werkelijkheid is het, zoals op deze plek al zo vaak gesteld, juist de
schuld van de VS (met de NAVO aan de hand) dat illegale oorlogen
begint in landen die voor haar ofwel strategisch liggen dan wel
landen zijn die over grote voorraden olie en gas of andere belangrijke grondstoffen beschikken.......
toont ten overvloede in zijn redelijk uitgebreide artikel aan dat
inderdaad de VS verantwoordelijk is voor de 'vluchtelingencrisis' in de EU landen.... (eigenlijk nog veel erger: voor de enorme
ellende en het gigantisch aantal doden in landen die het slachtoffer
zijn van de grootscheepse VS terreur >> alleen deze eeuw al ruim meer dan 2 miljoen moorden...)
spreekt men in de EU van een vluchtelingencrisis, terwijl de landen
waar de VS haar illegale oorlogen voert en de landen daaromheen echt
te maken hebben met een vluchtelingencrisis, daar 90% van de
vluchtelingen in eigen land dan wel in de regio hun toevlucht
stelt dat Obama m.n. verantwoordelijk is voor de vluchtelingencrisis,
echter in de EU hadden we al een grote toeloop van vluchtelingen
nadat de VS Afghanistan en Irak aanviel, beide in feite illegale
oorlogen, maar voor die oorlogen was toch echt de Bush administratie
zal komen doordat Zuesse nu eenmaal in de VS woont en er in de VS na
het begin van de illegale oorlogen tegen Afghanistan en Irak weinig
of geen aandacht was voor de vluchtelingstromen die deze oorlogen
opgang brachten. Al moet gezegd dat vergeleken met de huidige
hysterie over vluchtelingen, er na aanvang van de
vluchtelingenstromen uit Afghanistan en Irak er amper sprake was van
veel ophef. Alleen fascistische griezels als Wilders hadden destijds
een grote bek over 'het enorme aantal vluchtelingen', waar deze
figuren zo min mogelijk over de oorzaak van het vluchten wilden
weten en daar al helemaal niet over naar buiten zijn getreden
(tijdens het haatzaaien tegen en angstzaaien voor vluchtelingen,
gedurende de voorlichting aan uh oplichting van
volgelingen)...... Waar de destijds politieke tegenstanders van Wilders intussen veel van de haat- en angstzaaierij die Wilders bracht, intussen hebben overgenomen, neem het CDA en de VVD....
Zuesse stelt voorts dat Obama in 2011 besloot dat er regeringswisselingen moesten plaatsvinden in Oekraïne, Libië en Syrië, echter om een voorbeeld te nemen: al in 2006 werden de eerste plannen gemaakt om in de Syrische politiek in te grijpen, middels een opstand die moest resulteren in een staatsgreep.... Zoals we nu weten is die operatie gelukt, waar deze in Syrië mislukte. Hetzelfde scenario werd in Libië 'met succes' uitgevoerd, zodat dit land: -in puin ligt en -van het rijkste Afrikaanse land is verworden tot bijna het armste van dat continent, een land dat volkomen in chaos is gestort en waar zelfs openlijke slavenmarkten worden gehouden......
How the US, Under Obama, Created Europe’s Refugee Crisis
current US President, Donald Trump, claimed
on June 18th,
that Germany’s leadership, and the leadership in other EU nations,
caused the refugee-crisis that Europe is facing:
people of Germany are turning against their leadership as migration
is rocking the already tenuous Berlin coalition. Crime in Germany is
way up. Big mistake made all over Europe in allowing millions of
people in who have so strongly and violently changed their culture!”
US Government is clearly lying about this. The US Government itself
caused this crisis that Europeans are struggling to deal with. Would
the crisis even exist, at all, if the US had not invaded and tried to
overthrow (and in some instances actually overthrown) the governments
in Libya, Syria, and elsewhere — the places from which these
refugees are escaping? The US Government, and a few of its allies in
Europe (the ones who actually therefore really do share in
some of the authentic blame for this crisis) caused this war and
government-overthrow, etc., but Germany’s Government wasn’t among
them, nor were many of the others in Europe. If the US Government had
not led these invasions, probably not even France would have
participated in any of them. The US Government, alone, is responsible
for having caused these refugees. The US Government itself created
this enormous burden to Europe, and yet refuses to accept these
refugees that it itself had produced, by its having invaded and
bombed to overthrow (among others) Libya’s Government, and then
Syria’s Government, and by its
aiding Al Qaeda in organizing and leading and arming, jihadists from
all over the world to come to Syria to overthrow Syria’s Government
and to replace it with one that would be selected by the US regime’s
key Middle Eastern ally, the Saud family, who own Saudi Arabia,
including its Government, and who are determined to take over Syria.
Trump blames Angela Merkel for — in essence — having been an ally
of the US regime, a regime of aggression which goes back decades, and
which Trump himself now is leading, instead
of his ending, and of his restoring democracy to the United States,
and, finally, thus, his restoring freedom (from America), and peace,
to other nations, in Europe, and elsewhere (such as in Syria, Yemen,
etc.). He blames Merkel, not himself and his predecessor — not the
people who actually caused these refugees.
purer than that which Trump there expressed, cannot be imagined, and
this hypocrisy comes from Trump now, no
longer from
Obama, who, in fact, caused the problem.
the 2016 study, "An
Overview of the Middle East Immigrants in the EU: Origin,
Status Quo and Challenges” states in its Abstract:
has the most inhabited immigrant population; it has up to a
population of 56 million foreign-born people. And due to the
perennial war and chaos in the Middle East, the amount of relocated
population in the region, especially the number of refugees, ranks
the No.1 all over the world. … There are a large number of refugees
and asylum seekers heading to EU countries; it can be divided into
four stages. Since the Arab Spring, especially after the outbreak of
the civil war in Syria in 2011, and the rise of the “Islamic State”
in 2013, the whole EU area have experienced the biggest wave of
refugees since World War II.”
of these invasions have been, and are, invasions of countries where
the US regime demands regime-change.
order to understand the deeper source of this problem, one must
understand, first, the US regime’s continuing
obsession to conquer Russia after its communism and Warsaw Pact
military alliance, had ended (click
onto that link to see the documentation); and, second, one needs to
understand the US regime’s consequent
and consistent aim after the supposed end of the Cold War, to take
over control of Russia’s allied countries, including not only those
within the Soviet Union and its military Warsaw Pact, but also within
the Middle East, especially Syria and Iran, and even countries such
as Libya, where the leader was nominally Sunni but nonetheless
friendly toward Russia.
(The link there provides documentation not only of what’s said
here, but it also documents that the alliance between the two
aristocracies, of the US and of Saudi Arabia, is essential to the US
aristocracy’s Middle-Eastern objective; and Israel’s
aristocracy serves as an essential agent of the Sauds in this crucial
regard, because the Sauds rely heavily upon the Israeli regime to do
its lobbying in Washington.
In other words: America’s consistent objective is to isolate Russia
so as for the US regime to emerge ultimately in a position to take
over Russia itself. That’s the deeper source of Europe’s
at the start of the promised post-Cold-War period, in 1990, the US
regime, under its then-President, George Herbert Walker
Bush, privately
and repeatedly agreed with
the USSR regime, under its then-President Mikhail Gorbachev, to end
the Cold War — agreed
that NATO would not expand “one inch to the east” —
that there would be no expansion of the US military alliance against
the USSR (soon to become against Russia alone). The US regime’s
promise was that NATO would not take in and add to NATO’s
membership, any of the countries that then were either in the USS.R’s
military alliance the Warsaw
Pact (Albania,
Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, and Romania) or
in USSRitself other
than Russia (Armenia,
Azerbaijan, Byelorussia, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kirghizia,
Latvia, Lithuania, Moldavia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and
Uzbekistan), except for the eastern part of Germany. The US regime
simply lied. But the Russian Government followed through on all of
its commitments. Russia was now trapped, by Gorbachev’s having
trusted liars, whose actual goal turned out to be world-conquest
— not peace.
the membership
of NATO includes
all of the former Warsaw Pact nations, and now the US regime aims to
bring in also to "NATO
membership: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, the former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia¹ and Ukraine.” Georgia
and Ukraine are the first parts of the former USSR republics — not
merely parts of the Warsaw Pact but parts now of the USSR itself —
to join the anti-Russian military alliance, if either of them gets
allowed in. The very possibility of this happening, goes beyond
anything that the naive, trusting, Mikhail Gorbachev, would ever have
imagined. He hadn’t the slightest idea of how evil was (and still
is) America’s Deep State (that which controls
But now we all know. History is clear and unambiguous on the matter.
NATO mouthpiece, Brookings Institution, headlined on 15 November
2001, "NATO
Enlargement: Moving Forward; Expanding the Alliance and Completing
Europe’s Integration” and
pretended that this expansion is being done in order to help
Europeans, instead of to conquer Russia.
has the longest of all European borders with Russia and so has been
America’s top target to seize. But before seizing it, the US had
tried in 2008 to turn Georgia against Russia, and the Georgian
Mikheil Saakashvili was a key US agent in that effort. Saakashvili
subsequently became involved in the violent coup that overthrew
Ukraine’s Government in February 2014. Saakashvili organized the
Georgian contingent of the snipers that were sent to Ukraine to shoot
into the crowds on the Maidan Square and kill both police and
demonstrators there, in such a way so that the bullets would seem to
have come from the police (Berkut) and/or other forces of Ukraine’s
democratically elected Government. (Click on this
link to
see two of the Georgian snipers casually describing their
participation in the coup, and referring tangentially to former
Georgian President Saakashvili’s role in it. Here
is a more comprehensive video compilation describing
and showing the coup itself. As I
have pointed out,
the testimony of these two Georgian snipers is entirely consistent
with what the investigation by the EU’s Foreign Ministry had found
out on 26 February 2014 about the snipers, that “they
were the same snipers, killing people from both sides” and that
these snipers were “from the new coalition government” instead
of from the government that was being overthrown — that it was a
coup, no ‘revolution’ such as Obama’s people claimed, and
Trump’s people now assert.) The US regime has agents in all regions
of the former Russia-affiliated bloc — not only in
Western Europe.
coup to grab Ukraine away from its previous
neutrality and
to make it immediately a
neo-Nazi rabidly anti-Russian country,
has destroyed Ukraine — not only from the standpoint of the EU, but
(and click on the link if you don’t already know this) from
the standpoint of the Ukrainian people themselves.
Who wouldn’t want
to leave there?
has refugees from the Ukrainian operation too, not only (though
mainly) from the Middle Eastern ones.
enemy isn’t Russia’s aristocracy, but America’s aristocracy.
It’s the billionaires who control America’s international
corporations — not the billionaires who control Russia’s
international corporations — it is specifically America’s
billionaires; it is the
people who control the US Government;
these, and no Russians at all, are the actual decision-makers, who
are behind bringing down Europe. In order for Europe to win,
Europeans must know whom their real enemies are. The root of the
problem is in the US, Europe’s now fake ‘ally’.
Today’s America isn’t the America of the Marshall Plan. The US
Government has since been taken over by gangsters. And they want to
take over the world. Europe’s refugee-crisis is simply one of the
fact, Obama
had started, by no later than 2011, to plan these regime-change
operations, in Libya, Syria, and Ukraine.
But, in any case, none of the regime-change operations that caused
the current unprecedented flood of refugees into Europe started
because of what Europe’s leaders did (other than their cooperating
with the US regime). Today’s American Government is Europe’s
enemy, no friend at all, to the peoples of Europe. Trump’s blaming
this crisis on Europe’s leaders isn’t just a lie; it is a
slanderous one.
this fact is separate from Trump’s similar slanderous lie against
the refugees themselves. On May 8th, Germany’s Die
Welt newspaper
had headlined “Number
of crimes falls to lowest level since 1992” and
reported that Germany’s Interior Minister, Horst Seehofer,
announced the 2017 national crime statistics, and he said, “Germany
has become safer,” the safest in the last 30 years. Seehofer
happens to be a member of Chancellor Merkel’s Administration who is
angling to replace her as Chancellor by appealing to the strong
anti-immigrant portion of their own conservative party, but even he
had to admit, essentially, that the anti-immigrant slur that Trump
subsequently made on June 18th is a bald lie; it’s even the
exact opposite of the truth. Trump’s tweeted comment then was a
lying slander not only against Merkel and other European leaders, but
also against the refugees that the US regime itself had produced. How
depraved is that? How depraved is Trump?
refugee crisis isn’t due to the refugees themselves; and it’s not
due to Europe’s leaders; it is due to the almost constantly lying
US regime — the people who actually control America’s Government
and America’s international corporations.
June 21st, Manlio Dinucci at Global Research headlined “The
Circuit of Death in the ‘Enlarged Mediterranean’” and
he opened by saying, “The politico-media projectors, focussed as
they are on the migratory flow from South to North across the
Mediterranean, are leaving other Mediterranean flows in the dark –
those moving from North to South, comprised of military forces and
weapons.” But the world’s biggest international seller of weapons
is the
US, not the EU;
so, his placing the main focus on European billionaires was wrong.
The main culprits are on Trump’s own side of the Atlantic, and this
is what is being ignored, on both sides of the Atlantic. The real
problem isn’t across the Mediterranean; it is across the Atlantic.
That’s where Europe’s enemy is.
Libya, Syria, Ukraine, and other countries at the periphery or edges
of Europe, US President Barack Obama has been pursuing a policy of
destabilization, and even of bombings and other military assistance,
that drives millions of refugees out of those peripheral areas and
into Europe, thereby adding fuel to the far-rightwing fires of
anti-immigrant rejectionism, and of resultant political
destabilization, throughout Europe, not only on its peripheries, but
even as far away as in northern Europe.”
continuing under Trump.
Zie ook:
'CDU en CSU bedriegen kiezers in Beieren en hoe vluchtelingen tot een hysterische CSU crisis hebben geleid.....'
'Vluchtelingen in Turkije!' (van Aleke's Blog!)
'Rutte (VVD premier) en Pechtold (veilingmeester D66) blij met concentratiekampen voor vluchtelingen in EU en Afrika........'
'Ten Broeke (VVD Tweede Kamer): de opvangkampen in Turkije zijn prima........... AUW!!!'
'Algerije houdt razzia's en stuurt mensen te voet de woestijn in..........'
'Save The Children: Ieder kind verdient een eerlijke kans........ AUW!!!'
'Rutte (VVD) roemt Turkije-deal en wil ook concentratiekampen in Noord-Afrika.....'
PS: ik moet nog wel opmerken dat een aantal EU landen, waaronder Nederland, wel medeverantwoordelijk zijn voor de vluchtelingenstromen, daar ze blindelings achter de VS aanliepen en lopen en mee hebben gedaan/meedoen aan de grootschalige terreur die de VS in het Midden-Oosten uitoefende en uitoefent...... Overigens zijn die landen ook mede verantwoordelijk voor de terreur op de straten in de EU, daar dit een direct gevolg is van onder VS leiding uitgeoefende westerse terreur in landen waar het niets, maar dan ook helemaal niets te zoeken had en heeft....
Zie ook:
'CDU en CSU bedriegen kiezers in Beieren en hoe vluchtelingen tot een hysterische CSU crisis hebben geleid.....'
'Vluchtelingen in Turkije!' (van Aleke's Blog!)
'Rutte (VVD premier) en Pechtold (veilingmeester D66) blij met concentratiekampen voor vluchtelingen in EU en Afrika........'
'Ten Broeke (VVD Tweede Kamer): de opvangkampen in Turkije zijn prima........... AUW!!!'
'Algerije houdt razzia's en stuurt mensen te voet de woestijn in..........'
'Save The Children: Ieder kind verdient een eerlijke kans........ AUW!!!'
'Rutte (VVD) roemt Turkije-deal en wil ook concentratiekampen in Noord-Afrika.....'
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