Zoals gezegd, de Israëlische fascistenregering van Netanyahu stelt dat Iran met een grote legermacht in Syrië tegen IS vecht...... Kijk IS is volgens Israël geen gevaar, vandaar ook dat het land op verzoek van IS posities van het reguliere Syrische leger bestookt...... Verder lapt Israël terroristen van IS op, zodat ze na hun revalidatie het weer op kunnen nemen tegen het reguliere leger van Syrië.......... (dit gebeurd voor een groot deel op de door Israël illegaal bezette Golanhoogten)
Niet vreemd dat Israël de enorme terreur van IS steunt, immers dit land doet zelf niet anders: neem het uitoefenen van grootscheepse terreur op de Palestijnen in de Gazastrook en op de West Bank...... En zoals u weet: elke kritiek op de smerige, gewelddadige apartheidsstaat Israël, wordt afgedaan als antisemitisch
Netanyahu had zelfs het gore lef om over 'sjiieten' te spreken, alsof hij zich alvast van de steun van de soennitische arabieren wil verzekeren...... Jezus wat een schoft!
Er zijn in het Midden-Oosten 3 staten die de stabiliteit daar keer op keer ondergraven (voor zover je in het Midden-Oosten nog van 'stabiliteit' kan spreken): Israël, Saoedi-Arabië (plus haar arabische, soennitische hielenlikkers) en de VS (uiteraard aangevuld met een deel van haar NAVO partners, zoals Groot-Brittannië, dat wapens, munitie en training levert aan Saoedi-Arabië, wapens en munitie die voor een fiks deel wordt doorgeleverd aan Al Qaida en andere terreurtroepen.....)............
Netanyahu spreekt over acties tegen Iraanse troepen in Syrië, echter reken maar dat Israël al bezig is een actie voor te bereiden tegen Iran zelf.......
Hier een artikel over deze zaak van Shahtahmasebi, daarin worden wat zaken genoemd, waar ik het niet mee eens ben, zoals u zo zal merken. Lees en oordeel zelf:
Israel Warns Russia It’s Prepared to Defend Itself From Iran in Syria
August 26, 2017 at 6:53 am
Written by Darius Shahtahmasebi
post-ISIS Syrian phase of the Syrian war will be unpredictable, to
say the least. According to Reuters,
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Russian President
Vladimir Putin on Wednesday that Israel is prepared to take action in
Syria to prevent Iran from dominating the region after ISIS falls.
is public
enemy number one for
Israel, and its strong presence in Syria, which was mobilized to help
bolster the Assad government throughout the Syrian conflict, has
Israel fearing a permanent Iranian military presence, which would be
very close to its border.
is already well on its way to controlling Iraq, Yemen and to a large
extent is already in practice in control of Lebanon,” Netanyahu
reportedly told Putin.
cannot forget for a single minute that Iran threatens every day to
annihilate Israel. Israel opposes Iran’s continued entrenchment in
Syria. We will be sure to defend ourselves with all means against
this and any threat.”
to Reuters, Putin did not make any comments in response
to Netanyahu’s remarks about Iran’s role in Syria or his threat
to take unilateral action in Syria.
Shi’ites into the Sunni sphere will surely have many serious
implications both in regard to refugees and to new terrorist
acts,” Netanyahu
told Israeli reporters after the three-hour meeting with
Putin, Reuters reported.
has partnered with
Iran and Turkey in recent times to take control of the Syrian
conflict, and it seems unlikely that Vladimir Putin will abandon both
Syria and Iran anytime soon. That being said, if Israel takes a minor
action to defend its direct interests, particularly in the Golan
Heights area, Putin may allow Israel’s acts to go ahead without any
dramatic consequences to a certain extent.
Reuters notes
that Israel’s main concern would be keeping Iranian forces away
from the Golan Heights, which is under Israel’s control. If Israel
pursues this strategy without expanding its presence in Syria
further, Russia may ultimately sit on the sidelines without
example, Israel has struck Syrian territory multiple times throughout
the Syrian conflict (in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015,
etc), and Russia has not threatened to retaliate against Israel for
these actions. In fact, Russia and Israel have a hotline
to prevent their warplanes from
colliding, which suggests Russia has accepted Israel’s desire to
involve itself in some capacity in the Syrian conflict.
to Reuters, Russia’s ambassador to Israel, Alexander
Petrovich Shein, said Russia would take Israel’s interests into
account, and if it were up to Russia, “the foreign forces
would not stay.”
However, Reuters quoted
Russian U.N. Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia as saying “We
[Russia] know the position of Israel towards Iran but we think that
Iran in Syria is playing a very constructive role.”
that context, Russia will not view any unilateral action favorably if
it disrupts the current de-escalation process that Russia has
been working to
establish for some time now with the help of regional players Iran
and Turkey.
it will depend on how far Israel or Iran want to provoke one another
after ISIS is defeated. Russia has no desire to see Israel and Iran
go to war in the Syrian battle theater; in fact, it is a scenario
Russia would probably happily avoid. Russia has its own interests
outside of Iran and Israel’s regional ambitions, namely to prop up
the Syrian government against foreign-backed jihadists and
to protect
its naval base –
not to provide air cover for Iranian forces to confront Israel near
its border.
from any credible assessment of this emerging conflict is the fact
that the Syrian conflict was instigated by
world powers in the first place out of concerns that Israel needed to
protect and retain its nuclear monopoly by toppling the Syrian
government, which would, in turn, curb Iranian influence.
strategy directly drew Iran into the conflict, and now Israel has to
face the possibility of a permanent Iranian military presence on its
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