Sinds 2001 zouden er al 2 miljoen slachtoffers te betreuren zijn door de terreur die de VS liet neerdalen in haar illegale oorlogen tegen Afghanistan, Irak, Libie en Syrië...... Overigens geen schokkend nieuws, vele deskundigen hebben deze 2 miljoen vermoordde slachtoffers al meer dan een halfjaar geleden gemeld.
Wel vreemd is de constatering van PSR dat tenminste één derde van alle slachtoffers direct zijn vermoord (dat woord wordt gemeden in de studie) door de bezettende machten........ Terwijl het voor iedereen duidelijk is dat alle slachtoffers zijn te danken aan de agressie van de grootste terreurentiteit op aarde, de VS! Immers als de VS niet had ingegrepen en/of opstanden op touw had gezet, waren die 2 miljoen mensen niet het slachtoffer geworden van (VS) moord.....
In feite is die schatting van 2 miljoen slachtoffers aan de lage kant, dat erkent ook PSR. Wat PSR niet meldt is de steun van de VS (nu en/of in het verleden) voor IS, Al Qaida en andere terreurgroepen. Door deze steun zijn ook nog eens een enorm aantal mensen aan hun (vaak vreselijk) einde gekomen.......
Nafeez Ahmed werd door de Guardian de staat opgeschopt, vanwege zijn berichtgeving waarin hij de motieven gaf voor de Israëlische aanval op de Gazastrook in 2014. Deze Ahmed schat het aantal slachtoffers gemaakt door ingrijpen van de VS en haar hielenlikkers, op meer dan 4 miljoen......* Al moet dan weer gezegd worden, dat hij de Golfoorlog van 1991 tegen Irak en de slachtoffers door de VS boycot van Irak in de jaren daarna heeft meegerekend.
Dan zijn er nog de geheime operaties van de VS en de illegale standrechtelijke executies middels drones, waarbij meer dan 90% van de slachtoffers niet eens verdacht was/is...... De cijfers over het aantal doden die door drones vallen zijn nog moeilijker te achterhalen. Het is nog maar zelden, dat in de reguliere westerse media wordt bericht over deze ronduit terreuraanvallen van de VS......... Kortom zelfs het cijfer van 4 miljoen is hoogstwaarschijnlijk nog aan de lage kant.......
Lees de volgende (verder) uitstekende uiteenzetting van Darius Shahtahmasedi:
Those Killed by US-Led ‘War on Terror’ 10x Higher Than Reported by the Media
3, 2017 at 11:59 am
by Darius
the end of May, the Washington D.C.-based Physicians for Social
Responsibility (PSR) released a study concluding
that the death toll from the American-led “War on Terror” could
be as high as two million just since the years following the 9/11
study, entitled “Body Count,” is 97 pages long and involved
tallying up the total number of civilian casualties from U.S.-led
adventures in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Not surprisingly, the
mainstream media has paid close to zero attention to this report
despite the high-profile nature of the group that produced it (they
shared in the 1985 Nobel
Peace Prize with
the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War >> IPPNW).
study found that in many instances, previous estimates had “grossly”
underestimated the body count. According to the researchers:
figure is approximately 10 times greater than that of which the
public, experts and decision makers are aware of and propagated by
the media and major NGOs. And this is only a conservative estimate.”
report also found previous estimates had whitewashed the culpability
and responsibility of those who had done the killing. In regards to
the Iraq War, PSR found that despite “all the
inaccuracies…the answers still allowed for the conclusion that
approximately one third of all victims of violence had
been directly killed by the occupation forces.” [emphasis
U.S. and its allies (particularly the United Kingdom) also bear the
ultimate blame for civilian deaths, specifically, following the 2003
invasion. It was their presence that unleashed the chaos to begin
with, as noted by
independent journalist Ben Swann:
the 2003 U.S. invasion, do you know how many suicide attacks there
were in Iraq? None. In the country’s history there had never been
one. But since the 2003 invasion, there have been 1,892.”
PSR study also found some momentous flaws with a number of other
death toll studies. For example, a paper in the New England
Journal of Medicine ignored the areas of Iraq that were
subject to the heaviest violence, including Baghdad, the
capital city of Iraq.
the PSR speculated that the most accurate number for the death
toll in Iraq since 2003 is about one million. Together with a
conservative Afghanistan death toll of 220,000 and a Pakistani death
toll of 80,000, the PSR found that the number of deaths from the “War
on Terror” was at least 1.3 million. However, PSR concluded that
the real figure could easily be “in excess of two million.”
Ahmed, a journalist who was axed from
the Guardian for exposing Israel’s
motives for bombing the Gaza strip in 2014, has compiled a death toll
of his own, noting that the war in Iraq did not begin in 2003.
war on Iraq did not begin in 2003, but in 1991 with the first Gulf
War, which was followed by the UN sanctions regime.” Ahmed writes.
that the U.N. has found these
draconian sanctions were responsible for the deaths of approximately
1.7 million civilians (between 500,000 and 600,000 of whom were
children), Ahmed found that from 1990 to the present day, the U.S.
has realistically killed close to three million Iraqi civilians.
in all, Ahmed finds that the death toll from the U.S.-led “War on
Terror” since 1990 is close to four million – the majority of
whom would undoubtedly be Muslims given Iraq, Pakistan, and
Afghanistan are majority Muslim nations.
criticism of Islam and its 1.6 billion adherents that ignores this
devastating recent history is a dangerous and illusory waste of time.
year, leaked ISIS documents revealed that
its members had an extremely poor understanding of Islam. This was
further confirmed by Lydia
Wilson of The Nation,
who interviewed captured ISIS fighters herself:
did he [an ISIS fighter] do all these things? Many assume that these
fighters are motivated by a belief in the Islamic State, a caliphate
ruled by a caliph with the traditional title Emir al-Muminiin,
‘Commander of the faithful,’ a role currently held by Abu Bakr
al-Baghdadi; that fighters all over the world are flocking to the
area for a chance to fight for this dream. But
this just doesn’t hold for the prisoners we are interviewing. They
are woefully ignorant about Islam and have difficulty answering
questions about Sharia law, militant jihad, and the
caliphate.” [emphasis
to Wilson’s interviews with ISIS fighters, one main reason for
their radicalization was not their religion, but George W. Bush’s
invasion of Iraq.
Americans came,’ [one fighter] said. ‘They took away Saddam, but
they also took away our security. I didn’t like Saddam, we were
starving then, but at least we didn’t have war. When you came here,
the civil war started.’”
a few ragtag Muslims committing heinous acts of terrorism on Western
soil are enough to radicalize Westerners to form
resistant groups,
surely one can understand the sheer horror and plight of a group of
people who have been killed by the millions in the past two or three
decades over nothing more than a geopolitical chess game of oil,
money, and natural gas.
* Onder die 4 miljoen, meer dan 500.000 kinderen die werden getroffen door de boycot en daardoor zijn overleden. Massamoordenaar Albright, verantwoordelijk democraat, liet achteraf weten dat die 500.000 kindermoorden de moeite waard zijn geweest.......
Zie ook:
'Afghanistan: VS gaat terreur vergroten'
'VS gaf sinds 2001 meer dan 5,9 biljoen dollar uit aan oorlogen, ofwel: $ 5,933.000.000.000.......'
'VS standrechtelijke executies: voor de zoveelste keer niet-verdachten slachtoffer drone-aanval >> 15 Afghaanse politieagenten vermoord....'
'Afghaanse oorlog in het 17de jaar: Taliban nu sterker dan eerder sinds de VS de oorlog van 2001 begon'
'Ten Broeke (VVD) steunt beslissing Trump de illegale oorlog in Afghanistan te laten voortduren en zo meer terreur te creëren........'
'Afghanistan: de VS stelt de papaverteelt veilig voor de komende jaren...........'
'VS test grootste niet-nucleaire bom in testgebied..... Afghanistan!!' (o.a. Afghanistan is een testgebied voor de wapenfabrikanten en daaronder versta ik ook de fabrikanten van rollend, varend en vliegend oorlogstuig)
'Military-Industrial Complex Stock Prices Surge After Trump’s Afghan War Speech'
'Luchtmacht VS gooide in augustus meer dan 500 bommen op Afghanistan..........'
'Trump gaat oorlog in Afghanistan winnen...... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'
'6 Reasons Why Trump’s Afghanistan “Policy” Is Not a Deep State Plot'
'14 Times Trump Warned Against Doing What He Just Did in Afghanistan'
Hier nog een paar voorbeelden van VS terreur:
VS vermoordde meer dan 20 miljoen mensen sinds het einde van WOII........' (tot het jaar 2000)
'VS buitenlandbeleid sinds WOII: een lange lijst van staatsgrepen en oorlogen..........'
'List of wars involving the United States'
'VS: openlijke militaire oefening met terreurgroep in Syrië......'
'Bang voor Amerika'
'NAVO gaat VS helpen in Zuid-Amerika terreur uit te oefenen: Colombia lid van de NAVO.........'
'VS commando's vechten o.a. in Midden- en Zuid-Amerika, aldus het VS ministerie van oorlog.........'
'VS heeft Rusland al 3 keer met oorlog gedreigd, de laatste 2 keer in de afgelopen 1,5 week......' (bericht van 5 oktober 2018)