op de site van Caitlin Johnstone een kort maar krachtig artikel tegen
over de werking van het kapitalisme in de VS (en elders), of beter gezegd hoe de samenwerking van politiek
en kapitalisme (of neoliberalisme, de nieuwste inhumane vorm van
kapitalisme) de status quo bewaart en waar in de VS tientallen miljoenen hun invloed op de
politiek (stemrecht) werd afgepakt ten behoeve van de welgestelden, de grote
bedrijven, banken en vooral niet te vergeten het militair-industrieel
complex....... Uiteraard wordt e.e.a. gesteund door de reguliere (massa-) media, die zogenaamd onafhankelijk zou opereren.......
gezegd een kort maar krachtig artikel waar weinig of niets tegen in
te brengen is*:
July 13, 2018

America they build flying war robots, but you can’t drink the
water. America is where the empire keeps its billionaires and bombs.
wars left Europe a mess many years ago, so America rose to the top.
Now it’s where many rich and powerful influencers centralize their
operations. America is the cattle prod** used to compel the world to
march along with the interests of western aristocrats. Governments
which comply are rewarded with military “protection”, while
noncompliant governments are sanctioned and bombed. The Mafia does
this also.
are kept poor by the aristocracy, because money equals power and
power is relative. The poorer ordinary Americans are kept, the more
powerful the aristocrats are. Agencies like the FBI were invented so
that there will be someone to help shoot and kill ordinary Americans
if they ever decide to start eating the aristocrats for food.
is very important that the aristocrats be able to control America,
because they need to be able to protect their assets while directing
its military firepower. This means keeping ordinary Americans poor
and politically impotent while conducting trillion-dollar military
operations overseas, which is a hard sell. The aristocrats engage
that hard sell on a daily basis using the mass media corporations
which they own. And they do so successfully.
are surrounded by screens which promote capitalism and consumerism
for eight-minute stretches between commercial breaks promoting
capitalism and consumerism. If you ever get a bit uncomfortable about
the expensive planes dropping expensive bombs on people who make less
money in their lifetimes than the military explosives used to kill
them, just turn on any of the screens you own and there will be a
talking head ready to explain to you why you’re just imagining
silly things in that ditzy little head of yours. Relax. Don’t
worry. Uncle Sam has got everything under control. Uncle Sam loves
you. Uncle Sam knows what’s best.
is too important to be left in the hands of the Americans. If you
ever wonder why America is behaving in a strange way, that is always
the explanation: America is too important to be left in the
hands of the Americans. The intelligence agencies, military firepower
and massive economic influence that is wielded by anyone who exerts
control over the US government are such valuable tools that there’s
no limit to the horrible things that aristocratic manipulators will
do to secure it. This includes pummeling ordinary Americans with mass
media psyops day in and day out to manufacture their consent for
agendas which do not benefit them. While this is an effective way to
control how Americans think and vote, it also makes them more than a
little crazy.
is why there is an opiate epidemic in America. This is why white
supremacy is becoming more brazen. This is why every few weeks an
American grabs a gun and kills as many of his countrymen as possible.
Because of their nation’s strategic significance, Americans are the
most aggressively propagandized people in the tight alliance of
nations that comprises the western empire. But there’s only so far
you can twist a mind away from truth before it snaps. There’s only
so much you can do to convince a populace that mass murder is
perfectly fine overseas before someone gets the idea that it’s
perfectly fine at home, too.
are in their nature as compassionate and generous a people as you
will ever meet anywhere else on earth; they’ve just got
manipulative sociopaths elbows-deep in their minds conducting psyops
all the time, and it makes them a bit weird. But their
good-naturedness is evident in the fact that even the propaganda used
to manipulate them into consenting to depraved war agendas is always
meant to exploit their caring and compassion: it’s always about
saving children from a monstrous dictator, or spreading freedom and
democracy. Americans are blasted in the face with so many hero
narratives from Hollywood and television that this makes perfect
sense to them, and of course they want their military to do something
heroic and save those poor kids. Even the sick things they consent to
are rooted in basic good intentions. America is a country full of
decent people with propaganda boxes around their brains.
is what makes America America. Without the endless aristocratic
influence campaigns convincing Americans that economic injustice is
economic justice, that war is humanitarian, that insanity is sanity,
and that their government is acting with their best interests at
heart, the nation would be unrecognizable. America is a psyop wearing
a cowboy hat.
sprawling aristocratic kingdoms have been built upon the manipulation
of the American psyche. If those brain boxes ever get shucked off,
those kingdoms will necessarily collapse, and a new world will
emerge. Because those brain boxes are made of lies and manipulation,
the new world which emerges will necessarily be better and healthier.
Health and harmony are born of truth.
is not okay that the aristocracy keeps warping and brutalizing the
American psyche. It is not okay that they use their power and
influence to advance inequality and war. Americans need only to turn
around and face their manipulators and tormenters for this all to
end. Once you’ve seen the puppeteer, the puppet show is ruined.
pointing at those strings, oh clear-eyed rebels. This fight is very
winnable. The spells holding the deception together can be broken.
America belongs in the hands of the Americans. Americans can take
* Als Azijnpisser heb ik natuurlijk wel wat te zeiken: bijvoorbeeld commentaar op de eerste alinea waarin de stelling dat het (Vierde) rijk, de VS, niet alleen haar miljardairs, maar ook haar bommen op eigen grondgebied herbergt...... Helaas, de VS heeft meer dan 800 militaire bases over de wereld waar naast militairen, wapens, militaire hardware en munitie liggen opgeslagen (en nee die militairen liggen niet opgeslagen, dat kan pas met warbots die op de grond kunnen 'werken......')... Ook in Nederland liggen VS bommen, sterker nog hier liggen zelfs 'atoombommen' van de VS, daarnaast zal de VS in Limburg militair materieel als tanks opslaan in de opbouw naar een mogelijke VS aanval op Rusland, ofwel het echte begin van WOIII (met hulp van de NAVO, de oorlogshond van de grootste terreurentiteit op aarde, dezelfde VS...).... Moet je nagaan: dan is Nederland nog maar één van de landen in de EU waar VS wapens, munitie en militaire hardware heeft opgeslagen.......
** Cattle prod: 'vee prikker' (....)
Zie ook:
'VS vermoordde meer dan 20 miljoen mensen sinds het einde van WOII........'
'VS buitenlandbeleid sinds WOII: een lange lijst van staatsgrepen en oorlogen..........'
'List of wars involving the United States'
'CIA 70 jaar: 70 jaar moorden, martelen, coups plegen, nazi's beschermen, media manipulatie enz. enz.........'
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