Geen evolutie en ecolutie zonder revolutie!

Albert Einstein:

Twee dingen zijn oneindig: het universum en de menselijke domheid. Maar van het universum ben ik niet zeker.

woensdag 17 januari 2018

'Heldhaftige Israëlische militair', die op verdenking van het gooien met stenen, een 15 jarige jongen vermoordde, gaat vrijuit........

Er zijn van die berichten waar m'n bloed van gaat koken, zoals het bericht op Anti-Media (overgenomen van Middle East Monitor) over het niet vervolgen van een Israëlische militair, die het vuur opende op een auto, daar hij en z'n psychopathische collega's de inzittenden van een auto verdachten van het eerder gooien met stenen........

Nogmaals: op verdenking van het gooien met stenen, schiet je mensen dood, dus ten eerste een verdenking en ten tweede schieten op mensen die met stenen zouden hebben gegooid, ofwel geen mensen die met vuurwapens zouden hebben geschoten, maar ('encore') met stenen zouden hebben gegooid......

Dan te bedenken dat het 16 jarige Palestijns meisje Ahed al-Tamimi al weer weken vastzit in de gevangenis voor het slaan van een zwaarbewapende militair, gekleed in beschermend uniform......* 

Hoe is 't godverdomme mogelijk dat Nederland en de EU in het groot, nog steeds achter deze uiterst gewelddadige fascistische apartheidsstaat blijven staan, een staat die in feite ook nog eens bezig is met een etnische zuivering????


Het is ten overvloede nog eens duidelijk gemaakt dat Israël geen rechtsstaat was, is en kan zijn, zolang het Palestijnse mensen als ondieren behandelt! (waar uiteraard Israël zich volledig moet terugtrekken uit de illegaal bezette gebieden en de Palestijnen een werkend land moeten geven, inclusief een gebied tussen de West Bank en de Gazastrook, bijvoorbeeld langs de Libanese grens!)

No Charges for Israeli Soldier Who Killed Palestinian Child Returning From Swimming

January 16, 2018 at 1:01 pm
Written by Middle East Monitor

(MEMO) — An Israeli army officer who opened fire on a car of Palestinian civilians, killing a 15-year-old boy, will not be prosecuted, it was reported.

Mahmoud Badran was killed, and four friends wounded, after returning from a swimming pool on the night of 21 June 2016.

At the time, the Israeli military claimed the forces responsible believed the car of youngsters were responsible for throwing stones at Route 443 in the occupied West Bank. Mahmoud Badran was killed, and four friends wounded, after returning from a swimming pool on the night of 21 June 2016.

An investigation by the Military Police Criminal Investigation Division (MPCID) has now concluded that the “mistake” was a reasonable one to make in the circumstances, despite the fact that the officer opened fire in violation of the regulations.

According to Haaretz, the officer in question is a platoon commander in the Kfir Brigade, which is based in the occupied West Bank. He, and two colleagues, were driving towards Jerusalem in plain clothes when they noticed stones and an oil patch on the road, and a bus parked up on the side.

After driving to where they believed the stones had been thrown from, the officer and soldiers got out and opened fire on a car driving on a road under Route 443. Open-fire regulations in the West Bank state that when a vehicle does not endanger the soldiers, shots must be fired in the air.

According to Israeli rights group B’Tselem, “massive fire” was directed at the vehicle of Palestinian youngsters, despite the fact that there was zero indication its occupants were responsible for the stone-throwing (and even if there had been, lethal force was unjustified).

The MPCID investigation similarly concluded that the officer had not seen the stone throwers, and targeted the car purely due to its proximity to the site. Despite such findings, no indictment will be filed against the officer, not even for causing death by negligence.   

According to Haaretz, the officer faces dismissal for his conduct during the incident. The army spokesperson told the paper that the findings were still being examined by the Military Advocate General’s office ahead of a final decision.   .

At the time, B’Tselem predicted that the investigation would produce no results, slamming “the military law enforcement system” as “a whitewashing mechanism.”

* Lees en teken ajb de petitie voor de vrijlating van Ahed al-Tamimi en geeft het door!

Zie ook: 
''Israëlische helden' schieten 6 ongewapende Palestijnse demonstranten dood op Gazaans grondgebied, inclusief 2 jongens van 12 en 14 jaar oud.....'

'VS onder Trump >> een nog grotere stimulator van Israëlische terreur'

'Jonathan Chandler (Foundation for Defense of Democracies): Palestijns beroep op vluchtelingenstatus staat vrede in Israël in de weg..... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

''Rechter' houdt Palestijns meisje van 16 jaar in gevangenschap, verder een invalide in rolstoel vermoord: 'leve het dappere Israëlische leger....''

'Israël: gevangenschap voor slaan van militair en vrijspraak voor doelbewust levend verbranden van een Palestijnse baby.......'

'Bevrijd de 4 Tamimi vrouwen, inclusief een meisje van 16!

'Israël zet snelle reactiemacht op poten tegen anti-Israëlische kritiek'

'Israël heeft de energielevering aan Gazastrook alweer gestopt, plus commentaar van de uitermate pro-Israëlische BBC.......' 

'Why Liberal Zionists Have Nothing to Say About Ahed Tamimi’s Slap and Arrest'

'Jerry Seinfeld valt keihard door de mand als zionist...........' (Seinfeld, 'een liberale zionist')

'Ahed al-Tamimi in Volkskrant 'uitgelegd' als terrorist, die klappen uitdeelt.... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

'16 jarige Ahed al-Tamimi is volgens militaire rechter te gevaarlijk om op borgtocht vrij te laten........'

'Israël martelt 60% van de gevangengehouden Palestijnse kinderen.......'

'Israëlische 'rechter': Ahed Tamimi en haar moeder blijven vastzitten tot minstens 11 maart a.s........'   

'Israëlische rechtbank besloot proces tegen 17 jarig meisje Ahed al-Tamimi achter gesloten deuren te houden >> voor haar eigen bestwil..... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

'Ahed al-Tamimi (nu 17 jaar) nog steeds vast na slaan militair en ondergaat intimidatie van ondervragers......'

'Israël weigert 17 jarig meisje Ahed al-Tamimi vervroegd vrij te laten........'

'Israël gebruikt nieuw chemisch wapen tegen Palestijnse demonstranten in de Gazastrook'

'Israëlische scherpschutters vermoorden met opzet kinderen en de witte westerse wereld blijft wegkijken.......'

Excuus voor de belabberde 'layout', krijg het niet op orde.

Keizer Karelplein 'fake news' amper gerectificeerd.........

Ongelofelijk maar waar: afgelopen maandag bracht RTL het bericht dat het Keizer Karelplein in Nijmegen het gevaarlijkste plein in Nederland zou zijn.

De redactie van RTL werd teruggefloten door verkeersonderzoekbureau VIA en RTL plaatste nog diezelfde dag een rectificatie (al was het een heel magere rectificatie met slappe excuses....)......

De uitkomsten van het rammelend onderzoek dat RTL gebruikte, werden in vliegende vaart overgenomen door o.a. de NOS, BNR, KRO-NCRV en uiteraard de lokale sufferds. Vreemd genoeg vindt je van deze organisaties geen rectificaties op het net (althans ik kon ze niet vinden na een zoektocht van 7 minuten.......).....

Ach, dit onderwerp is 'peanuts' vergeleken met de enorme propaganda die deze zendgemachtigden en andere reguliere (massa-) media maakten voor en tijdens de illegale oorlogen tegen Afghanistan, Irak, Libië en Syrië...... (en dat zijn nog maar vier voorbeelden......)

Geen 'dubbelchecks' door deze reguliere media, die maar al te vaak met grote verontwaardiging spreken en schrijven over 'fake news............' (of nepnieuws, wat jij wilt)

Toevoeging: Keizer Kapelplein (in de kop) klinkt niet gek, maar moet toch echt Keizer Karelplein zijn, mijn excuus.

dinsdag 16 januari 2018

Het verborgen motief achter de Israëlische agressie tegen Iran en Syrië

Israël onderhield goede banden met de in 1953 door de VS geparachuteerde sjah van Perzië (Iran), dit na een door de VS opgezette staatsgreep tegen de democratisch gekozen regering van premier Mossadegh..... In 1968 zetten de 2 landen een onderneming op poten, om zo Perzische olie te transporteren naar Israël, dit daar het Suez Kanaal was geblokkeerd door Egypte. Deze onderneming, de Eilat-Ashkelon Pijpleiding (EAPC), was in feite een vervolg op de al lang door Perzië geleverde olie aan Israël, al werd dat tot die tijd geheim gehouden, om spanningen tussen Perzië en arabische landen te vermijden......

Zo'n 10 jaar lang werd er Perziche (Iraanse) olie geleverd via deze pijpleiding, waar de opbrengsten voor de sjah na de omwenteling van de Iraanse revolutie (1978-19790 in Israël bleven. Na deze revolutie* erkende Israël het nieuwe bewind niet en werd het geld dat Iran nog tegoed had, niet overgedragen aan dat bewind........

Reden daarvoor: Israël weigerde (en weigert nog steeds) de Iraanse tegoeden over te maken naar dat land, daar het geen geld zou overmaken naar een vijandig land. De Zwitserse rechter heeft daarover gezegd, dat niets de overmaking van het geld naar Iran in de weg staat......

EAPC bestaat nog steeds en de olie die door de (nieuwe) pijpleiding wordt vervoerd, komt volgens deskundigen uit voormalige Sovjet staten, echter daar is geen zekerheid over daar er een bij de wet afgedwongen zwijgplicht bestaat....

De EAPC bedrijfsvoering blijft geheim en is intussen bekend als de Europe Asia Pipeline Co. Ofwel de 'EAPC-B', een bedrijf in handen van Israël. De zwijgplicht over dit bedrijf is nog onlangs verlengd met 5 jaar, op overtreding van de zwijgplicht staat een gevangenisstraf tot 15 jaar......

De macht van Israël gaat ver over haar eigen grenzen, zo moest journalist Nafeez Ahmed proefondervindelijk ervaren....... Een artikel van deze journalist werd door The Guardian in juli 2014 gepubliceerd, daarin schreef Ahmed dat de oorlog die Israël tegen de Gazastrook voerde in 2014, alles te maken had met de enorme voorraad aardgas voor de kust van de Gazastrook.

Ahmed schreef in het blog, 'Earth Insight' van The Guardian over de link tussen milieu en geopolitiek. Het bewuste artikel zorgde ervoor dat The Guardian stopte met dit blog, onder het voorwendsel dat een aantal artikelen van Ahmed op het blog niet in de lijn waren van de opzet die tot het opzetten van dit blog hebben geleid........ Dit terwijl het bewuste artikel op grote schaal werd verspreid en gelezen. Ook heeft The Guardian nooit het artikel teruggenomen, of genoemde zaken weersproken........ Je snapt natuurlijk dat The Guardian handelde onder druk van Israël en de pro-Israëlische regering Cameron

Ahmed had overigens ook over de oorzaak van de oorlog tegen Syrië geschreven en terecht merkte hij op dat één van de hoofdoorzaken van de Israëlische agressie tegen dat land gelegen is in de weigering van Syrië een gaspijpleiding over haar grondgebied toe te staan....... Dit blokkeerde de wens van Israël om één van de grote spelers in de 'gaswereld' te worden.......

In het volgende artikel wordt o.a. het volgende gesteld: iedereen die zegt dat het oorlog zoeken door Israël niets van doen heeft met de ambities van dit land op het gebied van olie en gas, liegt of is volkomen verkeerd geïnformeerd......

Lees en oordeel zelf:

The Forgotten Motive Behind Israel’s Warmongering in the Middle East

January 12, 2018 at 12:24 pm

(ANTIMEDIA)  In the over two decades that an American-installed puppet ruled over Iran prior to the 1979 Islamic Revolution, Iran and Israel maintained friendly ties. In 1968, the two countries set up a joint venture known as the Eilat-Ashkelon Pipeline Co. (EAPC) to transport Iranian oil to the Mediterranean, primarily after Egypt blocked the Suez Canal. This move hindered Iranian oil exports at the time. Iran was already supplying Israel with the bulk of its oil prior to the formation of EAPC but did so secretly to avoid tension with the Arab world.

For about a decade, the pipeline carried Iranian oil from the Red Sea for export to Europe. Following the fall of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi in 1979, the Iranian leadership has been demanding their share of revenue and assets that remained in Israel, no longer a country recognized by the Islamic Republic.

According to Business Insider, no one knows how much profit the EAPC has made or how much it is worth because it is protected in a similar way to Israel’s intelligence agencies through the use of gag orders. The source of its oil, while suspected to be mainly from former Soviet states, is also protected by the gag orders. Even Business Insider’s report states that the article had to pass through the military censor prior to publishing. However, we do know that the EAPC has reportedly become the largest distributor of oil in Israel with ambitions to become a major hub in the Mediterranean.

In 1994, Iran began pursuing an arbitration case against Israel, first in France and then in Switzerland. In 2016, the Swiss court handling the matter determined that the Israeli government owed Iran $260,000 for oil sent to Israel prior to the fall of the Shah in 1979 as part of a wider $1.2 billion owed to Iran (plus interest). Israel was also required to pay Iran’s legal fees of $208,000. Israel denied it was required to send money to an “enemy country,” but given that sanctions against Iran were supposed to have been lifted under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in 2015, the Swiss Court also ruled there were no legal obstacles preventing Israel from sending payment to Iran.

Now, the EAPC will continue to operate secretly following an Israeli parliamentary committee ruling at the end of December. It is now known as the Europe Asia Pipeline Co. (EAPC-B), a company owned by the Israeli government. The gag order protecting the pipeline has been extended five more years, and breaches of the gag order can incur a 15-year jail sentence.

Israel’s ability to punish people who document its energy-related ambitions far exceeds the power of a domestic gag order. In July 2014, the Guardian published journalist Nafeez Ahmed’s blog, which claimed Israel’s brutal assault on Gaza at the time was rooted in a desire to control Palestinian gas. The Guardian axed his blog not long after and released the following statement:

Nafeez Ahmed is a freelance journalist who self-published blog posts on our environment blogging network for just over a year as a regular contributor. He has never been on the staff of the Guardian. His Guardian blog – Earth Insight – was about the link between the environment and geopolitics, but we took the decision to end the blog when a number of his posts on a range of subjects strayed too far from this brief.”

As journalist Jonathan Cook explained, the Guardian’s motives were all too apparent:

Interestingly, Ahmed’s article went viral, becoming the most shared of any of the paper’s stories on Operation Protective Shield. But readers appear to have had better news judgment than the Guardian’s editors. Rather than congratulate him, the Guardian effectively fired Ahmed, as he details in the link below. No one has suggested that there were errors in the story, and no correction has been appended to the article.

Ahmed also wrote in the Guardian on a separate occasion detailing how the Syrian war was also similarly fueled by a natural gas pipeline dispute, which undoubtedly also affected Israel in its bid to become a major player in the gas industry.

Israel barely has enough energy resources of its own to maintain even 50 percent of its exports. In 2000, there was a discovery of 1.4 trillion cubic feet of natural gas off the Gaza coast, valued at $4 billion. Israel also later made other monumental discoveries of gas in Syria and Lebanon, as well, two known adversaries of the Israeli government. Israel is eager to intervene in both countries (for completely unrelated reasons, of course).

Anyone who tells you that natural resources like oil and gas do not play into Israel’s regional ambitions is either lying to you or grossly misinformed. Israel is even reportedly attempting to revive a century-old railway to connect the country to the wider Middle East – including Saudi Arabia – with the intention of outmaneuvering Iran and creating a fully-fledged anti-Iran axis based solely on trade.

Clearly, Israel’s infatuation with Iran has little to do with baseless claims about Iran’s non-existent nuclear weapons and everything to do with money and resources. Israel was happy to do business with a brutal Iranian dictator some decades ago, only to pretend to care about human rights now when Iranians take to the streets to protest an equally questionable regime.

Let’s call a spade a spade and recognize pipeline politics for what it is – the driving force behind the current regional standoff plaguing the Middle East and beyond.

* Destijds vochten de linkse moedjahedien zich bijna letterlijk helemaal dood tegen de sjah en zijn uiterst wrede geheime dienst, waarna de sjiitische fundi-top onder aanvoering van ayatollah Khomeini de macht kon overnemen..... Het is het westen één op één aan te rekenen dat Khomeini aan de macht kwam! Men heeft de sjah laten begaan met zijn inhumane beleid en men onderhield zelfs hartelijke betrekkingen met deze dictator........ Zoals eerder beschreven: de sjah werd in 1953 middels een door de VS georganiseerde staatsgreep op de niet meer bestaande troon gezet, een staatsgreep tegen de democratisch regering Mossadegh (dezelfde VS waar de opvolgende regeringen altijd de vuilbek vol hebben over 'democratie' brengen....) Uiteraard heeft de CIA mede de hand gehad in het aan de macht brengen van Khomeini, daar men de linkse moedjahedien vooral niet aan de macht wilde zien in Iran........ Lullig genoeg voor de VS, schoot men daarmee flink in de eigen voet.....

'Iraanse protesten allesbehalve compleet spontaan (zoals VS ambassadeur bij de VN Haley durfde te stellen...)....'

'Protesten Iran opgezet door de VS en Israël'

'Iran, de protesten en wat de media je niet vertellen.........'

'De VS gaf meer dan 1 miljoen dollar uit om protesten tegen Iraans bewind uit te buiten (en te organiseren)'

'VS bewandelt dezelfde weg richting Iran, als die voor de illegale oorlog tegen Irak in 2003, aldus één van de verantwoordelijken voor die oorlog........'

'Netanyahu vergelijkt Iran met nazi-Duitsland en stelt dat Iran een bedreiging is voor de wereldvrede..... ha! ha! ha! ha!'

'Washington uit op oorlog met Iran......'

'Oliemaatschappijen weigeren n.a.v. VS sancties de jet van Iraanse minister af te tanken'

'Israël bezig met voorbereiding op meerdere fronten oorlog........ (met hulp van de VS'

 'John Bolton heeft beloofd dat Iran voor 2019 onder een ander regime zal leven.......'

'Saoedi-Arabië dreigt Iran aan te vallen voor vanuit Jemen afgevuurde 'raketten' op Saoedische 'doelen..........''

'VS rechter gelast Iran miljarden te betalen aan de families van 911 slachtoffers.....'

'Iran moet hangen en Iran-deal moet van tafel....... Israël speelt wolf in schaapskleren'

'VS ambtenaren: Israël zoekt steun VS voor oorlog tegen Iran.......'

'VS, de werelddictator: Iran-deal is van nul en generlei waarde (op basis van leugens en achterklap).......'

'Iran houdt zich aan de nucleaire deal dit in tegenstelling tot de VS........'

Israël laat er geen twijfel over bestaan: met het uit de Iran-deal stappen van de VS is definitief de oorlog verklaard aan Iran.........'

VS hypocrisie t.a.v. knielende footballspelers..........

Wat een hysterie in de VS over de gekleurde footballspelers die knielen als het volkslied wordt afgespeeld, i.p.v. rechtop te staan, met de hand op het hart. Die spelers doen dit uit protest tegen de enorme aantallen gekleurden die jaarlijks worden vermoord door de politie......

Rechtop met de hand op het hart >> -uit eerbied voor het stelen van het land behorend aan de inheemse bevolking ('indianen'), middels één van de grootste genocides, die de menselijke geschiedenis kent, -uit eerbied voor de 'gevallen' psychopaten, die uit naam van de VS in illegale oorlogen martelden, verkrachtten en moordden (en hun huidige collega's die hetzelfde blijven doen...), -uit eerbetoon voor het uitknijpen van de grote onderlaag in dat gestolen land en inderdaad: -uit eerbetoon aan de politie psychopaten die gekleurden liever vermoorden dan hen te laten gaan, nadat men deze mensen staande heeft gehouden, puur en alleen omdat deze mensen gekleurd zijn............

In spreek over 'footballspelers', daar dit niet hetzelfde is als wat men hier onder voetbal verstaat (en ja, heb de pest aan beide suffe sporten). 

Zie ook: 
ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

'Arizona: vanaf nu levenslang recht op niet meer dan 12 maanden bijstand........'

''90 jarige 'activist' in het land van hoop en glorie gearresteerd voor het uitdelen van voedsel aan daklozen.......'

'Willem Post en Hans Veldman met open deuren boek 'De spiegel van Amerika.......''

'Trump: VS heeft een geweldige prestatie geleverd met de hulp aan Puerto Rico na orkaan Maria.......... ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!'

'VS en de enorme armoede 'in één van de rijkste landen''

''Amerika het land van de onbegrensde mogelijkheden.... Arme patiënt uit ziekenhuis gezet!''

Met Belgische Radio 2 op 'duurzame' cruisereis naar Noorwegen.......

Zag afgelopen vrijdagavond op Canvas een reclame van het Belgische Radio 2.

Hierin promotie voor een cruise naar Noorwegen.

Foto van site Radio2 (Be) met zo'n foeilelijk, stinkende, varende flat (op deze foto lijkt het nog wat...)

Onder andere de tekst: 'Wat maakt Noren zo gelukkig? 'Het antwoord is': de fjorden, geschiedenis en gastronomie.......

Zo en daar gaan de Belgen wat aan doen! Dit middels een stinkend cruiseschip, kan men meteen even de klimaatverandering verder aanjagen, twee Noorse vliegen in 1 klap!


FBI, de spin in het Russiagate web........

Er is al veel geschreven (althans in de alternatieve media) over de ware schuldigen achter Russiagate, met bewijzen werd en wordt aangetoond dat de geheime diensten FBI, CIA en NSA de ware schuldigen zijn achter Russiagate, waar overigens het campagneteam van hare kwaadaardigheid Clinton, aanstichter en mededader is.......

Gisteren op het blog van Stan van Houcke een artikel geschreven door Ray McGovern (ex-CIA) en gepubliceerd op de site van schrijver/journalist Paul Craig Roberts, die het overnam van Consortium News (kan je het nog volgen?). McGovern legt op een gedegen manier uit dat de FBI de ware grote dader is achter Russiagate.

Niet voor niets zegt nu zelfs de Wall Street Journal dat er een punt moet worden gezegd achter het Russiagate verhaal....... ha! Ha! Ha! Eerst liepen de persen van de Wall Street Journal zo hard op deze leugen dat ze bij wijze van spreken bijna vastliepen........ Waar nu blijkt dat het Clinton campagneteam en de geheime diensten samen hebben gewerkt om te voorkomen dat Trump in het Witte Huis zou komen, wil deze bijna grootste krant van de VS dus een punt achter het enorme leugenverhaal dat Russiagate is.........

Nogmaals toont een massamediaorgaan aan 'fake news' (of: nepnieuws) te hebben gebracht en daar het volk maandenlang over te hebben voorgelogen......

Lezen mensen, een geweldig stuk over dombo's Strzak en Page, die dachten in het geheim te kunnen communiceren, maar van wie onlangs een eerste deel van hun lange correspondentie werd vrijgegeven en waardoor ten overvloede de FBI nog eens kan worden aangewezen als spin in het Russiagate web.......

The FBI Hand Behind Russia-gate

By Ray McGovern
January 15, 2018 Paul Craig Roberts.

As I have reported from the beginning, Russiagate is an orchestrated hoax by the security agencies for the purpose of preventing Trump from normalizing relations with Russia and, if necessary, for removing him from office. Russiagate is an act of treason by the security agencies. Those responsible must be arrested, prosecuted, and convicted. — PCR

“After months of breathless searching for ‘evidence’ of Russian-Trump collusion designed to put Trump in the White House, what now exists is actual evidence that senior officials of the Obama administration colluded to keep Trump out of the White House.” — Ray McGovern

Special Report: In the Watergate era, liberals warned about U.S. intelligence agencies manipulating U.S. politics, but now Trump-hatred has blinded many of them to this danger becoming real, as ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern notes. 

January 12, 2017, Information Clearing House

The FBI Hand Behind Russia-gate

By Ray McGovern

Russia-gate is becoming FBI-gate, thanks to the official release of unguarded text messages between loose-lipped FBI counterintelligence official Peter Strzok and his garrulous girlfriend, FBI lawyer Lisa Page. (Ten illustrative texts from their exchange appear at the end of this article.)

Despite his former job as chief of the FBI’s counterintelligence section, Strzok had the naive notion that texting on FBI phones could not be traced. Strzok must have slept through “Security 101.” Or perhaps he was busy texting during that class. Girlfriend Page cannot be happy at being misled by his assurance that using office phones would be a secure way to conduct their affair(s).

It would have been unfortunate enough for Strzok and Page to have their adolescent-sounding texts merely exposed, revealing the reckless abandon of star-crossed lovers hiding (they thought) secrets from cuckolded spouses, office colleagues, and the rest of us. However, for the never-Trump plotters in the FBI, the official release of just a fraction (375) of almost 10,000 messages does incalculably more damage than that.

We suddenly have documentary proof that key elements of the U.S. intelligence community were trying to short-circuit the U.S. democratic process. And that puts in a new and dark context the year-long promotion of Russia-gate. It now appears that it was not the Russians trying to rig the outcome of the U.S. election, but leading officials of the U.S. intelligence community, shadowy characters sometimes called the Deep State.

More of the Strzok-Page texting dialogue is expected to be released. And the Department of Justice Inspector General reportedly has additional damaging texts from others on the team that Special Counsel Robert Mueller selected to help him investigate Russia-gate.

Besides forcing the removal of Strzok and Page, the text exposures also sounded the death knell for the career of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, in whose office some of the plotting took place and who has already announced his plans to retire soon.

But the main casualty is the FBI’s 18-month campaign to sabotage candidate-and-now-President Donald Trump by using the Obama administration’s Russia-gate intelligence “assessment,” electronic surveillance of dubious legality, and a salacious dossier that could never pass the smell test, while at the same time using equally dubious techniques to immunize Hillary Clinton and her closest advisers from crimes that include lying to the FBI and endangering secrets.

Ironically, the Strzok-Page texts provide something that the Russia-gate investigation has been sorely lacking: first-hand evidence of both corrupt intent and action. After months of breathless searching for “evidence” of Russian-Trump collusion designed to put Trump in the White House, what now exists is actual evidence that senior officials of the Obama administration colluded to keep Trump out of the White House – proof of what old-time gumshoes used to call “means, motive and opportunity.”

Even more unfortunately for Russia-gate enthusiasts, the FBI lovers’ correspondence provides factual evidence exposing much of the made-up “Resistance” narrative – the contrived storyline that The New York Times and much of the rest of the U.S. mainstream media deemed fit to print with little skepticism and few if any caveats, a scenario about brilliantly devious Russians that not only lacks actual evidence – relying on unverified hearsay and rumor – but doesn’t make sense on its face.

The Russia-gate narrative always hinged on the preposterous notion that Russian President Vladimir
Putin foresaw years ago what no American political analyst considered even possible, the political ascendancy of Donald Trump. According to the narrative, the fortune-telling Putin then risked creating even worse tensions with a nuclear-armed America that would – by all odds – have been led by a vengeful President Hillary Clinton.

Besides this wildly improbable storyline, there were flat denials from WikiLeaks, which distributed the supposedly “hacked” Democratic emails, that the information came from Russia – and there was the curious inability of the National Security Agency to use its immense powers to supply any technical evidence to support the Russia-hack scenario.
The Trump Shock

But the shock of Trump’s election and the decision of many never-Trumpers to cast their lot with the Resistance led to a situation in which any prudent skepticism or demand for evidence was swept aside.
So, on Jan. 6, 2017, President Obama’s Director of National Intelligence James Clapper released an evidence-free report that he said was compiled by “hand-picked” analysts from the CIA, FBI and NSA, offering an “assessment” that Russia and President Putin were behind the release of the Democratic emails in a plot to help Trump win the presidency.

Despite the extraordinary gravity of the charge, even New York Times correspondent Scott Shane noted that proof was lacking. He wrote at the time: “What is missing from the [the Jan. 6] public report is what many Americans most eagerly anticipated: hard evidence to back up the agencies’ claims that the Russian government engineered the election attack. … Instead, the message from the agencies essentially amounts to ‘trust us.’”

But the “assessment” served a useful purpose for the never-Trumpers: it applied an official imprimatur on the case for delegitimizing Trump’s election and even raised the long-shot hope that the Electoral College might reverse the outcome and possibly install a compromise candidate, such as former Secretary of State Colin Powell, in the White House. Though the Powell ploy fizzled, the hope of somehow removing Trump from office continued to bubble, fueled by the growing hysteria around Russia-gate.

Virtually all skepticism about the evidence-free “assessment” was banned. For months, the Times and other newspapers of record repeated the lie that all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies had concurred in the conclusion about the Russian “hack.” Even when that falsehood was belatedly acknowledged, the major news outlets just shifted the phrasing slightly to say that U.S. intelligence agencies had reached the Russian “hack” conclusion. Shane’s blunt initial recognition about the lack of proof disappeared from the mainstream media’s approved narrative of Russia-gate.

Doubts about the Russian “hack” or dissident suggestions that what we were witnessing was a “soft coup” were scoffed at by leading media commentators. Other warnings from veteran U.S. intelligence professionals about the weaknesses of the Russia-gate narrative and the danger of letting politicized intelligence overturn a constitutional election were also brushed aside in pursuit of the goal of removing Trump from the White House.

It didn’t even seem to matter when new Russia-gate disclosures conflicted with the original narrative that Putin had somehow set Trump up as a Manchurian candidate. All normal journalistic skepticism was jettisoned. It was as if the Russia-gate advocates started with the conclusion that Trump must go and then made the facts fit into that mold, but anyone who noted the violations of normal investigative procedures was dismissed as a “Trump enabler” or a “Moscow stooge.”

The Text Evidence

But then came the FBI text messages, providing documentary evivdence that key FBI officials involved in the Russia-gate investigation were indeed deeply biased and out to get Trump, adding hard proof to Trump’s longstanding lament that he was the subject of a “witch hunt.”

Justified or not, Trump’s feeling of vindication could hardly be more dangerous — particularly at a time when the most urgent need is to drain some testosterone from the self-styled Stable-Genius-in-Chief and his martinet generals.

On the home front, Trump, his wealthy friends, and like-thinkers in Congress may now feel they have an even wider carte blanche to visit untold misery on the poor, the widow, the stranger and other vulnerable humans. That was always an underlying danger of the Resistance’s strategy to seize on whatever weapons were available – no matter how reckless or unfair – to “get Trump.”

Beyond that, Russia-gate has become so central to the Washington establishment’s storyline that there appears to be no room for second-thoughts or turning back. The momentum is such that some Democrats and the media never-Trumpers can’t stop stoking the smoke of Russia-gate and holding out hope against hope that it will somehow justify Trump’s impeachment.

Yet, the sordid process of using legal/investigative means to settle political scores further compromises the principle of the “rule of law” and integrity of journalism in the eyes of many Americans. After a year of Russia-gate, the “rule of law” and “pursuit of truth” appear to have been reduced to high-falutin’ phrases for political score-setttling, a process besmirched by Republicans in earlier pursuits of Democrats and now appearing to be a bipartisan method for punishing political rivals regardless of the lack of evidence.

Strzok and Page

Peter Strzok (pronounced “struck”) has an interesting pedigree with multiple tasks regarding both Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Trump. As the FBI’s chief of counterespionage during the investigation into then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s unauthorized use of a personal email server for classified information, Strzok reportedly changed the words “grossly negligent” (which could have triggered legal prosecution) to the far less serious “extremely careless” in FBI Director James Comey’s depiction of Clinton’s actions. This semantic shift cleared the way for Comey to conclude just 20 days before the Democratic National Convention began in July 2016, that “no reasonable prosecutor” would bring charges against Mrs. Clinton.

Then, as Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence Division, Strzok led the FBI’s investigation into alleged Russian interference in the U.S. election of 2016. It is a safe bet that he took a strong hand in hand-picking the FBI contingent of analysts that joined “hand-picked” counterparts from CIA and NSA in preparing the evidence-free, Jan. 6, 2017 assessment accusing Russian President Vladimir Putin of interfering in the election of 2016. (Although accepted in Establishment groupthink as revealed truth, that poor excuse for analysis reflected the apogee of intelligence politicization — rivaled only by the fraudulent intelligence on “weapons of mass destruction“ in Iraq 15 years ago.)

In June and July 2017 Strzok was the top FBI official working on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible links between the Trump campaign and Russia, but was taken off that job when the Justice Department IG learned of the Strzok-Page text-message exchange and told Mueller.

There is no little irony in the fact that what did in the FBI sweathearts was their visceral disdain for Mr. Trump, their cheerleading-cum-kid-gloves treatment of Mrs. Clinton and her associates, their 1950-ish, James Clapperesque attitude toward Russians as “almost genetically driven” to evil, and their (Strzok/Page) elitist conviction that they know far better what is good for the country than regular American citizens, including those “deplorables” whom Clinton said made up half of Trump’s supporters.

But Strzok/Page had no idea that their hubris, elitism and scheming would be revealed in so tangible a way. Worst of all for them, the very thing that Strzok, in particular, worked so hard to achieve — the sabotaging of Trump and immunization of Mrs. Clinton and her closest advisers is now coming apart at the seams.

Congress: Oversee? or Overlook?

At this point, the $64 question is whether the various congressional oversight committees will remain ensconced in their customarily cozy role as “overlook” committees, or whether they will have the courage to attempt to carry out their Constitutional duty. The latter course would mean confronting a powerful Deep State and its large toolbox of well-practiced retaliatory techniques, including J. Edgar Hoover-style blackmail on steroids, enabled by electronic surveillance of just about everything and everyone. Yes, today’s technology permits blanket collection, and “Collect Everything” has become the motto.
Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-New York, with almost four decades of membership in the House and Senate, openly warned incoming President Trump in January 2017 against criticizing the U.S. intelligence community because U.S. intelligence officials have “six ways from Sunday to get back at you” if you are “dumb” enough to take them on.

Thanks to the almost 10,000 text messages between Strzok and Page, only a small fraction of which were given to Congress four weeks ago, there is now real evidentiary meat on the bones of the suspicions that there indeed was a “deep-state coup” to “correct” the outcome of the 2016 election. We now know that the supposedly apolitical FBI officials had huge political axes to grind. The Strzok-Page exchanges drip with disdain for Trump and those deemed his smelly deplorable supporters. In one text message, Strzok expressed visceral contempt for those working-class Trump voters, writing on Aug. 26, 2016, “Just went to a southern Virginia Walmart. I could SMELL the Trump support. … it’s scary real down here.”

The texts even show Strzok warning of the need for an “insurance policy” to thwart Trump on the off-chance that his poll numbers closed in on those of Mrs. Clinton.

An Aug. 6, 2016 text message, for example, shows Page giving her knight in shining armor strong affirmation: “Maybe you’re meant to stay where you are because you’re meant to protect the country from that menace [Trump].” That text to Strzok includes a link to a David Brooks column in The New York Times, in which Brooks concludes with the clarion call: “There comes a time when neutrality and laying low become dishonorable. If you’re not in revolt, you’re in cahoots. When this period and your name are mentioned, decades hence, your grandkids will look away in shame.”

Another text message shows that other senior government officials – alarmed at the possibility of a Trump presidency – joined the discussion. In an apparent reference to an August 2016 meeting with FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, Strzok wrote to Page on Aug. 15, 2016, “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office — that there’s no way he [Trump] gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk.”  Strzok added, “It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event that you die before you’re 40.”

Insurance Policy?

Senate Judiciary Committee chair Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, says he will ask Strzok to explain the “insurance policy” when he calls him to testify. What seems already clear is that the celebrated “Steele Dossier” was part of the “insurance,” as was the evidence-less legend that Russia hacked the DNC’s and Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails and gave them to WikiLeaks.

If congressional investigators have been paying attention, they already know what former weapons inspector Scott Ritter shared with Veteran intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) colleagues this week; namely, that Fusion GPS’s Glenn Simpson, who commissioned the Russia dossier using Democratic Party money, said he reached out to Steele after June 17, just three days before Steele’s first report was published, drawing on seven sources.

“There is a snowball’s chance in hell that this is raw intelligence gathered by Steele; rather he seems to have drawn on a single ‘trusted intermediary’ to gather unsubstantiated rumor already in existence.”

Another VIPS colleague, Phil Giraldi, writing out of his own experience in private sector consulting, added: “The fact that you do not control your sources frequently means that they will feed you what they think you want to hear. Since they are only doing it for money, the more lurid the details the better, as it increases the apparent value of the information. The private security firm in turn, which is also doing it for the money, will pass on the stories and even embroider them to keep the client happy and to encourage him to come back for more. When I read the Steele dossier it looked awfully familiar to me, like the scores of similar reports I had seen which combined bullshit with enough credible information to make the whole product look respectable.”

It is now widely known that the Democrats ponied up the “insurance premiums,” so to speak, for former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele’s “dossier” of lurid — but largely unproven — “intelligence” on Trump and the Russians. If, as many have concluded, the   dossier was used to help justify a FISA warrant to snoop on the Trump campaign, those involved will be in deep kimchi, if congressional overseers do their job.

How, you might ask, could Strzok and associates undertake these extra-legal steps with such blithe disregard for the possible consequences should they be caught? The answer is easy; Mrs. Clinton was a shoo-in, remember? This was just extra insurance with no expectation of any “death benefit” ever coming into play — save for Trump’s electoral demise in November 2016. The attitude seemed to be that, if abuse of the FISA law should eventually be discovered — there would be little interest in a serious investigation by the editors of The New York Times and other anti-Trump publications and whatever troubles remained could be handled by President Hillary Clinton.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, who chairs the Judiciary Subcommittee of Judiciary on Crime and Terrorism, joined Sen. Grassley in signing the letter referring Christopher Steele to the Justice Department to investigate what appear to be false statements about the dossier. In signing, Graham noted the “many stop signs the Department of Justice ignored in its use of the dossier.” The signature of committee ranking member Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-California, however, was missing — an early sign that a highly partisan battle royale is in the offing.  On Tuesday, Feinstein unilaterally released a voluminous transcript of Glenn Simpson’s earlier testimony and, as though on cue, Establishment pundits portrayed Steele as a good source and Fusion GPS’s Glenn Simpson as a victim.
The Donnybrook is now underway; the outcome uncertain.

Ray McGovern works with Tell the Word, a publishing arm of the ecumenical Church of the Saviour in inner-city Washington.  He was an Army and CIA intelligence analyst for 30 years; prepared and briefed the President’s Daily Brief for Nixon, Ford, and Reagan; and is co-founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS).

Sample text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, released to Congress and the media on December 13, 2016
Strzok – God Hillary should win. 100,000,000-0.
Page – I know
Page – So look, you say we text on that phone when we talk about Hillary because it can’t be traced, you were just venting, bc you feel bad that you’re gone so much but that can’t be helped right now.
Strzok – And meanwhile, we have Black Lives Matter protestors, right now, chanting “no justice no peace” around DoJ and the White House…
Page – That’s awful.
Page – Have you read this? It’s really frightening. For Whites Sensing Decline, Donald Trump Unleashes Words of Resistance http://NYTI/ms/29WCu5!
Strzok – I have not. But I think it’s clear he’s capturing all the white, poor voters who the mainstream republicans abandoned in all but name in the quest for the almighty $$$
Page – Yeah, it’s not good.
Strzok – Poll Finds Emails Weighing on Hillary Clinton, Now Tied With Donald Trump
Page – It is
Strzok – And hey. Congrats on a woman nominated for President in a major party! About damn time! Many many more returns of the day!!
Page – That’s cute. Thanks
Page – Jesus. You should read this. And Trump should go f himself. Moment in Convention Glare Shakes Up Khans American Life
Strzok – God that’s a great article. Thanks for sharing. And F TRUMP.
Page – And maybe you’re meant to stay where you are because you’re meant to protect the country from that menace. To that end comma, read this:
Page – Trump Enablers Will Finally Have to Take A Stand
Strzok – Thanks. It’s absolutely true that we’re both very fortunate. And of course I’ll try and approach it that way. I just know it will be tough at times. I can protect our country at many levels, not sure if that helps
Page – He’s not ever going to become president, right? Right?!
Strzok – OMG did you hear what Trump just said?
Strzok – Just went to a southern Virginia Walmart. I could SMELL the Trump support…
Page – Yep. Out to lunch with (redacted) We both hate everyone and everything.
Page – Just riffing on the hot mess that is our country.
Strzok – Yeah…it’s scary real down here
Strzok: I am riled up. Trump is a f***ing idiot, is unable to provide a coherent answer.
Page– I don’t know. But we’ll get it back. We’re America. We rock.
Strzok– Donald just said “bad hombres”
Strzok– Trump just said what the FBI did is disgraceful.
This article was originally published by Consortium News –


Was the DNC/Clinton campaign-funded dossier used to obtain warrants on Trump team from the secret court?
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