have stated that SCD are their most routinely reliable source for reporting. Throughout the bombardment by Russia since September 2015, SCD has provided essential corroboration that strikes were not targeting Da’esh but moderate opposition entities. This has provided confidence to statements made by UK and other international leaders made in condemnation of Russian actions.”
Amply documented, the “news” that the White Helmets report to Amnesty, SOHR, and myriad government sources, consists of fake news and staged rescues. Consider these screen grabs from the above video on UN Web TV:

Colonial media uses terrorist-embedded sources for their criminal disinformation campaigns, and these campaigns amount to (criminal) war propaganda.

Testimonies such as those above provide evidence-based counter-narratives which Western governments and their agencies have disappeared for years.
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Mark Taliano is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) and the author of Voices from Syria, Global Research Publishers, 2017.


[1]“Body Organs of Over 15,000 Syrians Sold in Six Years: Coroner’s Office.” FARS NEWS AGENCY, 17 November, 2016. Global Research, 18 November, 2016.( Accessed 25 December, 2018.

Order Mark Taliano’s Book “Voices from Syria” directly from Global Research.

Mark Taliano combines years of research with on-the-ground observations to present an informed and well-documented analysis that refutes  the mainstream media narratives on Syria

Voices from Syria 

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-1-6
Author: Mark Taliano
Year: 2017
Pages: 128 (Expanded edition: 1 new chapter)
List Price: $17.95
Special Price: $9.95 

Click to order

The original source of this article is Global Research

Copyright © Mark Taliano, Global Research, 2018

Read more >> Syria: The White Helmets Are Terrorist Auxiliaries
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'White Helmets oprichter 'vermoord door' vredesactivisten en kritische alternatieve media'

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'White Helmets terreurgroep wordt vandaag met open armen ontvangen in Tweede Kamer.....(met video over samenwerking tussen Al Qaida en de White Helmets, zie ook de andere links in dat bericht)

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Netflix censureert aflevering van humoristisch programma, 'na een geldig verzoek' op grond van Saoedische wetgeving....

Grote opschudding in de VS over de beslissing van Netflix een aflevering van het satirische programma 'Patriot Act' in Saoedi-Arabië op haar site te blokkeren voor kijkers in die reli-fascistische terreurstaat......

In de bewuste aflevering levert Hasan Minhaj grote kritiek op Mohammad bin Salman (MBS), de uiterst moorddadige psychopathische kroonprins van Saoedi-Arabië. Met name de oorlog die Saoedi-Arabië in Jemen voert is onderwerp van de kritiek, een illegale oorlog tegen de sjiitische bevolking van dat land, die is uitgedraaid op een genocide.....

Ook de barbaarse moord op 'journalist' Khashoggi is uiteraard onderwerp van kritiek. Gelukkig heeft het programma Patriot Act wel oog voor de oorlog in Jemen, dit in tegenstelling tot de meeste westerse politici en het overgrote deel van de reguliere massamedi, die vooral ontstemd waren over de dood van Khashoggi, een 'journalist' die het Saoedische bewind en haar ongebreidelde terreur in het verleden heeft gesteund.......

Jammer dat in het hieronder opgenomen artikel van Middle East Eye (MEE), toch vooral de aandacht op de dood van Khashoggi wordt gelegd......

Veel inwoners van Saoedi-Arabië waren blij dat de Midden-Oosten tak van Netflix, Netflix MENA (MENA: Middle East and North Africa) een humoristisch programma maakt, daar zo de censuur kan worden omzeild. Des te groter de teleurstelling na de beslissing van Netflix de bewuste aflevering te censureren voor S-A..... Netflix laat duidelijk de oren hangen naar de inhumane, bloedige Saoedische dictatuur....... (en die koninklijke dictatuur is goede vrienden met het Nederlandse koningshuis......)

Outrage After Netflix Blocks Comedy Show Critical of Saudi Crown Prince

January 1, 2019 at 9:34 pm
Written by Middle East Eye

(MEE— Netflix has removed an episode of comedy show Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj for viewers in Saudi Arabia after the country complained about the host’s criticism of its war in Yemen and the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the Financial Times reported on Tuesday.

According to the FT, the streaming site confirmed it had removed the episode, which is described on the website as: “Hasan exposes grim truths about Saudi Arabia and the charismatic crown prince known as ‘MBS [Mohammed bin Salman].'”

The decision followed a complaint made by Saudi Arabia’s Communications and Information Technology Commission on the grounds that the episode violated the anti-cyber crime law against “material impinging on public order, religious values, public morals, and privacy”.

Under Article 6 of Saudi Arabia’s anti-cyber crime law, “production, preparation, transmission, or storage” of such material “through the information network or computers” is punishable by a five-year prison sentence and a 3m Saudi riyal ($800,000) fine.

In the episode, the comedian takes aim at the kingdom in the aftermath of Khashoggi’s assassination inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on 2 October.

Both the Saudi-led war in Yemen, which he calls “the biggest tragedy of the MBS era”, and the crown prince himself come in for criticism. Minhaj calls for American ties to the oil-rich kingdom to be placed under the spotlight.

Now would be a good time to reassess our relationship with Saudi Arabia. And I mean that as a Muslim, and as an American,” he says in the episode.

Netflix defended the decision in a statement, saying: “We strongly support artistic freedom worldwide and only removed this episode in Saudi Arabia after we had received a valid legal request – and to comply with local law.”

Online outcry

The report has provoked a response from many prominent figures on social media.
Wow. When Netflix censors material on behalf of Mohammad bin Salman,” tweeted Iyad el-Baghdadi, a Norway-based human rights activist. “Many of us Arabs were very excited when Netflix launched its MENA division, because we thought this is a way in which we can bypass censorship. I guess there’s the end of that.”

Money always comes ahead of principles. Corporatism is a pillar of the structure of power that keeps us pinned down,” he added.

Others on social media shared Baghdadi’s concern, wondering how much influence Mohammed bin Salman had over Netflix.

Shame on @netflix for taking down the episode of @hasanminhaj's @patriotact on MBS, the war in Yemen, and Saudi influence following a request from Saudi Arabia's government that the piece allegedly violated the country's cybcercrime legislation 

Among those criticising the move was Karen Attiah, the Washington Post’s global opinion editor, who became a fierce critic of the Saudi leadership when her paper’s columnist Khashoggi was murdered by Saudi operatives. The CIA has concluded that Mohammed bin Salman was almost certainly responsible for the operation.

.@hasanminhaj of @patriotact has been a strong, honest and (funny) voice challenging Saudi Arabia + Mohammed bin Salman in the wake of ’s murder. He brought awareness about Yemen.

Quite outrageous that @netflix has pulled one of his episodes critical of Saudi Arabia.

Khashoggi’s murder has rocked Saudi Arabia’s international standing, with allies like Germany withholding arms sales and the US Senate officially holding Mohammed bin Salman responsible.

The assassination has also placed Riyadh’s role in the disastrous war in Yemen, which has pushed 14 million people to the brink of famine, under closer scrutiny. US Congress members are pushing to halt all Washington’s support for the Saudi-led coalition fighting in the conflict.

By MEE staff Republished with permission / Middle East Eye / Report a typo
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