vanmorgen een mail van Avaaz, een petitie voor steun aan aan EU
politici die een wet willen invoeren waarmee internetreuzen wel
normaal belasting moeten betalen.
voorbeeld: Amazon maakte in 2017 bijna 200 miljard dollar winst en
betaalde amper belasting over die winst......
bestaat niet zegt men wel eens: vanmorgen werd bekend gemaakt dat
Shell, de oliegigant, ondanks de miljarden winsten die het maakt,
geen winstbelasting betaalt, dit door afschrijving van gemaakte kosten op de winst, zoals rente kosten......
Op BNR was de neoliberale plork Kavelaars te horen, NB
een 'professor' aan de Erasmus universiteit, die stelde dat Shell niets anders doet dan de
belastingregels volgen...... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! Kavelaars stelde verder dat Shell onder verscherpt toezicht staat en Shell dus niet kan sjoemelen.......
Alles is prima controleerbaar voor de belasting aldus Kavelaars..... ha! ha! ha! ha! Jammer genoeg is het al jaren geen geheim meer dat de belastingdienst te weinig personeel heeft om bijvoorbeeld zwartspaarders aan te pakken*, reken maar dat men daar al helemaal geen tijd heeft voor de uiterst ingewikkelde boekhouding van Shell......
Daarnaast zijn de kromme belastingregels, die welgestelden en grote bedrijven bevoordelen, opgesteld door politici die lobbyen voor die welgestelden en grote
bedrijven als Shell, ronduit schandalig!! Voorts worden de belastingaangiften van de gewone burgers wel goed gecontroleerd door de belastingdienst.....
Nogmaals: het is een schande dat we moeten leven met dergelijke belastingregels, immers volgens normale ethische normen zouden dit soort lobbyende politici verantwoordelijk voor die regels, als misdadigers worden gezien, misdadigers die als volksvertegenwoordigers crimineel de belangen
behartigen van welgestelden en grote bedrijven.... 'Lullig' maar één van de voorbeelden is 'onze premier' Rutte, die nauwe banden onderhoudt met
bedrijven als Unilever, voor wie hij 10 jaar werkte en waarvoor hij zelfs de Nederlandse dividendbelasting wilde afschaffen.........
gezegd, Avaaz heeft een petitie op poten gezet voor steun aan EU
politici die een eind willen maken aan het grote
belasting ontduiken...... Vergeet niet dat alleen grote Nederlandse
bedrijven op jaarbasis al een slordige 30 miljard aan belasting
ontduiken, geld waarmee we alle schulden ellende waaronder een fiks deel van de grote
onderlaag in onze maatschappij leeft (waaronder veel gehandicapten, chronisch zieken en ouderen), voorgoed kunnen oplossen!!
Intussen bezitten de acht rijkste mannen op onze aarde, mede door de kromme belastingregels, evenveel als de arme helft van de wereldbevolking........ Me dunkt de hoogste tijd voor een alles omwentelende wereldrevolutie!! (helaas zal dit voorlopig niet gebeuren....)
Hier de
tekst van Avaaz, lees deze en teken ajb! (en geeft het door!)
new Robin Hood
made almost $200 billion in revenue last year -- yet in many
places their tax rate was almost 0. ZERO!
Internet giants are using tax loopholes to pocket billions that should be going towards our schools, hospitals, and other public services. We pay our taxes -- why shouldn't they?
Europe is on the verge of passing a revolutionary law that would make them do just that -- take just a bit of the trillions the internet giants earn to give it back to the people, like Robin Hood. But these monster companies are fighting back, because they know if it passes it'll go global.
Let's show key governments we've had enough of this injustice -- Avaaz will deliver our call to European capitals ahead of the vote in just days:
Click here to make tech giants pay like all of us
It isn't just one company, or one rich CEO. 8 men now have as much wealth as half the world. Poverty has declined and many countries have experienced a great deal of economic growth, but wealth is concentrating more and more in the hands of an impossibly wealthy few.
This plan wouldn't change that in a moment, but it's a step in the right direction. The idea is just to make "digital services" companies (like Amazon, Apple, Google, etc) start paying a very low tax in the country where they make the money, instead of letting them shuffle all their earnings to tax shelters.
It isn't about demonising successful companies. It's about building a global economy that works for all of us, not just CEOs. About stopping them from pocketing billions and billions of dollars that should rightly be paid in taxes and used for education, health care, and the infrastructure they use to deliver their products to us. And unlike Robin Hood, this isn't stealing -- it's just changing the law to make things a tiny bit more fair.
If Europe's Robin Hood bill passes, others will follow. That's why these internet giants are doing everything they can to stop it. But if we can deliver our message to key capitals before a major summit in just days, insiders say we could tip the balance. Add your name:
Click here to make tech giants pay like all of us
Internet giants are using tax loopholes to pocket billions that should be going towards our schools, hospitals, and other public services. We pay our taxes -- why shouldn't they?
Europe is on the verge of passing a revolutionary law that would make them do just that -- take just a bit of the trillions the internet giants earn to give it back to the people, like Robin Hood. But these monster companies are fighting back, because they know if it passes it'll go global.
Let's show key governments we've had enough of this injustice -- Avaaz will deliver our call to European capitals ahead of the vote in just days:
Click here to make tech giants pay like all of us
It isn't just one company, or one rich CEO. 8 men now have as much wealth as half the world. Poverty has declined and many countries have experienced a great deal of economic growth, but wealth is concentrating more and more in the hands of an impossibly wealthy few.
This plan wouldn't change that in a moment, but it's a step in the right direction. The idea is just to make "digital services" companies (like Amazon, Apple, Google, etc) start paying a very low tax in the country where they make the money, instead of letting them shuffle all their earnings to tax shelters.
It isn't about demonising successful companies. It's about building a global economy that works for all of us, not just CEOs. About stopping them from pocketing billions and billions of dollars that should rightly be paid in taxes and used for education, health care, and the infrastructure they use to deliver their products to us. And unlike Robin Hood, this isn't stealing -- it's just changing the law to make things a tiny bit more fair.
If Europe's Robin Hood bill passes, others will follow. That's why these internet giants are doing everything they can to stop it. But if we can deliver our message to key capitals before a major summit in just days, insiders say we could tip the balance. Add your name:
Click here to make tech giants pay like all of us
would be an unprecedented shift in how the world works, a clear sign
that the status quo is changing and we won't just let the rich get
impossibly richer forever. But all it does is take the laws that
apply to you and me -- pay your taxes! -- and makes it work for them
too. That's how the world should work -- so like always, that's what
we should fight for.
With hope,
Danny, Christoph, Antonia, Mike and the whole team at Avaaz
More information:
EU’s Divisive Plan to Tax Facebook, Amazon Returns to Spotlight (Bloomberg)
How Uber, Google, Facebook and Other Tech Giants Avoid Paying Billions in Tax? (Medium)
Silicon Valley faces sweeping new taxes in Europe (CNN)
The tech giants will never pay their fair share of taxes – unless we make them (Guardian)
Berlin gets cold feet over EU tech tax promoted by Macron (Financial Times)
The World's 8 Richest Men Are Now as Wealthy as Half the World's Population (Fortune)
With hope,
Danny, Christoph, Antonia, Mike and the whole team at Avaaz
More information:
EU’s Divisive Plan to Tax Facebook, Amazon Returns to Spotlight (Bloomberg)
How Uber, Google, Facebook and Other Tech Giants Avoid Paying Billions in Tax? (Medium)
Silicon Valley faces sweeping new taxes in Europe (CNN)
The tech giants will never pay their fair share of taxes – unless we make them (Guardian)
Berlin gets cold feet over EU tech tax promoted by Macron (Financial Times)
The World's 8 Richest Men Are Now as Wealthy as Half the World's Population (Fortune)
* Deze zwartspaarders ontduiken op jaarbasis naar schatting 20 miljard euro.......... En dan durft men de laagste inkomens te belasten met 37% inkomstenbelasting.........